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I was interested in Joker and Batman's first encounter with each other and their developing relationship, but it sounds like GG has that accounted for as well, so here's this instead:


"Now you will know the true meaning of Hell."
C A L E B K A N E S U M M E R , 1 8 4 0 ( 1 7 6 ) M A L E L A W F U L N E U T R A L

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

This Ghost Rider is an old man clinging onto the last of his power, his body only sustained by the raging power of the demonic presence that dwells within him. Old foes return, and an old man will have to take up his steed once again to defend the mortal plane.

N O T E S:

Timeline to follow, but I'd like to explore Caleb's long life IC as much as possible.

"S'just the way of it, son. We all sell our souls sooner or later."
J O H N C O N S T A N T I N E F E B U A R Y , 1 9 9 0 ( 2 6 ) M A L E C H A O T I C G O O D

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

My Constantine is a highly-edited mash-up of the three canon interpretations that currently exist; a mix of his early days in DC Vertigo's Hellblazer, his later appearances in the DCU alongside more commonly known heroes like Superman and Batman, and his newest incarnation in DC's New52. Several events are yet to happen to Constantine, if indeed they happen at all, and others have been removed entirely to allow a more streamlined, intuitive history. My Constantine is younger, brasher, bolder, but still tormented and scarred, with some aspects edited and shaken up to allow him personal quirks that will serve to truly mark him as my own interpretation of his character. Hopefully, he is one that will enter the AbsoluteComics universe a better fit, and one that will not appear jarring alongside the capes and costumes of other characters.​

N O T E S:

T I M E L I N E :
♦ 1990 | John Constantine is born in Liverpool. His mother (Mary-Anne) dies. His father (Thomas) blames him. His sister (Cheryl) is left to raise him. Life is shit.

♦ 2001 | Thomas Constantine is sent to jail for burglary and petty voyeurism. Cheryl and John are sent to stay with family in Northampton. John discovers he is the next in the line of 'Laughing Magicians'. John begins to practice magic. Life is bearable.

♦ 2010 | John and his friends start up a punk band called 'Mucous Membrane' and find small success. After a gig in Newcastle, John stumbles upon a horrific carnage - Astra, an abused child, had unconsciously used latent magical power to summon a monster to slaughter her oppressors. John convinces his friends to help him summon their own demon to slay said monster; they succeed at the summon, but fail at the bind, and the demon Nergal slays the monster and takes Astra's powerful soul to his kingdom in Hell. John's friends are scarred for life, and John himself is committed to Ravenscar Psychiatric Hospital. Life is shit.

♦ 2015 | John is released from Ravenscar and moves to the US after a failed reconciliation with Cheryl. He develops a bad smoking habit along with some hard drinking, but does strike up a charming friendship with a chicago cabbie called Chas. John starts up a freelance investigation office, as well as occult business on the side, and tries to make his way in the world. Life is bearable.

♦ 2016 | John has been having bad dreams.
<Snipped quote by Roman>
Unfortunately I have pretty big plans for the Joker, so I'd like to keep him as an NPC for now. Pretty much any other Batvillain is fair game, though, barring Riddler and Two-Face.

'Any other batvillain apart from arguably the biggest DC villain of all'

And I guess my dream of writing Harvey's fall is down the drainpipe too.

<Snipped quote by FantasyChic>


Is that multiple 'Good's or multiple 'Game's?

How malleable would any lore re: Joker be for you two?
Why is it so salty in my OOC?

Fast-paced, no, but as every post is a reaction to every post preceding it I think the definition of 'reactive' can be subjective.

If you and the others would like to collab, please collab. I will post accordingly.
My part in Tyler's post isn't necessarily part of CTF.

edit: also do note i wasn't barring a collab between you; i just wasn't interested in being part of one.
Tyler has something in the works involving me and I'm not overly keen on a collab for this situation as it'll condense 4 posts into 1 and lower the CTF game's ability to be reactive and fast-paced.
As a 23 year old I would feel uncomfortable playing with someone a full decade my junior, and I really don't think a character 13 or 14 years old would mesh well at all with our current group of 17-19 year olds.
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