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6 mos ago
6 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
6 mos ago
7 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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7 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Okay good cuz I have night hag PTSD!

Would I be correct in thinking that you obtained this night hag PTSD during a Curse of Strahd campaign?

Worry not, Nanna May is the only hag in the room and neither her not her elven minions appear to be looking for a fight. They will only attack if sufficiently provoked.

The cultist that Flicker beat up and the cultist that Arkisz's Steel Defender literally disarmed are both still alive, though neither are in any condition to continue fighting and could both be killed by even a slight molesting of the moobs at this point.
Sadly, an 11 isn't enough.

An unnatural 20 will definitely do it though. You realize that Nanna May is a night hag, a nightmare haunting fiend who plays a sizable role in the soul trade of the Lower Planes. You also realize that at the party's current level, a fight with her would not end well for you and yours.
Initiative order has ended.

All PCs proficient in Religion or Arcana realize that Nanna May isn't a tiefling and may roll Religion or Arcana to figure out what she really is.
Although the rogue's landing was not nearly as graceful as the monk's, it certainly hit a lot harder. Both Rala an her target go sprawling to the floor. But while Rala only sustained a pair of bruises from the fall, the cultist had been impaled through the heart by Rala's rapier. As she rose from her less than graceful landing and delivered her taunt, Rala would also throw a dagger at the only other cultist near Flicker. The dagger struck the cultist in the eye and pierced his brain, killing him instantly.

Only one cultist remained now. But before anyone could act a new voice speaks up from behind the last cultist. "You think yourself old, do you?" The voice asked. Suddenly, the final cultist jolted and let out a pained gasp as something stabbed him in the back. After a moment, the man fell to the floor and the old tiefling woman Aura had found on the upper level of the tower while investigating with her hawk was revealed to be standing behind him, his still beating heart clutched in her hand. "Oh dearie... You have no idea what old is." Having said that, the new arrival grinned at the party with sharpened iron teeth before biting into the heart as if it were an apple.

With the senses granted to him by detect magic, Arkisz would come to realize that she was the source of the strange and powerful magic he'd felt in the tower. Also, Arkisz, Flicker, and Plasm would come to realize through their respective knowledge in either arcane or religious matters that the old tiefling woman standing before them was not in fact a tiefling. Though they would be unable to determine what she really was without dedicated thought.

Once she had chewed and swallowed the chunk of heart she had bitten off, she spoke again. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nanna May Midnight, and I owe the six of you my most sincere gratitude."


You're up.
With a crunch and a sizzle, Jørmund strikes the cultist in the back of the head, shattering the skull and frying the brain. The cultist falls to the floor and the strange magic surrounding him rises to the ceiling as it fades away.

@Lurking Krog

The elves aren't wearing any metal and if they're carrying anything metal, it's hidden from sight by their robes.
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