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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Sounds like a plan, Chicken. I shall look forward to your post.
Say Whaaaaaaa?! Is that Mr. Chicken I see????

Of course bud! You're more than welcome to hop back in. It took us a few months, but we got to some action lol.

-So right now we are on the rooftops. Sil still hasn't reappeared since Syella took her out.

-Chres is also out cold. Syella got him with sneak attack, lifting him off the ground with her weird body extension abilities and then slamming him back down onto the ground. He also injured his leg in the fire FYI.

-The majority of the cult was distracted by Octavio's illusions, so we are no longer surrounded.

-We got a newcomer, @Fetzen. His character is a giant of a man.

-We had another new character who was a healer, but she appears to have left. A shame, I know, but we'll manage. We'll just act as if her character is hanging around. Chres is going to need her skills.

-@HokumPocus I think is still with us. He's been posting at his regular rate.

-Oh, and also there was a fall out with Hark and Karina. Everybody now knows who Karina is, Chres accidentally let it slip. Hark then pulled a blade on Karina. That led to an argument. Chres stepped in and chose a poor choice of words, so that didn't help lol. Anyway, not sure where that will lead as we haven't heard from Elevation since.

-Lastly, Hark identified a hideout that he has which is where they were heading before Syella interjected.

One thing to be aware of, this scene will eventually end with a reveal of a weapon of sorts that can be used against the Sightless. But that may be a month or so away at the rate that this RP goes. For now have fun having a go at Syella. I know you've been itching to do so.
I see, I see. Sounds good to me! I suspect this dance may require co-op however.

I also had some inspiration, during my break at work, while I was considering how she would react. I see this encounter between Tayla and Karina as something that will spark a fixation within Tayla. There are some interesting parallels between the two characters now that I think about it. It seems like a fun dynamic to explore.
Lol, Karina is quite the cold character. So, there's a lot of "woulds" in it. It's a lot to sort through would you be able to give me a few quick cliff notes of what I should be mindful of when preparing a response? I'll wait for others to post before I do so though.
Also @Fetzen, In my last post I stated to of the cult members are going after your character and one is a magic user. In regards to the magic user, feel free to do whatever you want with him. That's for you to have fun with. You can give him an existing magic system or something else. Whatever you want. Don't feel pressured to explain the magic system either. Just have fun with it.
On a side note, now is a good time for another role call.

Who's still in, and who's out?
Lol. Yeah I'm not really sure who is still around either... Everybody tends to be very in and out with this RP, which is cool. I like that it's not too intensive.

Anyway, @13org, I was just stating that you don't need to worry about taking liberties with the character since she is going after your character. Not so much that it's your turn post. lol. As always, take your time :)

No worries Fetzen!

Post is up finally.

@13org Feel free to take liberties with the new Tayla character as she attacks your character. Most likely Tayla won't be an important character later on.
Plot Point

Interactions with @eclecticwitch, @Fetzen, @13Org, @HokumPocus, @elevation, @SonofJet

Syella, stopped her sharpened finger inches away from the useless woman’s heart the moment she heard a response from one of the Pack Makers. Startled, the useless woman leapt backwards, her hand held over her heart. Her husband immediately came to her side and embraced her protectively. The woman’s eyes were wide; the realization of how close she was to death beginning to sink into her head.

A response from the Pack Makers was what Syella, was looking for, and it was a response which she got. Curiously though, this response came from three locations. Each response speaking with the same voice and in a plural sense. Syella searched frantically with her Insight to identify who was speaking, and yet she saw nothing.

Syella, grit her teeth. The Illusionist. Syella delved deeper into the Insight. She saw nothing. Deeper still. Still nothing. One more time, Syella dived even further into the Insight. A wave of euphoria immediately washed over her. She could see everything nearby. The past. The present. Glimpses of potential short term futures. Most importantly, though, she was able to notice the multiple blank forms of nothingness which could only be composed of light. The Illusions.

Illusions were rather troublesome for the Sightless. Without the eyes to detect their light, it was difficult to notice an illusion even if it was standing right next to the Sightless. The Insight tended to gloss over illusions as blank forms which were difficult detect. This made them dangerous to an unwitting Sightless. Syella would have to be on her guard.

The Insight enveloped her mind. She wanted to dive deeper into that abyss of knowledge. These illusions would never again be able to hide from her if she did so. It would give her the power to detect them immediately. Never again would they be a threat! She would be able to see everything and know all that there was. She would become more powerful than Sightless Vetius. If she delved deeper, then perhaps she would be able to...

No! The training Syella received as a Sightless immediately began to kick in. Only Sightless Vetius could handle that abyss, and it was well known Sightless Vetius was… different, than all the other Sightless. If she tried to delve any deeper she would become nothing more than a Seed of Insight. A Seed with no personal connection to the land in which she was in. A Seed a without a personal connection, could not take root. A Seed that could not take root, would wither away and die. Forever unable to serve her all-seeing master.

Reluctantly Syella relinquished her hold on the Insight. She now knew what she needed to know. There were five illusions total. Three humanoid. Two in the forms of four legged creatures, probably Familiars. Now that she knew where the illusions were, she was better able to make out the blank spots which she had previously glossed over. It wasn’t perfect, but definitely better than before.

Syella cocked her head in response to the illusions’ words. The Insight had provided her with a layout of the land around them, and with that new found knowledge, a smirk slowly began to form across her face.

”Doubts?” She asked as her elongated finger retracted in on itself. ”Perhaps you should be the ones having doubts.”

Syella immediately wiped the smirk from her face and replaced it with a look of fierce determination.

Sightless Syella pointed towards the healer. Her sightless gaze looking past the Pact Makers. “Immobilize the healer!” Syella commanded loudly. “Capture the others.”

Tayla was new to the clan and had yet to reach the point where she could consistently call upon the Insight at will. That put her not quite at the bottom of the Totem pole, within the clan’s hierarchy, but higher enough to be someone of some significance. That, plus the fact that she was a Hydrasionist, had earned her a spot as the head of her small squad of clan members. She was eager and willing to prove her worth to the clan so that she may eventually climb the ranks to the point where she could gain the awe-inspiring powers of the Sightless. With those powers in hand, she would be able to finally locate her abusive father. And once she did find him… ooooh the revenge she would inflict upon him…

Tayla shook her head awaken herself from her thoughts of vengeance. She felt an itch crawling up the back her spine. A feeling she had come to associate with having been away from the Insight for far too long. As soon as she was done capturing the non-believers, she would practice drawing on the Insight further. Perhaps the next vision would finally reveal her father’s whereabouts.

Tayla positioned her squad of clan members outside the building on which the Non-believers now stood. She could hear Sightless Syella in the distance distracting the heretics from Tayla’s squad’s presence.
Tayla reached for one of the pouches that hung from her waist and pulled out a cotton ball which had been doused in a tomatoey juice. She popped the cotton ball into her mouth, its savory taste registering on her tongue.

Placing on hand on the ground, Tayla tapped into her body’s water stores and called upon them to fuel her magic. The ground at her feet shifted and morphed, stretching into a ramp leading up to the rooftop.

Tayla, immediately felt the effects of her magic as her water stores began draining from her body. This was the most fuel intensive form of her magic. She motioned her squad to cross the ramp quickly. The squad complied.

Once the squad had reach the rooftop, Tayla released her hold on the ground beneath her. The makeshift ramp she had formed, out of the ground, immediately returned to its original shape, as if nothing had changed in the first place. She could hear Sightless Syella from above commanding her squad into action.

Tayla spat out the cotton ball and licked her lips. Her lips were a tad drier than they had been a second ago. Pulling one of the many water skins from her side, she took a deep swallow, popped a sour cotton ball into her mouth and then took a running leap forward. As soon as she left the ground, she called upon her magic, triggered by the sour taste in her mouth.

Sour tastes triggers a hydrasionist’s momentum modifying magic. With this magic, she could modify an object’s linear momentum. In this case, that object was her shoes. Keeping her legs straight after entering the air, the magic augmented her running jump, lifting Tayla up into the air and onto the rooftop.

Tayla landed on the roof in a crouch. One of her squad mates had already begun making his way towards the dark skinned woman. Another two approached the Giant, one of them was a magic user. One of her magic deterrent users had set her sights on the white haired woman. She was quickly at work testing different magic deterrents to see which one worked against the white haired woman’s ice magic. Tayla’s other magic deterrent user was making work of the illusions, trying to identify which illusion was the real thing. Her last squad mate had grabbed hold of the lone child and placed a dagger to the kid’s throat. The kid’s parents cried out in fear and began to beg for their child’s life.

They were going to probably need more people to capture everyone, Tayla realized. Sightless Syella must have thought the same, for at that moment, Sightless Syella leapt off the building she was on. Her arms stretching downwards, towards the ground. When Syella’s hands reached the ground her arms didn’t stop extending. Their continued extension pushed Syella back upwards allow her running jump’s momentum to carry Sightless Syella across the gap of the two buildings.

Tayla felt a strong itch crawl up her neck. One day, that power would be hers. However, until that day came, she would continue to prove her worth to the clan

Tayla raised herself from the ground popping four more cotton balls into her mouth. That made five cotton balls total. One for each of the five types of tastes. Drawing the duel blades she kept at her side, Tayla dashed towards the white haired woman. Left sword raised mid-strike, the right at the ready.
Hey all, so it's been hectic lately. I got a new job and have been busy with the transition. As soon as I have some free time, I'll make a post.
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