Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orange_Mango


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After the fell dragon Grima has been slain by the Shepards, peace has fallen over the lands. Ylisse, Feroxi, Plegia and Valm are all on the way to rebuilding their nations. The Shepards have disbanded and the warriors have put their weapons down and replaced them with tools for reconstruction. Amid all the joyous celebration and hard work, sweat and tears, a new invasion has begun. Although, the invaders did not know they were defiling the land, their very existence created an imbalance. Historic figures, villainous criminals and those not of this world set foot on the two recovering continents. The Einherjar, beings of Outrealm, the souls of those no longer living have reanimated and have poured into this world taking on a tangible form. Their lives have since ended, their memories remain, some live to protect, others live to conquer. Will this world see war once again or will there be those who can solve this mystery?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orange_Mango


Member Offline since relaunch

The morning sun crept over the horizon, as if it was lingering between twilight and dawn. Many were asleep in their beds and cots, revelling in the long sought peace after The Grimleal, the putrid Risen and their fell deity Grima had ravaged the land. While families, noble and peasant alike dreamt the dreams they had hoped for in a restful bliss, one man was wide awake to greet the rays of light.

"This here land, I will cultivate in the name of Ylisse!" Proudly brandishing his hoe, Yorik, the young farmer looked upon the property he held claim to. Standing erect and proud the villager was draped in his working leathers, already soiled from his morning chores. York wore tanned leather pants and a white cotton fleece, his worn leather cloves grasped his farming tool tightly and his vibrant orange hair concealed in his bandana, already drenched in honest labouring sweat. It had been some time since Chrome and the Shepards had saved this humble hamlet, but the dedicated Yorik remembered as if it were the previous day. "I'll keep my promise to Lord Chrom, today is another day to do my best!" As the loyal labourer diligently ploughed the fields, the sun began to illuminate the rest of his property. Along the estate there were pastures for animals to graze upon, sheeps and horses were Yorik's and his families' assets. For produce, they were growing peas and wheat for the time being, their yield came quickly and in bulk to ship out among the community and all of Ylisse. This young farmer's dream was to do his best to aide his benefactor.

Wiping sweat from his brow, Yorik sprinkled a fresh bundle of seeds into the upturned earth. Content with his addition to the growing restoration plan the young farmer turned towards the barn, it was time to let the sheep and equine out. Leaning his tool atop his right shoulder, he began to casual stride towards the barn. A smile stretched across his face, the thought of the new crop of produce, the wool of the flock of sheep and the new working horse all contributing to Ylisse was all too much to bear. Yorik had reached his family barn, it's oaken doors were dyed with the age of the sun shiningup upon it for generations. This old barn had belonged to his grandfather, before even the late Exalted Emmeryn's tenure, the wood looked as sturdy and fortified as if it were newly built. Pride and gratitude filled Yorik's body as he reached his hand out to the padlock upon the door. Suddenly an unfamiliar sound hissed into his ears, a faint yet misplaced audible.

"<ugh...>" It was disembodied, almost an other worldy and harrowing moan, a lamentation of agony and discomfort. Yet in the quiet of this humble hamlet, the sound was so faint, it eerily slipped away only to return and renew the shivering sensation that it did not belong. Yorik froze. This was not something he had ever heard. Even the defiling Risen did not make such bemoaning noises, what ever was behind this door, presumably, was out of this realm.

"B-be brave, like Lord Chrom." Stuttered the trembling villager as he could only imagine what terror awaited him behind those doors. If neither his sheep nor horses were stirring the only plausible explination was that; whatever was making this hair raising noise had already silenced Yorik's beloved animals. His heart sank at the thought of losing his flock and steeds. Fiscal value aside, the dedicate farmer had worked tirelessly to raise them all, they too were his family. Suddenly, a spark of courage surged into his heart, the words of his saviour echoed in his spirit, lifting him into action.

"Serve those in need of our help."

The Exalted Hero's words reverberated in Yorik's mind, repeating and resonating with each repitition. Whatever dastardly villain had laid waste to his animal compainions had made an adversary this day. Clasping his hoe firmly and bracing himself, the farmer steeled his resolve for his ultimate confrontation. The unworldly being behind this door had not only robbed him, but robbed his family, the community and all of Ylisse of hope, by delaying the revitalization. The knave would know that the hoe was just as a deadly as a spear in the hands of this villager, a single swing would end the aggressors wretched existence. Inhaling deeply, Yorik was ready, his fangs bared. Shoving the door open, to confront the owner of the bone chilling moan, the loyal labourer let out a battle cry of his own.

"FOR YLISSE!!!" With an earth shattering cry to meet the ghastly whisper of terror, Yorik burst into the barn, his eyes flared, muscles tense and arm ready to swing at the slightest provocation. In retaliation, the atmosphere greeted the humble villager with a cacophony of chaos. Hay flew in all directions, dirt was kicked up, wool was unturned, the prominent neigh if the horses bellowed out across the estate and the ever splitting cries of the sheep shattered mere mortals eardrums. It was an audio assault that drowned out the faint moan of the foreign entity. Yet the orchestra of confusion and bewilderment from the animals did not drown out poor Yorik's cry of surprise. "UGH?! WAAAAAAAAAH!"

The shouts and disturbances was enough to awaken the entire village, storming into the front door came Yorik's family. His mother, matriarch of the lot, stormed in at the forefront. She wore a bonnet that was as white as her face, contorted with a mixture of confusion, anger and drowsiness. Her leather boots stomped furiously ever closer towards the now overturned Yorik. Her hands reached out, grappled her son and shook him profusely, raising him above her shoulders, emphasizing her mountainous form, in a dainty night gown.

"Boy! Why are you making such a ruckus in the morning?!" Livid with agitation, this reaction was all too natural for the family. The eldest sister in a similar sheen night gown yawned as her hair in curls sat neatly on her head. She had come out more to see her younger brother get scolded, more so than worry for his safety. From behind her legs, peered two sets of eyes, mirroring one another's movements. The twin brother and sister, the youngest of the four, giggled giddily the show of their older brother being reprimanded was their morning entertainment.

"B-but Ma!!! I heard a sound!" Pleaded Yorik as he was helplessly dangled above his mother. "The sheep, and the horses!" The violent shaking was not aiding the explanation, nor was it desisting. The young farmer's weapon, his farming hoe lay out of reach, strewn along the ground, he was defenceless and without explanation. All he could do was desperately try to convince his family, mainly his mother, that they were in the vicinity of his mortal enemy. "I'm telling ya Ma! I heard a sound, it was other worldly!" Pointing aimlessly at the direction opposite of the door. All eyes looked in the general area, Yorik still dangled above his mother's shoulders, but at least his turbulence stopped. For a brief unified moment, the entire family looked upon a stack of hay, but the silence was interrupted by the unearthly moan.

"<ughhhhhhhh.....>" The wretched agony almost justified the young farmer's actions, if not for the person it came from. Suddenly, the family broke out into a spectrum of noise. The twins giggled profusely, holding their sides and rolling on the floor, their pajamas collecting dust as they jittered in sync. The eldest sister placed her hands on her hips and sighed loudly, then turned on her heels and galloped back to bed, her entertainment was over. Yorik's heart sank yet again, as he realized his blunder, albeit an honest one. Meanwhile, his mother wa not nearly as jovial. Her face went from sheet white to hot tomato red.

"YOU FOOL!" Was all she could utter as she hurled her son into the stack of hay, next to the agonized moaning. Sighing, as he lay in the stale bundle of dry grass he looked to his nemesis, the cause of this fiasco.

"<sigh...> You're still here sir? I thought you left a fortnight ago!" The moaning continued, accompanied by the all too familiar roar of a hungry stomach. The stranger looked into the eyes of the humble farmer, grasped his shoulder weakly and uttered his over dramatized request.

"<ugh...> I Ross, the son of The Great Garcia, will not be defeated by this hunger....." Letting out another sigh, to forget his foolishness of the day, Yorik looked to his animals, all were accounted for and were calmly watching Ross, with keen interest. Chuckling at his misunderstanding and missgivings, the loyal labourer reached out and slung Ross' hulking behemoth arm over his shoulder. The Beserker was a mountain of muscle and was not easy to lift, nor was the silver axe he gripped tightly. Clothed with only a weapon and blue cotton pants, this traveler would be impossible to move alone. Yet Yorik could not leave him, he was compelled to help Ross, just as he was the two weeks before when the stranger stumbled on their estate. Scratching his head, Yorik would try a different approach.

"Since you're back again Sir Ross, why not join us for breakfast?" Those were the magic words, or rather the one word that related to food. In a heartbeat Ross was on his feet, the mighty axe secured on his back and his long strides heading out the door, a bright smile gleaming like the sun spread across his face.

"Thank you kindly!" Sighing and chuckling, Yorik led his animals out of the barn, following the Beserker out to the family home. This would be a long day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition π•‹π•–π•”π•™π•Ÿπ• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π• π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 9 mos ago

She looked down the dirt road... The long dirt road. According to her map, Ryder was close to another town just like her village. At least, if she was on the right course she was. Dang, the capital of Ylisse was far, but she should be there soon unless of course she was incredibly lost. Neither of these options were very far-fetched. It had been a few days now, since she took her leave and man was this not anticipated. If only she had a glorious pegasus! And what she wouldn't do for a delicious piece of her idol's candies right now. Ryder sighed continuing on the dirt path.

A few days earlier-----

"The Fell Dragon... Gone. All thanks to Gaius and Lissa, with their companions. The Shepards were amazing!" Ryder had fallen in love with them ever since her village was saved. "Now we must only repair, and I am going to help!" For a second she became lost in dreams of being a glorious pegasus knight. How she could soar through the skies with such freedom, a friend at her side as they took to doing tricks and just relaxing. Animals had really been Ryder's only companions in the village. Most of the children near her age were boys, and they didn't particularly associate well with her, but she didn't care. One day she would be a glorious fighter and impress them all! That is what she had been practicing for!

A few last WHACK WHACK's on the dummy in her backyard. Straw stuffed sacks with some padding made of leather on top. Ryder would whack at it every day with a tree branch, pretending it was a dragon like Grima. She danced about it, practicing precision, speed and strength of her attacks. Of course, she still was a little girl and had very little skills when it came to fighting, but she had seemed more into fighting than even the young boys in her village. They ridiculed this 'Shepard in Training' act she had put on. Ryder may have been quite the laughing stock but she hadn't cared. it was all about becoming someone in Ylisstol, not this stupid old village who needs such great warriors to waste their time saving. Sometimes she even tried to practice acrobatics, which usually ended up with her in the mud and more of the boys laughing at her.

She started the day with her favorite horses, she didn't ride them often, mostly just care for them as friends. They were the best friends she had around the village, the only friends she had around the village. It was soon after she started hanging out with her 'friends' that she felt the glares and sneers as well as the giggles of the few troublemakers. "Why hello there Ryder!" It was the voice of one of her two nemeses. Ryder had a very childish imagination, turning everything into her 'game' as the people of her village called it. Robert and Arthur soon stepped forward, touching and poking one of the horses. Ryder gasped a little, she knew they didn't actually care for the horse. Her nemeses were plotting against her! They had a small posse with them as usual to pick on her.

The two Grimleal members (In her mind) slowly stepped towards her, and she jumped back into her stance, she was weaponless at the moment! "What are you gonna do? Hurt us little girl?" Ryder slowly backed up, nearing her weapon in the horse barn. Her glorious blade! As she reached for it she felt a sting in her side. No! She had been hit by one of them, a slingshot from the hayloft. The 'arrow' as she thought of it, buried itself into her side. She gasped and hopped a bit in pain. Ryder had her glorious blade though, now she was unstoppable! Her nemeses started laughing as they annoyed one of the horses. "You gonna hurt us with that tree branch?" They made fun of her great blade as she pointed it at them, not speaking yet.

Ryder growled slightly, this time she saw the slingshot boy lining up and dodged it, taking a step forward towards her nemeses. "I will defeat you, you last Grimleal scum!" Her growl was followed with a glare. Right foot forward, just a little. Left foot back at an angle. Sword up at ready to block. She was going through her steps in her head. Readying herself for an epic battle. The adult reinforcements wouldn't be able to come for a while, so this fight was inevitable. Both Robert and Arthur advanced on her, but they weren't armed with greatswords like her. "Leave my friends alone, scum!" She pouted a bit as a few of the boys were still messing with the horse.

Arthur threw a punch at her, she was not very tolerant to pain so Ryder relied on being lucky enough to dodge. She hadn't really practiced blocking at all but what she did do was slam her branch into his arm. Arthur then fell onto his butt, Robert growling as he saw his friend. He also came at Ryder, swinging his fists rapidly. She quickly ducked under one of his arms, appearing behind him. She smashed the branch elegantly like a blade into his back. By this time Ryder knew, that Arthur would probably be standing back up but it seemed like Robert was down for the count. She started swinging her branch as she turned but Arthur had grabbed it in midair. The next thing Ryder knew, he had sent a punch to her gut. She couldn't breath and started to panic. Sending a kick to his shin, Arthur backed up, holding his shin. Ryder caught her breath for a moment as he grimaced in pain. Ryder then moves her right foot to the left side of her body as she stepped closer to him. Spinning around, she smashed the branch into Arthur's face. It looks like her training for the past three years had slightly paid off as her nemeses and their posse fled the barn. At least, it worked on two unarmed boys. At least she was getting better!

Later The Same Day--------------

Ryder finished up petting and feeding her friends and she started towards the outside of the barn, pushing open the two big doors. She had the branch still in hand and felt like a hero. She unfortunately only saved herself. Also unfortunately there were a few people waiting for her outside the barn. No, not more kids that wanted to beat her up, but her parents and the parents of Arthur, who was holding his red and split cheek, and Robert who was limping a bit. "Ryder! You are not a fighter! Put the sticks down and do your jobs!" Her mother said with disappointment in her voice.

An argument ensued as Ryder tried to protest that they were trying to hurt her. She had no evidence so she lost the short argument and was chewed out by the adults. She had began to become fed up of the little village. Ryder spent the rest of her day inside her home, avoiding the other villagers. Later in the afternoon, there was news of a man coming to her village from Ylisstol, so her first instinct was to go find him. Outside, a tall figure was surrounded by a small group of people. He talked of Ylisstol needing help of any able men and women for reconstruction efforts. Ryder ran towards him extending her hand. "I wanna help!" She said. She was very excited until a few glares shot her down. Ryder knew her parents would never let her. That wasn't going to stop her this time. She was done with this tiny village and wanted to go off and do better things. Later that day, Ryder packed her things, a stolen vulnerary, a map, and her 'sword' before heading off.

Back in the Present----------------------

Thank the gods. Ryder could see ahead a few buildings of what seemed to be a farming village. She pulled down the hood on her cloak and started walking faster towards the town. She was a step closer to Ylisstol. Ryder could stock up here and finally have a meal. She hadn't been eating much in the past few days, travelling light. As she walked into the village she was given a few stares by some of the villagers. She figured these people didn't get outsiders often. She spent a few minutes looking around for some type of trading post or a place where she could eat. It seemed like quite a few of the villagers had their attention on a barn.

Ryder wandered over towards the barn and tried to peer inside. It seemed as though a boy was causing a commotion and some of the villagers were scolding him for it. She watched the situation play out for a moment, trying to remain out of sight of most of the villagers. She had no need to interact with the people here. Ryder just needed to stock up on supplies, have a meal, and search the town for a pegasus. She never stopped thinking about owning one. It was her wildest dream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Two Weeks earlier in Regna Ferox

Jacob sighed as he once again went over the papers on his desk, it couldn't be coincidence, no these had to be related. The attacks were to close and patterned, Grimleal? No they had no influence in this region, bandits more than likely, but well organized the attacks were not simple bumpkins with axes. They had at least basic strategy and some discipline, this would require investigation, well he had been thinking about going home, now he had an excuse to return.

One Week earlier in Regna Ferox

Jacob nodded as he finished packing the last of his books and writing tools as he heard footsteps approaching. He turned to the person walking towards him and was meet with the sight of his former employer and friend, the western Khan Basilio. β€œKhan Basilio, here to see me off?” Jacob said with a smile, the young man wore his silver robe with intricate red designs and a hidden pocket for a spell tomes, under the robe was his scabbard and his simple metal chest plate. His red hair fell into his eyes emerald eyes, yet Basilio knew that under all that lay a brilliant mind.

The Khan smiled patting the young tactician on the head β€œYes boy, I’m sorry to see you go, I’ve had your pay transferred to the capital of Ylisse so you don’t have to travel with all you have on your back. Also I wanted to wish you luck in your bandit hunt, just be careful you have to come back and win me the right to lead Ferox next year!” Laughed the Khan as he patted Jacob on the back, the man had given him his first real chance. Letting him devise strategies to fend off Risen over the past couple years. He had done well in Ferox all that training and experience, now it was time, he could start helping his homeland, Ylisse.

Present day

Jacob bit into one of the honey trail rations he purchased in Ferox as walked over the hill towards the first village on his list, it looked peaceful and quiet. That soon came to an end when he heard a young man scream,”No! I’m too late!” He thought as he surged forward pulling a magic tome from his ornate robe. Were the bandits attacking this village already? Thoughts raced through his head as he near the town he noticed no attackers just a crowd near the barn the former soldier sighed relaxing some as he loosen his grip on the tome. That’s when he spotted the young man who had screamed, a farmer, he looked as common as the others, though perhaps a bit more determined. His eye’s settled on a girl close to his age, he immediately began to size her up, fast, obviously she had gotten there before the villagers and found a spot to conceal herself from them, he had barely noticed her and he was trained to spot ambushes! Next she seemed armed, with what he couldn't tell, and lastly she was watching the commotion carefully. It clicked, she was a thief, here to scout for the bandits perhaps? Or maybe an independent one, he would have to ask her, for now it seemed best to deter her. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder deciding to move his robe slightly so she could see his armor, sword, and spell book, hoping she would not attack if she saw he was armed. He spoke softly yet with purpose β€œMay I speak with you please miss?” He waited for a response hoping it would not be a violent one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ku'Shin | Ylisse... Somewhere in Ylisse

"Hmmmm... I'm definitely in Ylisse now, if the greenery wasn't a dead give-away... But where? I think I've been going south all this time, but maybe it was actually east? Maybe I should've listened to the old man from before...", he was at... Well, he wasn't even on a road. His friends were incredibly worried about him going off as a 'wanderer', but they figured he'd be okay in any case... Nothing except Grima himself could kill him or so they believed, they believed incredibly close. Below his feet were the lush green fields of Ylisse, spots of trees here and there, but he was convinced he was in a semi-plains area. He continued his mindless trek and went over a hill, maybe to see if there were any landmarks nearby and sure enough he saw a village in the distance.

"Oh a village. They may have something to eat maybe. I'm kind of sick of eating rabbit and boar all day", he commented, as he began his leisurely stroll towards the village.

"Actually... I wonder if they got anyone worth fighting here...? Bandits have been nothing but a bore, so slow... Criminals to boot", and thus he had no problems slaying them, then again, he's been in this kind of business for a long time, killing or fighting for money that is, but right now that was not the case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leo had been flying around on Fortuna for days, but there wasn't much going on. Ever since Grima had fallen life had been relatively peaceful. While that was great and all, it was relatively boring when your a new Falcon Knight looking for some adventure. The most action he got was fighting off risen after some villager thought it would be a good idea to open up a reeking box in the middle of the field. He had gotten some strange looks from people for being a guy riding an Alicorn, and he couldn't totally blame them. Male Pegasus Knights were a rarity. Pegasus usually only let females ride them. The only reason Fortuna let him ride her was because she had once belonged to his mom, and so she was used to him.

Now Leo had landed in a nearby village in Ylisse. He needed to get some food for himself and his mount. Having two mouths to feed burned through his supply of gold quicker than he would have liked. "I'm going to need a way to make some money somehow... Maybe I should have thought this whole traveling Falcon Knight thing through a bit better. This isn't at all what I hoped for." He had considered charging for healing services, but something about charging gold when someone was hurt and in desperate need of healing seemed wrong in his eyes.

Fortuna whinnied in response to Leo's statement.

Leo gently stroked his winged unicorn's red mane. "It's ok girl! I'll get us something to eat somehow!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draexzhan
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Draexzhan Undertale Trash

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


That's one word you might use to describe Menkar. He was not like other men. He wasn't even human. He was a kind of dragon. A beast revered by many, and feared by many more. An ancient being naturally imbued with the powers of a demigod. But, to just call him a dragon would be foolish, for he could take on the shape of a human as he pleased. In fact, that's what his kind, the Manakete, did most of the time. It was easier on their magic reserves, and allowed them to walk among men. And that's what he was doing today. He was alone in the world again. The one whom he wanted to spend the rest of his days with was slain in battle not one month earlier, and he was still deep in grief. But he had learned to don a mask over such emotions in society. He'd done so many times before. It was a mask he'd learn to wear over two thousand years ago. Indeed, with the time defying blood of a dragon running through his veins, years, decades, even centuries were just fleeting moments in his eyes. He called it a curse. He had befriended many humans over his lifetime, and even married one who bore his child. But every single one of them had eroded away to the flood of time. Only he still stood strong. As he had been for the past two and a half millennia, and would continue to for many more millennia. Many he had met over his lifetime called it a blessing. But he called it a curse. Few Manakete walk the earth at one time, so meeting another of his kind was a rare event. In fact, aside from his parents, he had only ever met two Manakete, and one of them was the unfortunate bride to be.

The morning sun was just beginning to beat down on Menkar, who had wrapped himself in a giant brown cloak with a hood, concealing his entire body except for his chin and hands, which stuck forward, placed on his special cane, a gnarled wooden cane with a polished finish and an iron spike in the base which he used for stability on rough terrain. Wings stuck out of his back, but he kept them concealed under his cloak, giving the illusion of him being a giant, hunched over old man, when, while he was certainly old to a human, he was still in his prime as a Manakete. He wore this cloak whenever he entered a town, for while he could take on a human form, his wings were unable to transform. In fact, if you took a closer look, you might notice the reptilian slits in his eyes, or see the sharp teeth concealed within his mouth. Some Manaketes didn't have this problem. Transformation was not something you could improve, it was just there from birth. Female Manaketes generally had a far better grasp of the transformation, as most could fool entire countries into thinking they were human. But not Menkar. His transformation abilities were very lacking, and so if he wanted to keep a low profile, the hunched over giant under the cloak was the only way to go.

He lifted his hood ever so slightly and scanned the horizon, searching until his eyes came upon a small village not a mile away. This was his destination. Someone in this village had reported a sighting of a wild dragon, and maybe, just maybe, it was another Manakete. Wild dragons were very unusual in this part of the country, so the odds were fairly good in Menkar's eyes. With his cane in his right hand, he began walking towards the village, practicing the shaky hands and frail voice that he would use as part of his act.

He arrived in the village soon after, and approached a town guard. "Excuse me, young man..." he said to the guard in a deep, but quivering voice. "Might you be able to point me in the direction of the Moonwatch Tavern?"

The guard eyed him suspiciously, but dismissed his inner doubts and pointed down the road to a stone building with a man sleeping in a chair out front. After thanking the guard, Menkar faked a cough, and made his way to the tavern.

On the way there, he heard shouts and cries from nearby, and watched as a few of the early risers hurried over to investigate.

The person Menkar had planned to meet was likely not going to be at the tavern until later, so Menkar took the opportunity to investigate what was going on. After questioning a couple of bystanders, he determined that some meathead had fallen asleep in a barn and upset the farmer. Much more trivial a matter than he had initially assumed. He grumbled to himself in disappointment, but decided to stick around to see what would happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It was a rather damp morning as it turned out, the air was heavy with mist and moisture, the grass was shining with residue from the recent rains. And Captain Rachel Gregstone of Ylisse's Dawn Knights was out wondering the fields of a village near the capital, chasing rumors of bandits in the area. She drew the hood of her tactician's coat and sighed. "I probably should have brought some backup, Lieutenant Walsh will not like me going out on my own like this." Still she had to act, Walsh would've insisted on mustering the troops which would've taken a week or more. If the rumors were true then Rachel couldn't wait that long, the village here couldn't wait that long.

So she walked, walked through the cold, damp field all alone. AS she was walking, Rachel saw a Pegasus dive from above and land softly some distance ahead of her. What would a Pegasus Knight be doing out here? She decided to quietly approach, watching the creature and it's rider a bit before approaching. When Rachel saw the rider she couldn't help but feel her jaw fall. A man, the Pegasus was being ridden by a man. Never had Rachel heard of a male Pegasus rider. Now, she didn't really know why there weren't any male riders, just that there weren't.

She overcame her surprise quickly enough, deciding to take some kind of action as the rider was just standing there. Her hand drifted to the hilt of her sword as she drew closer. When she was within earshot she called. "Hail there, friend. Do you know how much farther it is to the nearest village?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orange_Mango


Member Offline since relaunch

"<wahahaha!> Thank the gods! Your kindness saved me twice!" Laughing heartily, the towering Ross, son of the Great Garcia patted his benefactor upon the back, a gesture of gratitude. However, the behemoth's open palm felt like a heavy pan colliding in between Yorik's shoulders.

"<ow...>" Muttered the humble farmer as he rubbed his sore appendage. Looking upon his guest, the young man could see the battle tested physique an obvious explanation to Ross' unrestrained strength. "Think nothing of it Sir Ross, it is my duty to aide all denizens of-" Before Yorik could finish and go into an enamoured tangent on his hero saviour Chrom, Ross stopped in his tracks, his eyes darting across the estate.

"Hold, something is amiss!" Caught off guard in mid sentence, Yorik walked on ahead a few paces. Hearing the Beserker's words, the humble farmer turned around only to be knocked over by Ross sprinting past him. "They are overcooking the porridge! The Invincible Ross hates burnt stew!!!" The hulking man raced past a bewildered Yorik. As the young farmer spun on his heels, he noticed two more visitors near the barn. His vision was blurred from the spin, thus he could not make out who these people were. Toppling over and lying prone upon the field, the herd of sheep and equine cheered in amusement. Laughing and crawling through playful nibbles and nudges, Yorik tried to get a better look at his new visitors.

"<haha!> Stop it!" Chuckled Yorik as he weaved through his animal companions. "Hello!!!" Yelled the farm hand, he could not see the two visitors as his flock of animals either affectionately coddled at him or began to meander upon the estate. It was an odd scene to say the least. Roaming sheep and horses and their caretaker rolling upon the dirt, surrounded by some of his cheery animals. A lone hand sticking out from sheep's wool and horse manes, waving at the thief and tactician duo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition π•‹π•–π•”π•™π•Ÿπ• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π• π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Hmph." Ryder let out a half scoff half moan as she realized she was noticed by a young farmhand boy. She averted her eyes, trying to cover herself with her dusty and fading red cloak. She didn't carry much with her when she left her home village, but if she had to pick the most important thing she brought, it would be her cloak. A gift from her father... Her fallen father. At least, that is what she had known. He had ran off to join the fight against the Risen and never returned. Ever since then, Ryder had wanted to travel to Ylisstol to help just like her father, and now she was trying to achieve that goal.

Ryder couldn't help but turn away from the young farmhand, who was now seemingly wrestling away from some animals that he had gotten entangled with. She was good with animals and knew she could probably help him, but her shyness got the better of her. She tried to fade into the crowd, her small size helping her achieve her goal. She had also noticed the nearby tactician man. Ryder tried to slip by him away from the crowd. She soon escaped and sat down on the side of the barn. Besides, she was here to eat, look for a pegasus then leave. She needed to get to Ylisstol after all.

Ryder looked inside the pockets of her cloak, counting her gold pieces. It didn't take her very long to count such a small amount. She really didn't have much with her did she? A pout spread across her face. Maybe enough money for one or two more meals. After that, she would be broke, and she still only had her 'Sword' of a branch. She let out another groan, dusting herself off. She had decided to wait until the crowd has dispersed, after which she would go look for food and supplies, or do what people like her do best, borrow some supplies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The young male tactician sighed looking at the poor farmer, he walked over pulling him out from the horde animals that had been attempting to smother him, that when he saw it. "Farm boy, I suggest you get back" He spoke as he spotted a group of bandits approaching the town center they had there weapons sheathed but Jacob knew there time.

The bandits arrived moments later, the biggest among them an axe wielding ruffian placing his foot on a rock the gathered townsfolk shrank back. "Listen up you pathetic villagers! Your gonna give us everything you own or we will burn this stupid town the ground!" He laughed as Jacob walked towards him at a slow steady pace, "What do you want runt?" He growled.

"First off the name's Jacob and I'm the man whose going to protect this village." Two bandits in front drew there axe's as the one on the rock laughed at the idea that this kid could kill them. Suddenly his laughter, turned to screams as the fire spell collided with him two more ruffians charged at him but he dodged drawing his sword he proceeded to dodge and retaliate quickly killing yet two more bandits with ease. The remaining three took off running as fast as they could as Jacob began to wipe the blood from his sword. "Listen up everyone, I'm going to protect this village but I need your help! We must fortify and gather up soldiers to defend it!" He spoke with the authority of man who lead troops before, when inside he had scared the whole time. He knew this was his chance, this is where he could start forging his legend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draexzhan
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Draexzhan Undertale Trash

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Menkar frowned at the mere sight of the bandits. When they told everyone that they were going to loot the place, his grip tightened on his cane to the point that his knuckles turned white. Witnessing a mere child being the one to stand up to them, regardless of how capable he may have been, didn't help to quell his anger. Despite this, he made sure to maintain his frail façade, keeping the wings under his cloak folded just right so that they took on the appearance of a hunched back. As the bandits fled and the young man who stood up to them turned to face the villagers, ordering them to make preparations, Menkar approached the young man, and when he was only a couple feet away, spoke to him with the flawless imitation of an old man.

"Innumerable wonderful, smart, brave, and kind young men and women gave their lives to keep this land from being thrown into despair. Innumerable families lost loved ones and close friends who fought to save them. And then these worms come along and spit upon it all, caring about no one but themselves. They spit upon the bereaved, the heartbroken, the orphaned, the lonely, and the dead. Such people don't deserve to be part of this world." His hands shook with rage, "Happiness at the expense of others can only be described as evil. Those worms must be taught a harsh lesson."

He turned towards the members of the crowd who hadn't left, his face still hidden by his hood as he spoke much louder. "What are you doing just standing there? Those who wish to fight, arm yourselves. Scythes, pitchforks, sticks, rocks, ANYTHING you can get your hands on will help. The rest of you, hide. Your deaths will only cause grief to those who care about you."

I'm going to have to drop this disguise eventually... Menkar thought to himself, This village deserves to be saved. I can't hold anything back against these bandits. But I shall hold it a little bit longer. I do not want these villagers to get their hopes up with a dragon on their side, nor do I want the bandits to plan accordingly. Cane in hand, he turned and walked off slowly in the direction the bandits fled. He would watch for their approach from the edge of the village with the eyes of a natural hunter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Leo stroked his Alicorn's mane, he heard the sound of a woman's voice calling out to him. "Hail there, friend. Do you know how much farther it is to the nearest village?" He looked around, and saw a dark haired woman wearing tactician's robes nearby. She kept her hand close to the hilt of her sword, like she was about to draw it if he tried to attack if he made any sudden movements. Leo couldn't really blame her for being cautious. It wasn't like men riding Pegasi were common, let alone for them to be Falcon Knights.

Regardless, the male Falcon Knight simply giggled, and waved back. "Oh, hello there! The nearest village? It's not far from here actually!" He replied while pointing in the general direction. "I was just about to head over there now. The two of us need to get some food. Um... Would you like me to give you a ride there? I'm sure my steed could handle a second rider, and it wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least offer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rachel was sure her face was pale as a bed sheet at the boy's offer. She hated horses, any kind feathered or not it didn't matter. And horses hated her, ever since she was a girl. Horseback riding was her bane, and just about everyone who knew her knew that. As such she never willingly rides one if she can avoid it. Still her feet were tired after all the walking, this village wasn't really the closest to the capital. And if there were bandits about, the backup and skillset this young man could provide might prove invaluable.

So with that she grit her teeth and made her decision. "Yes I would greatly appreciate a ride good sir." She drew her hood even tighter to avoid being seen and her hands were, for now stuffed into the pockets of her coat so the young Pegasus Rider wouldn't notice the trembling. Oh yes, Rachel was terrified, terrified at the very thought of it. She couldn't imagine what would happen once they got going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orange_Mango


Member Offline since relaunch

Everything happened so fast, from the mob of equine and sheep, to the kindness of a stranger, to the terrifying attack of marauders, the swift and just expulsion of them and two rousing speeches of heroism. Yorik was flabbergasted, coughing up tufts of wool and hay the humble farmer squealed in fright mixed with awe as the bandits were defeated and the village rallied behind the two brave souls who stood before them.

"<cough> Gosh, that fellow can cast spells and wield a blade!" Pointing out the obvious, it wad hard to process much else. Beyond all that had transpired, ethereal flames had just been cast in front of his very eyes, the farmhand could only look upon Jacob as a reliable saviour. With all due respect to the eloquent older gentleman, unless he masked a mountain of muscle and a plethora of weaponry under his robes then the protector of the village was already decided.

After the robed man strode off, having helped to inspire the community to bar their gates and take up arms, this further proved it was Jacob who would be the one to lead the defences, even if he was very much younger.

"Yes sir! I-I'll do my best!" Piped Yorik as he clumsily saluted and sped off to his home to claim his Bronze Spear. Now was the time to test his mettle and lay his life done for the village he loved. As the eager villager approached his home, his visitor, Ross bolted out rushing past Yorik, spinning the young man, again, on his heels.

"Bandits?! Trying to ruin The Great Ross' meal? Nay! Not on this day!" As quickly as he arrived, the hulking Beserker was off, brandishing his Silver Axe with the rest of the rallied villagers. Soon Yorik would join them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jacob gave the old man in the cloak a encouraging smile "Don't worry sir, I came here searching for these fiends, I plan to uncover whatever the hell there doing." He began to order villagers, hunters with bows to take position around the weak wooden walls, next he organized the Villagers with pitchforks and sticks into a large group in the square "Right you all will stay here among in the walls, I will draw the bandits in and try to cut down as many as possible but what gets past me you must kill, your job is to protect your homes, your families, your children! I am but one man, you are a village and if you stand side by side you cannot be defeated!" He cried out to the assembled conscripts as they cheered for the young tactician.

"Now I need volunteers who will be willing to step outside of the village with me, I cannot guarantee the safety of those who do but I can promise it will help drive these bandits back. If you wish not to join me outside please return to fortifying the walls and gathering weapons." The crowd murmured quietly as Jacob watched most of them contemplating joining him however no one had stepped forward, they were eager to defend there homes not to go out and attack the bandits in a small organized raid. He prayed silently that he would not have to go out there alone, he hoped if the village had any talented warriors they would step forward and join him. Most of the group left heading back to prepare the walls and close the gates, Jacob waited patiently on the outside he was as calm and collected as ever, inside he was a wreck of nerves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Judging by the way her face paled, the girl looked like she did not like riding horses. Regardless, she accepted anyway. Leo smiled and nodded. "Great! Don't worry, Fortuna here is good with people. After all, she is allowing me to ride her! Just don't come charging at her with a weapon in hand. Then she can get vicious... We're not in a battle though, so that shouldn't be a problem. Heh." The Falcon Knight replied as he pat his steed's head. He swung his leg over, and mounted his Alicorn. "This shouldn't take too long." After she did the same, the group took off.


After a brief flight, Leo gently landed his horse in what looked to be the center of town. "There we go, looks like we're here. See, that wasn't that bad, was it?"

The first thing he saw after landing, was a small crowd of people carrying pitchforks and sticks gathered around one person. "Right you all will stay here among in the walls, I will draw the bandits in and try to cut down as many as possible but what gets past me you must kill, your job is to protect your homes, your families, your children! I am but one man, you are a village and if you stand side by side you cannot be defeated!" The crowd started to get smaller after he asked for volunteers to step outside the village with him. The only one left was a redheaded young man who was also wearing Tactician robes similar to what the girl riding with him was wearing.

Leo turned to his companion. "Look at that, another Tactician... You two wouldn't happen to know each other, would you? It would be a strange coincidence if you did." He then turned around, and called out to the new male, and waved his arm frantically. "Excuse me, sir! Forgive me for intruding. We just arrived. What's this about bandits?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

This post has been deleted by Crimson Flame

Reason: Double post... Stupid lag!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

the young man's words and assurances did very little to comfort Rachel, though they were kind. He mounted and she slowly grew closer, shaking hands gripping the horse's back as she pulled herself up. She sat stock still there, absorbing where she was and what she was about to do, as soon as her mind processed it her arms snaked around the young man's waist. Her vice-like grip was tight enough to squeeze the life out of anyone, if anything that should've told Leo exactly how scared Rachel was.
As soon as they landed Rachel unceremoniously slid to the ground, her knees buckling as soon as her boots touched the soil. She sat there having a nice debate with her stomach over whether to eject her breakfast or not. This was the sight Leo was greeted by when he asked the ironic question of "See, that wasn't that bad, was it?"

She sat there on the ground listening to another young man give some kind of rallying speech. She couldn't quite see him as her view was blocked be her hood but she could hear him. As soon as her legs decided to not be jelly Rachel shakily stood, her hand on the Pegasus next her for support. She looked to where the voice was coming from to see a redheaded young man wearing the same robes as she was.

Her companion was also watching the man's speech, afterwards he turned to her. "Look at that, another Tactician... You two wouldn't happen to know each other, would you? It would be a strange coincidence if you did." Rachel snorted and shook her head. "No I'm afraid not. It's not like there's a tactician school or something." Her companion then called out to the redheaded man. Rachel however was watching the villagers scramble about, the redhead guy seemed young, but at the very least he was able to put these people to task. "Well, it's about time I did something then." She muttered to herself as she turned to her companion and the other tactician.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jacob smiled as watched the Pegasus land, the knight seemed to have companion he could make robes much like his own, he began to walk over giving the knight and female tactician giving a slight chuckle as she slumped off the pegasi's back. As the last of the crowd dispersed he walked over to them. "Hello there, I'm Jacob Ardal former tactician of Regna Ferox, as for what I'm doing here well I'm Ylissean and I've been wondering about the bandits attacks out here so I came home to help. Also the fact that I should visit my parents, I've been gone for nearly three years." He smiled at the two rubbing his head. "Anyway some bandits came into town earlier demanding the towns goods." Pointing to the three corpse's behind him one still smoldering. "I killed there leader and let some run back, my hope is defeat there force and drive back the main group then pursue them to there hideout and find out whose leading this group of ruffians. I was wondering if you might lend me some help in fighting them outside the village, I want to keep the fighting away from the civilians"

Looking at the other tactician he nodded. From the way the figure stood she was female, ends of dark could be seen, perhaps she Morgan, Robins apprentice? Definitely a soldier from quality of her gear, could not afford that on mercenaries salary, he knew that. So she worked with Ylisse in some way better to assume she was a apprentice of Robin after all he would no doubt teach his skills to others. "I'm assuming your Grand Master Robins apprentice? I have not heard of him taking on any perhaps I might study under him. If your wondering why I know about the attacks Khan Basilio feeds me any and all reports from Ylisse, I have kept tabs on my home. Please you two must be hungry let me buy you a meal at the inn." He began to walk towards the Inn as villagers raced around following his orders.
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