Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kiss Of Night
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Kiss Of Night

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Mako had gone out into the ocean after their little meeting and started practicing his combat underwater, he might have been young but his father was an imperial guardian, Mako had to learn how to fight and he was good at it. His ferocious nature mixed with the Atlantean fighting techniques made for a dangerous combo and that was without the trident. With that weapon in his hand few could go toe to toe with him and come out unscathed. The lightning that it produced was a type of Atlantean magic that Mako didn't fully understand nor did he need to, all he needed to know was, "zap em and they die."

As he exited the plane however the little black cylinder was hidden within his Atlantean pants, he was also wearing a tight fitting scuba shirt with black netting over the ribs to allow his gills access to air, he looked a bit beach ready beside the fact that his outfit was completely black. He wouldn't really stand out to much, he just looked like a swimmer. When The other humans started speaking about Germany he chuckled, "Home to one of humanities more brutal acts of genocide..." The smile and laugh that followed would have scared the spots off a Dalmatian. Mako stepped onto solid ground and breathed in, the ocean was much to far to aid him now and Mako felt a pit in his stomach. Water was calling out to him and if the time came and he needed it he knew it would be there but that didn't change the sick feeling he felt. Covering his discomfort with dark humor, "Perhaps I'll get to try some German!" By the glint in his eyes it didn't seem he was talking about Bratwurst.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

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Loud Love ventured forth, quite happy to once again breathe fresh air instead of sharing the same filthy space with like a dozen other people, and looked around whilst stretching in horribly unsightly ways - his companions and brothers-in-arms probably didn't knew that humans could even bend that way. LL remembered the advice about keeping a low profile that Presence gave and decided to try and blend in - so now he took great care to NOT instinctively teleport everywhere and walked around in red track pants, though still naked above the waist and barefoot - chillness of the environment hardly bothered him. At very least he tried his best.

"Yeah-yeah Sharkboy, we got it," He spoke softly whilst jumping in place to get the blood flowing through his limbs once again. "You eat people, good. Shut up about it. Tell us a sad story about your childhood instead or something."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SimpleD
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As the plane began its descent, Nergal closed the documents he had been reading on his phone and placed it into his jacket. Since they had needed to lay low, Nergal had purchased a set of clothing that was still his style but looked less like rags, though with the addition of the Jacket to deal with any cold weather. The first day of free time they had been given had been sent working out the rage at the situation while the second day involved mostly research. In truth Nergal had never spent much time exploring the extents of his power, melting people’s faces and making them choke on their own vomit had been more than enough but now with a bank heist and teammates to work with he had been encouraged to come up with new ways of utilizing his abilities

Stepping out of the plane after most of the group, Nergal frowned as he glanced around at the wilderness that seemed to spread in all directions, having grown up in the city he wasn’t used to such natural landscapes. As the group conversed amongst themselves he added, “Can’t say I see the appeal of the countryside myself, nicer streets and high value targets are more my style”. Despite his reservations of being forced to work with a team, if they were to succeed in this heist, he was going to have to learn to play along. Besides, they weren’t all bad, a number of them like Mako and Loud Love clearly enjoyed the thoughts of violence, which was something he could appreciate at least.

Glancing at the one called Jackel, he watched him shiver in the cold and smiled “Can’t say I have an extra jacket but I could give you a quick dose of something to take the edge of the feeling. Promise you won’t feel the cold at all” Nergal offered, his research had already given him some ideas and he was keen for someone to experiment on
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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One Day Prior to Germany

The room was quiet when Samantha entered. Her father was resting in his bed, sleeping until noon. She had taken down her hood and her cloth-wrapping was resting around her neck. She would put them in the laundry machine later.

"Hey, Dad," She said, quietly, pulling up a chair.

He turned to look. Samantha bit her lip as she made eye contact. Her Dad's eyes lit up.

"Hey, sweat pea,!"

"I'm going to be going to Europe tomorrow." She said with a false cheeriness. "It's a college field trip." It was a pre-meditated lie.

"Oh?" The man said. "Have a lot of classmates? Making friends? I know you have problems making friends, Sammy."

"...Yeah, I'm making friends. Sure,"

Her father laughed. "Do try to make friends, will you?"

There was a pause.

Her father spoke again. "Just promise me not to get into any trouble, okay?" He said with a smile.

Samantha didn't reciprocate the smile.
"Yeah, Dad, I promise."


Maverick didn't fall asleep on the way there, for obvious reasons. As the door opened, she step foot onto German soil for the first time.

She had gotten a good look at everyone on the plane ride over. Some people were...louder than others. Her hoodie and masker were up again, concealing most of her identity from the people here. If this all went wrong, she didn't want one of these guys knowing what her face looks like.

Touching her toes and twisting her back, she lingered near the back of the group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

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- Joe -
Joe stepped out of the experimental jet wearing black lace boots, jeans, and high-collar trench coat that was flowing rather epically from the wind generated from the landing transport. He took off his sun glasses and glanced around lazily at the open field full of weeds and dry brush.

"Here we are, founding country of the Illuminati and the Third Reich, of which were the first two symbols shown to us by the Presence during our meeting. Could by a coincidence, but unlikely knowing what we know of the Presence so far." Joe articulated, then put his sunglasses back on and turned to the group.

"But that's not important right now, we have a Central Bank of Europe to make bankrupt. Anyone have the directions? As much as I wanted to pay attention to where we were going, I was busy seeing clouds as zoo animals and didn't have time."

Whether that was actually what he was doing or not is a different story.

Turning back to the field, Joe began to get slightly curious about what the Presence's plan actually was. Surely it didn't actually need all of them, the Presence could probably have just used one person in this group to rob the bank. There must be something else going on, whether a hidden enemy, or the Presence didn't tell them their true objective. Or both. All of which were equally likely.

The Presence probably chose each individual based on the plan, not based the plan on each individual. But if that was the case, would that make it an immediate fail if even one person either messed up or revolted? That's a lot of trust put on this group of all people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"Hold on." Phone Freak said, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Her real phone, not the one designed for casting spells. A modern phone. A few quick taps brought up google maps and she screwed around a bit trying to figure out where they were. While she was at it, she thought about what Joe had said. "Wasn't Faust also a German legend?" She asked idly as she searched, remembering the fleeting symbols. She hoped this didn't involve demons. Nothing good ever came from dealing with demons, just ask every warlock in the history of the world.

Finally she though she got a good idea of their situation and pointed. "There should be a road that way. Follow it north and it should take us right to the city, but after that I'm not sure. Are we just supposed to head to the bank, do you suppose?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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“Faust was indeed a German tale.” Dianna agreed, smiling. “A scholar exchanged his soul, giving it to the devil for knowledge beyond that of which a man should carry. He became practically omnipotent.” She added, mostly as an afterthought for those who didn't know the legend. Her eyes swept the team, and she pursed her lips. She picked up Ms. Muffin, letting the kitten nuzzle against her cheek.

“I don't think the Presence wants us to waste time dilly-dallying, the longer we enjoy ourselves the easier it will be to pick us out from a crowd. We should head straight to the bank, and get our jobs done. Agreed?” She focused on the more animalistic members of the group, not with a distaste, but a bubbling kinship. “As much as I love the slaughter, I believe we should keep it to the minimal amount until we arrive at our destination. Is that suitable?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Maverick was anxious about the coming events. She'd never robbed anything anywhere near as large as the Central Bank of Europe. What was the Presence going to do with them? How? Why? All she knew was that she hated referring to it as 'The Presence.' The name gave it too much power over everyone here. A name like 'Dave' would be better. Or 'Harold'. 'Bertha.'

Shaking her head, Maverick looked around at the men and women she was going to rob a multi-million Euro bank with and listened to them talk. Of course, there was an immediate holocaust reference, and in direct contrast, some folk were talking about German legend. She scoffed and murmured something under her breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

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"What's a minimum, pretty lady?" LL cackled giddily. "Only three dead civs per person?"
The boy was visibly agitated, maybe just due to the unexpected tourism, to pent-up energy not spent teleporting around, prospect of robbing a really cool bank or just due to large amounts of coffee consumed before departure.
"How much exactly do you like slaughter?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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Jackal perked up when one his allies spoke of something. "You smell like toxins, got anything that could burn me, chemical burns or flammable liquid?" He asked almost desperately. It wasn't cold enough to kill him, but it was cold enough to weaken and annoy him. The man in question looked rather shady, and he recalled seeing him burn some of the table with his mere fingers. Jackal hoped that he had something that could take the cold away from him, so he doesn't have to resort to exhausting himself by igniting his own body on fire. Then again lighting himself on fire would probably draw unwanted attention anyway, still some chemical assistance is much more subtle then a blazing dragon-man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SimpleD
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Nergal gave a laugh “Oh I could try burning your skin with some chemicals but that’s rather ineffective.” he replied while adding to himself And not to mention I have little interest in rubbing my hands all over your body’. Reaching into one of the pockets on his jacket, he pulled out a small needle he had been using for some experiments, “No what I was thinking was more of an injection. The right dose of the correct toxins can cause all sorts of reactions inside you that can lead to increasing your core body heat. Of course, since these are deadly toxins, the wrong dosage or even too much of the right dosage isn’t going to be good for your long term health.” Nergal explained matter of factly, given the Presence would not be happy with him poisoning another team member, Nergal saw no reason to keep any information from Jackel, he did not need to be accused of deceiving him just to poison him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiss Of Night
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Kiss Of Night

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Mako smirked as the naked one literally prodded at the shark, "Hmmm or better yet I could just have a snack now..." Mako reached out to any water sources nearby and at a moments notice he was ready to summon it as a super heated weapon, "Maybe you'd like to be next on the menu then? you human trash." His eyes began to turn black as wild insanity gripped the boy, "It doesn't matter who you are or what your powers are human," The word human came out like an insult from behind his teeth that were starting to show again, his words came out mixed with a deep unearthly growl, his eyes now black as the pits of hell, "You need to learn the ground rules. Rule one...You fuck with me and I'll kill you...I'm not the guy you want to test your stupid little attitude on."

Mako looked ready to go, but suddenly the words, "Unleash The Kraken!!!" Screamed from his pocket. Mako was shocked back into reality, his eyes snapped back to normal, he knew all these people were "humans" and he was outnumbered. He pulled the phone from his pocket, the most expensive water proof phone one could steal, straight from a shipping container at the bottom of the ocean near china, who knows how it got down there. He unlocked it and saw he had a notification from his favorite app, clash of clans, he took a moment to turn his phone completely off. After that he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

He then turned to the girl who had agreed with him on slaughter, "You're probably right...no point in making a scene and having to fight a group of super heroes." A sudden worry washed over him, would they send The King after him? Mako visibly swallowed as a feeling of dread washed over him. There were many people that he could hold his own against, The King Of Atlantis was not one of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"Okay, I'll just head straight to the bank then." Phone Freak said loudly after Mako's outburst, setting off across the field by herself. Someone had to start moving. If they stood around for much longer someone was going to start killing the others, whether by teeth, telefrag, or poisoning and she had no interest in being at ground zero for that mess. There as really no reason they had to stick all clumped together anyway, what with Metallia's little gifts and all. Speaking of...

She pulled the little thing out of her pocket and clicked it on when she thought she was far enough away. "Test test." She said into it "Test test test." Then she configured it to one of the individual channels, Metallia's. "Testing individual channle, test test, check check. You get all this Robo Princess?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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@Eyeruption@Kiss Of Night

Dianna fanned herself as Loud Love called her a pretty lady. She wasn't taken by the compliment, but it was a nice thing for him to say. She didn't get much attention from men, there were always people like Queenie who tossed her into the shade. She didn't think she was ugly, but she also knew men were attracted to them because of their scant clothing, a low she would never stoop to. Wise One would be ashamed if she did so, and it was his magic that powered her, so he still had a large say in everything she did.

“We may have to limit the civilian death toll to one per person, so we don't attract too much attention.” She said sweetly to the agitated young man, eyes glinting with murderous intent. “I'll tell you about all my massacres when we get back. Maybe, if the Presence allows us, we can go on a spree together?” She giggled, before her attention was turned back to Mako.

They seemed to be on the same wavelength, knowing the dangers of getting trapped by superheroes. This team could work their way out of a lot, but it was better if they were in and out without attracting too much attention. If a team of superheroes began investigating their operation, they could be shut down before the Presence was done with them.

She shuffled over to Mako, crooking her elbow towards him and fluttering her eyelashes. “Won't you escort me, Mako? We mustn’t tarry, and though I know you don't like being messed with, it would be a pleasure to walk with you.” She grinned, and Ms. Muffins II meowed by her side, tentatively moving towards Mako in an attempt to rub against his leg.

“Besides, we must catch up with our other teammate, before she gets herself into too much trouble.” Dianna said, rolling her eyes with a slight irritation. She had watched Phone Freak run off, the girl was afraid of a gunshot but she very eagerly ran towards the bank they were going to rob.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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‘I advice that, as long as The Presence has not told us whatever his plan might be, we might be jeopardizing it by moving out too early.’ Metallia commented, having stood by the side for quite a while without necessarily making any sign that she heard anything around her until now. ‘I also advice that the larger our body-count, the larger the collective force of heroes focused on ensuring our demise will be. Serial killers are more important to neutralize than bank robbers, after all. Do as you wish with this knowledge.’ She added, given the most recent discussion. Though, that conclusion had already been reached.


If those first words was meant to reach all devices, then those words would be reaching all devices.

Metallia became aware of herself being called personally by her own device, and her hand reached into her jeans-jacket's pocket to press the button to answer.

‘I am receiving your words properly.’ There was a tiny bit of underlying annoyance. Of course she was receiving the words properly. It was HER technology after all. Did she expect Metallia's device to fail? Preposterous. … But she did understand the need to test technology not your own. She was mildly aware of how many tests she might have run herself if someone else thrust a similar device of their own making into her hand...

‘... “Robo Princess”...?’ She commented in a questioning voice. It sounded... odd. As far as Metallia knew, she was not of royal descent. She assumed the first word was derived from her use of technological constructs. The latter, she had to assume, came from her overall appearance rather than actual heritage. It was... … … oddly flattering, to be compared to such individuals.

‘... Your nickname for me has been accepted. You may continue using it.’ Metallia made a satisfied remark before ending her transmission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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Each of the team members had a special communicator given to them by The Presence, which the entity would give them instructions and follow their movements. After about an hour of walking, the team reached the outskirts of Frankfurt and upon entering the city, the team noticed people dressed in costumes based off of fantasy and sci-fi fiction genre.

"As you can see team, today is the city's annual Comic-Con and it will be going on all weekend. You need not worry much about how conspicuaous you are as long as you don't recklessly show off your abilities. Now once you all reach the Central Bank, I will give you your instructions and guide you step by step on this heist. All of you will be stealing a total of 3 billion dollars from this bank" the entity spoke.

Andrew gave an impressed whistle at the number of dough that they were trying to make off with from Europe's bank. He had never seen such money is his life and his mind was already alight with what he could do with such wealth.

"It looks like it's payday today" he said with a greedy grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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"I have a hard time believing we're going to get one cent of the money we're trying to steal." Maverick said to Blood Fang's greedy sounding comment. The Presence had everything on Maverick, she imagined it had something on everything else too. They weren't contractors, they were puppets. Blackmailed. That being said, maybe Blood Fang is actually being paid for this. What if she's the only one being black mailed?

What if?
What if nothing. It didn't really matter. She was just here to do a job and go home.

She was glad that she blended in a lot better than these people. Someone wearing a hoodie was a lot less conspicuous then most of these jokers.


It was also a blessing that LL managed to put on some pants.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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She was happy she hadn't needed to ditch the group. Well, that wasn't exactly true but she was at least happy she hadn't needed to brave the Frankfurt phone lines just so she wouldn't stand out. It was in situations like this that basing your look on an internationally famous musical duo had its advantages. One of the few conceivable situations, certainly, but after this week any lucky break at all was a godsend.

"We were promised riches." Phone Freak said, but there wasn't much confidence behind it. "I'm more surprised that all we're after is money. I mean, this person seems to have enough. After the occult symbols I was expecting something much more ominous. No you can not get a picture!" She said for the third time that hour to some eager, camera toting dork. She hadn't even let him ask the question that time, just seen the camera in his hands and the look on his face. He trotted off dejectedly. The last thing she needed was to be pasted up in somebodies Comic-Con album on Imgur.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiss Of Night
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Kiss Of Night

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Mako nodded in agreement, "Yes she appears to have fled..." His face returned completely to normal as he finished putting himself back in line, his teeth being hidden behind his lips again, "Must have scared her." He smirked again giving LL a quick look that said "I'll deal with you later." Before turning away.

Mako then took the girls arm almost without question, "You speak like the people of my home." His eyes betrayed nothing to what he was feeling, they were simply cold and dark as they usually were, "And here I thought all humans were apes with no culture." The boy started walking forward without waiting for anyone else from the group, "Nothing against you personally but most humans I have met are pond scum...there are a few of your kind I enjoy...but not many." He placed the little waterproof com in his ear while the walked but didn't bother testing it.

As they arrived in the city Mako took one look at everyone in their costumes and burst out laughing, his laugh was dark and cold as if he was a great white shark, these humans looked hilarious. "Dear Neptune my sides!" Quickly composing himself with a breath he straightened up, and cleared his throat, "So all we must do is steal money from one of the human strongholds...sounds challenging but fruitful."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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… So The Presence was not actually going to give them their instructions until they were actually on-site. What a perfect set-up for messing things up for all of them. Metallia frowned, walking along with the rest intentionally hiding her eyes a bit under her cap. This did not feel comfortable in the slightest, as Metallia liked having her plans outlined in meticulous detail and to be as prepared as possible beforehand. If she actually knew what she would be doing, she could have constructed items beforehand which would enable her to complete her assigned tasks more effectively. This… was annoying her. As it was, The Presence could just ditch them all at any time, and they’d have no chance…

‘…’ Still. Money was never Metallia’s goal, but she had to admit that having that much money would smooth out the process of obtaining the resources she needed to complete more important objectives. It wasn’t an unappealing prospect, so to say.

… He tells them not to show off their abilities… but as it is, Metallia cannot do anything anyways. Walking there, she was just an ordinary girl.

‘… Without my constructions, I am without means to accomplish my goals.’ Metallia mentioned to the others. ‘So if conflict breaks out close to me before I am given the go to summon them, I may be in need of physical protection. I will obviously avoid such an occurrence if possible, but I say this to spread awareness of my situation.’ Her constructions were in a garage near the bank which she had claimed, in addition to her chair. She could summon her chair on its own to make herself capable, too, and due to its flight that would take only a couple of seconds.

… If her robots were ever to be called out of the garage, any semblance of stealth would be gone. Unless, of course, they were used as a distraction, since Metallia could control them unnoticeably from a distance. That was a possibility, she assumed. … Shrug. She started focusing more on just getting through the crowd of costumed people.

‘… Tsk. ’ She made an annoyed sound. If she had known there was a festival, then she could have reconstructed her chair to resemble some fictional character’s legs or seat and seem reasonably inconspicuous. … Nothing she could do about that, now. She kept walking, hands in her jacket-pockets, one hand grasping her head-piece which could be used to summon her devices…
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