Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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  • Name (Former): Hanabusa Megumi
  • Name (Character): DokanMeguMegu-san
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "I don't tolerate those 'boring but practical' types!" Amusingly, Megumi's in-game appearance was modeled on her real life looks, except slightly more fanciful.
  • Character Level: 50
  • Character Class: Combat Mage(A subclass focused on offensive magic)
  • Personality: Megumi is many things. Surly, intolerant of things she doesn't like, quick to complain, fond of colorful magical explosions... She's got a fiery personality and prefers to have the firepower to back it up. Indeed, when she began Emerald Odyssey, one of Megumi's chief pursuits was to be as offense-heavy as possible. She has a distaste for anyone who leans towards boring, practical skills and techniques that are effective because of their low cost and short, uninteresting animations. Instead, Megumi favors the flashiest and most explosive spells, ones that look cool and do extremely high damage, even if the animations are slow. After the game world becomes real, well... Megumi certainly won't shake this belief. Magic is magic, it should be flashy! That's how she feels, at least. Aside from this, Megumi dislikes foolish behavior and has words just as fiery as some of her most explosive magic. She unhesitatingly and scathingly insults anyone who annoys her, and will admonish others for behaviors she perceives as stupid, or dangerous. Megumi is also an extremely proud person, perhaps to the point of mild arrogance in some circumstances. However, she's easily embarrassed. Finally, in spite of her... testy personality(and hatred of being mistaken for one), Megumi is actually quite nice to children and has a protective streak towards them.
  • Abilities: Megumi has rapid casting abilities, and the highest level of mana she could get for her level.
  • Skills: Megumi possesses little in the way of physical skills, even less so now that she's become her Emerald Odyssey character. However, given that she was at the top of her class in school, she is excellent at problem-solving and providing information. Megumi's specialization is in offensive magic. She knows a single barrier spell(one of the best for her level, but it's still only one) and that is it. Everything else has been poured exclusively into offense and nothing else, aimed at getting everything she can out of every single explosive spell she knows. These spells include Grand Combustion(albeit at its lowest level as she learned it as early as possible), Scattering Lights(a bombardment spell featuring dozens of laser beams), Divine Spark(a bigger, stronger, single laser), and many other, similar spells. She also has a mana recharge buff item, but it's not one of the strongest in Emerald Odyssey as she has not been able to clear the content containing such strong items. Compared to her MP, her HP is low for her level, making her easily incapacitated if successfully attacked.
  • Backstory: Hanabusa Megumi, the doll-like straight-A student of Mihama High School, was not one of the people most would peg as an avid gamer. And perhaps it would be inaccurate to call her one, except when it came to Emerald Odyssey. Megumi is, somewhat secretly(at least to the people she doesn't count as friends), something of a massive Emerald Odyssey nerd. She lost her parents at a young age, and was taken in by her aunt. This experience inspired a few different desires in her, to ensure that children didn't need to suffer the same loss as she did, and to do as best as she possibly could in memory of her parents. This manifested as her excellency in class... however, the pressure she placed on herself required her to find some way of venting. Eventually, she discovered Emerald Odyssey. Quickly taking to the lore, setting, and gameplay, Megumi frequently spent time playing the game... and buying merchandise related to the game. In order to burn off stress, she decided to make a high-firepower mage who was focused entirely on being as destructive as possible. Soon, she shared her love of Emerald Odyssey with a few friends(the only friends she has), and they all played together, covering for Megumi so she could unleash her most powerful spells. Indeed, she was quite excited to take her mage through the new content...
    She never expected she'd end up being that mage.
  • Other: N/A
  • Name (Former): Hanabusa Megumi
  • Name (Character): DokanMeguMegu-san
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "I don't tolerate those 'boring but practical' types!" Amusingly, Megumi's in-game appearance was modeled on her real life looks, except slightly more fanciful.
  • Character Level: 50
  • Character Class: Combat Mage(A subclass focused on offensive magic)
  • Personality: Megumi is many things. Surly, intolerant of things she doesn't like, quick to complain, fond of colorful magical explosions... She's got a fiery personality and prefers to have the firepower to back it up. Indeed, when she began Emerald Odyssey, one of Megumi's chief pursuits was to be as offense-heavy as possible. She has a distaste for anyone who leans towards boring, practical skills and techniques that are effective because of their low cost and short, uninteresting animations. Instead, Megumi favors the flashiest and most explosive spells, ones that look cool and do extremely high damage, even if the animations are slow. After the game world becomes real, well... Megumi certainly won't shake this belief. Magic is magic, it should be flashy! That's how she feels, at least. Aside from this, Megumi dislikes foolish behavior and has words just as fiery as some of her most explosive magic. She unhesitatingly and scathingly insults anyone who annoys her, and will admonish others for behaviors she perceives as stupid, or dangerous. Megumi is also an extremely proud person, perhaps to the point of mild arrogance in some circumstances. However, she's easily embarrassed. Finally, in spite of her... testy personality(and hatred of being mistaken for one), Megumi is actually quite nice to children and has a protective streak towards them.
  • Abilities: Megumi has rapid casting abilities, and the highest level of mana she could get for her level.
  • Skills: Megumi possesses little in the way of physical skills, even less so now that she's become her Emerald Odyssey character. However, given that she was at the top of her class in school, she is excellent at problem-solving and providing information. Megumi's specialization is in offensive magic. She knows a single barrier spell(one of the best for her level, but it's still only one) and that is it. Everything else has been poured exclusively into offense and nothing else, aimed at getting everything she can out of every single explosive spell she knows. These spells include Grand Combustion(albeit at its lowest level as she learned it as early as possible), Scattering Lights(a bombardment spell featuring dozens of laser beams), Divine Spark(a bigger, stronger, single laser), and many other, similar spells. She also has a mana recharge buff item, but it's not one of the strongest in Emerald Odyssey as she has not been able to clear the content containing such strong items. Compared to her MP, her HP is low for her level, making her easily incapacitated if successfully attacked.
  • Backstory: Hanabusa Megumi, the doll-like straight-A student of Mihama High School, was not one of the people most would peg as an avid gamer. And perhaps it would be inaccurate to call her one, except when it came to Emerald Odyssey. Megumi is, somewhat secretly(at least to the people she doesn't count as friends), something of a massive Emerald Odyssey nerd. She lost her parents at a young age, and was taken in by her aunt. This experience inspired a few different desires in her, to ensure that children didn't need to suffer the same loss as she did, and to do as best as she possibly could in memory of her parents. This manifested as her excellency in class... however, the pressure she placed on herself required her to find some way of venting. Eventually, she discovered Emerald Odyssey. Quickly taking to the lore, setting, and gameplay, Megumi frequently spent time playing the game... and buying merchandise related to the game. In order to burn off stress, she decided to make a high-firepower mage who was focused entirely on being as destructive as possible. Soon, she shared her love of Emerald Odyssey with a few friends(the only friends she has), and they all played together, covering for Megumi so she could unleash her most powerful spells. Indeed, she was quite excited to take her mage through the new content...
    She never expected she'd end up being that mage.
  • Other: N/A
I'm going to be introducing a mage who is incredibly focused on high damage.
@Rabidporcupine: Regular MMO, not VRMMO.
Co-GM reporting again!
@DocRock: If you send it as a PM on here, make sure to send it to both of us.
"I'm going already!" snapped Hikari, her attention fixing on the downed magical girl. Right! Some kind of glass orb or something like that? The redheaded hammer-wielder sprinted towards Tsukimi, prepared to smash anything that looked even remotely like what Tokiko had mentioned. Hikari had no idea what it could possibly be, but there had to be something to it when another magical girl had been so adamant about it, right? Though that fairy hadn't explained a thing...

Naoko hopped to her feet.

"Aaah, jeez, now it's going that way?" she complained, "As much as I'd love to keep fighting, it's waaaay too early for anyone to be knocked outta the Hex Night, it's way too anticlimactic! My blood just isn't burning up any more thinking about it!"

The glow faded, but Naoko was off like a shot. Before Hikari could locate any sort of glass marble, the oni magical girl swung her kanabo towards her. With only a split second to use her hammer to block, the new magical girl was sent flying with a yelp of shock. She hit the ground further down the alleyway, rolling once before ending up on her front.

"Sorry about my friend, she's scared she'll lose," added Naoko, hoisting the senseless Tsukimi up on one shoulder as she spoke, "I'd stick around 'n fight, but I gotta get her home!"

With that, Naoko leaped into the air, landing on a nearby rooftop and sprinting across it.

At her current rate, it seemed unlikely anyone would catch up.

@Anza@A Lowly Wretch
@Saarebas: The MMO has a lot of races avaliable, so there's a lot of options.
Co-GM reporting!
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