Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


You got room for another here? Got some ideas for a character.

Ft. the Archive Girls
Collab with @MadManMoon @Shifter_Master

“Shh, my little Penny.” Chloe said quietly, laying the injured girl on the ground, taking a seat next to her.“You've done well, you just need some rest, okay?” Ah, it really tugged at her non-existent heart to see her little Penny in such a sorry state. In fact, it infuriated her. If Elroy hadn't already been dealt with, she'd make his death much more slow and painful.

But it seemed as though the party crashers known as beacon had arrived. Chloe observed the two with a neutral expression. Thankfully the two had sense enough not to cause trouble.

“Ufu, what’s this? A beacon member being friendly with a dark magical girl? My,” Chloe’s mouth slowly turned into a devious smirk. “Little Penny was right. Perhaps you’ve all changed a bit in my absence?” Chloe took a seat next to Penny, stretching languidly despite the obvious tenuous situation. Placing a hand on the monster girls head, Chloe gently began stroking her hair.

“Don’t have to tell me to keep my things safe, beacon.” Chloe smirked. “But go be heroes. I'll keep little Penny safe as I can. Just try not to let my pet get hurt too badly, will you?” Chloe left it at that, instead focusing her attention on Penny. “Jeez, you had me worried!” Chloe berated Penny lightly in a mildly annoyed and exasperated manner. “I almost thought I wouldn’t make it in time. Of course, I did, because if anything happened to you I would be quite distressed. Heart broken, really.” Chloe quickly observed the others present. They seemed like they could handle the situation. “Anyone got any metal!?” Tsk, where was that annoyance Aurora when she needed him?

“Nhn...sorry, I’m a little out of it right now so I don’t know.” Divina stood a bit off to the side, still a bit wobbly. It seemed like she was answering a question, though.

A spider made of human bone and sinew skittered across the graveyard battlefield, headed directly for Chloe. To the casual viewer, this would simply look like another one of the magical girl's reanimated creatures returning to its summoner… but if one looked closely at its back, they'd notice that there was a piece of paper bound to its back, with the Greek letter "Ξ" written on the visible portion.

It came to a stop about a foot from Chloe, parking itself firmly within her field of vision.

““...ah?” For the briefest of moments, Chloe would appear somewhat surprised before her mouth curled into a grin. “And what are you doing here?” Chloe held out a hand, letting the bone spider crawl into it, using her other hand to pet it. “Slacking off and enjoying the show?.”

The bone spider took a brief moment to bask in this affection, but regrettably could not indulge in it for very long. It had a message to deliver, after all. The bone spider tugged on a specific line of webbing to open the paper, and then placed it into Chloe’s hand.

It was a note written in Scribe Xi's handwriting - one that read:

"Time is short. I have a plan, but we'd need you to pull your chimera back before Regina is slain.
Scribe Xi

On the back, there was a postscript.
"Also, please keep Penny from trying to eat my familiar, Beat. Elroy left plenty of scrap metal lying around."
Scribe Xi

"Heh, I'm not going to let my Penny eat trash.” Now this was curious. What did the Archive want here? Well, far be it from her to not assist her benefactors at the moment. Had to maintain a decent relation, after all. Plus, she really didn't want for her newest pet to get gibbed so easily either, and now that she had secured Penny, there was really no need for it to keep fighting.

...except, drawing back immediately would look suspicious to the other magical girls. Well then.

Letting the spider rest on her shoulder, Chloe turned towards the Chimera. A snap of her fingers, and the beast would halt its aggressive assault, and a simple hand motion later the beast had backed off from Regina – not completely disengaging, however. It took a defensive stance. It should appear to everyone else that it was simply waiting to run interference in case Regina went after another magical girl, or ready to defend itself in case it ended up on the receiving end of the barrage of attacks aimed for Regina.

“Hey, new girl. See if you can round up some scrap metal for Penny here.”

“Ah! Of course. Poor dear looks so tired...” Divina fluttered her wings, a chirping noise coming from somewhere on her body. She wouldn't go to far, but she'd find a few large pieces of metal remains from their fight, bringing them back so Penny could at least try and heal herself.

Just outside of Regina’s field of vision, Scribe Xi flickered into sight and... was holding a sign with the number 58.5 written on it? A strange creature - one that looked like a boombox with legs - noticed Scribe Xi and her sign very quickly. It had been playing some abysmal remix of “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and “Thrift Shop,” but now it had abruptly fallen silent.

As the creature fell still, Alicia's beams of light descended upon Regina and the chimera with the power of her love, her anger, and all of her sorrow. A crescendo of magical force that by all rights would have collided with the beasts in a spectacular fashion...

...had someone not summoned a trio of floating mirrors directly into their path, to reflect the deadly light out into the mist.

And apparently that was Scribe Xi’s cue to recast her veil.

"So this is it, Reggi. You're going to die for nothing?"

The living boombox increased the gain on the audio, making sure everyone nearby could hear it.

"You seemed so willing to stop the ritual for Eyeball's sake, yet here you are, spitting on my memory. In case you didn't notice, I'm not stopping you anymore. So do you give a shit about her, or are you making your life a tragedy because you've decided you hate yourself too?" The voice paused.

The boombox creature looked around. It seemed to be looking towards the signal’s origin - if Chloe remembered it right, the girls from the Archive referred to those tunnels as “entrances to the Catacombs.” It looked like it was angled so Regina couldn't look inside, except maybe for a little sliver of space.

A sigh rattled out from the speakers. "I suppose you're throwing a tantrum so that someone can cry for you. But Eyeball's gonna be the only one to do it, and that's if she's still kicking. I'm not putting myself through that shit again."

A very familiar arm popped out of the tunnel for a moment, about to throw the microphone at a headstone. It paused mid-swing, long enough for the dragon lady to see it. Then the arm retreated. "...actually, you know what? I'm gonna keep this. I'm not going to cap off this little benediction with more hypocrisy."

The microphone picked up the sound of footsteps, retreating into the torchlit passage. It also started sending a lot of white noise. "Oh yeah. Tin Can, no clue if you can still hear me, but I'm gonna say this anyways... you suck less than most people."

And that's when the signal cut out.

~Claire Blackwood~


"Great!" Claire released Frans, patting him roughly on the back. "First things first! You got your pokeballs? Favorite snack? Partner in crime? Safety goggles? Rock climbing gear? Dumbbells?" Claire ran through a quick, rather daunting checklist. "Everything? Great! Now the most important thing...is your battle face." Claire stood in front of Frans now, a serious expression on her features, hands on her hips as she started her 'training' in earnest. "You wanna catch pokemon? You gotta make 'em fear you!" Claire quickly flashed the Castle Medal. "I wrestled with a Pangoro in Mt. Strength and earned their respect! So lemme see it!" Claire paused long enough for him to give her a questioning look before shouting loudly again. "I said let me see your battle face!"

From now, Frans might be questioning whether if this was worth it, and if he continued he'd be put through a few more trials. After the battle face, Claire had him try a 'battle stance'. Had to totally intimidate your opponent with your amazing battle posture after all. She would then order him to use them both on a pokemon.

After that likely trainwreck, Claire would then inform him of the value of physical training and stamina in order to contend with hostile wild pokemon - and would order him to do 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, and a 10km run. If he needed motivation for the run, she'd Del to chase him. Where'd she get that whistle from? She'd give it a loud blow every time he looked like he was slacking. Paravati and Ralia would likely show back up after that. Ralia, dizzy and slightly sick from the acrobatics, spun dramatically and face planted into the ground. Was this entirely needed? Nah, she just wanted to mess with him a little bit. Besides, everything she was doing was totally important. In fact, the part about type advantages she briefly touched on was likely the most important thing.

Next was some training for Paravati. Testing the limits of the Togekiss' agility and battle ability. It was obvious she was way to strong to be picking on tiny little baby pokemon. So she'd need to actually restrain herself a bit to injure them just right. Claire would then order Paravati to attack Frans to learn restraint in her attacks.

And lastly, to bring all the team work together - Claire would order them to find a wild pokemon, engage it in battle. She would once again, watch from a safe distance with Ralia eating some sort of pokemon snack from her shoulder.

Heyo, you. I think I finally have a serious answer about what Seleth would ask for. involves her spear. As well, I wanna perhaps discuss some things that could potentially happen now that she has won. Involves her family mostly. Want me to shoot ya a PM?


"What?" Seleth's eyes widened at the mention of Varjan's father already being there. That...that wasn't likely to be good. From what she could surmise, it wasn't going to be good. Anything else that was said was immediately ignored by the dark elf. She needed to go do something. Ignoring doctors orders, as well as her protesting wounds, Seleth began walking towards the door, leaving her room in the infirmary and heading towards the source of the commotion.

Upon exiting, Seleth could see two people. One standing outside the door, speaking to a very stern and upset looking man. From the words he was saying, she could easily assume who the person was. Should she say something here? Seleth wasn't sure. Showing up now might only escalate the situation further, but at the same time she couldn't let it go. Not without seeing Varjan again for herself.

"...The lady is right." Seleth began sternly, wobbling slightly from her own injuries still. "This is a place of healing. A place of recuperation and quiet. Unless you wish to invoke the wrath of the goddesses, I suggest you leave before they run out of mercy."
jfc I really got behind on posts

posting something today ASAP

@Pyromania99@Crazy Scion

The looming end of one girly boy was now inevitable. The dragon bolted right for Albus, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Isobel was just laughing happily, utterly not caring about the chaos she was causing. It was fine, after all! Not like anyone was going to get hurt here. Grarves just wanted some Albus hugs, and the land dragon was more than happy to deliver.

"BWA-ORK!?" Suddenly, Grarves let out a surprised yelp. Something had caught under his claw, sending the massive beast towards the ground. His left claw slid out from under him, causing him to fall forward, smashing his chin on the cafeteria floor and sending the rest of his body vertically upwards, unable to stop immediately from the speed. Isobel's eyes widened in shock as the land dragon careened towards Albus, unable to stop him. That was an actual danger - Grarves easily weight almost half a ton, probably more. Him running into any human at that speed would have easily caused them more than a little injury. She also knew that Grarves was, while a bit of a big slow slobbery baby, he would never hurt anyone. He was about as aggressive as a gold fish.

"Albus!" Before Isobel could intervene, it seemed some other student was quicker on the uptake. Grarves slammed into an invisible barrier of some sort with a resounding wham. The land dragon, seemingly a little dazed and confused slid off the barrier safely onto the ground. She quickly ran over, making sure that both of them were okay. She knew Grarves probably would. His scales were almost as tough as steel plating.

And then some bastard had the audacity to kick Grarves.

"Bwwaaark....!?" Feeling the boot impact his scales, the dragon let out a surprised, doleful yelp. Ouch. That would probably hurt the human more than him, but Isobel didn't care. That bastard was not getting away with this.

"Oi!" Isobel walked up behind him, staring the guy down with a glare that would make even an ornery wyvern question his next action. "Spiky haired overly dressed bastard. Where the hell do you think you're going?" Ciervia by now, had perched himself back on Isobel's shoulder and was standing completely still, reptilian eyes coldly gazing at him.

Grarves had righted himself, and was now looking over to Albus mournfully.

Well, it seemed fortune favored them. This Pelliper, Wendy, seemed perfectly friendly and was even willing to carry them to a farm of some sort not far from here. This was both welcome, and still slightly concerning. She was fine meeting new people of course, but judging from what they had seen so far she was a little concerned. Well, not that it mattered. She'd let them all do the meeting and greeting. As soon as they arrived, she'd just stay in the background in case things went wrong she could get the jump on things, heh.

"Sounds like a wonderful plan to me, Wendy." Vi picked up the bundle of Lava Cookies. Not that she'd need them for food, but if they could cure poison like the birdie said, then it would definitely come in handy. Vi looked up at the bill, then towards the sky, then back to the ground. She could levitate, couldn't she? Hmm...maybe... "...Hey, wendy. Think I could try floating alongside you?" She asked the large bird pokemon. "I wanna get used to this whole floating thing. I don't wanna keep getting blown around by the slightest breeze."

Fortune and skill favored the bold, as it were.

"Having someone able to watch or back me up in case something happens would be welcome."
POstin' here tomorrow
~Claire Blackwood~


"Get back here you ruuuunt!"

"Raaaaalllllll..." But it was too late. Ralia's voice trailed off as she was taken for a joyride atop the Togekiss. Claire could only watch with mild disbelief. Ah, well. She'd be fine. Shaking her head with a light laugh, Claire glanced over to the man as he introduced himself. Boy, he seemed like the unsure timid type.

"Wahahaha." Claire couldn't help but to laugh once he finished, grinning brightly. "Nah, I should be the one apologizing. I swear she always gets up to no good when I'm not looking, heh." More importantly, he seemed like he needed some help. She really should be going, but well...Ralia looked like she was having fun and they could probably use a small break for now. "Trouble catching pokemon, though? That's a toughie." Claire nodded in agreement, quickly having decided on her course of action.

"I happen to be a bit of a hot-shot up and coming trainer ya know! Out of all my battles I've only lost one." 'Accidentally' revealing one of her badges as she fished through her bag for a pokeball, Claire quickly wrapped an arm around Frans shoulder in an overly familiar fashion a close friend might use to talk to someone. "If ya want, I can give ya a bit of coaching. For free, even!"
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