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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanguine pushed the angel back, expecting a second attack right away. But that didn't happen. Which could only mean one other thing. "Took you long enough to get through that thin ice wall." Sanguine teased Oliver as he joined her again. "Though this might not have been the best moment to join me. If I'm not mistaken he'll have the angel use it's spell next. Which will likely be hurting you more than me." Vampires were weak to fire and holy damage. Which was exactly the reason why she had a ring as part of her gear that increased those resistances.

And as the vampiress had predicted, a bright light appeared high in the sky. A pillar of light, in fact, coming to smite them. "Or, you know, you could stay here with me. I'm fine with either." She wasn't exactly looking forward to getting hurt. And it was a bit of a gamble, to be honest. This world seemed to have similar power levels to the game world so far. So a 6th level angel could only do a tiny bit of damage...if she was right. The pillar of light hit a moment later. Sanguine winches a little, feeling the burning sensation of the holy energy all over her body. It was as she had predicted though. Only 'unpleasant'. Not even as bad as when she exposed this body to direct sunlight.

Once the light dissipated, the two of them were still standing there, seemingly unharmed. The vampiress first chuckled, then started laughing excitedly. It actually sounded a bit evil, though this time that wasn't the intention. Sanguine had never felt such a rush in her real life. The intimidation of basically seeing god's wrath coming down upon you, yet coming out unscathed once it was over felt amazing. "That actually hurt a little!" She spoke after a few seconds, still grinning widely. However then the one person whom had remained silent up until now decided to step in against orders. "You filthy bug!" Daniëlle's voice shouted angrily from a dozen meters behind Sanguine and Oliver. "You dare cause harm to my masters?!" Before Sanguine could order her to calm down though, Daniëlle had already closed the distance between her and the enemies. The woman had been given the barbarian class and frenzied berserker prestige class. So once she really let lose, even Sanguine or Oliver would have trouble taking her down. "Ah hell...I specifically said we would handle this..." Sanguine muttered, a bit annoyed that her servant was going against orders. Even if it was out of loyalty. "Let's let her handle the last few that remain. I've learned what I wanted to learn from them, and don't want to reveal more about my spells and your strength to them anyway." Fighting the angel would mean having to use more powerful spells. Spells she wanted to keep secret to have an advantage later on.

The angel turned away from the couple, now focusing on Daniëlle instead. However it was already too late. The woman had already taken out her great axe, swinging it at the creature. And with a single swipe the angel was split in two, disintegrating into nothingness moments later. "Daniëlle! Keep their's leader's body in one piece!" Sanguine ordered, figuring they could revive him for interrogation later. The bishop tried to run, pleading for his life as he went. Which in turn caused the last few remaining mages to run away as well. But his pleads went unheard. She had warned him to surrender, it was his fault he hadn't listened. Daniëlle caught up to the last few within seconds, slaying half of them with one swing of her weapon, and the rest with two more. The battle had been won. Or, more accurately, the guild leader's experiment had successfully concluded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver chuckled as Sanguine teased him about taking a while to join her. She seemed to think that the summoned angel's magical attack would damage him, but being a cleric and a paladin, the warrior was convinced that the sort of radiant damage caused by the angel would do nothing to him. At the same time, he didn't want to risk getting injured on a gamble, so while his partner did her thing, Oliver dropped to one knee, and raised his left arm over his head as if he were holding a shield. Thanks to his magical powers, one appeared, but nothing happened when the pillar of radiant energy struck an instant later. Normally a globe of protective energy would crackle angrily as its presence was revealed by something striking it, but the fact that it didn't seem to do much of anything suggested that it wasn't harmful.

He straightened up as his companion started laughing. Before he could do anything else, though, Daniëlle was rushing to their "rescue". They didn't have any fighting left to do once she got started. Her axe split the angel in half, and proceeded to do very similar things to the fleeing enemies. Hopefully their leaders would think twice about starting such shenanigans again, but if they didn't, then the Paladin was quite sure they would have no problems routing any force that chose to stand against them.

"We did it!" Oliver was quite pleased that they had managed to save the day, and the warrior smiled as he turned to head back to the village. He was sure that Bartholmew would be pleased as well. And with the villagers all safe, hopefully these people would support the Guild when they decided to expand...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanguine wanted to celebrate right away, but sadly there were still too many onlookers. So she had to put her excitement in the back of her mind for now as she dealt with the aftermath of a successful battle. Or rather, a slaughter. The opposing force really had no chance this time. She hadn't even used half of her spells, keeping all of her strong ones a secret for now. Yet she had only sustained minor burns, which were already rapidly recovering. And Oliver didn't have a scratch on him. If these enemies were a good indication of what they could expect from this world, the ideas she had in the back of her mind for a while now would be within their reach.

"We did. And it was actually easier than I expected. To think that leader guy thought a single level 5 angel would be enough to stop anything..." Thinking about future plans would have to wait though, as the royal warrior approached them now. He had wanted to be of assistance, but seeing how the two dealt with such a large enemy force he realized his help wasn't needed. "Lady Sanguine, Ser Oliver. It's hard to believe what I just witnessed. You two seem to be as strong as an orichalcum class adventurer, likely even adamantite. It's strange no one has ever heard of you." Sanguine turned around, a friendly smile quickly forming on her lips. "We've been training in seclusion for almost all our lives. It has only been since very recently that we've started to travel. So it's no surprise, really." The large man smiled, giving a small bow. "Then allow me to recommend you the adventurer's guild. If you two became adventurers, you could earn a fortune and help the kingdom at the same time." At first Sanguine thought to decline. She had other plans after all. But then she realized something. Becoming an adventurer might have advantages. The higher ranked ones seemed to be held in high regard. Kind of like the kingdom's heroes. It would be a good and easy way to become familiar with the land, gain trust among it's people, gain information in general, and to earn this land's currency. All at the same time. So maybe it wouldn't interfere with future plans after all.

"We'll certainly think about it, sir Bartholmew. However first we need to deal with the matters at hand." "Ah, the reward I was talking about, right? I'll pay each of you 5 gold pieces for your valiant efforts-" "Actually.." Sanguine interrupted. "While we're grateful for the reward, I was talking about the bodies now littering the village. We've passed some other places nearby. And I know someone who can take care of that quickly and cheaply. If you would allow me of course." The man had to think about the suggestion for a moment. It was unusual for adventurers to do their own cleaning up. But he didn't see a problem with it either, at this time. "Very well, though I have to insist on handing their gear to the kingdom. It will be quite invaluable for our cause." Sanguine gave a slight bow, already glad that she got this far. The equipment was mostly useless to them anyway. "As you wish. I will have everything brought to a storage in the village to be picked up later." The man agreed to that, then turned and headed back to make some more arrangements and to get ready for their troops to leave again.

Sanguine sighed, looking around the battlefield and towards the village before her gaze ended on Oliver. "Seems like Bartholmew is a busy guy. He's definitely a good guy though. Maybe a bit too naive." Who was to say that the two of them weren't spies from another kingdom, or several other possibilities, right? Yet he believed them anyway. "So...I'm pretty much done here. I figured I could send a clean-up crew from our guild to get the bodies. The cleric guy can be resurrected for interrogation, and the others will give me a chance to experiment with my undead raising spells. So overall I'd say the day is far more fruitful than I expected so far." Daniëlle finally returned as well, her axe almost completely red with blood by now. She quickly knelt once she stood before them. "I ask for your forgiveness for acting without orders, mistress. But such lowlifes--" "It's fine, Daniëlle." Sanguine quickly spoke, motioning for her servant to get up again. "This time, at least. As I had already finished what I wanted to do. However in the future such actions will be met with punishment." Her voice was stern, trying to convey that she was quite serious in her statement. The other vampire stood, then gave a quick bow in agreement. "As you command!" Then she spoke to the both of them. "Your carriage is waiting if you wish to return, my lady, lord." Sanguine then looked to Oliver again, as if to ask if he had any unfinished business in the village, or if he was okay with returning as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Fuckin' scrubs..." Oliver chuckled in reply to Sanguine's remarks on their enemy's lack of competence. Then Sir Bartholmew approached, remarking on their abilities, and classifying them based on some sort of arbitrary metal-based system. He was pretty sure they ranked more along the mithril side of things, but wasn't going to argue with someone about something he didn't fully comprehend. Instead, he listened as the Guild Master got them referred to the adventurer's guild, and then refused a reward. Ten gold pieces wasn't much considering their coffers, but he wasn't sure why they were refusing it.

Then she suggested that they would take care of the bodies, rather than leaving the villagers to deal with the carcasses of their vanquished assailants. That seemed strange, but then he remembered she could raise the dead. He half expected the vampire to just command all of the bodies to disappear, but supposed that such necromancy still probably wasn't the best idea. Then again, if no one was looking, it couldn't hurt. He wasn't going to tell the woman in charge how to do her job, though, and instead, let her take the lead. He nodded along as she voiced her ideas, and didn't see any harm in any of the things she was suggesting. He didn't get chance to respond properly, though, as Daniëlle rushed over to apologize.

"I've got nothing else to do here." the Paladin agreed when his companion looked at him like she wanted to know if he had anything else he wanted to do. Having not seen any trace of a greenskin menace, and having successfully slaughtered all of the other threats to the village, he figured it was time to head back and get cleaned up and do some relaxing. Maybe they could even find out what was actually going on, and prepare for their next move. "Lead the way." he figured that the Guild Master would want to anyway...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Fuckin' scrubs..." Oliver chuckled in reply to Sanguine's remarks on their enemy's lack of competence. Then Sir Bartholmew approached, remarking on their abilities, and classifying them based on some sort of arbitrary metal-based system. He was pretty sure they ranked more along the mithril side of things, but wasn't going to argue with someone about something he didn't fully comprehend. Instead, he listened as the Guild Master got them referred to the adventurer's guild, and then refused a reward. Ten gold pieces wasn't much considering their coffers, but he wasn't sure why they were refusing it.

Then she suggested that they would take care of the bodies, rather than leaving the villagers to deal with the carcasses of their vanquished assailants. That seemed strange, but then he remembered she could raise the dead. He half expected the vampire to just command all of the bodies to disappear, but supposed that such necromancy still probably wasn't the best idea. Then again, if no one was looking, it couldn't hurt. He wasn't going to tell the woman in charge how to do her job, though, and instead, let her take the lead. He nodded along as she voiced her ideas, and didn't see any harm in any of the things she was suggesting. He didn't get chance to respond properly, though, as Daniëlle rushed over to apologize.

"I've got nothing else to do here." the Paladin agreed when his companion looked at him like she wanted to know if he had anything else he wanted to do. Having not seen any trace of a greenskin menace, and having successfully slaughtered all of the other threats to the village, he figured it was time to head back and get cleaned up and do some relaxing. Maybe they could even find out what was actually going on, and prepare for their next move. "Lead the way." he figured that the Guild Master would want to anyway...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanguine led the way as suggested, with Daniëlle following close behind. They hadn't been there for too long, but the vampiress was already looking forward to a little more peace and quiet on the way back. A lot had happened right after each other during their visit to the village. Something she hadn't mentally prepared for. Though she would make sure to be prepared for it in the future. There was one thing that needed to be done before they could go though. She headed to where the alive soldier was hopefully still being kept. And as expected, her undead guard was still guarding the man out of sight. Though now the man was laying flat on the ground and her dread knight was holding him down with one foot on top of him. Sanguine grinned a little bit, snapping her fingers to dismiss the dread knight. It was only one undead after all, and with all the bodies she'd have dozens soon enough. The undead seemed to melt as it fell on the ground. And a few moments later all that was left was the same corpse that the dread knight had been created from. Once that was done with, the soldier that had given up on fighting at this point was easily pulled to his feet and directed to walk towards Bartholmew and his men. "Sir Bartholmew, a parting gift before we leave." The called as the soldier walked towards the royal warrior. "It's the soldier we managed to capture. I'm sure you have questions for him!" Some form of thanks was yelled their way, though Sanguine was already headed towards the carriage again. She just gave them that one soldier to hopefully foster a bit more good will for the future. They had their leader after all, whom was far more valuable.

Once they arrived at their transport the door had already been opened for them by it's rider. Daniëlle was there too, though had chosen to sit at the front instead of inside. It probably had something to do with a servant not sitting on equal terms with her masters or something. The woman went inside, immediately noticing that the seats were far more comfortable than she had imagined. In the game your sense of touch wasn't delicate enough to feel it. But now she noticed how soft they were. She smiled a little, as she sat down, waiting for Oliver to sit beside her before leaning against him. At the same time, they started riding as well.

"Quite the day this turned out to be." Sanguine mused with a smile, her mind once again starting to think of the possibilities for the future. Neither of them had experience with true leadership as far as she knew. Let alone taking over an entire country. But considering how strong they appeared to be, such a goal now seemed quite possible to attain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver followed the pair a little further behind, still on alert for more threats, just in case. Of course, there was nothing to worry about, and the Paladin only managed to waste a bit of energy with his paranoia. He figured it was energy well spent, however, as if they'd been ambushed, he would have sorely regretted not being prepared. As it was, though, they had no trouble returning to the village. They collected their prisoner, and then handed him over to Sir Bartholmew and his henchmen. The warrior was glad his companion wasn't planning on turning the poor bastard into meals or something. He pushed away thoughts of where her meals were currently coming from, and instead focused on their luxurious ride back to the Guild Hall.

The carriage that Daniëlle had brought looked fancy on the outside, but that was nothing compared to how ridiculously comfortable it was to sit in. The warrior clambered inside and was shocked by the luxury. He grinned to himself as he got settled, looping one arm around Sanguine as she leaned against him. His other hand went to her thigh, holding onto the vampire tenderly as they got moving. "That's definitely one way of describing it." he agreed with a chuckle when his companion remarked on their adventure. "What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?" he asked with a smirk, wondering if the necromancer was thinking the same thing he was. They had plenty of time to figure it out either way, and the Paladin supposed he would just have to do his best to keep things light and well-intentioned...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanguine's cheeks heated up a little again as Oliver put his arms around her. It almost felt like a fairy tale romance, them sitting in the carriage like that. She wanted to remain quiet for a bit, to enjoy the moment. Though instead he asked her about future plans. She chuckled at the way he asked though. Pinky and the Brain, it felt like ages ago since she had watched that on TV. "Funny you should put it like that. As that is exactly the plan. Today proved that we are very powerful even in this world. If not by defeating that small army, then by Bartholmew being so impressed by us. Plus we have quite the army at our disposal as well, combined with the undead I can now create on a seemingly permanent basis." She went silent for a bit, trying to collect her thoughts.

Taking over the world was a big undertaking. Not something you'd just do without proper planning. "I'm not sure how hard it will be. But we're clearly stuck in this world." Not that Sanguine had a lot of incentive to leave. But it was true that they didn't have a choice in the matter the way things appeared right now. "And to be honest, I have fantasized about becoming a big powerful overlord once or twice..." She grinned a little. "It feels like we've been given the opportunity to do just that, even if it's for reasons we don't know." It was still a very odd idea. Sanguine felt both nervous and excited thinking about what the future might hold for them now. "Just imagine...us two, as rulers of all these lands. Or at least of one of the kingdoms."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver nodded as Sanguine confirmed his suspicions. He didn't see anything wrong with taking over the world, as long as she didn't hurt too many people in the process. He supposed that was his job, though, to minimize casualties so they would have a world to rule over that actually had people in it. She went on about taking over the world, but the Paladin couldn't help but chuckle when she asked him to imagine being king of the world. "I'd rather be ruler of dat ass..." he whispered with a grin, giving the vampire a squeeze. He was pretty sure it would be fun to be king of the world, but at the same time, he really wasn't all that worried about it.

He was powerful enough on his own, that if he really wanted to, he could go carve out a little kingdom of his own and live a relatively peaceful life. Of course, he'd much rather live with Sanguine, so he wasn't planning on that as long as she was around, but the fact that it was a possibility seemed to bring him a significant amount of peace. No matter what happened, he didn't have much to worry about, because in the worst case scenario, he could always retire quite safely. Then it occurred to him that the worst case scenario probably actually involved some kind of apocalyptic battle and him actually having to use his sword again. He decided to focus on how attractive his partner looked, tucked up under his arm like she was, and refused to think about anything remotely like the worst case scenario...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sanguine grinned a little at his comment. "Sorry to say, but I already 'rule' 'dat ass'. Though I might very well let you have it from time to time~" All joking aside though, it was a very real possibility for them in this world. And if that didn't work out, there was sure to be something else they could do. Maybe continue on as adventurer and retire with huge amounts of wealth. Or who knew? Maybe even the underworld, whatever that might be in this world. There would no doubt be plenty of less-than-legal people to get 'work' from.

The rest of the ride was peaceful. There were definitely sounds made by other creatures than animals coming from the forest as they rode through it. But nothing bothered them all the same. It was still something to look into though. As this was their forest now. And she didn't want anything that could pose any kind of danger near their tomb. It would be a matter easily taken care of though. She just had to send some scouting parties to deal with any threats.

Once the carriage came to a standstill in front of the guild's entrance, the door was already opened for them before they could do it themselves. It was Jeeves, welcoming them back. "I hope your trip has been fruitful, mistress, sir." He spoke, giving a slight bow as the two stepped out. "Quite so, Jeeves." Sanguine replied. She thought about the man's name, wishing she had picked something less...cliché you could say. But he was now stuck with that name. "Send some people to collect the bodies in the village, and bring them to the dungeon. I require them for some further experiments. Also, send some soldier into the forest to kill or chase away any monsters. Leave the animals alone though." Jeeves bowed again. "Right away mistress. The lounge has been prepared to relax if you wish." Sanguine thought for a moment, quickly deciding that the lounge sounded like a good idea. "Very well." She spoke, pausing for a moment to see if Oliver had anything to say as well. And if not she'd add a "That is all for now." As from what she remembered from that time, servants were to be dismissed before they left.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver sighed when Sanguine made it clear that he would not be in charge of her bottom. He did perk up at the notion that he might get his hands on it once in a while, though. That idea was one he could get behind without question. He enjoyed the rest of their ride home, working hard on ideas that might get him closer to the Guild Master without making things weird. He figured it shouldn't be too hard, considering she'd let him sleep with her their first night together, but that didn't stop him from plotting. He would take any advantage he could get if it would keep the two of them together.

His thoughts were interrupted when they got back, though. Jeeves was quick on the draw, and had the door open even before they were fully stopped. The two highest ranking members of the guild stepped out and the vampire was already giving orders. The Paladin said nothing, letting her hand out commands. When she paused, he nodded, having nothing to add. Then the woman dismissed the butler, and the two of them headed inside. The lounge was apparently ready for them, but the Cleric wasn't so sure he wanted to just crash in there in full armour. Indeed, he was thinking more along the lines of taking a nice bath and changing into something comfortable before he did anything else. "What are you thinking?" he asked the woman. He meant about what she felt like doing as far as unwinding, but supposed he'd accept whatever answer she could come up with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hm? Oh, I'm thinking about taking a bath and heading to the lounge. If I'm not mistaken we have a minibar there. And apart from relaxing for a bit, I plan to find out whether I can still drink alcohol or not. You know, just in case someone offers me wine again in the future. I'd like to be able to, but who knows..." Sanguine answered. She figured Oliver had similar idea's. At least about bathing first. Though after that she would take an hour or two to record all information on paper, and to maybe make some plans for the near future.

Now Sanguine didn't need to pretend to be the 'leader' any more. So she quickly looped her arm around Oliver's before walking into the guild together. "It's still quite early though. Can't be later than 1 pm. And I'm not sure what to do after I've put everything on paper. Maybe try out some spells once the bodies have been brought back..." That would be the one true problem in this world it seemed. Finding other ways than computer games to not get bored. In the evening when the sun was below the horizon she wanted to maybe take a tour of the area on horseback though. So they would be more familiar with the surrounding forest. Just in case something happened in there in the future. "You have any idea's on what to do for the rest of the day?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver nodded when Sanguine's plans echoed his own thoughts. "Sounds like a good time." he agreed, deciding he was going to join her. Probably not in the same bath, unfortunately, but he figured they would get there eventually. For now, getting comfy and drunk together sounded wonderful to him. Of course, his thoughts went out the window when the vampire ambushed him with an arm loping around his. He grinned at the gesture, but wasn't concerned with the time when it came to drinking. She said something about spells and writing, but the Paladin wasn't entirely sure what she meant. He did understand when she asked what his plans were, though.

"I figured I would take a bath, change into something comfortable, and try out the minibar. Probably take a nap." he didn't seem terribly worried about much of anything, and it showed. Clearly being the Guild Master's second in command was really where it was at. "Trying out spells sounds like fun, though." he added. Writing things down sounded like a lot less fun, so he would probably do his best to skip that part. It didn't help that his penmanship left a good deal to be desired, so it wasn't like the warrior would be any help with that. He supposed he could offer his own insights, but Sanguine had enough to write down, she didn't need him interrupting her thoughts. "Let me know if need a hand with anything." he supposed it couldn't hurt to offer. Well, that wasn't quite true, but he wasn't going to not help the woman he'd fallen in love with...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"A nap huh. Must be wonderful to be able to fall asleep during this time of day." Sanguine couldn't. At least not before she had a 5 hour night of sleep. All she'd end up doing would be twisting and turning in bed, trying to find a comfortable position while still having too much energy. Though if he was to take a nap she could take all the time she needed to write things down. "I don't think I'll need any help. It'll just be trying out different spells on the bodies to see it's effects, and unless you want to write while I dictate I think I can handle that myself as well." She spoke with a smile. Oliver seemed awfully helpful ever since they had entered this world. Not that that was a bad thing. But it felt like he was maybe a little bit too perfect. Or maybe he was after something. She decided not to worry about it too much though. Whatever happened, happened. And she'd deal with problems as they came along rather than worrying while nothing had happened yet.

Once in the housing area the two parted ways again. Sanguine had been thinking about what it would be like to bathe together, but doing that still felt way too embarrassing. Though maybe it wasn't too much of a surprise. This was technically only the second day since they had met 'in person', even if their bodies had changed. "I'll see you in the lounge in a bit then." The woman spoke, heading inside with one of the maids already following after her without her having to say anything. It felt weird how obedient and capable all of the servants were, but she figured it was better to try and get used to it now rather than dealing with servants insisting on doing everything all the time. "Do you wish for me to wash your hair again, mistress?" The maid asked as Sanguine started undressing. She figured she could take her time in the bath. It wasn't like they had much to do anyway. At least for today. Tomorrow was a different matter, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver nodded in agreement when Sanguine resented his ability to sleep whenever he wanted. "If you wanted to join me, I could stay awake, and we could just cuddle?" he offered, raising an eyebrow. If the vampire didn't feel like it, he supposed he could understand. She did have important work to do. And short of testing the very limits of his own powers, the Paladin couldn't think of anything nearly as important. He wasn't even convinced that he needed to push the limits right now, since it wasn't like they'd fought anything significant. Even if their enemies could manage ninth level powers, he wasn't convinced they would accomplish much. "Sounds good." he agreed when Sanguine told him she'd meet him in the lounge.

The warrior forgot all about most of the day the moment he slipped into his own bath. Someone around here was paying excellent attention because the hot water was waiting for him when he got in there, and anything even remotely like stress melted away as he sank into the delicious warmth. Sighing happily, he let his eyes drift closed, and for a few minutes, just enjoyed the relaxing sensations. Then he remembered that he had more to do than just bathe, and the Cleric took to scrubbing off the day's exertions. There was a whole pile of warm towels waiting for him when he got out, but Oliver only really needed one. He appreciated the gesture, but left the other towels where they were. No need to create excessive laundry, even if he was a master of this abode.

Once he was dressed in something casual, he headed for the lounge. As usual, his attire was probably far too casual for anything like leadership, but he supposed he was hoping it would rub off on Sanguine. As much as he liked her fancy dresses, he longed to see her in something less formal. He also longed for a lot of other things, but he didn't want to be too forward. The last thing he needed was to drive her away with his enthusiasm and turn this into Game of Thrones or something...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Unlike Oliver, Sanguine let the maid help her. Being able to relax while someone else washed your hair actually felt pretty great. She just had to remember to not let herself get pampered too much. The last thing the woman wanted was to turn into one of those fantasy story nobels that barely even knew how to dress themselves. If only because she felt that would make her weaker in the long run. Something she didn't want to happen in this world. Once the maid was done, Sanguine told her to get the most casual dress in her wardrobe. Pants weren't an option at the moment, sadly, as her character in the game only ever wore dresses. So she made a quick mental note to get someone to buy her a few pairs of pants to wear for the future.

The maid left, leaving the vampiress to just relax in silence for a while. Though after about 20 minutes she decided it was time to get out. As wonderful as the water was, sitting still in silence for too long would only make her fidgety. And the only source of music they had in this world wasn't an option. No way she could relax with several people in there with her. Just as Sanguine started drying herself the maid returned with a dress as ordered. It was a simple dark brown one-piece. Almost like a very long night gown. Of course Sanguine was offered to be helped, but she quickly dismissed the maid, insisting on doing the dressing herself, since it was a simple dress anyway. Seemingly a bit hesitant, the maid left again.

Another few minutes later the guild master entered the lounge. Her hair was still a little bit messy. She couldn't work miracles without a hairbrush and hair oil. But for now that didn't matter anyway. "After I'm done with the paperwork and experimenting, I might take you up on that offer to cuddle~" She spoke as she spotted Oliver in the room. "I think after all that I could use a bit of that." In truth Sanguine didn't really look forward to the work she had to do. She didn't dislike it, but there were surely less boring ways to spend your time. Still, it had to be done in her mind, or they might forget important details later on. With any luck there would be someone to act as her scribe in the library though.

(Dress: i.ebayimg.com/images/g/PCQAAOSwA4dWNtk.. )
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver looked up when he heard someone entering the lounge. It was Sanguine, wearing a surprisingly casual dress, and looking like she hadn't bothered to perfect her appearance. Or perhaps more likely was that she'd fended off the servants who insisted on making her look ridiculous. He grinned as the Guild Master suggested that she would likely take him up on his offer of cuddles, and he nodded in agreement when she observed on the fatiguing and stressful day they'd had so far. He wasn't sure how inclined she was to stick around, since she still had work to do, and the Paladin decided that he wasn't going to let the vampire toil alone. So he gestured for two drinks from the bar, and then beckoned the beautiful woman over to him. "Why not cuddle now?" he offered, figuring they could get some in prior to her working, and they should have plenty of time for more afterward, too.

"Is there anything I can help with?" even if she didn't want to cuddle yet, the warrior figured he could pitch in with the stuff she wanted to accomplish before properly relaxing. Something about taking notes and playing with zombies. Not the most pleasant of things, but Oliver wasn't going to protest. They were going to need her powers if they were going to end up at war with the people they'd pissed off earlier. He'd just have to see if he couldn't guide her toward less malicious pursuits with her necromancy. There had to be some possibility of such a thing, he'd just have to dig deep enough...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well...maybe for a little bit. I wanted to try and have a drink first anyway." Sanguine replied, blushing a little bit. She had fantasised about meeting Oliver in real life and having a drink on the couch while watching a movie together. And maybe more after that. The TV might not be present, but there was live music and the room was quite a bit nicer than hers and probably his as well. "Has my lady gained an interest in alcohol now that we're in a different world?" The barkeep spoke. She hadn't even noticed him yet, though it wasn't surprising that they had someone to work the bar as well. "...Yes, I suppose I have." She replied nonchalantly. Luckily the man didn't find it weird that a vampire would want alcohol. Sanguine then moved to the couch, sitting down beside Oliver, still blushing a little. "I don't think there's much you can help with. I would like to test if my undead will follow others' commands as well, but that's about it. Though maybe you can help with putting all that information on paper as well. Maybe you noticed some things I didn't."

The vampiress was still just as new to this as Oliver was. So she was still unsure of many things. She just didn't want to show it. Having Oliver there as well helped a lot though. Just like in the game, she felt like the two of them together could take anything on. Even if the challenges in this world were a little different. And even if that challenge was something as seemingly simple as doing what they had always done in the game, but now in an alternate version of real life.

"Right now though, let's first enjoy our drinks." Sanguine spoke as the bartender came to them with the two drinks. Sanguine took one, but paused as she moved the glass to her lips. The smell was that of wine, but it smelled pretty awful. On the contrary, the glass of beer Oliver had been handed smelled like normal beer. "This smells terrible..." She muttered, at which the bartender panicked immediately. "I beg your forgiveness my lady. I-I didn't realise that vampires didn't like wine. Please forgive me." Sanguine sighed, quickly handing the glass back to the man. "You are forgiven...just bring me a glass of what Oliver has." The man bowed, quickly taking the glass and rushing back to the bar to make her a new drink. "Well...I guess wine's out of the question. Beer seems fine though." She spoke with a smile, glad that at least some kind of alcohol was still possible. Even if blood tasted like heaven to her, having only that to drink for the rest of her life sounded like it would become boring relatively quickly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oliver wasn't sure why Sanguine was blushing, but he liked the colour she turned, and wondered what she was thinking, to make her blush at all. The warrior extended an arm as his companion joined him on the couch, pulling her a little closer as she got comfortable. He shrugged when she said there wasn't much he could help with. "I'll give it a shot." he decided. Having someone on the opposite end of the spectrum around to make observations would probably be useful. And he could give her a vague idea of how much clerical magic it would take for her minions to be destroyed afterward.

"I like the sound of that." he agreed heartily as their drinks appeared. Oliver's pleasingly large stein full of ale was rather exciting to the Paladin who was used to drinking significantly smaller servings of the beverage. Of course, the bartender had completely missed the boat with his attempt at giving the vampire a glass of wine, and she quickly demanded her own stein of beer. The warrior shrugged when his companion remarked on her situation. "There are worse things in life." he offered, "At least you get to enjoy some of the good ones." it would be truly unfortunate if she couldn't drink at all. Then again, most people didn't like beer naturally, so it would likely end up being less that the beer was good, and more than she was just used to it. Other normally more pleasant beverages just didn't smell as good now because they weren't blood.

That got the Cleric onto a train of thought that was going to take some consideration, and he decided to have a talk with whoever was in charge of feeding his partner. Later, though. Right now, he had a beautiful woman sitting and enjoying a beer and live music with him. There were very few things that Oliver would even consider as valid interruptions for such a pleasant activity. Once Sanguine had a satisfactory drink of her own, he hefted his stein in celebration. "To victory!" he offered with a grin, holding back the temptation to challenge his companion to a chugging contest. That sort of thing was for after the work was done. Right now they were just taking a break...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well, beer was never exactly my favourite... But it still beats nothing~" Sanguine replied, figuring it was best to keep looking at things from a positive perspective. So far she really liked this world. They were apparently quite powerful, being able to fling high level spells around like it was nothing. And they were actually together now, rather than in different countries. And they had an army at their disposal to boot. As long as they kept following the two of them at least. Though it didn't look like that was about to change any time soon. So even if there was a way to get back, she was highly unsure if she'd do so. Which meant becoming used to this new life as well. A positive perspective would certainly help with that.

"To conquering the land!" The vampiress chimed in when Oliver wanted to toast, touching her mug to his before taking several large gulps of her drink. It actually tasted a little better than what she remembered. Less bitter, maybe? It was like this body's taste buds were completely different to her own. Not that she minded though.

Sanguine remained in Oliver's arms for just over half an hour. During which she finished a second beer as well. Though she kept it at that for now, as there was still work to be done. Just before standing up, the woman decided to move closer to him, kissing him gently on the lips. And this time she made sure to prevent him from surprising her with yet another deep, passionate kiss. She didn't mind, but there would still be time for that later. Right now her mind was focusing on remembering as many details as possible. Even if they were just assumptions, considering they had almost zero information about this world, anything and everything could be important.
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