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"I won't cry for you..."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"... you're already dead."
◼ HEIGHT | 176 cm

◼ WEIGHT | 74 kg

◼ BUILD | Endomporph: Fat accumulates easier in certain areas. In this case, it's Eddie's face.

◼ ETHNICITY| Jewish-Italian



◼ SCARS| Minor scarring near the eyes.

A well-groomed young buck whose perennial babyface betrays the persona he cultivates. His hair is always swept to one side using a fine-tooth comb and kept in place with pomade. Eddie also has an inability to grow facial hair though the pronounced cleft on his chin more than makes up for it. Aside from that, the only other noticeable feature on his face are various persisting scratch marks near his eyes.

As for his choice of wardrobe, it usually consists of a floral blazer and shirt combo complimented by ripped jeans. To finish his ensemble, he always has a pair of shades with him.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Let's just say it moved me to a bigger house."

Hyperhumans are still men. No genetic mutation can wipe away all the flaws of humanity.

In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Brigandi, finding out about their son's Hype-gene mutation was a major turning point in their lives. Slowly, they accumulated wealth through less than legitimate means with Eddie's help. Gambling, swindling, grifting, racketeering, and just about any other get rich scheme you can think of - they had their hands on those honey pots. It wasn't long before their lifestyle choices caught up to them.

Eddie soon moved in with relatives who lived in New Hampshire. His uncle Joel owned an auto repair shop while aunt Rhea worked at a clothing store over at the local outdoor mall. For once, his life was on track to be normal. But's its never that simple. Nightmares began to set in. Soon, they developed into daytime hallucinations. Creeping shadows at the corner of his eyes that disappear the moment he turns his head.

Cursed eyes. Taunting him in every moment, waking or otherwise. It wasn't long before the idea to gouge them out crossed his mind. Even though he concealed the attempts to the best of his abilities, it was apparent to his guardians who actually cared about his well-being. After a visit to the hospital and a few therapy sessions later, Eddie then found himself enrolled at Mather Memorial. The recommendation came from his doctor, stating that the faculty staff was experienced in guiding at risk youth.

Now as the new kid in school, he's hoping for a fresh start. While old habits do die hard, Eddie is ready to take on the world with a fresh new perspective.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Now give me my ten thousand dollars."


◼ SLEIGHT OF HAND| Eddie is quick with his hands from all the tricks his family pulled with their small time cons. Cards are his favorite tools to display his swiftness.

◼ AMATEUR TRADESMAN| Picking up some tricks from his uncle Joel, Eddie now can tell the difference between a bolt wrench and an adjustable spanner. Turns out it isn't really much.




◼ TROUBLEMAKER| The subdued life is not for Eddie. Though he has promised Aunt Rhea that he'll keep out of mischief, the urge to express himself through devious means can seldom win out. However, he makes sure no one physically gets hurt in his pranks.

◼ A MODERN DAY ROBIN HOOD| A fool and his money are soon parted. For someone with the means to accelerate this like Eddie, he can't help but uphold his duty against the oppressive elites.

▼ N O T E S:


UNCLE JOEL GARVIN| His mother's younger brother. Joel owns and operates his own garage. While he has no kids of his own, taking care of trouble making Eddie has reassured him that he made the right choice.

AUNTIE RHEA GARVIN| A fashionista who loves her family to a fault. She's willing to overlook any potential mischief that her boys get into.

FREDERICK YAKOBOV| A tall, zit-laden lad who wears the same St. Louis Cardinals cap to school every day. He speaks in a sarcastic tone most of the time though he totally swears he's being sincere. He's also a car and street racing enthusiast, with his current ride being a '97 Honda Civic.

RICHMOND CHEUNG| A rich, first generation Chinese immigrant who hangs around with Frederick and Eddie after they got grouped up for a Biology project. While he knows formal usage of English, Frederick has been teaching him common phrases to use in every day life. So far, it's only gotten him in two fights and one locker stuffing.

CUSTODIAN GEORGE BEAUREGARD| A part-time, elderly maintenance staffer who holds a grudge against Eddie after an incident involving doughnut marks in the student parking lot before the school year even began. Without missing a beat, Mr. Beauregard always manages to greet Eddie in a cold tone every time their eyes meet.


◼ SEABREEZE OUTDOOR MALL| The mall where Eddie's aunt Rhea works at. There's a designer clothing store, a sneaker outlet store, a theatre, and a grocery store among other shops. He usually hangs out with Frederick and Richmond here if he has free time. While some of the shops are in a state of disrepair, it gets plenty of foot traffic from the locals.

GUY GARVIN'S GARAGE | If he's not at the mall or at home, Eddie is probably at his uncle's auto shop which is a brisk walk away from their home. While he isn't an official employee, he does help around when he can. The establishment somehow makes a profit even with the presence of larger franchises in the area.


◼ SUNGLASSES| Yes, he does wear them at night.

◼ EYE DROPS| Over the counter but they work miracles on his eyes. Covered by his aunt's health insurance policy.

◼ OLD EYE DROP BOTTLE| An old eye drop bottle. It's seemingly filled with another kind of liquid other than his prescription.

◼ CONTACTS + CONTACTS HOLDER| Eddie himself doesn't need them.
Did somebody say Clayface?

Pretty sure you figured that out really early lol

There's a twist though
@NinaDivine@Lord Wraith@Avanhelsing

I hope you have a clearer idea on what you're up against ;)

Gotham City / United States of America:

June 23th, 2018 - 19:41 | The Kane Ballroom - Gotham Heights

Jim Gordon's life started flashing before his eyes as the Batman charged at him. However, two separate interventions would occur during his moment of crisis. A projectile had been thrown with such grace, precision and force that the Dark Knight was knocked back a few steps. Before the commissioner could do anything else, he was then pulled by an unknown force to the side which left him in a state of confusion and relief. As he was being dragged to safety though, a young lady had rushed in to where he had just stood. "Watch out!" he would yell while being flown away. The Batman would then grip the flechette that was stuck in his neck.


As if it was a simple splinter, he had removed it. No blood was drawn but a hole was clearly left where Thea had successfully targeted. However, their foe didn't reform his wound. In fact, he started to melt along with his costume into a slime-like substance. "I AM THE NIGHT!" yelled the unstable mold of Batman while raising his fist in the air. This was no simple warcry however as the dead policemen and party guests had risen, their eyes completely white while their veins were popping out near their shrapnel wounds. These cadaver puppets would then rush at Jim Gordon and Kid Solomon, while Batman would trudge towards Thea. With each step, his maw would get wider and his growls more fierce. The Batman was going to feast on Gotham's elite, starting with Jim Gordon's foolish saviors.
Everybody has fancy maps for their cities and I'm just sitting here wishing I could find a map for Hub City.

Time to put those great MS paint skills to good use!

Gotham City / United States of America:

June 23th, 2018 - 19:40 | The Kane Ballroom - Gotham Heights

It felt as if time had frozen. Two of the city's foremost denizens had found themselves in the crosshairs of the GCPD. Both of them contributors to the ongoing rebirth of Gotham. One of them was respected by his peers but the other loved by all. However, as most suspected, it was only a matter of time before the Batman targeted the face of city's elite as Bruce Wayne symbolized the spotted past of Gotham. With a swift slight of the hand, the caped crusader could have changed the landscape of city's social climate.

But an unexpected shot from a rooftop marksman was simply swifter. That one moment that broke the silence also gave Bruce a chance to escape as Batman's grip had loosened. Slipping underneath the hold, Bruce's cold demeanor inexplicably turned to fright as he gained distance from the Dark Knight. Almost as if a switch had turned on, the billionaire ran out screaming as the police started open firing on the partycrasher. Others started to follow their party host's lead and ran out the emergency exits, causing more chaos.

"Enough!" yelled Commissioner Jim Gordon after a few seconds of concentrated fire. Through the smoke and darkness, only one thing was still clear. Batman was still standing. The silhouette of his shattered shoulder slowly solidified as if it had never been fired upon. Before the policemen could process what they had just witnessed, a primal roar came from the maw of the Batman. Fear had gripped the hearts of the lot, and their bullets fired back at them including one whizzing towards the rooftop where Rose had fired from. Shrapnel soon left men and women dead or badly injured.

Then the Batman rushed the commissioner with his Batarang in hand, prompting Jim to fire but with no avail.
Gotham City / United States of America:

June 23th, 2018 - 19:30 | The Kane Ballroom - Gotham Heights

Only a few individuals stood out in the sea of people gathered at the event which was quite the achievement considering everyone hailing from Gotham's upper echelon had shown up. This evening's party was a televised Wayne foundation event after all and at the center of everyone's attention was the only living member of Gotham's first family: Bruce Wayne. The man was still quite the physical specimen but his age was showing as his hair had mostly grayed. As the host of the party, he started making rounds across the tables to meet and greet the various politicians and socialites present but he was eager to meet one individual in particular. After all, it's not every day you get to meet someone back from the dead.

"Master McNeil! It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Bruce would state as he walked towards young Liam's table. "I'm glad that a Gotham cornerstone could attend tonight's festivities. Your family were forerunners in the city's development and if you ever ne-" Before Bruce could finish his sentence, his flip phone had gone off. He began to answer his phone while gesturing towards Liam to excuse him. His face started to go sour as the call progressed and as the conversation ended, a scowl had began to etch itself across his face. At the top of his lungs, Bruce would yell with a stern tone that was unbecoming of him.

"Everyone, evacuate immediately!" he would be able to state before the power went out. Panic started to set in and screams could be heard before they were silenced abruptly. The silence crept swiftly and its grips were now on Bruce's throat. Almost on cue, emergency lights turned back on which allowed the security detail to take aim at the perpetrator. With Commissioner Gordon among the invitees, he would take charge in the situation as his own gun was trained on the villain.

"Don't even think about making a move... Batman?!" Indeed, the Dark Knight had Bruce Wayne hostage with a chokehold and a Batarang aimed to stab his neck.
Hey guys, Omega is currently going through the templates right now and is approving the characters one at a time. At the moment, he has to step away from his computer but the following applications have been accepted and the rest will be reviewed afterwards.

Once you're accepted, expect the discord invite to follow soon.

Hey guys, I'm one of the co-GMs and I hope we'll get this thing running soon. If you ever have ideas that you might want insight on or help with, just shoot me a PM on the site. As well, if you're accepted, I'll send you an invite to the Discord server.

Thanks for your time and thanks for considering our RP.
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