Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 12:00 A.M. Local Time

Barracks: "I know uncle but this is different," Peter said as he leaned up slightly. "Vera and I aren't exactly spring chickens, we have cared for each other for many a year. I was set to propose to her before I was shipped off. Against fathers wishes mind you. I have no want or desire to father an heir. I see no point in it unless it happens just because it happens."

Sighing a bit he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin before he began to weave a tale of his time between his so called death and now. It was not easy for him to speak about, parts of it leaving him visibly shaken. The things she had seen, lived through, it was obvious it had left him scarred more than just physically. Shaking his head he looked back over to his uncle. "Vera's promise to consider my proposal once I returned was the only thought that kept my going. To see her here, now, still without suitor. Call it fate, god, luck, I feel it is right. I may not have a burning passion for her but I do love her uncle and I would rather relive my last years a hundred times before I ever brought her dishonor."

He meant what he said. He did care deeply for Vera and felt a love more romantic could grow between them. He was honest when he said he would never bring her dishonor. He knew how much it meant to Vera to stay out of a scandal. He could care less what people said but he cared how Vera felt. Pulling his handkerchief from his pocket he patted dry the sweat beading up on his brow from when he had recalled the past years to his uncle before shoving it away again. "I simply want a content future with one I know I can sit and speak with even as old age comes crawling in."

Swallowing slightly Aziza leaned forward and placed a delicate kiss to Harry's cheek. Her lips lingering there for a moment as she agreed that there could be far worse ways to spend the day. Taking a breath she leaned back and smiled nervously towards him before rising from her place and glancing around not only at the room but at herself and then back over to Sgt. Walsh. "Maybe we should spend the day doing something else though I can sit here and thank you the rest of the day if you'd rather," she teased playfully as she adjusted her shawl.

A thought came to mind though. "I do need some things though, and I wonder if you would like to change your clothing? Would it be too much of me to ask you to escort me home, just so that I may pack quickly? I dare not go alone but if we are going to be on this little trip with the Lady Munn and the Lord Kingstons...." she said before her words trailed off. "I could never leave Drahl behind, he'd never forgive me."

Museum: Vera looked over to Lauren nearly in shock as she suggested that William cared for her, the idea was simply ludicrous. Yet she felt her head swimming as her thoughts went to that place. It was nothing she told herself, just a knock on the head from fumbling as she always did. Resting her hand on the top of her head she let out a frustrated huff before nodding. "Yes yes, fine. Thank you," she said in an appreciative voice.

Looking over to William her hand slowly left her head and rested into his outstretched hand, grasping it gently as she let him help her to her feet. Nearly tripping in the process and pressing lightly against him as he spoke. She had a dazed looked on her face until he finished and her eyes narrowed. "I would rather gaze into the rotting end of an embalmed pharaoh!" she hissed before her heel came up and she stomped down hard on the tow of his boot.

Turning on her heels she stormed off in a huff. Whatever illness had been afflicting her was quickly cured with a bit of anger it seemed. Sadly her clumsiness was not and she nearly knocked over a vase on a pedestal as she whirled by it. Grabbing it she wobbled around until she finally steadied it. "Oh fuddle...." she said as she let a breath out of her lips and her curls went flying off her brow. So much for making a grand exit...

The Prison: The representative of the prison shook his head. "You can speak with him once we are finished. The warden is waiting and has waited long enough for your foreigners," he said in a less than accommodating voice before snapping his fingers and motioning for them to follow him. The guards that had been with the truck taking flank around the two as they moved through the prison courtyard and into the outskirt building itself. The place was horrid conditions and wreaked of things that were best left to the imagination.

The two were lead down various halls until they came to a corridor lined with doors. He stopped near the end, a door simply marked in Egyptian Arabic on a glass panel stood between him and them. He knocked on the door and after a few minutes and a blood curdling pained scream it finally opened. Being drug by the scruff of his neck was Abbas, he looked as if he had gone ten rounds with Goliath. He spotted the two and whatever pain he was feeling seemed to vanish as his busted lip split into a grin.

His guard shoved him past the rest of them in the hallway and down the corridor before a voice came from the office in the local language. Whatever the masculine voice was saying, he was not happy right then. The representative spoke back before the Warden came to the door and poked his head out. He looked over the two, said a few things after eying Josephine in a most ungentlemanly manner and stepped back into his office.

"Him there," the representative said pointing to a door to the right. "Her, in there," he added pointing to the wardens office.

The Road To The Museum: Neema continued following the cat and the cat continued to lead them until a bell tolled from off in the distance. It was now noon. Looking up as the cat jumped up onto a statue Neema perked a brow. "Seems our little feline friend has brought us to where we wished to go," she said as she pointed to the Museum's front doors.

"Merneith!" a male voice echoed out from inside the museum as the cat ran inside, followed by a slew of what could only be curses in the local language. It was the curator of the museum yelling at the cat before his eyes fell on Neema standing outside. "Neema? What brings you here?" he asked quickly as she cat scurried through his legs and ran off further into the museum.

"I brought a friend that is to be meeting with a Lady Munn, do you know her?" she asked.

"Sons of the pharaoh," he muttered under his breath before straightening his coat and sighing. "Yes, yes, she works here. I can show you where to find her," he added before looking at the two other women in Neema's company. "And you are?" he asked, not rudely, just with curiosity in his voice.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren looked over her shoulder at William seeing that look on his face, that face made her smirk ever so slightly she did know that she was right as Lauren looked back at Vera. The woman aside from her constant clumsiness, she wondered how Vera was still alive and how did she not fall down a flight of stairs at this point. Lauren stood up as William held out a hand over towards her, and then she accepted his hand as he pulled her up to him. Then Lauren looked at William as he made his comment, if she was younger and not married she'd probably make return a sassy comment.

Then Vera stomped on the man's toe, that would probably hurt wincing slightly as Vera turned off to storm off, she was probably going to lay off some jokes as well. "Smooth move there my friend." Lauren said softly with a slight smirk as she started to follow alongside Vera just in time to see the woman nearly knocking down the vase. This was what now the tenth time today that Lauren had seen Vera either trip herself over something. "Nice catch." Lauren said as she approached Vera once more and leaned forward somewhat to get a better look at the vase.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Harry couldn't help it as his cheeks turned a light shade of red feeling Aziza's lips against them. He chuckled softly, shaking off the feeling as she leaned back and moved to stand. He looked back up towards her as she spoke again, letting out another chuckle as she teased him, before moving to stand himself, adjusting his jacket momentarily as he looked over at her. "Well, I wouldn't be very gentlemanly if I kept making you thank me, would I?" He grinned, watching her closely as he listened to her speak again, hands clasped once more behind his back.

Shrugging his shoulders, he shook his head. "Of course not, I'd be happy to escort you back." He paused momentarily as she suggested he may wish to change his clothing, realizing he had not actually been home since he left for the club the night before. "Come to think of it, I should probably grab some things myself, though I'm afraid my place isn't exactly on the way to the hotel..." He considered possibly getting a car to take him by later, he didn't want to be dragging Aziza around the city. Besides, he figured that it probably wasn't entirely appropriate for him to bring her to his place anyway. The 'good conduct' of lords and ladies like the ones he had been hanging around recently seemed to be rubbing off, it almost made him shudder. He did pause momentarily as he heard her words trail off, raising an eyebrow as he let his curiosity get the better of him. "Drahl?"

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

Smirking as he looked down at Vera, feeling her lightly press against him, he had to stifle a groan as he felt her heel slam down on his toe. He appreciated the thickness of his boots for cushioning the blow somewhat, but she had hit hard, and a numb pain was starting to rise up in his toe as he watched her go, luckily able to feign ignorance to the pain as he kept a smile on his face, eyes following her. He forced himself not to laugh again as she almost knocked over another vase, tucking his hands into his pockets as he followed after her. He was far more relaxed now.

Though it was probably not the most healthy of relationships, William enjoyed riling Vera up, she had a kind of fire when she was irritated by him, always displaying her intelligence by trying to find the most cunning or dramatic way to make him eat his words, or just resorting to violence when that didn't work. The way she got even clumsier somehow when she was angry, and he dared to say even more attractive. Yes, definitely - there was a stronger sort of attraction William held for Vera when she was like this, almost enjoying her aggression towards him. He appreciated that Vera held herself highly, she wouldn't give in to his jabs and jives, and would outwardly throw them back in his face. It was charming, in a strange, horribly uncouth sort of way.

Clearing his throat as he saw fit to even better ruin Vera's failed 'grand exit' - William moved over to stroll right past. "Come now, Vera, don't want your obsession with me to cost the museum any more money in damages." He smirked, continuing down the hall past Vera and Lauren, toward Vera's office.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Priscilla Harker

Location: Outside The Museum

Well the cat really did lead them to the museum! Mosi was both impressed, content and rather happy! It was just hte next proof she had encountered that hte world wasn't as simple as the majority of humankind wished it to be! No way this was simple coincidence! No way at all! She had decided, frankly she didn't need any proof since she believed it and some stupid people arguying weren't going to waver her resolve or faith." Who needs men when animals have better sense of direction than us?" She smirked to herself, but she used to word 'men' in the context of humans." I will need to buy our guide more food and drink later as a gift of gratitude." She smiled.

She looked at the man with a smile as he asked who they were, clearly looking at her and Nora." Priscilla Harker - freelance artist and occult researcher at your service. But by all means, please call me, Mosi." She introduced herself with a smile and took off her cowboy hat." Right now though I just wish to visit this wonderful museum and bask in the beauty of ancient arts and crafts." She added with a big almost childish smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Outside the Museum

Nora stared at the cat for a moment, wondering once again whether this could really be chalked up to pure coincidence. However, once she heard a voice call out a name, a name that she assumed to be the cat's, Nora felt a bit of relief. The cat had just been heading back to its own home. It clearly lived here at the museum. This wasn't another supernatural force that was beyond understanding, such as the one that had branded her the night before. It was just chance.

"Miss Kingston, here to have lunch with Lady Munn," Nora introduced herself, after Mosi had already done her own line of introduction. It was a bit of a relief that the woman wouldn't be following them around for too much longer. Nora felt that these happenings were best not disclosed to the general public. Neema and other experts, of course, were obviously qualified to understand these stirrings. She doubted that an American would be in any such way. Mr. Drake's behavior only served to cement that in her mind.

Though if Nora was to be particularly honest, her distaste with Americans stemmed from a distaste for her sister-in-law. And perhaps if she were to do some real soul searching, she didn't dislike Fannie for the reasons she claimed--that she was loud, uncouth, and bossy. No, she disliked her sister-in-law because she had taken Nora's favorite brother from her. Her second favorite brother had been killed in the war as well, leaving her with relatively few family members whose company Nora actually enjoyed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Reginald listened politely while Peter went over his trials during the more asked about but naught revealed portion of his time during and after the Great War. He did not interrupt, did not ask any questions whatsoever, even to the point of stifling a quiet harrumph to clear his throat. He took in all of the gory details of what had actually happened to his nephew. Being a man of action at heart, and having seen many atrocities in his time as a soldier. He had even performed a few actions (under orders) that were regrettable to him, even to this day.

"And the memory of our dearest Vera sustained you, did it? That is extraordinary, sir." The Lord Major sipped his tea, quite content to pause his work for a heart-to-heart with his nephew. "I know you would never bring her dishonor, Peter. You are a better man than I, you see, for that is precisely the mistake I made. You wholeheartedly have my blessing to pursue your lady love, Peter. Wholeheartedly. Of this I shall not waver. And if Kismet gives you its blessing as well, then who am I to say anything to the contrary? Simply let the process take its due time, and use that time to get to know her again."

"I say, for that exact purpose - why don't you give us an assist with this little side project we're getting ourselves into? It would be a superior thing to have the Lords Keystone adventuring side by side in Cairo and parts beyond, delving into intrigue and solving centuries-old mysteries of the sands, wot?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The Prison

"Straight to the case then. At least they aren't wasting time, that's something." Haakon said in a lowered voice as they were 'escorted' through the prison and towards the so-called 'Warden'. They were walked to and through a corridor, although its condition was giving Haakon the doubts that anything in the prison actually could be classified as a proper building. It felt more and more like a ruin, or at least something not far from it.

And then he saw Him. The Thief. The bloodied, beaten-up low-life snake named Abbas appeared before them, being dragged past and away. But any sympathy he might have had for a man almost beaten to death was vacant; this man deserved none, Haakon thought, especially when they were in that same spot just because of him. But that smile, that gloating smile gave Haakon a bad feeling. Haakon tried to hold a steady face, though his eyes shot daggers in Abbas' direction.

The Warden himself, however, he tried as best he could not to swallow too loudly. If this was their interrogater, Haakon might even be glad to get out of this place with just half his teeth left, though he was more afraid for what he would do to Josephine. Giving her a look of defiance, he sighed quietly and stepped towards the door he was pointed to. "Be gentle with him, Jo."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: The Prison

Josephine sighed at her last ditch effort to have any sort of help in this situation. They were on their own for the time being. That was all well and good. She would give them heck if she had to. She followed them inside, making sure to keep her distance. After all, she had to assume the men that stayed her hadn't seen a woman for a long time and she would be damned if she was the first.

As they neared their destination, she saw the vile man Abbas being dragged away and his smirk was undeniable. She wanted to smack the man, but he looked quite beaten up enough. Still, she was sure he thought he had the upper hand in this situation and he would come to find out that it would not be the case.

Finally, they made it to their interrogations, but the wanted to separate them. And the Warden himself stood out. He looked at her in a matter that made her stomach do some turns.

Well, ain't this just peaches?

She wouldn't back down though. She'd been looked at before, this was nothing new. She turned to face Haakon, "Please, darling, have I ever been anything but gentle?" She gave him a wink before turning to the Warden, "Well then Mr. Warden, let's get this done." She stepped inside his office and awaited him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 12:10 P.M. Local Time

Barracks: Peter sat there listening to his uncle. He had heard about the whole dishonor thing from his father on many a tirade. As far as blackening the name of Keystone, Peter could have cared less. As far as he was concerned his father could and would deal with any dishonor Peter brought to the family. Even if that entailed waltzing through Parliament stark naked covered in plum jam and having a tea cozy on his head while singing God Save The King. He was the second born, the spare. He was supposed to be the black sheep.

That being said, Vera was a different story. Their friendship and kinsmanship went back many a year. While he never understood why she did her best to say in the good graces of the court he would not do anything to bring dishonor to her name while they were together, in a manner of speaking. There were few people on this earth whose opinion of him mattered and they both were in Cairo; Vera and Reginald.

Giving a small nod of his head and a solemn grin to his uncle he finally spoke. "We hold on to those most cherished to us when the skies are darkest dear uncle. I understand what you say and I will. I have changed some, who hasn't in times of war. I suspect she has as well. It would be most prudent to lend a hand and tag along as it were on this endeavor. Though I must ask..." he said pausing for a minute in thought. "Just what exactly are you and dear Vera up to?"

Aziza giggled a bit. "None of my things are at the hotel, I need to stop by my home if that is not too much trouble. I live in the Gheit el Idda in an apartment on Shari Muhammad Akbar near Shari Abd El Aziz," she said. It actually was no more than a five minute walk from Harry's home surprisingly enough.

At this question she smiled dreamily. "Oh Drahl. He is most dear to me. Strong, quick. Lovely brown eyes and a dark mane that is stunning while he is running," she said in a happy voice as she described him. "The best Arabian Stallion in Egypt."

The Prison: The warden gave Josephine a wide toothed grin and showed her in. The door closed heavily behind the two leaving her alone in the wardens office as his pudgy body waddled over to his desk and he sat down behind it. "Sit," he said motioning to the chair in front of his desk. Picking at his teeth for a moment he just watched her. "Do you know why you are here?" he asked, wanting to get in her words why she thought she had been brought to the prison.

The wardens office was dingy, cramped with files and papers cluttering the desk. It was hardly kept neat and tidy like over at the barracks but it was air conditioned - a rare treat in this part of the world - and it was a far step up from the rest of the prison. A good example was the room that Haakon was shown to by the representative of the prison that had fetched the two of them. This looked to be the room that Abbas had originally been interrogated in. There were two chairs, both old and rickety. A table between them where it looked as if shackles could be pulled through the center. It was in even worse condition than the chairs and was covered with a small pool of blood that continued in a splattering to the floor and up the wall. A single tooth rested in the crimson liquid.

"Sit," the representative said flatly as he stood there and the door was closed behind them. "So, why don't you tell me what you were doing at the hotel."

The Museum: "Thank you," Vera said sheepishly towards Lauren. "The curator would have had my head if I dared put a scratch on this vase," she said in a relieved voice as she slowly moved away from it.

Looking over as William walked passed them she caught his words and there was obvious hurt in her eyes. She had been used to him taunting her but as of late his words seemed to feel much more personal and malicious. It had not been the first time in the last twenty-four hours he had said something about her clumsiness that stung and while she hadn't called him out on it as of yet her face spoke volumes each time he did.

Taking a deep breath she blinked away the tears about to form and glanced back towards Lauren. "If you would be so kind as to wait for me in my office, I need to speak with cafeteria about bringing up a meal for my meeting with Lady Kingston. I shan't be but a moment," she explained before turning and walking off in another direction away from her office. Rounding the corner she made her way down a set of stairs to speak with the kitchen staff directly and to get a few moments alone to compose herself more fully.

"I see," the curator said before motioning towards the main hallway for the exhibits. "Please then, do enjoy a look around. We have much on display of our most recent finds as well as some wonderful pieces that have been on display for quite sometime. If you have any questions, there are assistants throughout the museum that will be more than happy to answer any of your questions," the curator said gladly towards Mosi.

Turning his attention back to Nora and Neema he sighed a bit. "Sticking your nose into things again aren't you Neema?" he said in a rather harsh voice before smiling at her. "Yes, of course. You know your way around. Please, go ahead. The Lady Munn's office is in the archives where Dr. Montego used to call home. Do watch out, she is as clumsy as he was," he warned before excusing himself. Neema chuckled a bit before motioning off in one direction.

"Shall we?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren gave Vera a soft smile as the vase was put back into its place. "I could take the blame if something broke." Lauren offered as she looked over towards William as he walked past the two of them, she gave him a slight glare he certainly did like to get under Vera's skin quiet a bit. Her attention went back towards Vera as William walked on ahead of them, Lauren did notice the hurt in her eyes when Vera told her to go on ahead to her office Lauren gave her a slight friendly nod.

"I'll talk to him for you while you get things ready." Lauren said as Vera headed off towards the cafeteria to get the food set up, she remembered the way from last night when they were making their way to the museum. Lauren eventually found Vera's office and walked into the room her attention quickly turned over towards William. "Why the hell do you like to get under her skin so much?" Lauren asked as she moved over to a chair and sat down on it while she looked up at him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

At Peter's question concerning what the Lord Major and Vera were getting into, Reginald leaned forward in his chair with a bright sparkle in his eyes. While he still had the outward appearance of an elder gentleman, he began to display the vigor of a much younger man. "Ah, what indeed, Peter? It is quite the scandal, you see..." His voice had dropped in volume somewhat, but had taken on notes of whispered strain. He wished to convey that it was a secret while indicating a level of enthusiasm for their endeavor.

"We have a mismatched Fellowship of individuals, held in common by a series of unusual and unexplained events. Shared dreams, some even in their waking hours. Symbols etched into jewelry by some invisible hand while we watched. Some of us have received those symbols in the form of spontaneous branding. Branding, Peter. Burnt into flesh. All of us likewise had a similar vision, an udjat ring seared into our hands and some voice booming in Egyptian Arabic, bidding us onward."

The Lord Major pulled out his pipe and began to stuff it. He was becoming quite the man he was decades ago at the mere discussion of the adventure to come. "Vera has deciphered some of the text, and it points us toward a dig site a little further up country, you see. But before I continue, dear Peter, how has your sleep been as of late? I don't suppose you've any recent dreams about sand, war, and blood, have you? Inhuman armies having at one another while a jackal-headed chap witnessed the slaughter? Perhaps you might provide other details, if my hunch is correct."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Raising an eyebrow as he heard Aziza giggle, Harry soon chuckled himself as she explained where her home actually was, finding it rather convenient just how close it actually was to his own apartment. "Well, that's definitely closer to my place." He grinned as he watched her, the smile fading for a moment or two as she began to answer his other question. It had not initially dawned on Harry that Drahl might not have been a person, and from the way she had begun to describe him - he immediately found himself, strangely, considering the worst. A beautiful, peak example of a man was the image which came to his mind, and he almost felt jealous.

Luckily, Aziza was kind enough to clarify, and Harry couldn't help but laugh, more at his own jumping to conclusions than her description. He did pause again then, realizing he had in fact forgotten about his own horse. "That reminds me, I should probably make sure I get Roach..." He commented mostly to himself as he moved towards the door finally, glancing back over to her. No, Roach was definitely not the most endearing name for a horse, particularly a young mare as she was, but it had been the name Harry gave to each and every horse he'd ever had, and it had grown on him. "Well... Shall we, then?"

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

Moving along down the hall, William didn't notice the look on Vera's face or how hurt she had been by his words as he continued along to her office. He had never intended to cause hurt with his teasing, and indeed, remained oblivious as to how it actually stung her when he did make such comments. Indeed, William found Vera's clumsiness endearing, adorable even - though of course he'd never admit it, especially not to her. A smile split his lips momentarily as he moved into her office, glancing around it before he moved to sit down in one of the chairs, kicking his feet up onto the desk.

He glanced over as Lauren came in without Vera, raising an eyebrow briefly as he watched her, chuckling at her comment as he shrugged. "I wouldn't call it 'getting under her skin' - rather than i'd call it stating the obvious." He shrugged again, a smug grin plastered onto his face as he leaned back and looked over at her. He glanced back toward the door then, raising an eyebrow as he realized that Vera had not come yet, unaware that she had gone off to speak to some of the cafeteria staff. Sighing, he leaned back somewhat further, settling in to relax as he waited for Vera to come back. "Besides, it's not like I actually mean anything by it." He commented again, scratching at his chin for a moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Priscilla Harker

Location:The Museum

“Thank you.” She said with a smile and slight nod with her head before heading towards the welcoming area. Mosi was happy with herself, the time and even the cats about the place! She had reached her second target after the hotel – the MUSEUM! Now that she was here, it was time to bask in the glory of the ancient civilization! She had a lot of things to see and doubted a single afternoon was enough to properly comprehend and examine all the things put on display. That's why she was more than likely going to be here a lot for a while.

Still for now she focused on the welcoming area where the focus was on the discovery of King Tut... Tutankhamun.” Well lot's to see!” She smiled to herself as she headed towards the closest thing put on display. Still she really hoped to see a rather well preserved khopesh too. She was certain there would be some in the museum so she didn't rush it. This place already proved very curious with the events that transpired and the strange amount of coincidence that was happening. Coincidence that Mosi was sure wasn't as coincidental as people would like to believe.' Ohh... I forgot to ask if I can take notes and sketches.' She realized and quickly looked about to spot one of the people who were supposed to be placed about the place to help and answer questions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Nora Kingston

Location: the Museum

Nora raised a bit of an eyebrow at the curator's comment. What other curious happenings had Neema gotten involved with before? For a moment, she imagined Neema getting involved with these sort of things every few years and writing diary accounts of them that would be published after her death. But Neema didn't seem to be the sort that would go looking for these events. It seemed much more likely that these happenings just tended to find Neema instead.

"Neema, if you don't mind me asking...What sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into before?" Nora asked, after nodding and joining Neema in a walk towards the archives. They had managed to make it to the museum on time, yet Nora felt a little guilty over not being at Lady Munn's office promptly at noon. However, she hoped that the insights she had gained from her conversations with Neema would make up for the social misstep. And of course, Nora could not help but remind herself how silly it was to care so much about the etiquette of a society that wanted no part of her. It was illogical but she could not help it. It was the way she had been raised.

Another bit of the curator's speech had caught her attention as well, of course. She could not help but wonder if clumsiness had become a requirement for Egyptologists, if Lady Munn's predecessor had a similar knack for it. It struck Nora as quite odd, given that Egyptologists handled priceless artifacts and clumsiness would put them at risk. But it was not her place to ask any questions on the subject and she had far more important matters to discuss with Lady Munn at any rate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The Prison

He didn't like it, leaving Josephine with that revolting mass of a man and...whatever he wanted to do with her, but he knew that neither of them had much of a choice. So he entered the room with the representative without any fuss. At least anything audible, for inside him he tried not to think too much about what he had just entered; the worn-out and decayed furniture and inside of the room, the pool of blood on the table and the lone tooth resting peacefully in the puddle.

Peaceful, as in not being connected to Abbas' jaw anymore.

Haakon didn't argue with the representative and sat down on the chair as ordered. He took of his fedora, placing it at the table - away from the pool of blood, of course - as he looked up at his interrogator. "Short answer, Sir, is that I live there, and have done so for the past month." Haakon said to the man standing above him. For all the fear and uncertainty that had been brewing inside of him for their lovely little wagon-ride, he was putting on a brave face, while his voice was as serious as could be. Not accusing or agitated, just serious.

"The long story is that Miss Clark and I had partaken in a excursion down the Nile and to the Egyptian Museum that afternoon. Afterwards we returned to the Grand Continental for a drink and to continue our conversation. And I can only assume that your next question will revolve around how we came to meet that man arrested yesterday?" Haakon answered, taking a breath before continuing. He had certainly not expected to talk of what he was about to say, at least not unless he would have published the story himself; "We witnessed him commit murder in the first degree. It started when the two of us, Miss Clark and me, overheard him rather loudly arguing with the receptionist before causing him great distress and promptly leaving. I was curious, as us journalists are, and followed. I admit it wasn't my business to follow him, but curiosity overcame me, and Miss Clark followed. Best case scenario, he'd leave and cause no more trouble. Worst case? Well, following the man you arrested yesterday and dragged past us not five minutes ago, we came to the alleyway behind the hotel to hear the breaking glass, the man now dressed as a servant and entering the kitchen, and the dead body of the poor servant."

"We decided that there was no time to lose, and thus followed him back inside the kitchen and up several floors. We were trying to stop a cold-blooded murderer. Foolish? Perhaps, but then and there it seemed like the better option. Shall I go on, Sir?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: The Prison

Josephine had to stifle any sort of reaction to not only seeing how the Warden kept his own appearance but that of his office as well. It was disgusting, but she shouldn't be surprised. Prisons weren't known for being the pinnacle of vacation destinations. Still, this was a bit much. She dusted off the chair to the best of her ability before she gently sat down, crossing one foot over the other.

Everything about this felt wrong to her, but she wasn't about to back down now. "Well, I think I can come up with a few reasons, but the one that seems the most likely to me is you were interrogating that horrible man in ways I won't condemn, but certainly don't approve of, and he mentioned us and we are here to prove our innocence in the death outside of that hotel. If you would like my telling of those events, then I will gladly do so."

She desperately wanted a cigarette but held out. "We came from the museum, Haakon and I, and we stopped for a drink at the hotel. That was when we overheard that man talking to the hotel clerk. He was getting very upset and was visibly angry. However, he stormed off. We both followed him outside and that was when we heard a glass break. We quickly made our way to the alley where we saw the dead body in question and that man dressed as him and sneaking into the hotel. Now, I couldn't sit idly by, could I? After all, the man mentioned a friend of ours' name and it seemed like she was the intended target. Seeing as he already killed someone, I couldn't just let that go. So we followed him into her quarters and held him until the authorities arrived."

"I expect you have questions and I will gladly provide answers, but the truth is we didn't do anything wrong apart from chasing a dangerous man. He is caught and is back now, so isn't that a win in your books?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 12:15 P.M. Local Time

Barracks: "Roach?" Aziza asked as she stepped over to the door and nodded to him as he asked if they should head out. Looking out of the door she made her way down the stairs and back through the courtyard towards the gate. "Is that a pet?" she asked curiously before stopping at the gate and letting the guard know they were leaving for a bit to gather personal items and that they would return soon, asking that a message be delivered to the Lord Major to let him know before she continued out of the barracks in and out into Cairo proper.

Smiling nervously towards Harry she slipped her arm through his. Being out on the street again was making her a bit on edge, it didn't matter that it was the middle of the day. So much was going through her mind. What of the jewelry and the markings, what of the attack on her, what of Abbas breaking into her room, of Josephine and Haakon? Right then she just wanted to rush back into the safety of the barracks but this was something that needed to be done. And at least once they were finished she would have her stallion with her. She had no doubt that the Lord Major would allow her to keep him on the barracks. They had horses there and she had ridden her horse there several times instead of walking.

"Uncle, have you been hitting the Sherry already today?" Peter asked, a bit surprised that his uncle seemed to be spouting off tales of magic and sorcery. Brands, dreams, the like. It all sounded rather outrageous to someone who hadn't been experiencing any of it.

"Dreams of jackals? Heavens no. If my dreams do go to war it is to the great war but those are memories I would just rather lock away and never think of again," he said as he sat there. Was he actually hearing all this hookum from his uncle? "Vera is speaking like this as well? Pray tell me you two haven't gone and joined a cult," he asked as leaned forward a bit. He knew his uncle to be an honest man but he had been known toe stretch the truth a bit when it came to embellishing his tales. Maybe old age and sherry had finally pickled his dear uncles mind. Yet, that would explain Vera believing all of this as well. She was the most sensible and grounded woman he had ever met.

"Only details I have is a dinner I am planning for Vera this evening for her and I," he stated with a chuckle.

The Prison: The man interrogating Haakon sat back and listened to what the man had to say, his facial expression gave nothing away. He just sat there with a blank look on his face. The man must have had a wonderful time playing poker and giving nothing away. In the middle of Haakon speaking the door opened and another man came in with a note pad and a pen. Setting them down in front of the interrogator. The man still didn't move nor acknowledge the other man as he came in, set the things down, and walked back out. The only thing he did was answer Haakon when he asked if he would like him to continue. "Yes," was all he said without a hint of emotion in his voice.

The warden however sat there oogling Josephine as he sat there picking his teeth as he listened. "So you didn't see him kill anyone?" he asked as he sat there grinning, leaning forward a bit as he spoke. "So you follow a man you didn't see kill anyone into your friends room? Well, how did you do that? He leave the door open?" he asked, still grinning at the Hollywood actress. His grin widened a bit as he leaned forward even more, still staring at her like she was a piece of meat.

The Museum: Inside the museum there was so much to see. There was plenty on display upstairs but the main floor was basically all from King Tut's tomb. So much had been found and it had brought in many people to want to see and study that the main floor was now dedicated to the largest find in Egyptian History. Neema made her way through the main area and towards the back of the museum. Passing so much - Overall Image 1, Overall Image 2, King Tuts Mask, King Tuts Burial Throne, King Tuts Sarcophagus, King Tuts Mummy - And this was barely scratching the surface of what was in front of people just as they stepped into the main hall.

A man dressed in a suit with a fez on his head glanced towards Moshi. He smiled at her and gave her a slight bow. "Do you need help ma'am?" he asked as he stepped away from one of the pillars and towards her, his badge for being part of the museum staff clipped over his front jacket pocket. "I am Ahkmed," he said introducing himself.

Neema smiled over towards Nora. "Oh he goes on. Don't mind him. I used to be an assistant of his a life time ago," she said but there was a bit of a twinkle in her eye. It was obvious that those two had once been more than just co-workers as it were. "He was far more of a trouble causer than I ever was," she chuckled thinking back to her days in the field. "We were together at the discovery I am wanting you to have a better look at."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren leaned back in her seat as she turned her attention towards William as he propped his feet onto Vera's desk, she was pretty sure that Vera wouldn't want any dirt on her desk from his feet on there. She simply rolled her eyes towards him letting out a slight sigh the man was simply asking for it at some point, it was true that she was really clumsy but still he shouldn't really just trying to annoy her constantly about it. "She may be clumsy, but you don't need to constantly annoy her about it." Lauren said with a slight sigh.

Lauren stood up and started to walk around the room looking at what was in there out of curiosity, then she couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly at his comment. Seeing the two of them over the last few minutes she saw that there was certainly something between the two of them, they just didn't want to admit it or they were confused. "Anyway, what do you do anyway?" Lauren finally asked, she didn't see him the night before as far as she knew.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Of course Peter didn't believe him outright. That was to be expected, though he did have hope that, as Peter appeared in Reginald's dream the previous evening, he would have been privy to it as the others had described their experiences with shared dreams. It puzzled him that his nephew had not experienced this, or had forgotten if he did, or simply refused to acknowledge it. Then the thought hit him like a ton of canned turnips in the night: Maybe something blocked him from it. Many a soldier in his command had experienced shell shock, and the lack of restful, let alone dreaming sleep was rampant. Reginald himself went through a bout or two of restlessness spotted by horrifying nightmares, either about things he'd seen - or things he'd done. They passed over time, mostly. The thought of what Peter had been through made the Lord Major shudder internally. He likely could not grasp the depth to which the younger Keystone's sleep was waylaid.

But concerning his and Vera's participation in a cult, the Lord Major shook his head knowingly. "My dear boy, you haven't need to worry about Lady Munn and myself wearing bedclothes and reciting obscure bits of filmflammery. No, Peter. Nor have I "hit the sherry", old boy. You know I'm a whisky man." He did not expect that the bit of humor would assuage Peter's sense of concern for his poor, addled uncle's mental well-being, but he did hope it would demonstrate that he was not overly defensive nor horribly serious about a hypothetical cult to which he may or may not be affiliated. "Though one would not blame the assumption, of course. You should most assuredly ask Vera about your besotted Uncle Reggie's declining mental state, and spare no detail! She may provide better explanation than I am able to offer."

His voice grew quieter, and a touch more serious, "But if you would, Peter? I would consider it a favor, a necessary favor, you see, were you to not mention this to anyone not involved. If the men under my command should whisper carelessly, it would jeopardize. Mum, and whatnot."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks -> The Streets of Cairo

Chuckling softly at Aziza's confusion, he moved towards the gate with her and shrugged. "She's my horse, same one I had when I was deployed here during the war." He paused for a moment as he finished speaking, looking down for a moment as he pushed away a few resurgent memories, bubbling to the surface at the mere mention of the experience. Sighing, he shook his head as he allowed Aziza to speak to the guard, moving on with her as he felt her arm slip through his own. He still appreciate the feeling of her arm wrapped with his own, and as she did so, many of the thoughts he was pushing back completely faded from his mind.

Reaching up, he gently set his hand atop hers for a moment, smiling before he lowered it back to his side, tucking it into his pocket as he wandered through the streets along with her. Unlike Aziza at that moment, Harry was doing his best not to think on all of the things that had happened the night before, the jewellery, Josephine and Haakon, the attack the night before, it was an extra bit of stress which Harry did not want, or need, and he planned on ignoring or avoiding the topic it of it as much as he could. At that point in time, Harry didn't want to think about anything he didn't absolutely have to, right then, his focus was on Aziza, and on collecting his things from his apartment. That was it.

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

Reaching up, William idly picked at something in his teeth, no doubt leftover from breakfast, as he watched Lauren idly wander about Vera's office. It was something he'd done regularly after he first arrived in Egypt, curious of the contents of the office and eager to explore every bit of it, regardless of whether or not Vera appreciated his rather prying eyes. By now, he knew more or less everything in the room, having been through every drawer, cupboard and table that he'd been allowed to go through for files or information on the many digs he'd been getting himself involved with since he arrived.

"I'm an archaeologist." William said plainly at first, shrugging as he sat there, thinking of how best to properly explain his field. "Though I guess not the usual sort, I'm less into the whole, 'books and theory' and more into the whole riddle-solving and dungeon-delving part." He chuckled. In reality, it had been getting William somewhat antsy that he hadn't been out of the city in twenty-four whole hours. Before the day before, he'd spent most of his time out and about in many of the tombs and dig-sites around Cairo, and he would have much preferred being back out in the wilds.
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