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Figured I might as well toss this out since the offer has been made, and because I got bored and decided to start putting together a deck in between the work I've been doing. The side deck I've been using to just keep in mind a few interesting cards I've found and want to keep in mind as upgrade possibilities.

Starting Deck
-Name of the gang isn't settled on yet. My current idea was to go with Junkyard dogs, but others may still have a better idea to toss out. Charak's Bulwark Breakers and Rampart Busters are also two options people can go for if they want to, as is anything mentioned before Junkyard dogs if there's support for it.

Oh yeah, Speed World or Speed World II? Might be a quick but relevant question to ask.

I kind of like Bulwark Breakers. Only other suggestion could be "Core Breakers" or "Core Busters," but meh. I'm fairly ambivalent, and think any of those names could work well.

As for which Speed World, I would say Speed World 1. Seems to make the most sense for this setting, at least since any Turbo Duels characters would be involved in would most likely be street duels. Speed World 2 would probably be more geared for some kind of officially sanctioned tournament if my understanding of it is right.

Speaking of Archetypes, Whats every staking a claim in.

I have chosen Heroes (Specifically E. Heros) For a reason.

I've been digging the idea, since I know the sort of character that I want to play, of running a Cyber Dragon deck. I toyed with a Blue Eyes deck because my old Blue Eyes deck is the only deck I still have IRL, but Cyber Dragon just works well with a mechanic especially using an all machine deck. It's also got some XYZ support down the line to shake things up beyond just fusion chaining some cyber dragons together the entire time down the road.

I've been toying around with cards for a starting point of said deck, and I might throw in some Gradius love simply because most of them are fairly underwhelming and because they're just kind of fun to toss in there to give it a starting theme beyond Cyber Dragon spamming.
<the Scrap archetype exists>

I considered making a Scrap deck honestly. Probably going to go with Ancient Gear if and when this potential RP happens.

As for gang names, I'm not going to be much use; I've just got the name Junkyard Dogs stuck in my head, which I guess works with the outer area being called The Collar.

Oh damn, I'm gonna start looking more at some of the decks that might be viable for this. I could see myself building a Scap deck possibly with the character I'm looking at playing from what little I know about scrap decks.

Also, I think Junkyard dogs is an interesting name.
<Snipped quote by webboysurf>

I don't like outriders as a gang name, but it could serve as the title for the RP. "Yu-Gi-Oh: Outriders!" or something.

I like "The core" as a name, though. Thinking what the outer perimeter would be called, then. "The Collar," "Ancillary," and "Clockwork" are my only ideas at the moment.

Can't think of anything good for the gang at the moment. Thought of doing something like "Team (insert something here)" but found that all my ideas sounded too much like Pokémon villains for my tastes. Other name I thought of sounded better for rival gangs than ours.

Hey, happy to provide a good option for the RP title.

As for the other names, perhaps there could be different neighborhoods that use some of these names within the general Outer Ring. I think out of the three, I prefer calling it The Collar as a whole.

For some reason, I kind of like the idea of the gang having some sort of chain pun or name, as chains are part of the game and fits more of the gang theme. Just a bunch of random names to either use or to jog ideas from others:

Duel Chainers
Chain Breakers
Chain Stoppers
Chain Riders
Scrap Chainers
Chain Scrappers
Collar Chainers
Clockwork Chainers
Well, first, we should probably think about the nature of the city. Trying not to be "a disaster caused the city to split into two" and "poor/rich" divide like we have, maybe it could be that the "Dystopian" part of the city is the outer perimeter of a larger whole. There's an almost circular fence coiling around a much more well-faring part, though it's mostly filled with normal people instead of super rich folk. Resources are scarce, so the ones who were lucky enough to be inside the walls are the ones taken care of.

I think that might be a cooler way to create a "Satellite-like" wasteland than just being like "Well, there's just a part of the city where the poor people live. Scarce resources seems kind of essential for a 5Ds style game where everyone is in a duel gang.

Being inside the walls means you're like a scientist or an engineer, tasked with keeping the infrastructure of the city going. Outside the walls is manual labor; They recycle scrap to useful materials, create the food which is funneled back into the walls, take care of the sewage system, craft general commodities...

Security distributes food at checkpoints, but they're heavily guarded and it's never a lot. Some people manage to smuggle stuff from underneath their noses, and the currency everyone trades in is cards. Money has no real value, so being a duelist is the only way to prove yourself. This is why gangs band together; If they want to settle territorial disputes, they'll need whatever duelists they can get. Whoever's in control of an area takes care of the people in it, too.

I like this idea, and I think it still leaves options open for certain kinds of characters. I've been fairly into the idea of a mechanic character, and while engineers and scientists would typically be in the center of the city, could make sense still that some people got kicked from the core or whatnot. The son of an engineer for a KaibaCorp (or similar business) who for one reason or another gets exiled. The father figure begins toiling his life away doing manual labor, teaches their child how duel runners worked and the like. The child grows up, learns not only the basics of engineering but also how to duel so he can join up with a gang and try to either get himself or his father back into the center of the city...

Rambling off a character idea aside, just looking from a story perspective I think it creates an environment that can allow for a diverse cast to come together just out of necessity, while also allowing for more jovial situations. Duels between members of the gang for something like a spare ration of food could keep players dueling players some of the time rather than just NPCs the whole way through. The setting also allows for a diversification of smaller group goals along the way, like trying to raid a food checkpoint when food supplies are running lower than usual to take care of the people in the gang's area.

Simply put, I think it works well.

The goal of our gang is simple: Get inside the walls by any means. What you do inside of it when that happens is up to you. Of course it's a daunting task, and it's a dream really anyone in the outer rim shares, but it's a simple enough goal as to why people would band together.

Simple end goal, and good for the same reasons you've already mentioned. If people wanted a more grand plot, too, something could happen once everyone is in the core of the city, and people have to unite for a different reason.

-Need to hear from people if we're throwing speed spells in or not. Getting some mixed messages right now, so a definitive answer either way would be nice.

I'll be honest, I've been doing some research into turbo duels to keep me occupied during this time of instability, and I think having speed spells and turbo duels with speed counters is a good idea. There's plenty of speed spells from the anime that are out there to use, and balancing out speed counter issues is something that could even be figured out on a case by case basis when it would come up in a duel. It just adds something cooler than people standing around and dueling in the streets in terms of writing, and also shakes up the mechanics enough so that people could have two slightly different styled decks depending on whether they are turbo dueling or dueling like every other chump on the street.

-Need more feedback on the idea I posted above. If anyone has anything to add to it, anything they don't like about it, or any other suggestion entirely they're free to post it, but a "this is good" is also fine because then I'll know I'm going in the right direction.

I mean, only suggestions and ideas I haven't listed out above are names for the city or different parts of the city. I kind of like the idea of the center of the city being called "The Core." Don't have good ideas for the outer city's name, and the only gang name suggestion I would have is "The Outriders."

To the Master Rule question, I think the only real answer is to play in Master Rule 5...

Based on the arguments made and the little bit I've learned in how the game has changed, you're making some good points.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
I mean, we can still do those last two things >:)

The way webboysurf described it makes me think something like Durararara!! or A Certain Magical Index/Scientific Railgun/etc. Maybe we could start with a series of "innocuous" (relatively speaking) incidents/episodes that all end up being related to a big thing going on in the background?

I mean, I was mostly just tossing ideas out since this is for brainstorming and to also gauge what people are feeling. I have ideas for the kinds of characters I would play and what their goals would be, and they're pretty versatile depending on what the group dynamic or group goals would be.
<Snipped quote by Grey>

Send 2 cards from the top of your deck to your hand.

Pot of Greed is a nice card when you're doing a more thematic duel, cause it allows you to put two cards into your hand to change the tide of a duel. At least from what I remember with Jaden using it in like every single duel in season one of GX.

"Keldabe ATC, Iron Leader is returning back to base. Coming in hot."

The Dauntless II zipped through the lines of assembled civilian transports with deft precision, rapidly breaking back into the atmosphere and approaching a military hangar on the surface. As the Eta-3 suddenly slowed down and glided through the open hangar doors, the assembled ships of the Iron Squadron came into view. The second Ro's signature starfighter touched down, the cockpit opened up and the Jedi Ace quickly hopped out into the hangar. A couple of flight mechanics instinctively moved toward the interceptor to begin inspecting it. The Jedi Ace watched the mechanics with his brow knitting in confusion.

Of course, a clone pilot with gray stripes designating his status as a member of Iron Squadron started approaching his CO, holding his helmet against his side under the crook of his elbow. He gave a curt salute when but a few steps away from Ro. "Orders from command, sir. Mechanics are performing routine inspections and making sure armaments are restocked."

Ro gave a curt nod as the mechanics were already carting in ammunition for the Dauntless II, setting his second in command at ease. "Thank you, Booker. Have you finished the preparations for our new recruit?" The Jedi Ace began walking past the interceptors and towards the back of the hangar, where a few members of Iron Squadron were lingering. Booker kept up pace with Ro Nuul, his walk more of a stiff march compared to Ro's nimble steps.

"The Eta-3 is prepped, though his astromech should be here momentarily. I made sure he has a bunk and his standard issue gear is ready as well. As for his welcoming party, Rally volunteered as per usual. The rest of the squadron insisted on drawing straws, and Trigger got the short stick this time."

Ro turned his head towards Booker, his breath mask rising slightly as the Kel Dor gave a small smile. "We'll see how long the rookie lasts if Trigger is responsible for showing him the ropes. The boy showed courage, but I would have rather stared down a Krayt dragon from legend myself than have Trigger show me around."

The two had approached the small assembly of four pilots huddled near some crates in the back of the hangar. Sitting on a crate with his back to Ro and looking towards the others expectantly was the Rodian pilot called Runner, while the Duros called Flyboy leaned against the wall shaking his head. Two humans, an olive-skinned man called Ball and a darker-skinned woman called Chain, were busy rolling their eyes.

The Rodian continued his story. <"I'm telling you, Corellians never check your... He's behind me, isn't he?"> The Rodian turned around and gave a curt nod towards his squad leader, cutting his story short immediately.

Flyboy piped up almost immediately. <"Engineers seem to be rather thorough today. Do we finally have an assignment?">

Behind Ro's stoic expression, the Jedi Ace internally winced at the question. Not because he was shying away from the idea of serving as more than simply a space honor guard, but due to his lack of knowledge. "I'll let you know as soon as I have official orders from Command."

As if on cue, R3 quickly rolled over after having been released from the Dauntless II by the flight engineers. With a series of whirs, R3 managed to get all of the pilots on edge. Ro gave a curt nod towards the droid. "I'll take the message in the conference room."

Ro and R3 exited the hangar through the nearby door. The facility outside of the hangar was rather small, at least what was dedicated to the Iron Squadron. A short jaunt down the singular hallway on the left hand side was a small room with a conference table with thirteen seats, and a spot near the center of the table with access to the Holotable. R3 assumed his spot near the holotable, while Ro stood with his arms folded near the doorway. Within moments, the room grew dark and a holographic projection's blue light illuminated the room. It portrayed a female mandalorian in Beskar, moving to stand at attention as her gaze fell on Ro Nuul. "Jedi Ace Ro Nuul. Mandalorian Command is calling you in to meet with your operations Commander on the Ring. Enter through Docking Bay B-32."

Ro Nuul furrowed his brow once again. "Does Command have a mission for us?"

"That information is top secret, Captain. Please direct further inquiries to your operations commander."

Within that instant, the communications cut out and the lights in the conference room began to light up. Ro Nuul shook his head as his droid turned to face at him with a small string of inquisitive beeping. "I can't know for sure, but it looks like we've got an assignment."
The summary sounds about right. As for the two topics of discussion:

Turbo duels sound like a cool option. Given the setting and my previous mention in a post that's irrelevant due to my own confusion about matters being discussed, it would open up for a character who tends to any of the gang's duel runners for those who want to turbo duel. Problem is speed spells... I mean, it might be best to can them since introducing custom spells and such might just make things a little janky, but I'm not steadfast in opposition if people are interested. Especially since canning speed spells seems like it would defeat the purpose of a turbo duel being anything other than a regular duel on wheels if memory serves me right.

I like the duel gang concept personally. Again, to me it seems to open up possibilities for character motivation. A duel gang doesn't just have to be full of delinquents. We can have a mechanic who can't get any other kind of work, a former sector security type who got kicked off the force for any number of reasons and wants to try and keep people safe in any way he can, or someone who just loves to ride fast and live hard. The duel gang also ensures that there's plenty of interaction potential, and that someone doesn't feel like they're kind of stuck off in a corner without the chance to interact with people.

In regards to a duel gang, I like the idea of having those NPC and outside threats, but don't want to overload the GM by having everyone duel NPCs the whole time. The stakes of facing outside foes is good and can lead to some interesting drama and possibly recurring rivals. For example, I know a couple of us mentioned wanting to play as underdogs. What if one of those underdogs is forced to play a duel while putting up their duel runner as an ante, only to lose it. It can open up the possibility of someone else stepping in to duel for that duel runner back. Same opponent, same deck, different outcome and stakes.

One final thing I figured might be worth tossing out there as well, and possibly address at a much later time: tag duels could also be interesting to RP and have been Staples of the earlier shows (can't testify to the later ones). Just thought the logistics, possibility, or desire of those could be interesting to discuss as well.
<As for the scale, I see the appeal of street level RPs, but I've always liked the high stakes, world/universe/dimensional-scale lore underlying everything myself. I guess I'll see how this all hashes out.>

I'm going to get there eventually whether people want me to or not, dw about it bby.

Scaling up over time might be nice. Starting with the stakes high would make it hard for growth.

But, to address my thoughts on the RP and to try and synthesize my thoughts on a few points that have been brought up, I do think starting in a place where decks are getting built up would be great. It would be fun to have to RP the whole process of not only opening a random pack of cards, but having to trade and barter with other people to get the cards you need to make your deck better. The only thing I see as a potential obstacle is just being bogged down with cards that you don't need if you're playing a highly customized or specific deck.

An idea that I'd like to toss out and might help in some way: as part of people applying as a character, have people make a base deck and then include a list of cards for building the deck down the line. It allows people to start out with the base cards they might need to play a specific character that would fit into the universe (like, for example, the idea of having a character who works on duel runners and/or duel disks as a mechanic and also uses a gadget or machina deck) from the beginning with only room to improve over time. Then, with opening packs, it could be that there is a certain percentage chance that one of the cards in the pack is one that you specified for your deck later, or that you have to buy a more expensive pack that guarantees one or two cards that you specified from character creation to improve the deck.

If you went this route, you can even have people updating their lists of cards down the line in stages over the course of the RP, or have it tiered off. People's "unique" card can be changed at key points within the RP as sort of upgrades, so that decks don't remain stagnant or focused on static card types.
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