Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

6 hrs ago
Current Incapable of being capable
5 days ago
Circular logic and reasoning isn't a valid argument, no matter how much you'd like it to be so
20 days ago
Bullfrog? That's an odd name. I woulda called 'em "chazwazzlers"!
28 days ago
It's sad to realize just how jaded one has become as the years go by. Sadder still is the realization that you won't do anything about it.
1 mo ago
Happy Egg-holiday erryone!
1 like


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

^ This is true.

Also! 11.5 Hours until deadline. Thou hast been warned.


Vani: Hey, Locke! Share the love, you hogger!
Locke: *Sneer* ... Fat chance, plebeian.
Vani: Don't break the bro-code, man! THE BRO-CODE!
Kaze: ... Touch my elf tiddies, and I'll eat you.
@Click This
Already had the mods complain to me about uploading too lewd pics in my albums, don't need them crackin' down on my ass in here too. :P
Can we please stop talking about doing your own thing in small alleys. There might be children reading.
"I don't feel like spending any more time on that man." Druid Girl said in response to Big Red's comment about getting more info out of the farmer. "I'll look around for signs of these goblins."

With that, she took her oak staff and began to slowly move her way over to the fence-line. It was clear that the usually bright girl was not inclined to waaste her time on people that she didn't like, even if they potentially held useful information. It might be considered foolish, or even childish, but the caramel-skinned girl didn't really mind. Someone who lacked empathy for others wasn't worth her time. She began inspecting the fence once she stood next to it, looking at the shoddy wooden posts and planks that made up the wasit-high perimeter.


The barn was as unimpressive on the inside as it was on the outside. Hay in dire need of changing littered the floor and there were plenty of small holes and gaps in the walls. The faarmer was busy brushing off the old nag, with a brush that looked more like it was made from porcupine spines than anything else. At the lizardman's intrusion and comment, the old leathery-skinned man looked up from his work.

"What they stole? Damn near anything they can get their grubby lil' green hands on, that's what!" The man spat. "My well-bucket, length of rope, some o' my chicks, sacks o' wheat, empty sacks, horse shoes! Them lil' varmints don't care what it is, so long as it aint nailed down, they'll swipe it!" He grumbled, putting more force into his brushing, which caused the mare to neigh in discomfort. This caught the farmer's attention and he calmed down a bit, muttering something under his breath. "As for where the things keep comin' from, it's to the north, northwest. Always shows up at dusk too when they come. Reckon they cain't too keen on daylight, ain't never seen one around during sun-hours." He stated bluntly.


"Hm... Strange." Druid Girl said as she inspected the ground around a certain portion of the fence. "That man made it sound like there were many goblins stealing things, but I can only find traces that maybe two or three have been here recently... Unless they're smart enough to walk in a long line, with perfect footwork to step in each others' tracks... Which I kind of doubt." The young druid said, a sardonic smirk on her lips as she brushed some grass aside with her hand. "Maybe it's the same goblins who keep coming back to steal things?" She asked, aloud, to nobody in particular.

It was afternoon now, but the sun would still be out for hours yet. Though being said, finding the goblins hideout could take who-knows-how long. Honestly though, Druid Girl just wanted to get off the farm. Places like this always rubbed her the wrong way. Seeing animals penned in and subjugated to confined spaces made her skin itch and teeth gnash. She understood the usefulness of husbanry and domestication, but that didn't mean she liked or approved of it. Shaking her head, she turned to Steppe Archer and waved the lion-maned girl over.

"I found some signs and tracks over here! But I bet you're better at following them than me, I don't really specialize in bipeds after all." She laughed a bit at her own stupid joke.
<Snipped quote by ERode>

your first mistake was thinking i could reliably get a post out on time without being called out in some form

^ This.

... This guy... >:(

@Crusader Lord

Uhm... Serafaye sorta kinda already let go of Yinha's hands, and started walking off after Artemisia and her hambrurger-on-legs. But there's plenty of stuff to do, like checking the side and backstreets, only to find them blocked by Imperial soldiers. Or trying to send her summon up above the city, only to have it perforated by Imperial soldiers. Or trying to scout ahead on the main road, only to be stopped by Imperial soldiers. Or Commenting on the fact that there sure are a lot of Imperial soldiers around. The possibilities are endless Imperial soldiers!

You could also just do something completely interpersonal and monologue-y, thinking about the situation and everyone around Yinha, like the burly lizard brah, the masquerade-man and the girl wearing lingerie as her outdoors-clotes. There's plenty of stuff to do!



I like Locke's optimism. He just had his ass handed to him earlier by a single woman, yet he believes himself and a rag-tag band of... Random people, can somehow take on and fight their way through the Galanon army.

Cute. :P
You know guys, if you're unsure of what to post, or need help coming up with something, I'm always here, ready to lend a hand.
Central Ruins, Royal Plaza




... Welp! That sure was disheartening, not to mention grossly upsetting. The elf, with the boobs the size of watermelons - which by no possible measure of reality could be real. Seriously. Look at those things. If that wasn't silicon, there was some kind of universal injustice going on here! But enough about that, getting back to the dismay oof confirmation. Serafaye looked utterly baffled at the buxom elf's statement that, yes, in fact, Serafaye was a girl.

So, I'm not just in another world, but in another body? Well, technically Serafaye is my property, but c'mon! n situations like this, ain't I supposed to be a generic, average-looking guy who gets swarmed by beautiful women who all want to get with me because... Reasons? I mean, if this turns into some kinda reverse-harem I'm gonna be so miff- Oh. Oh no. No. Wait. No. No! Shit! I'm stuck in the body of a gorgeous, busty, nubile young girl with big boobs and child-bearing hips! I'm probably fertile as fuck too! Crap! What if some guy comes onto me!? SHit! What if some guys try to gang-rape me in some old alley!?! WHAT IF I START GOING THROUGH PMS!?

Apparently, priorities in Serafaye's mind were slightly different tot he ones of those around her. Still, at the snippy comments from Artemisia, Serafaye likely would've retorted with some back-handed insult, or told themighter-than-thou girl to pull the stick shoved in her ass out. But, being predominantly focused on her own issues here, she didn't exactly pay much attention until the sounds of horse-hooves began to clop rhytmically. Raising her head, from her own hands, which had been rustligna nd massaging her temples previously, the dracokin finally picked up on the approaching noise.

We're not the only ones here? The hell.! That's not the sound of some gang or small group! Those are waaaaaay too many footsteps! Damnit, can't stay here... And thes guys are like, no help at all. Look at them! They looked as if they've only just cleared the tutorial-section! Can they even fight or defend themselves? Wait, maybe we don't need to fight... These fools are the only ones who know anything about me being in that crystal. And even then, it's only like, four of them! If they all keep their yaps shut, maybe we can just talk our way out?

Pondering the possible ways to escape the inevitable confrontation that was to come, Serafaye began heading eastward as well, walking at a brisk pace. Ironically, she seemed to move faster than what her motions suggested, it actually looked a bit unnatural. But such was often the case when you had magic items equippe, in particular ones that enhanced your movement speed.

Central Ruins, northern Main Road

"Captain! Scouts are reporting that they've spotted individuals at the center of the ruins!"
"Any sight of the fallen star, or treasure?"
"No sir! So far they've only seen a small group of what looks to be adventurers."
"Hmm... They might have already claimed the prize, and hidden it on themselves."
"Sir, your orders?"
"Right. Begin putting spearmen in the backalleys and narrow streets leading into and away from the main plaza! Make sure to stop anyone who attempts to leave. If they resist, kill them! Otherwise, capture them and bring them to the General at the west gate. Send this order to the other forces approaching the center as well!"
"Yes, sir!"

The ,essenger bowed and ran off, leaving the captain with his red-plumed helmet to keep watching as his men advanced, in orderly and tidy formation. Well, as orderly and tidy as was possible on a cracked, pot-hole-littered road full fo fallen debris, crumpled columns and archways, and broken-down pillars and walls. They would shortly reach the final stretch before marching into the Royal Plaza of these Forgotten Ruins.

Less than two minutes later...

[center]Central Ruins, eastern Main Road


"Message for you, sir!"
"Mm, good."

A shaggy Imperial captain took the piece of paper that had been relayed by arrow. Unfurling it, his beady black eyes read the note, grumbled something and then crumpled the letter into a ball before tossing it over his shoulder.

"All troops, halt!" He bellowed.

At once, the eastern forces stopped dead in their tracks, still and silent, awaiting their new orders. The captain scatched his bearded chin, surveying the area ahead of them, before speaking loud and clear.

"Spearmen, take up positions in the alleyways and narrower streets. Point your spears in towards the city center. Don't let anyone pass. The rest of you, hold this position and form a solid wall, shields and swords in front, archers behind. Anyone coming this way is to be stopped! If they don't surrender, or resist, eliminate them!"

The booming respojnse of the soldiers sent a slight echo down the otherwise empty main road ahead. The noise of clanking and clinking metal as the soldiers fanned out and began to set up their new formation was underway. Soon, anyone who tried to take the narrow backstreets and alleys to avoid the main road would find themselves face-to-face with Imperial lancers, forming a tight and prickly obstacle like an overgrown porcupine blocking the way. Those who tried to leap from building to building or run along the roofs would find that the archers down below ere not hesitant at all to loose arrows upon anyone trying to bypass the blockade.

It was now just a waiting-game for the Empire. No matter who came, or which direction they went, unless they could fly or turn invisible, they'd eventually run into the Imperial Army... And then, it'd be checkmate! ... At least, that's what the Imperial Officers believed.
*Yinha grabs Serafaye's hands and pleads with puppy dog-eyes*
Yinha: Please, Miss, let's leave~
Serafaye: Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare~
Yinha: Hm?
Serafaye: Did you grow up near a power plant?
Yinha: Um... No? Why?
Serafaye:... Chernoboob...
People needin' to be more forceful, ain't gonna get nowhere if all ya do is stand around and politely
encourage leaving the area. :P

Be brave! Be bold! Be a lizard-brain and grab the person nnearest you and put them under your arm, then jog off in some direction!
And update is up.

Galanon forces now march on the center of the ruins! Staying put for more than two posts (each) will result in the cast being summarily surrounded on all sides. Figure out a way to escape now, or prepare to fight hundreds, even thousands, of enemies!

Also, Serafaye is having an identity-crisis. :3


And before anyone asks.

Why is Serafate freaking out about being a girl, when they've been fine with it up until now?

Well, simply because:

Serafaye originally thought they were still in OO, but that the game had bugged out and broken. When faced with facts and information that suggested that Serafaye was actually NOT in OO anymore, and had been transported to a new world, the idea that they were in their game-avatar form left them - since they couldn't see any of their game-related mechanics. From sources known in the real world, Serafaye mistakenly assumed that anyone transported to a new world would arrive there in their true form - ergo, Serafaye assumed they must have arrived in their male form as Douglas...

However, the reactions and interactions with the poeople present, Cecilia's comment about them all being girls, and finally touching her own, volumous boob, sort of shattered the idea that she had arrived in her 'real form'.
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