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That moment when you try connecting the mouse in the usb port and then being confused as to why you can't move the cursor with the USB cable....


Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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In the land of shadows, where darkness reigns,
Lived a hero named Penumbra, of humanoid form,
With his trusty sword by his side, and a heart of gold,
He roamed the lands, young and bold.

One day, he met Custosa, an elf with no magic,
But with a skill in combat, she was truly fantastic,
Together, they fought against evil and wrong,
And their bond grew strong.

One day, they met an old man named George,
A warrior with fists of steel, who fought with great rage,
And a Satyr bard named Dahm, with a voice so sweet,
Together, they made a formidable team.

They set out on a quest to save George's home,
From an evil plant, the Mind Pod, that sought to roam,
With its power of mind control, it enslaved all in its path,
But our heroes were not afraid, and they set out with a wrath.

Through the jungle, they fought, with all their might,
Against the Mind Pod and its minions, in a fierce fight,
Penumbra, Custosa, George, and Dahm, they fought as one,
But alas, Dahm fell, his life now done.

But his sacrifice was not in vain, for they defeated the Mind Pod,
And the land was saved, thanks to their heroic trod,
Penumbra, Custosa, and George, they lived to fight another day,
In memory of Dahm, who died in a heroic way.
@Katakuri Ehhh...Goblin here too? πŸ˜…
@DracoLunaris My Goblin's are different than usual Goblins but not by much. So, of course 😁
@Smike Yes, pending review from the most tortoise of all tortoises :)

Ashe looked around and with a bit of help from Gwyn, they found what they were looking for. A machinery that would spell their doom or save them for that matter.

" You said you're not good with levitation magic. What about a wind spell? A mage should be able to control the elements, I'd think so but do correct me if I'm wrong. My magic works quite differently than yours as you've noticed. If not a wind spell, maybe a wooden projectile that would hit the other mechanism to open the door. Worst case scenario, maybe you can summon something? An invisible hand or something that can balance the weight. " said Ashe in one fluent manner, talking more out of stories she heard at the brothel about magic users or from magic users. They would always boast about their skill as if the women working there would've been more interested in made-up stories more than their coin.

" And...if all goes to hell. I'll be able to roll a dice and hope for the best. My magic will be able to save us for sure if things go badly. But, we've got to consider that well. I can use it only twice a day and already wasted a chance earlier on. If I use it now, then if we're in deep later on and we'll have to rely on luck then we'll need it. " added Ashe.
@ImaginedBird67 Before Tort can say it, I shall. Please put the character sheet in a hider to shield everyone's eyes from the wall text :)
@Archmage MC I wanted to make a blob person before settling on Goblin lady. They'd be a fun addition to the crew 😁
@DracoLunaris Another Goblin. Nice😁
@Irredeemable There were 2 pages when I went to bed last night, I woke up with 6. AMERICANS...that's what happened. Thanks to you...We've got 7 now :P
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