Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ethan was just glad to have gotten out of there in one piece. Considering how strong those two were they could have ended up awfully injured for it, yet Remus had let them go. Why was that? It seemed like both of them wanted to attack, why not team up and do it? Instead they were fighting each other now and they'd gotten away. Furrowing his brow as he mulled over it in confusion he moved to wrap up his hand, pausing when Amuné grabbed his hand to inspect the burn. "Heh... It's only a little burn, it's not that bad," Ethan lied, using his good hand to ruffle the Ydran's hair playfully, "I just need to wash it out and I'll be fine, don't you worry about it." Truthfully it stung something fierce and felt like it was still burning, kind of similar to a sting from a wasp only greater. What she said next about becoming ill made him confused, but perhaps she meant the wound would get infected and lead him to get sick. Strange though, it wasn't the first time she had said something off like that, he just chalked it up again to her perception of what happened.

Aside from his small burns he was fine, but what about Cecil? Last time he'd expended a great deal of energy their friend had all but collapsed in on himself, hopefully that didn't happen this time around. Looking at the Machina worriedly he shook his head when Cecil asked about himself, even if there was no concrete answer to the question. "It's not a problem, honest. It's the same as if someone got sick, we don't get mad at them or call them a problem for it. And maybe you were made to protect people, not just kill? Yeah you can fight, but who said fighting is just to kill? Maybe it's just to make people back off." You certainly didn't have to take a life to win a fight, and Cecil seemed like he could do that well; getting shocked was an awful experience yet it wouldn't kill you outright, it probably made a great deterrent for anyone trying to fight him. Watching Cecil lay back and relax Ethan gave his friend a sympathetic smile, sitting with his legs crossed as he rubbed at his hand gingerly. "Hey, we're going to figure all this out right? Somewhere out here is the place you came from, and they'll have all the answers you want."

Speaking of answers Nymira would love to have some right about now. Ethan may be dismissive of what had happened but she'd heard Amuné, how she had somehow known what those creatures were capable of. While the imbecile Muran was playing off his injury anyone could see the sweat forming on his brow or his skin become somewhat paler, clear signs that he'd contracted an illness. Grabbing hold of the girl's arm she gently pulled her aside, smiling kindly to convey she meant no harm by it. "Amuné, I have a question for you little one, and I'd like an honest answer please..." she whispered, not wanting to make this a public discussion. Releasing the child's arm she placed her hands on her knees and crouched down, coming eye to eye with the girl. "You knew Ethan was going to be sick, and that those monsters were dangerous. Unless you've fought them before that would be impossible. So then... Care to tell me how you knew?" In all of her years she'd never encountered anything like those creatures, those slimes or abominations, whatever you wanted to call them. The fact then a child barely old enough to know the world was aware of them was incredibly confusing.

By this time those children should be long gone by now. Good, Remus had very little intentions of actually seeing this battle through. Beating the Varuna wasn't too daunting a task for him, he was more concerned with the effects his killing one of his associates might have. Deflecting another creature and shattering it on the beach with a torrent of water, the Magi frowned and held up his hands, causing the Varuna to withhold their attack in confusion. "Us fighting isn't going to solve anything. I was mistaken to attack you, but I couldn't let you kill them. You understand, I'm sure?"

Letting out a hiss of frustration the Varuna slammed its staff against the water, then proceeded to storm across the surface while pointing at the large Muran. "Ssssselfish human deniesss me my prize! Then try to defend sssself?" What arrogance! These surface dwellers were all like that, thinking they came before those below and deserved everything first! Keeping to the water he looked up at Remus' emotionless face before scoffing, knowing too how moot it was for them to fight. While killing one of the others would make his job easier it wouldn't be easy, and doing so might make him a target in turn. "Thissss fight is pointlesss, but I will not forgive you sssso easily. If you get in my way again I will kill you, Muran. I will not allow anyone to sssstand in my way." Infuriated but reserved to move on the Varuna turned and stormed back the way he had come, knowing he now had to report back with a failure. But then so did Remus, and he'd have to explain why he'd interfered. If either of them were disciplined, he reflected with a grin, it would be that man. Chuckling with delight the Varuna then dove back into the river, speeding along upstream the way it had come.

Well that was bothersome, and now he'd likely dug himself a hole as a result. No one back at the Church was going to be pleased with his actions today, Remus knew as much already. He'd have to use the excuse of wanting to finish the fight from before, there was nothing more he could say on the subject. As if they didn't expect their fighters to get into brawls like that, sending them out unchecked into the world to do their dirty work. He loathed being a pawn but it was necessary, it was the only way he could accomplish what he sought to do. Sighing to himself the old man took one glance at his burned hands and realized it was poison, sniffing in disgust before digging through his pouch and pulling free the leaves of a plant, stuffing one in his mouth and chewing it to a pulp. Once done he spread the pulp along the burns and let it sit, knowing it would draw forth the venom and soothe the injury itself. A man who used both creatures of the void and poison to fight, what a loathsome creature...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A ways from the campsite

Ethan brushed off the girl's concern, ruffling her hair, but he was rapidly progressing into signs of fever. She frowned at him. She'd thought he would be okay, but it looked like she was wrong, and there wasn't anything she could do at the moment to help.

Cecil didn't seem to understand why they were worried about him. "It's because we care about you," Amuné told the Machina, going over and patting his shoulder. She would have given him a hug, but he was lying down. But now Nymira was pulling her aside. The girl looked up at the Dimuran, confused. And then....

And then the woman asked the question Amuné dreaded. She tried to keep her fear from showing, but Nymira could likely see it all too clearly, and how she scrambled for a good answer. "They smelled like rot and disease. That sort of thing makes you sick -- it's bad." She hoped Nymira would accept that, but the woman wasn't blind, nor was she as accepting as Ethan. Amuné flinched when the Dimuran made it clear she saw through the girl's lie.

"I don't want you guys to not like me," the child whispered, starting to shake. Her daddy hadn't exactly said that other Magi might dislike her for her gift, but she'd put a few different things together and drawn that conclusion for herself. "Please, don't tell them?" She glanced at Nymira again before looking down to her bare feet. "I...I'm a Magi too -- like you and Ethan and Cecil. But...but Daddy says my gift is rare and often misunderstood." Amuné hesitated, taking an uneven breath. "I see...things. Things that happened...or things that might happen."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil felt so confused, he didn’t know whether this was his destiny. If he was supposed to do this fighting stuff with them then how was he supposed to stop himself from trying to kill others if things got too rough? He was surely in trouble now, if he grew into too much of a killer he would only end up risking his friendship with these people even more. Nobody wanted to be around a man like Remus, nevermind a robot that was fully capable of great destruction like that. It made him feel pretty sad that he might end up doomed to a life of nothingness if he scared them off, especially after finding out how important it was to have friends. Even Ethan didn’t really know how to answer him, only making the remark that he could be a protecting Machina. “But…when I attacked that creature I really wanted it dead, like I was using it as practice before getting to the river man”, he spoke slowly, feeling a little low power now that he had stopped fighting, “Is it possible for someone like me to get stronger through practice…?”

He really didn’t know what he was supposed to do or feel about this situation, only that he had to probably keep going and see what might happen in the future. He didn’t know how long he could last, but it couldn’t be too long if he had managed to freak out and nearly attack Nymira with a fairly aggressive attack only managing to lead to this. If he kept going down the route he was going he would probably do more than shoot out electricity in quick bursts. Looking to Amuné at the mention of caring about him he could only stare at her in confusion, not fully understanding what such a thing meant. Maybe they liked having the fire power behind them, but otherwise he didn’t think he had contributed much to warrant them wanting to care about him like another person might want to care for a living being. Staring at Amuné and Nymira as they talked together he only found himself confused over that too, not really understanding why it was a negative. “I don’t think I’m a Magi. Someone made me like this, after all”, he spoke, slowly rolling over onto his side, “I need to power down until the sun comes up. I need solar energy after that…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ethan didn't want anyone worrying over his wound, even if he was positive by now he had some minute poisoning. There wasn't enough in his system to really cause pain, just some slight nausea and a bit of a fever from what he could tell. Uncomfortable yes but not life threatening, he'd just need to rest for a little and he'd be right as rain. What about Cecil though? The Machina appeared spent after the fight and given last time he'd all but shutdown there was some reason for worry among their group. "Hey, we wanted it dead too, pretty sure that feeling was mutual. Just because you want to defend yourself or your friends, and even if that involves killing something, it doesn't make you bad," Ethan reassured, pausing to wipe sweat from his brow, "I don't know, I have no clue how you work, sorry Cecil. But I'd bet you can get stronger, I mean think about it. You learn how to control your magic, energy, whatever it is better so you don't use as much power. It's... Kind of hard to explain, but when Magi use spells we can tire ourselves out easily, unless we know how to keep our levels down. Use too much mana and you're in trouble, maybe you're sort of the same way?" That was only a guess going off of the bits and pieces the old man had told him ages ago, and he wasn't completely sure he even recited it right. Sounded right to him.

Ethan and Cecil might not bring it up but Nymira wasn't going to let it go. Amuné had somehow known about those monsters before they even began fighting, before Ethan was ever attacked or the liquid hit his skin. Any self-respecting fighter kept themselves aware of everything during a battle, even the small details like a child screaming. So she'd picked up on something unusual awfully quickly and now, confronting Amuné with it, the little girl was reluctant to admit anything. "Little one, I do not appreciate being lied to... Just tell me what it is, I'll not treat you any differently for it." Letting the child say her piece confirmed the Dimuran's sneaking suspicions, that she somehow had foreseen what was about to happen. While a rare form of magic she was somewhat familiar with it, knowing of an elder in a neighboring clan who many called a Seer. She had sought the man out for advice once before though had come up empty, being told it wasn't proper use of his powers to give someone an edge in battle. The downside to being an honorable society she supposed, sometimes they were too honorable even for themselves.

"I don't know, but we'll find out when we find whoever made you, on that you have my word," Ethan answered, smiling as he watched Cecil lay back to rest, "Go right ahead, rest up and we'll move you when its time to get going. I think we all need a bit of a break after that." They should be far enough from the fight as not to be at risk any longer, and with no water around he assumed neither of those Magi could fight them anyways. He could be wrong but he hoped not to be proven as such, it would be nice to sit down and take it easy after that mess. Nursing his throbbing hand as he got to his feet Ethan joined Nymira and Amuné not too far away, giving the latter a perplexed look seeing her upset. "What is it Amuné? You still worrying about my hand?" he asked, taking a seat before her and holding it up, "It's sore but I'll live, so rest easy okay? Nothing to be afraid of."

"That's not it you buffoon, she's afraid of what she just told me," Nymira interjected, frowning before rolling her eyes at Ethan. "The child is what my people call a seer, someone who can catch a glimpse of the future, or learn something of someone's past. I don't know the extent of her powers but she saw something during our last fight. She's afraid we'll think poorly of her for her gift, though I for one think its a wonderful thing to have." The last thing she wished for was the child to be upset, she had a soft spot generally when it came to children. Anyone with eyes could tell that Amuné valued and wanted Ethan's approval, and to lesser extents Cecil's and her own. Being cast aside for something then might be worst case scenario for her, and they had to reassure her otherwise. "We won't hate you for it Amuné, and I know Ethan and Cecil don't either," Nymira added as she looked to the Muran, narrowing her eyes accusingly at him, "Isn't that right Ethan?"

Jeez that was a scary look! Cringing from the glare he was getting Ethan smiled and quickly nodded his head, looking to Amuné and giving her a thumbs up. "Yeah, I don't think of you any less for it! Heck, I think it's really awesome actually, that could help us a ton!" Shame he hadn't listened earlier, might have spared him getting this nasty burn on his skin. Now they knew for the future, and Saints forbid if they fought either of those two men again they would be prepared for it next time. Seriously, why were those two after them though? The old guy had attacked them before so it didn't have to do with Nymira, and he doubted the fish man was after her either, so it was one of them. Just what the heck was going on?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A ways from the campsite

"Really?" Hearing first Nymira and then Ethan say they were okay with her magic cheered Amuné considerably. She gave the woman a shy smile, and went to give Ethan a hug. "Thank you, Nymira, I'm sorry I tried to lie. Ethan..." She pulled back, frowning at the man, and put a hand to his forehead. "You've got a fever." The girl bit her lip, her expression turning pale and frightened. "This is bad, Ethan! Those things...they can make you really, really sick." She fussed with buttons on the front of her nightgown, brow furrowed in thought as she tried to remember what to do for a fever and an infected wound. "You need rest and fluids...and...and...." Her shoulders slumped. Anything that might have helped the injury, or drawn out whatever was making Ethan sick, that was all back at their camp. "I wish I knew more about healing people," Amuné lamented, sitting down hard.

She gave Wyth a pat as the huge feline tried to sooth his distressed girl, but her mood didn't improve. The child felt small and useless. With how fast Ethan's symptoms were manifesting, she thought it was going to be bad. The vision she'd seen earlier, of Ethan weak and dying, seemed like it might really happen after all and that terrified her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Why would being a Magi be a bad thing? Everyone present was one themselves, of course Amuné was going to be accepted! "Hey, there's no reason to be sorry, we're not mad or anything. You can tell us stuff in the future though, right? We're here and we're friends, you can trust us," Ethan said as he placed his arm around the Ydran, smiling down at her. When she pulled back and tested his temperature he sighed inwardly, having hoped she'd not check and get herself worried. Reaching out he placed his good hand on her head, giving it a gentle rubbing before tapping his bandaged hand with a fingertip. "Relax, I'm sick but it's not going to kill me, heh... I've been way sicker than this and pulled through just fine, this is nothing!" It sort of reminded him of the time he'd eaten that bad fish and gotten food poisoning, though there was much less puking and stomach pains. He had cold sweats, a fever and nausea, but that was relatively minor given all the problems he could have.

"If Ethan says he is fine child then we have to trust him, he knows how he feels better than we do," Nymira added, frowning when she looked at the Muran, "You do look like hell though, I don't envy you. Once we get back to camp we'll have to see about giving you something to relieve the sickness." She was accustomed to healers, and the older Dimurans who knew what herbs to gather, what roots helped with specific ailments and some curious, unorthodox remedies like a hot mud bath that supposedly relieved stress and aches. They didn't have any of that on hand and her own knowledge of medicine was sorely lacking. "Rest up and we'll return to the camp in the morning, I suppose it can't be helped if those two buffoons are fighting it out." So long as those Magi didn't continue their chase they should be fine here, and come sunrise they could try and recover whatever might be left. Pushing herself to her feet Nymira clutched her daggers loosely in her hands, walking out to the road and looking both ways for any travelers. "I'll take watch, you sleep as well Amuné. It would be my shift anyways."

Ethan somehow managed to fall asleep despite his discomfort, and slept very soundly at that. He might have remained asleep had a cricket not landed on his nose, making him smack at his own face in his sleep, missing it and waking himself. Opening his eyes groggily the Magi sat up and glanced around, wondering what had struck him before letting out a loud yawn. "Oh jeez... Should have changed out of my clothes..." he mumbled as he peeled his shirt from his chest, grimacing at it having dried and his clothing now clung to him. Figuring he'd take it off he began to do so, pausing when he spotted Nymira watching him with a cross expression, like what he was doing was inappropriate; Amuné was present, his stripping down to his pants probably was inappropriate. Smiling sheepishly he quickly lowered his shirt again and ran a hand through his hair, "Morning Nymira, sorry about that," he laughed, silently wishing she'd been asleep so he could at least wring it out.

"Yes, and I'm sorry my day had to start out by seeing you unceremoniously strip," the Dimuran answered coldly, frowning as she looked in the direction of their camp, "The others are awake, we all have been for a while now. No one wanted to wake you though, or rather they wouldn't let me. You seem to be fine now." Good, she couldn't do her job if one of her escorts was ill. Should none of their supplies still be at camp they may need to double back to Galloway to buy more, though that was only if her money was even there still. Would those Magi go as far to steal from her? She wouldn't put it past them, they were willing to kill for no apparent reason, petty theft probably wasn't below them either. Huffing at the notion of being a victim of theft she folded her arms over her chest, clearing her throat before looking between Amuné, Cecil and Ethan. "Now that we're all ready we should go back, I worry what damage those buffoons might have caused with their fighting."

Heading back wasn't a half bad idea, he had an extra shirt somewhere that he could put on. "Yeah, we should, no sense in waiting any longer," Ethan agreed, slowly getting to his feet and stumbling slightly as he did. He was a bit lightheaded from the illness taking its toll and felt rather thirsty, though the former might be from just getting up too quickly too. Shaking his head and giving the side a smack he looked to Cecil, making a poking gesture at his own chest. "How's the battery holding up? Feel better now that you had a chance to recharge?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A ways from the campsite

Amuné slept with her head on Wyth's stomach. The first thing she did upon waking in the morning was check on Ethan. The man seemed to be doing better, and she gave a sigh of relief. He was going to be okay. Still, he needed his rest and when Nymira wanted to wake him up the girl got in her way. "He needs sleep so he can get better!" she told the Dimuran, frowning up at her. "We're not in a hurry, so let him sleep." Amuné settled in to wait quietly, occupying herself by watching clouds pass.

It was some time later when Ethan finally woke. Amuné gave him a smile and a hug, ignoring his still-damp clothing. "I'm glad you're better," she told him. The little exchange between Ethan and Nymira confused her. The man wasn't stripping, was he, he was just taking off his shirt, and that was okay. If he'd gone for his belt she would have turned around because girls aren't supposed to see boys with their pants off.

It seemed they were going to head back to camp. Amuné hoped the bad Magi had left everything alone -- especially Jorvind and the other horse, and her medical supplies. When Ethan staggered she was at his side right away, but he seemed to be alright and waved her off. She looked at Cecil when Ethan asked the Machina how he was doing. She hoped he was doing better too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil had acted like he was completely gone for a very long time, his energy levels being kept at a near minimum as he remained in sleep mode. He was non-responsive for the entire time with the only movement he ever gave was the occasional flick of his finger in response to noise. He could feel nothing during his sleep mode and even as the sun hit him for the first time as it rose beyond the horizon he didn’t so much as make a move to show he was still functioning. To him all he could feel was the surrounding environment, whether there was any danger and depending on how deep his sleep mode was he could react; thankfully, nothing happened to pull him out of it with little danger that he would act out of character and try hurting those around him.

As everyone was starting to wake up it wasn’t long into the day that Cecil started to power up again, coming out of his stillness and into reality again he slowly sat up but kept quiet, staring out into nothing for a good moment he soon started moving if only to hold his legs close to his chest. He still had the same thought process as he had during the night, but he was trying to get his mind around his purpose while also trying to forget about it and just to keep going. His goal was to keep going and he had to, even if it was going to be difficult.

As everyone was waiting around for Ethan he sat quietly by himself, taking in whatever he could to feel more energised. He had a variety of ways to restore power, his last battery was just too far gone for that. He really had to think about what happened there. If they really intended for him to be a combat Machina, his previous battery’s life must’ve been only to last a short while as if they never intended for him to be running for so long or for him to have massive bursts of energy immediately after production only for them to take him away again and do it all over. It made him feel worried about his purpose, even if he didn’t fully know what that meant.

Sitting by himself he didn’t hear Ethan approach at first, his eyes only going up to him as he heard him speak about his battery. Looking up to him briefly he soon looked down again, rubbing his chest before he sighed. “A little, I mean…umm…” he paused before frowning, his eyes going to the ground before up to Amuné. Everything seemed to be okay with everyone, only problem was they were still missing everything they had bought. Looking down again he soon looked up to Ethan, smiling a little. “I’ll be okay. I just need a little bit to get back to a better level. Norman’s new battery is really great, but its recharge is still a little slow at this time in the day. I’ll be better by sundown”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Heh, you and me both Amuné, being sick always stinks," Ethan said with a weary smile. Deciding he should at least rid himself of his wet coat he slid that off and left only the tunic beneath remaining, tying the sleeves of the coat around his waist. He knew he'd remain ill if he didn't dry off, and having a cool night in damp grass didn't help him dry any. Once the sun was up and the temperature rose he should be fine, it just meant this morning was going to be a little miserable. It'd get better though, especially once they got their things back! Even if the two Magi had really gone all out there was no way they had washed everything away, right? Ethan's biggest concern was the horses, which given everything that had gone on they were probably long gone by now. If they found everything would they even be able to move it without the horses?

No, he couldn't imagine so, but he couldn't let himself get so negative either. The tent and sleeping rolls were luxuries, they could do without those. Cecil's parts and tools they needed, they could find a way to carry them if need be, and they would figure out something for the medicine and other bits they needed to keep. Before they could return to camp though it was only fitting they make sure everyone was good to travel, leaving Cecil as the last one to check on. "Sundown huh?" Ethan repeated, considering it for a moment before smiling, "Not a problem! Just take it easy until then and let us handle things, it's only fair you get to rest now anyways for everything you did yesterday." He'd more or less saved them, it wasn't too far a stretch to say he'd earned a day off then.

Heading back to camp was a bit daunting if only because no one knew what they might find. Would everything they owned be washed away and gone, would there be anything even useful left? Even Ethan with his generally optimistic outlook wasn't sure, expecting perhaps a worst case. When they crested the hill and came down the embankment not only to find their camp intact, but the horses somehow tied up nearby looking spooked but fine it was both a confusing and relieving sight. Scratching his head in confusion he walked down to examine the tent, finding the sand beneath his feet still wet as it sloshed and sunk under his weight. Poking his head inside the tent it was nice to find their items still inside and undisturbed, apparently neither of the Magi were into looting. Their cart had been down the shore too and appeared turned over, so that was a little worrisome. "Hey Nymira, give me a hand with the cart for a second?" Ethan asked as he stepped out, gesturing down to the vehicle in question.

Her do the work that hired help normally would? A little demeaning really, Nymira would like to say make Cecil do it instead and she couldn't be bothered. Yet given how tired the Machina was she doubted he could do it, and she certainly couldn't expect Amuné to be able to do it. "Very well, I imagine you can't do it on your own," the Dimuran commented as she moved to the cart, peering around the turned over vehicle to see what was inside. Most everything looked to be there, with their medicines packed away in a container presumably and the rations they had bought there as well, albeit now dirty and soaked. So food would be an issue, other than that they should be fine. Waiting for Ethan to get over she squatted down and grabbed hold of the wall in the dirt, and on the count of three lifted it up out of the mud. "There... I'm amazed at our luck, that everything should still be here..." Including their horses which were tied up, confusing especially since the only ones here were the two Magi. Why would one of them get these horses back for them?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amuné gave Cecil a relieved smile when he said he was doing okay. Him not being at 100% until sundown was unfortunate, but after that huge burst of magic the day before she could understand it. He'd really been amazing, taking care of that giant monster all on his own. "You take it easy if you need to so you can get all the way better," she said, nodding. When he was up and they were all starting back to their abandoned camp, the girl took one of Cecil's hands, and held the other out for Ethan to take, giving each of them a smile.

Coming over the hill, she saw that while it looked like the place had been soaked, everything was more or less in one piece. Amuné dashed down to the tent, to look inside. Things seemed okay, so she grabbed her shoes and hurried over to the cart, waiting impatiently while the two adults flipped it back over. Once she could get at the packs she looked through them, intent on finding the med kit. It was there, thank the Saints, and she breathed a sigh of relief. With all the trouble they seemed to run into, it was important to have supplies for first aid.

Amuné was also glad to see Jorvind and the other horse still there, though that puzzled her a bit. Hadn't they been loose during the night? How'd they end up tied up and not run off somewhere? The girl didn't have a good answer, so she turned her thoughts to other things as she helped clean mud off the cart and get everything ready to set out again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Everything from their camp was miraculously still there after that turmoil, that was good. It was however soaked in mud and water and required extensive cleaning unless they wished to sleep in a sodden tent for a few nights. To that end they removed whatever was wet from their containers and let them rest exposed in the back of the cart, as well as draping the cloth for the tent over the side of the cart itself. Using some water from the river they managed to clean off their vehicle as well, and with that said and done it was just a matter of rounding the horses up to move. Both animals were unharmed despite all that had gone on, and while somewhat on edge when Ethan approached they quickly settled down and allowed themselves to be led off. While the larger of the two was fastened to the cart, Jorvind was allowed to stand by until Ethan and Amuné were prepared to ride again. All said and done it took just under an hour to prepare and round up their belongings, but after that they were back up on the road and ready to move again.

"I guess it's pretty obvious we should go to the next town now, see if we can find any information," Ethan thought aloud, giving Jorvind's reins a gentle tug to spur him forward. They had Amuné's parents to look for, Cecil's makers, his own friend and now they were acting as some sort of bodyguard to a Dimuran princess, quite a bit of work lay ahead of them. When he'd gone looking for someone to travel with he hadn't expected to take on a load of work in the process, though now he supposed it was only fair; if he was going to be getting help with his little mission he should help someone else, that was a fair trade off. Smiling down at Amuné for a moment he glanced back to see how Nymira and Cecil were getting on, furrowing his brow in confusion at the Dimuran's red face. Was she hot or something? "Er... Everything alright back there Nymira?" Ethan called, "Need help with anything?"

What a disgusting, unsanitary animal. She understood that every living thing had to do that sometime, but why now? Why when she was riding it? Oh she hoped it missed the cart, there was no way she was cleaning that off of it. Hearing Ethan's voice calling to her she quickly looked up at him and nodded, making a face of disgust as she caught wiff of what was bothering her. "I am fine, our horse however has... Relieved himself... And it smells foul," she commented, her grimace turning to a scowl as Ethan started roaring with laughter, "That is not funny! It is disgusting!"

"It's natural, and it's going to happen. No use in getting bent out of shape over it," Ethan chuckled, looking to Jorvind before reaching down and stroking their horse's mane. "If our friend here had to do... That, then it would be fine. Horses do it all the time, you should just be glad we're not in a stable. It's worse when they sit there and keep going in the same spot."

Nymira grimaced again at that thought, imagining a proverbial mountain of defecation. Horses were very rare where she was from, and the few they had roamed freely and were never corralled like these two were. Sure, she knew they had to do this business, she wasn't a complete simpleton, but why while she was riding on the blasted thing? On the bright side since they were moving they distanced themselves from the foulness, and soon the smell was gone. "You're fortunate to not have a nose, Cecil, otherwise I shudder to think how disgusting it would be back there..."

Ethan was suffering a case of the giggles now because of Nymira, trying to stifle them with his hand until he settled down. Horse poop wasn't even a bad thing really, it made excellent manure and could help you grow your crops. He knew plenty of people in kinsgrove who even saved it for such a purpose, no sense in letting it go to waste. Amuné could probably sympathize, she had come from a small village too hadn't she? It was something he missed since leaving home, the simplicity and down-to-earth outlook that those in the smaller settlements seemed to share. Since arriving in these new towns, even the "small" ones, he noticed a lot of people no longer lived the way he did, finding it strange how drastically different people could be despite being so close. How were those in the big cities going to compare, he wondered?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Wyth had wandered off to catch himself a snack. Amuné was happy to ride in front of Ethan as the group got underway again. The girl turned her head to look at Ethan when he started guffawing at Nymira. She didn't really understand why Nymira didn't know horses had to go poo too. After all, all creatures did, didn't they? Sure, horses had rather /big/ droppings, and she supposed if the woman wasn't familiar with them that might be surprising. It was nothing to be so shocked by, though. But Ethan's laughter made Amuné giggle a bit.

The child returned to her thoughts, and a while later she suddenly spoke up. "Ethan? I think...I think I want to learn how to use my Sight better," she told him, looking at where her hands clutched fistfuls of Jorvind's mane. "I usually tried to keep from having visions back home, so people wouldn't find out. But now...I think I need to learn more than just how to keep from having them. I sorta think I might have an idea how to trigger a vision deliberately, but...Well the time I tried it didn't really work. But Daddy told me that he had to study a lot to learn to use his gift, and he wasn't good at all at first." Amuné paused. "He's blessed by Saint Kedo, like you. He taught me a little. So did Mommy -- she's blessed by Saint Edos, like me, but I was never able to heal people. I just see things."

The girl hesitated again. She wasn't sure how Ethan would respond to what she said next, and she didn't want to upset him. "Um...A lot of times when I get a vision, it's either something immediately dangerous...or something I touch. Like back in the inn, when you showed me the picture of Nymira? That's how I knew which building she was in. Or right when we met Cecil, when we ran from the men chasing him you picked me up and...I could tell you were a Magi, even before you used magic. So...I was wondering...um...maybe I could try with you?"

Ethan replied in the affirmative, and Amuné smiled over her shoulder at him, relieved. "Make sure I don't fall off Jorvind while I try, okay?" the girl said, before moving her hands from the horse's mane to hold onto the man's arm where it circled her waist. She took a deep breath and concentrated, trying to remember how it felt right before she had a vision, and how she'd managed to channel her magic back when they were attacked on the bridge. And when she felt something stir inside her in response to her efforts, she focused on that.

An image swam into view behind her closed eyes. Most of it was blurry, but she could clearly see Ethan in it. There was someone else too, and they seemed to be fighting. "No, watch out!" Amuné tried to warn her friend but the other man swept his legs out from under him -- then reached an arm out to help Ethan back up. The scene vanished abruptly, leaving the girl disoriented and more than a little confused.

It took a few moments for her to get her bearings. She felt tired, like she'd worked really hard helping with chores, but at the same time Amuné was elated. "I think it worked. I think I did it, Ethan!" She told him what she'd seen. It was one image, and it felt different from when she saw things that might be, so the child was pretty sure it was something from the past, and she mentioned that as well. "But I'm not sure exactly what it was."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t really know when he would feel better, he was probably not going to feel better until much later in the day but it all depended on if the weather held up. He was confident he would be feeling up to scratch just so long as he was given the chance. It was difficult feeling like this, as if your entire existence was at stake all because you used a little more energy than you probably should had. Staring at Amuné as it was soon time to move he watched as she took his hand, or at least what she could take of his hand. He didn’t know what this was, he was capable of walking himself so being lead down seemed like a strange occurrence. He was certainly not complaining about it, he quite liked it since it was one of the only instances of someone touching him willingly without it being to move him around because he had broken down. It felt nice, like something he had experienced but couldn’t remember when.

With everything else being sorted and the animals and camping gear remaining fairly intact, the most that could be done was to pack up and go again on their journey. It sure was good that they left their stuff alone, even if it was a little mucky but hardly a problem. He couldn’t really help with anything himself, he wasn’t sure if it was possible anyway since it would mean he would have to use energy to move stuff around and just lose whatever he had managed to gather. It did make him feel bad, even if it wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t sure entirely why he was able to do that stuff in the first place anyway, he was just using energy that he wasn’t supposed to use so it certainly seemed like a fair large flaw in his design. He really should try to find some answers quick, at least before he went to the city. He didn’t even know why he was heading there, but he was fairly sure it was for something positive when he felt such a massive urge to go there.

It wasn’t long before they were finally on their way and taking rest in the cart he did some casual maintenance on himself. He was starting to run low on organic matter to keep his joints clean and his innards running well, making use of ash to do these things. It wasn’t as if these things were hard to get so he never really had a problem but the most he could do was ask if he could pretend-eat to collect some. He was quite happy to have so much oil now, he was feeling a lot safer regarding his health.

As he concentrated on making minor adjustments to his legs and cleaning the dirt off his feet he looked up when he heard his name, staring at Nymira curiously. “W-What? I don’t understand…” he spoke, only wondering what he had missed. He wasn’t really used to having people talk to him yet. He was left completely confused but it surely was best to just go back to cleaning himself up if they were going to talk amongst each other. Cecil knew he didn’t have much to say in return as well, he was pretty much the least social of them all because of what he was. Despite his absent-mindedness he did gasp when Amuné did suddenly shout out, his eyes going to her quickly to see what was going on only to see it was probably nothing. He was really missing a whole lot because of the way he functioned and it was beginning to make him feel a little alienated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zander stood before his patient. A young woman, her skin broken out in hives and reddened skin from scratching at them. He let out a sigh, blowing his long sea-foam blue hair out of his sapphire eyes, and went about gathering his Seal Paper. He shook his head as the woman's eyes widened slightly, and went about muttering softly under his breath. The power gathered into the paper, transforming the limp strip into an upright strong as metal, and let the cooling light gather around the worst of the hives.

Still chanting softly, he fought with the power he possessed, You'll obey, I won't be forced out of this town just because you want free reign! As the light pooled glowing brighter than the early morning light, the woman let out a sigh of relief. The urgency to scratch was dwindling, the feeling of being uncomfortable in her skin ebbing away as well. She let herself relax under this young healers trained power, sinking deeper into her bedspread and smiling softly at her husband.

"Thank you," she rasped out. The boy with sapphire blue eyes nodded, his chanting coming to a stop. He told her she would need a few days rest, and he, himself would not be far from this town if anything flared up once more.

"I'd also warn you," Zander's educated voice made him stand out a bit more. "To stay away from the harder items. Liquids will do you greater benefit then bread and cheese." With out even taking a payment he walked out the door, bowing on his way out. He never took payment, else a town might consider him their personal healer. He would not be staying long in one place. He would not get caught again by his father's men. He just couldn't think of a good way to escape a second time.

As he walked through the town, his eyes taking in all around him, and nodding to a few he had helped heal. Children ran passed him, calling out his name and asking him to play. He refused them politely, his next client awaited him. The inn would be his second stop on this busy day. Something was going around, causing odd bumps to appear. Zander may be educated, but even he didn't know much of life outside the outskirts of a large city. He also knew, he couldn't stay much longer.

Two more days, Zander told himself. I have to move on before they catch up to me.

((added below stuff))

Walking into the Inn, he was greeted by the Innkeeper's son, Geoffrey, "Ah, Alezander, wasn' spectin' you til later."

Zander internally flinched at Geoffrey's butchered sentence but outwardly kept a straight face, "Your mother was kind enough to allow my freedom of bed and food. I would no more make her wait, then I would make the children of this town. Asleep she is, I would hope."

Geoffrey grinned, the Muran was laid back an air of ease rolling off of him. "Aye same room as always, Healer."

Zander smiled softly and walked passed the Muran no more then his own age, a wave thrown carelessly over his shoulder as he took the steps at an easy pace. His wooden sandals clacking against the firm wood as he took each step, his white hoodie unzipped partly to keep him from over heating.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nymira throwing a fit over a horse relieving itself was awfully strange, it was like she'd never seen one do it before. Just how out of touch was she if she wasn't aware of something so normal? A small part of him almost wanted to put her out when they arrived at the next town, see how she did if she was left on her own. Mean? Maybe just a little, but he was curious to see how she'd fare. "Huh? You want to learn to use your Sight more?" Ethan repeated, smirking before giving Amuné's nose a playful tap, "Then open your eyes silly!" Chuckling to himself he tried to let the girl say her piece, having trouble stifling his giggles completely though. She was serious about this then, and it sounded like she was wanting to do so since it was something she shared with her father.

"Nothing wrong with that, I say go ahead and try it," Ethan encouraged, "You won't budge an inch, I've got you." While the Ydran did her piece he placed one arm around her to hold her steady, his free hand grasping the reins. They rode together in silence for a few brief moments, only the indistinct chatter of Nymira and Cecil behind them keeping him from zoning out entirely. At last when Amuné came back she seemed elated and had in fact made it work, albeit not in the way he'd expected. Before she had called out something about the future hadn't she? Yet now she was looking into the past, amazing.

"Sounds like when I trained with some of the Kinsgrove guard..." Ethan said thoughtfully, a smirk crossing his lips, "I used to get my butt handed to me by them all the time, they're all really good. I might be able to beat them now, but it'd still be a close match." What Kinsgrove lacked in political and military troubles it made up for with monsters; being so far out west it was a normal occurrence for the town's bells to sound and the guards called to action, swooping in to deal with whatever beast had stumbled out of the woods. It was that heroism and duty that had inspired him to train with them all those years ago, and it even still to this day dictated how he acted. Always ready to help, whatever it might be.

What a disgusting habit to relieve yourself wherever you went. The fact they were horses wasn't a valid excuse, they should be trained at least to get off the roads before doing such a thing. "Disgusting... You should know better..." Nymira scolded as she looked down at her horse. Having the animal whinny in response and shake her atop its back made her go silent, grasping her reins as firmly as could be. Damned animal was trying to make her fall off! Perhaps next leg of the journey she would make Cecil handle the horse and she could ride in the cart. It was only fitting, he was the one acting as her attendant, not the other way around. "The horse relieved itself and it smelled foul, you're lucky you didn't have to smell it," the Dimuran repeated curtly, hating to have to repeat herself. Hearing Amuné shout abruptly made her whip her head forward as though expecting another enemy, puzzled to find the road before them empty. Was that child having another one of her visions then? Ethan didn't seem bothered by it, so she'd not put too much concern into the matter.

"I've been thinking about how we all met, and what the chances are of you three crossing my path when you did," Nymira began, her eyes gazing off to the forests beyond the fields absentmindedly, "Either it was the will of Ralthor or the work of Kedos that brought us together, which if it was ordained by the Saints than far be it from me to judge. Still though... A child, a buffoon and a Machina, not the escort I would have imagined." Had she gotten someone like that old Muran for instance, powerful and imposing, she felt her journey would have been immeasurably easier.

"Don't mistake this for reluctance, I... Appreciate your accepting me, I simply don't know what to make of this still." She was in a new world, surrounded by new people, fighting with Magi for reasons unknown to her. She was supposed to be here on purely delegate means and striving to form connections, not sever them through combat. The fact she'd dealt with both a criminal organization and two aggressive Magi since arriving hardly filled her with enthusiasm for the road ahead.

As it happened the road ahead wasn't terribly long to their destination. Not even an hour had passed by when the next town had come into view, nestled along the very same river their encounter from earlier had taken place. From afar it was near impossible to make out just what it looked like, though just the silhouette alone suggested something far larger than even Galloway. "That must be... East Orosi... I think..." Right? Looking over Amuné's shoulder at the map he tried to follow their route taken thus far, tracing the river with his finger from Galloway onward. Indeed if they had taken this road then they would be approaching Orosi soon, the first of several towns they would no doubt be stopping at. Good, they all desperately needed a change of clothes and probably some feed for the horses, unless they'd had a chance to graze earlier. "We're nearly there, just a bit longer! How're you two holding up back there?"

"Oh wonderfully. I can't feel my rear, my back is stiff and my hands are cramping from holding these damned reins," Nymira commented, scowling as she shifted her weight to try and relieve her aches. Finding it of no use she let out a sigh and blew some bangs from her eyes, freeing one hand to pull her hood back up in hopes of containing her hair better. "Seems like a good sized town, perhaps there's something to be gained here. I'd like one of you to accompany me to the chieftain's home when we arrive."

"Uh, sure! But he's probably a mayor, not a chieftain," Ethan called back, grinning in amusement, "Hey, just saying. Chieftains are more for clans or tribes right? Well this place is massive, not exactly a single clan."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zander's eyes focused better in the darkened room, the only light from a candle flickering in the still air. The door stirring up just enough of the stench coming from Geoffrey's mother. He held back a retch, and forced himself to take a good look at her. Poison, or some form of it. Drank from the well that he had placed seals upon to keep others from drawing from it. She was the worst off then those with minor hives and it worried Zander to his core.

Oh he could attempt to purge the slime from her skin, but it would reveal his darkest secret and even his own pride would never allow that. Clearing his throat gently, "I've arrived. You seem to be feeling better if you've lit the candle by your side." Zander smiled fondly at his patient. She was strong willed and refused to adhere to all of his rules. She was still young and full of spunk, Zander remembered her telling him. Now, what can I get a wee thing like you to eat?

If he had any relatives, part of him wished she was one. He hurt, to see her like this, and it hurt that he only started healing the townspeople when he heard no stirring from the Church. If he had acted sooner...

"Not even listening to me..." Olga coughed out. "Lost in that wee head o' yours." Zander blushed scarlet and would berate himself later for forgetting to be attentive to his patient. "You younger pups, always off in lands beyond our own. Heroics and venture's I bet. Shoo, off you go, leave me to rest, you'll only wear yourself thin."

Zander frowned, "I haven't even start--"

"I hear the Mayor sent a runner for you," her eyes pierced into Zander's. Leaving him naked before her in a way only his father ever accomplished. "Said you was to head straight there when you came to see me."

Zander's eyes widened. It would be less then two days for his stay. This, he was not looking forward to at all. Bowing on how way out he stopped and called back, "I could purge it from you... Before I go. I will!"

Olga just laughed a wheeze, and shut her eyes. She knew when the Nine called to their children. Geoffrey would handle the Inn just fine, if she was gone. Zander was a good boy, troubled but good.


Zander headed back down the stairs, Geoffrey was pacing a look of dread on his face. Zander lay a hand on the Muran's shoulder, kissed his cheek and headed out the Inn door way.

To the Mayor's, Zander thought at Geoffrey, even if he could not hear his inner speech. Back here to Purge. Then to head away from this town.

The walk there was uneventful, but seeing the imposing black door, with it's golden knocker and stone porchway had Zander sweating. This was too much like going home, this was too much like being caught as a young boy with wet blankets stuffed under the bed. This, was pure dread and he still hadn't reached his hand up to knock with the golden knocker on the imposing black door with it's stone porchway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil felt he was out of the loop with a lot of the stuff that was often discussed among the others, usually because it involved the discussions being about what fleshy beings always did. Things like eating, washing and some animal stuff was just lost on him and while he did wonder what happened to the stuff they consumed he probably shouldn’t ask about it. Nymira didn’t seem to like talking about organic functions if she was complaining about something the horse did that he completely missed. Maybe it was for the best that he missed it, seeing how upset she was about it. He was definitely going to keep certain questions out of the way for now and try to keep to the more serious questions, namely what they are planning on doing now.

Having him be questioning everything would probably get annoying for the others, but for him the world was a whole new place so he felt there was definitely some out of many that he should really ask about before it was too late. He wanted to see if he could get through a day without asking a question eventually, but that might be a while. Luckily for him they had only been together for a couple of nights so he could always try and get all the questions over and done with pretty soon and then leave them free for the rest of their time together. He didn’t know how far away the city was at this point but he was still sure he was going to be able to fit in all the questions.

“Hmm…relieved itself? That sounds peaceful”, he spoke, trying to think of what it could possibly mean. Maybe it sighed and that bugged her, but otherwise he was certainly trying to understand her. Smiling as he leaned up his leg he looked over at Nymira again as she spoke about them all, making him raise questions that he probably wouldn’t otherwise think of as being a valid during that little thought of hers. It was just something he was concerned with, especially after last night. All this mention of these figures that were probably fairly big people to them, these Saints and the Magi that were apparently related to them in some way. He didn’t know why he was called a Magi by them, he didn’t even know what the power he displayed was. He was questioning so much in his head about that, but he didn’t know how to sound it out as to not sound like a complete idiot. They all seemed to know so much about these Saints and Magi, so hearing him ask about it would probably mean trying to find the right moment to ask just so he didn’t sound stupid.

Taking the rest of the ride easy he had laid down on his spot as the cart bumped along, staring up as he conserved energy. It was certainly relaxing not having to walk so much and they were probably making good time too. After a while of travelling he heard Ethan speak up, looking up momentarily before slowly sitting up. The scenery hadn’t changed that much, yet it felt like a whole new world to him. Staring around slowly he soon looked to Ethan and Nymira again as they went over a plan as to what was going on. This whole thing was probably going to be a new experience too, but from the sound of it they were going to have to meet someone who carried some sort of title. “Uhh, meeting with someone means I should not be there, right?” he questioned them, not feeling so sure himself, “People seemed to freak out a lot when they found out I was a Machina. The people you will be meeting might do the same and try to take me back to the factory again”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nymira's face contorted to one of disdain at Cecil's comment, finding it off-putting he would think such a thing. "I mean... I suppose there might be some relief to it, I can't deny that, but it's simply repulsive to be doing it out in the open! Animal or not the horse should know better, it should be trained," the Dimuran complained as she glanced down at their steed, "Honestly, if anything were to do that in a town I don't imagine it would be left alive too long." Galloway had horses in it yet she'd noticed a distinct lack of that, clearly they had bought themselves a few misbehaved horses. Perhaps if they were fortunate they could find themselves some better steeds while in Orosi.

"I doubt they'll freak out Cecil, I mean aren't there a lot of Machina in bigger towns like this?" Ethan asked, "Sure, maybe most Machina aren't, uh... As smart as you but there's still got to be some. Heck, the mayor might even have some of his own, so it's not like you'll be that out of place." He could understand worrying about those men in suits though, they hadn't run into those sorts for some time now. Not that it was a bad thing, but it meant they were overdue for another appearance. Smiling uncertainly Ethan looked back at Cecil again and waved to him. "If Nymira is going to meet the mayor then I'll stay with you in the mean time, if that's okay? I'm sure nothing will happen, I mean we'll be in the middle of a big town, no one's going to attack us there," he said confidently, "And we can relax and I can get a change of clothes."

"Then who, pray tell, is escorting me to the mayor's?" Nymira asked testily, narrowing her eyes as she looked at Ethan, "I don't know this area, or did you forget? And some of your customs are... Strange, I need someone who can help with that. You are my escorts, do you seriously intend to leave me on my own with this?"

Oh right, they were supposed to be bodyguards or something for Nymira right? But then she could really fight and she was a Magi, did she need an escort? Letting out a soft sigh Ethan nodded his head once, embarrassed that he'd completely forgotten about that job of theirs. "Right, right. Uh... Well in that case what if you and Cecil go? If you're in the mayor's place I seriously doubt anyone will give you trouble, even those creeps wouldn't cause a fight in the middle of the town hall, right? And while you two do that, Amuné and I will look for a place to stay. We'll probably be here a day at least if we're going to be looking for information, may as well get comfortable!"

Given all that had gone on in the last 24 hours Nymira was surprised staying put was on the agenda, but she wouldn't mind. Sleeping in a roll on a river's shores was a far cry from her bed back home, and certainly from the comforts even the most basic inn had to offer. She felt elated that they might enjoy a truly restful evening and her first in nearly a week since she had begun this journey. "I think spending some time in an inn would be a good change, and I'll of course pay for expenses," the Dimuran agreed, "And those arrangements sound fine to me as well. Cecil, you'll accompany me to the mayor's office while they secure us a place to stay."

"Uh... I mean it was just an idea, shouldn't we ask if that's what he wants?" Ethan asked with a slight frown.

"It's either him or you Ethan, and you seem too preoccupied to want to take me. Besides, whatever his concerns are about those men and the factory are of no worry with me around. So long as we don't run into those Magi again I can handle whoever comes our way just fine." The warriors most towns had to offer were many things: drunkards, boastful, prideful, arrogant, over-paid, but skillful they were not. One benefit of growing up in an environment accustomed to battle over the smallest of matters, you quickly learned to fight and fend off would-be assailants. It was only because of her better judgement, and knowing one person did not equal an army that she ever sought out bodyguards.

Hard to argue with that, they all knew Nymira could fight by now. Plus their being in the middle of a larger place should mean those men would be less bold to attack. Back where they met Cecil it had been a small settlement, enough so you could see the ends in any direction from the center. Here though and even in Galloway it stretched on for some time, it would cause far too much panic if anything were to happen. "That's if those creeps even care though..." Ethan muttered to himself, shaking his head before forcing a smile, "She does have a point Cecil, if you're okay with going then I think it's a good idea."

"Of course it's a good idea. You care for the little one while I see my mission through, it's a win-win situation," Nymira replied certainly, smiling with confidence. "A man of his standing should be able to provide all kinds of information during our visit, is there anything more we wish to know? I don't care if I must pay for the information, I doubt the cost will be too great. Men in power are virtuous and just by definition, at least in my clan. I'm sure those here are the same."

He wasn't touching that one, not with a hundred foot pole. Sure more leaders were probably good than not, but someone's boss was sending these people after them, meaning there were at least two people who weren't exactly nice. As the group finally reached the town proper they passed by the stables, wherein they left the horses and the cart with less important goods in care of the workers there. On their person they kept their weapons, their money and some medicine, just in case. "I guess this is where we split off for now, Amuné and I will find an inn and we'll meet you two back here later?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amuné was pleased to hear that Ethan recognized what she'd Seen. "I'd like to visit your village sometime," she said absently, her voice dropping to a mumble. The girl spent the rest of the ride half-drowsing, worn out by her foray into magic. She roused when the man behind her pulled out their map. She was a little stiff and it would be good to stretch her legs again. It sounded like Nymira wanted to go see the town's mayor, but Amuné didn't think she'd be much use for that meeting.

Cecil seemed worried that he'd scare people, but Amuné didn't understand why. He didn't look scary at all. "Why would they be scared?" she asked. "If they are then they're silly. You're nice." The child had completely forgotten the shock she'd had when she'd found out Cecil was a Machina, and not just a boy.

Ethan helped Amuné off the horse when they got to the stables, and she called to Wyth. The moorcat had returned from his hunting trip a while back, and he stretched lazily before jumping down from the cart to pad over to his girl. "I hope this inn is like the last one, and lets you stay," she told him, scratching behind his ears. She waved to Nymira and Cecil as they set off. "See you later!" she called, before looking around at the buildings nearby. "Maybe one of the stable hands knows where an inn is?" she suggested, looking up at Ethan. "It wouldn't hurt to ask, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelKitten
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

In a medium-sized ship on a large river, the mood was celebratory as a small group of men and women caroused on the deck, drinking and talking and generally having a good time. Danica sat cross-legged on a crate, her knife lying sheathed in her lap. There was a faint smirk on her features as she surveyed the bandits around her. She wasn’t engaged in conversation at the moment, and while the others had grown more comfortable with her in the time she’d spent with them, the Naga was often left to her own devices when they weren’t pulling off a job. Some of them, including the leader, showed a wary respect when interacting with her—maybe they didn’t consider her one of them, but at least they trusted her and her abilities enough to hire her. And some of the others seemed to think that her race brought some sort of divine luck to their criminal activities; Dani had heard them whispering to each other when they thought she was asleep. The thought gave her some amusement and she’d never bothered to correct their ignorance. If they were more in awe of her because of some imagined ability, it would only give her an advantage.

Danica leaned back thoughtfully. Taking the ship had been no minor affair, and maybe after this haul she would have enough to comfortably take off and spend some time on her own. She didn’t mind lingering with the group, but she was used to the anonymity of living in a city, just another face in the crowd. On the other hand, out here among the bandits she didn’t have to hide all the time, nor wear her mask, since they all knew who she was. Although she noticed that without her mask on, most people tended not to make eye contact with her when holding conversation. Danica found it made her feel strangely detached from everyone around her. Of course, that’s generally how she was.

A raucous laugh nearby pulled the Magi out of her thoughts and she looked over to where three of the men were talking nearby. She tilted her head in a considering gesture. Today they were celebrating, and Dani could afford to unwind a little bit before whatever awaited her on the horizon. With a grin that showed off her fang teeth, she hopped off the crate and joined her companions in their banter.
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