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The gap in the door... it's a separate reality.
The only me is me.
Are you sure the only you is you?


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<Snipped quote by FantasyChic>

I know Tyler and Roman are cooking up something so I've been holding off slightly but it should be coming tomorrow.

@Tyler speaking of............. ????? how we doin bruh

I give you the gift of a post.
B e l l e D ' V o i r e

Winter was saying...something. She had seized Belle's hands between hers, and Belle could faintly recognize a look of honest and sorrowed pleading on the girl's face...but it was like she was perceiving everything through misted glass. Winter's words were muffled and echoed around Belle, and the woods around them quietly sunk away as Belle withdrew, images plaguing her mind and demanding all of her attention.

She slipped backwards. The sky went from dull blue to tiled white, fluorescent lights glowing harshly and filling the space with a low buzz. There were voices coming from behind Belle - not Winter's, but a lower, male voice. Her...father? She tried to crane her neck to see, but although she could feel her movement, her view didn't change. More tiles. More lights. More voices.

There was a flash, and she was in another room, sat on the side of a bed, her legs dangling over the edge. Small black shoes with small silver buckles, striped socks beneath. She wasn't alone - she felt her vision move without her command and now she looked at three, four more faces, all young like her, all pale with withered hair and the smell of death. Across the room a door opened, and a lady clad in more white entered with a tray. Everything so sterile, and the children so sick.

Belle blinked, and now she was in the same room, but alone. She knew her parents were on the other side of the door, but they were not with her, and neither were the children from before - only a man in a shirt, sleeves rolled up and an ID Badge clipped to his breast pocket. Beside them on a table lay another tray, a few vials and a syringe resting on it. The man filled the syringe from one of the vials, and gently placed a hand on Belle's shoulder. He was talking gently, crooning calm and warm words of comfort and congratulations. The cold metal pierced her arm, and she felt the serum invade her bloodstream. That's what it felt like - an invasion. A foreign force. It did not belong.
But she was forced to accept it, and soon, it would make itself belong.

There was no flash, this time, just immediate, blinding pain. An intense fire that burned from Belle's very core, radiating outwards in waves of lashing heat that crippled her, bent her in two until she had nothing to think of but clawing out her insides, stripping the very fiber off her bones and laying herself bare. The pain was the all and the only.

Years flew by in a most literal sense - the time seemed to be physical, fixed in a shape both incomprehensible and instinctively understandable in equal measure - and Belle was an outside observer to her own growth. The experiments and the pain ceased, leaving only her to survive them or the illness they treated; she felt the strange weight of her treatment rest anew within her, like an old ache she had learned to ignore brought back to her attention. There was a deeper curve to it now, though, and she felt the changes it had caused within her. Her mind focused on those changes, and her memories seemed to respond. The night of the dance. The fire.

There was...fear. Fear had always been there, but it had been bloated to cover the truth of the evening - of the mystic and impossible brought to reality. Wolves, beasts of wild nightmare, a new invasion. Belle had slunk through an unguarded escape, collapsed in her own terror and helplessness. The weight within her had...tilted. She understood, now. She had to protect her hive, and she had risen to that end. And then He appeared. Wreathed in malevolence and dark magicks, it was him that had set the fire and taken his prize...and wiped their memories. Everyone's except for...

"Would you be open to the idea of me trying it again? Seeing if I can see memories? I won't do it if you aren't comfortable with it, but I need some closure. Some understanding that I am not slowly losing my mind. Please?"
Winter was in front of her again, that look of sad desperation now sharply focused, her words coming through like bullets through ice. Belle felt the crunch of gravel and twigs beneath her shoes and heard birds chirping from the trees around her. She was back in the woods.

"I think you already have." Belle said quickly, wrenching her hands away from Winter's grasp, a look of outrage accusation piercing through Winter. Belle knew Winter had forced those memories out of her, knew she had seen it all as well. She had seen more than Belle had ever chosen to share with anyone. And Belle didn't even have a say.
"I believe you, Winter." Belle said, taking a careful step backwards and talking low enough that only Winter could hear her. "But now you have to stay away from me."
Belle turned up the path.


Belle was quiet with her own thoughts as the group set a campfire and began to cook their dinner for the evening. She sat alone as Aiden and Sebastian left on their tasks, and didn't notice either of their returns until Aiden sat down next to her, passing her a plate. She looked at the food with a distinct lack of appetite that she had not experienced in any of her years since childhood; and then she lifted her head, turning to look at Aiden as he ate, paying no attention to her.

She sidled closer, careful not to draw notice from the group, getting close enough to whisper into Aiden's ear.
"The dance wasn't Elroy and Louis," she hissed, Aiden's ear pricking up, "and it wasn't you either."
@Blue Demon I mean, I'll try to get a post up soon, but I work all day. I can't guarantee I'll have it up sooner than tonight

Says the number 1 nagger of the game


"Those who stand against me shall be culled."


Ω O R I G I N S:

"Witty Quote #2"
This is the story of your character's life, their defining moments nd how they made it from the womb to where they are now. You can include as much other details as you think is necessary but don't go overboard and spell everything out. Sometimes its best to show through the IC than to tell in the CS.

Ω A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Witty Quote #3"
◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

Ω N O T E S:

"Witty Quote #4"
TBD | Test

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

@FantasyChic I'm liking the flow at the moment - everyone's getting really nice opportunities to explore their characters in the group dynamic - but it really depends on what you're planning to do! If you feel a collaboration might be best then feel free to set up a pad and ping the link across to me. Otherwise I look forwards to your post!
@Roman I had no plans other than them talking, but it seems as though this could be a viable opportunity to get Winter some practice in with her memory recall. If you're ok with it, of course.

Fire away - I'm excited to see what she's capable of.
@FantasyChic if you had any plans for Winter & Belle let me know - a nice opportunity has presented itself, I believe.
B e l l e D ' V o i r e

The class, as a whole, made it roughly halfway before mischief managed to ensue. Belle was sure that, with any other similar ragtag bunch, the practical jokes and bad-taste misdeeds would be shared among the members equally; but for the Crestwood Hollow Social Conscience Class of 2016, they needed only the one reliable troublemaker, and the one reliable victim.

They spiraled into the bushes nearly as quickly as the situation itself had spiraled out of control, Jonas and the other students reacting far too late to prevent any carnage. Stood rigid, a group of frozen bystanders spectating an inevitable conclusion, they listened to pained yelps and muffled grunts, before the two emerged: scruffy, panting from exertion and anger, and Sebastian visibly smoldering. Belle looked at the boy's lightly burning jacket with an intense curiosity that she doubted evaded Aiden's eyes as Sebastian quickly stripped it from his torso to fan the flames out; each whipped ember seemed to be a new connection dropping into place. And then Winter did something that Belle thought extremely foolhardy, perhaps even outright dangerous - she confessed to what Belle couldn't help but believe to be the truth. Too many piece, dropping into their places oh-so-neatly...

The danger Belle had theorized made itself apparent as Aiden immediately sought to quell Winter's outburst, holding a lighter out as both a threat and plausible deniability. His words were sinister, but compelling, and Belle knew she didn't want her secret out, either - it was so young, and as Winter hadn't called her out by name, she knew she couldn't have exhibited anything at the dance - which meant something must have happened to cause her...development. She stepped in.

"Aiden-" she pleaded, placing a hand lightly on the boy's shoulder - a noticeable heat coming through the fabric of his hoody - and pulling him back slightly, "come on. She doesn't mean anything by it, she's just freaked out. Sebastian is being a dick, but you just burnt him and I think we've all had our fair share of fire for a good long while. Winter is scared, and upset - we all are - and we need to get to the campsite and get some food and drink and not explode in the midst of all the stress that's floating around."

Belle moved back, wary that she had overstepped her bounds. She had definitely shown a new side to her - a commanding, dominant side, one she'd been exploring since she'd began testing her influence - but she hoped that only one or two of them would pick up on that. On the ground around her, Belle was painfully aware of several ants, a couple of centipedes and a few beetles that had edged closer and now rested on or near her feet. Carefully, she issued a retreat command, while making a show of shaking the couple bugs that had climbed onto her off.

"Winter, come this way." She said, extending a hand and a comforting, patient smile. "I know it's difficult, but fantasies are a common method of self-made therapy or even repression. All I remember of my genetic experiments are cloud-castles manned by wizards - but I've got the medical records to know better." She paused as Winter accepted her hand and stepped into her, and Belle led her back along the path, shooting Aiden, Sebastian, and most importantly Jonas an icy glare over Winter's shoulder as they re-started their walk. "There may be some missing truth about the dance, but I know it will come out," she said, murmuring at a near-whisper to Winter, "and until then, we have to be careful about any...accusations."
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Not mentioning any names, but @Dusksong and @Roman, it you.

Due to getting Friday, Saturday AND Sunday off work this weekend so I can attend i59, my Monday-Thursday is rather busy. My plan is to take my iPad to the festival and work on my post in the hotel each night, so the latest you'll see it will be Monday (all depending on whether I get enough time Thursday before I leave and/or what the hotel wifi is like).

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