Avatar of Xandrya


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7 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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8 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
8 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
1 mo ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
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1 mo ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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AJ opened the box with a quick shrug. She tossed one of the packets to Garrett before reaching for her own.

"I'm as British as they come," she replied with her back to him. "I've been told that I have some Eastern European in me, but I can't really confirm or deny that claim."

With the anticipation of having some oatmeal slowly creeping in, AJ grabbed a bowl and a mug from one of the cupboards. She headed over to the sink, excusing herself around the small crowd that was blocking her path. It was a bit odd having to navigate around so many people in a not-so-large space. Granted, she was fine in school as well as a shopping mall, but this was her home now, and being an only child, she definitely got used to the peace and quiet at home as a result of her father being away and working long hours.

When AJ reached the sink, she placed the mug underneath the faucet to fill it with enough water for her and Garrett. She then walked over to the microwave and placed the mug inside, timing it for a minute and a half. "I've got water in there for the both of us," AJ said before opening one of the packets and dumping its content in the bowl. When she was done, she turned around and leaned against the counter, her arms crossed in front of her as she addressed Garrett. "I may be wrong but we certainly have quite an interesting mix of nationalities here, wouldn't you say?" AJ went on, quickly glancing over at the new guy who'd just stepped inside the kitchen and made quite the entrance. He caught her eye, but she wouldn't dare to be caught staring. "It's safe to assume that we have students from all around the globe. But with that said, where in America are you from?"

Genevieve Marceaux - Warehouse

Genevieve quickly nodded upon receiving Judah's order that she follow him into the building. With her adrenaline flowing, she quietly stepped inside, sliding on her glasses and being instantly drawn to one of the guards who was perceived to be the biggest threat to team at the moment. The job wasn't hard as she swiftly moved up behind the ridiculously tall man. Genevieve kicked the back of his knee and as he went down, she grabbed him to put him on a choke hold. The man tried his best to break free, but eventually his body went limp and she let him go as his unconscious body toppled to the ground.

"Good boy, stay down..." Genevieve whispered, seriously impressed she had managed to pull that off. As she knelt down to reach for the guard's weapon, she was alerted of someone else approaching from her left. Genevieve turned her head just in time to see another guard taking a swing at her, and actually following through. She fell onto her back, feeling quite concussed and with a bloodied lip. No sooner was she attempting to shake off the attack when she found herself pinned. It was then that her opponent realized he had made the terrible mistake of going after her. Genevieve maintained a tight grip on his wrists as her cut disappeared and transferred over to him. When he fell onto his side a bit shaken up, Genevieve got up and kicked him in the jaw, more than likely killing him.

She then walked off to meet with the others, not bothering to look back.
Left my post kinda open so if anyone wants to be the student AJ bumped into, feel free to have your character say something.
"I'm sure you'll be okay," AJ whispered to Garret with somewhat of an exaggeration expression of concern on her face. She then briefly smiled at him to show she was only teasing before walking off to go explore the contents of the cupboards. Sure, she was hungry, but not so aggressively as to consume a whole English breakfast.

Making her way across the kitchen mostly oblivious to her surroundings, AJ accidentally bumped into one of the other students, and quite a bit hard too. She simply whispered a quick apology in response before moving on, ignoring the other person as she went. AJ then opened the cabinet and much to her surprise, the first item she laid eyes on was a box of oatmeal...one of her absolute favorites.

"Good taste," she said to herself, reaching for the box as wondered whether she should have one or two servings. AJ waved over to Garret to he could join her. Maybe he wanted oatmeal as well.

[@verigh0st] alright hate to be the guy that triple-posts, but you're gonna have to post soon, bud or I'm going to have to replace you


There we go.
AJ plopped back down on the couch, casually glancing over at Garret as he went on about refraining from watching much TV and staying locked away in his room here in the dorms. He'd probably be doing a lot of reading there...or at least, that's what she assumed. There certainly was something odd about Garret and how someone like him, who could very well be displaying some antisocial qualities, would go through the trouble of initiating a conversation with her. Not that she minded, but something seemed off, especially since he appeared to be indecisive on how to move forward with their conversation.

"I'm here because I hacked my way into their system and made a recommendation on behalf of myself that I be invited this term," AJ said matter-of-factly before cracking a smile. "Or I just happen to be really good with computers and they see something in me," she continued, avoiding going into detail. As she spoke, AJ notice the others slowly heading into the kitchen.

"Want to grab a bite?" she motioned, not having realized before just how hungry she was.


Just as an FYI, I work 10.5 hour days. I just got in roughly 15 minutes ago but I'll have something tonight as soon as I get home.
Oh, the drama... AJ marveled at the way the other students were reacting to each other not even half an hour after meeting. The hostility and straightforwardness indicated some of them were impulsive, and that was never a good sign, especially when she knew she'd have to eventually rely on some of them in various life or death scenarios.

Just then, one of the students walked over and introduced himself. AJ didn't notice him fighting with the others like he had something to prove. That was good, maybe he had better self-control than most. Or maybe he just hadn't been pushed to that point yet. Either way, it didn't hurt to find out.

"Hi Garret, I'm Ava," she said, standing up to return his handshake with a half smile of her own. "You can call me AJ if you'd like, it's short for Ava Jade," she continued with a shrug of her shoulders. "Quite the first day we're having, huh? It's like that bad American show The Real World. I mean, they had one season back at home I think, but it was still quite dramatic."

Feeling slightly less nauseated than before, Amy made her way to her room to grab her toothbrush. She was undeniably disappointed with herself, her irresponsibility and thoughtlessness towards her actions had gotten her into this mess, and unfortunately, she had no immediate no solution, no simple way out.

"Way to go, Amy. In nine months I'll give birth to a little Grayson Junior, and then what? Grayson will have to remain onboard the ship while I get dropped off in goodness knows what corner of the universe. Alone with a newborn and no home." Amy sighed, imagining a future where she had to be the sole provider and caretaker of a baby child. Maybe not for long considering Grayson makes it out alive and actually sticks around, but none of that was set in stone, not yet.

With such solemn thought, Amy entered the bathroom once more with her toiletries. She only hoped that her prediction was wrong.
AJ stood still near the entrance to the main building for a moment. She was looking over the landscape, a large rutsack hanging from her shoulders and wheeled luggage in tow. After a group of students walked past her, presumably heading to their dorm rooms, she did the same. AJ simply followed some of them as they made their way to the Whitley building. She was somewhat dreading going inside, having to introduce herself to a bunch of strangers she'd never seen before in the form of small talk. "So where are you from? Oh, wow, really? What's it like over there?!" Definitely not her thing.

With an low sigh, the young girl pushed the door open to come into view of the large living space with a handful of students already sitting around. AJ immediately noticed the steps leading up to the second floor, and she made her way over as she smiled at some of the students who were looking at her as she walked past. Once at the foot of the stairs, AJ pushed down the handle of her luggage and with some effort, picked it up from the side. It was somewhat heavy, but she could manage. The young girl ascended the steps somewhat awkwardly, having no solid leverage with the weight she was carrying upstairs. A few moments passed before AJ finally got to the very last step. She put her luggage down before exhaling, looking around as she spotted her room being the second down on the right. She walked towards it and opened the door, deciding immediately that it was best if she just left her stuff there to go back downstairs, so that's what she did.

The young girl then made her way to the first floor, taking better notice of the other students. She sat down on the love seat and rested her chin on her hand, wondering if someone was going to come around and give them some more information.
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