Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
11 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
11 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
11 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
11 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

This was so fun! Thank you @Christmas Elf, and all the staff as well!

And thank you everyone that sent me a candy cane! I got a lot more than I expected (frankly I expected zero lol). I wish I sent more out myself! I definitely missed a couple of people... but I hope those people know I still appreciate them!

And sorry, but I won't tell who I sent mine to Hope everyone had and is having a fine holiday season!


Introductions! A very good plan to diffuse the tension between the guild leader and his new guild members. What really caught Nyatalie's ear was Fae's mention of boarding though. She knew that they'd be primarily living in the guild, at least for the most part, but now with a confirmation the Meowth looked at all of the other Pokemon gathered in a new light. One (or more) would be her roommate... and of course only the most polite, sophisticated Pokemon would due to sharing living space with a Meowth!

Nyatalie waited, a bit impatiently though she hoped it didn't show, for a chance to jump in and introduce herself.

"I'm Nyatalie! I'm quick and nimble... um... and I'm good at finding shiny things!" she said, fumbling slightly with what to say. What was she good at that would be useful to a rescue team? Nothing else came to mind, so what she'd said would have to do. Even the "quick and nimble" part wasn't the total truth either - Nyatalie was more strong and solid when compared to her sisters, but who ever thought of a Meowth being that?

With her intro more or less settled, Nyatalie's brain kicked into overdrive and she went through the rest of the Pokemons' introductions. If she had a say at all in who her roomie was going to be, she had to say it now, right? The Buneary and Sneasel who'd yet to introduce themselves seemed nice: one was cute and kind, the other cool and collected. Although she was a canine, Yew also seemed nice - and she was artsy even! The boys all seemed headstrong, except for Zaru. He might make a good roommate too. Wait... she couldn't even consider one of the boys, could she?

"Um, Fae? About boarding. It's not co-ed, right?" Surely it couldn't be. Although if it was, Nyatalie hoped she'd be put with another girl. Her whole household at home was female, it was what she was familiar with - and a little familiarity might help in this situation where she'd be living away from home for the first time.

HP: 510/510 - MP: 500/500 - SP: 450/450
_________________ @OwO
Ah shit, they were followed? While Ames thought the jig was up and they may as well admit that they were invited there and tell these guys to piss off and get their own invitation, Magpie went on with their half-assed "wandered in" explanation. It was no longer really a lie meant to deceive the party of strangers, instead it was one to defy them. These dudes turned out to be rude anyway, so Ames felt she didn't want to tell them anything twice as hard. She knew Mags wouldn't be scared by the guy, but Ames glared at him all the same for even trying. That was her friend after all. Or as close as one could get over sharing memes, playing games, and arguing over discord.

In her peripheral, Ames caught another of the group's movement. She turned in time to see the man's face transforming, nose elongating into what seemed to be a muzzle. The significance of this was, at first, lost on Ames.

"What the fuck," she blurted out, staring at the man. Considering she wasn't being crowded by the hammer-wielder since his attention was on Mags, Ames walked right over to the shape shifter, doing some crowding of her own. Perhaps the double hit she took from Rashasta's pipe lingered in her mouth, and when she next spoke so close to the man it's smell would overwhelm his nose - or maybe it would even help them track the oni tribe. She didn't consider either of those options when she said, "That's crazy! How did you unlock the furry stuff??"

She thought Lew might appreciate this knowledge in some abstract way. That guy was an enigma at times. It was only after studying the stranger with the sword up close that it clicked in Ames' head that he could be (and most definitely was) using his new sniffer to try and track the tribe. If they decided to just go after the oni, there really wasn't much Ames or Mags could do to stop them, considering they were outnumbered at the very least. All they could really do from Ames' perspective was distract them enough to give the tribe a sizable head start. Judging from the speed in which they packed everything up and made off, she hoped they already had one.

"She's right, y'all could stand to be nicer," Ames said, crossing her arms and glaring at the dog-shifter in front of her and the hammer wielder nearby. "We don't know anything about onis. Maybe bullying other newbies worked out for you so far, but it won't work with us."

Word Count: 517 (+1 exp)
Level: 6 - Total EXP: 28/60
Location: Edge of the Blue: Limsa Lominscuttle

The Cadet wasn't sure if his suggestion would work. Sometimes when men retired they still longed for the life they used to live, but other times they wanted to get as far away as possible. Thankfully it seemed Brineybeard was one of the former. With every word the old captain spoke, Ace Cadet bobbed his head up and down encouragingly - and finally when the Princess got him to officially agree, the hunter couldn't help but cheer. Quest clear! Well, kinda. At least this way they'd be able to transport everyone over the water, whether they sailed with Shippy or flew in the Atomos. Having both options was better than just choosing either air or water anyway.

"That's so gargwawesome!" he said, gladly taking the captain's hand and shaking it vigorously in his own. "Like Miss Peach said, we're very experienced! Never a dull moment with us either."

Briney even said he'd be fine with ship modifications. Everything was coming together! They'd travel, supe up their vessels, and take on everything the Edge of the Blue had to offer! Who needed The Maw anyway?

With Cuphead deployed to go and find Link, Cadet thought he should do his part and collect Hat Kid. If the others were back he could steer them toward Briney and Shippy as well, shouldn't be too difficult to get there considering their new airship.

"I'll go find Hatty," Cadet told the Princess, adopting her nickname for the Kid. "We can meet you back here unless you have another place in mind." He didn't think they'd have to report back to the General until those mysterious enemy ships were dealt with, so why not back here in the cove? Plus they wouldn't have to drag the gold through town for the third time this way. The Cadet moved, walking down the ship's gangplank and stopping at said cart before he departed. He was hesitant to give BB any commands or otherwise domesticate it, he still considered it a monster that needed to return to the wild one day, but this time could be an exception. "BB, stay here and guard the Princess." He met the demonic piglet's eyes, a brief staring contest erupting between them, before the minion snorted and hopped down from the cart, trotting towards Peach. Whether the little behemoth would be any help if something were to happen remained to be seen.

Ace Cadet had a pretty good grasp of Limsa's layout by now, and he moved with purpose up the white stone paths around the city. The hatchery he hadn't been to yet, but he was pretty sure he could find it if he recalled the directions they got when they first reached the city. He made no stops on the way up, though he made a mental note to stop at the crowded plaza on the way back.

Up and up the city he went, until the squawking of birds reached his ears. This was the right place, surely. The hunter peeked into the hatchery, scanning the area for Hat Kid and trying very hard not to get distracted.

Word Count: 855 (+2 exp)
Level: 2 - Total EXP: 18/20
Location: Sandswept Sky: Futaba's Palace

Bullseye! Primrose could practically feel the monster's eye crack and burst apart, and she smirked as the ceramic creature fell heavy to the ground. The wolfos slowed to a halt, panting from the effort of dodging the beast's arms with a rider in tow. The dancer kept in shape by virtue of her profession alone, but it was obvious that she was much heavier than the small Midna. She dismounted smoothly, patting the wolf's fur and honestly figuring her part in this fight was over - the thing was down and it was time for the heavy hitters to do their thing. While momentarily surprised at being singled out by Mona, Primrose found herself swept up in the thieves' energy. Her dagger flashed in her hand during the lapses between her spells. Outside of the onslaught, Primrose paused to catch her breath, but not even a moment later light shined down on her from some unseen source.

Strike a pose and say something cool, he says, Primrose thought to herself. Were she anyone else, she may have stumbled at the sudden spotlight... but she was Primrose Azelhart, the greatest dancer in Sunshade, and she was always ready to take the stage. She lifted one arm elegantly into the air far above her head, the other resting across her bosom. She threw in a twirl, accustomed to entertaining, one leg extending slightly before it swept downward and Primrose struck her pose, head tilted upward.

"Fall into darkness," she said, and as the dunestrider's flaming body disintegrated it took most of the light in the room with it. All that was left were sconces and the small puddles of oil that hadn't yet burned off.

With that over, Primrose reverted to a more natural stance. She smiled politely at Skull but wasn't particularly chuffed, more than used to praise from men.

"I agree, Panther's fire was remarkable," Primrose said, following the girl's self-encouraging statement. The thieves' antics were amusing, and it was clear they were all comfortable with each other. Watching them made something pang in Primrose's chest, something she ignored.

When Joker approached Primrose leveled a stare at him, but she was pleasantly surprised that the thieve's young leader didn't rebuff her assistance. The dancer wasn't so classless as to point out that it looked like her help was needed either way. She shook her head at Joker's offer, patting the travel bag tucked under her cloak as she did.

"It was a team effort. Keep it. I picked up some of the spirits you left behind."

Perhaps she'd be needing them soon, if the "ruler" Joker mentioned was a formidable foe. It wasn't the first time the teens spoke as if they knew exactly what was going on with the giant tomb. Was it something pulled from their world? This time Primrose voiced the thoughts she'd been harboring. "You seem familiar with... this. How do you know your friend is here? Encountered it back where you're from?"

She asked while the group was on the move, easily keeping up until the effects of her Panther Dance came to an end, and it became more of an effort to do so. With the wolf running alongside the group, Primrose grabbed hold of it and swung herself back on. The loud voice that resounded just before she entered the pyramid nagged the edge of Primrose's thoughts, but the wolfos remained by her side, so she expected the group she'd left behind outside were alright for now. Besides, it seemed she and the thieves were nearing the end of this dungeon, if the change in decor was anything to go by.

...and then the stairwell shook, promising something large heading their way.

Seriously? Primrose figured she'd come upon some active traps now that she caught up with the kids, but this? It didn't seem the hall was large enough to squeeze by, not to mention how dangerous that strategy was regardless.

"I don't suppose any of you have something to deal with what's coming," she said a bit weakly, thoughts racing around her head, searching for options. Her defensive dance would probably not be enough to stop someone from being flattened. Her speed dance may work to escape, but only for one person. Otherwise...? She considered the spirits she'd nabbed earlier. The one that came to mind was the large animal surrounded by sand. Would that work? There wasn't much time to sit around and think about it. Primrose reached into her bag, pulling the spirit out and brought it close, whispering to it. Fusing with it was out of the question, and turning it into equipment might take too long to get a handle on. Surely in summoning it, the hippo-like monster would act to save itself even if it wasn't keen to help the rest of them, and in doing so would benefit the group. She wasn't sure how exactly strikers worked, given this was the first time she was even making use of a spirit.

"Come out and lend us your strength, quickly," she said, hushed, hoping that was enough to get through to the creature.
The section you want is 1x1 interest checks! (edit: and I see it was moved!)

Word Count: 408 (+1 exp)
Level: 6 - Total EXP: 27/60
Location: Edge of the Blue: Limsa Lominscuttle

It was probably the Cadet's fourth time trekking through Limsa. Even so, with so many people around there was always something new to see, even going down the same roads. What was strange though was that ever since the whole crew split up, he hadn't seen hide nor hair of Link no matter how many times he went back and forth down this route. Judging from what the princess said earlier, neither had she. If he hadn't returned by now, then maybe he found some kind of super ship and was just trying really hard to convince the owners to sell. What a dedicated guy!

Once they were at the dock and Peach went to talk to Brineybeard, Cadet leaned against the gold laden cart. He scratched behind BB's ears, and the little behemoth's tail thumped against the gold pieces where it laid, still sitting pretty square in the middle of the money pile.

"Y'think the rest of our crew is doin' okay?"

Cadet looked over at Cuphead. He was barely bigger than BB, seated on the wagon's edge and swinging his noodle-like legs. He'd been looking over Briney's ship, but when he turned to the hunter after asking his question, said hunter immediately nodded.

"Sure, of course they're okay," he said, and both boys turned to glance over the open ocean. On this side of Limsa, it was clear and empty. "They're just doing recon, how much trouble could they get into?"

Peach and Brineybeard's voices reached them as the two peered over the deck, the later's eyes nearly leaping from their sockets at the sight of their treasure cart. Unfortunately it seemed like their plan to purchase Shippy was a bust. It was disappointing, but Cadet couldn't blame the captain for not wanting to part with his vessel, since said vessel was actually a living thing. If it wasn't, the hunter would be trying to convince Briney of all the benefits of upgrading your equipment. Although he wasn't going to do that, Cadet still pushed off of the cart and made his way up the gangplank to speak with them.

"Aw man, what about if we ban-borrowed her? Or like a rental?" Cadet suggested, glancing around the deck. "...or we hired you to come with us! One last adventure, right?" He looked over at Peach, looking for her approval. It was her money, after all. Otherwise they'd have to see what Hat Kid and Link found.

Word Count: 403 (+1 exp)
Level: 2 - Total EXP: 16/20
Location: Sandswept Sky: Futaba's Palace

The creature lurched, and as Primrose expected it let loose those projectiles projectiles from the lid on the top of it's head. With her improved speed, Primrose was able to get out of the way, leaping to the side when the barrage closed in and smashed into the ground where she was once standing. She threw magic at the strider once, twice more. It wasn't doing critical damage to the thing, but so long as her magic was having some effect she was satisfied.

She knew the thieves were up and about as soon as Joker called out his order. Primrose backed away then, letting the teenagers go on the attack. That they synergized with each other was no surprise. The dancer took the situation in, considering her next options, but the thieves worked quickly. The creature was ignited, and as it splashed fire and oil around Primrose deftly danced out of the way. She let out a quick whistle, calling the wolfos back to her side.

It was smart, setting the creature ablaze. The benefits of having a mixed party were many. The monster heaved and took a heavy blow from Joker, rearing up and lashing out. It's tentacles snaked around the chamber with purpose, curling and swiping at anyone within reach. Primrose didn't plan to be in it's range for long if she could help it. Once the wolfos reached her, dodging puddles flame, Primrose swung herself onto it's back. "Let's go," she said, and the mount burst into action, dodging the slick arms of the monsters as it ran wide around it. It was relatively safe to sling her dark magic at the creature from beyond it's reach, but despite her and the thieves' attacks, the ceramic monster refused to go down. Then perhaps it needs a good coaxing...

"Forward," Primrose ordered, and the borrow wolfos barked it's affirmative before it changed course, paws skidding along the floor as it stopped to turn and head toward the massive pot. The thieves were focusing on the tentacles, but the monster still had one eye left - and it seemed to certainly feel it when Joker took out the other one. With the wolfos navigating and avoiding the tendrils, Primrose could give all her attention to aiming the spell gathering in her hand. A few well time attacks from the teenage troupe gave her the opportunity, and the dancer let her magic fly.
Welcome! Forum roleplaying (sometimes called play by post) is an adjustment from skype or discord, but it's not that difficult to get the hang of. Plus, many in the community are very happy to help!

Hope you enjoy your time here!

HP: 510/510 - MP: 500/500 - SP: 450/450
Man, those oni worked fast. Ames watched them hurry away, but as soon as the sound of people crashing through the cave towards them reached her ears she kicked at Mags to get the brawler up and over her embarrassing sexual crisis. Very soon, the two Immortals had company in the form of fellows humans.

And those fellow humans were cool! Ames' eyes sparkled as she looked at their sleek matching armor and neat weapons. She couldn't wait to look like that! As each of the newcomers appeared in the room, Ames gave them a once over. This was a proper party! With super cool gear! Her own group really needed to get their shit together. Herself included. As soon as they left she'd have to finish up unlocking those classes. Actually this whole dance battle and subsequent spiritual experience in friendship kinda of got her way off track...


"Hm?" Ames blinked, her mind coming back to the situation at hand. Humans were way less intimidating than monstrous races, so she let her thoughts wander as she sometimes did. Now that she was back and listening to the guy, her brows grew furrowed. It wasn't exactly surprising that they were some kind of hunting party after the oni... but Ames wasn't about to send them after Rashasta and his tribe. They had like, some kind of bond now! So she stood with Mags in the cavern's center chamber, soil packed hard beneath her feet loose first still filtering in from above. She looked the vanguard in the eye, breathed in deeply through her nose, and...

...she broke into a light sweat. Ames was bad at lying. Maybe she could pull it off with strangers if she kept her cool though, so she released the breathe she'd been holding before speaking.

"What oni? We just found a hollowed out den and decided to explore."
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