Avatar of tsukune


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I'm not dead, not yet. Two more months to go in internship hell before I'm done with college and return to RParadise.
7 yrs ago
I find "reviews" with nothing but hollow vulgarities derisive. I'm flattered by the lack of finesse from these uncouth imbeciles with their painfully limited vocabulary to entertain my refined ego.
7 yrs ago
Over(work) 9000
7 yrs ago
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." --Gilgamesh, Mobius Final Fantasy
8 yrs ago
♪ And so it came // Giving way to all the stress // Feel my world spin before me // Fever, sore throat burst again... ♪ --Parody to Adele's "Skyfall" with regards to my current state



"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

|| Hemingyay | Longhand ||

「 M O I 」

Slowly -- but surely -- coming back from a long hiatus.

Better known by the name of Tsu. An "advanced" roleplayer with at least five years of experience on/off. In real life, he is a college student studying in Asia, majoring in design-related fields. Outside of this site, he's also a hopeless poet and an indie writer currently working on his first book (as and when he has the time and inspirations to write something). He is also active in the Harry Potter fandom through participating in fanfic competitions/challenges and building connections with gift fics.

INTP; a Pottermore-certified Slytherin but identifies himself as a Slytherclaw who is both witty and ambitious. Considers himself a Denpa Otaku -- a fan of animanga, visual novels and JRPGs, and he's as opinionated about what he likes and dislikes as every other fan out there.

「 R O L E P L A Y S 」

Roleplay invitation is strictly reserved for close friends and peers only, for now. I'm too busy to join big, open groups at the moment.

Pokemon: Hoenn Fantasy | 1x1 | @Altered Tundra
"I've come up with a new recipeh!" #IgnisIsBrock
(For the sake of RPG I'm sad to say that I have to censor most of Yuffie's horribly awesome nicknames to cater for childish SJWs.)

Sekirei: Pure Sanctuary | 1x1 | @RyuHll
Still waiting for the day Hikari can bitchslap my Orinami... and another chance for Nagisa to greet a new friend with a sniper gun under their chin.
(I just have the knack of making yanderes. #SorryNotSorry)

Star Riders: Hoshizora no Riders | 1x1 | @Inkarnate (@Gowi)
Currently having a dilemma to choose between a professional pervert and idol whore.
(You know what, let's just have them all be kinky with each other to save the damn world from killer lolis. Yay.)

Unlight | 1x1 | @Dusksong
First attempt at a romance-ish RP. Wish me luck -- and make be sober over how I can only have fictional girlfriends.
(While I try my best not to turn Meyer's perfect vamps into assholes because I'm really itching to do that for the lolz.)

「 L I N K S 」

Tsukune Reservoir Chronicle
The graveyard where I dump all mah character sheets (and some lore notes because why not).

Tsukune World Chronicle
Coding workshop for iChecks and OOCs, from sluggish actives to upcoming epics... and even dead failures.

The Art & Beauty of BBCoding
The most comprehensive guide to BBcoding on RPG. #NotBragging

Longhand / Hemingyay
Before RPer, I'm first and foremost a writer.

Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes!

「 Q U O T E S 」

It's the origin to the greatest ideas ever known to mankind."

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, yet the highest form of intelligence."
Oscar Wilde

"Sarcasm is love. Sarcasm is life."
"If I don't get at least one sarcastic observation from you per day, I would think something was seriously wrong with you IRL."

"You are one known for some pretty fucked up stories."


Vivi, World of Final Fantasy

Anonymous Meme

Most Recent Posts

@Genkai Even though in 1x1s it's just between two people, I do agree that both players should at least discuss beforehand how to start, where to begin, who goes first...

Basically, communication is key.

Rather than pushing the work to another partner, if both parties have discussed how the introduction would be like and are on the same page on the ideas, whoever is less busy can go ahead and start off first. Unless you're seriously that incompetent in English, why push all the work to one person, and then complain somewhere else about how that person is slow or whatever? You ain't being "polite" by pretending to take the back seat - it's actually the opposite.

While there are shy people who will need to take some time to muster the courage and be more forward with participation, don't forget that not everyone has so much patience to wait for you to take the first baby step. Writing is just like any other form of arts - even subjects. If you're unwilling to step out of your comfort zone, or if you're not willing to put in the effort, your writing won't get any better. And don't whine about why your writing suck even after so many years and RP attempts. You only have your own self to blame.

People can try to help you, but if you don't even help yourself, nothing will move forward. Nothing will improve.
Jailed for being a (bloodsucking) creep.

< The Clones >

Professor Cid Birch | ???
(One of the many Professor Cids in the line. Also Rikku's dad.)

Nurse Yuna | X
(The healing white mage.)

Officer Lulu | X
(The killer black mage.)

< The Justice >

(Justice is gay. Come back later.)

< The Baddies >

Team Rocket
Originated from the Kanto region, Team Rocket is trying to expand their influence to the other parts of the Pokemon world... even as ambitious as crushing the local syndicates (which will be explained later) to rule Hoenn under their evil control.

Team Aqua
(Sin is here.)

Team Magma
(Clash of the Big Bridge, Season 2.)

< The Leaders >

Rustboro Gym | Cinque | Type-0
The Rustboro Gym can be found in the heart of Rustboro City, in the basement floor of the iconic Rustboro Skytree that can be seen even from the city outskirts. This underground gym has a pretty standard appearance, except that it has a layer of shield separating the audience seating area from the main field in the center. There is only one type of field: rock. Well, it's a Ground/Rock-type gym, after all.

The gym leader, though, is the complete opposite of the element type she's supposed to represent. Cinque is an airhead, and she literally lives at her own pace. However, once she's on the gym field, her true, grounded personality will show itself in the battles. You better not underestimate her - as the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover"! Do you also know that she's actually the top student of Rustboro Pokemon Academy, which is the best institution in the Hoenn region?

2v2; Corsola, Marowak, Onyx.
Awards the Boulder Badge.

Pacifidlog Gym | Snow Villiers | XIII
The Pacifidlog Gym is located on the smallest island of the Pacifidlog Archipelago, in a huge quarry left behind by miners for granite for building and construction purpose to develop the Pacifidlog Town. The interior has quite a unique sight: the gym has a semi-open concept with the hole in the roof uncovered, leaving bits of green nature hanging off the sides, sometimes even attracting unlikely flying spectators. Sunlight can reach the bottom of the quarry, but only when it's right above the head. Battles are carried out over two types of fields: water and ice.

The ironically hot-headed Water/Ice-type gym leader may give off the vibe of incomprehensible stupidity, but he's a force to reckon with in a battle heated enough to melt and boil his fighting spirit. In his iconic beanie hat and long overcoat with rolled-up sleeves, few trainers are able to see beneath Snow's rather laid-back appearance and his annoyingly loud way of talking to realize he is a fearsome gym leader who knows how to grind many challengers into the freezing-cold ice... literally.

4v4; Milotic, TBC.
Awards the Iceberg Badge.

Pyre Gym | Kurasame Susaya | Type-0
(Yuffie's reaper daddy, head of the Wutai clan. Dunno about the gym leader bit, but doesn't hurt to put a placeholder for now, right?)

???; TBC.
Awards the Spirit Badge.

< The Badassery >

Zack Fair | CC:VII
Holder of Hoenn League Champion title for two years in a row, Zack has a personality as big as his diverse and powerful pokemon team - so good that it's no doubt why he's also known as the strongest trainer in the region. (There are rumors of him specializing in dragon types, but it's really hard to tell with how he's dandy with just about any pokemon.) You'll be even more amazed that this young man once started his journey with a temperamental Bagon, which has already evolved into a Salamence, and is his number one best pal.

Tifa Lockhart | VII
One of the Elite Four, specializing in Fighting/Rock/Steel-type pokemons. Tifa may not look like it (especially with that huge bust of hers) but her fists are enough to do all the talking. Her team is as spicy as herself, and many who have dared to challenge her aren't spared from a crushing defeat from her ferocious battle style. She's often seen in cowgirl outfits, which gives her the nickname "Fist of the Western Star".

Her number one partner is Mawile... which is pretty much the literal embodiment of Tifa's very appearance, don't you think so?
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