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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Daniel - Armory Class Daniel couldn't even get one iota of relaxation in this classroom. All this talk about the White Fang and terrorists and Grimm... it was enough to drive anyone insane. Even though Daniel had no desire to get involved, he couldn't just let this ignorant punk run his mouth off like that, even after Amaranth tried to defuse the situation. Jumping out of his seat, he casually strolled up to Ivan, his arms already set ablaze as a result of his Semblance. "A lot of people say that a dog's bark is worse than his bite, and I'd say that it's true for you as well," Daniel said. "Sure, the White Fang aren't the good guys in the world, but you honestly expect humans to be any better? Humans are just as capable of the things that the White Fang have done." Daniel's hair turning blonde from his Semblance, he continued, "You sound like you've never seen what a human could do. How a human strips away a Faunus' pride, beats him bloody and senseless, even uses him as a shield to take the blow from someone else." Daniel's eyes had a deep sense of pain within them, showing the truth for anyone who looked within them. Daniel then attempted to grab Ivan by his shirt and bring him close to his face. "If anything, humans are the true animals. You speak so mighty from such a weak, one-sided position." Daniel then dropped him onto a seat, saying, "Follow her advice and stay down." The seemingly most ironic thing about what Daniel had said was that he himself was a human, yet he was saying all those things about humans. Daniel then walked back to his seat to try to get on with the class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 2 days ago

Aaaaaand there it was, the shit hitting the fan. The outright arguing was bad enough, but when Daniel grabbed Ivan, Oswald was there literally instantly. Daniel didn't hit the kid, thankfully, but that was enough. Pointing at Gren, he started speaking. "Alright, everybody. My good friend here tried to get you to calm your tits before everything went to hell, but clearly we're close to the point of no return. It's over. You wanna fight, you do it later. Or should I remind you morons that my team leader has a tank parked at the back of this room, and that I'm carrying enough Dust to level half this building?" Lowering his hand, which he had pointed at Unsubtle, Oswald exhaled, releasing his pent-up tension. "Professor, I missed the last few comments you made about Dust. It wouldn't do well for me to forget anything important about Dust." Smiling as he said the last phrase, Oswald looked between all of the offending parties, hoping the professor would intervene and stop any further arguments. One thing was certain, and that was that Beacon was interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Immediately, both Faunas and Human choose sides, and some remained neutral. Sapphire, Amy, Daniel and some other students took up Geni's side. Amy and Sapp tried to either calm him down, or assure him. Either way they wanted him to come to his sense and make a decision. Next thing he new Ivan was making his defense. And everything he said was true, absolutely true. He understood the fact that he would never be forgiven, that be could never truly turn over a new leaf, and that was the reason he was hear. If he could not change, then he would fight for a cause that both humans and Faunas dealt with, and that was fighting Grimm. Unfortunately, that man did not see it that way, and he did not care to explain to him anyway. "Do you think I don't know that. I did not come here to change. I can here to fight for something that affected all of us." He yelled angrily his hands balled into fights. Geni was ready to deck the guy, even if he had a kid that could teleport, that was easy to deal with. "Always a terrorist huh." He said darkly. "Well then, let me show you how a terrorist fight." He yelled as he jumped onto the desk and crossed the room by jumping from desk to desk in seconds. As he passed by his own weapon he crouched down, grabbed it of the desk, and spring back up into the air. Holding Ragnorok with a two hand grip, he held the blade over his head as he was in the air and brought the blade down onto Ivan's head firing a shot as he did, making the blade fall harder. "Let your team leader bring out his tank, I'll still take it down!" He yelled as he jumped from desk to desk"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mokuren was not one to get involved in fighting that she did not start, but she also couldn't let Geni get expelled before Mokuren could kill him. She had a gripe with him that far surpassed the petty dispute about wither or not he worked to free Faunus from human tyranny. So, when the shit started to hit the fan she stood up silently and moved over to the group of people that where shouting. That said, there was no way she could stop him with Sarasagi when he leapt into action and prepared to crush the guy's head with his sword, the gunshot going off and making it even more unstoppable. Which is exactly how Mokuren liked her attacks. With unnaturally lithe grace, Mokuren sprang from where she was standing and managed to arrive in front of Ivan - who was not exactly innocent in this and would get a clout later from the fox girl - and prepared her Semblance to reflect the incoming attack. The idea that it would be Geni taking the hit if anyone was not one that entered Mokuren's mind, she was just trying to stop some guy getting murdered. And hopefully the impact of a sword strike would be less lethal than an actual sword strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

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Ivan Oakley - Armory
He growled at the scantily clad woman through gritted teeth. "I was minding my own business, and I hadn't said a word against the guy that suddenly decided that some eye contact was enough to get his widdle feelings hurt. Then he asked for my opinion. I gave it. F**king simple if you ask me." Ivan was about to get in Daniel's face when the latter grabbed him by the collar, balling his hands into fists that he kept rigidly by his side. His venomous insult was cut down before it could begin by the suddenly there Oswald and his rather intimidating bulk. After a moment of simple staring, he slapped Daniel's hand down and away before giving his response in a much more controlled tone of voice. "If you think that I was talking about all Fanus when I mentioned an extremist group, you're more racist than anyone else here, swordsman." He glared out from behind Oswald's shoulder."I don't care what race they are. If they are criminals then they must be stopped." He glanced up at the man with the teleporting semblance and seemingly thought about something rude to say before the gunslinger held up his hands in the universal sign of surrender. "Fine. I've said my piece, I'll stop talking now." He had turned his back on the terrorist when he struck, a growl growing in his throat as the other man charged him. It died nearly instantly when Mokuren stepped in to intercept the blade, and panic instead overtook the gunslinger.There was a desperate scream of "No!" as the blade came down. Some unrelated girl was about to get sliced in half because of this prick's hurt feelings. Ivan moved without thinking. As Geni's slash came down, he pushed the fox-girl aside with all his might, drawing his arm across in a horizontal line as he activated his semblance to attempt to utilize whatever dust was bursting inside that blade to knock it aside. When the shot came to augment the falling blow, the bullet instead transferred all its additional force to the right side of the barrel, forcing the blade to differ from its originally intended course of Ivan's, then Mokuren's, head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Eh. Not really." Indi said to Ineko, after he sat down from his introduction. Then Shiro... exploded. That was the only way to say it. Girl troubles, he assumed, though that may have been him projecting a bit. Then, Sapphire was a bitch again, followed by some other chick taking her side. What the hell was wrong with her, did she hate Shiro that much? And that other girl with the reflect-y thing, why was she siding with Saph when it was obvious she was just making fun of Shiro and trying to get him out of the classroom because of the embarrassment of association. Honestly he didn't care who you were paired with, as long as you were nice and fought well. Sapphire With that slow rage bubbling, Indi turned back to his teacher. Dust! Yes, dust, he needed to know this stuff for his cool flame sword. He whipped out his Scroll and began vigorously typing, trying to gather all the info on dust he could. He wasn't as quick at typing as he was hurriedly jotting down his notes in his special brand of unreadable writing, but he now that he had a Scroll, it was a better option just to type. It was readable, transferable, and if he got better, faster. Then, Geni stood up, completely interrupting the teacher and breaking Indi's utter concentration on dust, and all dust related things. With and angered sigh he turned to face Geni and listen to what he said. Yes, violence, that was how you got people to listen! Then... she tried to get Geni to stop, doing her trademark "best verbal defense is a verbal offense" shtick with Ivan as the victim once again. Then Ivan said so many wrong things it wasn't even funny. Was he that much of an idiot? Indi was saddened that he was paired with such a moron. The new girl tried to defuse the situation, with some help from Gren. That was before Dan decided essentially bully Ivan into standing down. Oswald did more of the same, smartly (in Indi's opinion) siding with neither party. Ivan stated his... surprisingly sensible piece. He brought up a great point, Geni started it, and Dan was making way to many assumptions. He agreed some humans were assholes, but he wasn't an asshole. At least, regarding Human-Faunus relations. Then Geni did the unforgivable and completely dishonorable. He attacked a surrendered opponent. This was a petty squabble, to be settled in a duel. Not a war where guerilla tactics were acceptable. Before Indi could step in though, that other fox faunus lady stepped in. She was the... what was she? He must have missed her match. Didn't matter, though, Ivan stepped in and tried to take the hit, to which Indi though he was an idiot. He quickly projected a barrier in front of his teammate, not realizing that the blade was moving in his direction now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

IC: Amy was already moving as Geni jumped on top of the first desk, having slid the left sleeve of Fury back on as Geni yelled across the room at Ivan. Time slowed, her Semblance dialing up to maximum as the shield unfolded from her arm in slow motion and she dashed after Geni on the ground, moving her shield over her head, getting there just in time— The flow of events sped up again, Amy stepping in front of Indi and the shield finishing its reassembling right as Geni's diverted strike clanged against it. "####, you're strong," Amy said, rattles going up her arm. "Now, can we please please please quit trying to kill each other? We get it, you're a great crusader and you're someone who wants to redeem themselves. Neither of which is being helped by you two fighting with each other, in full view of a teacher." Amy ignored everything Daniel had said. No one needed more arguments here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Geni felt a voice at the edge of his conscious. It nagged at him, whispering for him to stop, that this was useless and unreasonable. It reasoned with him, trying to convince him that fighting everyone that hated him was unreasonable. But it was to late for Geni to back now, he had flew of the line, long before he had the chance to stop himself. Fortunately, Mokuren was there to stop him, at his own expense. She used her semblance to stop his attack. Unfortunately, things changed quickly. Mokuren was pushed out of the way and his attack was diverted, straight into Mokuren's unsuspecting head. The force of his own attack was to powerful to stop now. Everything that Geni had done looked and sounded stupid to him. Things changed again, this time it was heading for another kids head. His attack had been diverted so many times he was getting he was getting sick. His blade came so class to the kids head that Geni could bet he could fell the hairs in his head splitting. But this time it was actually blocked, by Amy. Geni's teeth rattled as the blade grated against her shield. Ragnorok cracks as it absorbed the energy it and originally sent at Ivan. Geni landed on his feet and backpedaled. All of the students words finally reached him, and he slowly realized the gravity of the situation he put everyone in, even himself. He glanced and Ragnorok, his reflection distorted by the crack that ran through it. This blade, he had been using it since he had joined the White Fang. He though he would bring it here with him, he thought it would comfort him, but it only dragged him back. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, dropping his weapon on the ground. He glanced at everyone in the room before he walked out of the room. He could not stay in there, he could not just sit back down like nothing had ever happened. He walked into hallway and raked his hand through his hair. He leaned on the wall and waited for the teacher to exit the room and hand down his punishment, he would most likely be kicked out of the school. Were would he go then, would he come crawling back to his father and the White Fang?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Sapphire Rode - Armoury

Things were starting to reel further and further out of control, starting with Ivan's scum of the earth speech. It might be natural to think the White Fang evil or to despise there methods but what Ivan said went way way beyond that. By the end of it Sapphire was almost sure she saw him foaming at the mouth. "Come on Ivy, we both know that isn't even close to the truth. You don't really care about getting rid of the Grimm, you just want to make sure that your face ends up on the front page of every newspaper went it actually happens. Besides there is a big difference between the actions an entire group has taken and the actions the the individual members have, just because the White Fang has done some horrible stuff doesn't mean that Geni is just as willing to commit murder."

Others began to raise opinions, Amy considering that Ivan was a loudmouth jerk and it didn't matter anyways, Sapphire caught something about her failing her entrance exam but decided that was a conversation for another time. Gren and Oswald against violence in general and then there was Daniel. As he talked about humans being capable of any sort of cruelty the White Fang could dish out he walked over to Ivan and forced him back into his seat. Sapphire knew from the moment those two connected they were about nine seconds away from a physical fight. This was only confirmed as seconds later Geni let out a large number of harsh words before he hoped up on the desk intending to attack.

Sapphire knew if she wanted to have any hope of gaining some sort of control over this situation she needed to be by Geni's side. Sapphire quickly snatched her weapons up before hopping lightly onto Geni's desk, as she jumped from desk to desk following Geni's movements Sapphire assembled her weapons into a polearm. Geni was too blinded by rage to see the scene unfold in front of him but Sapphire saw clearly enough Mokuren move into position between Geni and his target. Sapphire thought for a moment that she must be crazy before remembering what she had done to Diamond in the sparring matches. She had some sort of force field or redirection semblance. Neither of which would be pleasant to hit full on. Sapphire didn't have time to think. She had to act now or someone was going to lose there head. Sapphire altered her momentum from running into a slide. She managed to keep her torso straight avoiding any unnecessary pressure on her rib. Sapphire used her weapon as a break pushing herself to her feet between Geni's blade and Mokuren's head. It wasn't that she particularly like the girl but Geni would not fair well in the aftermath if he actually hurt someone. Sapphire polearm was raised to protect Mokuren but it turned out that was unnecessary.

In a split second everything changed. Ivan despite being arrogant and egotistical was not low enough to allow someone else to take a blow for him. Something happened, something in mid attack that caused Geni's blade to swing off course headed straight for Indigo.

Sapphire ready a moment before to protect Geni from Mokuren's semblance didn't have time to switch tactics, the blade was headed straight for Indigo's head and her miscalculation meant there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Luckily it seemed she'd not been the only one with designs on stopping Geni's attack before it happened. Amy was there as well, while she might not have been faster than Sapphire she knew exactly where the target was, a shield assembled itself from her metal sleeves stopping the blade midstrike.

Sapphire cursed herself for not being more observant and at the same time was thankful that someone else took that blow, that kind of force would not have been friendly on her broken rib. Geni seemed to have calmed well enough to realize exactly what would have happened had his attack met its mark. He murmured an apology before running from the classroom. That wouldn't end well Sapphire could already tell that. At a time like this being on his own wasn't something that would be good for Geni, he'd stew in his own thoughts and more than likely he'd do something stupid sooner rather than later. "If you don't mind Professor," Sapphire said nodding at Chatsworth. "Someone's gotta go after him."

Sapphire exited the class running after Geni. She found him in a nearby corridor. "Lionheart, wait up." She was breathing hard, harder than she should have for that short a run. Each breath brought a stab of pain as her muscles upset her damaged rib. There had to be some sort of quick fix for that, she couldn't be taking it that easy for another two weeks.

Finally she caught up to him. "Where do you think your going?" She asked looking at his face. He looked worse for wear by a lot, there wasn't a trace of laughter or his usual trickster persona.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rayna Bryson - Armoury
She sunk down deeper in her seat, glad at least that her introduction was over and she wouldn't have to go through any of that again. Things were stirring up in the Class between the White Gang guy and the gunslinger guy who was staring daggers at him. Rayna sided with the gunslinger this time - there was no place for a terrorist amongst the ranks of the hunters. They were meant to be the defenders of the people yet how could you fairly protect one group of people you completely hated? It was illogical. Granted, she didn't think that they needed to get so angry over all of it. She put that down to testosterone; lots and lots of testosterone. Turning back to Victor when he began talking, she blushed a little as she felt the cold metal of his arm wrap around her neck. Yet despite its coldness, there did seem to be a life to his arm that she couldn't precisely put her finger on. Nonetheless, it felt reassuring - she had someone here to back her up. "I was just going through officer training school. I didn't have a rank. I was a lady though." She confided with Rayna's typical wild grin making a return again. "But I swear if you tell the rest of the guys, I will never forgive you!" She whispered again, her features settling into a frown that didn't look threatening whatsoever. "Sure! No problem!" She chirped, making sure to keep her voice down as she reached over to where the robotic arm met his torso. Somehow, within two seconds and a few small movements, she had his arm off and in front of him. "There you go!" As she was helping Victor, it seemed that things went from mildly bad to incredibly bad in the space of a few seconds. Gunslinger guy was being told off by someone who strangely looked human but remained pessimistic about his own species - Rayna distrusted him. Things then went to even worse than it was before as Faunus guy decided that he had enough gumption to attack a fellow student with proper weapons right in front of a teacher. Granted, the Professor looked more interested than concerned. Push led to shove and suddenly you had a line of people vying to take Faunus guy's hit. Sighing, Rayna rolled her eyes a little - they seemingly all forgot about their aura in an attempt to play the hero. The teacher wasn't involving himself for a similar reason, probably.
Professor Chatsworth
Events seemed to fly past in the blink of an eye and much like war or political strife, much became of quite literally nothing. Sure, Geni had let it slip that he used to be part of the White Gang but it was no secret that Beacon took students from all walks of life, even if they had once used violence to achieve political aims. It was possibly for this reason that the professor felt a pang of sorrow for the young Faunus - it was one thing telling your team about that but once he told the whole class, it would spread and he would unknowingly gain enemies. Pulling out his hip flask, a few drops of whiskey accented his coffee enough to remove some of the mounting stress. This is only the first day and they're already behaving like hormonal teenagers. They were hormonal teenagers, of course, and he understood that such things were subject to bouts of increased emotions but to pull a weapon on your fellow classmates not only undermined the statement that he had moved on from terrorism but rendered such a statement obsolete. He didn't even need to step in either, which was a plus. Their auras would have protected them for a while before he would have had to do that but it was still an explosive situation. As Geni ran from the class and Sapphire ran after him, Elijah was left to pick up the pieces. "Well that was... peculiar. Did we record that?" He questioned, not addressing the class but one of the hovering contraptions which instantly buzzed an answer, wheeling about to regard him. "Good. I believe Professor Ozpin would wish to see this..." Turning back to the class, he regarded them for a few long seconds before sighing. "Let me make some rules very clear. Combat is never welcome outside of a duel between two students. This is armoury and it will remain armoury, not an extended period of combat." Sighing again, he pressed his spectacles against his eyes once more and took a sip of coffee before continuing. "With the exception of Miss Desire, all those involved as aggressors will receive a full detention. This includes you, Mr Dalton. Also, Miss Desire, I must commend you for your quick thinking and approach to dealing with the matter more peacefully. Your wisdom far outweighs that of your rage-fuelled classmates. Now, you will all sit here in silence while I go find Mr Hung. Any further violence will be met with the strictest crack-down." It wasn't normal that he had to go hunt a fleeing student but this year was proving to be very peculiar. Following the shouts of Sapphire, it didn't take him long to catch up to them, despite travelling at a leisurely pace. "Miss Rode, will you please return to the classroom while I talk to Mr Hung here." There wasn't a trace of anger in his voice and that was possibly the scary part of it all. "It seems that he needs to get something off his chest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Greyson- Grimm studies Greyson was with Robert and Pricilla in the grimm studies class while it seemed their other teammate Daniel was in the armory class. Not completely surprising considering he didn't seem to take much care about different types of Grimm their are. Greyson wasn't exactly a bookworm about the subject either but that didn't mean Greyson didn't want to learn if one Grimm was able to shoot acid at him while one that looks identical to the one doesn't. Just one of the situations that Greyson wanted to be prepared for in the near future if it ever came up to it. So far however it seemed like their professor was a nice person even counting the fact that he is letting loose live Grimm at whatever student he picks to fight off against one. Greyson was strong but Greyson would just observe for today unless called upon, considering he saw the sitting bull get beaten down by one of their other classmates that Made Greyson smile a little as he thought back to Edgar the giant sitting bull they killed to form their team, such good memories Greyson thought to himself. Greyson also wanted to keep an eye on Pricilla and Robert hoping that he will still have a chance to have a date with Pricilla soon, after all Pricilla was his first partner and he still remembers that cute funny girl that laughed as she fought those beowolf with him that day. Greyson couldn't get her off his mind and it was Greyson's own shy nature with beautiful women that is causing him to loose his chance. His window is slowly closing and he doesn't know how to keep it open...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro - 4th Period, Armory Class His question ignored, his messages to Sapphire and Mokuren gone unanswered, the situation in the classroom degraded at a pace so rapid that it dizzied Shiro. One thing was clear, that Geni had been part of the White Fang prior to his enrollment and acceptance into Beacon. The very moment he heard whisperings of the White Fang, Shiro's head ached with an intense pain that caused him to lose focus of the events unfolding around him. Grimacing, Shiro eyes shut tight as his ears flattened themselves. His skull felt as though someone was drilling into it and prying it open with tools to see what was inside. A high pitched whine that only he himself could hear deafened him. Placing his hands on his head in a futile attempt to ease his splitting migraine, he gritted his teeth as he steeled himself for what was coming next. The voices. Always starting as little ideas and whispers, a few here and there, they grew in volume and number. Painfully opening an eye to try and keep track of what was going on, he immediately wished he hadn't. In every desk, in every possible space of the classroom all of its occupants had disappeared and were replaced by smoky black shadows. He quickly shut his eye closed and willed himself to make it through this attack. Breaking out in a slight cold sweat, his breathing became labored as memories forced their way through the clouded mess of his mind. "...Where did they find him?" "..The townspeople saw the fires." "...Was the only one there." "We found this.." "Doesn't that belong to..." "It looks like the White Fang's doing." "Tragic..." A younger Shiro only caught fragments of what the people around him were saying, fading in and out of consciousness. The voices were unrelenting, suggesting he take action. To add fuel to the fire, to do something extreme that he didn't want to do. "Rip out his throat" "With fangs" "Killed your" "Use your Power" "Silence them" A massive jumbled mess of different voices battered him and left him withered. He could only surmise that they came from the Shadows that surrounded him. Breathing slowly and steadily, he kept himself calm. As suddenly as the attack came, it went away. His face relaxing, sweat drying away, he slowly opened his eyes and only saw his fellow classmates. No Shadow Men to be seen, the voices and high pitch whine gone. Clearing his throat, Shiro sat silently at his seat. Not saying a single word or giving any indication as to what happened to him, he finished the notes he was recording on his Scroll, his countenance expressionless and blank. The book of his easily read emotions and thoughts closed, its pages blank. He would reserve his opinions and thoughts to himself for once, only wishing the continuation of class. As the professor quieted the class and left to track down Geni, the lion Faunus, Shiro looked at his weapons and decided he would busy himself until the professor returned and class proceeded as normal. Grabbing the hilt of his sheathed sword and pressing down on the emblazoned crest of the shield, he used the sword as an odd key of sorts. Sheathing and unsheathing the sword at varying lengths, a series of audible mechanical clicks and ticks were heard as the hidden internal mechanisms of his weapons turned and worked. With a slight pop and jump, the shield segmented itself revealing that it was not indeed one solid piece of metal. Carefully sliding his blade out of the shield with a metallic grinding noise, he grabbed the spine of the blade as he simultaneously twisted the hilt. Removing the spine, he pulled out its internals revealing that his sword was partially hollow within. As he twisted off the pommel, he disassembled the rest of the internals and began to turn each part over in his gloved hands. Carefully examining each item to check for abnormal stress, wear and tear. As he looked over his now disassembled sword and shield, he worked with an uncharacteristically unusual calm and serenity. As if nothing happened in the class. As if he didn't just suffer one of his periodical attacks. To anyone watching Shiro, he was simply conducting maintenance on his surprisingly swiss watch-like weapons. The sword and shield not simply so. Its true inner workings and functions, only Shiro knew how to piece together and understand. He was the only one alive that knew how his weapons were utilized. All in all, he seemed rather disinterested in the happenings of the classroom, even bored. The drama just wasn't his thing. One thing was certain, however. Inside, Shiro's heart burned furiously with anger and rage aimed towards Geni. He would later demand answers from the Lion Faunus, before passing his own form of judgement. He would have his information if he would be attending this class with the Lion-boy. But, he would reserve that for another day, now more interested in the dust residue build up on the internals of his gear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sangue Naga - Grimm Studies Though Sangue remained silent, she clapped for Ben in her mind. He did a great job in swiftly dealing with the Grimm; as expected of a leader. She absentmindedly nodded at Ben as she began to follow her teammates out. Sangue liked fresh air, though she still seemed a bit nervous, wondering if she would get picked to represent her team or not. Fortunately for her, it seemed that Professor Port planned on letting each teams' members shine on their own. She felt calmer. The woman turned to Trad, then at Ben, before attending the Grimm Studies class as silently as she had before. She was no longer taking notes due to the fact that the class was now moving. The red-haired warrior, after all, could not carry a notepad and a pencil. "..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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ARMOURY Hearing Rayna talk about her past Victor felt that he had to share as well. "I hate how it feels when my arm is removed, it's like hanging by a thread over a shark tank, your one lifeline, and you have to let go. I always hesitate," glancing to the side at Rayna "prolonging it, as if by taking longer it won't have to happen. It is... scary. Then it is done, gone, as if I never even got a replacement in the first place. It feels empty, not even a phantom limb to remember it by." taking his arm from Rayna, Victor lays it out on the table in front of him and with a practiced hand he starts disassembling it. "Don't worry about all this past business." matching Rayna's wild grin Victor turned to her "You're the Captain after all... unless you would prefer me to call you M'lady?" The growing conflict felt like background static, ever present and building up until it could no longer be ignored. Victor only started really paying attention when the threat of a tank was introduced Are you kidding me? Have you not heard of escalation of force? Don't do that! You'll just start a fire! next thing he knew that threatening spark blew up the political powder keg. A short fight broke out and miraculously managed to resolve itself before Professor Chatsworth had to intervene, he was only needed for clean up. Looking down Victor went to resume his work but found that he had already striped it down to it's metal skeletal frame. Well... practice really does make perfect. Stepping back Victor looked at his arm all spread out and was, as always, slightly amazed. Whispering to Rayna Victor said "It's weird isn't it? So many parts fit together to make my arm and my weapon... It's also a bit creepy, the metal skeleton arm part." grabbing some WB-40 Victor started meticulously cleaning and oiling every part that needed it, noting down any part that could be improved The lenses used in the cannon could be higher quality, I better sharpen the blade as well "What plans do you have for this class M'lady Captain Rayna? What plans will lead Jormungandr to glory?" grinning broadly Victor did his best to put the political fight in the back of his mind and was determined to stay out of it. As far as he was concerned it was just a fight. No terrorism, no politics, nothing. Politics is what caused me to need this arm. Little good comes from it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Geni flexed his finger over and over again as he walked. He liked the feeling of the cracking over and over again, it helped him think. This was supposed to be Armory Class, yet it turned into a battle field. Geni sighed, remembering the words of Ivan. "Once a terrorist, always a terrorist." there was some truth to those words. Geni learned how to fight at a very young age, and from then on he had done many unspeakable acts. Yet, Beacon accepted him, he had told them of his past, but they still took him in. Geni owed this school a lot for what they did for him, yet, stepped all over them with what happened today. Geni raked his hands through his hair once again, until the silence of the hallway was broken by the pained running of Sapphire. She had used the nickname she made up for him, Lionheart. "Were do you think you are going." she asked him breathlessly. Geni sighed and but put on a fake smile. "Wherever the wind takes be." He said solemnly. Unfortunately. Before there conversation could go far the teacher then came to them. Geni cringed when he asked Sapphire to go back to class and looked back at Geni. Geni was extremely nervously, but Geni calmed down and took a deep breath. "Hey teach." He said solemnly as he scratched the back of his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mokuren sighed as the situation finished. She felt her Semblance activate too soon and for a good few seconds thought she was going to die. It was an interesting thought pattern, how she would end living in an armory defending a man she disliked for no other reason than she had cravings when she first met him. But, then the sword was not killing her, and more things happened beyond Mokuren's scope. Afterwards, Mokuren's mind reminded her of that message she got before all the shit happened. With the teacher now out of the classroom - and Mokuren left unaware of wither she had detention or not, since she wasn't actually an aggressor but rather trying to protect people - now was a good time to answer it and so she turned to her scroll and opened it, reading that it was from Shiro. That put a soft on her face as she headed back to her seat to reply. To: Kuhaku, Shiro From: Sabella, Mokuren Subject: Ostrich you are welcome for the offer off assistance, Shiro Kuhaku. I could not leave someone like yourself to traverse the hallway with a damaged brain, even though it turned out your brain was not damaged. I also hope that we can get to know each other much better, as you seem like a person that would be a very interesting partner. Sorry about the tardiness of this reply, but the reason should be pretty obvious With the message completed, she hit send and put her scroll, grinning widely. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, and it wasn't just the fight or threat of death that made brought this on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Hallway

Geni's answer worried Sapphire, from the sounds of it he felt himself no longer welcome at Beacon and more than likely he was planning on running. As someone who understood that impulse quite well Sapphire knew first hand that it never solved anything. Before she had a chance to say anything about it however the teacher Professor Chatsworth arrived no doubt to hand down Geni's punishment. He dismissed her back to the classroom but Sapphire was more than a little reluctant to go. An authority figure telling him how much trouble he was in was not what Geni needed, he'd likely been doing that to himself since he'd left the classroom. Right now he needed someone on his side but Sapphire wasn't going to get a chance to be that person.

"Just don't do anything stupid or rash. You have people counting on you here." Sapphire glanced back at him. "I'll see you in class." Then she walked off back down the corridor.

Once Sapphire was out of sight of the Professor and Geni she stopped. Sapphire's little sister had always told her her fatal flaw was an insatiable curiosity. More specifically a curiosity about things which she was supposed to have no knowledge. Her father had often told her it would get her killed one day. Sapphire glanced back at the corner to the hall were Geni and Chatsworth were talking then she looked ahead towards the classroom. Chances are if she returned there wouldn't be a whole lot ot do so might as well.

Sapphire flicked on her semblance, her form blurring out of existence to all but a very select few. The last thing either Geni or Chatsworth would expect was for her to return to the hall to eavesdrop and her semblance took full advantage of that granting them the sight they expected to see, the landscape that was devoid of Sapphire Rode.

She walked very deliberately and very silently back maintaining a good distance. They could neither see nor hear her unless she made some very loud and attention drawing noise but she was still solid if they got too close they would knock into her and her illusion would shatter. So she kept close enough to hear there conversation but far enough away that she could avoid either of them if they moved towards her. What could she say, she was curious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rayna Bryson - Armoury
She had only broken her arm once or twice and although it was completely incapacitated, she never felt the loss that Victor seemed to feel on a daily basis. It sounded harsh. People around her were still feeling the after-shock of the argument and although Geni had dashed off to somewhere else, there was still dark stares being passed amongst the room. Why did things always have to come to something like this? There was peace between human and faunus for an age now but somehow things always managed to spark off completely. She put it down to the White Fang, of course. Faunus had their peace and their rights - they could fight for the rights of the other faunus in a peaceful way but the White Fang chose to take the path of violence, which wasn't particularly surprising. Everyone deserved to stand for what they believed in but the White Fang had become more radicalised and ultimately, more dangerous. Turning back to Victor, she gave him a scathing look before shaking her head a little too vigorously. "Neither! I just want Rayna!" She complained with a deep sigh - it seemed that trying to explain things to Victor was completely futile. "Look, I don't particularly like talking about it but I don't have a rank anymore and I don't really have a noble standing either. I would just prefer if you called me Rayna. It works." Settling down in her chair, she let her eyes drift closed as she took a moment to think about things. It seemed that Ivan didn't really have a lot of support for what he did so she drew her pocketed scroll and dragged it open. To: Oakley, Ivan From: Bryson, Rayna Subject: Help Hey, I know you probably don't know who I am (blue-haired girl behind you) but I completely agreed with what you said and that other guy was in the wrong for attacking you. Still, I think you've gained quite a number of enemies today and they're likely not going to forget what you did. If you ever need any help, just say so. With that, she turned back towards Victor as if nothing happened at all. "I swear, Victor, you're treading on really thing ice!" She warned him, her mood a lot lighter now as she attempted to punch his arm only to discover it had been removed... by her. Silently, she was thankful she didn't punch the large hunk of metal - it would have been painful, she theorised.
Professor Elijah Chatsworth
Giving a quick yet thankful nod to Sapphire, he allowed her to turn and walk out of sight before he continued. "Mr Hung, would you care to walk with me?" It was more of a command than a request but Eli never liked to appear very forceful. One of his little flying machines was following them, buzzing along happily as if it didn't have a care in the world. Elijah got lost in that, creating a minute-long silence that was probably awkward for Geni but he found it strangely peaceful. As they walked, Chatsworth eventually began. "You made a mistake in divulging your past to the class." He informed him, choosing his words carefully. "You're all so young now." He murmured thoughtfully, shaking his head a little. "Young and headstrong. You have all yet to see the true evil in this world but if you follow the path of a Hunter then you'll see it one day. Then they'll see, Mr Hung, then they'll know what it is to fight for something that you whole-heartedly believe in. Until then, unfortunately, they'll never be able to understand why you fought with the White Fang. They'll stand up for you and sympathise with you but they will never understand." Eventually, they came to bridge connecting two parts of the school. It was open to the elements, only being covered by a roof. Moving to the side of it, the Professor stared out for a moment before sighing. "Mr Oakley raised a few good points about you but I've worked with Ozpin for more years than you've been alive and I trust in his decisions. If he has hope in you, I'll have hope in you." Giving Geni a quick nod, he fixed his spectacles before moving on to the necessary details. "That doesn't mean you're getting off lightly. You'll serve a detention with the rest of those involved and then another one for drawing your weapon with the intent to use it in my classroom. I don't want to do this again, Mr Hung, so make sure it's your last." Looking beyond Geni, he thought he heard something as his ears suddenly perked up. "I advise heading back to class now; I will return straight after you." He seemed preoccupied with a train of thought. After another five minutes, the Professor finally returned to the Armoury classroom. "We didn't get through a lot today but allow me to make this clear - any further events like the one today will end in the perpetrators being removed from my class permanently. If you want to retain your place here, I advise you hold your petty squabbles for outside. Class dismissed." He seemed to pick up on something as well though as one little machine suddenly buzzed to him. "Miss Rode, why is it that you only returned to class a few minutes before I did? Surely it would have only taken you two minutes to walk back to class when I told you to." Although he looked like he was old and tired, Elijah had the sharpest of minds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Marcus Goldstein Location: Armoury class Status: Good At the start of the squabble, Marcus was too absorbed in the lecture to step in. When it finally did come to his attention, roughly around when Oswald made his intervention, he stared at the clusterfuck with a morbid curiosity normally reserved for massive disasters in progress. This was supposed to be Beacon right? The best school for hunters, pride of the nation, etcetera etcetera. Not exactly the place he anticipated deep philosophical debates about what measured the worth of a sentient or some such tripe. “And now they’re fokking about to tear each other a new one like the raging scrotum sucking spunk trumpets they are. Glorious, ten outta ten, best school evar, now can we please get the fock out? I miss me old homestead.” Marcus leaned on one elbow and palmed his face. Other than actively suppress a chortle when Geni challenged him to a head on duel with Unsubtle, he was content to just sit there and let the others handle this. “You fokken wot mate I’ll shiv ya I swear on me pops!” For one Marcus was without a weapon or useful combat semblance. For another, there was a teacher right there. And lastly, the whole argument here was just plain stupid as far as he was concerned. There were still plenty of Grimm out there, and the schism between ‘pure’ humans and faunus was just stupid in the face of that. Yes, the faunus were discriminated against inside kingdoms. This was neither the time nor place to have a frank exchange of ideas about the issue. Especially not with bullet and blade. All in all he was glad it was over. He texted Ivan, just to hopefully take the boy’s mind off the matter as well. Something about moving forwards rather than dwelling on the past and all that. To: Oakley, Ivan From: Goldstein, Marcus Subject: Mechanics I wish to exchange ideas given that we both use large firearms. First off, how much harder can you make a gun or cannon hit? We could compare notes on thermal warping too, I still cannot push the rate of fire too high without outright melting some components. For a second Marcus thought on some social niceties to add, failed to come up with any and then sent the message.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ivan Oakley - Armory
Ivan looked up from the floor, wondering how he'd ended up over here instead of where fox faunus was standing. Worriedly, he darted over to Amarath as soon as he confirmed that neither his teammate(Ivan grabbed Indigo and looked him over for serious wounds) or the heroic girl(He was a lot less physical on his check on Mokuren, merely asking that she wasn't hurt). Ignoring the comment about the crusader, he finally relaxed as he saw no external injuries. Turning away, he causally stooped and picked up Ragnarok, examining the heavy weapon thoroughly to make sure that he hadn't damaged irreparably damaged it. The gunslinger placed Geni's double-ended blade back where the lion faunus had sat previously, pondering his next action carefully as he recalled the wear on the weapon, some of which due to his own semblance's interference. After a second, he retrieved his notebook and wrote in a methodical, heavy-handed script about possible maintenance options for the damages. Including the crack on the blade. He tore out the page and left it next to the weapon with small scrawling addendum at the bottom. Sorry for calling you Grimm-allied. As he strode back to his seat, his message indicator on his scroll beeped, quickly reading through the first message. Ivan instinctively grimaced when he saw the words 'blue-haired'. As much as he knew the girl meant well by informing him of her appearance, but the mention of blue only brought up the disdainful countenance of Sapphire and her constantly mocking comments. He turned fully around to examine the girl behind him, taking in the general's daughter with the same intense gaze that he reserved for curiosities in his daily life. As if pleased with what he saw there, he nodded and began to type up a response. To: Bryson, Rayna From: Oakley, Ivan Subject: RE: Help Thank you for your kind offer, Miss Rayna. I'm quite certain that we will not come to blows again, given the professional way were are supposed to act here at Beacon, but assistance in times of need is always appreciated. Allow me to extend the offer back at you. If you need any help, I'm available. He flicked over to Marcus' message immediately after sending the formal one to Rayna. Nodding again in confirmation, he glanced back at the man in military dress and sized him up, thinking of how appropriately to respond to such a business-like manner. He began to type rapidly, long fingers flying over the keyboard. Seemingly satisfied, he hit the send button and finally turned back to the maintenance of his own weapon. To: Goldstein, Marcus From: Oakley, Ivan Subject: RE: Mechanics I'm quite at ease with this arrangement, Goldstein. My semblance is quite simple and direct in what it does, and thus makes it quite easy to explain to someone who has the basest grasp of physics. It allows me to take the energy and force generated by a dust reaction and redirect it. All of it. As you mentioned, firing too many shots too rapidly makes the buildup of heat grow nearly exponentially as compared to unmodified attacks.
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