Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 34 min ago

“Ohhh… so beside oversized poledancer, you are also master of bad puns?” Vala asked making a sarcastic grunt before tilting her head at the psyker who obviously seemed to demand an apology of all things!

“You obviously have some problem because you’ve been trying to get on my nerve from the start… frankly I have no problem with your height or the fact you make height jokes on my expense. That’s fine… I’m smaller than you and it’s simply how it is, but… I will not stand to be treated like some disposable piece of furniture that you can lean on and then knock it about the place like it’s doesn’t matter…”

“Receive an apology from me? Yeah right… I’d rather storm an infidel again than apologize in this case.” The mercenary stated, not really feeling any fear whatsoever.” Yeah… huh…” Vala was about to say something else when she noticed a bright source of light in the room. She turned her eyes only to make a questioning expression as the other psycker in the room seemed… on fire? She tilted her head, wondering what the other woman was doing right now.

“Seriously? ‘Cool things down…’?” The mecernary said, making a really unimpressed expression, a finger reaching to her temples to rub it.” Please stop... your making my ears bleed... Couldn’t you make the pun any worse? Hey poledancer, we seem to have someone who makes worse puns than you.” She then sighed threw another look at the second psyker who seemed to want them to calm down.

“You’d best remove that small ball of heat before the fire extinguishers kick in and you make everyone in the room wet to the bones…” She said finally cause if that happened, she may indeed shoot someone.” Anyhow… I’m the one who should receive an apology for being knocked down by the very important psycker right there…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“ ... cool things down a little?”

Adrianne would suddenly become aware of the third party in the conflict, mainly from a blast of heat that had just washed past her as if somebody had dropped an incendiary grenade in the room!

Turning around, she would look down at Vala, then over at Marie, noticing the burning ball of plasma in her hand, the evaporating flames... and the slight tendrils of black smoke that seeped from her person after the little display.

"I don't think you should play around with that thing on the bridge, because... " Adrianne began slowly, raising a cautious finger down towards Marie, before the sound of naked metal and flesh clanking against the floor behind her caught her attention.

"Open fire source detected on bridge. Applying immediate safety measures, in accordance to Dash 502 Stratovious Alpha, stigmatis Echo."

Suddenly sounded the robotic voice of a nearby bridge servitor trundling around behind Adrianne as it turned its pale face towards the trio, before it raised its arm and displayed an underslung emergency fire extinguisher, aimed directly at them...

Adrianne merely stood there, her mouth open as if to say something, when suddenly a stream of white, fire-retardant foam flew in between Vala and Adrianne, aimed directly at the person holding the plasma ball! Namely, Marie, who was immediately covered in a thick layer of foam from the advancing servitor as it diligently went on its duty to save the surrounding consoles and electronics from the potential danger!

"Firefight process complete. Summoning cleanup crew." The servitor continued in its robotic voice, before trundling off to work at one of the nearby consoles.

Adrianne simply remained motionless next to Vala as she stared cautiously at the snow-man that now was Marie in front of them, covered from head to toe in fire retardant foam. After an awkward pause, Adrianne would eventually crack an innocent smile as she looked around at the rest of the crew.

"I can confirm that the anti-fire protocols on this ship are working flawlessly... at least!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ansgar was not quite sure what he was expecting when being informed of his reassignment to an Inquisitorial retinue, there were many things he had in mind at the time. This? No, this was certainly not what he had been expecting when the psykers and mercenary started bickering among each other, over the idea of being used as an armrest. The Krieger got the idea that being short was annoying, at times, hell, everyone in this room was anywhere from slightly to a great deal taller than him, but that did not readily warrant this borderline open brawl between the members of the retinue. Thankfully, he had no intention on relying on them to provide back up to him at this point, or he would be dissapointed in their infighting. Guardsman he might be, a line of work that required teamwork between squadmates to survive and take out things bigger than them, but this would only end in disaster. The flagrant use of warp powers was probably going to attract attention too, especially among those cursed Chaos followers who channeled the warp for their dark Gods.

If the fact he wasn't already aware of the pyromancer's psyker powers from before, the sudden outburst of flames would have gotten her shot. Several times. More like enough times to leave the remains unidentifiable. But he kept his weapon secure and not pointed at anyone, far enough away for the heat to not push him away further. He did eye an actuation lever for the room's fire control system, and had half a mind to pull it. The mercenary complained that she should tone it down before the extinguishers go off and soak them all to the bone. Well, most of them, Death Korp gear was designed for wet, abysmal trench conditions, among others, and can handle a lot before soaking the man wearing it to the bone. Of course, before he could act, a fire suppression Servitor rolled in and blasted the pyrokinetic in fire retardant chemicals, from the looks of it. Probably not something she would want to spend breathing in. Ansgar sighed, muted by his gasmask, and straightened up.

"Well, that happened." No pointed comments, no jokes, out loud at least, as he would not stoop so low, no pun intended, on the given situation. He'd already almost jumped the gun once, which he thinks was fair to do given the situation, and if someone had to be the sane one that wasn't engaging in this madness, then Emperor damn them, he would have to be that serious presence. Or at least the one not engaged in the infighting and arguments that seemed to plague them already. He could only pray that they would get their act together if something went south and a real fight broke out. He didn't expect it, but he could pray. Glancing at the parties involved, he asked a question that had been bothering him, aimed at the psykers especially, but the concern would affect all of them in the grand scheme of things. "How do we intend to hide the presence of multiple psykers? Especially when they are very liberal with their displays and self importance."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Maria raised an eyebrow at the nonchalance of her new companions, feeling more than a small twinge of annoyance at them. She was used to other guardsmen panicking at the slightest sign of any power of the warp, though it seemed that she had only one other counterpart originating from the Guard - even if he was from Krieg.

She had half a mind to smack the two of them instead of continuing her attempt at pyrokinetic intimidation but had a sudden change of heart with the appearance of the firefighting servitor.

With reflexes honed through a lifetime of fighting and survival in the horrific condition of the Underhive, she leaped out of the way of the stream of foam, pulling the closest person nearby in front of it - conveniently the other Psyker, Adrianne. She had some difficulty moving her due to her sheer bulk, but despite the other woman's advantage in size she succeeded in wrestling her into place just in time to receive almost the full blast of foam.

With a cheeky grin, Maria doffed her hat to the servitor and to Adrianne, putting on the airs and accent of a wealthy noble, "Well, now that you have been so thoroughly coated in thick white gunk, milady, you do look the part of overgrown pole dancer, if I may say so!" She stuck her tongue out, dancing out of the way of any potential backlash before looping an arm over Vala's shoulder. "Don't you think so..." she paused, "What was your name again? I'll remember it eventually."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 15 days ago

“Enough! I am not here to babysit any of you, keep your personal quarrels to yourselves and off of my ship!” Inquisitor Icarus had grown weary of all the drama and stupidity that was rapidly spreading before her. Swiftly jutting a finger at Adrianne, most of her anger was now being directed towards the large Psyker. “You caused this drama to happen in the first place, Adrianne. If you are going to be an issue for my retinue then you can eject yourself from the nearest airlock. I will not waste any resources dropping you off upon a planet.” Inquisitor Icarus folded her arms over her chest and glared at the tall woman with narrowed sapphire blue eyes.

Suddenly, the voice of information specialist Flores came over the ships coms, “This is information specialist Flores. Inquisitor Icarus and Ophelian Celestian Andromedai’s presence is hereby requested at the bridge.” The coms would fall silent as Andromedai glanced over to Inquisitor Icarus, curious about what they were needed on the bridge for.

“We are taking our leave, by the time we return I want all of this internal conflict to have ended, or I will be very disappointed in all of you.” With that, both Icarus and Andromedai left the meeting room.

Once the two of them arrived at the bridge, Flores briefed them on information about what to expect when they touched down upon the command world. All he had to say was already known to the two of them, with the exception of there being Gray Knights in the area. Without warning, a message about a fire from within the meeting room popped up on Flores’s screen. He was quick to point out the message to his superiors, “I have a message here telling me that there is a fire in the meeting room. There is a firefighting servitor on its way right now, let me see if I can tap into its visuals.” After running his hands across the keyboard and entering a line of command, the large screen at the bridge showed that the retinue had chosen to ignore the Inquisitors warning, continuing with their fighting and arguments. “Have a squad follow me to the meeting room Flores, I know how to handle this.” Inquisitor Icarus turned on her left heel and quickly left the bridge, walking in the direction of the meeting room.

Shortly after, Andromedai, a few ship guards and the Inquisitor herself would arrive at the meeting room. Without saying a word, she grabbed onto one of the flash grenades from Andromedais belt and armed it before tossing it into the room and waiting for it to detonate. No one inside of the room would have time to react or teleport away for that matter, from the explosive. Adrianne, Maria and Vala would become disoriented, the explosive bringing them to lose their consciousness after a few seconds. Their vision would be a blur, they would only hear a high pitch ringing and they would have no control over their bodies for the moment being. The only one in the room that was unaffected from the flash grenade was Ansgar, due to his protective armor.

“Imperial Guards, move the affected to their rooms by any means necessary, drag them across the floor if you have to, I do not care. The Death Korp Trooper is to be left alone; he had nothing to do with their stupidity.” The guards nodded their heads at Inquisitor Icarus’s words and did as they were told, carrying each member to their rooms and placing them down upon their beds. It would take two guardsmen to move Adrianne though, and even then they seemed to struggle moving her about.

When they would awake, they would find themselves lying upon their own bed inside of their rooms with a painful headache.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ansgar would have, if it were not for the mask, helmet, and other protective gear he wore in the relative safety of the Inquisitor's ship, pinched the brow of his nose or some such similar gesture. Sure, his question was going unanswered and, with it, his only attempt to at least get them to stop bickering for a few moments. The Inquisitor's warning would not be hollow, the lot of them should readily realize that things would not end nicely for them should they keep going. But, they were digging their own graves at this point, and the servitor would likely push things well and truly over the edge. Of course, what the Krieger was not ready for was the unusual flashbang that was thrown into the room. He thanked the Emperor on the Holy Throne of Terra that he was wearing his full combat ensemble and was relatively unphased by the weapon employed to incapacitate the retinue outside of him. Part of him wanted to react like they were under hostile assault, but the sane part of his brain prevailed, informing him this was likely on the orders of the Inquisitor.

Sure enough, ships forces moved in after the others were incapacitated, utterly ignoring the existence of the Death Korp Grenadier as they went about dragging, rather unceremoniously, each of the others out to Emperor knows where. Well, none of his business really, their utter inability to cooperate pretty much brought that onto themselves. He quietly watched the whole action maneuvering the two psykers and mercenary out of the briefing room, quietly waiting for them all to leave before stepping out of the room and pausing, giving the Inquisitor a swift salute, dropping it after its return, glancing in the direction of where the retinue had been drug off to, their quarters by the looks of things. That was certainly one way to handle things, to be frank, he would have honestly expected summary executions for the lot of them for that kind of conduct on board an Inquisitorial vessel. Well, if there had been a formal Commissariat presence on board at least. He supposed the Inquisitor had a reason for merely incapacitating them. A frag would have not downed him either, but would have been messier and more damaging he supposed.

"Ma'am, Celestian. If I recognized that ordinance, they are going to likely have splitting headaches when they come to. Request if there is any new information that would require additional briefing?" Leave it to a Krieger who just witnessed an infighting retinue getting incapacitated and drug off to merely ask about the mission at hand like nothing happened. He stood at ease, formally at ease at any rate, simply waiting for a response to what was going on in the given situation that required the sudden presence of the Inquisitor and Celestian on the bridge. Granted, if it was on a need to know basis, then he would not press. Operational security and all that, Ansgar understood it far better than one might suspect. Tell the wrong person about a tunnel being dug, and counter mining operations will suddenly be frighteningly more effective, as a rather humble example. He had hinted at his past as an Engineer prior to Grenadier, but he suspected the Inquisitor had access to anything that the Grey Knights, by extension the Ordos Malleus unknowningly to Ansgar, hadn't struck from his records already.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adrianne would step out of the entrance to her room, this time wearing her skeletal helmet with its long white ponytail flowing behind it.

Pausing as she stepped out into the corridor, Adrianne would stand there almost like a statue for a long while, studying her surroundings out of the corner of her visors.

"Reminds me to never take off my helmet... "

Adrianne thought to herself. The fact that she had been hit dead center by a concussion grenade powerful enough to knock out even an Ork paled however, in comparison to the fact that it had all been because of the other Psyker, Maria!

"If that little flat-chested bitch hadn't started playing with fire on the bridge of an imperial ship, none of this wouldn't have happened!!!"

The fact that she was wearing her helmet was perhaps fortuitous, not only in that it would help in case of any secondary surprise concussion grenades, but because it hid the EXTREME frown that was currently bolted onto Adrianne's face! So great was her pent up annoyance that a slight purple shimmer appeared in the darkened visors in the sockets of her helmet, causing any bypassing crew member to instinctively shrink as she passed. The ache she still felt from the grenade was barely even felt, drowned out by the intense anger!! If anything, Adrianne carried an almost frightening similarity to that of a towering wraith as she stalked the corridor, surrounded by a cold aura of resentment!

In her mind, Adrianne was systematically going through her list of people that she hated the most!

In the beginning, the impudent red head mercenary Vala had been on top of the list(for the occupants of this ship at least!), but following the recent episodes, Maria had easily conquered the spot atop of the list of people that Adrianne wanted to vent out of the nearest airlock!

As she traversed the ship corridors, Adrianne instinctively kept an eye out for both Marie and Vala, or any of their shenanigans. She made an oath to herself that if they ever tried to get her into trouble again, she would be the one to shove the next concussion grenade down either of their throats!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 34 min ago

"Holy..." Vala managed to say just before the grenade went off and all her senses went into overdrive for a few moments and finally she was out cold on the floor. Luckily for hte guardsmen who had to carry her over, she wasn't overly giant and hard to carry. With her average height, the were going to have a easy time getting her from the meeting room to her quarters.

Unspecified time later.

"I'm going to kill that flat as plank bitch..." Vala groaned in pain as she stated to wake up from her forced unconciousness state. Her head was beating like she had a pair of Adeptus Astartes shooting heavy bolters in her head. She looked around painfully to confirm that indeed she was in her room. That...was...good.

With a pained struggle stood up, walking over to the tiny bathroom of her quarter, but not before pulling a small box from one of her pockets. From it she took a few pills that she quickly swallowed with some water from the tiny sink. Those were going to help with her headache, but until then she had no plans to leave her room. Instead swaying left and right she manged to move over to her workbench where she took a seat on her chair and slowly started to work on her new weapons. The parts indeed had been delivered as the Inquisitor said so at least she was able to continue her work of assembling her new prototype heavy artilery sniper lasrifle. This thing was going to be a beast once completed! She actually started making it specifically to take down heavily armored targets like Space Marines and she hoped she'd manage to finish it by the time they land. Sadly with the headache that she was suffering form right now, that probably wasn't going to happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Celestian Andromedai quickly glanced over at Inquisitor Icarus when Ansgar had inquired about any new information that could be shared. There was a moment of silence before Inquisitor Icarus decided to share the information that specialist Flores had briefed them on. “Celestian Andromedai and myself were informed about the presence of Grey Knights in the system. I have no doubt we will be meeting with them sometime during or after our investigation. Once the rest of our retinue awakens, they will also be informed of the Grey Knight presence. I must take my leave now to prepare for our arrival, you are dismissed.” With that, Inquisitor Icarus turned after left both Ansgar and Andromedai to themselves, quickly vanishing around a corner.

Turning to face Ansgar, Andromedai quickly glanced over the Death Korp Trooper then motioned for him to walk alongside her. “The fact that Inquisitor Icarus handpicked you to join her retinue says quite a bit about your talents and skills as a Death Korp Trooper. I managed to get a good view at your profile before you arrived on ship and I will admit that you have proven yourself to be more than the common fodder that we toss upon the enemies of man. Have you considered being more than a Death Korp Trooper? Your skills, talents and past achievements have opened many new paths for you to serve the emperor in.”

[12 Hours later…]

The voice of Inquisitor Icarus came over the ships coms once more, this time ordering her retinue to report to shuttle bay [A31] immediately for departure. Andromedai was the first member to show at the shuttle bay, unsure why the Inquisitor had ordered them to her side while they still had another eleven hours of travel. When the Celestian brought up this question, Icarus was quick to inform her that the computer had made an incorrect calculation, that did not sit well with Andromedai. "An error of that size should bring concern to everyone on this ship. Regardless, I will be in my seat within the Aquila Lander if you need me." Opening the door to the shuttle, Andromedai stepped inside and took her set, buckling herself in before safely securing her equipment.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ansgar cocked an eyebrow, surprise on his face which, Emperor be praised, was not visible except slight eye movement if one could pick it out through the eye sockets of his mask. Grey Knights, so soon after encountering them already? As he had been told during his numerous debriefs and purity checks, the Grey Knights were of some of the utmost secrecy, that the vast majority of the Imperium knew not of their existence. Even most of the esteemed Adeptus Astartes, their fellow Space Marines, knew not of their hidden brothers in arms. So to potentially stumble across them twice in such a short time span was bizarre to the Krieger. But, he did the Emperor's work, wherever he saw fit to send the Death Korp Grenadier, so he would not question encountering such figures more than once in his life. But, if the Inquisitor knew of the Grey Knights, then he could speak of them, what little he did know. Which mostly amounted to what he questioned aloud as the Inquisitor went and vanished, but prior to the Sister speaking. "Grey Knights? Are they expecting some sort of daemonic uprising of that degree..."

Ansgar fell in step with Andromedai as she began speaking on the fact that being handpicked for her retinue spoke volumes about his capabilities. Ansgar would normally be quick to counter that, considering all Grenadiers for the Death Korp received equal training and often times deployed into hellish scenarios where only one or two survived. Typically, the Grenadier are the men that lived too long, either dying as a Grenadier or living long enough to see battlefield promotion to more senior positions. If anything, the Krieger might concede he was exceedingly lucky, or blessed. But as she continued onto having gotten a look at his record, her mention of being more than Death Korp Trooper, something he didnt correct since outsiders rarely differentiated between Troopers, Grenadiers, and other ranks within the Korp, he gave it some thought. "Such as, ma'am? The next logical step would be, from my posting of Grenadier, most likely an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper. You have other ideas?"

Ansgar would have been engaging in a very common past time after finishing his conversation with Sister Andromedai to kill time between the call and when their conversation finished. He was fast asleep. The Krieger had propped himself up in a chair within his quarters, resting before all hell potentially broke loose planetside. When spending your life in a trench, huddled in a bunker if you were lucky to escape the miserable conditions that sometimes existed, one learned to be able to sleep just about anywhere at any time. After all, no one knew when a midnight assault might happen or a unspoken sortie would be mustered to catch the enemies off guard. So when the announcment sounded, rather early, Ansgar was up and moving like he had been awake the whole time. Sleep light, for you may not wake up otherwise. But, for many Kriegers, one of the least painful deaths would be in one's own slumber, never having heard the artillery shell coming in that collapsed their bunker before they knew what was happening. But, Ansgar heard not the comment from Sister Andromedai as he boarded the lander, strapping in without a word spoken. Once he stopped moving to get settled, one could forgive someone for mistaking him for asleep, dead, or just a pile of equipment secured in place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 34 min ago

Vala was mumbling about things as the inquisitor's voice rang through the comms. The former mercenary just sighed and looked at her handywork. The prototype rifle she was building was not yet complete! Her time really did run out before she can do the finishing touches it seemed. “ Well at least I got it mostly assembled and nearly done for use.” She said with a pleased smile and took the weapon in her hands to test it so far. It's trigger was two staged and pulling it to the first stage put the rifle in armed mode.

The rifle was rather bulky looking for a las weapon, but there was a reason for that. It consisted of 4 separate las barrels. 3 of those were locked around the fourth one, making the weapon easier to carry when not in use. It was also on the longer side as it was modeled to basically be extreme high powered sniper rifle for heavy armored targets. She pulled the trigger to it's armed mode. With a quiet sound of powering machinery, the rifle powered up( mostly) and the servo motors within it quickly opened the barrel of the rifle, turning it into 3 separate barrels in a triangle formation with one other within. The main idea was to use the 3 modified energy emitters to cause a weakening of the armor so when the fourth fires moments later it would pierce easily through armor. In theory it had worked as it was basically a variation of a needler idea of workings. Though in her case with the pure power of four modified laser emitters it would really melt through targets. She fully expected a single shot of this thing to cut a bloodbath through unarmored target mobs.

She sighed once more as she released the trigger and it returned to it's safety state and the barrels quickly closed and the rifle turned dark and silent again. Even through it was almost ready, at this point it was just an overly glorified toy gun. There wasn't much she could do at the moment as she really needed to get going. Instead she just put the gun on a new magnet hook on her back next to her other guns, put the remaining components which were mainly one more lens that needed installing and quite a lot cabling that still needed to be put in place so all of those laser emitters can power up, into her tool case. With her tools and weapons secured, she pulled her custom helmet and then headed towards the shuttle bay they were ordered to.

Reaching the shuttle, she carefully entered and quickly found herself a seat before sitting and strapping in. She then just stretched her arms and neck one last time before putting on her helmet. After the last fail with that concussion grenade, she was not leaving anywhere without either her helmet or a pair of very dark shades( a pair that she had currently put in her tool box as for it to not break by some accident).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the rest of the Inquisitorial entourage were in the process of strapping themselves down in the passenger compartment of the lander, they might notice an audible, almost unnatural chill that seemed to suddenly have invaded the metal confines of the lander.

By the boarding ramp, the electric lights illuminating the cabin suddenly flickered momentarily, as a set of heavy metal boots walking up the ramp could suddenly be heard coming from outside, just as the unnatural chill in the air seemed to only increase! After a couple of slow, heavy thunks as the person approached the top of the ramp, an armored skull face of a towering figure would suddenly become visible around the corner of the door to the lander - a set of purple, glowing eyes glaring methodically through the rest of the passengers as Adrianne finally stepped into the lander.

She did not mutter a single word during the boarding.

Only the sound of the slow, steady breathing through her metallic mask and the steady, heavy thunks of her boots was audible as Adrianne stalked the rows of seats like a phantom, shrouded in mute quiet. The closer anyone got to her, the colder they could feel the air become, as if the Psyker had become an endless, dark well that seemed to suck up all the heat and energy around her!

Approaching the chair opposite of Vala(and next to Ansgar), Adrianne would stop, turn around, and slump unceremoniously down into the seat on her butt, before performing an almost robotic set of moves as she strapped into the metal harness while constantly glaring forward through her skull mask - directly at none other than Vala sitting on the other end of the lander, piercing the woman's eyes with her own, purple glowing orbs that stared at her from the black depths of the sockets of her mask!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Maria, for her part, had suffered far worse disciplinary action before in her life than some unconsciousness and a scolding - far, far worse. In her stint in the Guard, she came close to deepthroating a Bolt from the commisar’s (and now hers) intimidating piece of personal artillery. By comparison, little more than a slap on the wrist for literally setting herself on fire to intimidate her fellow crewmates made her, if anything, question the resolve of this Inquisitor. Was she new? Did she have much experience at all? Mercy, or kindness, was not a trait that surfaced much among the Inquisition, being no small hindrance to their job of purging heretics, traitors, and xenos as viciously and thoroughly as possible.

All in all, this assignment was not at all turning out how she had expected it.

She double checked all of her gear, limited though it was, as she made her way to the shuttle that was ostensibly to bring them to their destination. Her boltpistolrevolvercontraption was polished and practically gleaming in the harsh, artificially blue light ships always seemed to have. Carapace armor was all in order, buckles were double checked and showed no signs of excess wear, and the padding had been thoroughly washed well ahead of time. Her coat was in good order, showing the hell she’d put it through, but still more than presentable, the ragged edges at the bottom looked kind of swashbuckling, in her opinion.

And last, but perhaps most importantly, her hat doubling as a helmet was properly secured, with its feather at a fittingly jaunty angle, the perfect companion to the smug, self satisfied grin she intended to greet the others with.

As she walked into the shuttle, she gave a greatly melodramatic bow, saluting the Inquisitor smartly before turning to Adrianne, doffing her hat in an elaborate display. “And how, pray tell, do you do my giantess?” She smirked, returning her hat to her head and yawning loudly, “I, for one, had the most wondrous nap! Wouldn’t you say so as well? It was truly refreshing!” After a moment, she added, “However, I’m sure as tired as we all were, the fall must have been hard on you. After all, with your head so high in the clouds all the time, returning to earth must have been…” grinning savagely, she winked at Adrianne, small wisps of flame dancing along her eyelashes, “concussive.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Behind her mask, Adrianne's eyes narrowed to slits as she glared up(or rather; at; even from a sitting position) the impertinent Psyker, Maria!

Her already sour mood became even acidic - a change in temperament the other occupants in the shuttle might even feel as the air around Adrianne suddenly grew thick and heavy, an almost invisible static charge present in the room that threatened to explode at any moment!

"Ohhh, do not worry, my little midget. I am quite fine, thank you." Adrianne replied with a toxic tone, cocking her head a little bit to the side as she glanced back at her.
"I understand I am blessed with a natural padding to soften my fall. At least more so than you."

She commented, and proceeded to make no attempt to hide how she was staring directly at Maria's chest hidden beneath her ragged coat. After a moment of pause, Adrianne would let out a slight chuckle, staring back up at Maria.

"Unfortunately, if you are looking for alms, I am afraid I do not have any." She commented with a wicked grin behind her mask as she motioned towards Maria's ragged looking coat and hat.
"Maybe you should go to the Ecclesiarchy and ask for some there. I am sure they can give you something better than... whatever it is that you are wearing."


" ... tramp."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 15 days ago

“Psyker Adrianne and Maria, was I not clear enough when I ordered the two of you to cease all of this idiotic and childlike drama? The two of you will drop this drama immediately and keep it out of my sight or you will both experience what happens to those heretics who are caught by the Inquisition, firsthand. Your poor choices and actions not only reflect poorly upon myself but also the rest of the squad, I will not stand by idly while my reputation or those that give a damn about the Imperium are dragged down into the warp. My words, are they clear enough this time around? Or should I have my forces upon Sovereign prepare for your arrival?” Inquisitor Icarus had reached the end of her patients and understanding, the only thing those foolish trouble makers would find now would be a merciless Inquisitor willing to show her cruelty upfront.

During the whole time Inquisitor Icarus gave her lecture and warning, Celestian Andromedai listened closely with a smirk spread across her face, hidden under her airsealed helmet. Once Icarus had stopped, Andromedai hoped that her warning had actually gotten through this time to the Psykers, but something told her that it hadent. "I will do whatever is asked of me in the name of the Emperor, but their presence is still greatly needed in the squad. Sending them to my troops could have serious backlash if anyone higher up would find out." thought Andromedai to herself, she was going to have to have a word with Icarus later. For now though, the Celestian merely watched as the lander broke the planet's atmosphere and quickly made it's way into the massive city.

From above, it was clear that the command world of Sovereign was very unique when compared to other colonized planets in the Imperium. In fact, the world was one of a kind and many resources had been poured into it for a large number of logically sound reasons. "The city is a little bit to clean and wealthy looking for my personal taste." said Andromedai as the shuttle quickly navigated its way towards the far edge of the city where the Inqusitors personal safe house was waiting for them. As soon as the lander touched down upon the landing pad outside, Inquisitor Icarus made sure she was the first one off the shuttle, eyeing her squad closely with fierce judgement. "This is our base of command in the system for the time being, pick an empty room of your choice, unpack your gear and equipment, then meet me in the living room for further orders."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ansgar didn't even move as the Inquisitor went off, scolding the pair of psykers as they continued to agitate and aim to cause each other grief. Not a helpful trait to witness in comrades in arms, seeing them at each other constantly already, hell, it was dawning on him that he was slightly outnumbered, and if the Commissars of the regiment's stories of other, less disciplined regiments was anything to go by, that many females in one place was going to create some very unique problems. Unlike most Guard, Ansgar feared not the Commissar, for they were, in the Krieger's eyes, there to liaison between other regiments and the Death Korp, vice keep the order and purity of the regiment out of question. Krieger's in this day and age had no issue with loyalty and willingness to die for the Emperor, indeed, their zeal often had to be tempered to match the goals of the planetary or system Campaign. But, Ansgar focused on the here and now as the shuttle swooped over the, frankly, clean city of the command world that they would be working in. Bizarre, he had never seen or heard of such a world existing anywhere else. Then again, his experience was often in the ruins of such places, rather than before war touched them, so many places could be like this place.

The sister's comment resonated with a similar sentiment that the Death Korp Grenadier held, making a comment similar to hers. "Too clean, and too unprepared. The city could fall to a half dozen different assault plans, and that would be on a whim alone." Taking into account the Sister presence, alongside any sort of PDF or native Guard regiments awaiting deployment, would still be hard pressed to hold such a city. It lacked the vital qualities of a fortress, indeed, hives were such meatgrinders due to their natural design. This actual city? Not so much. After touching down and being given their dispatch, the Krieger chose a room closest to the door, where he could keep a careful eye on it whenever he was not resting. Never trust that a place was secure, no matter how well established or how well fortified. Commandos, snipers, men who fancied their odds with a rifle, anything could inflict sudden death onto an inattentive or incautious trooper.

Setting his meager belongings in the room, thankful for it seeming to be more suited to a servants quarters and, as such, lacked the niceties and frills of the other rooms no doubt furnishings. Ansgar, after securing his belongings, reported back to the living room. Notably, about the only thing missing from him was the backpack full of supplies. The Type XIV (Heavy), its powerpack, and various implements of destruction were still present, as was the ever present skull faced gasmask of the Death Korp Grenadier, plus his armor and uniform. Whether he was too distrustful to remove any of it, or just lacked anything else to wear, was up for debate. Both were likely correct, however, he came to attention as he reported to the Inquisitor. "Reporting for additional orders, ma'am."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 34 min ago

“As your order.” Vala replied to their leader as the order to settle in the HQ was given. This place was… nice! Vala rarely had been planet side in the past. Usually trips to planets meant ground combat because they were unregistered mercs and frankly no world within the legal bounds of the Imperium was going to allow their ship to land there. That’s why they were forced to stick to illegal stations and simply uninhabited worlds.

In the end she found herself a room on the second floor, one that overlooked the backyards of the safe house. Vala didn’t like rooms in the front for the main reason of it haven’t worse view than the one in the back she chose on.

Once the room was ‘claimed’ she placed her tool case on the bed, next to it her new and incomplete yet weapon. Next to it on the bed she carefully laid her other arms until on herself she only had her modified las pistol. She was by no way moving anywhere, be it even the safe house, without any weapon. Though with it being a safehouse she took a little bit of time to take off all the armor she had, finally leaving only the suit on before heading to the Living room to see what their orders were.

Frankly she hoped the meeting was going to be quickly done and they given up more than enough freetime to spare. She found her room had an actual bathtub! She had never had the chance to take a bath like that. Ships tended to go with the shower for simple efficiency if nothing else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After having listened to the Inquisitior, Adrianne was giving Maria an angry glare from behind her own mask, all the while answering the Inquisitor.

"I'll play nice... " Adrianne answered offhandly, whilst continuing the glare at Maria; a glare that continued all the way down to the planet.

"I can't give any promises with regards to her though... "

She privately thought, but did not speak openly. Adrianne would not be the one to throw the first stone, that was for sure. Although with their experience so far considered, that stone had already been cast a long time ago!

In her mind, it was no doubt that the obstinate prankster Maria would invariable cause some great shenanigans upon arriving planetside! By all the arcane laws of the universe and the Emperor's own reason, WHY had an irresponsible little kid like Maria ended up with the powers of pyromancy? It was like giving an Ork an imperial grade plasma weapon and expecting everything to be fine!!!

Suffice to say, Adrianne had a bad feeling about all of this.

When they finally arrived planetside however, Adrianne would find her mood lifting high as she saw the planet! Beneath them was a illustrious planet of fine architecture and clean streets! A planet of true culture and refined taste! Finally a location befitting a psyker of true stature like herself!

As they finally landed, Adrianne had to hold herself back as to avoid running out of the shuttle like a little girl!

Stepping out, she smiled behind her mask. This was FINALLY a planet worth visiting. Not some filthy factory world, decaying hive planet or wasteland backwater planet! No, this was a planet one could actually live on!

It did not take long for Adrianne to requisition a servitor from the house and almost drag it back to the shuttle, whereupon she had it unload her own private cargo, which consisted of a massive bag almost twice the size of the servitor itself; causing its internal gears and cogs to almost wheeze as the luggage's weight pressed down on its mechanical vertebra, which was designed to carry even heavy munition and industrial crates!

As she entered the safe house, Adrianne's first goal was not her room or the living room however. Instead, she tracked towards her last known location of Vala.

Adrianne would encounter the diminutive mercenary walking through one of the corridors towards the living room, arriving from the opposite end herself; with the struggling servitor right behind her.

The psyker's own large size, coupled with the gigantic piece of luggage carried by the servitor behind her; effectively served to block the entire corridor for Vala! As she walked up to the smaller mercenary, Adrianne would raise a hand, looking down at the red haired woman.

"A word if you will, Mercenary." She said through the mechanical crackling of her mask.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 34 min ago

'Great... and it was going just fine so far.' Vala thought noticing that her way was basically blocked. No way through or around the rather big woman and her luggage. This was not what Vala had in mind when she was told she's joining an Inquisitor's retinue... cause well she was TOLD SHE IS JOINING without much choice in the whole matter, but then again she was drafted into the bloody Imperium... and everyone knew that the Imperium is operated by MoRoNs... Out in the shadow stations the running joke was how the Emperor would probably die of a heart attack or something if he was ever to wake up and realize the degree of which his whole handy work was messed up after his placement on the glorified golden chair.

So... what can I do for you?” The red haired smaller woman asked.” I'm assuming you need something if you are blocking my way like this.” She stated and rose a questioning eyebrow at Adrianne in expectation for the incoming demand/explanation.

Still it did raise her curiosity a little bit, making her wondering what the psyker was actually needing of her. Preferably to rig some explosives.... if not well who knew.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Do not be alarmed, my diminutive friend."

Adrianne would try to assure Vala as she reached up to her mask and decompressed her helmet with a click, before pulling it off and allowing her long, white hair to flow freely as she gazed down at Vala with a mischievous smirk.

Before saying anything, the Psyker's violet eyes would dart from side to side as if scanning the corridor around them. This was however mostly a futile gesture as she could not see much of the corridor behind them due to the oversized luggage curried ferried by the poor servitor behind her.

Feeling confident that they were not being watched, Adrianne would lean down and towards Vala in a conspiratorial manner.

"What... is your opinion of that other Psyker in our retinue, Maria?" She asked, her eyes finally fixing themselves upon the mercenary in front of her in a probing manner fitting a proper Inquisitorial interrogation as the psyker was literally inches away from Vala's with an intense, unflinching stare!
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