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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Location: Near the outskirts of the 'Gathering' - Able to see the tall mountains.
Interacting with: @Angel Eyes-Ioan (Collaboration)
Mood: Honored -> Wonder

Cespheus II approached him with a placid yet cautious expression, his eyes scanning Kanza up and down as if to confirm his thoughts. After a few seconds he became entirely dismissive, waving Kanza off as the 'kid advisor from the Longears'. With an obligatory greeting he walked away, back onto the oddly bamboo shaped carrier. With the now sheathed soldiers lingering behind him, warily keeping their peripherals on Kanza. He brushed off the remarks made by Cespheus II, he paid no mind to his indifference- infact Kanza could relate to it.

The two other figures stepped forward, one with stocky and short black hair. He looked experienced and well trained, if he had to guess it would be Wale Magnorium, head of the guard. Kanza's icy and sharp eyes bore into the young man, who then bowed and apologized for not having recognized him,

"... Apologies are unnecessary, I'm not of much importance to be known, nor do I have the intention to be." A genuinely rare, narrow smile crept up on his face before he continued, "Sir Wales, drop the 'Sir', I feel that it's too pompous to refer to someone like me."

Wales lifted an eyebrow curiously, "Modest. Thats a quality to be cherished. I understand Kanza."

The other figure, more feminine figure greeted him with a short 'Hello'. Kanza couldn't decide wether this individual was a male or a female, as ironic as it was. The voice was soft and high pitched, bearing a semblance to princesses in court. His purple, wispy hair seemed to flow against the wind. Kanza narrowed his eyes, trying to place a gender on this individual, and figure out who he/she is. After a few minutes of deliberation, he recognized him, Ioan du Van Nostrade. He shot off the same warning mimicking what Wales said earlier, something about him being more careful around these areas.

"I appreciate the courtesy." he said, his smile now gone and replaced with his natural rigid expression,"But I know my own way to my trib-"

Kanza's cut himself off, his gaze snapping onto the Lake. It's water beginning to glisten a royal yellow, illuminating the area around them softly. There is a quiet, peaceful thrumming that filled the air, a hum that almost sounds melodic. Kanza began to feel lightheaded, this rhythmic thumping felt nostalgic, as if he's heard this a million times before- but the Longears didn't have any instruments to make any tune similar to this almost angelic feeling.

Ioan felt a similar feeling it seemed. After Kanza had made it clear he could traverse these grounds on his own and the Hollatfoth tribe began to pull off, that sudden melodic glowing of gold light seemed to draw Ioan into it like a month. Almost immediately, he hopped out of the litter, almost toppling over the men who were carrying it, and slowly meandered closer and closer to the lake. What was this strange feeling? This humming. This golden light. Wale and Cespheus II and all the tribesmen were shocked as well, but for some reason, the marvelous watery beacon didn't effect them as it did Ioan.

Wale moved forth to grab Ioan, but the effeminate man only jerked away, almost as though involuntary. Ioan continued further, his focus on nothing but the golden lake that hummed like angels, luring him like a siren's song. Why did this remind him of a mother?

But now, even he was feeling a peculiar drowsiness wash over him as he sat by the lake and listened to it. The cherubic sounds flowed through his head and the winds, and then, out of the blue, his eyes swirled into a hazy whiteness and he began mumbling something very strange, incomprehensible to those around him. "אני אחד מן השמים והים. אני אקום שוב מן המצולות. אז בואו ביחד עדי החלום שלי."

"Ioan..." Wale muttered as he slowly moved forward , only to be stopped by Cespheus II who had a unprecedented grin on his face. It was safe to say, he was finally intrigued by something. "No..." he growled, moving Wale back with one hand, "Don't interfere. Let us see this play out..."

"אני אחד מן השמים והים. אני אקום שוב מן המצולות. אז בואו ביחד עדי החלום שלי." Ioan continued on, his cosmic words(or whatever it was he was saying) echoing and distorted with overlays of his own voice, like he was being possessed. And then, his body convulsed and he fainted in a fetal position, his hair sprawled out around him and partially dipped into the golden light. To be frank, Ioan was falling, once again, into the damsel in distress divison and on cue like a broadway play, Wale came to the rescue, whisking him away from this place.

Kanza himself didn't notice Ioan's otherwordly speaking, he himself teetered closer towards the ethereal glow of gold. With each step his mind strained as if a weight was added to his shoulders. His eyes began to glow a deific blue, and hummed in accordance with the thumping from the lake. Even when he tried shutting his eyes his body still moved forwards in the same direction like it has done this a million times before. His mouth spasmed open and close, moving at impossible speeds but no sound came.

The thumping became deafening at this point, the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat synchronizing with the symphonic sounds the odd blanket of yellow. He opened his eyes a little, and for some reason he felt he wasn't near the lake anymore. It was glazed and blurry, but he could tell he was in an enclosed area of beautiful marble and rock. He was speaking with another figure, taller in stature. Even through his cloudy vision he could tell that the person wasn't exactly pleased to be talking to him. They spoke in a language Kanza couldn't ever hope to understand.

"Անգամ, երբ դուք համարձակվում սահմանափակել իմ իշխանությունը" the figure looking down at Kanza said, it didn't help that there was this ear-splitting ringing present throughout.

"Սա էր ձեր սեփական եղաւ, ես զգուշացրել եմ բոլորին մեկը քեզ հավասարապես:" a voice came not from the imposing figure, Kanza felt that the voice was familiar- as if he's heard it somewhere before but he couldn't remember when. Soon he recognized that they were the only ones present in the spacious room, so the voice could be coming from none other than himself.

His head throbbed intensely, clasping his eyes closed again. With each and every blink, he returned to the Lake, but with another returned to the building of fine marble. At this point he dug his knees deeper into the dirt, it wouldn't stop shifting back and forth- normal to otherworldly, and from otherworldly back to normal. He bit his lip to push back his scream of anguish, so much so that he began drawing blood.

After a while of writhing in pain, Kanza gave in and everything finally faded to black and the next thing he knew was that he was on the back of a figure he didn't recognize. They were traversing the land at a fair pace. He couldn't even muster up any energy to check who it was and he lethargically lowered his head onto the person's back.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RedXCross
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RedXCross Dig, Dig, Dig...

Member Seen 5 mos ago

With Rimguage || Edge of Camp || Locked in Conversation
Mood: Curious


Numas’ eyes wandered over the trail of people that were coming in. All of them filled to the brim with excitement and energy like pups of the animal that marked their tribe. Numas looked away for only a moment as their eyes wandered to the mark on their hand. The strange colored shapes that were there for such a long time now made him wonder of their significance. They meant nothing to the Rumasra, that was for sure. But perhaps their connection met with the others…

Suddenly, Numas heard the clacking of objects and their eyes rose to see a large man approaching from the tribe below. Their air of significance and duty that mounted them like a heavy robe brought Numas to the assumption that the man was quite important in the Wolfrahg tribe. Perhaps he was even the heir that was getting married tomorrow. It was difficult to escape that information when everyone talked so much.

Why had humans put so much significance on this bond? It was definitely a question to ask oneself. Perhaps it had links to the divine.

”I can’t say I’ve seen you round before.” The man said with a rough tone. His whole posture commanded authority.

Numas took a moment. They stared at the man’s rugged face, the thick, jagged muscles that made his body, and then Numas’ eyes locked on the strange, jagged mark on the man’s chest.

“That mark…” he said, forgoing any level of dignity or formality, “Where did it come from? Why do you have it?”

Numas dragged their staff across the dirt and drew a line between the pair of them so they could lean in closer and get a better look.

“Curious. I have a strange belief that all of us will be coming together for some reason... What impulse causes our very-different clans to come together? Tell me, have you ever wondered what the divines must be thinking at this moment? Why do the bring so much attention to us tiny… humans?”

Numas cracked their neck, and gave the man a strong, stern look one last time as they anticipated what may come next.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Outside the Camp with Bahji || Mood: Ecstactic || Making conversation

Mentions: Bahji @Black Panther

Ophelia dropped her buckets and they clanked down beside her. She ran over to Bahji and threw her arms around his neck in a great bearhug - which looked a little silly, considering how tiny she was.

She fell backwards a little and her feet returned to the floor as she looked up at him with a big grin. "I'd know Iki's voice anywhere." she said as he nuzzled into her, and she threw her arms around his fur with a giggle, feeling his fluff through her fingertips.

"Opella how are you? it feels like its been so long since we last saw each other"

"It really has. I was still a kid when we last met, but I won't be tommorrow." she beamed at him then, finding the fluttering in her chest more exciting then scary. She looked over to see his bags were full from his last hunt.
"Are you excited for your ceremony?"

"Yes yes yes!" she gushed, "I'm a little intimidated, Roamwyn coming of age ceremonies aren't as intense as the Clan Gathering ones - honestly our ones can be pretty lowkey. But I'm so exicted!! Will you come, tommorrow?" she asked hopefully, her eyes drifting back to his gear.

"I see you've brought back quite a catch! You've gotten so good at hunting." Ophelia commented, seeing that Prince was the same as always - distant and aloof. "Can I feed him some meat? Oh! Wait! Did you get me a present?"

Howling in the distance told the pair they weren't alone, and Ophi glanced towards the horizon with a misty look in her eyes. The curse lands were dangerous, everyone knew that. They'd even moved the Clan Gathering slightly further away so as to avoid it's reach... but perhaps it wasn't enough. Being a Roamwyn - and a lover of tales - Ophi had heard the recent stories. Three clans had fallen to the curse now, each one further out. They said it was spreading.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Marketplace with Floran (@Melo) || Mood: Feeling Good || Making conversation

Mentions: Persephone@Write and Narcissa ( @Melo )
Collaboration with @melo

Alexis was happy to hear that her target was there after all. She moved towards the merchants and asked them more about her mark. After a few minutes of nagging them with questions she decided it's time to move on. See her target , observe their habits and such. It was the first thing an assassin , pardon me , a bounty hunter had to do.
As she moved through the many tents that had the signs of every major clan , even Karill from where she just returned , she thought she saw someone she hasn't saw in a long time.
She went straight to him to see if he was who she thought he is.
And there he was. Floran. Her old mercenary friend. Last time they've met was before the Karill job a few months ago.
" Floran ! Is that you , old friend ? " yelled Alexis when she approached him from behind. Her cloak was as always over her head so that her face couldn't be seen.

With the Craenak arrived and his job completed, Floran had left the Craenak encampments to look for people from the other clans. As practical as the craenak are, he much preferred the hospitality that some other clans offered. The Roamwyns and Wolfrahg were where he always enjoyed his times. Similarly, the longears always gave him this sense of home that he often longed for. One place he absolutely despised were the Karill, the few times he had worked there were among the most awful. Slavery wasn't exactly his cup of tea and the princess was an absolute snob. He hoped Rimguage wasn't going to let his new wife influence his good heart too much, such a pity that would be. As he thought of that, he heard a sound he hadn't heard since those months back in Karill, the sound of a person he had missed alot.

"Alexis! It's been some time." Floran responded, trying to hide his initial startle. It was no lie that he very much enjoyed her presence, but that wasn't something he had voiced before. "How have you been? Are you looking for work as well?" He asked as he looked her up and down, her face still covered by her cowl. She looked very much still in one piece, that was good to see. You could never be too sure with mercenaries.

" I'm all good Floran. Haven't seen you in...what ? A few months ? Oh' stop looking for wounds and such. We both know I'm damn lucky sometimes. I just killed a wolf on the road. A straight arrow in the eye and I didn't even knew where that wolf was. " she laughed. " I see you are in one piece yourself. I'm been in Karill 'till now. If I tell you something , you won't believe me. I got in bed with the princess and damn if she isn't good , if you know what I mean.
Looking for work ? Nope. More like , here for work. Got a mark somewhere here. You know how it is. They give you a place , a name and a rough description and if you are lucky some money for the road. I know I wasn't. I had to take a bounty on the road to pay for food and you know I don't like to take more jobs at once.
" said with a smile on her face. It was good to see Floran.

"Which one? The one getting married tomorrow, or the one that is six years old?" Floran joked, knowing pretty well which princess she meant, though that in itself was a worry. "I'd suggest you stay hushed on that topic. If that would get out, the karill guards would probably try to arrest you trying to slander the princess. Those issues are sensitive when she's already the center of discussion with the marriage and all, know what I'm saying?" Floran warned her. He knew the princess wasn't above putting a bounty on Alexis's head if she ran her mouth any further. He didn't know the princess was into females, or Alexis for that matter, but such matters were usually kept under wraps.

He shook his head a little as she told him about the contract. "A bounty on someone at the gathering? That sounds like trouble." He sighed. "I don't think you're targeting a criminal this time, those wouldn't be out in the open here." Alexis knew how much Floran hated targeting someone who hadn't done anything wrong. He had done his fair share of manhunts, mostly bandit leaders and the sorts. But no bandit was insane enough to walk in on the clan gatherings. "You sure about this one?"

" Don't worry Floran. I only told you because you know how to keep your mouth shut , when needed. Marriage ? She's getting married ? I've never been with a engaged person 'till now. But never mind that.
Yep. A bounty here. I don't know who she is , believe me. Don't look at me that way. I know you don't like targeting non-criminals but the pay was too good for me to pass it. It's way more than any of the jobs I took ever. Someone really wants this person but this time...the person wants her alive. Which is bad for me. Especially here. Too many eyes around here. Too many people that can see. I just hope that with the money I still have I can pay someone to look the other way. Hmm...are you sure you are not interested ? We could split the money and it would still be enough to get us out of this bloody buisness forever.
" Alexis knew something was rotten with this contract but she still decided to take it. " Do you perchance met a woman...what was her name ? Yes. Persephone ? She should be here. And I promise , due to our friendship. If she is not the woman the guy that gave me the job said and yes. This is not a simple bounty job , a guy came to speak with me about it. He swore that he isn't the contractor but simply a middle-man...he told me that this was a vile woman. If she is not what he told me , I'll drop the contract. I've got enough innocent blood on my hands for a life time. In 1 year and a half I've killed more people that one would kill in a lifetime. That's why I want to get out of this buisness ,that's why I took this bounty. " said Alexis with a sigh at the end and a shake of her head.

Floran shook his head at the name. "Not a name I've heard. But no contract not shady or vile would require a middle man. If this Persephone had done something worth killing her for, her face would be plastered on a bounty board somewhere." Floran sighed. [color=e93b1c]"I became a mercenary because it allowed me to travel, but I want to help the people. The more of these jobs you do, Alexis, the more of them come your way. They see you as a manhunter that kills anyone for coin, not a mercenary of honor. Ultimately, the fate of indiscriminate manhunters is often the same as their victims He warned her again. "I've taken several of those contracts, and I'd rather not have to take yours, for both of our sakes." He put a hand on her shoulder. "Try to stick to beast hunting or bandits, they're less trouble in the long run and a lot more stupid. Maybe then you won't feel like you need to get out."

" Thanks for the advice old friend but you know that I don't like this life. I chose it only because I didn't know what else to do with my clan killed and all that. I am good at what I do and you know it but you are right. Become too good at something and someone will eventually kill you to take your place.
Maybe the one that wanted her dead wanted to keep it secret ? You know that once your face is plastered on a bounty board , you have the habit of watching over your shoulder again and again. Remember that bandit , we killed before I left to Karill ? He knew someone would come after him and he was prepared , maybe this guy wanted to avoid that.
And Floran. No one is innocent in this life , everyone did something in the past he is worth killing for. My first contract was to catch a guy that left a woman pregnant and the bounty was put only when her child got to the age of 20. So...yeah.

"They don't want your place, they want justice." Floran assured her. "Kill those who don't deserve it, and some day you will deserve it. That's why those bandits know someone comes for them eventually. The innocent don';t look over their shoulders because they are innocent." Floran shook his head. "Innocence definitely exists in this world. It isn't simply a yes or no question. But there is a turning point where one becomes the guilty. You seem dangerously close to it now. Please be more careful." Floran tried to convince her.

Alexis laughed and said " That's what I always liked about you, Floran. You were always the idealistic mercenary. This line of work is not cut out for you sometimes but this time you are right , more or less. You know I don't question bounties. If he/she is there , he did something. The only kind of jobs I don't take are those that involve slaves. Those I hate.
But it doesn't matter. I have to find my mark and see if she is the one that the guy told me she is. Maybe I got it all wrong ? Maybe he did it and she is not even here ? That would be funny. I think I will skin the guy for making me move here. You can say whatever you want about Karill but they pay much more than others.
" Alexis said with a smile on her face. She put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a friendly hug. " Thanks for the advice , what do you say if tonight we two drink together and share some old stories ? Maybe you could tell me about what you did in the past months. " she grinned when she asked him for a drink.

Floran nodded "A drink sounds good. Those damn Craenak, they have no idea of a good ale I tell you." Remembering the Craenak brought him back to the conspiracy that was on his mind."Maybe I've got some work for you as well here on the gathering. I can't guarantee the pay, But if things work out well, the abaneki might be in your debt big time." he smiled at her. "I'll tell you more once we have a drink."

Alexis nodded and said " We'll see. For tonight day. Good luck " with that she parted ways with him and went to search for this Persephone.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Entering the Magical Forest's Domain || Searching for Narcissa. || Mood: Panicked, Clear Headed.

Mentions of: Narcissa (@Melo), Lady Luck (@Ashevelendar)

Persephone heard the owl’s cry. Heard it too well. Why was it so clear, but of course it was the absence of sound before that. The reason she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears wasn’t because it was beating faster or louder than before. It was because the silence of… something had blanketed the forest.

Before Persephone could finish the thought staring at the rune carved into that branch she began her preparations. A branch dipped in flame, a bow and quiver slung around her shoulders. Her knife of course. She had heard many things about magical creatures in the woods, but it wasn’t her specialty. Still the main thought that permeated her mind was ’How am I going to find it’

Persephone pushed that thought to the edge of her mind. Right now she had to find Nissa. She ran and felt the branches and leaves crunch under her weight. She ran and shoved the breath from her lungs in order to run faster. She, at the very least knew where the magical creature’s domain had begun. Where it was in the forest, she had lived here for six years after all. A million thoughts raced through her mind and soon after they had come and gone a million more followed their place. This was no indirect coincidence with the sigil on the branch, something was waiting for Nissa, and otherwise they would’ve taken Persephone once she had been left alone.

No. They wanted Narcissa, and it hadn’t become dawn yet. Persephone was not ready to give her up to anything.

She reached the edge of the magical creature’s domain and knew that this is where it would become difficult. It was famously difficult to navigate and it was even said that if one went in with a troubled mind their sight could betray them. Persephone made a choice.

She held the torch directly above her and closed her eyes. She had no way of purging her heart and mind of their troubled state so she decided that she must instead rely on everything else. She silently prayed to the goddess of luck as she took her first step into the magical domain.

“O Lady of luck, take me to whom I desire and I will sacrifice a mighty buck in your name o’er only the most righteous of flames. Take me to my Nissa and I shall see to it that ne’er again shall I call your name.”

Persephone kept her eyes firmly shut. Even though any sort of magical creature could choose now as it’s time to pounce. She waited as she walked forwards at a brisk pace. She waiting for her nose to find Nissa’s undeniable scent. Her sounds, or the sounds of whatever had taken her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Outside camp-camp
Mood: happy-concerned

Bahij nodded and smiled. "of course I'll be there." his smile shrank somewhat. "You will be fine I promise." he leaned down like he was telling a secret. "To be honest...I was terrified for my ceremony" he then straightened. He was being serious that much was clear in his oddly blue eyes. Eyes that seem to hold any light that touch them. As if the soul contained within was trying to escape.

He chuckled when she asked about a present. "I did." he pulled a white fur from the layers. It was supple and he had clearly held on to it since winter. "I figure this would be long enough for a cloak of you wished" he then paused. An odd look crossed his eyes when he heard the howl. For some reason he seemed to know what was happening from just the noise. The noise that was too close for comfort.

Bahij lightly scooped her up and put her on Iki. The elk seemed nervous at how close the howl was. This nervousness cause Bahij to hold the lead tighter. "Let's head to the group...the creature is guarding it's kill" the way he said it didn't quite seem like him either. He picked up the buckets and guided Iki to camp wordlessly. A small glimpse of his more serious side that resided in the calmness.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: On the outskirts of the Clan Gathering
Interacting with: A rather obstinate axe
Mood: As irritated as one can get at an inanimate object

The normally serenely quiet forest just outside of Hollafoth was being disturbed by a particular vagabond. A loud, rhythmic “clacking” noise emanated from the man’s small clearing, as rock pounded mercilessly against rock. Repairing his axe had become routine to Feir, but for whatever reason the new axe head he was chipping away at simply refused to take the shape he wanted.

For the past few hours, axe maintenance had been the raven haired man’s excuse to avoid joining the Clan Gathering, but now it was starting to get under his skin. Quite literally now, as his hand slipped and a rather jagged part of the stone he had been using as a chisel embedded itself into the palm of his hand.

With a small curse, Feir tossed the stone aside, returning it back to the ground from which he had found it. The cut was purely superficial, but the sight of his own blood was enough to convince the man that he was quite done stalling. With a quick movement, the small cut was wrapped in a small bit of torn cloth, as he didn’t care for the idea of leaving a trail of blood in his wake, and the man got up from his perch against the old oak tree. ”Maybe it’s just this place in general,” Feir muttered to himself, remembering other times that bad luck had befallen him while near Hollafoth.

Between his run in with bandits that had cost him the prey he had been tracking and the time that he had stumbled upon a bear’s den that almost cost him his life, the place didn’t hold too many fond memories for him. But nevertheless, it had been too long since he had been away from his clan, so here he was, standing just outside of the great gathering.

As he approached the edge of the forest, he could see the great many tents sprawling across the valley, which was a sight that honestly made him a bit sick to his stomach when he thought about just how crowded it would be down there. A loud racket cut through Feir’s misgivings, as it was a sound that could only belong to the mongrels of his clan.

A strange feeling of guilt passed through him, as it seemed even stranger that he still considered himself a member of the Wolfrahg tribe, despite how long he had spent away from them. While Feir had set out without much disturbance, he could not help but wonder if he was still considered family to them. The wolf pelt that served as his hood was one of the few things that connected him to his people, but it felt like a life time ago that he had ever truly been a part of them.

A stinging sensation came from his wounded hand, and it was only then did he realize that he had been clenching his fist ever tightly. It wasn’t like him to let such things worry him like this. Besides, the only way he would know for sure if he was still welcome was to put a brave face on and join them. And with his people coming into view, now was as good a time as any.

The small trek from his spot at the edge of the woods was short and uneventful, but the transition from the peaceful cover of the woods to the open expanse of civilization was abrupt and left him feeling rather exposed and vulnerable. The sentiment was quickly ignored as he grew closer, but it still took more willpower than he was proud of to remove his hood and face mask.

Few noticed him slip among the Wolfrahg ranks as he searched for his family, a talent that had blessed Feir since he was young, but every now and then he noticed an expression of surprise here or a look of disdain there as a few people recognized him. The wanderer paid them little heed as he drew closer to the center of the caravan, but there was an odd buzzing of activity that seemed suspiciously different from the excitement of finally reaching their destination.

It wasn’t until he heard Relmir’s impossibly powerful voice barking orders at various clansmen that he realized what was happening. Rimguage’s betrothed had gone missing and a party was being organized to search for her. Feir generally could not care less about the troubles of those so much higher than him, but that simply wasn’t the case when it came to Narcissa, the one person in his life that had managed to carve out a foothold in his heart.

For the first time in months, Feir felt a wound that he had assumed had long since healed. While conflicted, he didn’t hesitate for a moment as he strode up right to the chieftain. ”Chief, how can I help?” he asked the old bear of a man, head slightly bowed in respect.

There was something oddly relieving about no longer worrying about having to worry about whether or not he would be welcomed anymore, but there was little Feir would not have given for the circumstances of his relief to be different.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Melo
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Melo I am a hedgehog!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: In the forest? || In dire need of help || Mood: Distressed (Only somewhat, I swear)

Mentions: Nobody

A chill ran down Narcissa’s spine as she heard the humming. She didn’t know why, but for some reason this humming sounded vaguely familiar to her. The figures that surrounded her made her slow her step in wariness. Or was she? No, this wasn’t her doing. Her steps slowed down, then turned into the other direction. Or had she been walking in this direction for a while now and simply not realised it? What was happening to her? She couldn’t move her head, but this path seemed so different from the one she had been walking on. Was this truly the same path?

Narcissa didn’t have great understanding of it, but the presence of magic would’ve been obvious to anyone.

The flowers and vines moved for her, as if they were welcoming her as servants into her own royal abode. Her heart was racing as she felt she was getting closer to whatever the source of this all was. She had heard many tales of the magical creatures, but none that could manipulate the bodies of mortals this easily. Not to mention, how did one dare to come this close to the gathering? She wanted to scream, but it didn’t allow her. Her mouth allowed her to speak if she wanted to, but nothing more.

"Ylonia, you wear this mortal shell but your beauty cannot be contained within." A deep voice resounded as she neared the clearing. Ylonia? The name was vaguely familiar to Narcissa; The goddess that tricked her creator and husband, the elder god Katychus, into fighting a much more powerful god to his death. But why would that name be uttered now? Maybe this creature mistook her for a goddess in its madness? That would be something.

As she entered the clearing, she stopped –was stopped- a mere few steps awau from a creature she had never seen before. It was significantly taller than she was. The wicked figure peered at her, she knew it was despite not seeing its eyes. "I loved you in the heavens, but you did not know of me. I was banished here by your jealous husband when I first laid eyes on you. But I know you, Ylonia, I would know you anywhere." The creature continued in what Narcissa must be delusional madness. Not even Narcissa was vain enough to match her beauty to a goddess, for that was a certain way to incur punishment.

The strange figures that had been surrounding her now started to decorate her with various flowers and clothed her in a cloak of feathers. Narcissa was still paralyzed in a mix of panic and fear. But she had to think of something. How could she escape from this creature that was holding her body hostage? Before she could think of anything, the creature continued. "You are to be my bride, Ylonia. I will bring you back to greatness.

"When you drink this liquid we shall be married... and when you drink it all, you shall be more Magick then human once more... dearest Ylonia... return to me..." Narcissa hadn’t noticed the figure pouring the liquid before that. But whatever it was, she did not want to drink it. However, the creature’s words had given her an idea. She honestly wasn’t sure how convincingly she could bring her words, seeing how she was screaming inside, but she had to fight for her own life here in the way she knew best.

”My friend, cursed by Katychus.” Narcissa responded, trying to keep her composure. ”Please come to your senses! Do you not remember his fate? The fate of those who force marriage upon others? Surely you are not as foolish as him. You must be confused, wayward. You are more noble than he was, are you not? Or was Katychus right to cast you to the earth?” She had no idea if what she was saying would have any impact. But the best way to talk to a delusional person was to play along in his delusional world.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Location: Approaching from Northeast || Being himself || Mood: Calm, detatched

Mentions: Feir @Sarcelle Renard, Xilas, Xena @howlsofwinter (Collaboration with Winter), Fyldren @McHaggis

Kenzie stared blankly forwards as he walked with his tribe, his mind clear of thought. The Abaneki Tribe was heading towards the Valley where the clans would hold their meetings. The last time he was there, he remembered sharing stories of various hunts with Feir. His eyes sharpened as he thought about the man, slightly more interested in the gathering later that day.

“Kenzie!” Xander called, waving Kenzie over. Kenzie sped up his pace to catch up to the man, a frown on his face. That the son of the chief was calling him wasn’t new, but Xilas seemed mildly concerned with something, which put Kenzie on edge. “I want you to keep an eye on my sister, Xena,” Xander said, looking at the hunter. Kenzie’s face remained impassive as he listened. “The tribes may have agreed to a truce during meetings in the Valley, but one can never be too careful,” Xander said. “That’s why I want to assign you to be Xena’s personal guard. Stay with her and protect her, Kenzie.”

”I will, Xander,” Kenzie said to the future chieftan. Xander clapped the hunter on the back before moving back to take his place at the front of the pack, leaving Kenzie to contemplate his charge.

Xena, the daughter of the Chieftan. Kenzie had spoken with her a few times, so they weren't strangers, but with their difference in status they might as well be. However, guarding the daughter of the Chieftan was an honor asked of few, and Kenzie intended to live up to that honor.

After arriving at the clearing, Kenzie weaved through the crowd to find Xena. Spotting her iconic wolf mask, he approached, stopping when he noticed her searching the crowd. Looking for someone? Kenzie thought, frowning. Hopefully this wouldn't complicate his job.

He approached the heiress, bowing politely when he neared. ”Lady Xena,” Kenzie said, ”your brother Xander has assigned me to be your guard. Please allow me to accompany you for tonight.”

A familiar voice made her stop. She turned towards the man who was bowing his head politely. "Kenzie Moraitis," she said with recognition. Her head was held high, and she spoke in such a soft and delicate manner - what one would expect from the daughter of the Chieftain. She shot him a warm smile. "I'd be pleased to have you accompany me." As strange as it was, the man's presence made her feel safer. Calmer. She glided past him and motioned for him to follow. "I've hear about your accomplishments as a hunter. "

Kenzie paused, unsure of what to say. ”I'm honored, my lady,” he said at last, grimacing at how stiff he sounded. He was in the presence of a member of the higher ranks of the tribe, yet all he could do was give four-word responses. ”Is there anyone you would like to speak to, Lady Xena?”

It took a few moments for Xena to register what he had meant. She was surprised that he had noticed, but she kept a straight face. "I was looking for someone, yes." From a distance, she spotted Flydren, and an idea came to mind. "Ah, there he is. I should go greet my friend," she said as she began walking towards him in a slow and graceful manner.

Kenzie followed the heiress, looking to the purple-haired man ahead. It was Fyldren, the heir to the Longear tribe--a surprising acquaintance for Xena, but not impossible considering that they were both heirs to their tribes.

As Xena neared him, she noticed the look of distress on his face. "Flydren," she called. She stopped right infront of him to garner his attention. "Are you heading somewhere?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Location: En route to the Valley / Longear camp, healer's tent || Arriving at Valley, Tending to Kanza || Mood: Complacent, Worried

Mentions: Darragh, Fyldern @McHaggis, Kanza @Inertia

Eilidh was silent as she walked next to Darragh, eyes wandering about the forest. Witch hazel, she thought, spotting the familiar shrub. Leaves are used to treat wounds and bruises; bark for upset stomachs. Leaves are usually oval in shape, and flowers range from dark yellow to red.

The healer walked on, naming different flora and reciting their uses in her head to test her knowledge. She wanted to finish her apprenticeship as soon as possible, but the man next to her seemed to have no intention of declaring her apprenticeship over any time soon.

Darragh, at a healthy and lithe forty-something, was a respectable albeit sometimes grumpy healer. Everyone in the clan respected him immensely for both his medicinal knowledge and advice. In fact he was summoned to the leader's tent just earlier this morning, returning to the healer's tent grumbling about the young heir, Fyldren. Eilidh hadn't been able to glean much about why he'd been summoned, but something was clearly up with the heir. Perhaps it had something to do with Fyldren's inheriting the title of Chieftain--the man had never quite struck Eilidh as the type to desire to lead, although she could be wrong about that.

After arriving at the clearing, Eilidh helped Darragh set up the healer's tent, laying out all the parcels of dried herbs and pots of salves. They'd brought just enough to cover all the minor things--stomachaches, scrapes, dizziness. As the Valley was a place of peace, the healers generally avoided bringing their most valued herbs, settling for small amounts of medicines dealing with common maladies rather than specialized ones.

Eilidh had just about finished laying out the last parcel of thyme when a guard carried Kanza into the tent. "He woke up briefly, but fainted again," he informed her, brows creased in concern. "Will he be alright?"

”Let me get Darragh,” Eilidh said, scrambling out of the tent. Darragh had a habit of wandering off during clan gatherings, either finding other old-timers to talk to or simply sitting around at random places. This time Eilidh found her mentor near a old oak tree, gnarled and hunched with age.

”Darragh!” Eilidh called, jogging over to her mentor. ”Kanza's fainted--a guard brought him in.”

"Then what are you doing finding me? Get on with tending to him!" Darragh reprimanded, running past Eilidh towards the tent. Eilidh felt a wave of shame wash over her—why hadn’t she first tended to the tribe advisor? It was her job as the healer, yet the first thing she did was run to her mentor, proving that she really was but an apprentice.

Eilidh returned quickly to the healer’s tent, helping Darragh unwrap and grind herbs for Kanza. Black cohosh for headaches and white willow bark for pain, Eilidh thought, recognizing the herbs that Darragh had instructed her to pick out. When it came to medicinal knowledge, Eilidh had to hand it to her mentor. There was truly no one else Eilidh would entrust her life to should she be injured.

The apprentice healer watched as Darragh tipped a bowl with the ground up herbs into Kanza’s mouth, making the hunter choke at the bitterness. “Watch him,” Darragh told Eilidh before leaving. Eilidh sighed, burying her face in her hands. Clearly she still had ways to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

The enchanted forest should not have been available to a normal human - but unknown to you, you weren't a normal human.

At first, you only saw the fluttering of your eyelids, a darkness surrounding you. But then an odd green light spread beneath you, winding it's way through the blackness of your shut eyes. Like a thread leading you forward, you realised it was forming a path. Unknown to you, your torch flickered with a now-green light, pulling you forward, leading you safely.

Persephone dissapears into the enchanted forest. She can now no longer be seen by characters in the mortal realm, like Narcissa.

”Please come to your senses! Do you not remember his fate? The fate of those who force marriage upon others? Surely you are not as foolish as him. You must be confused, wayward. You are more noble than he was, are you not? Or was Katychus right to cast you to the earth?”

You can hear it now, that beautiful voice you know so well. It's a little distant, but some ways in front of you none the less.

The procession paused, the ghostly sheet-like creatures turning to face the magical beast, glowing green liquid still held in the strange saucer. He seemed to be weighing over her words.

"Does it not please you to be whole again, Ylonia? This curse on you is a dreaded one. I can offer you a new life then this mortal coil you wear like old rags." He asked, gesturing in a slow, low sweep with one gnarled hand.

"Or perhaps it is the festivities that are not to your liking?" he clapped his hands, and the figures rose in harmony. "A dance is in order. Entertain our guest, my loyal friends." and so they formed into two columns, zigging in and out passed each other and around Nissa, swirling and twirling to a slow beat.

While this was happening, Nissa felt her finger twitch. Her limbs felt heavy still, but presumably she could move them with some effort. It wouldn't be fast by any stretch, but at least she had control of her body once more.

One being still stood near the strange creature, the saucer steady in his hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Edge of Camp with Numas || Engaging in conversation || Mood: Amused, Alarmed, Reeling

Mentions: Numas, Narcissa

With a flurry of furs and feathers, Rimguage thumped onto the floor next to Numas, raising a little dust as he did so. He crossed his legs and rested his hands into fists on his knees, though raised one index finger up to trace the mark on his face.

“That mark... Where did it come from? Why do you have it?”

"This?" he asked, tapping his cheek a couple times before resting his arm back down. "There was magic involved in my birth aye. Common knowledge, though I 'spose it doesn't reach you down south. It's considered an omen of my destiny." he said, leaning in slightly.

"I'm due an awful and painful death, you know." he whispered as if telling a friend a secret, his expression deadpan, though his eyes searching Numas' face to see what sort of reaction he could get out of him. Rimguage couldn't help his strange humour, even though his presence was far-removed from his jokey nature.

He turned his cool eyes to look down the valley, watching in mild amusement as the Wolfrahg scattered this way and that, no doubt very much excitedly joining the festivities. Relmir looked angry, but that wasn't really an unusual thing. He watched him and May Melra head into camp. Relmir grabbed a boy by the scruff of his fur and hurled him away as he walked. Curious...
His interest caught again by the sound of a stick being dragged through dirt beside him.

"What's this for?" he asked, looking up at Numas with curiousity, not expecting to suddenly be bombarded with a set of deep, philosophical questions.

“Curious. I have a strange belief that all of us will be coming together for some reason... What impulse causes our very-different clans to come together? Tell me, have you ever wondered what the divines must be thinking at this moment? Why do the bring so much attention to us tiny… humans?”

Now, Rimguage was hardly considered a philosophical person, stoic to others and a jolly fellow in himself. But this clearly was a matter of great interest to Numas, and his sudden outburst to a stranger intrigued Rimguage. Clearly he'd been thinking on the matter for some time.

"You're a strange one," Rimguage commented. It had occured to him he had been temporarily distracted from his distress over losing Valerie. A long pause, as he stared deep into Numas' one working eye.

He clamped a mammoth hand round Numas' back in a blustery, Wolfrahg show of comaraderie. [color=ff820]"I like you."[/color] Another clan trait - an unabashed honesty about their frame of mind.

"The clans have been meeting for generations. With it, we have solidified our ties and prevented extinction from the hands of Magical folk. Not all of them are bad, mind you, but they have a way of causing trouble that bodes ill for our brothers and sisters."

"As for the divine... I regret to inform you I doubt they care about us humans, considering our run of bad luck. Three villages destroyed in the last eight years under mysterious circumstances. We're on our own, and that's what these gatherings are about."
he gestured his head lazily in the direction of the camps, the sound of music and folksongs being sung drifting over to the pair from deeper in camp.

"Master Rimguage!" the boy from earlier crested the ridge, a little red in the face, his furs ruffled. "Aren't you going to do anything about Princess Narcissa's dissapearance?"

"Princess Narcissa has dissapeared?" Rimguage was on his feet in an instant, "What is the meaning of this?" he bellowed, his voice suddenly commanding an authoritarian hue, a skill he had learnt to perfect from a young age.

His head was reeling. Was she unhappy with the pairing? Had some sort of assasins or thieves gotten to her? Unlikely, as the Karill heir she would be guarded heavily against that sort of thing. Was it staged? Was she in danger or was her father simply going back on the arrangement?

What did this mean for him and Valerie? And what did this mean for the Clan? Such an event before the marriage did not bode well. Tensions would be high and accusations would be flying.

"Explain yourself."

"There's not much to tell. One of the waiting ladies went to check on her - she hadn't been informed by the princess that she didn't want to be disturbed, like the others. She was last seen a few hours ago. There's no sign of her around camp, and no signs of a struggle in her tent, either.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedXCross
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RedXCross Dig, Dig, Dig...

Member Seen 5 mos ago

With Rimguage || Edge of Camp || Locked in Conversation


Numas blinked slowly, his face still as he processed the words of this Wolfrahg heir. As the man explained the theory behind their mark,
Numas had a sinking suspicion that this wasn’t necessarily the truth. But they said nothing about it. No point in conjecture until they’d had a few more moments to think about it. In response, Numas raised their own hand and showed the mark that was stuck to the back of their hand. The strange, colourful polygons overlapped and revealed a curious pattern of a nonsensical variety.

“This mark is my own destiny,” Numas said, “I believe it shows that part of me is beyond this plain. Perhaps your mark means something similar.”

They only reaction they had to Rimguage’s hand on their shoulder was a stoic face and a scornful stare. His thoughts were… getting close to what Numas was looking for, but not quite. His thoughts were still so tied to the world around them. Yes, the practical reasons for these things exist, but why? Why do these meetings protect them? Why did those clans get eradicated?

“You’re getting close,” Numas stated, but added no other context to the situation at hand.

And that was when the boy ran up.

The small boy rushed up in a blur of motion and started babbling quickly about the situation. At first, Numas was set to ignore the child’s words as he delved back into the realm of thought, but then a name came up.

”Princess Narcissa has disappeared?”

Their eye snapped back. Attention focused on the pair as he pressed information out of the small boy. His thoughts were confirmed then. This was Rimguage. The heir of Wolfrahg and the betrothed to Narcissa. Based on the information they’d pressed from her before; they knew she wasn’t necessarily “thrilled” about the situation.

Part of them was tempted to step away now, but this Rimguage was becoming more interesting as time went by. Like perhaps Rimgauge was on the verge of discovering something about the world as a whole.

“Narcissa has an incredibly strong sense of duty. Whatever is keeping her may be reason for warning,” he said, “If you are needed here, I could go and seek her myself.”

It would satisfy Reisa anyhow.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes ...

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Melo
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Melo I am a hedgehog!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Woodhead and friends || In dire need of help? || Mood: Livid

Mentions: HISSSSS

"Does it not please you to be whole again, Ylonia? This curse on you is a dreaded one. I can offer you a new life then this mortal coil you wear like old rags."These words echoed in her mind for a bit as she felt a foreign sensation welling up from inside her. It washed over her emotions and quenched her fears in a heartbeat. For just the fraction of a moment Narcissa did not feel like herself. No, she felt exactly like herself, maybe even more like herself than she had ever felt.
The mask cracked, and beyond there was but one emotion pure.


Was that creature still speaking to her? She had long stopped paying attention as the creatures changed their formation for a jolly dance. But their guest was anything but jolly. Nay, she was peering at their master with a face that could kill. Gone was the girl that had feared the creature, for it had woken up something he wished he’d kept asleep.”The only thing displeasing me right now is your tone, dreaded one. ” As she regained control over her limbs, she moved them over her body, accenting her own form. ”Behold me and think about what you have said. You dare call my perfect appearance an old rag? Such words are only as ugly as your delusional mind! Is this how you express your love for a creature whose beauty you regard so highly? Surely you jest! Her eyes squinted slightly, her glance no less murderous.

Using whatever control she had over her body, she forced herself to turn around in an attempt to walk into the other direction. At the very least, she did not want to look at this thing anymore. I refuse your proposal. Maybe once you have learned how to truly revere the greatness that is I, I shall offer you a chance to make me reconsider. But surely, for someone with your judgement someone lesser is better suited. Farewell. May the curse clouding your mind pass, or kill you mercifully. Her tone was entirely condescending, and clearly preferred the latter option. She wasn’t sure if the creature would allow her to leave, but it was probably in its own best interest that it did.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

@InertiaKanza -
Your head throbs in time with your heartbeat and your body feels as heavy as if it were cast from solid steel. With effort you move, but your reaction times are sluggish. You are not sure how long the effect will last, but for now you should perhaps opt to avoid activities that rely on your reaction time.

@DuskSong Eilidh Ua Briain You start tending to Kanza in the healing tent, but it soon dawns on you this strange affliction is like nothing you've heard about from your experiences or your teachings. It slowly becomes clear this is a magical affliction, and it is unlikely even your teacher will be able to remove the effects. Still, you do what you can for him, and are able to soothe the headache if only slightly - but the slow reaction times, it seems, you can do little about. What a strange case...


An unwise move to show your enemy your trump card. He waved his arm and that strange unnatural heaviness swept over your body once more, more potent then before, the music rising in your ears as the creatures around you take to it. It drains through your flesh and fills your bones, imprisoning your mind in a body that might as well be lead. Your hands drop to your sides as the strange white creature approaches you with the saucer of glowing green liquid once more.

"Your childish human tantrums weary me, Ylonia. Your ignorance to your true self would perhaps amuse me, if it weren't so tragic. The time for pleasantries is over, and I care little for what the voice of your human puppet has to say. Speak with me as equals, Ylonia, when you have returned to me in all your magnificence."

and the saucer was raised to your lips...

[@Sarcelle Reinard] @RedxCrossThe march to camp is an uneventful one. A few Wolfrahg notice you, but many seemed too wrapped up in this recent news to notice.

Reimir was barking orders this way and that when you approached him. He turned a sunken eye towards you, weighing you up, but didn't bother with the political nature surrounding your choices as some would. He cut straight to the point.

"No one has any idea where she's gone. We need to find her. Now. Before the Karill gets heavily involved and starts sending out slaves and slavers and talking politics."

A loud growl, too close for comfort, catches your attention. You snap round to see Rimguage, two wolves attached to his limbs.


They'd been following the scent of several fresh kills, but they knew better then to wander into the camp, following their prey on the back of an elk. Most of the pack stood at a distance, but two had been scoping out the area, and they found a mark they liked. A pack usually hunted together, but one was desperate enough to try anything for a meal, and the other was ambitious and young, in it's prime.

One minute Rimguage was on his feet, the next, a ferocious growl filled his ears and they were upon him.

They came out of nowhere. The young male lunged at the chieftain's son, wicked fangs sinking deep into the calf of his left leg, leather and chord and flesh and all. Rimguage bellowed in outrage as he raised his staff in hand. As if on queue, the raggedy gnarled wolf - decrepid and underfed - hurled itself through the air and chomped down on his right bicep.

A gruff grunt from Rimguage as he gritted his teeth through the pain, trying to save face at this sudden onslaught, blood curling down his arm and leg. He swivelled his staff in hand and slammed his force back against the beast near his shoulder. It's grip light, it's teeth snaggled, it went hurtling through the air. There was an audible crack as it's spine collided with a nearby boulder, blood splattering out it's mouth as it collapsed to the ground in a still-living heap. It's glassy eyes swivelled in it's cranium, terrified by it's sudden inability to move. Had a predator got it in it's jaws? It did not understand. All it could do was twitch, having lost it's mobility, and suddenly the old creature was even worse off then before.

It's companion growled and Rimguage cried out as the beast's teeth sunk further into his flesh, finding bone and the sweet succor of a delicious fresh meal. It was young, and Rimguage swiped at it, his furskin soaked with his own blood. The wolf nimbly swerved, undetered and unmoving from it's place. It shook it's head around, clearly attempting to detach the man's shin from his body if it continued.

The pain was starting to get to Rimguage. It had all happened so quickly that no one could of stopped the attack, but now the viscious beast was well and truly dug in, and both the Wolfrahg and Numas had taken notice of this sudden onslaught. Rimguage himself looked unsteady on his feet, unable to fully make use of his battle knowledge when his main arm was lightly wounded. Perhaps if it had been that alone, he could of held his own - but the wolf was unrelenting, and Rimguage was in dire need of assistance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Camp with Bahji on Iki || Mood: Giggly || Having a huge crush

Mentions: Bahji @Black Panther

Ophelia grinned from ear to ear as the tiny girl was lifted up onto the back of friendly Iki. She didn't seem to care much for the danger, and bashfully wrapped her arms around Bahji's waist lightly, a light brush touching her freckled face. The howl rose in the distance and she thought nothing on it, only how warm Iki's fur was and how close she was to Bahji's back.

...She could rest her head against him...

...perhaps that was too foreward...

Instead, she turned her thoughts away to conversation. She didn't want Bahji to notice how her face was flushing a little. "Thanks!" she said as the pair of them wandered into camp, Prince cawing and fluttering his wings for a moment at the sudden loud music and smells of hot foods that engulfed them.

Bahji seemed... different, somehow, when comfronted by danger. More serious. She'd glimpsed it a couple times, and couldn't help wondering at his manly mystique. It got her girlish heart all aflutter, and she stifled a random giggle.

She was riding on Iki with Bahji. This was great.

"We haven't done this in so long! she said gleefully as the elk slowed.

"Are you ok though? You seem troubled. Would you like to find some mead maybe? I imagine the journey's been a long one! I'm sure you could discuss your wares over a good drink. Many of the Tribes do buisness that way."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


{header to be made better at a later point}
Mood: unaware about the crush, thoughtful

Bahij seemed to listen to the howl in the distance as he rode away from it. He shook his head and urged the elk onward. He felt Ophelia's arms around him and briefly wondered if she still had that crush on him...this is the second time that thought has slipped through his mind. He decided to push those thoughts away for now.

As the reached camp Bahij slowed the elk down to a walk and chuckled as Prince cawed. He looked back at Ophelia somewhat and smiled. "Of course" he then turned back around and found a spot to stop Iki. He slid off of Iki's back and held a hand out to help Ophelia down.

He tilted his head at her question. "I am okay. I think I shall set up a tent before I speak with others. Give Iki a bit of a rest" as he said that he gently rubbed the elk's nose. He had managed to find a tree in camp with no tents nearby...he used the tree to tie Iki to it. Iki snorted and began to graze while Prince flew into a tree branch. He gave a smile at Ophelia.

"I do believe we have some catching up to do." he was giving her his full attention once more. Now it was up to her if she wanted to keep the conversation going or have Bahij focus on setting up.

{skills to be imputed}
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedXCross
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RedXCross Dig, Dig, Dig...

Member Seen 5 mos ago

With Rimguage || Edge of Camp || Attacking a Wolf
Mood: Cautious


Numas’ attention was dragged towards the forests of the west for only a moment. Their eyes scrunched together for only a brief moment before the world started to spin back together. To others, it wouldn’t be unusual to see the wary witch doctor begin to fade in and out of their strange semi-conscious state. Where would Narcissa be? What could’ve possible grabbed her-

A yelp came from behind them in their thought, and Numas spun around. Rimguage’d thrown a wolf into a nearby rock, but another wolf was biting into the side of his leg. Numas’ eyes widened in the moment, nearly dropping their staff before they realized they would likely need to spring into action. Numas wasn’t a fighter by trade. Their numerous run-ins with violence were mostly out of a need for survival, but there was no chance that Numas was going to let some animal take a chunk out of this figure.

Especially with the mark on his chest.

So, Numas dropped their staff on the ground as they pulled their two knives from their sides. Two small opened down the center of both blades. Usually they’d hold some type of poison inside them, but Numas hadn’t needed to pull out his weapons in a long time.

“Rimguage! Please try to stay still!” Numas shouted.

They inched forward slowly, sizing up the writhing animal as their mind reminded them of the massive bear that had once tried to claim their life while they tried to become agile like a grasshopper. They rushed forward, and from a crouched position they leaped towards the wolf on their side with their knives up in the air. Eerily, Numas stayed silent even on their leap as they tried to angle themselves towards the angry wolf.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: The Magical Forest || Fighting a tree?? || Mood: Panicked, Clear Headed.

Mentions of: Narcissa (@Melo)

Persephone’s eyes opened and were treated to a vast myriad of experiences. The first thing she noticed was Nissa, in the grips of a tree. She spoke to it, seemingly angered. Did she know this tree? Her torch was green.

That was odd.

The tree responded to Nissa, a bitter anger permeated the words he rattled out. Nissa looked like she was in a bad spot. Persephone swallowed down her unconfident thoughts and cleared her mind. It was now or never for Nissa, she would save her.

Persephone remained as silent as possible, creeping up on their location. She hid the torch behind her back to mask some of the glow, but she figured the tree would be more or less focused on Nissa and likewise. As soon as she felt she was close enough she stood up and hurled the torch at the tree’s base. Quickly she sprinted to the right of where she had thrown the torch and dove behind a bush. Attempting to make the three look in the direction the torch came from, or at the torch itself. Anything but Nissa and herself.

Her next step was rather laid out for her. She took her bow off of her shoulder and drew and arrow. She took aim with the light from the torch guiding her. She looked to hit the goblet. Slowing her breathing down to a bare minimum she let an arrow loose for the goblet, attempting to knock it away from Nissa’s captors and spilling the precious contents. Quickly drawing another arrow, Persephone aimed another shot at the treefolk.

Location: Longear Camp/Fyldren's Tent || Lunch Time! || Mood: Playful albeit bored

Mentioned: Flydren (@McHaggis)

Éclair walked towards one of the food supplies and quickly nipped a few key ingredients out. She intended to create a soup along with a tea. She took an iron flagon and an iron bowl and half-walked, half-danced her way to the fire located at the center of camp. She gleefully poured water into the bowl and flagon placing them on a small wooden support beam, meant for suspending cooking gear above the flames. She hummed a beat to herself dashing in some herbs and the rabbit to cook in the broth. She quickly began to tend to the tea next.

She ground up some herbs she had grown in her garden back from the Longear tribe and put them aside while the water began to heat up in the flagon. She took a large wooden ladle and began to stir the soup merrily. As it began to boil she added a few more herbs, these ones meant to promote a strong digestive system for a while to come.

Once her stew and tea were done cooking she took some leather gloves laid down by the fire pit and put them on in order to carry the flagon and pot. With an odd balance to her, Éclair happily made her way to Fyldren’s tent.

”Hello, one champion coming through, I bring treats!” Éclair called out making her way into the heir’s tent.
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