Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: @Bright_Ops
Mentioned: Open

Kai had to admit that the magician's tricks with the deck of cards were pretty cool, although he tried his best to not get fooled. With a smirk, he placed the card back on the second half of deck that the magician held in his hand and waited expectantly. "I wonder what exactly you're gonna do... You better not make my wallet disappear like our little friend's over there has," Kai said and pointed with his thumb at No behind him. "Not like I am accusing you of anything..." Kai added, just to make sure the man didn't take what he said the wrong way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Keith
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open, @Vec@KoL Mention:@Holy Soldier@Halvtand@Fetzen@Cyrania@JackalopeLove@Raizin@Ayemdar

With the card placed, Keith offered the cleric a warm, playful little smirk before the selected card disappeared in the deck as he made its various parts dance in his hands in what he would happily admit to himself was a rather impressive display of shuffling. Of course, the shuffling was just part of the trick; Out of everyone in the area, he figured that only one... maybe two of the more... shady looking patrons nearby would have been able to follow what he had actually with their eyes and only if they were actively watching closely for it. The werewolf might also have been able to figure out some of the behind the scenes part of the trick, depending on if he had developed his sense of smell correctly to follow the clerics scent... and cared enough to do so.

Restoring the deck to its normal form, he offered the cleric a grin... before the deck burst into flame in his hands and he threw the cards towards the table in the middle, the cheap material they were made of burning away and the fires fading before any of them hit wood. With the up most confidence (And no doubt the attention of everyone present now), he calmly walked around the people until he was beside the rather cute gnomish woman whom was present. Kneeling down beside her so that he was more head height with her, he offered her a disarming grin as he bowed his head and reached out to take her hand, politely kissing the back of it before looking her in the eyes. "Forgive me for bothering you my lady, but could you check inside of your left shoe? I believe I misplaced something belonging to my cleric friend there."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends behind the bar counter with Jezebel
Tagging: Open, @Fetzen@Vec@Halvtand Mentioned: @Cyrania@JackalopeLove@Ayemdar

No glanced back at the gargoyle who denied having taken his wallet. The two thieves didn’t seem interested in his ordeal and he hadn’t seen them take it from him. He knew thieves were good but he doubted the ones before him were that good. A card magician came out of nowhere, wanting to add more chaos and banter that was already swirling around the guild table. The noise was frustrating him for he was desperately trying to concentrate in order to think about where he had lost it.

A knight came before him, having seen his distress and attempted to comfort him.

Calm down, man, you are making a spectacle of yourself!...Settle yourself, please, I have yet to face a crook so hell-bent on death as to even think of robbing someone who carries around enough metal to supply a smith for a year. Call on your memory and you will surely find your money left beside the bed in which you spent the night.

No listened to the knight’s words of wisdom, and checking his room hadn’t seemed like a bad idea.

Do you really think that whoever stole it – if it was even stolen and you’re not forgetting where you put it – would reveal themselves? Oh yeah! I did it!

No briefly glared over at Kai before he told the knight on a grumble, “I’ll go check my chambers.”

The barbarian glanced over to his great sword, grasped its handle, and raised it to lock it into the harness at his back. He left the rowdiness that surrounded the table and stared up the stairs, starting to feel a little silly for having gotten so riled up. His coin purse could easily still be in the room and perhaps even next to the bed as Seth declared.

When No fished the iron key out of his pouch, he unlocked the door and stepped in the bedroom that was stale and musky with several smells that most would find unpleasant. His golden eyes roamed the room. The scattered sheets, the bear fur covers spilling over the side, the bottles of alcohol all over the floor. Hell, there was even a keg. No blushed a little and ran a hand back through his hair. He had drank a lot.

Stepping further into the room, he saw a large blood spot on the bed with shattered glass around it. The dragon’s hand went to the spot of dried blood on his forehead where Gwendolyn had healed him. Rubbing the spot, while his mind was deep in recollection, he was gradually starting to remember last night. He heard the smash of a bottle echo through his conscience, and then the world spun and his vision sank into darkness. Smashed bottle…the tavern whore…

His nose wrinkled like the snout of an enraged beast. No grasped the feather-stuffed mattress and flipped it. Feathers scattered about the room. There was a chamber pot beneath the bed, but there was nothing else. Not even the chime of coin had struck the floor. He walked over to the night stand and pulled out the drawers to find them bare. Of course they would be, for he hadn’t used them. He had removed his gear right on the floor. It had to have been the whore!

The dragon snarled and stormed out of his room, stomping the mattress on the way out. “YOU THIEVING WITCHES! YOU DARE STEAL FROM A DRAGON?”

Jezebel, who was cooking in the back, sauntered out of the kitchen with a ladle in her hand. She was making a thick breakfast rabbit stew with some hard-boiled eggs thrown in. The guild had gathered early, but she knew the regular crowd would be in soon. The blonde bombshell stepped behind the counter with a hand upon her hip, wearing her wench’s gown that did a mild job hiding the bounty of her bosom. She watched the barbarian ominously descend the stairwell—his eyes were glowing a little or her eyes were playing tricks on her.

“What ye roarin’ about? Ye gave Boo-Boo a good time last night, I ‘eard. She could barely walk outta ‘ere. Were ye not satisfied?” Jezebel asked.

No didn’t even stop and Jezebel’s blue eyes shined with fear when his large hand was suddenly about her thin and delicate throat. He bent the waitress back over the counter. She attempted to swing the ladle damp with soup at him before he snagged her wrist and pinned her arm against the countertop. Knowing that it was hopeless to try and escape the barbarian’s clutches, Jezebel hung her head over the counter. Her golden locks tumbled like a curtain as her eyelids hung with little amusement.

“Don’t **** with me, witch!” No growled. “I know she stole my gold!”

“Yeh? What proof ye got?” she asked.

A sadistic grin cracked on No’s face as he leaned over her and enlightened her about himself: “You know, girl…I used to be a very…very ferocious creature. I killed your heroes, I killed your legends, and I killed your gods. Do you want to know what I did to thieves who stole from my lair?”

The dragon answered his own question by gripping her throat. The sudden vice-like pressure, closing off her pipes caused Jezebel to gasp and panic. She kicked and squirmed, trying to wrench her arm free of his grip. No’s eyes were a sanguine-red as he watched her struggle and gasp. This moment took him back. It took him back to the power he once had before he was reduced to his human shell. No one dare try to make a full of him, insult him, and live to commit such offenses.

“Slowly…” No told her. “I can make you suffer like this for a long time. So you better tell me. Did she steal my gold, and how are you going to pay me back?”

Tears welled in Jezebel’s eyes as she hopelessly clawed at his muscled arm that felt like solid-rock.

“A-A (gasp) AYE!” she cried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - the counter
Tagging: @Holy Soldier

"That's enough, No!" The mage calmly said, anger pouring from her eyes and adding bite to her words. She was at her wits end regarding this barbarian. First, he comes on hard to her. Then, he accuses the gathered guild members of stealing, disrupting her attempts to start a meeting. Now, he was about to either murder the counter girl or force her into something to pay him back. Gwen understood being angry about being stolen from, but this was taking it too far. "The girls here have a reputation for robbing their victims while performing their 'services.' Sorry for your lost, but you choose to bed one and therefore face the consequences. If you would kindly release her and come back to the table, we can finally have our guild meeting and then you'll have an opportunity to earn the gold you lost. Maybe she could arrange it so that the gold stolen from you would be added to whatever quest you undertake and that can be your portion, if she can't refund you right away. All that requires that you release her now. We're guests of the Bridgewater Tavern. The guild would have to meet somewhere else if you angered the owner by killing or forever traumatizing the counter girl. Then we would have no access to the mission board and no way to make money. Do you really want that?"

The elf stood there, waiting for his response in silence, prepared to draw her bow if he did try to attack her. She wasn't optimistic about her chances, but it was something. Gwen also sent some healing energy to the girl, no sense letting her die while waiting for the big dope's response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends with No cleaning
Tagging: Open, @Cyrania Mentioned: N/A

That’s enough, No!

The barb looked up to glare across the room at the elf who had rejected him earlier. His grip hadn’t let up on the tavern wench as he regarded Gwendolyn with narrowed and burning eyes. As she explained why he should release her and not tear her head right from her shoulders, the dragon’s expression gradually shifted from anger to slight embarrassment.

The girls here have a reputation for robbing their victims while performing their ‘services.’ Sorry for your lost, but you chose to bed one and therefore face the consequences…

“That’s…that’s ****ing bull****!” No growled.

The elf continued to drop her points on him, making him feel all the more like a fool. Jezebel noticed the dragon’s grip release on her neck and she laid there in relief, panting as she tried to calm her nerves and catch her breath.

“Ye…(pant) best not…(pant) try orderin’ soup (pant) from me,” Jezebel warned.

The guild would have to meet somewhere else if you angered the owner by killing or forever traumatizing the counter girl. Then we would have no access to the mission board and no way to make money. Do you really want that?

Speechless and still lost in his embarrassment, No released Jezebel and stepped back from her. The blonde wench sat up, rubbing her neck soothingly as she coughed. She then pointed her ladle at him and hissed: “I should t’row ye out!”

She then hopped down from the counter and brushed off her dress as she kept the fact that she had secretly liked it to herself.

“I should call t’ee guards and ‘ave ya locked up for assaultin’ me. Ye a barb, t’ey’d lock ye up in a ‘eartbeat. No gold. No adventures for ye,” Jezebel threatened.

The barbarian was looking like a pup who was told ‘no!’ Jezebel narrowed her eyes up at him, crossed her arms beneath her bosom, and cocked her hip.

“I know what I’ll do wit’ ye. Ye kin’ ‘elp me clean t’is dump before t’ee crowd trickles in. I might even pay ye some coppers fer it. Come wit me. Ye eit’er clean or go t’ee jail.”

No scowled and sighed heavily as he followed the wench into the kitchen. After a few moments, he emerged wearing a pink frilly apron that had looked like it had come out of the cash shop and holding a broom. He had to sweep the place and then mop up all the vomit, piss, and whatever else was about the floor.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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The gargoyle blinked a few times in quick succession as his mind was trying to compile what the black haired, but quite attractive looking human male had said to him and to that furious other man that had lost his wallet. After a few seconds of thinking, he could not deny that there was a certain degree of wisdom in his words. More than that: He had managed to deliver his message without immediately heating up the situation even more. Given that No appeared to be the social equivalent to a barrel of highly flammable oil while he himself, admittedly, was a giant tripwire hooked up to a box full of caltrops that waited to come crashing down on the poor man that triggered the trap, this could be considered a major achievement. Did this unlock on Steam ? At least it netted Seth an acknowledging nod of Kerylun's head.

No disappeared. Probably several people here now hoped that he would find his missing coins, Kerylun suspected. The opposite of it happened, and the pretty defenseless waitress had to take the brunt of the consequences. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see and hear Gwendolyn making an attempt to stop him, at least this time not with using her bow. Her obviously being an Elf kept his sympathy for her at a fairish level so far.

Her attempt to convice him appeared to work. If it had not, he would have decided to step in between them and act as a barrier against possible mutual threats. This behaviour wasn't getting them anywhere except out of the tavern. When No ended up with having to shine the floor, Kerylun tried to make a bit of a mock out of him. "I suggest you work slow and with love to detail." the gargoyle shouted. "It will keep you away from this table for a longer time." and a laugh followed. Then, he adressed the man who had managed to keep his dispute with No at bay. "Hey, what's your name ?" and his claws made a gesture indicating that Seth should sit down next to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Raven
Level: 1
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Thief
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The meeting spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: @Cyrania Gwendolyn Mentioned: @Holy Soldier No

Raven watched as more guild members piled in the tavern. They looked more like a team of misfits then anything else. She sighed, As long as they make me some gold, I don't care what they look like. She thought to herself. Her friendliness and patience were running dry, she was ready to get down to business now. Raven could be off on contracts actually making gold, instead of wasting time on this drama.

Raven chuckled at No. The man actually thought the tavern girl wanted some of him, how cute. Raven spent a lot of time in this tavern, a lot of her targets frequented here. Even she knew the tavern girls were thieves, but it's not like she would say anything. Why would one thief rat out another? Plus, Raven admired the girls. There's no way she could put up with the men that they do.

Raven looked around the table and spoke, "I'm with Gwendolyn. Can we get this meeting going? Time is gold." She pursed her dark violet colored lips and waited for, hopefully, the start of the meeting.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raizin
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Raizin Dick Grayson is best Robin

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Day/time:day 1/morning
Location: the meeting spot in the main lounge of the greased oak
Tagged:@Holy Soldier Mentioned:@Bright_Ops@Vec@JackalopeLove@Halvtand

Reavus finished the pie in time to see the large man come out of the kitchen wearing a pink apron, and although his pie eating had distracted him from knowing what happen. He only needed to see this to know that the man had pissed off someone."hey at least most of its yours" Reavus said laughing. He then turned to the table to see that most people had become entertained by the magician or were talking amongst themselves. Then the theif looking girl at the table asked if we could start cause time is money "im ready when you guys are"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 3 mos ago

”Well, that went better than I thought” Seth thought to himself as he saw his words sink into the skulls of the two heated men, they almost appeared to shrink as the steam left them. The man left the room, a tad ashamed according to Seth, to check his room. As he stamped out Seth stood still in silence, breathing, thinking, trying to figure out the next move. The air was still a bit heavy with conflict and chaos. Someone had to try and get everyone sorted out, if the guild could not be left in the same room for more than a few minutes without a fight breaking out, then the guild was surely doomed.

The man… Barbarian… Seth made a mental note to ask for everyone’s name properly, identifying people based on primary characteristics would not only get old fast, but could wear down a patient man in no time. Anyway, he was only gone for a few seconds before a great crash could be heard from the rented rooms, followed by heavy footsteps. He came like a storm, rushing into the room and almost instantly assaulted a tavern worker who’d been daft enough to step out of the kitchen area when she heard the man screaming. As he picked her up by the throat Seth’s legs were moving, one hand on his sword, ready for battle. Guild or not, he could not allow such an unwarranted attack on a woman. Then a voice from behind stopped him dead in his tracks and sent a chill up his spine. So calm, yet with an unmistakeable dagger hidden behind the words. The barbarian heard it too, and once again the musclebound man seemed to shrink before Seth’s very eyes as the words chiseled away at his stubborn rage.

Seth turned to see that the words belonged to the elf with the bow. He hadn’t recognised her voice, but he could now clearly see that she was not simply another elf girl with a bow and mighty ideas about herself. Then the monster started shouting things which broke the spell on Seth and he twirled around so fast that he almost got a bit dizzy only to take in, all at once, the big, manly man in an apron that would’ve looked ridiculous on a five year old girl, sweeping the floor. It took all of his available concentration to keep himself from bursting into laugher, complete with pointing and knee-slapping. Somehow, with his lips firmly held shut with his teeth, Seth managed to keep quiet. At least until his brain could decode what the monster had shouted.

He’d only gotten a few steps, only just past the monster, which was a surprise to the knight of Valeria. In his mind he’d been almost there, sword half drawn, cut aimed at the barbarians outstretched arm. It had felt so close and real that he’d felt the weight of his sword in his hand. But there he stood, sword in the scabbard, only three or four steps away from where he’d been standing.

His closeness to the monster helped, and he was about to calmly ask the thing not to taunt a man who tried to right his wrongs, but was asked for his name before he could gather his mind into a complete sentence so he dropped it.
He flashed a smile at the monster, trying his best to not let its inhuman appearance get the better of him. He dipped into a deep bow before the great beast, one hand on his chest, the other holding the sword in place, and came up again talking.
“My name is Seth of Valeria, last knight of the house Valeria. I doubt you’ve heard of me or my family, for we are not native to these parts. “ He noticed the monster motioning him to sit down, but did not dare to get within range of those claws before he’d had a chance to evaluate the beast’s character.
“You know, this all reminds me of a verse I learned once in my younger days… Something like;
Oft, though their hearts lean towards one another,
friends are divided at table;
ever the source of strife 'twill be,
that guest will anger guest.”

He was about to prod the beast about how he and the burly man may be more alike than apart, but as soon as he’d recited the verse two voices were raised, calling for the guild meeting to start. They were right of course, it was the whole point of them all being in the same place. They were banding together for money and fame, easier won as a group than alone.
“Quite right, you two” He said aloud as he turned away from the beast. “We’re all here for that meeting, so let’s all settle down and get to it, shall we?” He glanced over to the burly man in the apron just to make sure he could be heard clearly even that far away.
“If you don’t mind me taking the proverbial first step here… We need to do two things to begin with…” He held up two fingers, counting down as he spoke “One, divide us into suitable teams to tackle quests as efficient as possible. And two elect leaders for said teams that decide which quests, tactics and team members are best suited. All agree?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern -the meeting table in the main lounge.
Tagging: @Halvtand Mentioned: @Raizin@Ayemdar@Holy Soldier

Gwendolyn sunk back into her seat, full of relief and surprise. It had actually worked! She had thought the dope wouldn't be reasonable and a brawl would ensue, which she would have had a small chance of surviving without backup. But he had actually listened, stopped, and was now cleaning in that ridiculous apron. She grabbed another slice of apple pie and waited for the meeting to start, others were also ready. Then finally the knight called for order.

“Quite right, you two” He said as he turned away from the beast. “We’re all here for that meeting, so let’s all settle down and get to it, shall we?” He glanced over to the burly man in the apron.
“If you don’t mind me taking the proverbial first step here… We need to do two things to begin with…” He held up two fingers, counting down as he spoke “One, divide us into suitable teams to tackle quests as efficient as possible. And two elect leaders for said teams that decide which quests, tactics and team members are best suited. All agree?”

"Agreed." Gwen replied. "I think we've all seen enough to know the suitability of some people to be leaders." She glanced meaningfully towards No.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by JackalopeLove
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JackalopeLove A Loser

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: "Elel".
Level: 1.
Race: Elf.
Class: Bandit.
Date/Time: Day 1/Morning.
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar,@Cyrania, @Fetzen @Raizin @Bright_Ops.

Well, this place has officially gone off the crazy train, so much is happening and everyone is arguing while Elel sits in her seat now weirded out by everyone. There is some dude playing with cards and pulling them out of the gnomes shoe and the fire breathing idiot strangling a girl because he can't find his purse. It seemed the only person that had similar interests as Elel was the half-elf thief but of course they had things in common because their professions were very similar.

Then a very annoying voice chimed in "I think we've all seen enough to know the suitability of some people to be leaders." it was that oh so pretty white mage elf.

Elel decided to finally chime in also "Hey I have an idea! How about we have little miss 'I can heal head wounds' be the leader of one of the groups. I am sure she would be amazing!" Elel said sarcastically towards Gwendolyn. Elel didn't know why but she just didn't like Gwendolyn it might be because she is such a goody-goody or maybe because she has a dumb face, either way, Elel did not enjoy her existence.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Seth collected a skewed, but not unfriendly glance from Ker. What was all that fuzz about reciting verses ? The gargoyle didn't understand it. However he knew that this likely wasn't anything an educated man like Seth had to be worried about. The gargoyle lacked the cultural education to understand this properly. Of course, the grey creature didn't reveal this.

With a noticeable degree of cheerlessness the one that constantly was considered a monster acknowledged the knight's denial of his request. Amber eyes followind Seth as he turned away and began his speech. The fact that, in the meantime, a whole deck of cards had been vaporized by a flamboyantly dressed, very slim man that called himself a 'Magician', had completely passed him. This lump or arrogance that was busy with his penalty was such an attention whore... The gargoyle would have enjoyed watching Keith's tricks, bristling with sheer agility and experience, much more. But he had missed everything.

"I vote against myself being the leader, because everybody's darling will soon be everybody's idiot and I don't consider myself to be suitable for the job, for multiple reasons." He absolutely did not glance over to this new one-man cleaning squad the tavern had hired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

-Ignore this-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Alexander Salzar
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Entrance => Meeting spot
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar, @Cyrania, @Vec, @Raizin, @Bright_Ops, @Halvtand, @Fetzen, @JackalopeLove, @KoL.
Mentioned: -

“Damn it, damn it, damn it.” Alex kept cursing at himself. Coming in late was hardly a good first impression. And he worked so hard to be professional! His clothes were clean again, his orb polished and he was ready to prove himself to the other guild members. He wasn’t entirely sure what the task at hand would be for him. But alas, he wanted to be prepared. Though he wished he had just a little more time and coins so he could maybe cook up a potion at the tavern’s alchemy station. Alas, some things could not be. Eventually, he reached the Greased Oak. A tavern he was not entirely familiar with. Alex was new to Bridgewater, having previously lived at another little town where he mostly did the same work. Until a corrupt sheriff thought it good to suddenly tax his line of business. After paying the clearly corrupt man he left the town for a greater opportunity.

One he got right now, as he entered the door and saw a group of unique individuals having gathered already. “Damn it.” He whispered to himself. Accursing the fact that he came in too late already. “Apologies for being late.” He didn’t really have a good excuse other than having overslept himself. “I hope I’m not interrupting any important decisions?” he asked no-one in particular but rather the whole group. Expecting to get an answer from at least one person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Shama Molokai
Level: 1
Race: Orc
Class: Knight
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Entrance => Meeting spot
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar, @Cyrania, @Vec, @Raizin, @Bright_Ops, @Halvtand, @Fetzen, @JackalopeLove, @KoL@Legion02
Mentioned: -

Shama entered the tavern and her black plated boots made a *thud* sound every time she took a step. Looking around she saw that she was already late to the meeting , probably everyone arrived and she was the last one to come.
She approached the table and took out her helmet. " Sorry for being late. A fair maiden needed some help and I couldn't refuse. Too bad the guy didn't expect me to come. " said Shama with a laugh at the end.
Looking at a waitress she yelled " Bring me some ale , will you ? I could use a drink after all that slaying ". She needed to boast about her deeds so that no one asks complain that she was late.
" The name's Shama Molokai. Killer of bandits , savior of the innocent and wetter of panties ! " said Shama with a grin or her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Riding the wave of success for a second longer Seth used the momentum to really take control of the situation and continued to talk with a loud voice taking care to be heard by the whole group.
“For those of you who does not know me by name, I am Seth of Valeria. You could say that I am the orchestrator behind this little gathering from now on known as the Eye of the Storm guild. I have a list here... “ Seth started patting himself down to find the piece of paper “Aah, found it. I have had a look at all of you and put you in teams depending on your specialities. So, the teams are as follows; Party 1: No, Gwendolyn, Elel, Lizzy, Kerylun and myself.” Seth read each name carefully and looked around the room to identify the people one at a time. With a face to each name, communication should be easier.
“As leader of this guild and a fighting member I am going to take the role of leader of party 1 as well.” He looked at the gargoyle Kerylun and the elf Elel.

“Party 2: Keith, Reavus, Raven, P4NDA and Shama. Ideally you guys need a ranged fighter of some kind, but we will assign you something to do where range does not matter for now. Do not worry, I am looking at new recruits every day, so we should sort this out shortly. You will need to elect a leader to coordinate with me about the quests and other important issues... Alexander Salzar, you are on your own for the time being. I have a special mission in mind for you, but if you would rather join a group you can talk to the leader of party 2. But wait until we have had a chance to talk.”

Seth gave everyone a short while to let the teams sink in before he moved on to the quests.
“Alright, everyone, settle down. Now that we all know each other, I am going to hand out your assignments. Alexander, could you please come over? And who has been elected leader of party 2? Would you have a stroll over here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern -the meeting table in the main lounge.
Tagging: @Halvtand@Raizin[@JakealopeLove]@KoL@Fetzen Mentioned: @Holy Soldier

"I'm going to be assigned with him?" Gwendolyn looked towards the obnoxious barbarian, wondering how on Rin would the mission not turn into a complete disaster if the two of them were on the same team. But her doubts were going to remain internal only. She needed the money. The Elf had used her last coin getting a room and food for the night. If the guild leader said they would have to be on a team together, then she would try to work with him. "Besides, the others seem competent at least." Gwen thought as she looked towards her other teammates. "We should be alright as long as he doesn't royally screw up. Good thing he wasn't assigned as team leader. Burr" She shivered a bit after that last thought then went towards the rest of her teammates while Seth handled the others.

"Well, I guess we'll be working together." She said when she was close enough to their places. Then the white mage extended her hand to whoever would take it. "I don't believe any of us has been properly introduced to each other. I'm Gwendolyn. You guys get hurt and I'll be there to heal them up."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: "Lizzy".
Level: 1.
Race: Gnome.
Class: Wizard.
Date/Time: Day 1/Morning.
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar, @Cyrania, @Vec@Raizin, @Bright_Ops, @Halvtand, @Fetzen.
Mentioned: -

"Hmm... how boring." Lizzy said after Kerylun turned his attention to some other place, leaving the gnome to her own devices, flipping the pages of a book she had brought with her casually. "I guess I'll have some of that as wel-Gah!" Lizzy gasped in surprise, or perhaps it was indignation when the pie brought in by their furry ally all but evaporated before her eyes. Certainly, this wasn't going to be a good day for her but still there was more to come.

"How convenient." Lizzy grumbled, like an old grumpy bear, when Keith kissed her hand out of the blue, she had been accompanying his trick for sometime, wondering how the others could fall for such an obvious con. Then again, she had nothing better to do, complying with his demands would be no problem, it not like he could have done something that escaped Lizzy's eyes, right?

"Ah! Ho-" Lizzy coughed, straigthening herself as she almost let out a surprised how, when she got the card from her shoe. She was certain that she kept an eye at Keith hands at all ties, and he wasn't doing any magic worthy of note. Lizzy tried to remain stoic, but her face betrayed her for a moment. "Hmm... not bad, I'll have you tell me how you do that, later." Was all that she said, waiting for hte reunion to get over and doing doing the good part of adventuring.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Keith
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open, @Vec@KoL@Raizin@Ayemdar@Ashevelendar
Mention:@Holy Soldier@Halvtand@Fetzen@Cyrania@JackalopeLove@Legion02

"Aw, but a magician never revels their tricks my lady... even to a woman as charming as yourself." Keith answered with a playful little smirk before politely taking the card that she was holding. Turning to look at the cleric, he showed the man the card as he asked "Is this your card?"

The fun and games came to an end as the leader of this little get together spoke up and started to explain who was teaming up with whom. Taking a moment to look around at the people he would be working with in the near future, he politely nodded his head as he felt the need to step up. "I'm Keith... I'm happy to take over for group two."
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