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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Geni`s responses to the teachers comments were a simple, yes sir, thank you sir, and I understand sir. He still paid attention to the teacher, but it was that, I'm listening, but not really type of deals. Although some of what the teacher still surprised him. One of the teachers had said good things about him of all people. He felt a twinge of pride in that, although it was quickly snuffed away by the detention bit. Geni simply smiled and saluted the teacher as he got ready to walk away. "Detention, no problem!" he smiled as he brought his hand up to his forehead. Geni shuffled past the teacher and walked away without glancing backwards. Geni smiled as he walked into the class room. He would only suffer detention, that was a punishment he could live with. Geni went straight to his desk and noticed that his weapon was on it with a note pasted to it. It was a not on how to fix his weapon from Ivan, he frowned at that and crumpled it up and stuffed in his pocket. He was grateful for the help but he had not intention of fixing Ragnorok what so ever. Geni took a seat on his desk and grabbed his scroll. Everything know felt kind of awkward for him. He felt some eyes on him but not judgmental, which was a plus. Geni looked at the time on the Scroll and prayed for this class to end, but it did not look like to was going to end for a while. Geni glanced back at his weapon and smiled, this was the perfect opportunity to figure out what would replace old Ragnorok. He grabbed his old note paper and turned it over, he grabbed a new pencil and started to sketch. He drew a rough sketch of a gauntlet that encompassed the hand, and on the fingers were claws, like a lions, or any other clawed animal. He wanted to incorporate Dust, but he had not idea how to do so. He did not have a lot of practice using it so he was stuck. Geni raked his hand through his hair in frustration. "Were can a man find a qualified Dust expert at." he mumbled to himself as he leaned back in his seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Hallway

Once Professor Chatsworth was sure Sapphire was out of earshot he invited Geni to walk with him as he talked. Sapphire followed, at a safe enough distance to avoid a collision but close enough to hear what they were saying. After listening for a time Sapphire decided she liked Professor Chatsworth. He was understanding but firm and his lecture was mixed with enough sympathy to stop Geni from doing anything foolish while it was still harsh enough to make it clear that Geni had made a huge mistake and it was not to happen again.

Geni for his part was giving the Professor, yes sirs, no sirs, sorry sirs, he was probably listening but not really paying much attention it wasn't an unfamiliar position for Sapphire herself.

When it became clear that the conversation was wrapping up Sapphire decided it was time for her to leave. It wouldn't be good if when Chatsworth got back to Armoury she wasn't there. She briefly considered stopping Geni to talk but then thought better of it. She would have to reveal the trick behind her semblance to explain how she'd listened in and nobody liked being told off by a teacher let alone having another student listening in. Besides Sapphire didn't know Geni well enough to know if he would turn her in to gain favor in the eyes of the Prof.

She made a dash for the Armoury class which her ribs didn't thank her for. By the time she got there each breath sent a twinge of pain up her chest and she was breathing a little harder than she would have liked. But she'd made it before either Geni or Chatsworth so that was a blessing. Sapphire took a seat at the back of the class next to Amy and spent the next several minutes calming her breathing. It wouldn't do to be heaving like a stallion after a race when Chatsworth came back.

Geni returned a few minutes later and Chatsworth a couple after that. He gave the class a speech about dismissing anyone who caused this kind of trouble in his class again before the bell rang. As the student started to back up the Professor looked at a couple of his robot drones before asking Sapphire why she had not returned to class when he specified. Sapphire's blood froze, busted. Of course her semblance could protect her from detection but it couldn't place her where she was supposed to be while she was sneaking around. The drones of course, why had she not considered that they had video capabilities. She needed a lie to cover herself. She couldn't exactly tell the teacher the truth. Where might she have gone instead of back to class, think think. Something popped into her head.

Sapphire projected a guilty smile to the Professor, had to really sell it. "Well I sort of figured there wouldn't be a whole lot going on in class without you there and I didn't get to finish lunch... so... I stopped by my dorm room to pick up some snacks." As proof of this Sapphire opened her violin case and removed a plastic bag about half full of apple slices. It had been there since lunch yesterday but the teacher didn't need to know that. She shrugged "Sorry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jack Orpheus | Grimm Studies "S'up", Jack was there, at class, albeit very very late. He only arrived in time to see some guy take out a Grimm. Smiling like nothing was wrong, he was late due to the fact he saw this absolutely marvellous cake the other day and thought he had the time to eat a slice, but sadly that was not the case. He did come up here straight from the city though, so he was actually here a lot more quickly than most would ever manage. "Sorry about being late teach, but there was this absolutely amazing cake I think you should try. Chocolate fudge with a strawberry, with layers of milk chocolate and chocolate cream inside with a malted base. Jersey Road, right next to the main shopping street, small store, called the "Sweet Dreams Emporium", great bakery", he said, arm motions and everything, all rather fast too, but still able to be understood. "Or... Is that not the time for that? Okay. So what'd I miss teach?", he inquired, bringing attention back to the class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marcus met Ivan’s eyes with an even stare, simply nodding once in acknowledgement before he returned to his notes. A short while later a message landed in Marcus’ inbox. The content was certainly interesting. Marcus could not help it and smiled a little as he imagined the increase in firepower. Then he frowned as the heat issue was addressed. Drat, and he already had to limit his rate of fire with unmodified shots. ”Bored now.” Marcus got up from his seat, scroll in hand. As he strode over to the Unsubtle he paused at Oswald’s desk. The man had tried to stop the violence before it could get out of hand. Even though Marcus found the root cause of the whole argument trivial, his teammate’s behaviour was commendable. Much better than his own on reflection. “Well done just now.” he complimented Oswald. Understatement right there. Still it was the best he could think of. He moved on to the actual maintenance area. In the meantime he mentally sketched out some ideas via his scroll. An advantage of his semblance was that he could literally design at the speed of thought, his very spirit converted to the raw ones and zeroes computers worked with. By the time he had walked the length of the classroom his little CAD session was already finished. Right then, time to get to the fun part of class. In the little romp through the forest the previous day something got stuck in the rear left drive wheel, and it was time to find out what. A wrench appeared from his bottomless belt pockets, and he got to work. "Say your prayers little one Don't forget, my son To include everyone~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

IC: The tension fell out of Amy's shoulders, her shield retracting as she breathed a sigh of relief. Her Semblance went completely out of her, the world seeming to dull as her senses returned to normal levels. She nodded at Chatsworth and returned to her seat, picking up the other sleeve of her weapon just in time for Chatsworth to return. Sapphire came dashing in a few seconds before the Professor returned, but Amy didn't say anything. Turned out not to matter, anyway, Amy reflected as the drone tipped him off. She stood again, making sure she had picked up all of her stuff. No detention. That's what mattered to her. Not the professor's compliments, not any stupid feelings of heroism. No detention. She wasn't in trouble, her team wasn't in trouble. PE was next, and... Ben was there, if she remembered right. At least she knew him. And hopefully it wouldn't explode as much as armory had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ben returned to his seat only long enough to grab his notebook and pencil before he followed the rest of the class outside. His heart was still beating loudly in his chest, the thrill of the fight far from faded. BAST’s leader couldn’t hide the satisfaction on his face at Port’s compliment, the swell of pride in his heart. He’d managed to make a good first impression on at least one of his teachers, and Port didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he was, technically, a dropout. Ben was certain he knew. None of them would have been on his initial roster, given that they were only admitted today. That Professor Port didn’t seem to think it worthy of comment… Actually went a long way towards making him feel better about it. He wasn’t going to stop working his hardest, because he knew that inevitably someone would object. Maybe not a teacher, maybe not a classmate, but someone would take exception to their presence. And he needed to be able to prove them wrong. But, not everyone would. And maybe he’d made a good enough showing to prove just why he was there. It wasn’t a fluke, he’d earned his chance, even if it wasn’t the same way as the rest. He watched the next student take on a Sitting Bull, and rather handily at that. His… Attitude was something of another matter. Even in class, a Grimm wasn’t something to take lightly. It was a dangerous creature, and a threat to every human and Faunus. But this student treated it like a party joke, and finished it off in a very… Brutal way. Brutal and inefficient. There was nothing gained by such a flashy takedown, not when it could have been done so much easier beforehand. But Ben supposed it wasn’t his place to judge; everyone fought a different way, and perhaps that was simply how this student operated. Best not to be judgemental. “... That shirt line was really uncool, wasn’t it?” He asked Trad, though the query wasn’t really directed at him specifically. Honestly, the comment had been the first thing that popped into his head. Adrenaline-powered as he’d been, he hadn’t really thought about it. … It sounded kinda vain, when he thought about it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sangue without paper or pen. The reason, after a moment’s thought, was pretty clear. “Hey, Sangue. I could make a second copy of any notes we take out here, if that’d help.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

On her way to her class, where her teammates also had it. They walked together but Priscilla stood behind going to the ladies bathroom. A few minutes later,she got out rushing to the class knowing that if she gets late something bad will happen. Like an F! That could not happen. She needs to be a straight A student, but the ladies bathroom was calling her. Priscilla sat down, close to Robert. "So, sorry I am late professor. I promise I wpn't dp it again, ever. I just had to use the bathroom is all.~" she said raising a leg on top of the other while the lesson began. Priscilla turned her head noticing Robert wanting to participate, she shook her head not wanting him to do that because he needed to rest from his previous fight. "Oh, god....Please don't do it Robert... Priscilla actually wanted to smack his head and tell him to put his hand down but she didn't. Hopefully he won't participate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 36 min ago

Port looked at the late arrival with a bit of a frown, although it was barely noticeable under his Brezhnev eyebrows and mustache. "No problem mister Orpheus, you are just in time for your match. I am fairly certain your classmates will share their notes with you. Suit up!" he said. Naturally if someone comes late, they'll have to work it off. Looking around the class, he noticed a few more people not paying as much attention as they could be. The girl of the BAST team wasn't taking any notes, although he could hardly blame her for it. Others, not so much though. "Mr. Ortega, please keep your eyes on the Grimm instead of Ms. Montgomery." Looking at the number of volunteers and then at his old fashioned, gold pocket watch on a chain, he realized not everyone who would like to will get a chance to fight today. Oh well, he shall fix that in the next class then. He already had an idea what to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Oswald Connoly-Armory Class Oswald had no idea what to do as Gren attacked Ivan, screaming about taking on the Unsubtle. Yeah, guy was crazy. Oswald wasn't willing to use his Semblance again, not with this many people around. The risk of accidentally ending up inside of someone else was far too great. Thankfully, the other students were more than eager to assist, with multiple people coming in to Ivan's aid. In fact, so many people came that Oswald wasn't even sure who the hell had actually stopped Ivan from getting his head crushed like a grape. The professor scolded the class as Geni made his escape, followed by Sapphire, giving the aggressors involved detention. "So.....who exactly counts as a aggressor here? Cuz I did kinda threaten to unleash the tank...." Awkwardly looking around, Oswald decided to go back to his seat. This class had been an exercise in futility. They'd gotten some good notes about Dust, yes, but it was the first day of school and already people were making allies and enemies. Oswald wondered if he'd made any of either with his speech, but he couldn't be sure. the only person who probably thought of him fondly in any way at this point was Sapphire, and of that he wasn't even sure. That was why it came as a surprise when Marcus praised his efforts, even if they hadn't gotten any results. The team leader was already on his way to his vehicle when Oswald thought of a response, causing him to shrug. Once the professor returned and dismissed the class, Oswald decided to speak to Sapphire. She'd seen his Semblance in action, and it was always a fun time seeing people's reaction to it. Even the people he grew up with never managed to get used to it, though Oswald restricted its usage at most times. "So, that was pretty...." Finding himself unable to come up with an appropriate word, he just blinked for a second or two before continuing. "Yeah. Well, you got to see my Semblance in action earlier than expected. It's always a little unsettling to use, but I'm mostly over it by now. Mostly."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sangue Naga - Grimm Studies The red-haired woman applauded the man known as Aurellius for taking down the Sitting Bull with a unnecessarily strenuous, yet entertaining style of fighting. While the style may seem inefficient against human criminals and the like, against certain Grimm, the style actually seemed disorienting enough to catch the beasts off-guard. She wondered what it was like to pole-vault, however. With that in mind, Sangue noticed Ben claiming that he could give her a second set of notes. Her stoic expression never fading, the woman bowed slightly, letting her hair softly move around her neck in interesting ways, before turning back to pay attention to the classes. She truthfully did feel relieved that someone would take notes for her, though she was unable to express such emotions well. She remained quiet, her scarred eye closed with her unharmed eye slightly open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Greyson made sure to keep an eye on Pricilla until the professor said to pay attention to the grim and not her and Greyson blushed a little in embarrassment and quickly said "yes professor" Greyson said softly as he mumbled "not like I couldn't beat any of them anyways" Greyson said as he went back to paying attention to class regardless of how he felt about Pricilla he needed to make sure he passed the class and stayed with her as a result. Right now Greyson was annoyed at Robert but he decided that Pricilla wouldn't like it if he dueled Robert for Pricilla considering that she wasn't that kind of girl so instead Greyson needed to be smarter then Robert and to do that he needed to pay attention...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel - Armory Daniel turned around to see Geni already leaping on desks to attack a fellow student. Daniel's first instinct was to grab a desk and throw it at Geni in order to make him stop. Before he could actually do that, however, someone managed to be quicker and stop Geni. Crisis averted, the flames on his arms went out and his hair turned back to normal. As he sat back down, though, he was then given the news that he would be getting detention. "WHAT???" Daniel exclaimed. "Come on, I'm not the one that drew his weapon outside of combat class!" Still, knowing it was futile to argue, he sat back down, arms folded in annoyance. To be fair, his interference certainly didn't help matters. Well, it was just one detention. It's not like it was the end of the world. Sighing, he wondered what was going on with his teammates. Probably something boring and actually related to schoolwork. That reminded him, he was here to learn. Right now, he hadn't gotten to learn anything yet, thanks to the ranting about terrorists and what-not. As the class was dismissed, he was only just a bit more annoyed now. He had been hoping to use this class to get some upgrades for his weapons, but it seems like the time would come later. Oh well. Next up was Survival. That may actually prove to be interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 39 min ago

At long last, the bell tolled once more. The students, lost in their technology, disputes, education, and combat, had allowed a full hour to slip by. Some left their respective classes sporting bruises and scratches gleaned from their vicious duels against Professor Port's captured Creatures of Grimm; others bore wounds far less obvious and far more impactful. The enemies and alliances made in the year's first Armory class would endure for some time, but exactly how much time those scars would fester was up to the individual. Would they on both sides of the flaring confrontation allow grudge, resentment, prejudice to dictate their further interaction throughout the year? Or would they forgive, and instead focus on the lighter, more companionable side of intimacy? Abel, for one, greeted the bell with a groan. Lost in the battles raging both inside the Grimm Studies classroom and out on the terrace, he had forgotten all notion of time. The liveliness of the class made the whole thing seem like less of a forced learning regimen and more like a party, though the guardian had never allowed himself to become too hyped, lest he also forget why he was here. As he walked from the room, heading to 5th period and the esoteric outdoor classroom of Professor Vorosky's Survival class, he dredged up details from each of the fights that had taken place. First had been the wendigo cub, whose intelligence and cunning had melted into pure rage and given Ben an ultimately easy victory. There was surely something to be learned from that, and not just about Grimm. Next was Aurellius's near-psychotic, ultra-manly beatdown against the Sitting Bull. Following that was Jack's skirmish against the Broodling, and despite the spider-like Grimm's best attempt to slow him down with acid and webbing, it had been utterly flummoxed by the dagger-wielder's uncanny speed. After that, Abel himself had been selected, and found himself pitted against a vicious Harpy. That particular battle had lasted only seconds. A lightning bolt from the Ampere practically reduced the thing to cinders, which was neither entertaining nor educational for anyone, and Abel regretted not being a better sport. Finally, a reluctant Diamond had been called upon to destroy an Itzamna, and after a little initial trouble, managed to gain a height advantage and form what looked like her shadow into a bludgeon. After that, she had actually knocked it out with a tap to the base of the skull, instead of killing it. Despite Diamond's act of passivity, Abel found himself noting want to get on the girl's bad side, and was sure that if she had a fair rematch with Mokuren, that she would be the victor. His thoughts shifted to Survival class as he walked. It had been an obvious pick for him, but what exactly did it entail, he wondered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Geni Hung - PE Geni's started to hurt after made line after line, erase after erase. He was finally able to create a concept for a weapon, it as a gauntlet that encased the whole arm, from the shoulder down to the finger tips. The weapon was adorned with claws on the finger tips and a blade that was placed at a 45 degree angle on the forearm. Geni had planed to have the weapon utilize Dust, but his knowledge on the subject was lacking, unfortunately, this was the class that he was supposed to learn about it, and he had wasted it away with his "antics". Geni jumped a little in his seat when the bell for the next class sounded. Thank God., Geni mumbled to himself. The class felt like it was running a little long. Geni stuffed his drawing in his pocket and walked quickly out of class. P.E. was next on the agenda for Geni, a thing that he was all to familiar with. Although Geni was not very muscular, he was lean, and he did have the 6-pack that he assumed the ladies liked. Unfortunately, it was hard to impress the ladies because the most likely had it also, everyone hunter in the school probably had one, there would be no impressing people in that class. Before Geni could walk into PE, he quickly through Ragnorok in his locker and ran to the dorm room to change quickly. He wore a simple white workout T-shirt that conformed comfortably to Geni's body. He then out on a simple matching white shorts. To top it all o he grabbed his white sneakers and ankle socks and made his way into the gym. Geni peaked his head past the gym door. It was a pretty large room, perfect for running around and playing all kinds of sports, even the made up ones. Geni took a tentative step inside before quickly walking inside and finding a spot near the top of bleachers. "Hope this isn't on of those work out classes." he mumbled to himself as pulled out his now wrinkled drawing and examined it and his handy work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 36 min ago

Being picked out for the last fight in Grimm studies, Diamond took it as a warm up for the PE to follow. The raptor like creature looked dangerous, but she observed one other thing on top of what the grimm's weaknesses were: The professor was going easy on them. First an inexperienced wendigo, a cub that would succumb to anger too easily. Then a sitting bull without it's pack. A broodling without an Ariadne. She figured it was a safe bet the Itzamna would be out of it's element too. After letting it go on the offensive for a little while, she noticed the weakspot was the creature's back, it's tail too massive to react in time and forearms too short to block her blow. Using her semblance to first gain an altitude advantage, she quickly molded her shadow into the shape of a good ol' baseball bat and knocked the monster out with a single blow, theatrically gifting it back to the Professor to use in another class. Never let it be said she wasn't efficient. She was wondering about the PE class. It seemed like the best pick of those offered to her, but she hoped it wouldn't be all ball games. She'd rather weights or even better martial arts were involved. Stopping by in the dorm to pick up a more proper attire than a coat and heels, she headed for the changing room next to the gym. She chose simple black shorts and a sleeveless crop top that revealed maybe a tad more than she liked, but it was easiest to move around. And something to reveal there was. What the coat and bell pants managed to hide perfectly was a fairly well trained figure gained by years climbing ledges, jumping rooftops, or killing her time with a punching bag. Finishing up by putting on a pair of sneakers, she strolled into the gym. Nodding a hello to the only student inside, one she didn't remember from the previous class, she went to do her warm ups. She notices she should ahve tied her ponytail into a bun, as it started swinging wildly around in a flurry of red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Armoury ==> Physical Education

Professor Chatsworth didn't make any more comment on Sapphire's excuse for why she'd not returned to class on time. Sapphire decided to take this as a sign that he believed her, regardless if he didn't he wasn't planning on busting her this moment.

Sapphire spent the rest of class sketching out ideas for a handheld clamp that could secure itself to a wall in a tenth of a second and detach just as quickly. It also needed to fit in the palm of her hand as well as being able to support two hundreds pounds, to be on the safe side and any sort of shock force that might be applies to it without falling off the wall.

As the bell rang Oswald, her opponent from Combat class approached her laughing about how she'd seen his semblance before there rematch. Sapphire had taken note of the way he'd vanished and reappeared in the middle of the conflict that had seized the class. Of course seeing a semblance and understanding it were too very different things. "My first instinct would have been to call it teleportation, but that is skill useful in close combat yet you didn't use it so it must be something different. You relocated too fast for it to be invisibility. That of course leaves augmented speed. There something special about it though, if you could move that fast in normal action you would have kicked my ass at the sparring matches. No my guess is... what? It allows you to cover long distances very quickly but its got some sort of minimum distance so using it close up is useless right? Well how'd I do?"

As she spoke Sapphire was packing up her sketchbook as well as her weapons in preparation for the next class, she was pretty sure she'd enlisted in Physical Education. Survival hadn't really held any appeal for her and it wasn't like she really needed Practice. Sapphire just hoped that it wouldn't just be work outs every class. While she didn't mind a bit of muscle building every now and again too much wasn't good for her. A lot of muscles meant that reflexes would be lowered just having to use it all. Her arms and legs despite being more powerful wouldn't move as quickly. On the whole she was hoping that PE would involve some unarmed combat, or perhaps parkour.

Sapphire didn't give much thought to what Oswald would think of her walking out of a conversation but she found herself not thinking it over too much. "I gotta get to class Oswald, see you later." She walked out the door.

Sapphire's current attire wasn't really suited to gym class. It was flashy and functional during a fight but for PE shouldn't want something that was a little looser. She stopped by her dorm room grabbing a set of gym appropriate clothing before using the girl's locker room to change. She came out wearing comfy running shoes, a pair of skin tight sweats and a tank top that showed off her figure. Not that she was trying, they were just the most function exercise wear she'd brought with her. The only thing from her normal outfit that Sapphire kept wearing was the green bandanna around her neck and the white gloves that hid the scars on her arms.

The overall effect was a less severely looking Sapphire somewhat lacking in her natural effect to make someone think she wanted them dead if they looked at her. Of course she still had a scathing glare on her face but otherwise she looked like a totally different girl as she started a pre workout set of Sun Salutations her coach had taught her, modified to reduce pressure on her damaged rib.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Amy Desire, PE: Fortunately, there was enough time between Armory and PE for Amy to change. Still not enough to go by her dorm, but enough to grab her gym clothes out of her locker, hurtle into a bathroom stall, and change quickly. Out of the cutoff jeans and into athletic shorts. To be honest, didn't make that much of a difference in how much of her was covered, but it had other benefits. Not the least of which was looking halfway normal. Well, as normal as any half-Faunus that looked like Amy in exercise clothes could look. Speaking of a lack of normalcy... Amy recognized that flurry of red hair. And quite a lot of the rest of that woman. "Diamond Frost. Imagine... seeing you here." The glance that went once over her entire body was almost imperceptible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aurellius Bellum - PE
Aurellius was very saddened at the fact that the Standing Bull's horn had evaporated, leaving him with burning muscles and a ruined pride. Well, his pride wasn't ruined in the slightest, but it was still kind of depressing how his trophy was gone. He had gone so far as to harm his system to get something out of it, but to have said prize just dissipate wasn't what he had aimed for. The muscles in his armed ached a fair bit, he suspected a bit of ripping, but it really didn't matter. The pain always went away. After finishing watching Diamond beat the shit out of a velociraptor, Aurellius stood up from his cross legged seat on the grass like most of the people when the bell rung loudly. With a thumbs up to Diamond as he left, he sighed as he rounded a corner. Aurellius had noticed the few looks given to him when he surprised them with his semblance. He could've easily killed the bull with a stream of lead, but of course, he had to take it the theatrical way. Not that he didn't like that way, it was certainly a better way than nothing, but man did his arms hurt. It took Aurellius around five minutes to get changed in preparation for Physical Education. He settled for a light blue on grey jogging suit, stowing away Ascalon on his way there. The clothing of course was made of very fine material. On arrival to PE, he noticed Diamond had gotten there first, along with a few he only slightly recognized. Not hiding his lucrative stares at the womanfolk, he spoke up. "Top of the morning to you ladies and gents. I hadn't thought PE would be Co-Ed, but who am I to complain about the show?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Geni Hung - PE Geni nodded hello at the Red head that had walked in. She was looking... nice. Geni could not help but stare at the ladies as they walked into the gym one by one. They all were wearing tight fitted clothing that showed off more that enough for Geni. He had not realized that there were girls in a PE class, it was a thing that he was used to. Geni really did not mind, he liked the co-ed thing they had going on here. Geni waved at Sapphire and Amy also when they had walked in. They were socializing and "working out" while he was up in the bleachers simply staring and smiling. "Werido." He said to himself as he shook his head. Geni glanced at the student who had just strolled into the gym. He was styling a blue and grey jogging suit, it was not Geni's preferred colors but they were alright. Geni could no help but burst out in laughter at the boys comments on the girls attire. He agreed with the boy all the way, this was a kid Geni was already starting to like. Geni held his stomach to calm himself down, it was starting to hurt from all his laughter. "I, agree!" He said wiping a tear from his eye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ivan Oakley - Armory->PE
Ivan had spent much of the rest of the class doing small-scale adjustments and cleaning out the fine Dust buildup along the barrel and cylinder of his weapon. Detention. That was... new. It would help work out differences via hard work. Always a bright side of things. He was lost in thought as the bell rang, the loud sound starling him into action. He quickly collected his things, bowed stiffly to the professor, and took off out the door back toward his locker. He made quick time at his jogging pace, overtaking a few of the more prepared students who didn't have to hurry to their next class. Ivan reached his locker with time to spare, quickly glancing around as he stuffed his weapons and over-clothes into the locker to make sure that he wasn't going to suddenly assault the eyes of anyone with his shirtless form. As much as his regular clothes served him well in battle, they weren't the most comfortable when he would doing his usual strenuous workout routine. Sweat was always an unpleasant side effect and he'd washed the shirt only a day prior. Instead, he pulled on a tight fitting, cream colored shirt, some darkly colored shorts, and a pair of expensive running shoes in an effort to expose enough skin to cool off as he exercised. After a simple once-over to confirm that no tags were hanging out or that he hadn't selected one of the shirts with bloodstains on it, Ivan jogged over to the PE area in time to catch Aurellius' comment about the multitude of women that had shown up for the class. The gunslinger opened his mouth to say something in response to the blonde fellow's statement, glanced at the assembled women for a moment, thought about it for a fraction of a second, and then promptly closed his mouth again. The last class had already been an experiment in tolerance, and he'd be damned if another fight broke out because some prick had issues with what he said. Instead, he made past the assembled figures to a place where he began his own stretching warm-up.
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