Avatar of tsukune


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I'm not dead, not yet. Two more months to go in internship hell before I'm done with college and return to RParadise.
7 yrs ago
I find "reviews" with nothing but hollow vulgarities derisive. I'm flattered by the lack of finesse from these uncouth imbeciles with their painfully limited vocabulary to entertain my refined ego.
7 yrs ago
Over(work) 9000
7 yrs ago
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." --Gilgamesh, Mobius Final Fantasy
8 yrs ago
♪ And so it came // Giving way to all the stress // Feel my world spin before me // Fever, sore throat burst again... ♪ --Parody to Adele's "Skyfall" with regards to my current state



"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

|| Hemingyay | Longhand ||

「 M O I 」

Slowly -- but surely -- coming back from a long hiatus.

Better known by the name of Tsu. An "advanced" roleplayer with at least five years of experience on/off. In real life, he is a college student studying in Asia, majoring in design-related fields. Outside of this site, he's also a hopeless poet and an indie writer currently working on his first book (as and when he has the time and inspirations to write something). He is also active in the Harry Potter fandom through participating in fanfic competitions/challenges and building connections with gift fics.

INTP; a Pottermore-certified Slytherin but identifies himself as a Slytherclaw who is both witty and ambitious. Considers himself a Denpa Otaku -- a fan of animanga, visual novels and JRPGs, and he's as opinionated about what he likes and dislikes as every other fan out there.

「 R O L E P L A Y S 」

Roleplay invitation is strictly reserved for close friends and peers only, for now. I'm too busy to join big, open groups at the moment.

Pokemon: Hoenn Fantasy | 1x1 | @Altered Tundra
"I've come up with a new recipeh!" #IgnisIsBrock
(For the sake of RPG I'm sad to say that I have to censor most of Yuffie's horribly awesome nicknames to cater for childish SJWs.)

Sekirei: Pure Sanctuary | 1x1 | @RyuHll
Still waiting for the day Hikari can bitchslap my Orinami... and another chance for Nagisa to greet a new friend with a sniper gun under their chin.
(I just have the knack of making yanderes. #SorryNotSorry)

Star Riders: Hoshizora no Riders | 1x1 | @Inkarnate (@Gowi)
Currently having a dilemma to choose between a professional pervert and idol whore.
(You know what, let's just have them all be kinky with each other to save the damn world from killer lolis. Yay.)

Unlight | 1x1 | @Dusksong
First attempt at a romance-ish RP. Wish me luck -- and make be sober over how I can only have fictional girlfriends.
(While I try my best not to turn Meyer's perfect vamps into assholes because I'm really itching to do that for the lolz.)

「 L I N K S 」

Tsukune Reservoir Chronicle
The graveyard where I dump all mah character sheets (and some lore notes because why not).

Tsukune World Chronicle
Coding workshop for iChecks and OOCs, from sluggish actives to upcoming epics... and even dead failures.

The Art & Beauty of BBCoding
The most comprehensive guide to BBcoding on RPG. #NotBragging

Longhand / Hemingyay
Before RPer, I'm first and foremost a writer.

Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes!

「 Q U O T E S 」

It's the origin to the greatest ideas ever known to mankind."

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, yet the highest form of intelligence."
Oscar Wilde

"Sarcasm is love. Sarcasm is life."
"If I don't get at least one sarcastic observation from you per day, I would think something was seriously wrong with you IRL."

"You are one known for some pretty fucked up stories."


Vivi, World of Final Fantasy

Anonymous Meme

Most Recent Posts

  • 170903 | Completed except Relationships and Influences
Don't get me wrong -- I do not have a major issue with color-coding text in RP posts. I mean, I am technically doing that in the RPs I'm doing with you two, Tundra and Gowi.

It's just that I do find it kinda troublesome if I have to do that for a really big post. If I'm going to color-code stuff, I will do that thoroughly -- not just the main character's dialogue and thoughts, but also the NPCs (usually using silver so they don't stand out too much), and even coding/designing entire layout of the post. I'm not much of an aesthetic trash like Tundra, but if I'm doing it I am a hopeless perfectionist who doesn't like half-assed work.
It's merely a whining from me, that's all.

Coming back to the main topic, I'm perfectly fine with doing that for aesthetic purpose, as long as the words are readable.
...Which, sadly I've lost count the number of times I feel like we can just forget about color-coding in IC because it hurts to read all the unreadable colored text.
I find coloring dialogue/thoughts, especially since I'm mostly an "advanced" roleplayer with humongous post size 99% of the time, a trouble I don't like to go through. I'd still do it if everyone else in the RP is doing that for consistency sake overall; otherwise I'm more than happy not to bother wasting my time coloring dem lines.

Besides, with good paragraphing and sentence structuring, coloring lines is just unnecessary; sometimes it actually makes reading the posts more difficult and distracting.

「 Darker Waters 」

DOVE/RAVEN Headquarters, White Coast_

Shizuka was more than happy to leave the cleanups to the Taylor brothers. After all, they were the most involved, deserved the credit for snatching the Devil's arm out of ZODIAC's clutches, and there were no better people to handle this case from here on. ("What about Meifeng?" - "Puh-leeze.")

Was he looking for more excuses to push his job onto others? Not really. His involvement with the fierce crossfire at the Oakdell Harbor - of all places, again - was minimal (thank goodness).

Maybe you'd want to argue that he wasn't ready for the task? Wrong again - that would be an insult to his marksmanship skill, and all the effort he had thrown into getting where he was today. Besides, Meifeng and the Taylors were more than enough to handle the frontline.

He had his own issue to deal with while the RAVENs were in a tug of war over... a disgusting piece of corpse from a decade ago.

Nothing could be more important than another encounter with the ghost of his past.

He reclined back into his chair, alone in the dim office room. On the table before the young agent was the box he had recovered three years back. And on top of the box, the diary of the woman he despised laid open before his tired eyes.

Sinking slowly
The lights out of my reach
Down the darker waters
To the point of no return.

Trapped in the cold agony
I looked into the mirror
That soulless gaze
Of a broken marionette.

He let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. Too much to bear, and so little that him - or anyone else for that matter - could understand.

The truth that his mother knew. About Polaris. About Metahumans.

About what the twins were created for.

Few days ago | Oakdell Harbor, White Coast_

Shizuka knew he was supposed to be focusing on the fierce crossfire ahead from he was positioned at - where RAVEN was fighting hard against ZODIAC over the possession of the Devil's arm. Hidden among the shadows of the buildings away from the dogfight, the Japanese agent watched the chaos through the scope of his rifle (SRS this time for better mobility), adjusting every now and then to switch his view to survey the area surrounding the source of din while assisting the other agents to take out the ZODIAC members with every shot.

What a drag.

He didn't so much as batting an eye while taking out the ZODIAC minions. None of them seemed to be aware of a sniper shaving down their numbers - his movement went unnoticed thanks to the chaotic gunfight as he ghosted through the walls, slipping through the shadows out of anyone's sight.

Though, everything was going too smoothly for the usually paranoid young man.

He paused his shooting spree and lowered the rifle, his eyes glanced to the side without turning his head. He could feel a presence stalking after him - merely observing his every move, but he didn't sense any malice from this person.

He raised the rifle up and peered through the scope. It wasn't hard to locate where his comrades - Meifeng and the Taylors - were amongst the mess, and they were holding their own grounds well against the monstrous Hound - or Sovereign - or whatever the fuck he was calling himself now.

Slinging the SRS behind his back, he pulled out a handgun and turned his back at the blazing gunfire, then began to stroll towards the source of the watching eyes.

"I know you're hiding there. Show yourself."

Stepping out from around the corner, the tall, slim figure of Xing Huo came into Shizuka's vision. "Impressive! You could tell it's me without even using your powers. I know you are a much better specimen than the puppy and his little kitten up ahead."

Seeing Shizuka's unimpressed look with his gun still firmly trained on her, the Chinese woman let out a dramatic sigh. "And you're nowhere as cute as your older brother. How long are you going to play this police game with those 'friends' of yours?"

Shizuka responded with an eye-roll. "Are you here just to lecture me about stupid things?"

"Uh-uh, you're no fun at all." Xing Huo shook her head in mock disappointment, dropping the disgustingly sweet voice for a less shrill, more serious tone. "But you really shouldn't be wasting your time here. Especially when that--" she jerked her chin to where RAVEN continued brawling with ZODIAC behind Shizuka, "--doesn't concern you one bit."

Shizuka lowered his gun, but not without a narrowed look at her. "What do you want this time?"

"You don't seem surprised to see me," Xing Huo replied, her lips curling into a smirk. "Ah, of course, that chloropathic 'sister' of yours. You're also probably aware that Haruka and that Caspin girl were already back in town, but you pretended not to know."

She then started to walk towards Shizuka. "Oh well, I shall cut the chase. That 'Pandora's Box'... it's still with you, isn't it?"

Shizuka didn't reply, but his hardened expression was all Xing Huo needed to know. Still smiling, she continued, "The robe is the key to what you have been searching for. Also, sometimes destruction is what you need to progress to the next step."

Shizuka considered her words for a moment, then he ran a hand through his hair. "The cryptic way you talk really pisses me off." But he did caught what this woman was trying to tell him.

Xing Huo shrugged.
"Unwanted eyes and ears are everywhere, my dear. Especially when anyone who has a brain would love to have a piece of you and I." Her eyes shifted to the gunfight beyond Shizuka's shoulder, earning another eye-roll from the young man.

However, the Chinese lady wasn't done with the conversation yet. She raised a fist before Shizuka's eyes, and a fine gold chain fell out of her balled-up hand, with a small, tear-shaped phial attached to the end that glowed with a strange blue light.

"Take this, for your personal insurance." She dropped the necklace into Shizu's hand, then leaned closer to whisper into his ear, "No matter how hard you try, you can never be one step ahead of me."

With a quick turn on her heels, Xing Huo's curvy figure disappeared into the shadows once more.

Stupid woman, was the first thing Shizuka had thought when he read Asami Takashiro's diary. Even though he was beginning to understand what this failure of a mother had been through, he still couldn't forgive her. The hatred had run too deep in his memories filled with neglect and abuse, from the person who was supposed to teach the twins about family love.

Asami's diary was more than just a record of her daily, personal life. It felt more like a commonplace book as Shizuka thumbed through the neatly written pages that went from mundane writings - to-do lists, random poetry - to notes about Polaris and their inhuman experiments.

Even some terrifying secrets about Metahumans.

How and where did this woman get all these intel... these sensitive information that could easily turn this world upside down if they were ever publicized?

Also, whose side was his mother on in the first place?
July 7, 2007


That's a pretty lucky number there - happy 10th anniversary!


I am glad to be part of this site's community, encountering various RPers and have fun writing with y'all, with wonderful people I can shamelessly share my love for writing and work together to build many awesome universes.

Thank you guys - you know who you are. ;)

Haruno Clan Compound, Konohagakure
Present day, crack of dawn

A faint clap of thunder
Clouded skies
Perhaps rain comes
If so, will you stay here with me?

With the brush left the rice paper with one last firm stroke, Haruno Ren set it down at the edge of the inkstone and picked up the tanka. Hmm, seemed satisfactory to his scrutinizing eyes, but his even stricter mother wouldn't miss one chance to nitpick at him for some shits and giggles. He had no resentment towards Kazuha -- rather, he only had respect and love for her, even if she was nowhere proper enough to be considered a Yamato Nadeshiko in the eyes of those outside the clan. Not like the woman herself cared, as long as people knew to keep themselves away from her insane punches powerful enough to send anyone flying... with broken ribs in the process.

Ater stuffing the poem into his commonplace book, he stood up and stretched his arms, his small, lean body casting a long shadow across his room from the first crack of sunlight bursting forth from the horizon beyond the door. The sign to the start of a new day.

The day he would graduate from the ninja academy in the village.

The rain had eased up as he left his room, only a faint drizzle against the rising sun and clearing sky could be seen. He passed by some of the clan members along the way, but he didn't really pay attention to who they were; he was more curious about why they seemed to be dashing around in a frenzy.

Did his inauguration as a Genin deserve any complicated preparation work for the house?

Shaking his head, he continued his way to the main hall, pushing his notebook deeper into the pouch on his left thigh.

His parents were already waiting for his arrival. Hideki was in his usual black kimono-ish garment, with a white sleeveless haori over the garb, showing the Haruno clan's emblem on the back. Kazuha, however, was decked in soft pink that complemented well with her hair, carefully arranged with peony hairpieces to hold her wavy locks in their place. She was smiling too, her radiating beauty further enhanced by how oddly prim and proper she was carrying herself. Ren couldn't help raising an eyebrow at how his mother was today, even if that act wasn't really something out of the ordinary.

Anyone would, if they knew the kind of person Kazuha was under that seemingly perfect facade.

Aside from his parents, even the branch family was here. Naoki was the splitting image of his older twin brother, except that he had chosen to take an opposite approach to Hideki's serious stance. He was still in a loose yukata, the short black mop on his head was wild as ever; he seemed barely awake, obviously been woken up and forced to show up here, much to his reluctance. Next to him was his youngest daughter -- Ren's little cousin -- Aoi, who had only inherited her father's appearance, and thankfully not his laziness. Ren couldn't help wondering why Aoi was in full shinobi gear...

Oh yeah, Aoi's going to start the path I took almost three years ago. Now all the chaos so early this morning in the compound began to make some sense.

"Son," Hideki started off once Ren had kneeled down before him. "First of all: congratulations on your graduation from the academy."

A pause. Ren didn't dare to raise his head, waiting for his father to go on, but the silence was interrupted by the sound of clapping that came from the side. Must be Aoi. She stopped at the stern look from her uncle, and scuttered to hide behind Naoki's back.

With the small distraction out of the way, Hideki continued in his usual no-nonsense tone, "You are now officially a shinobi of Konohagakure, with the duty to protect the village. You will be assigned to a team and placed under the guidance of a jonin sensei, where you will learn to put whatever you have learned in the academy to practical use."

There was a shuffling noise from Aoi as she finally appeared from behind her father, moving back to her original position. Hideki paid no attention to it; he continued on, finishing up what he had to say, "You will be on your own most of the time, only with your sensei and teammates, but regardless of where you are or what would happen, always remember that your family is by your side, within you."

Hideki then stepped forward, placing a package before a surprised Ren. "Take this with you, and best wishes to your future endeavors. Now off you go -- I believe you need to attend some form of ceremony in the academy for your official promotion to genin."

"...Thank you, Father."

And if getting a pep talk from his austere father wasn't enough, cue in Kazuha fussing over her precious son right after they were dismissed from the main hall. The way her eyes shone when they set sight on Ren's small -- but growing -- frame could well translate his mother's feelings towards him, her pride and joy to see how much her son had grown over the past three years.

She did the most motherly thing she could do: giving Ren a fierce hug that was close to suffocating the poor boy thanks to her insane strength. "Ren!" Her voice was muffled by how her face was buried into his shoulder. "I know your father has already given you the bor-- I mean important talk, but I still want to say this again, to you in person: congrats on your graduation!"

"T-Thank you, Mother," Ren could only gasp out the reply. "...And you're hurting me." In which Kazuha returned with a slap on his back -- that made Ren's shoulder stung from the painful impact.

Kazuha gave Ren a long, thoughtful look. Ren could see in her eyes that there was so much she probably wanted to say to him... But his mother chose to end the staring contest with an inaudible sigh, and said, "Off you go, then." She tried to send her son off with a smile, though it didn't hide the hint of sadness on her face.

This... is it. Exhaling slowly, Ren turned to leave the Haruno compound, hopping onto the rooftops as he dashed towards the academy through the drizzle.

Shinobi Academy, Konohagakure

Ren knew he was running late. He had taken a detour to the main gate to leave the village, only to be disappointed that his cousin Sumire -- Aoi's older sister -- was still not back from her assignment. He was never told much about what Sumire was up to, just enough snippets to know that it was some clan-related issue... and one that didn't sit well with the Haruno household.

I hope she's alright.

For now, he should focus on getting to the academy for the graduation in time. Or rather, he should be paying more attention to where he was landing.

He did manage to reach his destination just in time, but he had unknowingly crashed into the middle of a certain group of students. Seeing familiar faces around him made Ren raise an eyebrow as he greeted them.

"...Oh. Morning, Hatake-san, Kegawa-chan."

Then he turned his head to the other side, the amusement becoming prominent as he noticed who the other two were.

"Ah, Uchiha-san and Namikaze-san. Good morning to you too."

All the while completely oblivious to the sparks of tension flying off between these two older peers from well-known major clans.
So yeah, a few of y'all know that I'm having a really rough rl - family related, long story - and I've been doing my best to get back on track.

Time for me to climb out of my emo hell and read all the RPs I'm missing lately. Sorry for the long disappearance - some complications to sort out still, but I'm much better now. Yeah.
I thank you for being too nice not to mention me to pour the blaming salt on my ass.

Well, I'd own up myself anyway.
@Altered Tundra Rename it Gaybitch, like mine.

I win.
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