Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maverick couldn't help but be amused when Phone Freak was yet again harassed by another patron of comic-con. She was right, the group was technically promised riches. Still, a pinky promise wasn't nearly enough for Maverick to even begin willfully complying with the Presence, let alone trusting it.

"You should get people to dress up as you." She had a mental image of a Super punching someone in a paper mache Phone Freak costume. That'd be a sight to see.


Metallia said something about the possibility of needing "physical protection". Certainly was a clinical way of putting it. Still, if they were going to be on a team, she might as well assure her that Maverick wouldn't be eager to abandon her. She turned to look back at Metallia.

"No problem, Metallia. I can get your back, if the All-Mighty Presence's plan allows it,"
She said, as an aside.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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@Kiss Of Night

“I was raised right, you could say. Thank you for the compliment.” Dianna said, fighting back the blush in her cheeks. She was raised by the Wise One, and was otherwise solitary. It gave her an old soul, but she could tell it came in handy with Mako. If she stayed on his soft side, the team business would be much more bearable.

Dianna’s eyes scanned the crowd of humans. She looked down at her feet, where Ms. Muffins II was trying miserably to keep up with them. Dianna swept down, picking up the kitten and setting her in the pocket of her blazer. There, she pointed at Ms. Muffins II, muttering in Latin. The cat became a simple golden ring that was quickly slid onto Dianna’s finger. She would be a bit stiff when she left the form, but otherwise unharmed.

Dianna looked around, the men and women in costume either didn't see, or paid no mind to her act of magic. She watched Mako as he flailed about, before straightening like nothing had happened. It left a lopsided smile on her face, that she couldn't force down. “This, Mako, is a small part of our human culture.” She whispered, gesturing at the place. “Strange isn't it? If you looked well enough, I bet you could find someone here dressed as you.” She added with a chuckle.

“The tech lovers have it easy in this situation. If they're well versed, they could probably hack into the bank. We'll have to get a bit..creative.” Her eyes gleamed with something downright malicious. “It shouldn't be too much of a problem, really. Three billion a piece, you have to wonder what the Presence wants with it all.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 12 days ago


Ed silently followed the group not paying much attention to what they were talking about. Nor did he care most of them were just making small talk. He simply wished for them to get to the bank steal the money and leave; in and out easy right? It was when they came to a comic-con that he started to pay close attention to where the group was going. With this many people crowding around the area it could be pretty easy to get lost. Mako was losing it as he saw all the people and Ed just rolled his eyes, the guy was already flirting with Ms. Magic and now he looks like a fish out of water.

When Ed heard chat about the more technologically advanced having an easier time he obviously had to chime in. "None of us have it easy. Just remember we're all needed for this to work, so if everyone pulls their own weight then we should be able to get in and out quick and simple." he said hoping that the rest of the team wouldn't be thinking of slacking from there on out. "Oh and it's pretty obvious what the Presence needs all that money for... The guy has a very high tech place, and we've all seen the kind of tech inside. So I'm just assuming it must rack up a pretty high electrical bill."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"That'd be way too much attention." She said to Maverick as they walked. "I'm not in this for the fame, or the carnage, or even the money. Not really. Magic, however, has always been led by those that are willing to take that one extra step their peers are unwilling to. And unlike some super rich, anonymous, world saving pricks I could name, no one is going to hand me a cell phone tower or a satellite to tinker with."

"Speaking of magic..." she said, looking back at Dianna. Something about that girl set her on edge ever since the chair back at headquarters. Maybe it was the way she was able to just casually throw out transformations, seemingly at will. Like it wasn't any big deal. She watched with her jaw set as she wasted precious energy transforming that little kitten of hers into a ring. She didn't even have the good grace to look haggard afterwards. Despite her searches Dianna had been one of the people she'd found nothing on. Phone Freak pondered whether the girl was even human.

She caught herself staring, and decided to add something in. "I don't know about hacking. I've never had to do it before. I can usually just talk my way in." She said, not at all boasting. An idea struck, and she turned to Metallia. "Hey, uh," She paused. A derisive nickname wasn't really the same when you had permission to use it. Sort of took the bite out. Still, she had been committed to it now. "Princess, can you do any hacking? I kind of have to be on site for whatever I 'hack'."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiss Of Night
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Kiss Of Night

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Mako smiled a genuine smile at the thought of someone dressed like him, "Surely not...I am one of a kind..." His eyes betrayed him now, a look of betrayal twisted within the gray as thoughts and memories came rushing in. Having watched her acts of magic over the last two days he turned to her and spoke, "You are a practitioner of true magic. Then you might know about how prophecies can control people? Twisting good people to do monstrous things." He continued to walk ignoring the other humans on the team and only paying attention to getting to the bank, "I am the bringer of destruction to Atlantis. I was to young to be executed, thus I was cast out." He looked at her again, "But this life suits me much better than my old one." His eyes looked forward again, "Now you know more than just my name."

When she talked about the tech lovers he just smirked, "Most metals I can bite right through...the stronger ones I use a couple other gifts I have." He showed her the black cylinder that had little runes carved in it, "Atlantean magics..." He put it away and smirked again, "they can steal all the electronic money they want...I want the gold. If this is Europe's largest bank then there is gold within." He whispered the next words, "I believe that you and I would be effective in retrieving it." Mako was no fool, he knew he would need allies if they were all to remain a team and someone with magic was the perfect fit for him as his fighting was mainly close combat. It also didn't hurt that he found her rather enjoyable and beautiful...in the way one sees the beauty of a hurricane.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Metallia turned her eyes and gave an appreciative nod in Maverick's direction, before turning forward and continuing her walk. It felt a little infuriating to have to trust in another's protection, but as it stood, they were a team. Metallia knew she wasn't the most physically durable. Looked like she could depend on at least one of the others, though she hoped the rest would also collaborate.


‘...’ There was a brief instance of a smile, Metallia's lips curling just the slightest and her head straightening where it had fallen a bit to keep her face hidden. Being called just “Princess”... Was even better. Her feeling of having her ego stroked made her tongue loosen quite easily.

‘I've never had an interest in the inferior technology used by the general public. Their computers do not interest me beyond their common use for daily life. For everything of value, I've made my own systems.’ … She suddenly realized what she was saying was “Nope, can't do a damn thing”. The smile vanished, replaced with a blank look, but she kept talking.

‘... As such, no, I do not currently possess the means to access their security systems beyond the public access. I could have invested time and effort into making something that would allow me to infiltrate their primitive systems, had I known to prepare for it.’ There was a certain edge in her voice, directed mostly towards The Presence. Now, it was perfectly possible the plan did not contain any hacking at all, but not knowing annoyed Metallia something awful.

Creating the means to hack was most certainly within Metallia's capabilities. Just not something she had the means to do right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SimpleD
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Handing the injection to Jackel he smiled ”If you’re willing to try it go ahead, but I won’t promise there won’t be any side effects, though I’m sure someone like you can handle them”. Nergal explained, interested to see just how well the toxins would work, having only used his powers for killing people it was a new path to use them in more of an assistance way.


After they reached the city, Nergal was somewhat annoyed at the mission update ”You think information like this could have been given while we were flying in” He muttered to the group “I wonder if they’re leaving us in the dark on purpose, they don’t care enough to tell us in advance or if they are trying to keep information hidden from someone else”. None of the options were really an appealing answer, either the Presence was treating them like pawns or there was some kind of superhero working against them, which meant there was a possibility of one of them showing up to this heist. Nergal had always tried to stay low to avoid attracting any "do-gooders" but it seemed that would be coming to an end working for the presence.

As they made their way through the crowds, shooing away fans who got to interested in the group while they began discussing tactics and abilities, he couldn’t help but turn his attention the crowd wonder if there were any heroes hidden amongst them. Out of curiosity he asked the others ”So have any of you ever encountered a hero of any kind?”, phrasing the question in such a way that anyone overhearing it wouldn’t get an idea as to what they were up to, “Can’t say I’ve had the pleasure of meeting one myself so I wouldn’t know what to expect if we were to encounter one of them”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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… Metallia's expression twitched a little as Nergal asked about heroes. Multiple memories sprung to her mind about the matter. … Alright. If for the case of educating the inexperienced one...

‘... I have.’ She answered. ‘They're annoying people that get in your way when you're trying to accomplish your goals. They come in all shapes and sizes, they come alone or in teams. Those who come alone are typically fairly powerful, but this does not mean those in teams are necessarily weak. Regardless, they always come uninvited and seemingly out of nowhere.’ She gave Nergal a stale look, to see how he was listening up until now.

‘Their abilities are too varied to give examples of, and to talk about each I've seen would take too long for the time we have right now, I can go into more detail about the heroes I've faced at a later time, but they're typically very hard to kill. Many of them have powers that support them, but even those that don't should not be underestimated.’ There was a great deal of annoyance in her expression, which was speaking for the multiple losses she had suffered against their kind.

‘Many also have codes of honour. It can be easy to take advantage of it. More than once have I been able to take advantage of a hero's loss of fighting spirit upon seeing that his or her opponent was someone like me.’ There was a feeling of that Metallia's sense of superiority was insulted by such actions in her expression as she said that. Because, she obviously felt that they had insulted her by being unwilling to harm her. … Though, then there was that time...

‘... Then there are those that... don't.’ Metallia hesitated a bit in her word, thinking about the event. She turned her head forward again, her body tensing up a little at a particular memory. ‘I've met... at least one who hunted for the one who attacked with no mercy or hesitation, intending nothing more than to end my life for good. ...’ Metallia frowned, getting a little slower in her steps, recalling the rather frightening event...

‘... Regardless.’ Metallia sighed a little, regaining her cool and returning to the present. ‘As a group, we should be better suited to dealing with the typical hero-attack as a whole team compared to me when I was on my own. Though I was better prepared when I was on my own... She grunted something. ‘Then again, I never attacked something as big and valuable as a central bank in a big city, either. I cannot promise the accuracy of my own experiences. Be on your guard.’ She breathed out in satisfaction after her own rundown, slightly satisfied with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

"H-ha!" LL scoffed, catching up with the speakers after a short stop to pose for a photographer. "Don't even sweat it, you guy." He gave Nergal a strong pat on the back. "All this "watch-out-never-lose-your-cool" talk is just pish-posh. Only the guys without actual superpowers like all those tinkers and thinkers need to PREPARE." - It was completely impossible to discern whether the half-naked guy was taunting them or war actually serious - his face seemed completely unreadable behind the mask of joy and excitement. - "For us cool people capes aren't more dangerous than normal police. Just..." He paused for a bit and made an awkward gesture, "Don't get shot and you're pretty much set? Or punched. Or actually do. If someone gets all close to you, he's fucking toast, right? You just need to touch them - i bet no kind of superdurability will do jack against what you pack."
Loud Love suddenly looked Nergal right in the eye, intently and even unnveringly, as if he wanted to drill a hole in his skull:
"But can you actually handle that, m-m-m? Have you ever been the one to, uh, attack first? Kill for something other than self-defense? That's a really bad thing to do, you know?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Progenitus
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While group crossed one of the side-streets running in parallel to the Sonnemannstraße(if someone checked their maps they would found that is was Ostendstraße), careful observer might have noticed a large garbage truck with community service logo parked near the curb, out of the way; if one observed it carefully, they would have noticed breakdown signs around it and legs of the, presumably, one of the drivers sticking out from it on some sort of cloth, as well as the assortment of tools strewn around it and, presumably, a second driver leaning to its hull nearby, looking bored. They would have also noticed the usual to such vehicles stench, which workers tried to mitigate somewhat by covering the truck with the tarp. Somehow, the stench didn't seem to bother the, presumably, third member of their crew, young-looking girl in overalls that sat on her backpack and gleefully digged into what looked like one of the largest sandwiches most of the people ever saw.
If one would ignore the warning signs and the stench and go right to the garbage truck and press their ear right to it, they might just hear faint droning sound emanating from somewhere inside, which was drowned-out by the bustle of the commotion happening on the streets around. And if someone was to pull down the tarp and digged in the collected trash a little, they would discover strange, yellowish-gray, rubber-like substance that covered most of what was inside. But who would do that in their right mind, anyway?
Sophia lazily observed the intersection where she was told to wait for her new teammates' arrival. She arrived in the city yesterday evening, early on schedule, and was largely left to her own devices, so she decided to spend that time on something that might prove useful in the mission. She raided one of the speciality meat shops and emptied its stores, using the meat to raise her swarm, and hijacked one of the garbage collector trucks, which currently was packed chock-full of her hornets (she, of course, personally disabled the garbage compression system), its drivers infected by the swarm's larvae and currently busy imitating a "mechanical problem" which prevented them from moving - she hoped the team would arrive before someone actually bothered to try and evacuate the truck.
She squinted, spotting someone who looked like the Phone Freak in the crowd; it was hard to tell, due to all the costumed weirdos running around, but she looked like similar enough. She searched around for the additional matches and - sure enough, there they were.
She quickly finished her sandwich (hey, a girl's body has its needs, especially when it's tweaked for the explosive action), licked off her fingers and stood up, slinging on a backpack with equipment and fishing out a duffel bag with her costume and gear from behind the truck, and started moving at a fast pace towards the group.
Approaching them, she gave them the radiant grin and waved her free hand:
- Hey guys. Name's Maria. Sawbones when doing business. I'll be your medical support for today. So. - she levelled with them and looked them over - What's the plan? Boss-man didn't really clue me in, just told to meet with you here.
@Eyeruption@PlatinumSkink@SimpleD@Kiss Of Night@Gentlemanvaultboy@PatrickDrummer@Stekkmen@dragonmancer
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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The rest of the group surrounded her and Mako, their small moment of privacy torn away. Dianna flashed him a small smile, deciding to ask more about him specifically later on. At the moment, they were in the middle of the mission. While she found him an intriguing man, she couldn't stray from her task. This was why she was kept away from society, from men. They were so...distracting. The longer she spoke with him, the less she thought it was a bad thing. “I think it would be wise of us to team up, at the bank. For now, let's associate ourselves with the rest of the group. I do enjoy all the new friends I'm making.” She giggled, and turned to the others.

It was a mish-mash of conversation, but Dianna latched onto a topic for leverage. Nergal asked them all about their encounters with heroes, and Dianna brightened. She had met plenty heroes in her time working, though she was young she had already done very well in acquiring possible nemeses. She waited for Maverick to finish her piece, attention on the woman. Then, she herself spoke up. “I've also encountered some superheroes, they're cute. They always talk about morals, then they decimate half the city trying to capture me!” She smirked, looking around at her comrades.

She opened her mouth to speak once more, but was cut off by the arrival of a young girl. She was pretty, and apparently she was going to be their medical support. This almost made Dianna snort, she needed no medical support. Her healing potions were plenty. She introduced herself anyways, not caring about giving the girl her name. There was nothing that could be found on her, she didn't even have a birth certificate. Since the other members of the group got to know her name, Maria deserved the same. “I'm Dianna, nice to meet you, Maria.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"I've had D-listers after me." Phone freak said. "Local capes, not powerful, charismatic, or ambitious enough to make it into the big leagues. Steak-man, Mail-Order Hero, Zoo Girl, Arachnophineas," at that last name she let out a visible shutter. "Don't ever think for a moment someone isn't a threat just because they're an amateur with nothing but good intentions and a home made spider costume. I try not to fool around in A-list territory if I can help it. Those guys are crazy good and they all seem to know one another. My teacher," she said, with no small amount of pride, "used to tangle with that set. The only luck we have if one of them shows up is that they'll try their best to take us alive." @SimpleD


She almost told the next person that eagerly ran up to them to move along, except with far more four letter words, when she started speaking. The Presence had actually had the presence of mind to send someone to the city ahead of them? The impression that their mysterious boss was more competent than he let on was quickly diminished when Maria said that she had't been briefed on the plan either. For something so seemingly omniscient it was certainly stingy with details. Still, having a sawbone on hand made her feel a little more at ease.

"I'm Phone Freak." She said with a little nod of the head. "And nah, we don't have a clue either. It just said that it was going to lay out all our parts for us when we got there."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As Phone Freak and Dianna recounted past experiences with super heroes- Mail Order Hero sounded like someone she'd like to meet- someone by the name of Maria introduced herself. Like everyone else here, she always was being kept in the dark. Maverick raised two straight fingers to her forehead and gave a salute. "Maverick." Was all she said. She placed her hands in her pockets and kept walking forward. Downtown was getting closer into view.

She'd be lying to herself if she said there weren't a storm of butterflies in her chest. This was nerve-wracking. Calming down was a top priority, but until then she would keep her tough facade on and hide her trembling hands in her hoodie. Still, Maverick's voice had managed to stay steady so far. Showing weakness would probably not be preferable in a time like this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After the team met up with Sawbones, they made their way closer to the Central Bank. The large bank stood out when compared to the other buildings around the area and The Presence filled them in on what was going to happen next.

"Team, in about three minutes every single security camera and sensors will be taken down and you will all be broken up into two teams. Blood Fang, Loud Love and Metallica will be team 1 and go for the vault, while the rest of you are team 2. Team 2 will create chaos within the bank and attack the security guards. Do not worry about the authorities, I have some help who will keep them occupied when the security systems go down" The Presence said to them.

They waited for three minutes and at the exact moment of the third minute, there was a loud shout from a few dozen feet away.

"allahu akbar!!!" a large explosion then blasted apart a street and loud screams then followed.

"That's your diversion, now break into the bank. Team 1 will go through the side entrance, and Team 2 will smash through the main entrance." The Presence ordered.

Andrew was ready to see some action and even though he was a little bummed to be stuck getting the money instead of busting skulls, he would get to see all of the riches of europe. He carried with him a sack that The Presence instructed him to wear when they disembarked from the plane that brought them here and Andrew now guessed that it had something to do with storing the money.

He transformed into his werewolf form and quickly ran towards the side entrance and punched the door in. As The Presence had said, no alarms went off when the door was smashed and with the cameras off, the guards would be confused and easy picking for them.

"Blood Fang is in the house" he snarled with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"What?! That's it!? Smash and grab!?!? Are you kidding me!?!?!?" She whispered desperately at the communicator. "Hello? Hello!? I know you can hear me you son of a bit-"

Then the explosion happened, and Phone Freak took a few moments to let the cold knowledge that she was going to be put on a terrorist watch list seep into her mind. She watched as the wearwolf ran off. This was her life now, she decided: strapped to the top of a runaway train, driven by an idiot, that was about to jump the tracks and wipe out an entire preschool. "Damn it. Damn it. Shit!" Then she took off.

Her legs pounding on the pavement she fumbled fir her phone. Not her real phone. Her work phone. The Spellphone flipped open in front of her. It was blue, its screen displayed no background, and the numbers on the dial-pad had been replaced with arcane symbols that, when pressed in the correct order, should channel one of the spells built in to the phone. She dialed quickly, swept the phone out in front of her, and hit "Cast."

What leaped out of the phone wasn't so much an image or a shape. The first thing to come out was a noise. An oppressive sound filled the entire area that seemed to try and push its way past your eardrums and drive directly into your brain. It sounded like a dial-tone, and radio static, and a muffled scream all mixed into a single noise, and if you really listened occasionally you could make out a snippet of conversation. A word here, a sigh there, the stuttery little ums and ahs that never make it into the movies, and in the midst of it all those noises floated clumps of that awful silence that occurs when no one can think of anything to say. It filled the area for a moment, drowning out the distant screams and panic, before it began to move away. Compress. Coalesce.

All the sound that was released gathered up in front of Phone Freak, causing air to bend and ripple in unnatural ways until you could make out the shape of a thing, a vague outline in the air. Then the outline came together as the noise pushed all the air out of its way. A creature stood there. A huge man, over twice Phone Freaks size, green skinned, covered in stitches, and spindly like a spider. It wore a long white coat, torn and stained red and brown and yellow. Out of its back grew six additional arms, and in each malformed hand was a separate item. A handful of scalpels, a huge needle filled with a sloshing red liquid, an oxygen mask attached to a large cylinder that dragged along the ground, an orange bottle that rattled in the things shaky hand, a clipboard, and a long sewing needle with a thread that disappeared up its sleeve. It was wearing a face mask, had sunken eyes, and a stethoscope was fused to the things head in place of ears. Despite everything the creature didn't radiate bloodlust or fury. Sadness seemed to roll off it in waves, and it shivered like a leaf.

Phone Freak grunted as she felt the connection between her and it spring to life. They were hard to get into this world, but once they were here it took shockingly little power to maintain them. You could find some variant of Dr. Bad News here in any city with a working hospital and most that didn't. People got bad news from a hospital all the time, and neither the giver nor the received enjoyed it. The collective despair and dread of every cancer patient, every person who prayed for good news and was left hanging, every person that was terrified of what the doctor was going to say. You don't just get rid of emotions like that. They stay trapped in the lines, growing, and if some young Technomancer finds that ever growing clump of negativity she can put it to work.

"Go." She said. The Dr. Bad News let out a mournful wail and plowed through the front of the bank, scattering glass everywhere. People, already disoriented from the explosion and the noise, fell back and scattered. A security guard went for his gun and the Doctor threw out its stitching needle. It struck the poor man right in the arm, poking out the other side. The man dropped his gun as the Doctor yanked the cord, drawing the poor man into its grasp and holding him against the ground.

Phone Freak stepped out from around the creature and rushed up to the dropped gun. She pointed it into the air, letting off three shots into the air and willing the speakers on her mask to maximum volume. "EVERYBODY BE COOL THIS IS A ROBBERY. I DON"T WANT YOUR LIVES, JUST YOUR MONEY."

This didn't have the result she expected. Usually people stopped panicking, or at least stopped doing it so loudly, when she spoke in a clear authoritative voice and there was a monster growling at them over her shoulder to drive the point home. There was no effect here, and as two more guard lined up shots she realized why. "OH SHIT, I DON'T SPEAK GERMAN!" She said, diving for cover as the two opened fire. Dr. Bad News let out another wail and rushed forward, backhanding the men across the room. Phone Freak turned back to the entrance, to her cohorts. "ANYBODY SPEAK GERMAN?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 12 days ago

Ed ducked for a second because the explosion actually started him "Son of a bitch!" he exclaimed. Looking up from where he was Ed saw Phone Freak charge in with some monster thing. He got up and ran to the front entrance running past Phone Freak and to the front desk hopping over the counter and dropping his bags to the ground. Ed smirked when he saw Phone Freak fail at controlling the people, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Reaching inside one of the duffel bags he pulled out a UMP45 loaded a fresh clip in and shot a few rounds into the air as well. "Dies ist ein Raub! Jeder bleiben ruhig wir wollen Ihr Geld nicht Ihr Leben! Bleiben Sie auf dem Boden und niemand wird verletzt!"("This is a robbery! Everyone remain calm we want your money not your lives! Stay on the ground and no one gets hurts!") he shouted over all the screaming. To his surprise it actually worked except for a few stragglers who made it to the outside. This wasn't his first time robbing in German so Ed obviously knew how to take control. Sadly he doesn't know much else for German besides that line and a few things the police would say.

"Hey Phone Freak might want to take cover because when the cops show up somethings telling me that bomb scare is gonna be bringing some more than the usual." he told his teammate hoping she would do what he said. Ed proceeded to take out more guns and lay them out at his disposal of course each of them were loaded and ready. "Now we wait..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maverick's heart dropped into her stomach when the explosion went off. She hesitated for a moment, and covered up her ears when Phone Freak summoned that awful behemoth. Her eyes widened, and her adrenaline started rushing. She unzipped her hoodie and reaches for an inner pocket. She grabbed the handle of a pistol, and pulled it out. She pulled back the slide to confirm that it was loaded. When she reached for something else inside her hoodie, this time it was a small cylindrical device. She kept it in her right hand. Luckily enough, Phone Freak's monster didn't instantly murder the police officer.

"Everybody stay cool!" She shouted over the chaos. This was directed towards the more aggressive members of their team. Specifically Blood Fang.

"Don't fucking kill everyone," She said hoarsely, looking over with wide eyes at Loud Love, Metallica, and Blood Fang. There was pleading in her voice. She walked over to a nearby civilian who was frozen in place. Focusing, Maverick's hand tingled. With a small shove, she sent the man skidding across the well polished floors and he ended up sitting against a far wall.

She gestured to the ground with her pistol. The man nodded and the other civvies got down as well.

She looked to her team to see what they should do with these innocent bank-goers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Progenitus
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Sophia heard the announcement that they would have three minutes, then they would have to rush a bank.
On one hand, her conscious mind balked - frontal assault? With their forces?
On another hand, her subconscious, staying ever-true to its practical streak, went about its way preparing her for the shit to go down, utterly disregarding civilians:
One. Her hands dive into her pocket and fix her braided hair to her head with a small clip, safely out of the way.
Two. She pulls at the strings on the straps of her backpack, and it unfolds, transforming into her equipment vest and revealing the back-mounted storage unit underneath.
Three. She fixes the clasps and adjusts the straps on her vest.
Four. Out of the duffel bag come her (currently looking like some high-tech tubes) forearm tool mounts and gloves, which she quickly drops over her hands and presses the unremarkable black buttons near her elbows. With hissing sound they compress, fitting over her hands skin-tight.
Five. Out of the same duffel bag comes her belt with several streamlined containers, which she promptly clasped around her waist and connected some of the boxes to the back unit. Next come two sheathes - one with the long knife with pommel engraved with some sort of symbols, other with the futuristic-looking device resembling both blasters from the movies and a nail gun. Both were placed on the belt, with the "gun" being connected to the belt unit.
Six. She took out her mask and placed it over her face, letting holding clasps to safely hug her head and watching the boot sequence on her HUD-glasses inside. She continued her suit-up sequence while watching the run-down of the diagnostics.
Seven. With a series of clicks, she methodically took out of the duffel bag and affixed on her vest series of small containers and capsules looking like they were produced from the same form of lightweight polymer that consisted its internal plating, filling out her inventory.
Eight. She took out thin tubes from the unit behind her back, each of which ended in a needle and carefully threaded them through specially-prepared hidden ports, inserting them in the blood vessels in her back and then covering them under armour plating. The contraption gently hummed, pumping clear liquid into her veins.
Nine. She gritted her teeth, trying to prepare for what's coming, but still winced when she pressed hidden pressure points on her chin, angrily hissing in pain. Her breathing became faster, world around her becoming a little bit slower while her body suddenly thrummed with released energy.
Ten. She let her braid down and slid back the armoured cap connected to her mask, covering her head and finishing her preparations.
All said and done, it took her just under three minutes - careful design and, perhaps more importantly, drills in putting it on paid off.
After explosion she briefly considered gassing or shooting civilians fleeing the scene to create an additional barrier for the arriving law-enforcement forces, but decided against it: in doing so she would alert any law-enforcement arriving about necessity of NCB countermeasures; and she frankly did not see the point in harassing civilians if that was not the most expedient course of action.
As such, she simply ran after her teammates, detaching her dispensing unit from her belt on the run and booting up the smartsight on it.
Once inside and away from the front doors, though, she quickly measured the situation and for a moment stood still, deciding what to do next. Then the evacuation plan caught her eye. She memorized it and looked to her teammates, speaking through the comms:
-- First. We're going to wait for justice forces right here, in the lobby? Second. Anyone wants to sweep the floor for stragglers so we won't get hit in the back by security? Third. Someone's planning to use people here as shields?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Dianna frowned, why did team one get to have all the fun? She doubted the others would let her do anything other than paralyze, and that had to have been the worst assignment so far. She didn't seem fazed by the explosion, she had heard worse. The screams of innocents didn't bother her, the only thing that really interested her was Phone Freak’s little summon. She watched with slight interest as it charged through the glass panes of the bank. They were unorganized, no clear leader or direction. Everyone just charged. It was kind of cute.

Dianna took her time, in the midst of the panic and confusion she waved her hand over her clothes. They transformed into a magicians costume, every detail perfect from the top hat to the coat tail. Her bandolier stretched out across her costume, potions glittering with magical essence. The hilts of her daggers stuck out menacingly from their sheathes. She wore a half mask, similar to that of The Phantom of the Opera.

She strutted into the bank, where hostages were pressed up against the walls and most security guards had been dealt with. There were other floors of course, and they would have to make sure those were handled. “How chipper!” She stated merrily, clapping her hands together. “I plan on using the hostages as shields. Very effective, even though I don't necessarily need it.” Her finger moved over them, as if to choose a subject from the crowd.

Instead of picking right away, she took off the ring that was Ms. Muffins II and tossed it onto the ground. Before it could roll away, she pointed at it and muttered in Latin. Out popped the cute -albeit confused- Ms. Muffins II. No one had time to let their guards down and watch her stretch and mewl, because moments after her intial transformation, Ms. Muffins II took another shape. This time it was the form of a female lion. She prowled around the room, getting in people's faces, batting at them with her giant paws, and causing them to scream and press against the wall. Black Magic found the act endearing, she was learning well.

“Sawbones is right about covering our bases. Who wants to come scope out the upper floors with me? We need to secure the building while our friends get the gold. Then we can have our fun.” She giggled, looking around the room for any takers. If she could choose, she would have picked Phone Freak. She wanted to show that girl what real magic was. If not her than Ed, he worked well with a gun. Anyone that wouldn't spout some nonsense about the lives of a civilian was a perfect choice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

It would appear that the individuals with actual powers had different impressions of heroes than Metallia did. … On the other hand, she didn't know the level of their opponents. In any case. It seemed they were joined by a new individual.


‘... Metallia.’ She introduced herself to the new person, before handing over another of the communicators she had shared with the rest earlier (which I'm not sure if everyone acknowledged or completely dismissed, but just in case. Not sure if the Presence communicator could do the same). ‘Press the button to talk. Use the switch to specify a single communicator if you just want to talk to one specific person.’ Brief explanation that we'll assume explained everything.

Now, then. It appeared it was time to start...

@Weird Tales

‘Metallia.’ Metallia frowned in deep annoyance as she corrected The Presence of all individuals on her name. What was that k-sound!? Where did it come from!? It made her name sound more vile than graceful! … Which might be fitting here, but still! … So they were going to stash 3 billion whatever currency... in a sack. Okay.

… There was that explosion. A voice which called out something Metallia didn't feel any desire of being associated with. … That was supposed to be a distraction? …

‘How unrefined.’ She complained with an annoyed tone, turning intending on getting going, when...


… Maverick pleaded her and the others not to kill anyone, with a swear-word. Metallia turned her head, giving her a stare with blank eyes. She didn't respond, but she analysed Maverick for a moment. … That was some statement, considering what side she was on. Given the explosion, The Presence clearly cared naught for human lives. It didn't matter to Metallia if people died or not, but neither did she take joy in needless killing. However, she couldn't answer for the rest. … She wouldn't save anyone's life, but for Maverick's sake, she decided not to kill anyone. … And she also felt an unexplained desire to say “Metallia”, as if to correct Maverick, but Maverick hadn't actually said her name wrong, so Metallia didn't act on it.

Now then.

The Presence had not specified if he wanted her robots or not. Was that in preparation for the escape? Was her robots to stand by until they were fleeing? Possible. However, she greatly doubted that he intended her to be completely useless in there. As such, she took her cap and stashed it in a pocket. She took her head-piece and put it on her head, her two black transmitters and receivers instantly giving her complete awareness of her robots. They were in the garage, as she had left them.

Metallia dashed after Blood Fang. Of course, she was quickly getting exhausted, due to the lack of personal exercise. But, that didn't matter. As soon as she reached the door, her char and its two metal arms reached her. She jumped, and the R5 swooped in, curved, and let her land in it. Her hands took their places to the right and left of it. Now she suddenly realized she didn't actually need to enter herself, she could have just used the R5 to enter on its own. … Eh. She forgot due to The Presence's orders.

Alright. So if she wasn't supposed to kill, then bullets and explosives were out of the question. That left... her flying chair's two big metal arms that she controlled with magnetism. Well. This was going to be extraordinarily violent for a non-lethal option. No matter. She entered the building from said side-entrance along with the wolf-man.

‘... Let's get this over with.’ Metallia commented, intending on smacking down guards that decided to be in their way with her chair's heavy metal arms so they'd stay down on the floor. She'd just sit there in her floating chair, her face expressionless as she flew forward, while those metal arms swung for any enemies. She did not fear guns or bullets. Her magnetism would handle those.
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