Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Ash looked at Gavin's outstretched hand for a second before eyeing the tall Texan. He had to be the most oblivious man on the face of the planet, out of what few living people remained upon it. Gunshot, man kneeling in the snow, emotion playing on people's faces. The town was slowly creeping out to see what was going on. This was a big deal, and this guy was treating it as a meet & greet. Ash kept his look as stoic and professional as possible, that being his way. But there was an element of strain to him. This was a lot to deal with at one time. But he was the man in charge, and no one else was going to do it for him. There was only one way he knew of to handle issues like this coming at him all at once. Divide them up and handle them a piece at a time.

There was a difficulty with one of those issues. Ash hadn't actually felt jealousy in quite some time. It was not in his nature, at least not generally. All he could do was let that play out for the meantime. To forsake Newnan for his own personal insecurities, founded or unfounded (though this looked pretty goddamned founded), would be an utterly selfish thing to do. But the way Thana stressed the word "need" the split second before Gavin introduced himself. Did that mean something? It must have, but he wasn't 100% on what, exactly. So, with Gavin just for now, keep it short. Ash took the Texan's hand, gripping him with a fast but firm handshake. "Captain Ashton Holloway, Combat Engineer, Commanding Officer of the Newnan Safe Zone." His voice was stone. "At the risk of being rude, sir, Commander Martin is correct. Matters require our attention." He didn't know, thankfully. And he wasn't being The Bad Guy here, it just looked like unfortunate timing. So before Ash's personal feelings got involved, "Honky Tonk" needed to take a step back. "We will talk later. Grab some breakfast if you haven't already."

One thing at a time. "Thana, I need you to stick close. Brief me in a few minutes when we're clear." If someone in town thought that Thana was at fault for what happened, even indirectly, he wanted her nearby. Also, he could not deny a sense of rearing territoriality. A lot of emotional things were pulling at him, and he did not need the distraction of not knowing just then. It was petty, but it was indeed what he needed.

A crackle sounded over Ash's radio. It was Jim, taking over for Jack while he was on his honeymoon. "Team of four, plus myself en route, Captain." he said with just a hint of tiredness in his voice. "One minute." Ash responded with a monotone, "Understood, one minute." Something suddenly popped into his head, "Jack and Tatiana, stay on your honeymoon. We have this handled." Someone in this town is going to have something resembling peace and happiness, damnit. It might as well be the newlyweds.

Something seemed off, though. Or more accurate, something seemed missing. He had asked for a Security and a Domestic team to meet him on site. Security was coming. Where the hell was Domestic? Ash scanned the gathering group of Newnanites, looking for people who worked primarily Domestic to press into service when he spotted Meghna Kumar, on site, observing what was going on. A spark of genuine anger unrelated to the issues at hand flared in Ash. "Miss Kumar!" he shouted, barely turning his head in her direction, "You are the Domestic Lead, right? Where is my Domestic Team? Why are you not reporting for orders?"

The fact that a couple of people were asking for an explanation was not lost on him. He was hoping to address everyone at the same time, but something had to be said now, if just to keep people from worrying about what might happen next. Plus, some people might want to tell James goodbye. Ash sighed. This would have to be done in full eventually, anyway. He keyed on his radio, and addressed everyone within earshot of one around Newnan.

"This is Ash speaking. A tragedy has hit us in the night. Now, I cannot provide details right now, but be assured that no one is in any additional danger. It has been resolved. I repeat, no one else is in any more danger." He wasn't exactly sure what to say, but he pushed forward anyway. "Our friend and Agriculture Lead, James Grady, has taken a life. The deceased was Richard Johnson. James had his reasons. Earlier in the night, Sana Rouen took her own life, citing Richard as the cause. Her corpse rose and killed Bryn Johannsson. James was acting with the intent of protecting the people of Newnan, but he took matters into his own hands and committed an act of murder inside of our walls." Damn, but this was a news bomb to drop on Newnan first thing in the morning.

"The penalty for this is execution." Everyone in town knew this, though there was never the need to do so before. "Because of his tireless service to the community and the circumstances around the offense, I have opted instead for exile. Anyone wishing to say goodbye may do so in one hour, at the Main Gate to the south. Anyone interfering with this will be subject to disciplinary action."

Jim and his team arrived, giving Ashton a quick salute. He returned it, and issued orders. "Ok, two of you will guard James. Keep him safe, but keep him on task. He has one hour to be outside the Wall. The other two... help him out. He's still one of ours for that hour." He then looked directly at James, "Come on, man. Get up. You've given us so much. Take what you need, start over. Don't give us trouble now."

Black James(!)

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

"Naw, Bossman. Ain't gonna be no trouble from me." His voice was low and sad. James had walked up to Ash, fully expecting to die. He wasn't sure if this was a gift or curse, but under no circumstances was he going to make this difficult on anyone else in Newnan. Even if it wasn't his home anymore, these were his people. The girthy man set his stetson back on his head, and slowly rose from the coldness in which he knelt. He looked to the Security detail assigned to him with a mixture of several emotions. "C'mon y'all. Let's just do this, get it done, aight?" Maybe he deserved to die. Maybe he just made a mistake and was paying for it. A lot of maybes went through his head. Too many. Ash's mercy may have prevented him from catching a bullet right at that moment, but he was on his own. That could change in a hurry out there. All the same, he still wanted to take care of these people and this place. It would be awfully hard to do that if he couldn't set foot inside of the Wall.

Ok, first order of business, he needed to get his working gear. Most all of that was back at his place. Plan for a very, very extended run. And his truck. He liked that truck. He would have to visit the Armory, too, but that would have to be last. The Security guys could probably take care of that for him, come to think about it. But he also needed to hit Agriculture. He left some things there he would need, plus there was a little gift for Ash, and by extension, Newnan. Time to get to it. Mustering as much dignity as he could, James began a steady walk back to the street, in the direction of his house.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 20 days ago

Piedmont Hospital Newnan

Outside of the Hospital things were quiet. The snow was quickly melting and dripping from the side of the building and the trees around the hospital. Tuffs of ground were starting to be seen from under the snow. The sky was clear and the sun was quickly warming things up. At this rate it could easily hit seventy degrees by the afternoon. Probably a very welcome change considering just how cold it had been lately. Granted, quick melts could bring problems but right then everything was well.

To the south of the Hospital, over the leafless trees there was something though. There was sighs of smoke climbing into the air. Not a wide spread smoke but several smaller ones. As if a neighborhood had had their fireplaces going the night before and it was burning low or out at this point. Some of the smoke was gray, some was white. If anything it was something. Something burning right then could be a good thing, could mean people. It was too wet out to have a forest fire. Though having people could be a bad thing as well as anyone would know in this day and age. It was a coin toss but right then it was the only sign. Maybe it was the same people who had spray painted the walls with dates and the word clear.

Thana & Gavin

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)
Interacting With: Each other, Ash, Ravi

Gavin gave Ash a firm handshake and nodded to the man in charge. "Much obliged, alreadys gots me some vittles. And of course Sir," he said politely. He understood that shit had apparently hit the fan but his momma had raised him right. You made introductions no matter what in nearly any case. It was how Southern boys were raised. From the sound of Ash's voice he was from the South as well. Not Georgia or Texas but this man was no yank. He gave a courteous tip of his hat and moved out of the way. Stepping over to Thana and placing his hand around the back of her waist he kissed her cheek. "I's be rights over yonder if ya needs me," he said before taking a few steps over towards Ravi.

Thana cocked a brow, it was the only emotion she showed right then. She just nodded to him and turned her attention back to Ash. Gavin didn't think anything of it. She was on the clock in his mind. She always had that ability to just shut down and do her job if she had to. The fact she didn't smile or act warmly to him didn't set off any red flags in his mind. Looking at Ash she gave a nod. "Aye, aye Sir. Yours at the ready and awaiting further orders Captain," she said. That certain emphasis on a single word coming through again. She knew she would have to explain but she also knew now wasn't the time. It was the only thing she could do right then to give any hint of where her loyalties lay. She just hoped he picked up on it.

"I can'ts believes it, it be her," he said as he placed his hand on his heart and his knees bent a bit. Sure hell was breaking out, or had and was under control but still. In his mind God was giving him a second chance to correct the biggest mistake of his life. He was already thanking the sweet baby Jesus in his mind as he took a hold of the cross that hung around his neck. The dead were dead, there was nothing that could be done about that. Turning as he heard Ash radio out what had happened he cocked a brow. So that was why the Master Food Man was being kicked out. Hell, he would have promoted the man but it wasn't his call. He just stood there watching Thana, love and regret in his eyes.

Glancing over towards James, Thana had a thought but it could wait. Jim was taking over, he must have been the security detail that Ash had called for. She felt horrid for Ash and what the town was going through. Apparently she wasn't the only one. The older woman she had been introduced to the day before came walking onto the scene but she didn't take it the way Thana figured she would. She looked calm as the day was long, the fact she was wearing fuzzy bunny slippers made it all the more perplexing.

"Bloody hell... Okay, everyone that doesn't need to be here get over to the Mess Hall and warm up. Get something to eat. You're just gonna make things worse by staring. Now go, you can say goodbye in an hour," she said in a firm voice as she walked over to Ash and James. "Who the hell is this woman?" Thana thought to herself. She acted like a grandma yesterday, now she was acting military. Thana didn't get it but she wasn't about to pipe in. Ash had given her an order so she held her ground.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)
Interacting With: Jack, James, Ash

Tatiana hooked her radio on her hip and grabbed Jack's as he ran off and got his boots on. She about told him to go get dressed but she just laughed as he came back into the room. There was no point. He was fixated on getting her patched up. She just went with it and figured she would just have him put on a set of scrubs in the Infirmary when they got there. Lacing her arms over his shoulders as he picked her up she kissed him softly and then rested her head on his chest. When the call of the radio came in that they were to stay on their honeymoon she smiled. Things seemed to be under control. That was good. She didn't want Jack back on shift if he didn't need to be.

Thing was, then the news came in and Tatiana's ever happy features faded to sorrow. Sana had taken her own life? She had seen this coming. She had been trying to get Sana to open for some time and talk but she was always met with a brick wall. Tatiana swallowed the lump in her throat. She should have pushed harder, she could have stopped this. At least that is what she told herself. Two others were dead and while she didn't get along with either of them, she didn't want them dead. And now James, her Uncle James, was being kicked out of Newnan for murdering Richard? Taking a deep breath she looked up at Jack, fighting back the tears. "Oh no..." she said in sad voice before looking back down and closing her eyes. This was all too much. She knew the penalty was death, so it was at lest something but for James to kill anyone in cold blood? Something wasn't right and she would be damned she lost another person because she didn't put her foot down. Cut or not.

As Jack carried her towards the infirmary from their house they came onto the scene and Tatiana quickly pushed out of Jack's arms. Setting her foot down and hobbling through the snow. Her eyes fixated on James. She rushed to him and threw her arms around him. A trail of blood form her cut being left in the snow. She buried her head against his chest and refused to let him go. He was her family. He was her uncle in her mind. They laughed together, shared stories, talked. He was one of the few people in Newnan who was always as happy as she was. Yet right then she wasn't at all and even though they were not genetically linked her facial expression nearly matched his as she looked up at him.

"Ve all done horrible things, vorst things to stay alive. To protect those ve love. Ve get to come back. Ve all get to come back. I vill see you again," she said quietly as she cupped his cheek and gave him a kiss on his other cheek. She knew she would see him again, whether it was in Newnan or another life. She would see her uncle again.

Taking a shaky breath she turned to Ash and looked at him. "I vant exit interview with James. I vant to make sure he not threat to himself or us after this. For safety of town and him. And I vant session with every member of Nevnan as vell. I vant to make sure this doesn't happen again. I should have pushed harder to get Sana to talk. Could have avoided all of this. Von't make same mistake again. Please Ash, for me, for town. Let me."

Stepping onto the scene Froggy looked around in horror. "She is right Captain," he said solemnly as he looked over towards James, Tatiana still not releasing him fully. Her hand on his arm. The woman could be a frightened little bird but around James, no matter what he did, she wasn't afraid and it showed. It wasn't often Tatiana showed her stronger side but right now it was there in spades. "After I take a look at your foot little bird," Froggy finally said as he looked down at the blood in the snow.

Ryan O'Reily

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)
Interacting With: No one

Ryan's jaw went slack as Ash radioed out what was going on. He wondered just how many people in Newnan were hearing the news. Ash obviously since he was the one talking. James because he was right there. Thana and this new bloke Gavin as well. The Indian looking fellow he had no idea who he was but by the way the cowboy was talking to him he figured they came in together. Hop along Pete was there, AKA Ray. Neisha had showed up. Meg was getting chewed out by Ash, so she knew. Kris was there as well. Tiffany as well, of course she was, she was Ray's third leg. Jim was there. There was also Tatiana who seemed to be rather adamant about having a talk with James before he left. All while she was hopping on one foot after being carried in by Jack. So that covered those on site hearing it first hand and not through the radio.

Sally showed up and started doing what she did. Telling everyone to go eat. She must have heard through the radio. Froggy must have as well since he showed up and seemed to be backing Tatiana wanting to talk to James. Riley would have heard if she was near her radio. And if she was being sisterly, Chloe was with her. The rest would just have to get it second hand.

Ryan ran his hand through his hair and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a long drag from it. For some reason he was feeling kind, or maybe he just felt... Oh who knew what Ryan was feeling right then. "Anyone want a cigarette?" he called out in general to those on scene. They were rare and he kept a stash. Right now he felt they all could use one, and probably a drink. He looked around and waited to see if anyone wanted one. He would go grab breakfast in a minute, that was after he got out of his damn boxers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Jack grinned as Tatiana's laughter, glad to see the smile on his wife's face. He returned her kiss and was so tempted to hold her with one arm and stroke her hair with the other, but he figured it'd be best not to push his luck. The radio announcement for the pair of them to stay on honeymoon helped him relax a bit more. It wasn't that he didn't love his job, of course. He just happened to love Tatiana more, and the three day honeymoon they had been granted was a wonderful slice of normalcy.

His face fell, almost in time with Tatiana's, as he heard the news over the radio. James was a good pal of his and so was Bryn. While he didn't know Sana well, his heart had always gone out for her, seeing how much pain she carried. He didn't really feel that bad for Dick, however--he mostly felt bad that the man hadn't had a trial. The justice system may have been different from what it was before, but it still wasn't James' call to kill Dick. It was murder for him to have done so.

Jack held Tatiana a little tighter, seeing the pain in her eyes. James was family to her, even if they weren't blood. He wanted nothing more than to make everything right, to bring the smile back to Tatiana, but there wasn't much that could be done. James was lucky to have been exiled instead of killed. But either way, it'd amount to a death sentence all the same in the end. People didn't last very long outside of these walls, as the odds against them increased. He wasn't surprised as Tatiana pushed her way out of his arms, but he still hurried after her, seeing the bloody trail she left on the ground. He couldn't help but worry about her--she was pregnant, after all, and running barefoot outside with a cut.

He stopped a few feet away from Tatiana, letting her have her moment with James. After an hour, he couldn't help but feel they'd never see him again. It broke his heart to see the crestfallen look on James' face, knowing that his friend had just been trying to protect the people of Newnan, even if he went about it the wrong way. Yesterday had been perfect. Today seemed to be shaping itself into a tragedy.

"For what it's worth, sessions and intahviews would be a good safety measuh," Jack said, agreeing with Froggy and Tatiana. Mental health was just as important as physical health, especially when it came to preventing situations like these. But at the same time, he was worried that Tatiana would end up blaming herself for this situation. That she would take on the guilt for Sana's suicide that had resulted in Bryn's death, Dick's murder, and James' exile.

He also, of course, wholeheartedly agreed that Tatiana's foot should be checked out first. He couldn't help but worry over her. A part of him wanted to take Ryan's cigarette and stomp it out on the ground, but he held his tongue. Tatiana hadn't told everyone she was pregnant, after all. And now wasn't the time for him to lecture Ryan about the dangers of secondhand smoke to the fetus....mostly because Jack was only assuming there were dangers.

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: Building B (Rejects House)

Chloe nodded, chuckling a bit at Riley's nickname for Ash. In her experience, it was quite fitting. The man always seemed to be in work mode, never relaxing and cracking a joke. And of course, in her opinion, he was one of the many people in Newnan who only pretended to let the past go. There was a reason she was sent to live in the Rejects House and not with her sister, after all. "Maybe he's going nutty," Chloe mused, as Riley put her gun away. "I dunno if checking it out is a good idea..."

Sure, she didn't like that Ryan had told her to stay home, but she also wasn't certain if crowding the scene was the best move at the moment. For Captain Tight Ass to fire a shot inside the walls, things had to be serious. Going to the scene just felt like looking for trouble at that point, as they'd most likely get in the way of the security and domestic teams. Of course, as Ash's announcement came over Riley's radio, Chloe felt more confident that going to the scene of the crime was a shitty idea.

But she also felt strange at the same time. She wasn't all too broken hearted over Bryn's death. Sure, no one deserved to be eaten by a walker in the middle of the night, but Bryn had always given her the creeps. The quiet girl never trusted Chloe and the sentiment was mutual. She couldn't help but be paranoid. As for Sana, while Chloe wasn't friends with her, the news that someone had taken their own life was never easy to hear. She knew Sana was good friends with Riley, and she put a hand comfortingly on Riley's back.

"I'm sorry," Chloe said, but the words felt hollow. She had been on good terms with Dick, the two of them sitting in the same room at home together on several occasions, never talking but still enjoying the other's company. It wasn't enough for them to call each other friends, but they certainly weren't enemies. Chloe sighed slightly, thinking back on the loss of life that day.

"You hungry? We could go see if breakfast is ready or something," Chloe offered, not too sure how Riley was feeling, but hoping that her sister would be alright.

Ravi Chakrabarti

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Ravi clapped Gavin on the back awkwardly and then put his hands in his pocket, as he tried to think of the best way to handle his friend. The more he watched Strawberry Wine, though he knew now her name was Commander Martin, the more he felt this was going to go horribly for Gavin. It might have been military posturing and he could have been wrong, but he wasn't certain that Commander Martin returned Gavin's sentiments. It had been years since Gavin ended things with her, after all, and the heart's a fickle thing.

"Look, mate, I think it's best if you prepare yourself for the possibility that--" Ravi began, only to be cut off as Ash announced what happened in Newnan that morning. Had it been back in his day as a Medical Examiner and the crowd not been comprised of friends and loved ones of the deceased, he would've cracked a joke about it being the first Suicide-Murder he ever heard of. But it wasn't the time or place.

Besides, his fellow Brit had arrived on the scene, still wearing her slippers. Ravi couldn't help but admire the woman's strength, going from kind grandma the night before to military like down to business figure the next morning. But the outbreak did that to people, he supposed, and he couldn't help but imagine that the outbreak wasn't the first series of tragedies Miss Sally witnessed.

"Let's go get some breakfast," Ravi urged Gavin, hoping to get him away from Commander Martin and Captain Holloway for a few moments. Ravi was a candid and blunt person by nature, and while he hoped he was wrong, he also didn't want to see his friend get his heartbroken. He wanted to protect Gavin from that, if he could. "Give these people time to sort things out, to mourn and grieve. We'll just be getting in the way here."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop) -> On route to Mess Hall

Tiffany kept close to Ray as they neared the repair shop to see what was going on. Tiffany hadn't prepared for the news and the scene in front of her wasn't something that crossed her mind. There she saw the newcomers gathered together, the woman with Ash last night and the two new ones. James was on the ground in his night attire, Ash looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there. And the dead body of Dick with an axe in his head. She wasn't new to violent scenes, but it didn't mean she had to like looking at them. It wasn't easy to put two and two together to find out what happened, but Ash soon made the announcement over the radio.

Three people dead.

Sana taking her own life. That hurt. Not only because she considered Sana a friend, but because she was going through something that Tiffany didn't see and couldn't help with. That thought always ran through the minds of those closest to suicide victims, "What could I have done?" Even if the answer was nothing, it didn't make things easier. Not only that, but Sana turned and killed Bryn. She didn't know Bryn all that well, but she didn't dislike the girl. And no one deserved to be killed by a Walker. Finally, Dick. Ash made it clear that James was the culprit. Even if it was for the good of Newnan, he still killed a person. It was a lot to take in. Order was quickly being restored when the guards came. Miss Sally took it upon herself to gather everyone in the Mess Hall for food. She didn't know if she could eat right now, but it was probably for the best they leave and let this situation get handled. If they were needed, they would be told.

She walked up to Ray and laced her hand in his, "We should probably head to the Mess Hall and let them sort this out. There's nothing else we can do." She would make her way over to the gate to say goodbye to James when the time came.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Building B (Rejects R Us House) -> Building C3 (Franklin Wall Beatrice's Room)

"I Don't know, but its pretty damn stupid to fire a gun unless its actually needed." Riley said looking at Chloe and smiled at her when she chuckled at her little nickname for their leader. She did respect the guy, but growing up with parents like theirs you could understand why the twins hated authority like figures. Riley did have to agree that going over would probably just add more fuel to the fire, and then she heard her radio going off looking at it for a moment hearing the news that Ashton had given. It was news that she didn't like to hear at all, and Riley was truly shocked to hear that Sana had taken her own life in the night along with Bryn killed by Sana who had turned. But the most shocking part to the news was that James ended up murdering Richard, Riley was pretty good friends with the three of them and two of them now were dead.

Riley bit her lower lip for a moment as Chloe laid a hand on her back looking over at her sister, as she did her best to comfort her closing her eyes for a moment letting out a sigh and gave Chloe a hug. Then it started to bring back thoughts back to the early days of the outbreak, Chloe was going through a really bad detox and Chloe telling her to leave her. If she did lose her sister or Amelia she wasn't sure what she would do with herself. "Thanks Chloe." Riley said softly before taking a step away and then looking up at Chloe asking if she was hungry and wanted to see if breakfast was ready.

She was slightly hungry now come to think of it, but she remembered that Amelia was still back at their place. "Go on ahead just save me a seat i'll catch up, or you can come with me. I have to break the news to Amelia and Beatrice." Riley said giving Chloe another hug, then started to head back towards the Franklin Wall. It was a pretty short walk from the Reject House to the Women's Housing in the Franklin Wall, Riley walked up and entered the building and made her way over towards Beatrice's room. [color="We aren't in any danger, it was Ashton who did it."[/color] Riley said pausing for a moment leaning against the entrance to the room. "Sana, she took her own life last night.. She turned, and then killed Bryn, James found them, and then then ended up killing Richard." Riley told them.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Gilbert Street (scene of the crime)

Raymond stood next to Tiffany as he just stared at the scene before him, as Ashton gave the announcement over the radio on what had happened last night. Raymond looked down for a moment he should have gotten the time to talk to Sana more, he was one of the counselors of Newnan after all if he had the time to know her more maybe he could have seen the signs. James was going to be exiled which is more or less a death sentence these days, Richard in Raymond's opinion got what he did deserve. The man was a cancer in Newnan after all, and if he was in James' position he would have probably done the same to protect everyone else in the community. Ray looked over towards Tatiana as she came hobbling over to the scene, he listened to her suggestion as well as Froggy's agreeing to it as well.

"I'd like to help as well, we cant have another incident like this happen to anyone else here." Raymond said looking over at Tiffany for a moment he gave her a slight smile. Then looking over towards the two new guys from last night, one of them the British sounding guy telling his friend to give the rest of then some space. This morning wasn't something he was expecting to wake up to, hearing a shot go off and the death of three of their own and the exiling of another. Then Miss Sally came over to the group still pretty much still in her pajamas, telling anyone who shouldn't be there to go over to the mess hall. He was getting slightly cold right now, and started to wonder if breakfast was being ready to serve.

"Yeah, we probably should give the others some space, let them do what they need to." Raymond agreed Tiffany, then looking over at Ryan asking if anyone of them wanted a cigarette he shook his head then looked to Tatiana. "Nah i'm good man. Tati, if you need my help with the work let me know." Raymond said as he felt Tiffany wrapping an arm around his, he started to turn around and walked alongside Tiffany, and Kris over towards the Mess Hall.

Kristina Smith

Location: Gilbert Street (The Scene of the Crime)

Kristina looked towards Niehsa for a moment, she was shocked to hear that James was the one who actually killed Richard the guy did deserve to die. Kris still hadn't forgiven Richard for leaving Maria to die, time that she missed spending with her older sister. James didn't deserve to be the one getting exiled, he did it for the betterment of Newnan James was also one of the few people in Newnan helped her grief over the loss of her sister. Kristina went over just as Tatiana did hugging James as tightly as she could, looking over towards Ashton for a moment but didn't say anything. She knew that murder was punishable by execution, but to her it still wasn't right James had done a lot for Newnan.

Kristina's thoughts then went towards Sana, she wasn't close to the woman but they did bond over the loss of their siblings together that was most likely the only conversations that they had with one another. And then Bryn, she knew her for a long time but they never really truly spoken to one another and having to hear that she died when Sana turned was a bad way to go.

Kris then let go taking a few steps back wiping away a few tears, and then moved over towards Niesha once more letting out a slightly shaky breath. Kristina spotted the other newcomer as he came over to talk to the one named Gavin and shortly after that Miss Sally came over to the group. Kristina looked around for a moment as Tatiana suggested an exit interview for James, and then sessions for everyone else as well. "We should probably go now." Kristina said softly towards Niesha as she started to head off towards the Mess Hall, with Tiffany and Raymond following shortly behind them.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Gilbert Street (Scene of the crime)

Meghna snapped out of the shock when Ashton yelled at her but seeing what James had done to Richard, though the guy should have died a long time ago. Meg looked around and then spotted a few people from Domestic starting to approach the scene, to report to her looking nervous over towards Ashton seeing the look in his eyes. This morning was turning out to be a really bad one, losing three of their own and then one of her best friends being exiled from Newnan was all bad news to her.

Meg would look over towards the others as the crowd got larger seeing Kristina going over to hug James along with Tatiana, and Niesha there shortly behind her standing there. Then the new guy Gavin, and Thana he seemed to know her from before. Meghna looked over towards the others that worked under her then over to Ashton. "Orders sir?" Meghna asked him as Miss Sally suggested that everyone else should go over to the Mess Hall to warm up and get some food. Meg watched as the group slowly started to disperse and heading off towards the Mess Hall.
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Amelia Payne

Location: Building C(2) (Franklin Wall Riley's Apartment) ā†’ Franklin Addition Building C3

Amelia blinked and blushed at Beatrice's first words as the door was opened, but didn't say anything about it. It's not like they did anything last night, she wondered if it was because she fell asleep pretty much right away. Well didn't matter. Actually it DID matter, but not at this very moment. There was currently a far bigger problem to be solved or at least discovered first.

ā€œYes.ā€ She finally stated with a nod at Beatrice's concern.ā€ I'm fine and indeed it was just a single shot.ā€ Amelia continued and looked about.ā€ Maybe a walker managed to get in somehow.ā€ She stated a guess, but shook her head.ā€ No... it should have happened like that. Better not make assumptions.ā€ She stated finally, mostly to herself and nodded to the other woman's suggestion.ā€ Alright, let's go.ā€

When Riley appeared soon after with the news, it struck Amelia like a lightning. The whole fact that it had happened last night was just scary enough, but the news that Sana had taken her own life was what hit Amelia light that mentioned bolt of lightning. She stood there in shock, moving her hands to her face as if to check it was still there and this was not some freaky dream. She didn't really care about Richard in fact her own opinion was that his death was a good thing, but the fact that the other two were dead also... Judging by what Riley said it seems James killed Richard because he had something to do with Sana's taking her own life? She searched for the security of the nearest sturdy object to lean on.ā€ Is James...?ā€ She couldn't bring herself to finish her question. Riley didn't say it but if Ash had shot... and James had killed Richard, the only logical conclusion was that the law was put into action. She felt her eyes in the edge of filling with tears.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Gilbert street, at the scene, heading towards Mess Hall

There were many things that frustrated Niesha, and this situation wasn't just frustrating, beyond itā€¦ she doubted there was a word, but there wasn't anything that she could do about it. She didn't want to see James goā€¦ he was tough and she was sure he would survive, but here? This community was more than that, they had made something, and as far as she knew, James had been there from the beginning. What would his exile mean, for the people here, those that had survived and had been there since its conception.

Were things going to change, yet again?

She bowed her head, waiting for Kristina to return to her. She didnā€™t know truly what she felt about the whole thing, except thatā€¦ it was wrong. And that just made it a million times worse. She shook her head, keeping her tongue, not wanting to make things worse. She nodded, following after Kristina towards the mess hall, although she wasnā€™t particularly hungry. Still, it might be a long time before she ate again. That thought wasnā€™t enough to stir her hunger.

It was hard to think of normal things, when something had occurred that would, she think, shake the core of the community. She sighed softly, ā€Iā€™m going to go to the infirmary after we eat, see if thereā€™s any patients that need attention, lend a hand if need be.. ā€œ Mostly, Niesha just wanted to be doing something. Things were often easier when she had something to do, so she didnā€™t let her thoughts twist about in her mind.

She sighed, the attempt to get to normal failing, as she knew all their thoughts were most likely on what had happened, and what was going to happen. The day wasnā€™t going to be productive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Newnan Hospital

Air, fresh spring air hit Alexander's face. As the old man walked through the decaying doors of Piedmont Hospital, his first instinct was to listen to his surroundings for anything; footsteps, breathing, moaning or gunfire as of lately, but nothing came within range of his ears. Perhaps he was just too old to hear properly, assisted by the continuing gunfire and artillery shaking his whole body many years ago? But for now, all was silent. So instead he sat down at the staircase, breathing in the cold spring air and enjoying it for a brief moment.

For a split second, the old man fooled himself into thinking life was actually worth it. He opened his eyes, perhaps hoping to see that everything was alright again. But he saw smoke. No, not smoke.

Several pillars of smoke.

Alexander rose up from the staircase, taking several steps towards the remarkable sight. He stood there speechless for a good ten seconds, before breaking the silence. "What the hell is that?" he asked himself, wondering if he was imaginating it. But the growling and tiny pain in his stomach argued against that notion, though this only made him even more focused on the smoke. Smoke meant fire, and fire meant - mostly - people. More smoke meant more people, and several different pillars of smoke might mean organized people. But what should he do? Follow it? He had no idea of knowing if they were good or bad people, or if it was indeed people at all.

The old man looked back at the hospital again, his eyes wandering up towards the roof of the building. If he only had a way of seeing the smoke from the roof of the hospital.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Before attending to the obvious business at hand, Ashton looked to Thana and nodded once. She had instinctively pulled her weapon to cover him without prompting in any way, and showed restraint as the situation unfolded. The situation with Gavin... he would inquire into later. Right now, she gave every appearance of continuing to back him up despite the drama clearly crashing down around them. He mouthed the words Thank you to her and returned to his duty. Whatever happened later, she was there now.

Any time that business started to mix with personal, Ash didn't like it. This most certainly was an example of that very thing, and in one of the worst ways. If he had stuck to what was considered The Law in Newnan, James would have a bullet in his head right now and they would have a mandatory discussion about community and the importance of keeping the peace. There may be some variation of the Omelet and Egg speech involved, perhaps something detailing the origins of the present community and describing some of the horrors that took place outside of the Walls. Newnan was special. Hell, maybe even unique. When the rest of the world had gone to crap and ruin, they had a decent slice of Civilization That Was, even down to luxuries few of them would have considered possible otherwise.

Perhaps this is why they were growing complacent. Ash had seen traces of it before, a general atmosphere of some individuals taking what they had for granted. Getting lax with duties. Forgetting the importance of their responsibilities. Ash silently wondered if these people would be able to survive outside of these walls anymore. They were there for a reason, the walls; it was to make life possible past mere existence and provide protection from those that would do them harm, both the living and the dead. And now, because of his slowly failing sense of mercy, he was about to put his best friend left in this world to exactly that test.

It was like shards of ice pierced his chest when he saw Tatiana with James, giving her goodbyes. That feeling turned to confusion when she suggested an "Exit Interview". It wasn't like James was putting in his Two Weeks' Notice on a salaried position, here. He was being exiled for murder. All the same, the quirky Russian lady had a point, even if he didn't fully agree. The fact that Jack backed her up notwithstanding - she was his wife, and newly made so, at that. Of course he was going to back her up. As petty as it might have seemed, though, he couldn't have his orders questioned in front of a group unchallenged. This was a pivotal moment, and he had to maintain order. A clear chain of command had to be maintained, or his little act of compassion may be seen as weakness by some members of the community. That would make things significantly more difficult all around. "Tatiana, I've said my piece on the matter. He's got one hour to be out of these walls. If you can arrange it in this time, you are free to do so."

Ash sighed. Tati did mean well, and maybe this was her way of getting a little closure in addition to the reasons mentioned. In a much quieter voice, he intoned to the deceptively tough ballerina, "James is going to be in a vehicle when he's escorted out of the Gate. You be in that vehicle. Park just outside of the gate, and take as much time as you need. But first, get our foot patched up. That work?"

Their conversation was punctuated with Meghna's follow-up to Ash's chewing out session, asking for orders. A look of annoyance crossed his features momentarily, but he quickly stuffed it back down and addressed her flatly. "My order was to get a Domestic Team and meet me here for instruction. But let's not waste any more time. Yourself and your domestic team have two jobs right now. First: make sure that everyone in town knows what happened. Run the buildings and residences, full nine. Make sure anyone who wants to say goodbye to James or give him parting gifts or even join him is able." Why not? He had friends here, though Ash wasn't sure that James would be open to subjecting people to the everyday dangers of the Outside. No, but the mere offer of companionship might do well to ensure that James knew he was loved. "And Second: Sana and Bryn's remains need to be policed, and that house given a thorough cleaning. It needs to be spotless. You are to assist in this Domestic endeavor personally. Remains immediately, cleaning and restocking may take place after James leaves. But make it happen before noon today."

Black James(!)

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

James looked somber as he trudged in the general direction of his house. Technically, it wasn't really his house anymore; it was just a building where he temporarily kept his stuff. Soon, most of it wouldn't even be his stuff anymore. Ash had told him to get what he needed from Newnan before he left, but there was no way in Hell he was going to abuse this. No, the resourceful Blackneck would leave this oasis called Newnan with ...basically... what he came in here carrying. He wasn't certain what he was going to do when he left, though. Might pick back up the trails of roving bands of hogs, take up his lifestyle prior to being a pillar of the community. But he had been alone for so long. Could he even do that anymore?

Then came the emotional near-attack from Tatiana that dropped the first of a few tears from James. The pretty little girl that refused to let go of his arm. She insisted that things might change, that she would see him again. It was bittersweet, seemingly naive coming from her. But it was a beautiful sentiment. "I wanna see my baby ballerina dance again. Really do. This the way it gotta be, though. I'm deservin' this, Tati. Hell, I'm deservin' a lot more. Long as my family's safe, I can bear it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 20 days ago

World Narrative

@ONL - Looking around, Alexander will notice that even though it is winter there are a lot of trees in Ga that are Evergreens, and much much taller than the two story hospital. Even if he went back inside and some how managed to get to the roof it would be of little consequence. The trees would keep him from seeing over the tops. And from the look of things on the ground, that smoke was at least a good two miles off.

Thankfully though the snow is melting quickly and while they are still drifts and icy patches, traveling today on foot will be a lot easier than the day before. The sun is already rising and the air is warming up quickly. It could be swim suit weather, if that were still a thing, by high sun. That as the thing about Georgia. It could be snow one minute, blistering hot the next, and a tornado coming through the following. The only thing consistent about Georgia weather was there was only one real season - Hell; between the months of March and November.

Outside it doesn't seem like any Walkers are around yet. That's good. No weird noises that you can hear, and even a few birds chirping. There is what Alexander might think of as a rumbling off in the distance but you can't tell what it was from or what direction it started. Just an over all low rumble, as quick as it shows up, it is gone.

Thana & Gavin

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Thana could only nod towards Ash. A curt formal nod in understanding of his mouthed Thank you. The world seemed to crashing down on the bliss that was supposedly Newnan. She had had her doubt that the place was idyllic as it appeared when she arrived the day before. Nowhere was that perfect, even before the outbreak. There were always issues and it seemed those issues were meeting head on right now in a rather horrific way. Three people dead; one by their own doing, one by said persons stupidity not thinking about the consequences of their actions, and another was dead because of revenge. No wonder Ash had kept himself so closed she thought to herself. All of this bubbling and brewing under the guise of happy life. She had to wonder just how far all of this was going to set him back from the progress he had made the night before and this morning until the curtain was lifted.

Her eyes glanced over towards Gavin for a split second before looking forward again. And just what was going on there? He had shown her the door. She had thought he cared about her when it ended but since then had chalked it up to wishful thinking and her misreading the look in his eyes. Yet now, there he was. Coming up to her, holding her like he had before, looking at her the same way he had all those years ago. Had it all been real? If that was the case... Her eyes drifted back over to Ash and she watched him for a long moment as if studying him. No, it was just wishful thinking, wasn't it?

Gavin however hadn't torn his eyes away from Thana yet, even as Ravi spoke and Miss Sally ordered everyone to breakfast. Gavin just shook his head slightly as he watched Thana and let out a longing breath. "Naw man, not lettin' her out of me sights untils we can speak. I's gots a lots to say to her. Startin' with how sorries I am," he said as he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and stood his ground. "Then's I gotta run. I gots somethan' to tend to if ya don'ts recalls. Especially nows. Those motherdicks gonna go down. Nows mores than evers. I's gonna makes sures theys don't hurts no ones agains, ain'ts gonna haves peoples likes that this close to Strawberry Wine I can tell ya's that much," he added as the joy slipped from his face and a dark look came over it. It was the same look that he shown up from time to time over the years when he went into that place that made him into the devil's nightmare. It wasn't a place Gavin liked to be but it had its purpose.

"In facts, I thinks me gonna be askin' old Smokey there if he wants to be takin' a field trips with mes," he added as he rubbed his chin and for the first time since he had stepped over to Ravi his eyes went from Thana to James. The man was good, getting an axe to the back of someone's skull like that. And from what he had heard, he'd done it for the right reason. Sure it wasn't by the law, but it was justice. Gavin respected that.

As Tatiana came over Thana's lips thinned. Ash shouldn't be put in that position. He was their leader, whether they liked it or not. You followed orders. If you had a problem with those orders, you took it to private. Not out in the street to make matters worse. There was a chain of command for a reason. But she had to give the little red head this, she was crafty. Doing it out like this got people backing her. She was more cunning than she let on, Thana could spot that much even if she couldn't read people the way her sister had been able to. Whether or not she agreed that Tatiana should have waited to talk to Ash in private about things, even she agreed with the request. You didn't send a soldier with PTSD out into the world without counseling. It just made matters worse in the long run and with as long as she figured James had been there he could cause a lot of havoc on this place if he did indeed fully snap.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Tatiana nearly went off when Ash said what he had to say. Her lips thinning and a look of anger creeping into her features that had yet to grace the town of Newnan. Yet as he continued the look faded and she smiled at him. Reaching out and giving him a big hug as her hopped on one foot in the snow. "Dah, vork very vell," she said, happy with the middle ground. Leaning in a bit though she whispered more. "But I not take no for ansver vith talkin to vhole tovn one on one. Including you." Leaning back she gave him a look of a sister warning her brother not to go do anything stupid. She wasn't going to let this part slip by and get swept under a rug.

This was a huge jolt to the entire community and she knew it was hitting no one harder than James and Ash. Ash hadn't opened up to her to talk about everything that had gone down before and when she arrived. She had been understanding but now that Sana had killed herself things were going to change. Tatiana was not going to sit by and let people come to her. She was going to get them to open up if she had to tie them down to the couch for sessions. She wasn't losing one more person.

Though she had to wonder as she stepped back and glanced around. She spotted Thana watching Ash, studying him almost. Her head turned and she spotted Gavin looking at Thana and then at James. Thana might have been the scared little bird but there was a reason that Froggy had put her in a counselor role in the community. She had a knack for reading people, it was part of her skill set. As was a little used skill of hers, the ability to con people. Two skills people would expect someone like Ryan to have but they were hers and had been for years. It didn't take much for her to learn the counseling methods or psychology. It was why Ash had put her as a Lead. A lot of people in town acted like they knew things they really didn't. Tatiana on the other hand, had the skills. She just down played it most of the time.

Nodding to Ash she looked over to Froggy. "Dah, get foot fixed," she said before looking over to Jack and hopping back over to him. Resting her hand on his shoulder. "You need get dressed," she said looking him over before shaking her head a bit and pointing back in the direction of their home. "Go, Froggy got me," she said as Froggy came over and put Tatiana's arm over his shoulder.

"Oui, I have little bird. You get dressed before you are locked up with a cold or worse and cannot be around your bride in fear you will make her sick," he said firmly, his eyes drifting to Tatiana's stomach area and back over to Jack with a wink. "Come Tati, I get you fixed up," he said as they turned and started off.

"You viat for me," she said in a clear voice as she looked at James before nodding towards Ray at his offer. She wouldn't need help, it seemed like Meg would be needing it. Yet she smiled anyways towards him before continuing on her way. Her and James had to talk.

Ryan O'Reily

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop

Ryan nearly busted out laughing as Ash tore into Meg. Seemed he had already given her orders before she had even arrived but she had chosen to ignore them. Was not a good thing considering what was going down. Instead though he just smirked as he took another puff of his cigarette. Seemed no one was going to take him up on the offer. Their loss.

Glancing over between Thana and Gavin Ryan let out a low whistle before turning and starting to head back to his place. He needed to put pants on. Though, he could just strip down and run through town naked. That would be a sight. If anything it would surely take peoples minds off what had just gone down, even if only for a minute. Then he thought about it and decided against it. He wasn't prone to wanting his nethers to get any colder than they already were.

"I'll be there in a minute, just gonna get dressed Lass," he said to Chloe as he passed her and others. Well if anything, Chloe was alright. That was what mattered in the end to the Irishman.

Taking his time walking, he enjoyed the cigarette. No use rushing it, nothing was going to happen in town until James was gone anyways. Miss Sally was ordering people off site and over to the Mess Hall. "Love the slippers," he said with a smirk and gawked as she pulled the cigarette from his lips and took a long pull from it.

"Get your bloody arse dressed and over to the Mess Hall," she said as she kept the smoke and kept moving people in the direction of the Mess Hall. Miss Sally looked over towards Ravi and Gavin, stepping over to them. "How about a cup of tea? I have some builders and a box of hobnobs I have been saving."

Ryan looked at Miss Sally as if she had gone mad as he watched her toss the half smoked cigarette in the snow. "What a fucking waste..." he muttered under his breath before shoving his hands into his coat pockets and going off towards the Rejects house.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TechnoWizROK
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Samuel Lee

Location: Newnan Hospital

Samuel didn't like the state of this building at all, the stairs left much to be desires, the roof was caved in with sunlight pouring in and there was rubble blocking his path through the hospital. It was still traversable but nonetheless more difficult and bothersome, occasionally getting his Remington caught on some loose debris. Walking into a wide open room with an exposed ceiling he would take a moment to adjust to the sudden change in brightness before noticing that he wasn't exactly alone in said room. The one-time pro boxer would find three walkers all pinned down by the collapsed roof, the one to his immediate right less so as it reaches for Samuel, arms stretched out with a leg trapped. In a fluid motion, something honed from months of hard-worked practice, the self-acclaimed swordsman makes a horizontal cleaving motion in an attempt to hack into the walker's snarling head. The Korean-American would note there wasn't a rush of adrenaline that came with his love of battle as a result he wasn't too worried for his sake here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop) ---> Building F (The Newnans' House)

Jack felt a bit of tension leave his shoulders that he wasn't aware had been there. He had subconsciously been holding his breath for Ash's reaction to Tatiana's requests. While Jack agreed with his wife, he also knew that Ash was the man in charge and he had had her shovel pig shit before. He couldn't have been certain that Tatiana requesting interviews with James and counseling with everyone else would turn out well, given the position it put Ash in. But fortunately, from the way the anger melted away from Tatiana's face, everything seemed to be turning out fine...as fine as it could be.

He smiled a bit as she hopped over to him, already starting to hold out a hand to steady her when she told him to go get dressed. And before he could argue that he'd get dressed when she had her foot looked at, Froggy swooped in and agreed with her. He let out a bit of a sigh before holding up his hands, showing that he wasn't going to protest. "Fine, fine, fine, you win," Jack said, a half hearted chuckle at the end of his words. He watched Froggy and Tatiana leave together, before walking home himself.

Jemma for a girl, James for a boy? Jack pondered briefly for a moment as he entered the home. After being saddled with one of the most awful names on the planet - Charles Hudson - it made some sense for him to ponder his future kid's name at length. It was a good distraction from thinking of all of the deaths that had happened. His friends who had perished or were about to be exiled wasn't the most happy of things to think on. He couldn't help but feel especially awful for Bryn. She had died by accident, killed by a friend, killed by someone she trusted.

Getting himself dressed, Jack looked wearily out the window when he finished.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Franklin Addition Building C3 (Beatrice's Apartment)

"A walker wouldn't have been able to get in," Beatrice said frankly, opening the door so that way she and Amelia could leave. "Any walker within Newnan is likely to be one of us." There wasn't a chill or anything to her words, but she wasn't being especially kind either. She said what she believed and nothing more. The likelihood that a walker could get through the walls without anyone on the wall noticing was slim. But with Newnan's diverse population, anyone could pass away and reawaken as a new threat to the settlement.

At Riley's news, Beatrice for once had to fight to keep a bit of a composure. She could count the people she could consider friends in Newnan on one hand, with room to lose two fingers, even. James, Ryan, and Tiffany--those were her friends in Newnan. She may have had a one night stand with Richard, but it had meant nothing to her. The news of his murder didn't phase her--but the possibility that one of her three friends had been killed...That was the law in Newnan, after all. Capital punishment for a capital crime.

"Thank you for letting us know," Beatrice said bluntly. As much as she wanted Riley to answer Amelia's half formed question, she doubted that the answer would be a welcome one. There was no reason to expect that Ash had done anything but carry out the letter of the law in Newnan. There was no other reason for a shot to be fired by the captain of the settlement. If James hadn't died, then in Beatrice's mind, it would be favoritism. And that never ended well.

Chloe Ridgeway

Location: Building B (Rejects House)

Chloe nodded at her twin, though she opted to stay behind rather than go break the news to Amelia and Beatrice. The snow might have melted some, but it was still freezing, and she didn't look forward to the idea of running out to Riley's place and back in just her pajamas. Besides, she herself wanted some time to process what had happened. Dick had been something like a friend to her, after all. As she headed into the house and shut the door behind her, her eyes watered slightly.

It was strange to think that only she and Ryan lived in this house now. She knew that Zoie, Dick's lost love, used to live in the house. And now, now it was practically a one-stop shop for ex-cons. Part of her hoped that another convict would find their way to Newnan shortly. Dick had been a good buffer for whenever she didn't want to deal with Ryan's obsession with her. There were times when even Chloe didn't want to hear his flattery and get random gifts. But with Dick gone, it'd just be the two of them in this house.

Of course, she doubted Captain Tight Ass would care. They were a potential threat to the community after all. She pinched the bridge of her nose and headed to her room, closing the door behind her. Part of her wanted to crawl back to bed and sleep for another hour, feeling already drained from the events of the day. But that wasn't an option. She'd be expected at medical after breakfast, and if Froggy had nothing for her, she'd then need to go report to Sid at the medical garden. And of course, Riley might need a shoulder to cry on.

She changed out of her pajamas and got dressed quickly, wrapping her flannel snuggly around her as always. She laced up her boots and ran her fingers through her hair, doing her best to work out any tangles without having to use a comb. It wasn't the greatest job, but her hair looked neat enough and she left her room, heading out of the Rejects House and going towards the mess hall to meet Riley for breakfast.

Ravi Chakrabarti

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Ravi let out a bit of a sigh. He had tried to pull Gavin away from Commander Martin and the others. While his stated reason had been that they would get in the way, his true purpose had been to explain to his friend in private to be prepared for the worse. But the Texas Ranger looked like and was acting like a love sick dog, as far as Ravi was concerned. Getting him to head over to the mess hall for some breakfast and a private conversation didn't seem possible.

"Gavin, it's good that you're going to apologize to her, mate," Ravi began, putting his hands in his pockets. "But you have to remember--you left her. And this wasn't last week or something, it was years ago. There's a good chance that's she's moved on with her life--that she might not still feel the way she did years ago." It was blunt, but Ravi would've kicked himself if he hadn't said something. Distance may make the heart grow fonder and Gavin may be hopelessly in love with Commander Martin still, but that didn't mean the feelings were returned. Life was so rarely that neat and tidy.

Then, of course, Ravi couldn't help but feel frustrated with Gavin's insistence to risk his life. One man--hell, even two--wouldn't be enough to take down an entire group of people. No one had the sort of supplies needed to waste and odds were, someone would get hurt. Gavin's intentions were noble, but Ravi saw them as overwhelmingly reckless. "You're going to get yourself killed," Ravi pointed out. He had already lost everyone he knew. As far as he was aware, Major and Clive were long dead, joining the ranks of walkers shambling across the land. His true love, a feisty woman named Peyton, was either dead or long gone, having made her own way in the world.

"And you'll need more help than just 'old Smokey'," Ravi continued, taking his hands out of his pockets. "So I'll be coming with you and you won't be able to convince me otherwise. You're not the only stubborn bastard in this friendship, you know."

He got a whiff of the smoke as Miss Sally came over to them, before tossing the thing in the snow. He almost drooled at the thought of tea and hobnobs, with it having been ages since he had a proper tea. The last time, as far as he could recall, was when he was dating a girl who was a little obsessed with the United Kingdom and all. It had been something of a fetish for her, but he didn't complain when it came to a strong cup of tea.

"That sounds brilliant," Ravi replied earnestly. "Gavin's never had a good cup of tea in his life, you know. Could use some cultural education and such."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Building C3 (Franklin Wall Beatrice's Room) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Riley looked over towards Amelia seeing her reaction seemed to hit her the hardest, they both lost their friend Sana last night she moved over and pulled Amelia into a loving hug trying her best to comfort her. "The shot was for Richard incase James didn't kill his brain properly, hes being exiled in an hour." Riley answered gently running her hand up and down Amelia's back to comfort her, looking over at Beatrice she gave her a slight nod. Riley noticed the lack of reaction from her, normally she would have probably called her out on it, but she wasn't really in the mood to start any kind of fight. Riley took a step back looking at the two of them for a moment letting out a slight sigh it was going to be a really bad day she just got a feeling it will be.

Her mind then started to wonder over to Chloe, Riley still wasn't sure what she would do if she lost her or Amelia. Looking between the two of them. "We should head over to the Mess Hall for breakfast, it should be served by now." Riley said trying to change the subject from the grim news, Riley was getting a tad bit hungry and also she wanted to check up on Chloe. She did promise to meet her there once she had given the news to Amelia and Beatrice. Riley looked over her shoulder as Meghna came into the room, asking for Amelia to let the others of Newnan know what occurred over the night, Riley nodded slightly letting out a slight sigh.

Riley gave Amelia a quick kiss. "C'mon, lets get some breakfast." Riley said softly as she started to turn around and started to leave Beatrice's room walking back outside of the women's housing of the Franklin Wall. She could feel the temperature starting to rise more from earlier in the morning, it was an easy walk as Riley turned down Lagrange Street. Riley then spotted Chloe making her way over towards the Mess Hall as well as she approached her twin sister, she gently laid a hand on her sister's shoulder. "How are you holding up Chloe?" Riley asked she saw Raymond giving him a slight nod.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Gilbert Street (scene of the crime) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Raymond was rather quiet as he looked over her shoulder as Ashton chewed into Meghna, he made a note to check up on her after eating his breakfast to see if she needed help, or see if Tiffany would be more then willing to help her out if she needed it. Ray turned up slightly up at the intersection between Lagrange Street and Gilbert Street. "Should probably help Meghna out after breakfast, looks like shes going to need some." Raymond suggested as he spotted the Ridgeway twins as Riley caught up to Chloe, asking how she was holding up. Just as he had said that Meghna came over to ask Tiffany after she had eaten breakfast to let the other residences know what had happened during the night.

Ray walked over and entered the Mess Hall, and then looked around seeing an empty table he moved over and sat down. He was surprised that it was cleaned up rather neatly since last night everyone pretty much ended up leaving the party. Raymond set his crutch down next to him, and slowly ran a hand through his hair. Remembering his first day back in Franklin the first time he had met Sana, he still slightly blamed himself for losing his leg. He knew that she took her brother's death the hardest, he also regretted not doing something more to try and get her to open up. And James the guy was really cool, in his opinion though James killing Richard was a shock to him still though Ray hated Richard just as much as anyone else did.

Kristina Smith

Location: Gilbert Street (The Scene of the Crime) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina was still doing her best to try and process everything that had happened just now, Richard did get what was coming to him as she looked over towards Niesha as she mentioned that she was going to go to the infirmary to report to work. Normally she would do the same, but now James was being exiled from Newnan, one of the few people that she considered her closest friends. Kristina looked to Niesha and gave her a slight nod. "Alright. I should probably tend to my duties after James leaves." Kristina said softly as she walked over towards the Mess Hall, seeing some of the others as they started to get ready for their breakfast for the day. She wasn't that hungry, but she knew that she had to have something in her system to just get through the day. Kristina didn't want to go back to having to struggle around for scraps every day, and living outside of the walls but she also thought about joining James as well.

Once they got to the Mess Hall Kristina walked over and started to grab herself a tray and started to put the food over onto her plate, as well as getting a cup of water. Then Kristina walked over finding an empty table setting her cup down onto the table leaning back in the seat. Kristina looked around the room, seeing Raymond sitting down at his table she quietly continued to eat her breakfast, she then started to wonder who would be the one to take James' place as agriculture lead. Kris knew that her sister was the pervious agricultural lead before she died, and James taking her place again.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Gilbert Street (Scene of the crime) -> Building C(3) (Beatrice's Room) (Franklin Wall) -> (Heading to Building H)

Meghna looked over at Ashton seeing the look of annoyance in his face, she quickly looked away for a moment and gave a slight nod as he gave her the orders. Letting out an annoyed sigh, she thought it would just be best for now to just be quiet as Meg went to work and went over to Richard's body. She started to do her best to lift up the body. One of the people from domestic that was there went to help her, figuring that no one would want to see Richard's body out in the middle of the street. The day has really turned out to be really bad for her so far, getting chewed out by Ashton, and losing her best friend being exiled from Newnan.

Meg gently laid Richard's body close to where all of Newnan's residents who passed away were laid to rest, she would burry the bodies later on. Meghna still needed a little bit more help, she started to make her way over to the Mess Hall deciding to just skip out on breakfast. And figuring that she was now being punished and didn't want Ashton to see her sitting in the Mess Hall, and eating. Meg walked over to catch up to Tiffany, and gently tapping her on the shoulder. "Tiffany when you are done eating, mind going around town tell everyone what happened." Meghna asked, and then started to head off to find in the Franklin Wall heading over to the Women's Housing seeing Riley, Beatrice and Amelia there, over hearing Riley mentioning breakfast.

"After you eat breakfast Amelia, I need you to spread the word what happened." Meghna said looking over to the other ladies and gave them a slight nod, as Meg turned around and started to make her way over towards the house that was just outside of the inner wall. Where the Valkyries used to live, and where Bryn and Sana's bodies were.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Gilbert Street (Scene of the Crime) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

She was kind of hungry, she had to admit, though her mind was plagued by recent events. She still couldn't imagine it. The other day was a wedding and now we have three people dead and one on their way to exile, which nowadays is pretty much a death sentence. Having been in a group before, she knew it wasn't always safe. It wasn't 100% without problems. She realized that before, but still Newnan was a place where they could all feel safe and work together. It shouldn't have come to this.

As she and Ray made their way to the Mess Hall, Ray suggested they help Meg. Having overheard Ash lay into Meg the way he did, it was probably a good idea. While she felt he may have crossed a line, I think he was allowed a little line crossing now considering all that has happened. As she walked, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Meg. Sure enough, Meg asked for her help after she ate. She wondered just who wouldn't know what happened. The message over the radio was clear and a good number of people were around to witness it, but she nodded and gave the girl a smile. She liked Meg and felt bad for her to be in this position, especially now, "Sure Meg, I'll help out. I wanna say goodbye to James too."

She continued on her way with Ray, contemplating it all. "Just a reminder to be thankful for every day. That, and if you have problems, talk to someone about it. Don't blame yourself, Ray. There's no way you or any of us could have known what was going through Sana's mind." She comforted Ray, knowing he was thinking it. She thought it too. She liked Sana. These things were inevitable, but it didn't take away from the pain.

She could really use the food now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Newnan Hospital --> Heading south

No, it was of no use for him to get up at the roof. Now that he looked around again, he saw to his surprise the height of the trees. At first he had thought they were just about the same height as the hospital, but at that second look he realized they must have grown quite well after the end of the world kicked in. And when he thought about it, the wild life - excluding the Walkers of course - did seem to enjoy this new world. The sound of birds singing off in the distance put a small smile on his face again. Like him, they welcomed spring.

He began walking, his sights set on the various pillars of smoke somewhere behind the trees and other objects hididng their true identity. As he put some distance between himself and the hospital, he wasn't sure what to feel or think. This was the first indication of human activity he'd come across in a while, and now he was heading for those who could have left it. Then again it could be nothing and he could be on a wild goose-chase after nothing. What would he find? Anything? Nothing? Death or Salvation? Only time would tell, as the old man wielding a pistol kept walking what he thought was southward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Franklin Addition Building C3 -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Everything had went to hell in that one night. Amelia couldn't believe how one moment they could be having a wedding party and very next morning this happened. What... why... This couldn't b.... it was. She swallowed hard, thinking about it. This was their reality now, it shouldn't have came as such a shock to her given her own experiences in the past. This place had made her forget that and now she was reminded of it. Amelia was quietly grieving about the loss of Sana and Bryn, not so much for Richard. She blinked widely as they were informed of Ash's decision on how to deal with James! This was new! The current law should have been death, but exile? Amelia was both glad, confused and maybe a little concerned.

ā€œOkey, I will do so...ā€ She quietly replied to Meg when she showed up, asking her to spread the word of what had transpired. Amelia wasn't sure she'd be the best person for the job, but she was going to do what she could after she grabbed a little bit of a breakfast. A part of her didn't want to get separated from Riley now, but she convinced herself she had to not be selfish in moments like these.

ā€œAlright, let's go.ā€ Amelia said quietly with a nod, trying to sort out the events that happened. Some breakfast would come in quite good, but she really hoped to see James before he has to leave. He was a dear friend too. She liked him a lot and his loss would be great. She could only hope he doesn't end up simply torn to pieces in some dumb event out there or captured by those Eden bastards.

Once in the mess hall, Amelia quietly followed Riley when they saw Chloe. She smiled to Chloe, but it was a sad smile, given the circumstances. Still she was glad that the others were alive at the very least. She wanted to say something, but didn't know what could be said in situation like this one. She couldn't comfort Chloe, Riley was doing that, she could't comfort Riley either since she was helping her sister. So she simply had to keep quiet right now and pray for her friends that passed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Mess Hall (building 2)-> heading towards Infirmary

Niesha followed Kristina, getting her own breakfast although she could just as easily have skipped it. Yet during the long years since the outbreak, she knew it wasnā€™t wise to skip a meal. Nothing was ever truly safe anymore, this morningā€™s events had proved it. Who knew when it would be your last meal? Better to eat. She was silent, in her own thoughts, as she ate in a mechanical manor. She wasnā€™t too sure how she felt about what happened, about what was happening. She sighed heavily. While she didnā€™t disagree with what James had did, she wondered where sheā€™d be, if Kristina hadnā€™t been thereā€¦ Sheā€™d been sympathetic to Richardā€™s plight. Theyā€™d both lost people they cared aboutā€¦

Part of her still wondered, if theyā€™d had the equipment, the skills, if theyā€™d have been able to save Zoe. Theyā€™d come so far, before the outbreak, only to lose it all, in the space of mere months. Yet the equipment was still there, if not the means to use themā€¦ and slowly, the Newman Community was regaining streets, expanding when they had the means to do so. Maybe one day, things would have a semblance of that life lost.

The war on the walkers could last generationsā€¦ and that was a slightly terrifying thought. Children born never knowing what it was like beforeā€¦ Children growing up in this world? Yet maybe that was hopeā€¦ the children are our future. Perhaps they fought so strongly, for those that were more vulnerable. Children had always held that symbol of hopeā€¦ Her mind wondered to the blood work sheā€™d foundā€¦ which no longer seemed as important as it once had, but Niesha disliked not having the answer to a puzzle.

And her thoughts had taken a detour. She sighed again, pushing her plate away, and putting her fork down. She ran a hand along her hair, taking a few moments to regain her thoughts. Today would perhaps be one of the hardest the community had facedā€¦ losing two members to the ignorance and arrogance of one, and one to the vengeance of another? It was different when it was Walkers, or a rival groupā€¦ Exiling Jamesā€¦ to what could quite easily be a death sentence in itself? It wasnā€™t impossible to survive out there, by yourself, and James was capable. But it was hard, for one person to survive out there, by themselves.

There wasnā€™t anything she could do about it. Rising, she said to Kristina ā€Iā€™ll head about my work now, but Iā€™ll see you aroundā€ She spoke softly, taking her plate and heading to clean up, before starting off to the infirmary, to see if there was anything she could do there. If not, sheā€™d head about making sure they had supplies, and do what she could to stock what they didnā€™t. Sheā€™d check the Medical Gardens, and spent some time there. In other words, Busy work. Something to pass the time, and keep her occupied.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Black James(!)

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop) -> Headed North on LaGrange Street

James trudged in the forming slush of the morning back to the road, taking it as an easier path northward to get to his former residence. He wasn't sure what they would use it for now, but it was even money they would just clear out his nick-knacks and assign someone else to it. Probably whoever they get to replace him as a Lead, unless Ash deemed it group housing and tossed a few people in. Then again, he knew that Ash had his eye on the place a while back before James had moved in proper, citing that he had too much room in his venue house for just one person. Leann forbade it, as was her privilege. James moved in, and that was that. Well, the grim bastich went and took his revenge, making Leann's old place "Reject Housing", though he never called it that himself (James might have a time or two, being honest).

It was an odd sort of memory lane, now that James was leaving Newnan. He only had an hour though, it wouldn't do very well to get caught up in memories for too long. Not a lot of time when you had to say goodbye to a town and pack up enough gear to move on with a life. "Say, umm..." he started, speaking to one of his armed escorts, "I gots an hour, man. Hour. Could you hit that Armory fo' me? Grab my Vera and that box o' goodies that's got my name on it, please sir? You ain't gotta give it, jus' make sho I got mine on the way out."

They were told to help him get his stuff together. There was some hesitation at first, which was understandable. I mean, he was James. That would be James Mandingo Grady. But he crossed one hell of a line. "Yo man, I still got a guy with a gun that can shoot my dark ass if'n I get outta line. Plus you gonna have one hell of a bang-bang when you get back, case I do. You ever shoot that cannon? She's somethin' else."

The guard looked skeptical. Keying up a walkie, he addressed Ash, "Captain, James is requesting I leave and see to his munitions. Orders?"

There had been a few concessions so far. This one seemed a little much.

Ash Holloway

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Or at least a little more than Ash was willing to allow right then. "Negative on that. But he does have stuff spread across the town. One minute." He did, too. Weapons in the Armory, probably a little something hidden in his house, too. Speaking of which, that house was centrally located with a couple of stories. James was not known for being an extremely organized man, outside of work. Also, as the Agricultural Lead, he had dealings with crops and livestock, at different ends of the grounds.

Ash spoke into his walkie, hoping to fix the difficulty. "Jim? Jim, I need someone from Security to get James's truck. Make sure it's gassed up and ready to go. Get it to the Armory and put his personal weapons in the back, then park it just inside of the Gate. Let James's detail know it'll be waiting on him."

He replaced his radio on his belt and looked down at his hand. He still had his friend's personal sidearm held awkwardly. James would need this, maybe even before the day was out. Ash made sure the safety was set and tucked the familiar Glock into the back of his belt. He then turned his attention to the bloody woodaxe on the ground next to where Richard's body used to lay. Carefully, Ash picked it up, regarding it for a moment. It was used to take a life recently. It was used in an act of mercy recently, also. The whole situation sucked, through and through. But staring at that tool of murder, Ash had to wonder if he didn't just save lives in the long run. It was a long stare, and though little showed, the Captain felt like he had just lost something important.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 20 days ago

World Narrative

@ONL - It is going to be slow going. Even though the sun is rising higher in the sky, it's still early. Not even 8 AM. The temperature is just above freezing now and while things are starting to melt it was a long hard snow and a long time of temperatures never getting above freezing, plus a lot of cloudy days. The snow in the area that hasn't been traveled in what looks like months is packed with snow that is hard in some places and hip deep in others.

The roads seemed to be slightly more clear than around the buildings, which is good. But everything varies from step to step. Alexander will find his foot falling through what looked like solid snow one minute and walking on top of it the next. Over the last fifteen minutes he has made it about two hundred yards. But hey it's progress right? The smoke pillars are still in the distance but a little closer. Could be worse, there could be a hoard. Doesn't seem like there is one right then.

Thana Martin

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Jim got the radio and quickly headed over to get James truck. He would fill it up and head over to the armory to gather any of James' things. He didn't like that James was being kicked out of Newnan but he understood what was going on. There had to be some form of law here and people were emotional. Most were friends of James, so of course they would side with him not even questioning the fact he had killed someone in cold blood. Jim didn't like it but he understood that as well. Thing was, even if Richard was a Dick, he hadn't done this. At least not in his eyes. Sana had. And she was gone. End of it. It would suck not having James around for various reasons but if would snap over this it couldn't be overlooked. More than that Ash was making a point he figured, that it didn't matter who broke the law of Newnan, you got punished for it. No matter who you were.

Either way it would take a little time to get things together on his end but Jim hurried, running from his position to the truck and radioing to James' detail what was up. Thana in the meantime kept her eyes fixed on Ash. Watching him take the axe and look at it. She was worried about him far more than she was James. Sure being out there sucked, not having walls, but if you knew what you were doing you could survive. James' little event proved it didn't matter how safe you were being walls, death and murder happened everywhere. It was far worse it happening inside a so called safe zone than out there. Out there you expected it, you watched for it. Here, you didn't and Thana felt that was why this entire thing went down. People had become complaisant. When you let your guard down that was when shit happened. This just proved it.

Taking a breath as people started to clear out Thana showed the first sign of any emotion as she stepped over to Ash and came up behind him. Resting her hand on his shoulder for a brief moment and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You did the right thing Captain. Never doubt that," she said in a calm voice before letting go and stepping back away from him. She wanted to give him his space right then nearly as much as she just wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight. Holding him could wait, until they were behind closed doors and away from the watchful eye of those passing as they ran this way and that to get things done and others prepared to say goodbye to James.

Thana stepped away from Ash, giving him plenty of space but keeping in his line of sight at this point. If he needed her she wanted to be right where he could see her. Not far out of arms reach if he should need her support but just far enough to where if he snapped her draw had a chance against a swinging axe. It wasn't that she was afraid he would hurt her but one never knew what someone would do when they were this stressed out.

Tatiana Korvo

Location: Infirmary (Building 1)

Tatiana hopped into the main court house and over to the infirmary with the help of Froggy. Scooting up onto one of the gurney's and propping her foot up on a pillow as Victor started to get a pan of water, some bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and other things to clean her cut up and see just how bad it was. Tatiana didn't figure it was too horrible, she had only stepped on a piece of glass from a broken tea cup.

Cringing she hoped that Jack didn't step in it when he got home. She would have to clean that up. And their breakfast... She hoped it didn't go to waste. No, it could sit for a while before having to worry about it. They would still have their breakfast as soon as James was gone after she spoke with him. She would give everyone the rest of the day before she started calling them in to talk. She wasn't going to take no for an answer on that one. She wasn't having another Sana incident on her conscience. No, she would play hard ball if asking nicely didn't ask.

Froggy came back and pulled up a stool next to her and got to work. Tatiana didn't say anything even when he tried to ask, she was too lost in thought of what she would be asking James, what points she would hit on, and more. This was her first serious evaluation but it was for James' safety in her mind. James' and the towns. Whether she liked it or not, if she feared that James would pose a threat she would have to tell Ash and recommend incarcerating him in a cell until he was no longer a threat. That or the worst... No, she would make sure this worked out.

Ryan O'Reily

Location: Building B (Rejects R Us Housing)

Ryan tossed his Jack on the couch as he passed by before heading up to his room to get changed. His mind was wandering a bit as he looked into the mirror. He was having a hard time believing that James actually killed Richard. Not that he didn't see it coming but he figured it would be Richard finally ending Chocolate Thunders life, not the other way around. This put a whole new spin on things and oddly enough Ryan found himself actually respecting James on a level he never thought possible before. Not for killing Richard but over the simple fact that he had in pure revenge for all the deaths James blamed on Richard. That took balls.

"God damn it..." he said after a moment of reflection. Muttering it under his breath before he grabbed his pants and slipped them over his hips. Zipping the fly he shoved his feet into his socks and then boots, lacing them up tight. Then it was time to finish getting dressed. He was moving at a hurried pace. His head barely coming out of the top of his shirt as he pulled it on as he rushed out of his room and into Richards. He grabbed Richards packs and hefted them over his shoulder before returning to his own room.

Then he started rummaging through them. He knew what he wanted out of them and what he didn't. One pack was just dumped out fully but it didn't remain that way long. Ryan started emptying his drawers and refilling the pack. "I must be fucking nuts..." he said as he continued to pack. Ryan was reading to leave Newnan, with Chocolate Thunder. What the fuck was wrong with him?

Gavin Comfort

Location: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)

Gavin looked over to Miss Sally and shook his head. "Thank you ma'am but no thanks. I hads me some right tasty grits and eggs already. I gots places to be, thank ya though," he said tipping his hat to her before looking over towards Ravi. Ravi's words actually made the cowboy grunt and spit on the ground before looking back at him. This was not what he needed right now.

Rubbing his scraggly facial hair he eyed Ravi before leaning in and resting his hand on his buddies shoulder. "Listen man, yous stay heres ors I gonna put a bullet in yer knee so you lame as a dog and can't walks. Is glad yous wanna help but whats goods ya gonna be? You ain'ts evers kills someone. You just be gettin' in the ways and anyways. Yous a healer, heals man. And whose else gonnas looks after hers whiles I gone? I ain't got more trust in anyones on this earth than I dos yous. I don'ts knows how shes feels. She ain't ever been one to shows emotion outside from behinds a closed door. That dead guy could have been her greatest love and yous wouldn't knows it. She wouldn't shed a tear until she was alones. Just how she is. Unlike that bitch sister of hers. Buts I stills feels the way I do. Listen...Yous my brother," he said in a firm tone.

He didn't want to leave Ravi behind but he wasn't about to put him in danger any more than he already was just by being alive in this world. Looking down he kicked the ground some but he didn't let go of Ravi's shoulder yet. He squeezed it softly before looking back up. Gavin look torn up, sad before he continued. His tone changed from hard anger and point making to someone nearly begging. "Yous my brother. I loves ya man. Takes care of hers, please. Fer me," he said before letting go of Ravi and turning his attention back to Thana about the time she stepped away from Ash.

Taking a deep breath he started over towards her. Miss Sally cocking a brow as she looked from Gavin over to Ravi. "I don't know where he is going but that right there who has made his mind up. Do I even want to know where he is going?" she pondered out loud before shaking her head and looking up at Ravi. "Let's get some tea, you can tell me all about it. We have time before the bloody fool tries to get outside the gate," she assured him.

Her eyes drifted over to Gavin as he made a beeline for Thana. Oh this was not going to be good. Miss Sally's eyes went to Ash, to Thana, to Gavins guard who was staying close, and then back to Gavin. The cowboy looked like he was on a mission, she just hoped it wasn't a suicide one.

"Strawberry," Gavin said as he came over to her. Thana's brow rising and about to tell him to go on and she would talk to him later but she didn't have the chance. His hand was on the back of her neck and his lips were against hers before she could blink. It was a firm kiss, deep but brief. Thana's jaw going slack as he pulled away as quickly as he had pulled her in. His eyes were glistening and he spoke quickly.

"'For anythang else happens, I gots to tell ya I'm sorry's. I was stupid. I was a dang blasted fool fer lettin' ya goes. I was in suchs a dark place when Christina died. Yous brought me outs of it. Shows me how to live again but I was stupids I was. I felt so guilty fers being with yas, fer hows I was feelin' abouts ya, thats I pushed ya away. I knews it was a mistake the moment you walked outs that door. Gods I wanted to go afters ya. I didn't and that was doubly stupid."

He took a breath and Thana just stood there in shock still but she hadn't moved to push him away, not even as his hand came from the back of her neck and began to caress her cheek. "I fells in loves with ya Strawberry. I truly did and bys the time I snapped out of the dumb shits already been hitting the fan. Jesus I wanted to finds ya, never thoughts fer a moment yous weren't alive. Never dreamt I sees yous again either. Nevers stopped lovings ya."

That made Thana actually blink. "Love me?" was all she could manage to choke out.

Gavin smiled slightly, a sad broken smile. "Yeah babies and listen. I knows its been years. Yous probably moved on, maybes more than once since I did the dumbest thing since people decided to pass off red colored chocolate cake as Red Velvet. I ain't askin' yas to takes me back. I ain't askin' yas anything. I just lettin' ya knows I loves ya and I am so very sorrys," he said before pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her. Thana wasn't sure what to do, he was shocking her and bomb dropping on her left and right.

Slowly her arms went around him and she hugged him briefly. It made his smile brighten. "I gots to be runnin', don't ya worries yer little head. I bes back one day but b'for I went I hads to tell yas. I wasn't gonna be makin' the same mistake again. Seeing ya standing there and not telling yas hows I feel. Ain't throwing a chances away," he added before he pulled back and pushed her hair back out of her face.

"Your leaving?" she asked confused and the sound of her voice could have been anything between concerned, depressed, or just confused. "Why?"

"Gots some justice of me own to deal outs but I be's back. Ain't asking yas to wait, just askins yas to think is all. About's fergiving me."

Thana could only nod a bit, she could give him that much. If she could give him more? She couldn't answer. This entire thing was throwing her for a loop and it was taking everything in her to remain as stoic as she was. Kissing her brow he let her go and walked off back towards the Mess Hall. He had to grab his bag before heading to the front gate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Heading south towards the smoke

Slow, slow but steady. Alexander could live with that. The snow beneath his feet was starting to bother him less and less as he made his way forward, even for the many times he lost his step and fell through the snow. But for every step he made that fell through the snow, he silently encouraged himself as he made his way ever forward, if slowly; he was making progress, slow but steady progress. Alexander held a rosary between his fingers, fiddling with it as he slowly continued forward.

Though it was far from being the same scene, Alexander couldn't help but feel a certain similarity between his lone walk through the snowy landscape and the one he had found himself in many a time back during the war. Even for walking with his fellow G.I's, the same sensation of desulation and loneliness came over him; knowingly heading towards your destination on a certain mission, but instinctively looking over your shoulder every so often just to be sure you're not being watched. Every step was a step closer to a Vietnamese soldier, ready to strike where you least expected it.

While there were few Vietnamese there, the same fear applied to being ambushed by other survivors or being torn to pieces by a horde. But so far it was quiet, say for that odd rumbling earlier which Alexander couldn't identify. Could it have been an engine? A horde or just a large group of people? God's mighty hand striking down at the unbelivers? He had no idea. But he had an idea of something he wanted to try.

Alexander fumbled through his pocket for a moment, before pulling out what looked like a walkie-talkie. Turning it on, he simply looked at it for a few moments before pressing down a button and speaking quietly into it. "Good morning. Anyone hearing this? Over."

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