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18 days ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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May or may not have a little RoamingTM drop coming soon...
Location: Wall Street - New York City
Something Sinister #1.02: Are all my foes animals?

Interaction(s): None

<Ur late.>

<Trains late. 15 min out>

Pete sighed as he quickly typed out his response with his left hand while running at a slight incline along the sixteenth story windows of a building on his right. Fifteen minutes seemed like more than enough time to quickly deal with whatever rogue decided to rip up Wall Street and then swing over to a nice little cafe in Soho that MJ had picked out. Maybe pick up some flowers from Mrs. Li on the way to help smooth things over. That couldn't hurt, at the very least. After all, Mrs. Li did insist on paying Spider-Man back. Pete slipped the phone back into a small pocket on his waist and zipped it up, whipping around the corner of the building with a webline to get a clear line of sight down Nassau to the Stock Exchange. His lenses narrowed as he made out a familiar gray figure hulking over the nearby cop cars.

Aleksei Sytsevich, known by most as the infamous Rhino, chuckled as the police let loose a wave of bullets from behind their patrol cars at the supervillain. Despite doing this dance for nearly a decade now, the cops still hadn't quite grasped the idea Rhino's skin was now bulletproof. Ignoring the gunfire, Alecksei turned his back to the police barricading The intersection of Wall and Broad to approach an iconic statue of a girl and a bull. Rhino wrapped his hands around the metal bull's legs and ripped it from its base, turning his body and throwing the statue with a lateral swing. The statue flew through the air with tremendous speed towards one of the police cruisers, and the cops were tripping over themselves trying to dive out of the projectile's path.

Luckily for them, they didn't need to dive out of the way. For a certain spider-themed hero landed a couple yards in front of the police cruiser, and braced his arms to catch the statue. Spider-Man's feet began digging into the cracking asphalt as he was slid a few feet from the impact, his body straining slightly before setting the bull statue to the side. Pete took a moment to catch his breath as he patted the bull's back, before turning his gaze back towards the Rhino. "This your cousin, Alecksei? I can see the family resemblance."

Rhino shook his head and grunted as he took a few steps towards his adversary. "You have come again to jest, Pauk? How predictable." Rhino began to hasten his steps, lowering his head to initiate a charge towards the Spider-Man.

Spider-Man rushed forward to greet Rhino, jumping up into the air at the last second well above even Alecksei's reach. As the brute charged underneath, Peter lifted his wrists to fire several webs towards Rhino's horn. As soon as the Spider landed, he yanked back on the webs with all his might to pull Alecksei's head back and slow down his charge. "Predictable is a pretty big word for ya, Alecksei. You break out of prison to finally finish the eighth grade?"

The Rhino turned around as he slowed down, ripping the webbing off the horn protruding from his forehead and giving it a pull in return. Pete tried to quickly disconnect the webs, but was uncharacteristically slow on the draw. He was pulled forward a few yards, only to be grabbed by the throat mid-air. Spider-Man was choke-slammed into the pavement, asphalt cratering underneath as the Rhino leaned in close. "We have spent the last year preparing for this, Pauk."

Rhino began to lift Spider-Man up, but Peter responded by quickly flicking his wrist upwards to fire a tangle of webbing over Alecksei's eyes. The villain grunted and let Spider-Man go, desperately trying to remove the webbing before it got into his eyes. Pete did a backwards handspring once freed to give him some distance, before rushing forward and firing a webline past Rhino to launch a flying kick into the supervillain's face. The foot impacted against Alecksei's jaw, jostling his head a little as the Spider flew past Rhino. "We? You working with someone now, or do I need to take you to the Asylum once I'm done with you?"

Rhino roared in response, turning around to charge Spider-Man again. The latter of these two, however, anticipated this. It was a dance they had danced a dozen times by now. Spider-Man rushed towards Rhino and slid along the asphalt under the big guy, turning to deliver a glancing blow to the side of Rhino's knee with a quick punch. Peter bounced back up to his feet while shaking his sore hand, and the big guy collapsed as his leg gave out. Spider-Man followed up by firing a few blasts from his webshooters at Rhino's downed leg, just enough to force Alecksei to struggle against the restraints for a few moments to try and get to his feet. Pete turned away from Rhino and quickly rushed towards the nearest building, jumping up to run perpendicular up the wall for a few moments. Just before reaching the roof he pushed off the wall, pirouetting in midair over Alecksei. Spider-Man began to extend his arms out, intending to fire off two weblines to pull himself towards his adversary for a powerful kick.

As Peter was setting up his brutal attack, he felt a tingling sensation crawl up his spine. He was confused and turned his gaze to his right out of pure instinct, only to see a familiar set of green-tipped wings rocketing towards him. He had no time to react before Vibranium slammed into his ribcage and knocked him flailing through the air. Peter clutched his side just as a large metal claw wrapped around his torso and dug into his flesh through his suit. The Vulture took off with great speed further into Manhattan while Peter struggled against the claws digging into him. Adrian Toomes looked down through his advanced flight helmet towards his prey. "Why don't we go for a little ride, just like old times."

Peter let his head fall back to look towards where Vulture was flying, and saw a familiar set of four mechanical tentacles pulling a man up the side of the Empire State Building. Spider-Man wiggled his fingers between the vibranium talons and his suit to get the leverage to pull himself free, firing a quick webline to pull himself towards a nearby rooftop. Peter tucked and rolled into a classic three-point landing as he looked up towards his two adversaries as they circled the nearby landmark. "Great... Rhino's working with the rest of the animals..." Peter quickly unzipped his pocket to quickly shoot off a text.

<Make that 30>
Location: The Daily Bugle Offices - New York City
Gamma World Tie-In #1.01: Two Jobs

Interaction(s): None

"What are you expecting, Parker? These shots look almost identical to ones you've already given me years ago. It'd be cheaper just to run one of the photos I've already paid you for and get an intern to just fix the colors in photoshop." Jameson ripped the usb from his desktop and whipped it with force back at Peter, who instinctively reached up to catch it before it struck him in the nose. The grizzled editor removed the cigar from his lips to puff out a large cloud of smoke, turning his gaze to the intern working on a small laptop on the couch in the corner of the office. "Robbie, search the August 2018 catalog and pull the one I want. And make sure to correct the black parts of the suit to blue... I don't need those Reddit trolls slamming us for using an outdated photo."

Robbie raised a timid hand as his voice shook. "Um... sir... which one from August..." Without so much as a word of response, Jameson whistled and snapped his fingers before pointing to the door. The intern got the hint and quickly shuffled out of the office. Peter stared in disbelief at the usb in his hand.

"There's got to be something in here that you can use, sir." Peter felt his pocket buzz as his phone got a notification.

"Parker, I've been buying photos off of you for... what... 5 years?"

"10." His phone buzzed again.

"10? I thought there was another guy before you."

"No, that was Brock. He was after I-" A third buzz.

Jameson slammed his palm on the table before pointing at Peter, shutting up the freelancer immediately. "That's not the point. The point is, I expect more from you. You come back here with something that'll knock my socks off. Now get out of my office before I replace you with a drone sporting a dollar store haircut. And answer your damn phone, it's distracting."

Peter grit his teeth as he slipped out of the office, pulling out his phone to see a large SHIELD logo lighting up his screen. His eyebrows raised and his jaw slacked as he tapped the logo, and a map of his immediate surroundings was pulled up. A building three blocks away was pinned, and Peter tapped a small green checkmark in the bottom right corner. He knew he had 5 minutes to get over there... but he could easily make it in 3. He quickly waltzed into the stairwell, barely waiting for the door to slam behind him as he tossed his bag into a corner and pulled his t-shirt over his head to reveal his skin-tight suit underneath his clothes. It only took him a few moments to remove his street clothes and secure his mask and gloves. He zipped up to the top of the stairwell and peeked his head out of the roof access door, making sure no one was taking a smoke break. Seeing that he was clear, Spider-Man buckled his backpack around his abdomen and fired two weblines against the building next door. He pulled back swiftly to launch himself forward into an aerial roll, effortlessly handspringing off the edge of the adjacent rooftop at an angle to soar over the streets below.

Peter swung with ease to the designated rooftop, stretching his arms back and swinging them forward to clap as he waited a few moments for the quinjet to arrive. After less than a minute, Peter felt his muscles tense as the aircraft had suddenly dropped its cloaking device and hovered above Spider-Man. He quickly jumped up into the open hatch near the rear of the aircraft, instinctively making his way towards a jump seat along the wall before putting on a headset and strapping himself in. "You're early, Kelso. Miss me that much?"

The SHIELD pilot shook her head, flipping a couple switches as she prepared the aircraft for takeoff. "Director Rogers wants you to report to Dr. Banner at Gamma Base. He will debrief you on arrival."

Peter leaned back in his seat, yawning as the weight of another night with little rest was finally hitting him. "Let me know when we're there, Kelso. I need a beauty nap."

"Sleep tight, webhead."
32 IC posts in and I finally get Frank on the board. I think that's a new fastest post for me in these things.

Boring establishing post but I a) want to use Frank to react to what's going on elsewhere in the 'verse, and b) want a slower build-up to Frank coming out of 'retirement'. I think I set the scene for both of those things with this intro post, and I'll work on a follow up tonight and over the weekend.

It was a damn good post. Looking forward to Frank's arc.
Location: Midtown Savings Bank - New York City
Something Sinister #1.01: Spider's aren't insects

Interaction(s): None
Previously: None

"Come on, Fred, this is just sad."

Spider-Man flicked out his wrists, firing off two weblines and yanking on them to launch himself halfway across the bank towards a partitioned meeting room. Trailing behind him and keeping pace was a large, sharpened boomerang. While soaring through the air, he tucked his arms into his chest and lifted his feet so that he was perfectly horizontal. Spider-Man could feel the air pass over his masked face as the weapon narrowly arced a mere inch above his nose before banking for a return flight to its owner. Once out of that immediate danger, Spider-Man twisted his body and lowered his feet to slide along the floor in a three point landing. He lifted his head to face the costume wielding villain, who sported a tacky purple and blue costume. "I mean, you've got to be infringing copyright or something. Could have sworn there was another one of you in Central City, and they seemed better dressed."

The Boomerang raised his right hand to catch his weapon as he turned his gaze back towards the bank vault, where men in similar purple ski masks were emerging with bags of money and handguns. The four criminals, upon seeing Spider-Man, seemed to freeze in place for a moment. Boomerang threw his weapon once again towards the Spider-Man, arcing the weapon to swing between the criminals and the Avenger. "Oh for the love of... Out the back, morons! I'll deal with the insect."

Spider-Man took no moment to spare as he began dashing towards the other criminals, ignoring Boomerang. He jumped up into the air to vault over the projectile and cashier's counter with a single leap, and shot two strands at the criminals leading the charge towards the back exit. Once the weblines connected to their targets, Spider-Man pulled back ever so slightly. The small shift in momentum slowed the two in front, causing the two bringing up the rear to crash and knock over their comrades. Spider-Man's own momentum had launched him up towards a support beam in the rafters, which he used to springboard himself back over the pile of criminals. He held out his arms with his wrists extended towards the bank robbers and flicked his middle and ring fingers slightly over the trigger of his webshooters, firing out an interconnected net over his targets to secure them to the ground. They struggled against their restraints, forcing Spider-Man to his restraints nonchalantly with more webs as he paced his way back towards the bank lobby. "Like, seriously... did you run out of gimmicks or something? Or were you just hoping I wouldn't notice? The lack of originality is insulting."

The villain caught his weapon on the arc back in his right hand, and reached his left towards his belt to fetch another. "You could not possibly understand the finesse and art required to wield such a weapon, Spider-Man."

Spider-Man stopped his pace as the right lens on his mask grew larger to match his raised eyebrow underneath. "Look, I'm already ten minutes late to a lunch date that I was specifically told not to be late for. Can we just hurry up to the part where you surrender?" The two stared at each other for a brief moment as Spider-Man folded his arms, standing fifteen yards from his opponent.

Boomerang's gaze turned towards where his gang were, then back at his adversary. His grip seemed to loosen as he lowered his arms to his sides. Spider-Man began to slightly relax his posture, until he felt a familiar tingling along his spine. Reacting with superhuman speed, Spider-Man turned his right palm upward and twisted his hips to line up a shot. His fingers slid back against the trigger of his webshooter. A webline twirled through the air and impacted directly into Boomerang's chest just as he was lifting his arm back to launch another throw. The Spider-Man was much faster. A full-force tug at the web launched the villain ten yards closer, while Spider-Man jumped and spun his body around to deliver a spinning roundhouse right into Boomerang's exposed abdomen. Two metal boomerangs clattered to the ground as the masked bank-robber was launched back right where he started, sputtering and coughing as the wind was knocked out of his lungs. The Spider-Man sauntered over, unceremoniously restraining his legs with a thwip from his signature gadget. "Shoulda tried your luck at Baseball, Fred."

Fred struggled against his restraints for a moment, his eyes locking on Spider-Man in disbelief almost. "Why did you come here, of all places."

"I told you, lunch date. You were on the way."

Fred relented against the webbing, having reached towards his belt instinctively and finding no further boomerangs or knives to free himself with. "They said you would too busy to worry about people like us."

Peter's expression dropped from his usual smirk to a serious stare beneath his mask as he took a few steps closer. "What are you talking about, Fred?"

An echoing boom seemed to answer in that very moment. Peter turned his head slightly south, following the noise of a distant explosion. He tapped his ear through the mask, activating the police radio feed in his earpiece.

"We have a 10-999 on Wall and Broad. All available officers please respond. There is a confirmed 10-998 in the area."

Peter sighed, walking back over to Boomerang to remove the criminal's mask with a quick tug. He knelt down next to his adversary, looking him directly in the eyes. "Alright, Fred, I'm really going to need you to figure your life out. I've got much bigger fish to fry, and you really don't want to end up on someone else's bad side. They don't play as nice as I do. But above all else, Fred... I need you to remember something for me."

Fred Myers, restrained and helpless, stared back at Peter with only the purest malice and outrage. "What?"

"Spiders are arachnids, not insects."
I swore I was out, @Hillan. Don't make me do this.
Damn, with all this batfamily stuff... don't make me rewrite Spider-Man to become...

S P I D E R - M A N

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm beginning to think you need to take a vacation, Doc. I can save you a spot on a nice Raft in the bay."

There have been a lot of great incarnations of Peter Parker over the years, and I think the version that works best is when he's an young adult and can't quite catch a break. Enough origin stories or young versions of Peter Parker have been immortalized, so I think having a more experienced Spider-Man makes more sense. He's put away many in his Rogues gallery a few times, but they always manage to escape and become repeat offenders. He would be a longer-standing member of the Avengers, believing in heroes having accountability for their actions... and so he can get a constant supply of necessary tech to accomplish what he needs to. Peter isn't able to hold down a steady job, and instead has to rely on freelance work as a photographer for the Bugle, and occasionally doing some technical consulting to convince himself he didn't waste five years getting a dual degree in mechanical engineering and biochemistry.

This version of Peter doesn't differ much from what you would expect. He tries to maintain his only healthy friendship with Mayoral candidate Harry Osborn and tries to keep tabs on his Aunt May, but there are hardly enough hours in the day. Peter has suffered the heartbreak of losing his first love in a battle with the Green Goblin, and indulging in true vengeance only once in refusing to save Norman Osborn shortly thereafter. He's been around the world and perhaps even been in space once or twice. But he's also getting into his thirties with no stable income and living in a cramped studio apartment in Hell's Kitchen. Most of the people Peter talks to are either fighting alongside him or trying to kill him. It's unhealthy, to say the least. But Peter never gives up and always keeps trying to do the right thing. After all... with great power...

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):

You know, Spider-Man is perhaps the first super hero I ever had interest in as a kid. The newspaper we got every Sunday when I was young printed cheap new copies of the original Spider-Man run and they were the first comics I read as a kid. I think it's about time I took a shot at writing the character and trying to tell a compelling Spider-Man story. Here are the three story focuses I have planned currently for Spider-Man, in no particular order.


Six of Spider-Man's most dangerous rogues have all escaped prison simultaneously under suspicious circumstances. They seem to have a primary goal: to kill the Spider-Man. All the while, a dangerous foe from Spider-Man's past comes back into town seeking vengeance against a mutual enemy. Will Spider-Man be able to keep up with his foes? Will he be able to trust one of his long-time adversaries? And can Peter discover who is orchestrating things behind the scenes before his nemesis has him dead to rights?
Characters Involved: Spider-Man, Agent Venom, the Sinister Six, other heroes.
Desired # of Players: 2-4


The NYC art scene is notorious for being a dangerous game. Major criminals steal and trade in major art pieces, but someone as of late has had the audacity to start stealing art pieces from some of the most dangerous criminals in town. Crime families are starting to point fingers, and it's only a matter of time before there is a true war on the streets of Manhattan.
Characters Involved: Spider-Man, Black Cat, Mysterio, Prowler, Various Gangsters, Any street level heroes
Desired # of Players: Any

The general outline for what I am intending in a first arc playing Spider-Man is placing emphasis on a Peter Parker who is overwhelmed, and is going to have to rely on allies significantly for the first time in order to keep New York from falling into chaos. Gang Warfare is erupting in the streets as six of Spider-Man's most sinister adversaries are plotting to destroy the webslinger once and for all. Spider-Man finds himself at the end of his rope as he is called in constantly to aid the Avengers and other heroes more and more, and is ultimately going to have to unravel the mystery of who is trying to kill him. I have listed in the notes section just a few ideas for potential supporting characters that would mesh well with this story.

Still an Avenger... Absolutely: One last thing I think is important to focus on, especially with how this RP operates... Peter doesn't know how to say no to people who need help. He's a founding member of the Avengers, and is happy to lend a hand to any hero in need. Feel free to get in touch if you're interested in having the wallcrawler pay a visit.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

S P I D E R - M A N

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm beginning to think you need to take a vacation, Doc. I can save you a spot on a nice Raft in the bay."

There have been a lot of great incarnations of Peter Parker over the years, and I think the version that works best is when he's an young adult and can't quite catch a break. Enough origin stories or young versions of Peter Parker have been immortalized, so I think having a more experienced Spider-Man makes more sense. He's put away many in his Rogues gallery a few times, but they always manage to escape and become repeat offenders. He would be a longer-standing member of the Avengers, believing in heroes having accountability for their actions... and so he can get a constant supply of necessary tech to accomplish what he needs to. Peter isn't able to hold down a steady job, and instead has to rely on freelance work as a photographer for the Bugle, and occasionally doing some technical consulting to convince himself he didn't waste five years getting a dual degree in mechanical engineering and biochemistry.

This version of Peter doesn't differ much from what you would expect. He tries to maintain his only healthy friendship with Mayoral candidate Harry Osborn and tries to keep tabs on his Aunt May, but there are hardly enough hours in the day. Peter has suffered the heartbreak of losing his first love in a battle with the Green Goblin, and indulging in true vengeance only once in refusing to save Norman Osborn shortly thereafter. He's been around the world and perhaps even been in space once or twice. But he's also getting into his thirties with no stable income and living in a cramped studio apartment in Hell's Kitchen. Most of the people Peter talks to are either fighting alongside him or trying to kill him. It's unhealthy, to say the least. But Peter never gives up and always keeps trying to do the right thing. After all... with great power...

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):

You know, Spider-Man is perhaps the first super hero I ever had interest in as a kid. The newspaper we got every Sunday when I was young printed cheap new copies of the original Spider-Man run and they were the first comics I read as a kid. I think it's about time I took a shot at writing the character and trying to tell a compelling Spider-Man story. Here are the three story focuses I have planned currently for Spider-Man, in no particular order.


Six of Spider-Man's most dangerous rogues have all escaped prison simultaneously under suspicious circumstances. They seem to have a primary goal: to kill the Spider-Man. All the while, a dangerous foe from Spider-Man's past comes back into town seeking vengeance against a mutual enemy. Will Spider-Man be able to keep up with his foes? Will he be able to trust one of his long-time adversaries? And can Peter discover who is orchestrating things behind the scenes before his nemesis has him dead to rights?
Characters Involved: Spider-Man, Agent Venom, the Sinister Six, other heroes.
Desired # of Players: 2-4


The NYC art scene is notorious for being a dangerous game. Major criminals steal and trade in major art pieces, but someone as of late has had the audacity to start stealing art pieces from some of the most dangerous criminals in town. Crime families are starting to point fingers, and it's only a matter of time before there is a true war on the streets of Manhattan.
Characters Involved: Spider-Man, Black Cat, Mysterio, Prowler, Various Gangsters, Any street level heroes
Desired # of Players: Any

The general outline for what I am intending in a first arc playing Spider-Man is placing emphasis on a Peter Parker who is overwhelmed, and is going to have to rely on allies significantly for the first time in order to keep New York from falling into chaos. Gang Warfare is erupting in the streets as six of Spider-Man's most sinister adversaries are plotting to destroy the webslinger once and for all. Spider-Man finds himself at the end of his rope as he is called in constantly to aid the Avengers and other heroes more and more, and is ultimately going to have to unravel the mystery of who is trying to kill him. I have listed in the notes section just a few ideas for potential supporting characters that would mesh well with this story.

Still an Avenger... Absolutely: One last thing I think is important to focus on, especially with how this RP operates... Peter doesn't know how to say no to people who need help. He's a founding member of the Avengers, and is happy to lend a hand to any hero in need. Feel free to get in touch if you're interested in having the wallcrawler pay a visit.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
@Kyoka Avengers Requirements must meet at least one criteria:

1) Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
2) Be Green Skinned/have Gamma Radiation.
3) Have 'Black' in your name.

Peter missed the memo.

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