Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
10 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
11 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
11 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
11 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Word Count: 956 (+2 exp)
Level: 7 - Total EXP: 16/70
Location: Edge of the Blue

The monster hunter was honed in on the demon, nearly oblivious to everything around him. Nearly. He recognized that at some point during his dash he'd been joined by a couple of Kamek's kin as they enchanted his weapon, and that there was a very daring Witcher riding a giant bird coming in from the sky to pelt the demon with explosives. The Cadet was grateful to both of them, but none more than Nadia who'd decided to follow him into the thick of it. Although just a piece of him, Jamaica's righteous spirit was driving him to focus only on defeating the enemy at hand, and so combined with his natural affinity for rushing towards the biggest, baddest enemies he could find the Cadet all but ignored any obstacles that weren't abyssals. With Nadia's help his path was more or less clear, and he felt a distinct satisfaction when his blade connected with the Harbor Demon. He fell to the ocean once she started disappearing, flicking the sword once or twice before slipping it back into it's sheathe with a showy click. He felt the urge to declare that the evil had been vanquished or that justice had prevailed, but what he said instead was: "Quest clear."

Of course, there were still plenty of enemies left, so in the grand scheme of things it wasn't quite clear just yet. That being said, there was a sense of accomplishment when the Cadet scooped the demon's spirit up and skated over to Nadia, giving the woman a wide smile before Heinrich sailed towards them. The Cadet shared his smile with her as well before she was interrupted by the other larger abyssal. His hand went again to the hilt of his longsword, but Heinrich waved them off. Ace Cadet looked back towards Shippy to see the team's progress, spotting them nearly at the river's mouth already. He hesitated, battling Jamaica's hunger to deliver more justice in the form of swift defeat to the princess. Ultimately he nodded at Heinrich and followed after Geralt, the man's ride, and Nadia - a few seconds behind them.

When they reunited with rest of the team, the Cadet hung back and skated along the water behind Shippy while the others boarded. The water inland was about a million times more peaceful than that of the sea behind them, so the hunter peered straight down into the river's surface to inspect his new appearance. As far he could tell most of the changes were to his armor itself, meanwhile it seemed he'd gotten a deep tan and a new haircut. Or reverse haircut. He let out a puff of breath, blowing his new bangs out of his face.

The superficial inspection wasn't the only reason he'd decided not to board immediately. There was also the... awkwardness. He could hear Sakura mourning, and the sad sounds Shippy herself was making. Brineybeard... he hadn't seen any sign of the man on his way back from confronting the demon. The Cadet remembered how cool he'd thought it would be to go into battle on a living ship and how he'd helped Peach convince the captain to lend a hand, and now the captain was gone. It was painful. But the Cadet wasn't one to shirk responsibility, so he did end up climbing up Shippy's side and back onto the deck eventually. When he did, he found himself nodding along to Sakura's impromptu speech about no pain, no gain. The girl was surprisingly wise for someone her age. It didn't really feel right to respond to her after that, especially with Rika already there comforting her, so instead the Cadet found his way to the bow where Ms. Fortune was laying.

"Thanks for the assist," he said to her quietly, "are you alright?" She looked as tuckered out as the rest of them, or maybe even more so.

After the brief chat with her, the Cadet took to leaning over the side of the ship and getting a good look at their surroundings. Now that the coast was clear, BB peeked it's head out from the Cadet's bag as well. Then Link brought up the possibility that Brineybeard had been rescued by cats, a thought the Cadet himself had had while they were still at sea.

"The felynes," he replied, as though what Link was saying made complete and total sense to him - because it did. "They carry wounded hunters back from the field before they..." before they die, but to avoid any sort of curse or prophecy the Cadet caught himself before he said the word. "Well, you know. They've got rafts they use for water rescues but I didn't see them this time." This far out at sea, he wasn't sure if they could make it. He wasn't even sure how they found the group in the black dragon's lair or why they were working for free either, but he was immensely glad they were around. If there was anyway that a friend-at-arms could be saved, the felynes would figure out a way to do it. "They're pretty quick though, so it's not impossible!" Without any evidence, optimism was really all they had at this point.

As Shippy slowly came to a stop, there was a voice yelling at them from the shore. The Cadet and his minion looked over the railing at the man, who was telling them about another living ship-like creature ahead. Huh. A local? Interest piqued, the hunter looked ahead to see if he could spot the mentioned lake or creature... or scalding streams of water apparently. "We should probably go check it out if we have to go that way to make it to the other side of the island."

Word Count: 624 (+1 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 6/40
Location: Sandswept Sky

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
The storm was brutal, but like all things it eventually came to an end. Even when the train reached the outer edge of the cyclone and the winds started to die down, Primrose didn't release her white-knuckled grip on the seat. The seat itself had been rattling something fierce like the rest of them, but thankfully it held to the train floor as tightly as Primrose held on to it. When the wind died completely, Primrose began to relax her shoulders very slowly. Only when the Gnorbu brought the train to a complete halt did Primrose let go. Spending only a moment to take a breathe after feeling like she'd been holding her breath for hours, before standing as fluidly as possible. Like many of the others she left the train, glad to be on relatively solid ground.

The dancer's eyes flitted between the party as they came together, everyone doing their own head count. A lot of them had chosen to sit on top pf the train cars just as Primrose had initially, something that ended up being extremely dangerous. The members that Primrose weren't seeing... it seemed like they were flung off with the wind. Joker confirmed that with Blue Poison and Scout, so it wasn't a far leap in logic to assume the same could be said for the Heavy and Medic. Losing only one of their members would have been rough, but four? That was a heavy blow. Primrose looked back out over the canyon they'd crossed, wrapping her arms around her chest. If they fell into the canyon, no matter how strong they were, they probably didn't survive.

Not everyone shared that thought though. She listened to Tora, Poppi, and Yoshitsune list the reasons they thought the others could have survived, the later even laying out a plan to search for them. Personally, Primrose thought it was futile. Not only were the chances of finding them slim, but that would split the party up significantly. If it was a little earlier into their adventure, Primrose might not have spoken up. However, a day and several hundred miles later, she sighed and voiced her thoughts.

"Do you think splitting up is wise?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. "We'll be isolated from each other... even the two search teams. I'm not sure if there is a way for those going on to Al Mamoon to communicate with the rest of you either."

If something happened, the search teams could stay in contact - but what about those remaining on the train? If things went wrong and their comrades needed help, they would be miles away and oblivious. The search parties would also be stuck out there until the train came back for them. There were plenty of ways things could get very bad for them, very quickly. Plus if the four missing members had survived, they knew where the rest of the team was heading and they could try and make their own way there, or wait by the tracks for the train to pass again and get a ride back to Parnasse. Staying to search for them just didn't seem like the best idea to Primrose, but then again she wasn't the leader nor did she want to be. Midna had already volunteered, so if others decided to join her that would be their choice.

Primrose gave the Twilight Princess a funny look at her comment about becoming a victim of the desert, but otherwise the dancer said no more. In Yoshitsune's plan she'd be relegated to staying on the train, which was what she preferred anyway. Instead of boarding immediately she decided to stay outside and see what decision each of the Yellow Team members came to.

HP: 810/810 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 690/690
_________________ []
Ames was fairly relieved to hear that none of them planned to break up the party. Even Klein, with his want to "PvP" them meant he wasn't actually looking to leave the party. Or at least, Ames was pretty sure that's what it meant. Besides, as a team they could always just battle some other players... not that Ames was particularly looking forward to that. Now that she felt sort of accomplished with a maxed out beginner class under her belt, she was more looking forward to questing and exploring.

"I think we made a pretty good team," she replied offhandedly to Mags' mention of sticking close to her personally. The red headed warrior was smiling brightly, glad to still be surrounded by cooperative friends, when someone came through the plaza shouting weird and vaguely familiar phrases. Actually, she thought she heard her real name being called a couple times...

Ames looked around curiously, and spotted a woman making her way toward them in a hurry. She brought the bad news that Lugh was in some kind of trouble, but despite that Ames couldn't help but laugh a little when Karan said "honorable," covering her mouth with a hand as she did so.

The details weren't quite as funny. Kids being napped? That sounded serious.

"Vote? Come on, even though he's a ditcher Lew is still our friend, right? If he's really in trouble we should go help him, we don't need to vote on it..." Honestly Ames thought that Klein was probably right and he was fine (although she didn't follow quite the same thought process), but besides Lew there were apparently a bunch of missing people that would also need help. "Let's gear up and do it!"

Magpie just had to bring up the worms again. Ames' determined face twisted with disgust and she privately agreed with the brawler. Trying to suppress the thought of more worms, Ames questioned the priestess. "Karan, how much do you know about the lamias? It's kind of hard to find your way in the grove, do you know about where they live or what they look like...?" Not the detective type at all, Ames didn't really know the right questions to ask, but any info would be useful, right?

Word Count: 1232 (+2 exp)
Level: 7 - Total EXP: 14/70
Location: Edge of the Blue: Black Bay

With the way the demon cried out in pain, it seemed safe to say that Kamek's spell was a success. "Nice one!" Even though it recovered quickly and tossed a bunch of abyssals their way, it had still been pretty satisfying to watch. Just as before, the Cadet pulled back the drawstring of his bow and shot down as many airborne enemies as he could, though due to the sheer number many splashed onto the deck and into the water around them. The ladies were doing a fine job keeping those that landed on the ship at bay, and they were even joined by another lady returning. Princess Peach had made it back safely, and with her she'd brought a bunch of fallen navy spirits - some that were apparently familiar. Using them... it might be awkward, but it also might end up being necessary. Ace Cadet started to thank Peach for her gambit that ended up paying off when the princess spoke up about them being the demon's new target.

Moments later the shot was fired, the force of it shoving waves at Shippy so hard it felt like the entire boat was going to flip over. The Cadet reached out to steady the princess and himself, making sure neither of them were sent flying. He saw Nadia fall from the deck, but a flash of light shone from where she fell and he figured she must have fused with the spirit of the girl she'd been lamenting over. Once the ship was more or less righted again he poked his head over the side to make sure Ms. Fortune was really alright, and thankfully it seemed she was.

Man, they really needed to get out of the bay.

Across the water the demon was taking aim at them again while one of their own raced to beat her to the punch and strike with an attack of her own. The Cadet dutifully gave Sakura a wide berth as she made her way to the bow. "Go for it Sakura!" he encouraged, and while she did her thing the Cadet refocused on the smaller abyssals that never seemed to stop swarming around them. If they could just clear a path for a moment, get a good burst of speed maybe they could make a break away.

There was a loud booming sound, swiftly followed by an incredible crack. The ship shook again and the Cadet snapped his head up, following the path that Sakura's impressive fireball traveled. At the end of it there was the harbor demon, alive but suffering. Her cannon was smoking, and Shippy... the Cadet turned, seeing that the rear of the ship was completely gone, what little was left of it scattered to pieces in the water. If that cannon ever hit them dead on, they'd... well, they'd be dead.

Maybe one of them already was. Sakura ran over the wounded, ripped area in search of their vessel's captain. Brineybeard had been right there, and now he was gone. Was it possible he'd survived somehow? Ace Cadet hadn't heard the tell-tale yowl of felynes on their raft, but... maybe the captain was thrown earlier when the missed shot almost capsized them.

"He... he might still be fine," the Cadet said, struggling to believe his own words. "Frog is right though, we have to get out of the area fast."

Of course that was easier said than done. With Shippy in the state she was in, he didn't know how long it would take to heal her. The Cadet's attention moved from the wrecked part of the boat back towards the demon. It seemed to be on it's last legs, but if that cannon was still operational... if she tried to take them down with her, a last ditch act of vengeance...

"I'm gonna go make sure that thing is down for the count." He had to, because if there was even a chance she could still fire at them then that had to be prevented. "It's weak thanks to you guys doing the hard part, I'll finish it off and make sure that cannon is gone for good." Cadet returned to Peach's side carefully taking a spirit from her. He looked a little skeptical, a little hesitant. As someone who much preferred items and equipment for increasing his strength, the thought of fusing was a strange one. However, he realized that for what he had in mind this would be the best way to reach the harbor demon - and so he pressed the spirit into his chest.

With the battle still raging, there wasn't much opportunity for a thorough inspection of his new look. That was alright, the Cadet knew he'd gotten everything he really needed. The rigging at his waist extended out slightly as he briefly tested the motion of his new 'limbs.' Watching Sakura, now Nadia, and many of the Navy members themselves the hunter felt he had a pretty good grasp on how they worked. He could definitely move over water now too, he could feel it. More than the physical changes though, the Cadet could feel the burning spirit of Jamaica in his core, crying out with the need to fight the monstrous evil that had claimed so many of her compatriot's lives so far. That intense urge pushed him into action immediately.

Ace Cadet vaulted over the side of their vessel, landing on the water's surface with a splash. "I'll meet you all at the river! I'm gonna bring that thing to justice!" he said aloud, pointing out his prey. Then he was off. With the speed-enhancing effects of the haste rain still active he sped over the ocean's surface towards the harbor demon. His rigging was extended, and with it he fired from the miniature cannons at any small fry in his way, the blades on the ends finishing them off as he passed them by.

Having weapons like the rigging attached to him made it much easier to protect himself while we swapped his hand held equipment. While we would have loved to test the dragon piercer against the metal of the giant abyssal, the wind up alone made that a dangerous gamble. Instead, a decisive weapon for an all out attack was needed. Away went the bow, and the longsword was brought to bear. As the Cadet skated over the water getting closer, he draw the sword while a deep maroon energy swirled around his body. Was using the Devouring Demon technique risky? Quite so, but hey - it was all in the name. His attack power would go up and his health would steadily decrease, but he was confident that if nothing else, he could survive. Besides his health focused armor skills, his heart felt clear and ready to take action. Maybe Jamaica was cheering him on, imbuing the blade with her righteous wrath.

Ace Cadet zipped by a few Navy girls and more abyssals, the guns on his rigging still flashing to keep the enemies at bay. He had to zig and zag a few times to avoid attack from below water, and he'd been grazed more than once in his charge, but it was way too late to stop now. When he was upon the Harbor Demon he glared up at it - and let loose, the Nightsky Ripper looking to bite into the flesh of her torso and rend it.

Word Count: 448 (+1 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 5/40
Location: Sandswept Sky

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Perhaps needless to say, Primrose preferred an uneventful ride to one fraught with danger. Although the first part of their journey across the tracks had been nice and boring, sooner or later it figured that something would come up. Nothing was ever easy when the very universe conspired against you - or the creator of the world you found yourself in, anyway.

When the howl of wind first reached her ears, Primrose thought it was just another strong gust racing against the train. Then there was a strange crackling sound from nearby, and a voice sounded through it. It sounded like that person that led them to the train, and he was warning them all of an oncoming sand storm. Primrose looked ahead, and sure enough the storm was already close enough - or large enough - to see. The dancer had been enjoying the ride atop the kiwi car, but now it was time to get inside of it. She didn't want to even attempt to try and keep her grip on something out there in the storm's full force.

She slid to the edge of the car, looking down to the windows on it's sides. None were open, would she have to break one? Quickly she peered over the other adjacent side, finding an opening. The roar of wind was getting very loud, and her hair and clothing was getting tussled. Wasting no time Primrose dropped from the roof of the passenger car, maneuvering her body in through the window Midna had opened earlier.

She huffed a sigh of relief, but then immediately turned back to the window and stuck her head out of it. The storm was bearing down on them, it was practically already here, but - "If you are not yet safe try making your way to the passenger car!"

Primrose's call was a little too late for a few of them, but she could still just barely hear their fearful shouting from the back of the train. It sounded like they hadn't been flung off completely or else their screams would have grown faint and been swallowed up by the storm. Primrose herself ducked as the train charged right into the storm, holding onto the seats attached to the wall. Even inside the car the wind was intense, blowing open a few of the other windows and rattling those that remained closed. Eventually she did stop hearing the yelling from the back of the train and a pit began to form in her stomach. With luck they'd still be there, holding on somewhere, and not lost in the deep ravine. A head count would definitely be needed once they were out of the torrent of sand.
Something dark, dramatic, and maybe gory...
"Here, something warm for you. Looks like the rain won't be letting up any time soon."

Lilian accepted the offering, a small loaf of honeyed bread fresh from the sister's oven.

"You're too kind," she said. The sister smiled and waved Lilian off. The small doorway provided little protection from the water and wind, but once the sister closed the door with a soft thump and Lilian stepped out into the rain it seemed to grow worse by twofold. Or maybe that was her nerves, warning her against going on this expedition. What else could she do, though? Where else could she go? She couldn't keep hopping from church to church, showing her broken pendant and depending on the graciousness of those willing to help a fellow member of the cloth, not knowing she was a deserter. She'd cringed the first time she'd visited one, feeling like she was taking advantage of people's kindness. With every one she visited the feeling got a little worse.

Now that she'd finally made it here to the Grussocaean capital, she could travel with the protection of a caravan. As crazy as their goal was, Lilian thought this would be best for her. A new start somewhere. Reinvigorate herself... sort of.

She stood in the rain for a few moments, listless. The city had been dark and sullen when she'd first arrived two days ago, but now it seemed nearly abandoned. If she hadn't just spoken with someone a few moments ago, she would have thought that the dim light in various windows were just for show.

Soon enough the Lilian felt the bread in her hands rapidly cooling down, and so she picked up her feet and started walking, nibbling at the food as she did so. If she recalled, she could probably catch the caravan as it left the city through it's main gate... and sure enough, approaching the gate she came upon a train of wagons pulled tightly together. Must be it, she thought.

The clanging of a bell startled Lilian, and she fumbled her poor loaf of bread a few times before snatching it and shoving what remained of it into her mouth. She chewed with a peculiar expression on her face, stuck between alarmed and annoyed. At least the food hadn't gone to waste.

Last call... she saw some people milling about now, making their way to the caravan and in between the wagons. There was still time to back out, something deep inside informed her. Lilian stared at the caravan, her eyes searching the area. When she found what seemed to be the lead wagon, large and rough looking, she steeled herself and headed for it. To report in, or see what she could help with, or something. She hoped for some kind of busywork to keep from slipping too far into her thoughts.
Collab Word Count: 1952 (+3 EXP)
Level: 1 Experience: 10/10 (LVL+) / Level: 3 - Total EXP: 32/30
Location: Sandswept Sky - Sweet Canyon - Parnasse
A Collaboration With
@Dark Cloud & @Yankee

Unable to rest, Laharl simply watched the goings-on of those still awake into the wee hours of the night with vague interest while the darkness of the sky slowly brightened with the warm glow of the sun peaking upon the horizon.

Yes he was definitely exhausted but still his mind was wracked with too many questions to allow himself even a moments rest, so he just sat idly by watching the townspeople going about as the day greeted them. A few others from the group he'd fought alongside were also waking. Laharl eyed the few that milled about the city center, still slightly annoyed from yesterdays events however even he needed to swallow some of his pride and ask just what the hell was going on.

'These fools must know something,' with a grunt he landed on the ground before the crumbling remains of the gingerbread house from which he had sat atop 'I'll make them eat this candy all around us if not!' he couldn't help but cackle at the thought, unbeknownst that the candy may actually do something bad. And so in the early morning he walked around looking for someone he saw from the battle the night before.

He found one of them standing a little ways off from the rest of the group, casually taking in the surroundings with her arms crossed. It was the woman whose spell he'd foiled, the one in the red outfit. Laharl stood out among all the sweet buildings, and so she noticed him immediately. From beneath her hood Primrose cast her gaze up and down his form. In the daylight, it appeared he really was as small as she thought last night. He was even shorter than Tressa. She wondered if he was a child, or if it was just his species... after all, he didn't look completely human, what with those pointed ears.

Either way he was probably lost and confused. Primrose had overheard some of the gossip about the others that had been trapped in the crystals - those that weren't already living in town more or less made off on their own. Not this one, though.

She waved to him, lifting one hand from where it rested on her arm and moving it a little. 'Hm? Agh! Uh, look like you didn't notice!' the boy, making a fool of himself looked directly at the woman in red but proceeded to act like he hadn't noticed it although he definitely had. Casually walking up to her as he nearly tripped on his own cape, and stumbling momentarily "Greeti-Agh!" he said before finally tumbling forward.

"Oh - " Primrose reached out to steady him, surprised by the sudden stumble. Maybe he really was a kid after all. "Alright there?" Laharl squeaked in response to the womans touch, despite how thankful he really was he simply flinched away with a bit of fear in his eyes that was soon masked over by his usual glare that probably looked anything but threatening to Primrose. "Of c-course I'm alright why wouldn't I be alright? Alright?" that was redundant but he cared little, it was embarrassing enough he had stumbled on his stupid cape.

Laharl crossed his arms defiantly and looked at Primrose closer, she kind of reminded him of Etna in a way which was strange as this lady was definitely not a demon like himself "Hmph, s-sorry..." unexpectedly he sighed, looking less contemptible but also a twinge of pain made him scrunch up his face at the apology he made "I am Laharl, Overlord of the Netherworld and the strongest demon in existence!" he introduced himself before Primrose could comment about the odd reaction he just had, and puffed up his chest trying to look tough and act like a total badass with his cool armroll. Very unimpressive to anyone watching but in his mind he believed it.

Ah, so it's like that. Primrose took a step back, settling her weight on one leg. She pulled down her veil, and through her hood remained on from Laharl's perspective her full face was on display. Curly brown hair framed her visage. Conventionally, she was pretty. Attractive. She'd staked her trade on that when she arrived in the Sunlands years ago. A small mole below her lower lip brought her whole look together. She smiled at Laharl, kind - and not as performative an expression as it otherwise would have been. She had somewhat of a soft spot for children.

"Of course you are," she said. If her tone wasn't so soft at the moment her words might have come off as demeaning. "My name is Primrose. It's nice to meet you." She nodded to him. She hadn't missed his aversion to being touched. That was something she sympathized with.

"Netherworld, hm? So not from around here." Intimating, was a more appropriate term for how Primrose looked in the young demons eyes and her tone didn't go unnoticed by Laharl yet however he found himself unable to raise his voice.

He simply glowered at her with an irritated look on his face "No I am not from around here, obviously." Laharl made a point of huffily raising his chin like a noble brat "Are you?" he asked after a moment, it seemed obvious his noble act had little effect on Primrose and probably wouldn't make her want to divulge the information he wanted so he probably would need to change his tune. As it was now, she seemed more amused than anything.

"No," she said, and left it at that for a few long moments. They stood in silence. Then the crook of Primrose's mouth turned up again and she asked of the young demon, "Do you have anywhere to go?" elicting a heavy sigh of exasperation from him in response "No, I was hoping you could assist me?" he said rather bluntly, tired of playing around and falling into one tirade after another "You know as thanks for my assistance?"

"Your assistance," the dancer repeated. She tilted her head as though she were considering whether or not to help Laharl out. She felt a little badly for him, a boy on his own who was clearly trying to put on a strong facade. Briefly, she looked towards where the rest of the group was mingling before she turned back and gave Laharl a proper answer.

"There is a safe place I know of, but I'm not sure how difficult the way back will be. As for our group, we are moving on. Ahead. We've picked up a handful of new people along the way, I'm sure another won't hurt..." She paused, drumming her fingers along her upper arms. If she had Laharl's personality pegged, then she should probably play along with his Overlord charade. "That is, if you care to lend us more of your assistance. Who knows, we may very well need it." Laharl cracked a smile, 'At last! My greatness has finally been recognized!' the demon boy looked quite proud with himself for being so great, it was stroked his ego and he was quite self-satisfied in his own awesomeness that he sort of got caught up in the moment "UHAHAHA! Of course you'll need my assistance! I'm the strongest demon in existence!" he explained cockily to Primrose after laughing at the top of his lungs..

"So you are," Primrose replied, the amused little smile still on her face. "Well, I can introduce you to the others if you like. If you have any questions I can do my best to answer." the boy simply scoffed in response "I can introduce myself, but if your that desperate then fine!" he said with a smug grin, shrugging at the question "I want to know why I'm even here, I was with my vassals one moment but then nothing..." Laharl sounded frustrated and his brow furrowed, as nothing seemed to add up.

"That..." Primrose turned her stare from the demon's shining red eyes to the sky, where Galeem's light shone as a second sun. "I'm not sure if you will understand, but everyone was taken from their home worlds, and all of those worlds were mixed together." he followed her gaze and frowned "You mean that my world...No longer exists?" Laharl knitted his brows and looked at Primrose with worry in his expression "No, I was trying to claim my fathers throne! No this isn't fair! I had a job to do! Why?" he hollered with a distressed look in his eyes, Laharl's body language suggested a boiling rage that was slowly bubbling to the surface. He felt like everything he had done amounted to nothing and that he was without purpose now, believing it more than he had before.

Primrose stayed quiet, letting the young demon get his rage out. That she could understand as well. She had some unfinished business in her own world after all. Once his outburst was finished she gently followed up her statement. "We're all hoping that once that light, Galeem, is defeated that everything will go back to normal. That is the reason we're traveling, gathering allies and spirits, power."

'Power...' that was a concept the boy understood as it was the very thing his world revolved around as no weakling could rule the Netherworld and stay untouched, no strength was respected and regarded highly amongst the demonic hierarchy. Primrose mentioned a name too Galeem, that name sounded quite demonic however he had never heard of it.

"Your all...Working together to beat this Galeem? Right? Weird..." he said mostly talking to himself, it wasn't something he generally was used to asides from having his vassals fight with him but maybe this was similar in a way "What was that about spirits? Like ghosts?" Laharl played with the hem of his long scarf idly as he asked the question.

"Not exactly..." Primrose sighed, wondering how to go about an explanation of something she herself didn't know much about. She'd gotten all the same information as everyone else at the Alcamoth, and had learned much more experiencing everything first hand yesterday, but the details on how everything worked eluded her. Still, she did her best to summarize. "Yesterday, when those metal creatures were destroyed, did you see those bright orbs their bodies left behind...? Those were their spirits. You can use them in various ways. Crushing them, bonding with them, fusing with them..."

As she spoke, Primrose demonstrated with her hands - she cupped them together and pressed in hard, then brought her palms up, one on her chest and the other her forehead.

"I suppose each way has it's advantages, and disadvantages." She didn't elaborate anymore than that, after all Laharl was still "Gleaming," and he didn't appear weak enough to be freed just yet. Even if she'd wanted to, it looked like while she and the demon were speaking a lot more of their group showed up in the town's center. Now that nearly everyone was present, it seemed it was almost time to get going. The dancer gestured towards the others.

"Seems we will be heading out soon." but he stood there for a moment in silence, his red eyes looking at those gathered in the square. His eyes were narrowed as he watched them, but after a second he nodded his head slightly acknowledging her comment finally "I'll be coming with you, but only you Primrose. You will make an excellent fri-Vassal!" the boy coughed into his fist, aware that he almost called her a friend and therefore had to make a fool of himself by childishly playing it off "Yes an excellent vassal! But never mind that, let's go!" he pumped a fist into the air, and excitedly exclaimed. Primrose suppressed a chuckle. Even when she abandoned her life as a noblewoman no one had tried making her into a "vassal." She could foresee some personality clashes going forward, but they'd cross that bridge when they got to it.

Word Count: 902 (+2 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 4/40
Location: Sandswept Sky

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●

True to her word, Primrose led Laharl to the group and introduced him as "Overlord of the Netherworld," knowing the title would make the demon chuffed. Although most of the Yellow Team still couldn't say that they knew the dancer very well, she was positively radiating with amusement, making it plain to see that she seemed to be playing along with some game. She noticed that another new face was among the crowd, one that seemed closer to Fox in appearance than anyone else. The size of their group was a little unwieldy, but with so many different abilities and expertise it also made them a force to be reckoned with.

Strangers joining them wasn't an uncommon experience, given how often it happened in just a couple of days, but being greeted by a royal entourage was. Apparently this princess only ruled over the land of sweets though, and they still had farther to go before they encountered who (or what) they were really looking for.

Al Mamoon... Cowlipha... don't tell me we will end up in a milk and dairy land... The dancer near shuddered at the thought. She'd had quite her fill with the candy already.

They left Parnasse. Primrose didn't completely follow the brief conversation Tora had with the Neopet, but she gathered that they'd be traveling on the vehicle that was meant for the rail they followed into the sweet canyon in the first place. She'd thought perhaps it would look similar to Mona's wheeled form, but to no one's surprise it was cute, fragrant, and decorated with sweets. Thankfully, these treats seemed like replicas, and not the real deal. Also thankfully, the train was large enough to fit the lot of them, but only just.

Primrose walked along the length of the locomotive before she decided on the third car. Maybe that giant fruit statue could provide some shade for when the sun rose a little higher. She stood in front of the car, looking up at it for a few moments. Behind her, Braum cleared his throat.

"Need a lift?"

She flicked her gaze at him, from impressive mustache to the huge gaudy belt. "No, thank you."

"Come now, it will take no time at all to give you a boost with this!" He laughed and presented the giant shield we carried with him, the same one he'd used to defend her last night. He did have a point, too. Primrose gestured for him to bring the shield to bear and he did. She jogged towards him and hopped up towards the shield, and with his might Braum pushed it and sent the dancer up into the air. It was more force than Primrose expected, but she was a professional - and after a split second panic while airborne she landed cleanly beside the giant kiwi.

"See? That wasn't so bad."

Primrose clicked her tongue, but she nodded a thank you to Braum and waved him off to wherever he was going, probably to help others climb aboard. She settled down, sitting close to one of the cream dollops with her back against the fruit and her legs stretched out in front of her. When the train began to move she braced herself, but the ride was relatively smooth. It remained smooth for a long time, as the sweet canyon gradually changed back into the sand of a normal desert. The patch job Galeem had done with the worlds left a lot to be desired, if the Lord of Light saw fit to drop that kind of place right in the middle of the Sandswept Sky.

Primrose leaned her head back against the kiwi. Her hood and veil were in place again, and she let her eyes slip closed as she fell into her thoughts like she often did. She recalled that Ophilia might call it meditating. The young cleric often did the same, praying to Aelfric for a safe journey. Many of her companions weren't the praying type, Primrose among them, but whenever she indulged Ophilia she did feel a little better for it.

Aelfric... Sealticge, Lady of Grace... who even knows if you are out there. If you are, grant me some of my power back. I will need it for the journey ahead. She wanted to get back to where she came from and finish what she started, but she knew it would be a long road before then. First though, she wanted to make sure that she could follow that road and make it out alive. If possible, with everyone else as well. The first to come to mind were the younger ones. Primrose blinked her eyes open and lifted her head. At some point the Phantom Thieves had donned their casual outfits again, and every since earlier Laharl had been hovering close by. She turned her head, seeing Tora and Poppi on the car in front of her, joined by a few others. The rest were on the car behind, all relaxing or chatting. Things felt calm, despite Primrose's more serious thoughts.

A particularly hot wind blew in front the front of the train. Primrose lifted a hand to her hood, keeping it in place while the air whipped her hair and clothes. She felt a warmth settle somewhere in the back of her mind and knew that she'd remembered something that could help them all once they got to their destination.
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