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    1. Write 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
"I feel like I could eat the whole world raw."
8 yrs ago
When one of us goes to war. We all go to war.
8 yrs ago
Here's a limmerick There once was a team out of Haven with an outlook as black as a raven they were meant to fight BANK but our hearts all but sank WHEN WE HEARD THAT THEY'D RUN HOME AND TURNED CRAVEN
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8 yrs ago
When you realize you gotta make an IC intro post and just '...'
8 yrs ago
Big things are coming! Stay tuned ~
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Hey Mae, long time no speak. I had no idea you were so talented in this way too! I can't help but adore your art style so I figured I'd post some info about my character here.

So I don't have a full sheet for you (Play him in a tabletop game actually), but I know the guy pretty well.

He is a cleric for the goddess Amarine, she is a goddess of abundance.

The man himself is named Omari Gentille, he is a Mountain Goliath known for being barbarians, bloodthirsty warriors and killers. But his parents left him on the doorstep of the mountain temple of Amarine and instead he grew to love life. He acts Amarine's honour as a gatekeeper between life and death in fact.

While he is 8"4' tall and 300lbs of muscle you'd most likely notice the pink flower he wears behind his ear, or his equally pink-lavender eyes. He has a gentle expression, all things considered, and is often found sitting in nature feeding animals. He has a black mohawk as pictured above and the same skin tone and face paint as well. He carries a mace with him as his weapon of choice, but feel free to leave that out.

Omari is, above all else, kind. He wishes to enjoy a life experienced in kind with other living things and takes a great deal of joy in learning new things about nature.

As far as information about a pose/expression, I saw the lovely piece of artwork you did just a bit earlier, so I don't want to make you do something similar. So perhaps a snowy scene, in which the giant can be peacefully petting a small animal of some kind. Something that emphasizes his kindness, but also perhaps his burgeoning strength.

If this is something you're interested in doing let me know Mae! Otherwise, it's nice seeing you around, don't be a stranger!

P.S. I checked the first few posts and you mentioned only doing this for a while so feel free to just shut this down! Anyway have a good day.

A Crash at the Horizon

@Crimmy@Silvan Haven@Lucius Cypher@Azereiah@Guess Who@Ryonara@Abillioncats@Ayazi@Plank Sinatra

Stella watched, amusingly plucking the pen from its resting point on her lip and creasing her mouth into a gentle smile, ever so slightly closing her eyes and allowing her head to sink just a little. Her hands effortlessly glided down to her blouses top button. Stella’s hair was tossed around her, dripping in front of her eyes and over her chest, but she sat frozen with a smile on her face. Her lesson was working and her students were growing.

She fiddled with her outfit incessantly, but her eyes were transfixed on her students. There was one obvious outlier in the group in more ways than one that caught her eye, but she focused her eyes on the home they were building. It looked like a good foundation, but wood would have a hard time standing up against torrential rain without leaking furiously.

The goal was twofold, of course. There are two options presented to a group of shipwrecked students there is something that will be perceived as the easy way out, signalling a ship in order to be lifted to rescue, or the hard way. The monsoon. But it seemed as though the students ruled out the ability to use one of their potential escapes. That much was untrue.

Stella, with renewed vigor and zeal strutted her way to examine the coming events, closing the small door behind her.

The students on the beach would hear a massive boom, any who glanced up would notice the airship approaching the island head on, and it would be there in a matter of one to two minutes. As it approached, however, the storm clouds also began to roll in. What they did next would partially decide their fate. Until next class, anyway. The house the students had begun constructing would obviously not be enough to signal the ship, which meant that if they wanted to escape they would have to put their trust in that hurricane of a woman standing there confidently on the beach facing her exit.

Once more Stella's voice would breach the clouds and be audible to all students once more. She commanded their attention as the physical manifestation of their choices approached.

"It is time for you all to make your choice to flee or fly." She said, making sure that the students knew this was a choice they would have to commit to.
Niko Hiruko

Nico adjusted his glasses and felt his cheeks warm as Corrine recounted the tale of how she felled the monstrous bear. He loved stories and made sure to read every detail of hers. He slid in closer to the group as they made their way to Ireland, his glasses told him Hazel's PDA was speaking for her and the tone seemed fairly serious so he decided not to read too much into it. It could be private after all. The technology was fairly advanced in his glasses, which transcribed every word it could hear. However it didn't offer much in the way of privacy. Of course that being said - he also couldn't judge the volume she was speaking at.

He examined the pink-haired woman for a second. She reminded him somewhat of ancient films he had seen, the shining hero who had come to save the day. Her demeanor sold him on that instantly.

At first he considered speaking with her, signing something. But he was pretty quick to assume most couldn’t understand signs. As such he simply slumped into his chair allowing the hero her peace and quiet. He would get the chance to speak with her or Hazel Ada Stoll later on in Ireland. He considered their mission, and what the food was like in Ireland. If he had researched properly it meant that there would be an abundance of wonderful warm stews available for purchase there. He hoped that was correct, once more his cheeks warmed as he flashed a content smile on his lips closing his eyes and awaiting arrival.

Stranded at Sea

@Crimmy@Silvan Haven@Lucius Cypher@Azereiah@Guess Who@Ryonara@Abillioncats@Ayazi@Plank Sinatra

The students divided and conquered the task at hand. Stella felt a smirk skip across her lips in amusement.

They were quick to act and use their individual talents. The otter Faunus was the first to act – keeping the water leaking into the ship at bay. It wasn’t long before muscle memory and training had kicked in for the rest of them either. Those who could use their abilities to fight the avian and amphibian Grimm did so, protecting the rest of their teammates from an onslaught. Yue was one of the first to obtain supplies, gathering fifty feet of rope, a ten foot tarp, and some deck brooms.

Although, Stella wasn’t too sure what she was going to do with those.

Gren managed to locate a few lifejackets – though they were a bit too small for him to wear, and many towels. Absorbent so they may be, they were certainly not enough to reverse the damage that had been done to their vessel.

Oswald stood out as someone who was at an immediate disadvantage with his cane, and someone that Stella would have to watch for growth – and for the second stage of this survival exercise. But it was once the cohesion began that the class started to stand a chance at passing the exam. Ashe and Yue were the first collaborators and they managed to locate lifeboats and a means with which to ensure their safety through the use of unrefined water and air dust crystals.

Sangue was a force of focusing Gren’s raw talent. Together they managed to cleave a path through plenty of Grimm to open up a secure route for the students to get to safety. They class was already working well together, it was a great sign.

Meanwhile Bianca helped keep aerial attacks away from the group as they all boarded the life rafts…

Well, almost everyone.

Oddly enough Vega and Gratia seemed to be piloting a frog.

“Piloting a frog?” Stella said to herself out loud. “Only at Beacon.”

She pushed the thought from her mind and watched as the rest of the students boarded the rafts and set off for the island.

The Mistralese model attempted to ignore the no doubt soaked Negasi on her screens and instead focus on her small upcoming speech. Just don't look at her Stella you're an independent woman and you don't....


While it took a bit of time, the Grimm stayed focused on their previous vessel. As the students watched the boat sink into the ocean, the island approached them. It was large, probably at least a hundred acres.

It wasn’t until they had all gotten onto the beach that Stella’s voice would ring out once more.

“Well done everyone, I knew you’d be able to handle yourselves with grace under pressure.” She started, fiddling with a small pen, resting it on her bottom lip ever so gently. “You’re next task is twofold,” she said flicking the pen down to a button on her console that would display the island’s time over the horizon for them. “Currently it is 3:45 on that island. You’ll note that time is moving at a faster pace in the simulation, you’ve only been in for five minutes as of yet. With that being said, you have until 5:00 before an airship will pass overhead. You can, of course, create a bonfire to try and signal them or even draw something out in the sand.”

Stella allowed a moment of silence to fill the air of the island before continuing. “But know that should you fail – a tropical monsoon will reach you by 5:45. Be prepared for the consequences of failure while you’re on a mission – never allow yourself to be caught unaware.”

With that, they were alone again. To decide which path was the best.
Niko Hiruko, First Day

@Krayzikk, @Crimmy, @Plank Sinatra
Niko pushed himself off the ground for the three-hundredth repetition. Sweat poured from his forehead and neck. He boasted his typical tired eyes but he felt them dragged down by the physical exertion he had just been met with. He was supposed to leave for the UTX meeting about five minutes ago. He was usually a stickler for being on time, but today he felt as though he was preparing himself to walk off a bridge. He hesitated as he stared at the clock that blinked notifying him that his alarm had long since passed.

Finally, with a short breath of frustration Niko snatched a tank top and a pair of his smart glasses in order to communicate a bit better with everyone else around him. He found that starting off on the right foot in this way made everyone quite a bit calmer working with someone who had a disability like he did.

He grabbed his signature green jacket, the colours nearly as muted as their wearer, and exited his small apartment with haste. It wasn’t far from Mao Industries HQ, in fact it was only a ten minute walk. He wouldn’t arrive quite on time. But Niko didn’t rush around, however. He entered just a few seconds behind someone with hair that could only be described as extravagant. It was an array of colours and looked as if it changed completely depending on the lighting.

Immediately she began an outburst, mentioning not taking shit from a girl who spoke through a Roomba. It was a difficult metaphor to follow – but Niko didn’t try to connect too many dots. After all it was his first time meeting everyone here. Instead, he simply stood beside, but not too close to the girl who had been the victim of said tirade. He nodded casually to her, acknowledging he presence but not really insisting that she do the same for him.

Stoll? Were these his teammates?

As everyone began interacting and his glasses picked up the words being spoken by others he caught Stoll’s hands moving fluidly into a few recognizable positions. He felt immediately giddy, it was as if he had taken the entire weight of the world off of his shoulders. But he refused to immediately break out into joy. He was more professional than that.

However, he couldn’t help his positivity from creeping into his signing. (Hello friend) his fingers danced through the air as he turned to Stoll. He was concerned that the woman with the mesmerizing hair would notice his signing and yell at him for it as she had done Stoll. But, somehow he felt as though they was a kind of history between the two that Niko and her didn’t have yet.

Not that he would mind. While the lenses that were reporting her words were concise and quite clear about what she was saying. His personal judging of her body language, facial expression and other factors told him that she wasn’t mean per se. Rather enigmatic.

Stranded at Sea

Stella dutifully walked around the room, picking up the stray cupcakes and their wrappers. While she was narrowly avoiding bumping into desks her eyes stood transfixed on the display that was showing her students’ progress in the escapade. Escaping a sinking ship and making it to an island with enough resources to last the night. She was curious to see their approach.

She took a second, standing in the middle of the class watching the monitor to recognize where she was. How far she had come. She had been a nobody for her entire life, the Nuit that didn't matter. The Nuit that took after her mother. Hardly a Nuit at all. But now, she was Estelle, the teacher for Survival Studies. She had her own students, her own job, her own money. Her place in this world. She felt unshakeable.

She made it to the final cupcake that was still in the form of a nipple.


Her hands came up to her face as she quickly tried to disregard the cupnipple… Nipplecake? Either way it had to go. She put it into a Tupperware container and threw it into her desk, just in case Lauren wanted it later.

“God I’m starting to become Bianca.” She said as her face launched past three different shades of red. But then she caught my eye… She was-

As soon as we were on the sinking ship I felt completely in my environment. While these Grimm weren’t real it was nice to finally have some target practice with the new wings. With a single elegant motion they extended fully to my right and left and with a single heavy flap I was spinning into the air. I’m sure I looked beautiful.

As soon as I entered their domain a few targeted me but shifting C’est la Vie into it’s spear form and letting it extend into one of their faces was all too easy. With one down and two more rapidly approaching I wrapped my arm around C’est la Vie and tilted it downwards, bringing my wings in in order to quickly use my body weight (as little as it is!) to dodge the blow with a sharp turn. A few Grimm appeared to be targeting my teammates in this situation and I didn’t think I was going to be able to reach them in time. Extending my arm and using my thumb as guidance I hurled C’est la Vie through the opposition, I made sure to wave in a pretty cute way at Gratia when she saw what I did.

It’d annoy her, sure. But it felt too good to be back.

I let the fire inside me grow as I continued my onslaught on the Grimm. One approached me talons outstretched and with a brief flex of my semblance, I pivoted as if I was taking a boxer’s stance in midair. C’est la Vie twirled back to my and a single back step was all it took for the spear to take the Grimm full throttle. But another had soon replaced it and C’est la Vie couldn’t change direction fast enough to strike this one as well.

I took the blow and cringed as the pain was simulated in my forearm, but the Grimm hadn’t expected my tenacity. I snapped my head forward and struck the beast, my head felt like it had just smacked steel – but sure enough the simulation dissipated. I was doing well.

C’est la Vie magnetized to my hand and I looked for my next set of targets. I hadn’t felt like this in ages. But soon it was over. My wings felt as though they doubled in length and just as I glanced out at them I dropped back down to the boat. I was barely able to catch myselfand immediately rejoined the fight from the ground. But all of the sudden I was exhausted. My chest rising and falling my wings felt as though they were back to being featherless. Though quick and careful examination would prove otherwise.

I could only think one thing.

Thank god Jer didn’t see that.

...God I’m starting to become Stella.

I'm super interested @Crimmy, if you'll have me.

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