Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman perused the streets of Castle City, seemingly unaffected by the torrential downpour the sky provided. He carried his pack with a heavy wool blanket over it to keep the water from damaging the merchandise beneath.

He had, quite early on in his career, discovered that the best time to shop in the city was on such days when everyone preferred the warmth and dryness of the indoors. All except the desperate merchants who would lower their prices to encourage buyers.

He was well known among the community of fellow salesmen, though none knew his real name. They all knew him as Happy; short for Happy Mask Salesman.

"Hey, Happy!" One of his most frequent stops was the vegetable market. The shop owner payed many visits to his shop and occasionally bought masks for her children. "The usual?" She asked, pulling a well used basket out from behind the shaky wooden counter.

"You bet." He gave her an extra big smile. He handed her a few rupees and took the basket. "Thank you, Leela." He bowed his head in a farewell greeting.

He walked along the road, headed back to his shop when he noticed shouting and cheering from a tavern. I wonder what's to celebrate? he thought to himself. He entered the tavern and found a dark, unoccupied corner in the back. Here, he stood and watched. A strange-looking woman posed that the land's beloved princess was weak and ill-suited to rule. She argued that the girl was kidnapped far too frequently. Happy found this amusing. The commotion that followed was even more amusing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mikau had a triumphant jump in his step as he took his first step on brown soil for months. Mikau hadn't elected himself to tell anyone other then Japas where he was going because he didn't need the tearful farewells or any of that nonsense. It would just make it a lot more difficult for him to leave. The guitarist had a decent amount of coin in the Octorok skin satchel on his side and his guitar strapped to his back. That was all the Zora saw fit to bring, since food from the sea would expire quickly in the sun of Hyrule. He would need to find a town nearby to buy some supplies before he was ready to pursue his love.

Truthfully he really didn't understand the land at all. Mikau knew that his destination was to the west of his ocean, but what lie between the ocean and Lake Hylia was a complete and utter mystery to him. He only knew one thing for certain; towns are always near rivers. As long as Mikau traveled river side he would be sure to find a town. And maybe there would be someone there to help him find his way. And with that Mikau dived into a nearby River and traveled with the current, hopeful that he would soon encounter a town where he could buy food and supplies.

Mikau was at home in the water. He elegantly dodged rocks jutting out of the riverbed and pesky beings such as Octoroks and other aquatic pests. He was moving at the speed of a horse and was only slowed down by the sight of a dam. For a moment he considered getting out of the water to walk, but Mikau decided it would be faster to go over it. He picked up speed and sunk low to the ground. He went faster and faster until he was about to collide with the wooden obstacle, then sharply angled his body upwards and broke the surface, flying airborne over the barrier... then proceeded to belly flop on the dry ground on the other side.

"BLEEDING PIKE FISH!" He called, picking himself up off the ground from the painful landing. "Why would someone block off a perfectly good river like this?!"
"Uh... hello sir. Do you need a bandage?" Someone said from behind the Zora. Mikau turned around to meet spot a small gathering of Hylians all staring at him with shocked expressions. Mikaus normally blue face immediately became a bright red. It was an embarrassing display.
"N-no thank you. Erm... where am I right now?" Mikau looked around but he didn't spot any landmark he recognized.
"I suppose you sea-folk don't come around these parts very often. This is Ordin village!" The main had a warm expression. Good old country home hospitality at it's best.
"....Do you have travel supplies I can buy?" The young Zora was glad that he had found a place with people before he got himself hopelessly lost in the large, dry and barren country side.

"Absolutely! Right this way sir, Follow me!" The man reached out to Mikau and pulled him out of the river bed before they made their way towards the town store.


Zelda smiled when she heard her brother's voice without taking her eyes off of the bright blue sky.
"I'm glad to hear father is doing well. Hopefully he will be back in fighting shape before too long."

Zelda sat upright in her bed and faced her brother.
"Brother, the only person here who works harder then me.. is you! I don't know how you do it. Without you around I would probably have gone crazy by now." Zelda gave Sheik a warm appreciative smile, not saying anything because nothing really needed to be said. Zelda let the silence hang in the room for a few moments before she shifted uncomfortably where she sat.

"Have you noticed anything.. strange going on in Hyrule recently? I can't explain exactly what it is, but for the past few days I've been feeling a slight unease. Like something big is going to happen..." She looked away, slightly embarrassed. "Maybe I'm just letting the stress get to me. Hyrule has been running smoothly, the 4 races have had healthy political ties like always. The Sheika have been rather silent lately, but..." She trailed off, only just now remembering her brother's heritage.

"What do you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Link grinned waving to the rancher as he saddled Epona, the rain had caught up with him and the ride back to Castle Town would be a soggy one but he felt it would be the best place to learn of any news or problems occurring in the realm. He had spent a couple hours brushing Epona and gathering up supplies from his friends in the village, he hadn't talk to Fi much since his arrival but felt the trip back would give them time. His thoughts turned to the strange female form locked in the Master Sword. She seemed very intelligent and kind, he couldn't believe anyone would leave a companion like that behind. As he climbed on to Epona's back and waved goodbye to his village he gave himself a silent promise to never be like the old Links and leave a friend behind. As Link rode across the field the rain changed over from a drizzle to a downpour, he knew that if anyone recognized him he would stand trial before Zelda... Wait a second "Fi, do you think princess Zelda might be able to help me find out my task? I mean generally the princess plays a role in the hero's story." He spoke to her as Epona gave a whiny and cantered closer to Castle town, if they hurried they would reach it by mid-afternoon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The odd woman's proposal had been quite interesting. She had seemed forceful. Like a female version of the Demon King, only she had a certain slickness to her. She new what she was doing. First, pit the people of Hyrule against their current ruler. Then show them what's she was capable of.

Happy looked around the tavern. Things had settled down so quickly. Most people were back to their usual routine. There were two Gorons on the far side of the room. One of them had been the one to throw the tomato that the woman had used as a prop. He seemed different. The other people had been awed by the woman's show, but he seemed unconvinced.

Happy came to sit at a table close to the two Gorons. Close enough to listen to there conversation.

"Bad business, Brother Golo! Bad business!" The Goron said angrily and got up. Happy tried to stay concealed as he followed the Goron out. He wanted to know more about this creature. Perhaps he could glean more information about the odd pair from following the Goron as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Sheik blushed behind his cowl. He hadn't expected his sister to notice how much he had been doing recently. Especially since the king had taken ill. His sister had taken on a very large burden ruling the kingdom in his stead, and he had been doing everything in his power to help her. Including things that she probably wouldn't be glad to hear about. The killing of a spy and potential assassin being the biggest one. The Sheikah took in Zelda's question, carefully considering what she said before forming an answer. Something strange going on in Hyrule... Sheik crossed his arms are he thought. His sister also mentioned the Sheikah clan being quietly lately, then trailed off, perhaps not wanting to upset her brother. He addressed this first, it was much easier. "The Sheikah silently stick to the shadows, being the eyes and ears of the castle as they have always been. Silence from them is a good thing. It means that all is well."

That brought them to the next issue. "I have not felt the same unease as you. But you have something I don't. The Triforce of Wisdom. This may be a Goddess related thing. It could also be the stress, but when is it ever?" The Sheikah warrior made his way over to Zelda's window and looked out at all that was below. Scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be fine at the moment, at least in the area that he could see. He made a mental note to travel to Castle Town at some point today and make sure everything was okay there. In order to ease his sister's mind. And to some point his own.

He wondered his else he could ease his sister's mind. Perhaps he could disguise himself as her for a little while? They looked enough alike, and a little bit of magic was all it took to change his eye color for a little while. Though he wasn't happy about the though of wearing a dress, but for Zelda he would do it. "One of the best ways to make sure everything is all right is to go among the common people. Hear their gossip. Would you like to go with me to Castle Town? You'd get to not only take a break from castle life, but be able to see if there is in fact something going on." Normally he wouldn't make such a proposal. But in this case it seemed like the best thing.
Fi stayed in her sword form and silent as Link did his business around Ordin. She just watched the new hero interact with his friends and his horse. Finally he was done and they left. Fi came out of her sword form, gliding easily alongside the horse. The rain didn't bother her in the slightest. She didn't have to think about his question before answering it. "Of course. The Princess and the hero have always had a close relationship. You are after all, two parts of the Triforce." She then realized that he probably didn't know what she meant. "The hero has always wielded one third of the Triforce. The Triforce of Courage to be exact. While the Princess wields the Triforce of Wisdom. And Ganondorf holds the Triforce of Power."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Had the ordeal inside the Magtail Fort been forty minutes earlier, the ground would simply have been slippery, and Gorko's immense weight would have been a blessing as it helped him keep his footing. Now, though, the rain had been falling long and hard enough to turn the less developed pathways of Castle Town to muck. Into this, Gorko couldn't help but partially sink, miring his progress as he hurried through the downpour. It was one of those dirt paths he took, having gone straight into a nearby alleyway between the tavern and the adjacent Bomb Shoppe. Oblivious to the presence of a certain salesman on his tail, Gorko trudged through the alley until he arrived at a little, hidden area.

Littered with crates, boxes, and bags, this secluded spot appeared to be a storage area for the Magtail Fort. A backdoor, little-used judging by its state, helped solidify this conclusion. Such a thing wasn't at all unusual for a grand establishment like the Fort. More unusual by far were the people that inhabited it.

The same trio that had appeared onstage now resided here. Midna, somewhat exhilarated and breathing rapidly, lay sprawled over a spare mattress protected from the air by a layer of canvas. Zant sat on the cobblestone nearby, daring to relax a little against a cask of liquor. The strange corners of his mouth made it impossible for any onlooker to see if he was pleased or upset. There was no question about Groose, however; the young man was laughing his head off. “Did you see their faces when you caught the tomato? Priceless! They're going to be talking about that for months!”

For the first time, the somber, robed Twili spoke. “That is the plan. We have planted rumors and made a big impression. Whether they believe her or not, these people are going to tell a dozen people each, and those dozen another twelve, and each time the story will grow wilder. If you are not a sensation within a day I will be most unhappy. Then we can begin to properly earn their trust. We must...”

The princess permitted herself a genuine smile. “Yes, yes,” she cut in, “I am glad everything went so well.” At the noise of heavy footfalls, she turned and became aware of Gorko. “And it would not have been possible without our dear comrade! I would never have imagined a Goron to be such an incredible actor, but you blasted my suspicions. The rolling attack was particularly convincing.”

Grinning broadly, Gorko rubbed the back of his head. “Well...I was actually trying to hit you, your Grace. Method acting and all that.”

Midna's eyes widened. “By Una! No wonder it was so believable.” She sat up, folding her cloak over herself like a blanket. “And you must really stop with the 'Grace' nonsense. If I am going to be a better ruler than Zelda, I must get to know my people. And you three are my first.”

Embarrassed once again, Gorko gave a thumbs-up and said nothing. Groose, however, jumped forward and grasped Midna by the hands, pulling her up onto her feet. Full of energy, he spun her around in a jubilant dance. Though surprised, Midna didn't seem at all opposed to a little fun. “Our Twilight Princess is heading to the top, yeah!” Groose hooted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Ganondorf? The name sounds familiar, so is the Tri-force of Courage why I am able to pull off sword move I shouldn't even understand but know how to do them and how to use effectively?" He spoke as they entered the gate of Castle Town slipping past the dozing guard unnoticed he tied up Epona in a barn outside the local inn, The Red Dragon.

"Fi don't worry about locals here, Castle town see's all manner of different people so you won't stand out to much, beside's I'm sure you prefer to be out and about after all the time in the temple." He gave her a soft smile and then entered the Inn taking a seat at a back table away from the crowd the young man asked only for a glass of water, deciding to sit and wait to see what happened, maybe have a polite discussion with Fi.

He was glad no one had recognized him yet as he would hate to fight Hylian soldiers, but it seemed he had gotten away with deserting. Strangely he could feel his left hand pulse a little he pulled off the leather glove looking at his hand he saw the faint outline of the Tri-force symbol in gold, one of the triangle a deeper gold as if tattooed on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Happy sat outside the building. Being familiar with all of Castle Town's ins and outs, he knew exactly where to sit so that he would not be spotted, but could still hear what was going on. Inside, there seemed to be quite a celebration. Someone was shouting happily as he spoke to his comrades.

Happy continued listening. He heard the strange voice of the woman from earlier. Why had the Goron come here? He had thrown the tomato after all. Then he heard confirmation. It had been an act. A new voice spoke, pointing out the obvious that everyone else had hid with playful sarcasm. It must have been the man in the ornate robe.

This troupe was becoming increasingly interesting. He kept his ears perked for more information, but it seemed as though the exchange had turned in to a full party. There was singing and the coordinated patters of dancing feet. He decided he'd stay until they left.

While the celebration inside continued, Happy thought the whole situation over. He agreed with the woman that Zelda was a weak ruler. Her father had been a fair king, but he too was weak. All of Hyrule's people were weak. That was why the Demon King had always been able to overthrow the monarchy and take over the kingdom sigle-handedly every time. But at the same time, he was unsure of this new woman. He didn't know her. He didn't know her people. To be honest, he didn't know anything about her background or her heritage. She'd mentioned that her father was a king and that she was a princess, but he knew nothing of these people. It was particularly odd for him, considering all the places he'd been to and all the people he'd met, that he had never come across anything like her.

He leaned against the wall, pondering, the beat of his thoughts matching that of the dancing feet.

Two gentle knocks at the door made Ganondorf jump out of his seat. He'd been dozing.

"What is it?" He sounded irritated.

"I found something interesting, You Grace." A ponytailed spy entered the room and bowed.

"Which is...?" He made a circular motion with his hand to signify that he wanted the rest of the information.

"Someone is trying to overthrow Zelda's rule." The spy stood straight with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Is that so?" Ganondorf leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees. He hid his nasty grin behind his folded hands.

"A woman who calls herself Princess Midna. She's an unusual person, I must say. Charming but her efforts seemed futile." The spy shifted her weight onto one hip. "Though she did seem to catch the people's attention. She also had some kind of magic."

"Interesting indeed." Ganondorf pondered for a moment. He thought that perhaps this Princess Midna could prove useful. He looked back at the spy. "Keep an eye on her. I will send someone else to take over your previous mission. Learn everything you can about this woman and report every detail to me."

"Yes, My Lord." The spy bowed again. "It would be my honor."

"Unless you have more to say about the subject, You are dismissed." Ganondorf gave her a shooing gesture. She bowed one last time and left him in peace.

Perhaps not all hope was lost. He would hold off on making his move until he knew everything about Midna. He wanted to use her to get to the throne. To get to Zelda. Perhaps she would follow him and he'd have a queen once he took Hyrule. He would need one after all. Who better than the princess of another nation?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zelda joined her brothers side and scanned the castle town of Hyrule before answering him.

"That seems like a good idea Sheik, I've been confined and hidden away in the castle for too long with the recent work load. A good ruler has to get to know their citizens in order to best serve their interests." Zelda moved towards her wardrobe and closed the door behind herself. She gently placed her crown in it's protected glass case. She switched into more practical gear outfitted with leather boots and a skirt that allowed for more leg room. Zelda then turned towards her mirror, and briefly wondered if she should attempt to disguise herself. She had wandered Castle town before undisguised, confident that her brother would intervene in the event she was attacked. She wasn't without her own tricks; she was a sorceress in training, as was expected of the girl bearing the triforce of wisdom. But with her recent feelings of unease building within her mind she decided she would rather be safe then sorry. She didn't enjoy deceiving her citizens but sometimes it was best for her to go with her gut.

Zelda rubbed her palms together and allowed the magic to flow. The triforce on her hand glowed a golden yellow as she had done this. She then reached back and raked her hands through her hair, and as she did so she slowly became a brunette. When her hair was a realistic tone of brown she then hovered her thumbs in front of her eyes, and they shifted from blue to brown. She stopped to inspect herself in the mirror. Someone might find her out with an extended glance, but her intention was to blend into the crowds. This appearance wasn't very likely to draw much attention. She stepped out of her wardrobe and gave her brother a wink, hoping that her minor disguise would do the trick.

"We can't leave the ordinary way. Wouldn't want to blow our cover before we even step off the castle grounds do we? I'll let you lead the way, since this seems to be your expertise." A mischievous grin grew on her face like it always did when she and her brother sneaked out of the castle together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Navi sat in a tavern in one of the less reputable areas of Hyrule Castle Town. The tavern was called the Red Dragon and it was a common location for black market traders, harlots, and dealers of medicine that was said to have strange effects on the psyche. Navi sat on one of the rafters her bare feet dangling down. No one was aware of her presence. They were either too drunk or assumed her the daughter of the bar keep. Either way Navi didn't mind there lack of attention. She had never been the centre of it before and that was not likely to change anytime soon.

She was here because she liked to watch. She liked to observe everything. The Hyleans, Gorons, Zoras, every now and again a Gerudo. Each with there own life and there own agenda. Something they needed to do or else were just here for a good time. A minstrel on the stage had put on a beautiful performance of the Bolero of Fire. It was a powerful piece but only contained true magic when played with the right instrument. The melody bore Navi back. To better times. When she had friends and a companion who would never leave her side. This was before she had learned to take on a human form, back so many years ago when she'd been a glowing ball of blue energy.

But that had to be more than three hundred years ago... or more Navi's sense of time wasn't phenomenal, sometimes she was unsure of what year it was.

Next to her sat a plate and tankard, the plate decorated with a decent array of mortal food. The tankard, something spicy and sweet. Since she'd learned to take on human form her body had required real food in order to sustain itself. Back when she was young, no more than a child all she had required was energy, something that hung in the air and ground in the Kikiri woods and after she'd left them Link had traversed enough Fairy Fountains, places of mystical energy, that she was never unsatisfied.

Suddenly a wave of something ancient and powerful swept over her causing the potatoes in her stomach to churn. She knew this feeling. She'd felt it a dozen times or so over the centuries, every creature connected to the Goddesses could feel it. But it couldn't be true, not now. Hyrule was in a state of peace, a hero wasn't called for, no one could have drawn the Master's Sword.

Without realizing it Navi had been digging her fingers deeper into the support beam she sat on. As the power of the Sword faded away she felt the pain in her hands. She drew them out of the deep indents in the wood and looked at them. Her fingers were covered in a thin film of a pale white iridescent liquid, blood. She cursed to herself.

She had to see if what she felt was true, could another hero have arisen, was Link returned once more? She walked alone the support beam leaving her supper where it was. She hopped down landing lightly on her feet behind most of the crowd. If any saw her they didn't feel it worth mentioning.

Outside it was pouring rain. She caught her reflection in some of the puddles. In her mortal form she appeared perhaps fourteen or fifteen. She had white hair the cascaded to the small of her back and was dancing and swirling in the wind. Her skin was smooth and fair and at times seemed to give off a blue glow. Many might consider it a trick of the light but the glow to her skin was her fairy magic hovering right below the surface. She wore a loose but modest dress that opened in the pack to allow her wings to unfurl. When they were dormant her wings looked like elaborate tattoos pressed into her skin. They too shone with a pale blue light.

Looking at her reflection Navi wondered how more people did not realize she was not of their world. Then again if there was one thing she had learned in her many years it was that people often saw only that they wished too and blocked out that which they didn't. When Twilight had descended on Hyrule not one of them was able to see themselves waste away into spirits. Perhaps it was the same with her.

Navi turned into an abandoned alleyway and checking first to make sure no one was watching snapped her fingers. Her body shone with a sapphire light which folded in on itself until she was again a glowing blue orb with wings.

She could travel much faster in this form, unimpeded by land, it took it's told. Her energy was not unlimited and without access to fairy fountains or the Kikiri woods she had to replenish it with mortal food, a poor substitute for the life energy she had fed on in her youth.

Navi moved fast her surroundings blurring but she still knew where she was, She may have been banished from the Kikiri Forest but the Lost Woods were another story. They were a no man's land. They belonged to nobody and no one had command over them.

It did not take long for Navi to reach the remains of the Temple of Time. It had crumpled over the years. The glowing white marble fading to dull stone. She thought fleetingly of how beautiful it was long ago before she returned to human form and pushed the doors open. She walked the hall in seconds her destination the Sleeping Chamber of the Master's Sword. The Door of Time had long since been opened and remained that way. There were no obstacles in her path.

When she reached the Pedestal of Time her worst fears were confirmed. The Master's Sword was gone, the cycle had begun again. Navi turned on her heels and ran from the Temple. She transformed into Fairy Form mid flight and with a blinding speed born of anguish and regret arrived back at Castle Town. She brought forth her human form again and as her feet hit the ground she was overcome with dizziness. She stumbled and her knees became covered in mud. She shook her head out. She'd used too much of her fairy magic, too much energy. She... she needed to eat something, or perhaps rest. Navi shook off the feeling and stood. She had a room at the Red Dragon for the night, she would rest there and recover her strength.

She moved more slowly her thoughts muddled as the Red Dragon grew closer. The Master's Sword was drawn, the battle would begin again. She pushed the door to the inn open, she'd not walked more than three paces when she became again dizzy and attempting to steady herself she knocked a man's tankard off a table. "HEY!" he yelled but the voice sounded far away. She took two more stumbling steps her eyes becoming unfocused. She felt to her knees looking to the sky. Then she saw him.

A man, blonde hair, a blue earring, a gold symbol glowing on his hand as he removed his glove, she knew him. He had haunted her dreams for centuries. "Link?" she asked to the blurring form before the darkness crowded into her mind and she fell to the floor of the pub.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

After a few moments, Midna pulled away. “Alright, enough goofing around. We've got a job to do. What's on the table, Zant?”

Zant rose to his feet in an unnatural, fluid motion, as if he were suspended by strings. In reality, he employed his telekinesis, the same sort of magic that Midna had snared the tomato with on-stage. After brushing a thin layer of dust off the seat of his robe, he began. “Groose, you must join the ranks of people spreading the tale. Your reputation will convince people to listen; from there, you must convince them of Midna's existence. Hype it up, but do not flat-out ask people to convert to our cause. For now, the Twilight Princess is a legend. Once the idea has grown in the minds of the populace, we can begin to mold it. On your way.” Groose nodded, fixed his scarlet pompadour to an appropriately jaunty angle and jogged down the opposite path from where Gorko had come in. Speaking of the Goron, Zant turned to him next. “And you.. You must find a task for us to perform. If you cannot think of anything, check the public announcement boards near the entrance to the Castle. To carry forward the theme of strength, a dispute to settle or a monster to slay would be an ideal labor. Doing such a thing for the Hylians will aid us not only by rendering them a service but also by proving our capability. Go now, brother.” Seemingly pleased by his new assignment, Gorko hustled off after Groose in a very official manner.

Following that, the two Twili embarked down the original path alone. Midna led, and Zant -as ever- coasted smoothly in her wake. As they approached the street, the steady drone of rain grew louder until they emerged from the alleyway into the morning gloom. When the drops touched his head, Zant flinched irritably, and activated his magic. About two feet above his head, a two-dimensional platform composed of black particles interwoven by blue geometric patterns appeared, against which the rain splattered. Midna looked up at it, and nodded in appreciation. As she did so, her gaze fell upon the Happy Mask Salesman seated upon a barrel by the alley's entrance. It only took a moment to put two and two together. Zant followed her gaze and glared at the purple-clad merchant with luminous orange eyes. A look passed between them before Midna spoke. “Good morning, sir,” she intoned melodiously. “You strike me as a pensive individual. What is on your mind?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Happy knew that the glance shared between the two odd people mean that he had been caught, but he played the situation smoothly. He held the wool blanket over his head as well as his pack. He smiled his characteristically huge grin and made sure to clear his face of any evidence of knowledge.

"It's raining pretty heavily today, don't you think?" He looked away from the pair and held a hand out for emphasis, allowing the rain to pool in his palm. "I found shelter here under this roof. I couldn't afford to lose any of my merchandise. I spent hours hand-crafting each and every mask." He removed one from the pack and held it up to his face. "You see, it is my livelihood. Would you care to purchase one? They make great gifts for children or masquerade props."

Happy looked at the woman. She was the only one he could read, though, now, he struggled. He hoped that he had squashed any sense of alarm or suspicion. He didn't want them to know he'd overheard everything, including the plans just yet. He hadn't decided who he supported.

He had to admit, the man seemed to be the real one behind the whole situation. He was the one who made the plans. He was the one who had ordered them completed. Even the woman seemed to be looking to him for instruction. Though, she was beyond intelligent herself.

"I'll throw this one in for free for the lovely lady." He removed the mask, a colorful face with a contradictory frown, and held it at the edge of the blanket's protection. He gave her a more genuine smile. "The colors would look fetching with you fair skin and beautiful hair."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

With a methodical slowness, Midna turned the mask over in her slender fingers. Abruptly, she turned around to show the mask to her companion, presenting the back of her cloak, with all of its elegant designs, to the Happy Mask Salesman. Rather than heavily accented Hylian, she conversed with him in Twilit, which could only have sounded like musical gibberish to the man seated behind her. “I cannot tell if he heard us or no. Regardless, it makes little difference. Our means may be a little underhanded, but our mission is pure.”

Zant's reply came in Twilit also. “As you wish, princess.”

At that, Midna turned back, switching to the common tongue as she did. “My attendant here doesn't seem to think that the mask suits him, but your gift is too generous to refuse.” She playfully held the mask over her own face, peering at the smiling man through its eyeholes without putting it on. “And your compliments are too kind. I know perfectly well how alien I must appear.” As she depreciated herself, she tied the mask's string around the waistband that secured her half-dress in place so that she wouldn't have to carry it. After that, she paused as an idea popped into her head. “Perhaps, sir, you would care to walk with us? This conjured barrier will keep the elements from soaking your merchandise. We came here to tour the city, but in this deluge unlucky Midna and Zant cannot tell up from down. If you're not too busy...?” She fluttered her eyelashes prettily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman chuckled as the woman talked about her strange appearance. He thought, considering her differences, she was still pretty. She was friendly too. Though, he was not entirely sure she had invited him along to be personable. However, he thought this would be a great way to learn a thing or two.

"Why of course!" He smiled big again. "It would be utterly rude to refuse." He hopped off the barrel he'd been sitting on and adjusted his pack."

He came to stand next to Midna, not wanting to stand between the two, but wanting to be sure to get some conversation with the woman. He pulled the blanket off of his pack as he stepped under the shelter of their covering and pulled a hand painted sign out that read Handmade masks: 10 to 50 rupees! and slung it over his shoulder.

"I know everything about this city. I've been here my whole life. Plus! I've been operating my business for almost as long." He was trying to buy some interest. "I started mask-making when I was a child. They had always fascinated me." He chuckled. "Oh! I wanted to say! I found your little speech rather intriguing. However did you catch that tomato?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Sheik agreed with his sister completely. Though the duties of royalty was difficult, there was still the matter of easing the hearts of the people. All they knew about castle life was that, they lived in a castle. People automatically assumed royalty lived easy laid back lives. Ruling a kingdom was a lot of work, especially for one as young as Zelda. The Sheikah waited patiently as his sister stepped into her wardrobe to change. When she came out she seemed to be thinking about something. Then began to use magic to disguise herself. Again, Sheik agreed with her there. If the unease she had been feeling was real, it would be best to hide who she was for a little while.

But having Sheikah warrior with her would give her away instantly. So as his sister changed her hair and eye color, Sheik made some changes too. He removed the cowl and turban from his face and head, letting his long blonde hair fall free in its normal neat braid. He also removed the tabard bearing the symbol of the Sheikah. Leaving him in something more than his exoskeleton. He felt rather naked without something covering his face. But at least he had his weapons still. A dagger hidden in the bandages around each wrist, another strapped to the outside of each thigh, and one more on his lower back. Pouches next to the daggers on his thighs held a collection of throwing needles and a few Deku Nuts which could be used to stun one or more people with a blinding flash of light.

Sheik met his sister's grin with one of his own. He had to admit, breaking the rules was fun sometimes. And it had been a while since they had the chance to anything like this. "As you wish." He said in a playful tone, before leading the way out of the room. A few twists and turns through various corridors got to the two to their destination. And old hidden passageway out of the castle that the royal family once used to escape in times of trouble. It was no longer used due to the fact that the ceiling was unstable. But it had been secretly repaired by a group of Sheikah to use. It looked like just a normal wall, but there was a section that could be pulled out. Which Sheik did now. "After you, Zelda." Sheik said, motioning to the passageway.
Fi was going to return to sword form as they approached Castle Town, but after a prompt from Link, stayed in her true form. "That is one theory yes. The Triforce may give you your abilities. Another is that due to the fact that your are a hero in a line of heroes, you have some of the skills the other Links possessed. Though we will never know what is the true theory unless the Goddesses decide to tell us." They entered an inn and found a table. Fi took a seat next to Link. Politely declining when a waitress asked if she wanted anything. Her body didn't require anything to sustain it.

A fairy staggered though the inn, a very familiar fairy. She didn't seem to be doing well. Probably having used up her energy. Navi collapsed to her knees and muttered Link's name. Normally Fi would have introduced the hero and the fairy, but now didn't seem like the right time. So instead she rose from her seat and then knelt down beside the fairy. Placing one her cape-like hands on the fairy's shoulder, she let her holy energy flow into the fairy. It most definitely be able to sustain Navi, it was the closest thing to the Goddesses own power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Link got up walking over to the blue women worriedly, he had heard say something but had been unable to make it out due to the noise in the tavern, he gently picked her up and sat her in one of the chairs at his table. He was cautious and a few people gave him looks but otherwise they seemed not to care about the strange women. Link looked at her something seemed familiar but he couldn't quite recall it, never the less he payed for a meal and began to eat quietly watching Fi heal the poor women. Deciding to speak to Fi after a few moments "So Fi, any idea where I should go to try and find out more on whatever quest I'm supposed to do for the goddesses?" He had been thinking about that a lot, he knew from what Fi had said and the mark on his hand he had to be the bearer of a piece of the Tri-force, sighing he decided to wait here in castle town until news reached his ears or until he could find something that needed doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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As odd trio began their journey, with the taller Twili moving more slowly than usual so that Happy would not be troubled to keep pace with them, Midna answered. “Magic. Specifically, telekinesis, the moving of objects with the mind. Both Zant and I are sorcerers, you see, but that's only part of what makes us stronger than Zelda.” Knowing now that the salesman had been at her speech, Midna opened the political floodgates. This man, she decided, she would try to convert. “Every word rang with truth. Some overstatements were made to carry the point across, certainly, but I am a firm believer in the power of a person with ideals. The legends foretell that this Princess will be stolen from her people and the land plunged into darkness. In the tales, it is the Hero of Time that saves her, but by instituting a new, stronger ruler, that hardship need never come.”

At a fork in the street, she paused to ask Happy which direction he recommended. A few second later, the trio was on its way once more, headed out of the trade district and toward the societal district. Only a few steps down the left road, however, a wide-eyed couple of teenagers accosted them. “Whoa!” bubbled the older one, a girl with short, blonde hair of about fourteen years. “You're Midnight! You were...Magtail...tomatoes...I heard you were killed!?”

Zant moved the rain-shield forward a bit so that it protected the children as well. Noticing the magical construct, they stared at it in wonderment. The Twilight Princess stooped so her eyes were on level with the young Hylians, grasping their attention. Very seriously, she chimed, “The fanatic Goron nearly got me, my sweet, but I was able to escape just in time.” Regaining her full height, Midna adopted a regal gesture, with one fist against her hip and the other over her hair clasp. Her eyes shut, she declared dramatically, “Never fear. It takes a lot more than that to pull one over on Princess Midna.” One of her eyes opened, and it looked down at the girl with a twinkle. “That's me!” She cast her arms wide and snapped her fingers. Out of nowhere, a slight ripple of red, angular electricity passed over her arms, creating bright sparks.

Clapping their hands, the children expressed their amazement. “Wow! She's got magic tricks,” the older one whispered, and her little sister agreed. “Yeah! Way cooler than the other Princess! We gotta tell Beck!” With that, they rushed off, their feet making a quick series of splashes against the wet pavement. “Not too fast now, or you'll slip! And tell your parents too!” Midna called after them.

Zant's voice emanated from behind her, not much louder than the insistent drone of rain on roofs. “The rumors are moving faster than I imagined. The people must be starved for something -or someone- extraordinary. I doubt that all the citizens will be so easily impressed.” His illuminating orange gaze fell upon the Happy Mask Salesman. “And...what about you...sir? What do you think?” While it was clear he was attempting to be sociable, it was equally clear that it wasn't his strong suit. “
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Images danced around Navi's head as she slept, images of a much changed Hyrule, another time, when she was young and the world was simpler. Navi received a shock as something warm, and glowing and good flowed into her pulling her mind from unconsciousness. It had been a long time since she'd felt the raw energy that fairies were supposed to be exposed to. She felt energized and awake, in a reflect reaction Navi grabbed the wrist of the one imbuing her with magic.

Navi opened her eyes and the memories of what she had seen shortly before passing out came back to her. In front of her was Fi, the eternal spirit of the Master's Sword and Link, or rather the Link of this time. Navi became suddenly fearful, what would he think if he knew what she'd done. It was enough that she could imagine the hurt and anger on the Hero of Time's face every time she closed her eyes without seeing it on the face of a living Link.

Fi, can you hear me? Navi prayed that the sword spirit could hear the thought she projected. They were still linked if only momentarily and hopefully Fi would understand her. Fi, do not tell him who I am. I am not asking you to lie merely do not contradict whatever I say to him regarding myself. Please I am begging you.

Not letting any of what she'd communicated with the sword spirit show on her face Navi smiled, a welcoming and kind smile but one that showed no real connection to either of them, as if she was merely an observer. "Mistress Fi," Navi said inclining her head. "it is good to see you again after all this time, I trust you are well."

Then she turned to the Hero that sat in front of her. "You of course must be the Hero of this Era, it is my honor to meet the bearer of the Triforce of Courage." She bowed her head to him. "I must apologize for my entrance, in my haste to reach this place I used more magic than my body could sustain."

There was a popular misconception among the mortal races about fairies that said they could not lie. It was not true in the strictest sense, it was more that most fairies preferred not too and the more mischievous ones enjoyed seeing the effect double talk, and half truths as well as selective answers had on mortals. Navi preferred the method of half-truths they were easier to keep track of than complete fabrications.

"My name is Ciela, I am an emissary of the Great Fairies and a servant of the Deku Tree." It was not a complete lie, every fairy who entered into the mortal plane was technically an ambassador of the fairy realm, and whether he wished her service or not she would always be loyal to the Deku Tree, though he had been but a sprout when he'd banished her from the Kikiri Forest.

"The Fairy realm is aware that the Blade of Evil's Bane has been drawn before it's time. It is not yet Hyrule's darkest hour nor has the Hero been called for, yet it sits in your hands." Navi did not mean to make Link feel as if he had done the wrong thing drawing the blade but the awakening of the Hero when it was drawn would be felt by all those it concerned, perhaps subtly or else in a more obvious and immediate fashion as it had with her. Taking the Sword before it was needed could bring down the very calamity that it was forged to prevent.

"I mean no disrespect to you Master Link or to Mistress Fi, after so long she deserves her freedom, I am merely pointing out that the Master's Sword contains a great power, one felt by many and having it in the world may spurn the Demon King into action. It is took late to replace the Sword, I am here therefore to offer my assistance. The Great Fairy wishes the Sword watched over in case its long rest has dulled it or its power was tampered with while Fi slept, it has happened before and it would not do to send the Hero into battle were the Blade of Evil's Bane not at its greatest potential." Navi watched as the barkeep returned with a meal intended for Link. her stomach growled, the Sword Magic had restored her but it could not fill her stomach. "Pardon my impetuousness Master Link but could I trouble you for a meal? This mortal form grows weak, I require nourishment to sustain it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Happy watched the kids run in the opposite direction. He chuckled. "Perhaps I should consider a position in politics. Perhaps then people will be as eager to see me." He looked at Zant, still completely unable to read him. "I think you and your princess know how to handle yourselves very well. If people ho would never likely be seen at the Magtail know who you are just by looking at you, news of your speech has probably spread through half of Castle Town by now. I admire that. It took me decades to get that many people to recognize me and, yet, I'm still just another merchant." He sighed, a hint of longing and sadness in his breath.

He started leading them don the road, shifting his pack every now and then to release pressure. "Also, you are quite persuasive. No one has tried to kill you yet. Had someone like me made the same proposal, I'd have been dead hours ago. As for my feelings on the situation itself? I'm not entirely certain. I agree that Zelda is no good for Hyrule. However, I know so little about you and your people. Though I am interested to learn."

He decided honesty was the best tactic. He wasn't trying to get them into trouble or anything, he was just very curious. He gave them a genuine smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Linked nodded to the fairy, she was quite a sight he motion for the waiter quickly ordering a second meal as she had asked for so politely. He pondered what she had said, perhaps drawing the sword had caused whatever he should face to awaken. Or perhaps the power was sealed by the sword and by removing it he had set in motion a chain of events he would have stop. He began to plan silently as he ate, he was never much for conversation but when he had to solve a problem he often drifted away his mind solving the problem as his body performed without thought he feed himself and even reached over and took a drink occasionally, his mind distant he even noticed the arrival of Ciela's food.

He finally had come up with a plan encase Fi couldn't give him a answer. He knew the three Tri-force bearers himself, Zelda, and this Ganondorf fellow, Zelda being wisdom should be able to advise him on what course of action to take. Yet the front door was out of the question, stealth it would be but how to sneak in to the castle, suddenly a memory caught him, the moat around the castle ran from a river inside, he could crawl in through the hole where the water left the castle and then make his way through the garden afterword heading towards the throne room and then it would be a matter of waiting until he could step out and present the problem he faced. He gave himself a smile at his plan, nodding having this satisfied smile on his face as he waited for Fi's response to his earlier question hoping he wouldn't need his insane and convoluted plan.
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