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Lancer — Nagao Kagetora

Hearing her own Master's assessment of their personalities caused the Lancer to nod in agreement. It was true that she had never liked dealing with the type of cowards who refused to come out and fight her directly, but if her Master was not one of those types of people...

Well, who was she to deny her own freedom to act? Certainly, there were others who were likely more content with lurking in the shadows and only striking when they deemed it safe, but that only meant that if they were to be caught unaware...

"If you have no such qualms about charging into the fray, then I shall gladly bring you into battle as well, then!" she said cheerily, standing by as she watched her Master casually 'obtain' a passing vehicle for their own uses. The method used was, of course, a bit less forward than she was used to (though she would no sooner abandon her prided horse than bring it with her in the first place), but it did seem to be a less conspicuous method of transportation in this day and age.

"Mmm... Well, I certainly have the knowledge to use one, but if I had to be honest, I would prefer we simply ride to our destination on horseback..." she trailed off before shrugging her shoulders. "But, well, since you went through the trouble of obtaining it, I may as well try my hand at controlling this modern carriage myself. Would you prefer we move quickly or...?"

By this point, the white-haired woman had already moved into the driver's seat, her ever-present grin staring at her Master expectantly as she waited for an answer. Really, she could already tell how fast this vehicle could go, but whether or not it would place her Master in possible mortal peril...

Well, with all of the knowledge and rules of driving such a thing embedded into her already, such a thing would likely be a nonfactor.

Uehara Mitsuki

With the week having gone by with nary an incident, Mitsuki found himself once again walking through the city without much worry at all. The week's lectures had come and gone as expected, and with nothing in particular to fret about, the young man found himself wandering about in search of something to catch his attention once more. There had been mention of a new escape room facility among his classmates, and given the way things were trending now...

Well, it didn't hurt to at least try and check one out with his Servant. A bigger group would be better, of course, but seeing the place first would go a long way in deciding if he actually wanted to take the time to try one out.

Glancing at his phone to check if he was going the right way, though, ended up causing the college student to accidentally bump into someone in front of him. Without thinking, Mitsuki apologized, only to see that there was no one in his direct line of sight. Panning his gaze downwards, though, brought a single blonde-haired girl into his field of vision. Small as she was, though, the outfit that she wore wasn't exactly one that people would associate with children in the first place...

"Er... Sorry about that," he said, scratching his cheek as he took a step back. "Are you all right?"


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Hearing Nanako's reply towards BB's latest job brought the slightest of smirks to the Alter Ego's face as she rose out of her seat. As much as she disliked having to deal with the AI, having someone who shared that sentiment with her was somewhat satisfying, especially with BB's own apparent (mild) irritation at their response. Regardless of her response, though, it seemed but a given that her Master would take up the 'job' presented to them, which seemed to be enough for the one on the other side of the screen.

"Mmm... I suppose we should, then. Better than loitering about, if anything," she shrugged nonchalantly, glancing back briefly towards the TV before exiting the apartment. "As fast as carrying you there might be, we'd probably draw a bit too much attention to ourselves. With the way BB was speaking, though, I'm not sure we have all that much time. Get what you need and let's get going, all right?"

At the very least, with her Master's arm fixed and her head (hopefully) in order this time, getting into a fight wouldn't mean playing babysitter again...


Fusang Streets

Though Waver himself seemed to be walking somewhat single-mindedly en route to his destination, the sound of someone calling out his last name caused him to pause and turn towards the source, only to notice that it was one of his to-be students calling out to him. Of course, it was a bit of a surprise to find out that the university had already placed a profile of him front and center on their website, but at the very least his apparent recognition did not cause any sort of stir around him. There was some solace to be held in that fact, at least.

"Ah... Conner, correct?" he said, nodding his head as both he and his assistant moved to the side of the sidewalk so as to not impede anyone around them. "I was just on my way to go pick a few things up for next week's lecture, so—"

Before he could speak any further, though, the sight of an all-too-familiar Servant caught his gaze. Almost as if something had gripped his heart, the former Lord seemed to scarcely even breathe, his eyes narrow as they watched the visage of someone who looked unmistakably identical to the assistant at his side came into full view. A cold sweat seemed to break out across his forehead, and the stony look of worry on his face was clear for all to see.

"...She's here too, then..." he seemed to mutter under his breath as Grey turned towards him, worried.

"Teacher? Are you all right?" she asked, shaking him for a moment as she glanced towards what Waver seemed to be focused upon, only for her own eyes to widen in shock.

"That... That has to be..."

Really, given how well she knew her own current 'face', there was no other conclusion that Grey could draw from what she saw, either.

With her head still pounding from the cry from the bird earlier, Misaki could only watch as the other two dispatched the errant wildlife around her. Obviously, with them now dead (or close enough to it), there was no need for her to cover her ears; rather, it was more of a question about when they would recover from that.

As it turned out, that 'when' didn't take too long at all; the young woman found it surprising that she could even hear Nobunaga's words at this point, as she had been under the assumption that with her new vulpine ears came all the benefits and downsides thus.

She wasn't going to complain, though; even if it felt like someone was still ringing her head like a gong, she could at least try and move. The sensations of the earth shaking were not solely derived from sound, after all, and only something massive could produce shockwaves of this level.

Turning towards the black-haired girl as she placed a hand on her shoulder, Misaki slowly nodded and took Nobunaga's aid in helping herself get up. It was obvious that she was being a burden right now, but there was no reason to not try to get out of here as fast as possible, at the very least...

@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
Astrid Kim

As far as jobs went, this one was a bit odder than most. Astrid had by no means expected to be shipped out to Japan to participate in some sort of magical ritual, but the more that she heard of the matter, the more curious she became. The matter of the Holy Grail War was apparently somewhat common knowledge among most magi, but a proper magus she was not. So being called in to participate on behalf of the Mage's Association, on top of the fact that this was already apparently an irregular conflict to begin with...

Well, if anything, the Enforcer wouldn't be any less out of the loop compared to her peers. If anything, her proper experience on the battlefield might have meant that her role as reconnaissance at the moment was only really applicable to her.

It wasn't like most of the other people that the Association had put onto the job with her had much experience on their own, after all.

"There appear to be a multitude of familiars patrolling the premises. While I doubt that the enemy has set up any sort of base here of all places, they do not seem to be wandering around haphazardly. If possible, try to remain undetected and keep scouting the area; if you can launch a surprise attack on an opponent and obtain the advantage, then you can simply press forward and pressure any of their allies out of hiding."

Given who her Assassin was, Astrid had no doubt that this was the proper course of action here. In a situation like this, there was nothing to be done but make use of every possible advantage she could find and systematically break the opposition down...

Lancer — Nagao Kagetora

To say that her current situation was slowly wearing away at the Lancer's nerves was a bit of an understatement. It was undeniable that returning to life as a Servant for combat once more was an exciting prospect, especially after the Grail had promptly filled her head with all manner of information necessary for understanding the conflict. To fight peerless warriors and heroes from across time and space...

The smile that never left her face only seemed to grow wider as she mulled over this fact. Really, it was the only thing keeping her from summoning her trusty steed and charging around looking for a fight was the fact that they were nowhere to be found.

Well, that and the fact that she didn't actually know this modern city all that well in the first place. Not knowing the terrain and choosing to battle there would be the epitome of folly, but given how most of the time she had ended up simply charging into the fray and cutting down everyone and everything that stood in her way, it was only a minor inconvenience at worst.

"Mmm... Master, are you certain that we should not simply charge forth and hunt the enemy down ourselves?" she asked, fidgeting anxiously as the two of them walked down the empty streets of the city. "If they are so intent on hiding away, I am sure that their actual combat prowess shouldn't be anything too troublesome... No, rather, it might be a bit bori—Give them time to set up their own defenses! Yes, right, that's it; sieging against such opponents is always such a hassle, after all..."

Yeah, please do.
@Rezod92: New arc stuff started. You can go for a cold open intro if you want now (or wait for more people to move first).

There was a distinct pause in the air as the Saber moved past the kidnapper faster than he could recognize, and the subsequent loss of the arm carrying his target had caused him enough pain to fall to his knees, clutching at the bloody stump where it had been moments ago. The shock was not enough to knock him out, which might have been better in the long run. of course, the screaming was enough to attract its fair share of rubbernecking passersby through the alleyway, but the presence of the Caster and Hakuno were more than enough to block the way.

It didn't take long after for the brunette's radio call to be responded to in kind, and an ambulance was soon brought to the scene to manage the rest. Amelia and her now-disabled Assassin were promptly brought away for treatment, while the kidnapper was promptly taken into custody for questioning.

It wouldn't take long to reattach his arm and start pressing him for answers, at least.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The rest of the week had come and gone without much noise, which had given the Alter Ego more than enough time to wander about the city and internalize what she hadn't already. Slipping out and traveling from rooftop to rooftop while a majority of the city's residents were either at classes or handling something else meant she was free to explore to her heart's content. Of course, when that hadn't been an option, the coat that she had made Nanako buy for her worked just as well for walking around on the streets undercover. Until now, nobody had really accosted her, but even a simple walk while her Master was off learning meant that she didn't have to feel stuck in that small, cramped apartment that they were living it.

Or, well, it was cramped by her standards, at least.

By the time she had returned to that apartment, Nanako herself seemed to have only just returned as well. Given that her arm had recovered a day or so prior, Meltryllis had no reason to actually have to stick around to make sure that her Master could even do things on her own. Even so...

"Hmph. I suppose your classes are over for the week, then?" she asked nonchalantly, letting herself sink into the couch as she glanced at the young woman in question. "If your arm is better, then—"

Before she could finish her statement, though, the sound of an all-too-familiar jingle seemed to ring throughout the room, which the purple-haired Alter Ego to let out a deep sigh.

"...Of course."

With an air of annoyance, Meltryllis glanced at the TV screen in front of her, waiting as the words "BB Channel" popped up in front of her.

"Hello, hello~! It's your favorite kouhai, BB, here with a new announcement~! Are you two there? You are, aren't you~?" a voice chimed in from the TV, to which Meltryllis could only throw a sidelong glance back towards her Master expectantly.

"Yes, yes, we're here. What do you want?" she asked, crossing her arms as she stared at the TV (which had thus replaced BB's own logo with a scene of BB herself within a studio of some sort).

"Oh, rather grumpy, aren't you? Well, I've got a new assignment for you two, but for the sake of secrecy, I can't tell you what it is... So for now, just go to this location over here, okay? The rest will make sense soon~!"

Pointing at a map on-screen, BB simply flashed a smile as Nanako's phone seemed to buzz, showing that the same location had been sent there as well.

"Of course, I'd recommend you'd get there soon, senpai~! You might miss what's waiting for you otherwise, after all..."

Fusang Streets

Unpacking all of their luggage and handling whatever paperwork had remained left Waver little time to actually explore the town proper. He had his own plans, of course, but his responsibilities meant that those had to wait. Grey, of course, had been swept along to help him as well, and though that much was to be expected from someone who was his assistant, some part of the former Lord felt a bit worse for wear knowing that neither of them had actually managed to do much in terms of exploring the city.

He still had the database of active Servants to check out anyhow, and as much as a part of him wished to not see it, he had an obligation to do so even now.

Which led the two to where they were now—heading down the streets after speaking with a few of his students-to-be in advance of their first lecture in order to pick up some remaining files and speak with a few other people before his own appointment came around...
Given the situation that she had found herself in, Misaki could only give a curt nod of agreement in response towards the newcomer following Nobunaga's own suggestion. With most of her focus placed upon the odd birds that were staring them down, the foxgirl found it difficult to give any sort of thought to further conversation not related to them.

Before she could follow upon the warlord's earlier call to leave, though, the sudden blaring noise that came out of the bird's mouth brought Misaki to her knees, the deafening noise wholly unbearable to her. Covering her ears as her face contorted in pain, the foxgirl could only barely force herself to look at the source so as to not be left unaware, only for another cry to assault her head-on. From what little she had seen in the interim, Nobunaga was already moving to strike them down, but as she was now...

Well, it was hard enough just making sure that they weren't going for her prone self at the moment.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR
Uehara Mitsuki

The enthusiastic reaction of the Servant in front of him caused Mitsuki to pause for a moment and glance at his own Servant, half unsure about how exactly to proceed before holding up a hand for a moment.

"R-right. My own Servant likes playing games, so I've ended up learning about a few by exposure," he said, pulling out his phone and searching up a few to show in turn. The slight complaining from the woman sitting on the bench was... Well, probably a little warranted, given the circumstances (and the fact that it was probably going to be her money used), but in the end that was something that the two of them would have to discuss anyhow.

"I'm just pitching it; you're the Master here, though, so you should properly discuss things over between yourselves," he said, showing the Berserker his phone screen as he pointed to and explained a few games.

Hopefully, those two would figure something out...

@KoL@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas


Though still somewhat cloaked by his Mystic Code, the kidnapper seemed to have a snide grin on his face as he watched the Assassin strike out. Of course, a two-on-one was obviously disadvantageous to him, which made escape all the more a priority now.

What he didn't expect, though, was for that Assassin to be so quickly disarmed by the Servant that had initially chased him. The bolt of lightning combined with the (admittedly expected) resistance of said Assassin to his proxy orders seemed to render her at least somewhat paralyzed, which meant that even if he was to run now, being caught was inevitable.

In other words, he had to use another Command Seal to give her another boost, if only to buy himself some more time to escape——!
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas
Name: Sunohara Reina
Age: 18
Appearance: "I suppose this is a nice a day as any for a stroll."
Personality: Though not particularly introverted, Reina prefers to juggle a delicate balance of social time to a lack thereof. Spending time around others, as fun as it may be every so often, ends up a bit draining, to the point where she could just as easily end up crashing for the rest of the night after getting home. Above all else, though, she keeps a cool head regardless of what she ends up involved in, even if she may appear to get caught up in the heat of the moment. That is a different matter from playing along with those she is close to, of course, and she is quite apt to do so if the mood is right.
When put under pressure, though, Reina does not become "angry" or "panic"; rather, her sharp tongue and sardonic wit bubble up from the depths of her own subconscious, striking out at anyone that catches her ire. Even so, she does not waver in pursuit of her own solutions if she thinks it necessary, and will waste no time attempting to rein in a situation out of her control so long as she believes it can be resolved with what she has at hand. If not, well...
She'll find a way. Probably
History: To say that Reina's childhood was anything special would be a bald-faced lie... At least, according to her interpretation of things. She grew up in a stable household, and with good grades and a group of friends who stuck through with her throughout most of her early childhood. Of course, some came and went, but that was to be expected. Nothing, after all, was forever.
In high school, however, Reina had found herself becoming more accustomed to people 'growing up', as it were. The disillusionment with those she was close to and those they ended up involved with caused her to grow a bit more cynical, though she could never bring herself to fully separate from those around her. Her fresh arrival in university brought with it both the possibility of starting anew and, in some ways, a subtle hope that her own assumptions were misguided.

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