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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

It could not be more clear that Penny was not happy to be there, but she still made her way down the Arena when, annoyingly, her name was called. What were the chances? As Pyrrha joined everyone else, looking around, it was quite clear to Penny that she was mad. Well, that was fine by her. Penny gave a smirk to the Riders Blade mage, figuring it would be quite interesting to go against her. Penny however knew it wouldn't be...smart to go after the Riders Blade mage, after everything that had happened. But...if Pyrrha made the first move, then she could.

She gave a cheery wave as if nothing was wrong, and then looked to Games Master Sheldon as he began to speak.

Games Master Sheldon

As the participants gathered, Sheldon began to explain what was required of them today. 'You will be on a floating plateform of solid earth, surrounded by a white transparent field extending a few meters out, representing a gravitational field. You have to stay on the earth, if you are thrown out of the gravitational field, you automatically lose and get teleported onto the ground below the floating spheres. In order to make this fair, you are not allow to use any flight abilities outside the sphere. Once you are out, you are out"

As he spoke, a sphere rose into the air, a large flat land that would be a challenge to stay on.

It seemed a reasonable story, and Michael said goodbye to Zephyr as he made hi way down to the arena. Michael gave a soft sigh, and found a place to sit. He hoped the day wouldn't result in violence among the guilds. He settled back to watch, glancing about, looking for Prince. Michael supposed he could talk with some of the other members, but he was...intimidated by them. Zephyr and Prince hadn't really given him a choice in talking with them.

Carrie only sat back down on the bed when it was clear they were gone, and not coming back. Her legs had started to shake, and she was slightly dizzy. Lowering her head into her hands, she let out a few slow breaths, wondering if the shower was beyond her. But she forced herself up, and made her shaky way to the bathroom.

It took longer then it should have, and revealed bruises she'd much rather not know about, but at the end of it, she at least looked presentable. As it was pointless to put her clothes on, she did look through Zephyrs, finding some things she could put over her body so she wasn't naked, although it made her feel like a teenaged boy. She finger combed her hair, and decided that would just have to do.

The only other thing was figuring out how she was going to get out of the hotel without being noticed.

@Burthstone@lugubrious@oblivion666@joshua tamashii@Silver Fox
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyare Staunton

"You could ask my name." The tactician noted, cracking one eye open long enough to regard the tub's other occupant with a faint degree of amusement. He wasn't wrong about the water, though. She did not get the chance to indulge in a hot tub very often, but Cyare greatly enjoyed the times that she did. Something about the hot water was so soothing.

"You are quite correct about the water, however."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Angel Ferrara

Angel's eyes were both open, regarding the girl across from him with a mix of various emotions, but finally when he detected a slight note of good humor in her voice, the androgynous cook let himself smile. The blush returned with it, but it was a more innocent return of color to his face as opposed to anything that was a result of being flustered.

"Could I please get your name?" he asked politely, smile widening even as he asked the question. It was as though he was realizing it was a simpler predicament than he thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jasmine Cody

Jasmine watched as Penny was forced to go participate in the Grand Magic Games, not too sure what to do now. She turned to Cody for advice.
"Should we go without her?" Jasmine asked as she glanced over to Cody. She had promised to look with Penny, with Cody tagging along, but with Penny no longer around she wasn't sure.
"Unsure. If we get into a fight....I might be useless." Cody replied as he glanced down at the sword on his hip. He wondered for a brief moment if he was meant to train with James today as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 22 min ago

Joshua Tamashii and Aria

@Amaya Yashia @Jangel13

"... I am Aria, of the assassin's guild Nocte Liberium." The girl said before several glass birds, which had been perched nearby, silently swooped down to try and cut Angelo. Joshua spotted them at the last second and reacted quickly, summoning his sword and destroying the birds in a second, causing glass to shower everywhere before it vanished.

"If you plan on attacking either of these two, you're going through me first." He said, looking at Aria, his express calm yet angry as he pointed to blade at the girl.

Aria narrowed her eyes. She had no doubt she could take these three on and come out on top. But, the chances of it remaining three on one were slim. Especially considering Jamie was no in a good mood. Glancing at Angelo once, she simply sighed in annoyance before walking away.

"You attract the weirdest people, you know that." Joshua said, dismissing his sword while turning to Angelo.

Amelia Averyonna and Elyse Yashia

@Caits @Amaya Yashia @Burthstone

"Of course I'm willing to participate. I want to help Mama out as much as possible. She's stressed out." Amelia said before a girl she didn't know approached them. Amelia had to think of a second before realizing what the girl was asking. "Luna came around to try and apologize? I never heard about it. What stopped her? Why isn't she here herself?"

Elyse, bored of the conversation, walked away from her parents and over to Jamie, looking up at the guild master, tilting her head.
"Jamie have candy?" She asked.

Pyrrha Arvanitas

Pyrrha smiled as Sheldon explained the event. It was essentially a small battle royal with some extra rules. Nothing complicated about that. She glanced around at her competition, trying to size them up. While she wanted to attacked the two from Phoenix Wing members, she knew she had to follow her Master's orders. But, she could make it so she had no choice in the matter. Not only that, it could help her come out on top. Smiling to herself, she waited for the Chaos to begin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 19 min ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Amaya Yashia

Angelo watched as she said that she was from an assassin guild which Angelo didn't even know they had but if their were dark guilds then their were bound to be assassins that were able to stomach murder and make it a profession. Angelo ducked down when he heard the glass shatter against Josh sword hoping that they wouldn't have to deal with a fight today. Thankfully she left before it had to escalate and Angelo made a sigh of relief then Josh said that Angelo attracted the weirdest people "must be if I end up attracting you to me" Angelo said with a small laugh trying to relieve the tension in the room left by their assassin and now Angelo had to worry about glass girl from now on until the people forgave him for what he did. Angelo needed to apologize but he couldn't without master Jamie giving him the okay to go and especially not alone considering he now had an assassin after him...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Online

Ni Rensa – Frenzy Plant Stands


Situated alongside her fellow soldiers in the guild seating area, Ni Rensa the War Sphinx heard the host blabber about Phoenix Wing before getting abruptly and excitingly to the point: today’s lineup for the pre-battle event. The more aware members of Frenzy Plant faltered in their enthusiasm, however, when Demetri received the nomination for the day’s game. Demetri? Ni pondered, not yet noticing the green-clad man stealing up on her. Isn’t he still in the infirmary from that spear to his guts? …! Spinning around, she fixed her eyes on the person behind her, and found herself faced with none other than General Sanders himself. Though startled, she gave a bright smile to the formidable face. ”…Hiya! Oh, I meanya, good mornying, sir. Somethinya I do for you?” She gave an informal salute.

Sanders nodded in the manner of a sage, which coincidentally constituted the color of his robe. ”Yes, miss. Would you please run over to the announcer’s box an’ tell him that Demetri’s still recoverin’ from his wound? We’ll replace him with Thor. Go on.” Grinning at the chance to do the general a favor, she sprang from her seat and raced down the aisle, running low to the ground. Her metal shoeblades clinged noisily against the sandstone walkway, and in very little time she raced through the open door to the box where Sheldon, Jessie, and the other man sat. ”Hiya! I’m from Frenzy Plant. Demetri’s still hurt, so we’re havinya Thor compete instead! Hope ya got a bunch of electric puns in store; Thor’s gonnya shock your socks off!” With a laugh she retired from the box, and returned at a more leisurely pace to the Frenzy Plant area.

Nero the Genie – Crocus Pancake Parlor


The minutes slid by too quickly. As much as he enjoyed messing with others, and the profession of geniehood itself, Nero treasured time with his friends highly indeed. This stunningly original sentiment rested in the hearts of many, but in the black heart of one so commonly regarded as a monster and a rook, a loner more than happy to drive off anyone professing themselves ‘friendly’, it resonated powerfully indeed. What delighted Nero was not, as one might guess, talking to him. Words the dark mage gave freely to anyone he met, enough so that people could easily conclude that he loved the sound of his own voice. Rather, the silence pleased him. In silence he sat, in the warmly-lit interior of Crocus Pancake Parlor, and pick at his food alongside Ayame and Eve.

By chance he stumbled into her earlier in the morning, though Eve, for whom it had been no chance at all, wasted no time before launching into an explanation. After her transformative experience two days ago, she elucidated, she’d wanted a day to get to know not only herself but her guildmates in Dragon Fang once again. Few, as it turned out, even recognized the girl. Nero could not blame them, for his magical changed her inside and out. The harmfully selfless, tragically troubled wallflower her acquaintances knew before existed no longer; instead, Eve held a new confidence and sense of self. Of course, Nero loved every inch of her. Her body and clothes made only part of the reason why; it was her soul that he adored. Never before had someone liked him this way, and though he knew himself to be affection-starved, Nero could tell that his attraction to her went beyond superficiality. Love? Pff. It pleased him to deny its existence, and so debase the nonsense that other people dreamt up to excuse their lusts. How ironic that the faithless troublemaker might fall victim to his own prejudice.

”Hey,” he said after some time, while the three finished up. ”Whaddya say we head to the arena today? Hang out with the Dragon Fangers, see some action. Could be a lot of fun. Might be some people want wishes granted, too.” Eve wolfed down the last bite and nodded, smiling. The Genie then looked toward Ayame, to see whether she agreed with his suggestion or wanted to do something else. The slightest possibility that this day could be anything less than stupendous escaped him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr was pretty happy about the challenge, he didn't have any flying takeovers so he didn't have to worry about anybody else flying and staying in. He would have started but... one person was still missing. Frenzy Plant's member, it would be kind of unfair to have their member just come in to everything going off. So as much as he hated sitting still, he held his place and waited.

Malice Hardt

(Swearing is involved in the below post)

Oh that was bullshit, the one time she can use her magic to take control of the birds and she can't even use them to recover. These games felt so friggin rigged. Well having a bird army at the ready never hurt, so while Frenzy Plant was working on its member situation. Malice would go about getting the birds in the area under her control with her magic. Of course its charm was that all she had to do was pour magic into her ring and presto the mind wiping of animals started. So why was this good for her? For the simple fact she could look bored and un-amused and it would work.

Ike Riven

(Swearing is also involved)

Sitting in the stands, Ike would watch the participants come to the field where Ike would examine them. Emotions were a pretty handy thing to read in combat situations, yet on the sidelines it merely served Ike to better his magic. "Pirate Lord's member is doing something suspicious. Hey Indigo, when you creamed the woman did anything seem off about her?" Ike would ask her still examining the others. Pyrrha was easy enough to examine, anger mostly directed at Phoenix Wing. Penny was annoyed at being there. Grant made Ike's fist tighten with rage. This man... how did he get in the games? Karn was.... actually Karn's the only one he couldn't tell about, their emotions were way too fucked up. He didn't bother with Nash, he saw what he was capable of and that was enough to know that despite his act, he was still powerful. That left Zephyr who somehow had two emotions going on, happiness at being in the event and some form of mischievousness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Arie Jorah -- Game Stadium
Arie nodded slightly at Amelia’s first question, and politely let her finish before speaking. ”Well, Luna claims to have had a bit of an… Episode whilst at your hotel. It has rendered her rather embarrassed and she does not wish to be directly in front of your guild at the moment. However, if you find yourself with the persistent want to have Luna apologize to you directly, I’m sure a place and time could be procured for such an event.” She said, smiling just a little more. ”Not to mention, if you don’t mind missing just a smidgen of the games, I could produce that time and place it shortly.” She said, noting that the games were underway.

@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Crocus || Grand Magic Games Stadium


Arriving at the stadium, Karn slightly frowned as her name was called. Or his name. Both of their names. Still, she mildly rubbed her temples in thought before proceeding to the arena. Blinking a bit as she stood on a floating piece of earth with several other competitors. Listening to the rules the blonde's emerald gaze slightly narrowed. A battle royale. Peachy. Suppose it wasn't that bad then. Just let the rest of them duke it out while she stays out of the line of fire. She can't do magic, but she can dodge. This body isn't quite as built as her original, but it was still fast. Course then again, who the fuck knows what kind of magic these wizards have. Imagine if someone had mind control powers. How would exactly that work for this body with three souls and a bunch of imagination voices chattering about? Would that backfire on the wizard? Well, the genderbent Pen apparently had fire magic. Great. She was unsure why, but her stomach growled at the thought of fire. Weird.

Eyes scanning her opponents, she shifted into a fighting stance. Hands raised and fingers slightly curled, the right hand close to her and in front of her throat while the other was slightly in front of her. Her left leg foreword slightly as her feet bounced a bit, moving constantly. Prepared for any upcoming attack, for what it was worth.

Prince || Crocus || Grand Magic Games Stadium


"Miss me already Mikey?" Prince chirped from behind Michael, cheerfully embarrassing his teammate from behind and began to purr loudly at the contact of the wizard. Feeling the warm magic ever so present. His eye looked toward the arena and mostly looked to Karn. Seemed the otherworlder was still in control. Wonder if he would have to try and take things to the next level in the situation. Still for now, this should be entertaining. Basically a normy against several other wizards in a free-for-all. Fun times indeed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaya Yashia

Amaya Yashia healer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rose Yashia // Crocus // Phoenix Wing Hotel

@Joshua Tamashii

Rose looked at the announcement as she sighed already seeing who might fight who "Lucus...I can tell you there is a heat between Penny and your memeber and I think they are going to get the other to attack first...just look and sense the tension between those two...it is easiest to tell among the opponents" Rose said before looking around when she noticed Elyse was gone but she soon saw her with Jamie as she relaxed. Rose shrugged hearing amelia ask why no one told her Luna came to apologize [color-salmon]"Honestly, I think you should ask Jamie or Jarvis...They can probably tell you"[/color]

Amaya Vanisis // Crocus // Phoenix Wing Hotel - Crocus Streets

@Jangel13@joshua Tamashii

Amaya would have reacted but joshua was quicker and alot less messier then she would have been. She listened to the girl announce who she is and who her group was "Master Jamie will want to know of this group"she said to herself before she watched the girl retreat. Amaya sighed crossing her arms as she closed her eyes.

"Be nice you two,though have you noticed who she kinda reminds me of someone..."she said gently before she opened her eyes turning to them "Either way, it is current that as long as i am not in these games, I will go wherever you go when your not around the other members till we figure out how you possibly managed to piss off an assassin all of a sudden..."She stated to angelo and joshua as she lifted a hand rubbing her forehead as a old image of someone she use to know suddenly hit her like a rain as the memory was of a friend that looked a little like the assassin but not alot as she shake her head pushing it away
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Master Jamie
@Joshua Tamashii
As Elyse approached, Jamie smiled at her, and Sam happily leaped down from her spot, also giving Elyse a smile. "Of course Jamie has Candy, have I ever disappointed you in that regard?" Taking out some candy, Jamie offered it to Elyse. Jamie tried not to seem worried about the coming event, but she was, worried that something more would happen with Riders Blade.

@Silver Fox
Michael knew he should be use to Prince's friendliness, but when he seemed to sneak up on Michael like that, it was a bit of a jolt. "Sure, every moment of the day, Prince" He said, "Isn't that your friend from Phoenix Wing? He seems a bit out of sorts" He said, shifting slightly to turn and look at Prince

Games Master Sheldon

Sheldon did not appear phased by this, and merely nodded, as the participants, whether they were in the arena, the stands, or throughout the city still, were teleported to the floating earth, a quick blinding flash of light and then they were standing there.



Penny moved fast. In this, you had to get the upper hand, and she needed a moment to prepare a Phoenix Song. Sleep would be most effective here, wouldn't it? But as she moved, she hesitated. She couldn't, surely, use it on Karn. And the song wasn't selective, yet. She cursed as she realised she'd have to rely, mainly, on her fire magic. She could use the offensive abilities of Phoenix Slaying, but the Song was the most effective.

She changed tatic, and quickly, she had flames just about engulfing her, and ribbons lashing out to random opponents.

@lugubrious@Joshua Tamashii@Burthstone@oblivion666@liferusher@silver Fox
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


As they were walking he replied. "You don't have to." He smiled. "But it will be." He chirped as they reached the stadium. The opening event was described. It seemed like if you had the ability to fly inside the field you'd have a huge advantage. It would be interesting to watch.
"Go Karn!" He had developed a liking to the small wizard. There was something about them that brought a refreshing sense to the guild.

Deep underground somewhere in Ishgar.

There was a spluttering and gasping for air, as a young man was hoisted out of an incubator. He opened his eyes, with an innocent look, before closing them again, as if he were tired.

"Have you awoken yet?" An elderly gentleman asked with a rough voice.

The man, wrists chained up, suddenly violently pulled at them, before relaxing. His eyes reopened, but this time they looked menacing and cruel. "Yes." He calmly stated. "Father."

The old man grinned, before tossing his ragged cloak to one side, revealing a surprisingly strong build and figure. "Excellent." He turned. "Sleep for now my boy." He left the room, leaving the young man held up by his wrists in chains. "Zeref... I'm coming." he whispered to himself triumphantly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Angel Ferrara

Angel's eyes were both open, regarding the girl across from him with a mix of various emotions, but finally when he detected a slight note of good humor in her voice, the androgynous cook let himself smile. The blush returned with it, but it was a more innocent return of color to his face as opposed to anything that was a result of being flustered.

"Could I please get your name?" he asked politely, smile widening even as he asked the question. It was as though he was realizing it was a simpler predicament than he thought.

Cyare Staunton

"Cyare Staunton." She answered simply, permitting her one open eye to close again. The other occupant finally seemed to be calming down, which made it much, much easier to enjoy her own soak in the tub. Watching to make sure the other person wasn't going to run off like a frightened rabbit made relaxation simpler. She sat a little more upright so she could roll her neck, then arch her back and feel the pops that accompanied the stretch. The burn was gone from her limbs, so she was willing to say the heat was doing its job. Regrettably, she didn't think she could get away with staying much longer. There was work to be done, and if she didn't round up Rei then God knows where she'd be able to find him.

Not that the tub wasn't tempting. It would be so much easier just to wait a little longer. Surely the heat was better the longer you were in it. That's what her temptation said, at least. She suspected that if she gave in she wouldn't get back. But allowing herself a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Now you can address me by name until I leave."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Angel Ferrara

"Yes, ma'...Cyare." Angel swallowed softly, trying to force his blush to die on his face as he heard Cyare's back pop...pop...pop... - with a deep breath he calmed himself and drew his gaze back up to the strong lines of the young woman's face. She seemed at ease with herself, completely confident in the way that Ferrara would be if he were currently cooking. Or wrestling a panther. Or even preparing himself for death. In the way that he would be if he were anywhere but directly in her line of sight.

Angel tried closing his eyes and focusing on the heat.


On the heat of the pool.

After a second, he began to make progress.

"This is what I get for wanting to find a job board alone."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Secluded Park in Crocus

Damian waved at Kaitlyn as she left, returning to his training with his twin cutlasses for another five minutes. After that, he came to a rest and spun the weapons in his hands before sheathing them and setting the weapons aside. When the five minute warning went out at about the same time, he pulled out the viewing lacrima he'd brought with him and set it where he could easily see it when he turned it on. He then sat, and waited, listening to the wind blow through the park around him, rustling the leaves in the trees. "This is nice..." He hadn't just sat and meditated like this in some time, certainly for a while before joining Phoenix Wing. He listened to the names called and wished Penny luck silently as he sat.

After several minutes, he stood and went over to his bag, pulling out an old pair of large maps and laying them out. They were maps of the border of Fiore and the neighboring countries, with x's marking all the locations that had been the location of a battle to prevent invading armies or scout parties from crossing over. Several of them were the ruins of destroyed outposts. With a sigh, he set to digging through a pile of documents he had with him as well to find the matching papers for each x, to review the events. War is coming. Best to be prepared...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyare Staunton

"The job postings are rather irritating to find." The Pawn agreed, both eyes opening attentively. The mention of a job board cut down on the number of potential careers significantly. Given the Magic Games that were just occurring, and the fact that most permanent positions for non-magic civilians could be found elsewhere. More likely than not she was in the presence of a second wizard. Obviously she did not have the time nor the opportunity to inquire about his particular specialty in magic, but it was an interesting experiment in thought. His particular physical attributes did not much imply a close-combat fighter, but the presence of scarring implied more than a passing familiarity with such things.

She would not pry, however. It would be more than slightly hypocritical to do so after refusing to elaborate on her own abilities to their guide the previous day, and she was no hypocrite. Speaking of yesterday, she was a day behind her intended time table. Which meant, regrettably, that there was no time to spare. She stood in a single smooth motion and turned to step out of the tub, beginning to towel herself off without glancing back. "There is a job board in a tavern a block north of here, on the wall opposite the entrance. The pickings were rather slim, but it is where my associate and I selected our own assignment."

"If you are less discerning about the type of job you wish to take, you may have better luck."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 22 min ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Yashia @Jangel13

"You know, Amaya is right. Think about it Angelo. The girl is a virtual carbon copy of Jackie. Except for the eyes and their sense of fashion." Joshua said to Angelo. "So if anyone might know anything about this assassin, it's either her or Master Jack. I suggest we go and pay them a visit."

Amelia Averyonna and Elyse Yashia

@Caits @Amaya Yashia @Burthstone

"So, she's too scared to come here? Then I'll come to her. If you're going to apologize to someone, it's best to do it in person." Amelia said.

"It's best you don't go alone. I'll accompany you. And don't give me the whole, 'I'm a spirit mage so I'm never alone' speech. I'm still coming for your safety." Lucus said

"Meanie." Amelia muttered

Elyse looked at the candy for a few seconds before looking up at Jamie and tilting her head in a confused manner.
"Jamie not happy?" She asked

For those that knew her, Pyrrha did the most surprising things when the match started. She did absolutely nothing, instead opting to stay where she was with her arms folded. She watched as people began moving around, her expression unmoving. Even when one of Penny's flames came at her, she simply blasted it away with a flame of her own with no effort.

In Jackie's room, a nearby mirror glowed before Aria stepped out and into this dimension. Walking over to the sleeping Mist Mage, the Mirror Mage looked down at her silently, her expression unsure.
"Master's orders were to terminate you when you could no longer function. You are not the tool you once were. It has to be this way." She said, summoning a glass knife to her hands. "But his orders were to also protect you... to keep you alive... what do I do in this scenario then, with two conflicting orders."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 19 min ago

@Joshua Tamashii
"Well what Amaya said is true do you really think that I should be going to meet either of them?" Angelo asked Josh as he closed his book thinking he was probably going to leave anyway but he had to get it out in the open "let's keep in mind that Jackie is still on a hospital bed and master jack will want to beat me before I get the first words out of my mouth to ask. If I'm going to meet either of them then don't you think I should have master Jamie so I can Apologize first without worrying about being branded a monster to them?" Angelo asked wanting to make sure that every situation that could possibly happen wouldn't result in him either becoming demonized or attacked
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The three of them were sitting in the pancake pallor. Nero, Ayame had reunited with Eve again which made Ayame quiet happy to see her again. She wanted some time for herself to explore the new uses of her body. Ayame herself though such a body would only get in the way but Eve must have thought the same when she was thin about her own body. Ayame had just gotten the last rolled up piece of pancake when Nero started talking again. She turned her eyes over at Nero while stuffing the piece of pancake into her mouth. She let out a delighted hmm. With her cheeks reddening. Ayame gave a nod at Nero and gulped down the pancake before talking

[Center]"Sure! I-i don't mind t-to go there."[/center]

Ayame kindly smiled at Nero and finished her drink too. She waited for Nero to go ahead and lead the way. Something came to mind. Nero always wanted to grant others their wishes but they never really trusted him so he mostly had to force them by tricking them into a wish. For the most part they were happy with it but maybe there was an easier way.

"H-hey Nero, c-can't you use your magic on me b-before you do it on other so they m-might get an idea on what you will be d-doing to them. I-i mean t-they always look k-kinda scared when you want t-to help them. If they see it's alright they m-might act less h-hostile. Y-you don't have to change me into a-an animal or something but d-doing simple things might h-help. L-like those circus magicians."


Thor heard the announcement from game master Sheldon and was kind of confused by this. Wasn't demetri still in the infirmary. Or did he get better already so he could fight again. Thor didn't think such a wound would recover in such a short amount of time. The general wouldn't put a hurted person in field. Thor quietly waited for the games to start. Then Thor would know who it would be.

Various rumour's were going around by the members of frenzy plant but eventually it became clear. Thor was told that they had to participate in the event today. Thor wasn't surprised in the least. Thor was one of the candidates that would participate so it was only logic that it had to come someday. Soundlessly Thor stood up from their seat and wanted to get over towards the ring but before Thor could step any further cheering was being cast behind them. Some of the Frenzy Plant members were cheering for Thor but some were a little more serious about this. Thor gave a quiet nod and displayed a little smile while suddenly being teleported into the ring. Thor simply stared in front of them immediately knowing what was going on. The fight was about to start.

Thor lightly looked around them. Everyone appeared to be here and most of them were reasy to fight to the death. The floor was made of dirt so there was a little disadvantage for Thor. Thor could have electrocuted the ground so they wanted to jump of the platform rather than staying on it.

The battle begun. Not much reaction from the other participants. There were no real fights yet and Thor decided to keep abay for now too. After a few moments of silence Thor softly talked.

"Medusa spider"

Eight bolts of lightning erupted from the back of Thor shredding the back of cloak in mili seconds. The lightning bolts were shaped as the legs of a spider one touched and it would mean electrocution. A new found move of Thor that displayed the medusa spider. A spider able to paralyse their opponent. It would get hard to controll all eight if the legs at the same time but it was one of the better ways of dealing with a lot of other people. Thor stood on standby waiting for anyone to attack them.
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