Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Right..” Jaakuna narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Nadeline. He didn’t doubt the severity of the situation, but he took note to how he was the only one who could bring Savayna out of whatever state she was in. Easier said than done.

He took in a deep breath as to find a calm center that wouldn’t interfere with what he was about to. He knew he would have to remain absolutely calm and if he were to lose just an inch of his concentration, it could have disastrous effects for anyone within a quarter mile. That might not even cover a tenth of the Royal Palace but there was a lot of people still in residence. In that amount of space, all of them could probably die if Jaakuna didn’t handle this with care. So, once more, Jaakuna had to check out and Jackson took the reigns.

Jackson approached Savayna cautiously, holding his arms up as to not be perceived as a threat. The last thing he wanted her to do was to think he was going to hurt her. As Jackson got closer to her, he saw the look of absolute terror in her eyes. It was like that time he had touched Wesley yesterday and he saw something. Could that be the same thing happening here? Jackson couldn’t know for sure, but that was the look he most likely had. Of course, Jackson had more control over his emotions(as strange as it sounds), so maybe that was why he didn’t burst into flames yesterday. Still…

Savayna, you alright over there.” Jackson spoke softly. He was a mere five paces away from her. Not close enough to do anything but just close enough so that she would see and hear him.

Savayna, though her entire body was laced and practically covered in a layer of ice, she could hear and see Jackson. It was as if the sight of him brought her out of it somewhat for the shell around her thinned out a bit. Now, it was just a thin layer of ice magicks and her eyes went from being solidified orbs of ice and were just the color of fresh winter snow. “Jaakuna..what’s happening?” she asked, finally aware of her surroundings.

You tell me. First thing I heard was you screaming. Mind telling me what brought such fright to you?” He asked, closing one pace.

I..saw something, I think. I..don't know, all of it is still hazy.” Savayna tried to remember but it was like a raging blizzard in her mind. Like zero visibility.

Saw something, huh? Was it a person? Maybe an object? Try to remember.” Jackson did his best to remain calm, all the while closing two more paces. Almost there.

She looked to him just briefly, seeing the warmness in his eyes--like a fire barely lit in a campsite. It was there and comforting. “I...was remembering back in Archadia. I was...fighting someone. I think I was, at least. And then--

Suddenly, as she gripped her head, Savayna felt the pain come back again. The blizzard was now a series of ice darts stabbing in her mind over and over and over again, refusing to let her see anything past that.

It was in that moment that Jaakuna--yes Jaakuna--took reigns and took a large step forward. That was the first action. The second would be to take Savayna in his arms and surround them in a healing fire aura. It was the same fire that he used to heal Emiri back when she still was under Zodiark’s control. This time, however, was less intense and focused on Savayna.

As he kept her in his embrace, Savayna did all that she could to decrease the temperature of her mist field but Jaakuna’s opposing mist canceled it out. And after a while, his fire would bring her emotions down to a neutral calmness. Eventually, her eyes returned to their icy blue shade and her complexion was back to how it was. Though, as she felt the comforting heat from Jaakuna, she found herself returning his embrace as she wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder. As she did, she smiled, letting out a sound of relief as everything went back to normal for her.

You’re safe, Savayna. You’re okay now. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.

Thank you.

In that moment, Savayna smiled unaware what it might do and what ripples it would cause.

All true,” Zodiark simply stated.

He wouldn’t bore her with beating around the bush. It was beneath even him to treat her with that much disrespect. Besides, as she pointed out, she could easily wipe him out while he was down in this Holy Realm. His power might’ve come a long way since he was released from his prison due to Jackson’s great deed, but with all of the holy magicks swirling around, even he had his limits. The only way he could come meet Shion was to occupy a vessel for a short time.

He let out a laugh, admiring Shion’s directness. “I will not bore you with the details, but my reason coming here is justified, Blue Rose,” he said, walking past her as he would simply gaze at where they were. “You know, long ago the Occuria carved this from their very souls and used their ancient magicks to solidify it. I believe this is what eventually the Humes called Nethicite. Amazing inventions that caused disastrous effects. Giruvegan was the first. Nabudis came next.” Zodiark continued, his hands behind his back, “I have observed them for centuries. I observed when the fallen queen Ashelia and her companions ventured here. I continued to observe as more sought out The Great Crystal’s secrets. Years passed and Humes continued to show greed where respect for the unknown should have remained.

Zodiark turned around. “Blue Rose, many things are at my disposal. I am able to create matter out of nothing. I can give life back to those who have fallen. I am able to do many things and my talents keep growing, yet I am not able to understand these Humes nor their quest for power no matter the cost.” Zodiark’s voice actually hinted at a genuine yearning to understand. “Answer me why--why does your kind continue to seek their own destruction? Even when they have acquired the aid of my brothers and sisters, they still seek more. It’s as if these Humes will never be satisfied until they have all the power in the world.” Zodiark looked at Shion with an earnest expression--well, using Michel’s face--but the voice of genuine confusion was of the authoritative Zodiark, though one could confuse his curiosity to that of a simple child trying to find their way in the world and understand all of the wonders of the said world.
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At Nadeline's signal, their unified shield would fall around them, opening up the rest of the world to them. Nadeline let out a loud groan, placing her hands on her hips as she threw back her head. That was more difficult than anticipated, though the ice would lose its magical quality as it would glisten under the Dalmascan sun. She watched the scene unfold, more than glad that whatever had happened was done and over with. As they say, however, out with one problem and in with another.

She prodded the silent Grant, trying to encourage him. "I thought we were going to lose that one for a moment!" She told him cheerfully, though her expression fell as he would look at her. Sulking again? She crossed her arms, a little upset. "Come on...jealousy won't get you anywhere." Grant nodded, seeming to agree, though he would only sigh. Nadeline rolled her eyes at him. "Don't be like that. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person, you know? Besides, after everything that's happened with Jaakuna and Emiri, I'm certain it's just a misunderstanding."

He would simply nod, a small smile on his face. That was it? That's all he would give her? Why wouldn't he say anything? She couldn't help but get slightly upset. "Are you angry with me?" She asked, giving him her full attention. "If I'm speaking out of term, then I apologize, but...why won't you talk to me?"

Grant's expression fell, his eyes to the ground. After a few seconds, he inhaled slowly as he looked at her again. "...Sorry," He smiled again, his voice barely coming out higher than a whisper. His lips moved, as if he were talking, but after the first word, nothing else would come out.

Nadeline's eyes widened considerably, alarmed. "Grant, what's wrong?" She asked. "What happened to your voice?"

He gave her a simple shrug, and another apologetic look.

So he wanted to understand that which he could not. It was unprecedented, though Shion had a nagging feeling there was more to it than that. Though it would seem even someone who was a self-proclaimed superior had its doubts. Perhaps it was nothing more than a curiosity. She found herself disliking his usage of Michel; how he managed to sully such a beautiful face was beyond her. It was less than an insult, as if he was mocking her. It also meant that even if she wanted to end him, it would probably inflict harm on Michel.

She chose to entertain him. "No creature is willingly weak. Humes are fragile, despite their claim to be at the top of the chain, in reality they're somewhere in the middle," She stated. "Creatures that are weak--regardless of race--will always seek power. And when they get said power, it turns into an unquenchable thirst. It seizes your very being, driving you to seek more. Only a select few are meant to carry such power, and humes have provided evidence for both sides. There are those who brought glory and peace with power. There are those who brought destruction and chaos. Of course, the more memorable moments would be the negative ones."

Her rambling ceased, her eyes gazing at him. "I find it difficult to believe such a fact to be beyond you. Power hungry humes come a dime a dozen...as was the Sky Pirate who willingly called out for your power."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There was a mix of emotions around the breakfast table. Before Savayna's uproar all of a sudden, it had been all smiles and good laughs. Though, when nearly everyone heard and felt her ear-piercing screams, some jolted out of their seats. Cassandra had covered her ears and did a light yelp of her own. Isabelle, who had joined them a few minutes prior, wondered what exactly caused her to make that abrupt shift in moods. She was definitely bothered by something that might've had to do with Grant, but that was too quick of a shift in her demeanor. One moment she was justifiably angry at Grant for flat out ignoring her and the next something went terribly wrong--so much so that she ended up losing control of her mist.

Everyone might've been clueless, but the one person who knew what happened to her kept the calmest of expressions. Wesley knew what she was experiencing. He let out a simple sigh. He knew not to worry. As bad as she might've felt right now, Wesley knew she would be alright. Still, it was vastly different than how he was. Maybe there's something about the Word that effects everyone differently. For him, it put him in a comatosed state, so maybe it gave Archadians an intense emotional outburst? No that's not quite right. They were always an emotional bunch. So what could it be?

If you think too hard, you'll rip your stitches. Wesley heard Hashmal tease.

Wesley would laugh, smiling there afterward. As he did, he heard silence throughout the halls of his castle. "Ah, it seems everything is under control now," Wesley mused.

On the mention of Jaakuna, Zodiark chuckled as if amused. "It's funny how you mention him specifically. You must be quite fond of him, huh?" Zodiark fished, examining Shion's always-serious demeanor. "Someone like you who has lived this long and hasn't afforded herself the pleasure of lowering her guard since Avira and Rio." Zodiark knew that would strike some kind of reaction. "Makes one wonder if maybe you see some of them inside Jaakuna. Not Avira, for she didn't have the strength to withstand what you or Jaakuna had to endure. So, maybe he reminds you of Rio?" Zodiark mused, thinking to himself. He then glanced at Shion, sensing a disturbance in the air.
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Keiran raised his eyebrows at Wesley, entertained at his rather thoughtful expression. The prince sure knew how to keep it under wraps--or at the very least, seemed to begin to understand what had actually happened. He was rather pleased with the development, even sitting back in his chair. He did let out a rather quiet groan--Emiri's fever was starting to actually bother him. He had reason to believe it would probably last longer than he would like, but considering how much slower her progress was, he had to give her a little push. She'd live. Probably. He watched Wesley, though he placed his elbows on the table, chin on his hands.

"You're awfully calm," He couldn't help but point out. "I'd be pretty concerned about my princess; especially if you do understand what's happening."

As the words left his mouth, both Grant and Nadeline had returned to the hall--Grant because he wasn't fond of having Savayna give Jaakuna googly eyes, and Nadeline because she was very concerned with his sudden silence. She practically forced Grant to sit, inspecting him carefully. Keiran grinned, watching her. "Something wrong, princess?"

"Not now," She snapped at him, raising Grant's face to hers. "Grant's gotten an infection somehow, he doesn't seem to be able to speak without struggle."

"Has he? Another different symptom..." He would look at Wesley once more, curious.

Shion's eyes widened considerably, and without thinking, slapped Zodiark sharply across the face. "That you would speak his name so casually, as if it were nothing! Don't you dare speak his name, as if it weren't bad enough that he died because of you!" She was angry, angrier than she had been in a long, long time. As if realizing her outburst, she took a step back, her hand to her face. "It wasn't enough that you had to give him power, but you had all the glee in the world when he went to you for more. And you gave it to him without so much as a second thought." It wasn't that she wasn't trying to calm herself, but he knew exactly how to push her buttons. He knew exactly how much Rio had meant--and he enjoyed every moment of it.

Inhaling slowly, she then let out a breath. "Jaakuna is nothing like Rio. He knows his own limits...he is humble where Rio was not." She said quietly, though she, too, would sense it. "Ever closer he steps into the direction of power, and knows what must be done."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"A different symptom?" Wesley mused, biting his thumb. This truly was perplexing. The Word seemed to draw upon physical ailments as a way to work its way into the body. What happened to him was one one possible symptom. It does seem to work in the way a cold or the flu does, but with the added bonus of being bonded to what makes the Wood so enlightening but far more expansive. It connected them to Mist itself and as an added bonus, it enhances their capabilities past even than that of the Esper Seals do. Still, it was an enigma.

Just as Wesley was pondering on it more, a thought came to him. Before he would speak, he caught Keiran's glance. Based on it, he saw that Keiran knew that Wesley was starting to figure it out. "I..need to see this for myself." Wesley stated aloud. He used the gears on his chair and back out from the table and would proceed to go to the halls. "Please excuse me and enjoy the rest of the meal. I will be back shortly," Wesley stated, distracted by the thoughts of The Word that plagued his mind.

When she had slapped him, Zodiark let out a chuckle, smirking at her. He fully expected a reaction such as that. In fact, he anticipated it. He wanted her to react like that. Of course, he knew how much she cared for Rio. That was the only other man she loved before The Golden Wolf of Archadia came into her life. It was disappointing, though. To think that a woman with so much discipline and as cold and guarded as she was could be prone to the most basic of Hume emotions: anger and love. She could try and deny it but she's more like Jaakuna than she would like to deny.

And that's what Zodiark would exploit. "I was mistaken. Rio and Jaakuna, though similar, do not have the same dark lust for power." Zodiark stated, grinning sinisterly. "Rio has more in common with the Time Scion. Her desire for power and doubts in her own power is just how...pitiful Rio was. Always coming to me for more and never realizing that my power was what led to his demise. Emiri will soon face the same end. And there's nothing you nor Jackson can do about it." Zodiark was ranting, approaching Shion. He placed a hand on her cheek. "My sweet Blue rose," Zodiark's speech suddenly changed, sounding eerie familiar like Rio's voice. "Despite everything, you let me die. You let Avira die. And, just like them, Francis and Jaakuna will die all because you couldn't do what needed to be done. It's all your fault."
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"What? Wesley, where are you going?" Nadeline had only caught wind of the end of the conversation, watching Wesley leave as he stated he needed to see something. She sighed, knowing that thoughtful expression much too well. There was no changing his mind, so she would leave him be, though she noticed Lorenzo's continuous stare at Keiran. She rolled her eyes, though she would also give him her attention, only to find Keiran's gaze not quite at her eyes, but at something...lower. It took her a few seconds, though she would quickly cover herself, glaring at him. "Do you mind?" She huffed at him, displeased.

Keiran looked up at her, curious. "They've...gotten bigger, haven't they?" He asked her slowly, tilting his head.

Grant was entirely confused by that observation, nor was he able to confirm nor deny it. Nadeline's assets were usually...less than ideal, her figure more willowy than not. However, it wasn't like he noticed those types of things anyway, as that was his niece, and those types of looks were reserved for women he was interested in. Lorenzo, on the other hand, would look directly at his daughter, as if noticing something. "Oh my god he's right," Lorenzo let out a gasp.


"But it's true! Your hips look slightly wider...you've really gained some weight, huh?" He asked her.

He'd have to try a little better than that.

"Of course it is," Shion slapped his hand away, shaking her head. "In a way, I have you to thank for that. I was completely blinded by your words, those promises that you whispered so sweetly. The idea that only the strong survive is still with me to this day, I'll admit. But your methods were far crueler than they needed to be, and not because of reality--but because you enjoyed it so." She told him harshly. "And so the Scion is out of your hands precisely for that reason--you deliberately took advantage of her at her lowest point, though you foolishly sent Jaakuna to her, thinking she would either kill him or they'd take each other out. And that is why you will fall."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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To that, Zodiark simply shrugged. He figured he'd give it a shot. Though it might have worked on others, Shion's mental fortitude and knowing what was a ploy and what was the real thing was, if nothing else, uncanny. Even in her weakened state, her awareness remained intact. Perhaps that's where he let his tendency to have too much fun dominate his equal mental prowess that Shion had.

And as he listened to her words carefully, he found it interesting she would mention Jackson. "I suppose you are right about that. How could I possibly underestimate that?" Zodiark feigned shock, throwing up his hands into the air as he did. "It's almost as if I didn't anticipate Jackson having powers that could heal Emiri from my hold. Or did I?" As he said that, Zodiark's palm flashed with his glyph. At the same time, in front of him, Shion would no doubt feel an immense pain shoot through her entire arm. And when she would go to her knees, Zodiark casually came to her eye level. "You Humes truly are so foolish. Do you honestly think I do anything without a reason?" Zodiark gripped her arm tightly with the same arm that was infected with his poisonous power. "While you ventured here, you unknowingly put them at risk." Zodiark said, hinted towards something; though he would not specify what exactly it was.

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So there was more to it? Was there a possibility of something further? There was only one unfinished detail she could think of, though as the very thought crossed her mind, a rather uncalled for pain shot up her arm. It was a foreign feeling, though something she remembered from long ago. She fell to her knees, much to her displeasure, her free hand gripping her arm. It was as if the entire thing was trying to detach itself--not entirely unfamiliar, but still unpleasant. Had she truly reached her limit already? As he grabbed her arm, she actually winced, the pain increasing. She could feel the pain slowly creep through her chest, though she couldn't help but look Zodiark in the eye.

"No, I can't say I have ever understood you," Shion outright admitted. "You're the pinnacle of egotism, to the point it laps around to make you question the point of your own existence. Though I would ask you to step down from that pedestal and ask yourself who the true fool is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"You're in no position to give me orders, Shion, the Blue Rose." He kept the pressure on her, gripping her arm harder and further increasing his hold on her. The glyph would push into her skin, making it feel like a piece of metal that was placed in a forge and had met Hume flesh. As he did, Zodiark rose to his feet. By an extension, Shion would too; though not of her own free will. He lifted her up with just his arm now as it started to extend past what should be Humeanly possible. The bones themselves seemed to thin out and new cells forming to replace the once that were dying because of this action--all the while, she was about three feet off the ground and Zodiark simply glanced up at her. "If I am the fool, then why am I the one who holds your life in the balance?"
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She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of enjoying her pain just yet, though admittedly the task was harder than anticipated. "Do you now? I hadn't noticed," She stated, her voice dripping with sarcasm, though she would explain herself. "This game we've played for so long...for years I never imagined having a chance at victory. Even with my death, I promise you that yours will follow shortly." She told him coldly, her voice more confident this time. "Your end will come, you will pay for both Rio and Avria, as well as everyone else to whom you've caused suffering to. That is why you're the fool."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Hearing her speak only proved to him that she was full of hot air. Nothing she said would be followed up with action. At this point, he might as well be talking to a mannequin; for he truly did hold all of the cards. "You bore me," he stated bluntly, finding the sudden strength to toss her to the ground. Hard. He heard as her body made a loud thud into the solid crystal floor, some blood gathering around her upper body. He could only assume that she made such an impact with the floor that it caused her to bleed.

The King of the Espers--or so he liked to believe he was--proceeded to walk away until he noticed something. Not just a something but the one thing that he hadn't noticed just until now: The Treaty-Blade. This whole time they were talking, it had been.. "NO!" Zodiark furiously stated, looking back at Shion. "What have you done!?" He lifted her up from her face down form and turned her over, gripping her face tightly with his hand. "Answer me!"
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How terribly rude. Shion didn't quite appreciate being thrown like that, though to her surprise, the rough, uneven surface resulted in a rather unsightly gash. It bled rather freely, though before she could give it attention, she was turned, Zodiark seemingly angry. Oh, had he finally noticed? Now it was her turn to smirk at him. "On my back, grabbing my face...admittedly, I usually have dinner before I get into this position," She informed him, though he was unamused, instead demanding to know what she had done. "I thought you knew. Your current panic tells me that whatever it is, it's certainly a threat, isn't it? That's all the confirmation I need. I've grown tired of your presence--and now, you'll be leaving Michel."

She brought her hand to his chest, an all too bright light pulsing, though its magnitude was multiplied due to their surroundings. It wasn't much, just enough to get him off her and letting her get to her feet. She extended her hand to the blade, revealing several marks on her arm, and the Treaty Blade would glow brightly, fading away into light. She would extend her other hand, a hilt of light shining from it, and she would pull out a blade of light from said hand. Whipping it to the side, she knew she couldn't do too much damage without hurting Michel. As she readied her stance, she would charge, slicing through the air in front of her once. Its effect seemed to follow a moment later, a blast erupting all around them as a result.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Zodiark had to admit that he wasn't prepared for what Shion had just done. While she was busy talking, the fact that she transformed the Treaty-Blade's mass into pure light and teleported it over into her hand had completely flown over his head. It was almost too late for him to properly respond. Fortunately for him, Zodiark wasn't some amateur fighting his first fight. Though, he would admit that using Michel's body put him at a great disadvantage. Even still, when the explosion of holy magicks burst towards him, Zodiark would use what power he stored from his actual form and combined it with Michel's own natural abilities. Quite fortunate that Michel has a unique ability to conjure different kinds of aura.

And when the burst of light magick came for Zodiark, his body pulsed, then shined a brilliant gold. It was then he raised a hand and expelled Michel's mist in a small radius around him that held the blast at bay. Zodiark smirked at Shion, then he whipped his body around, letting the blast slide along his back as it would go for a section of the crystal behind him, and pierce a small hole into its thickness. In that same moment, ZOdiark would rotate his body and send off several golden blasts of dark and flarega towards Shion, though as they neared her, Zodiark disappeared for a second and appeared above her, holding his left arm down as he sent a dark firaga from above and it closed in on her fast in maroon and black, sticking out like a sore thumb in the gold and green crystal they both were in.
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Cocky, wasn't he? Shion looked annoyed as he disappeared, though he was seemingly predictable. Not wanting to give him any type of opening, her free hand would rip her flower from its place, crushing it in her hand as she would whip her sword around, the magicks negating themselves as they reached her. He would appear from above; she shook her head at him, throwing the petals of her rose into the air above her. Two or three petals spun, glowing as they would cut through the darkened Firaga. The rest of the petals fell to the ground peacefully, each one glowing as it would plant itself onto the crystal's surface. As the magicks would fade around them, Shion eyed Zodiark carefully. She knew she wanted nothing more than to grab him by the neck and toss him over the edge, but alas, she kept her temper under control.

After all, it was her turn.

Her hair billowed as a wind came out of nowhere, several petals swirling around her sword. From her free arm, she summoned what would look like a copy of her divine blade. She held it out with the blade pointing to the ground and dropped it, though rather than simply drop it would fall into what looked like a pool of light. Snapping her fingers, any petals still in the air would form several glyphs, each one surrounding them. She snapped her fingers once more, several of the glyphs shooting what would look like white beams of light all aiming at him. Any that weren't shooting lasers were shooting out the copies of the swords Shion had chose to drop. Without waiting to see if any of them connected, she ran forward herself, her own lights having little effect as she would swing her blade rapidly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After she had easily disposed of his onslaught of attacks with little effort, Zodiark retreated to the same position he was before. He then observed any movement she made so he would be able to figure out what she was going to next. However, that proved to be easier thought than done. She was a master at making sure her poker face was absolutely flawless. Only when she actually started and he saw what had surrounded them would he figure out exactly what she was planning. To anyone else, it would’ve been too little, too late, but for him it was a matter of gauging which glyph would produce which attack.

Encompassing the entire inner layer of the Seraph Cavern, about twenty light, and purification glyphs surrounded the two. In that same moment, beams and swords of light shot at Zodiark at the same time. Additionally, Zodiark noticed that Shion came darting at him. When she came at him, Zodiark switched auras from yellow to a combo of red and green, alternating between the two constantly. The outward appearance made it seem like he was like a tree during a celebration.

It came at the right time, too; for Shion reached him and the various blasts of light magick and swords of light came at him. He zipped through the air, floating as he moved like the wind. Each time multiple blasts and swords came for him, he zipped past them as each attack would collide with each other, resulting in a blast of light. This happened multiple times as Zodiark displayed a higher mastery over Michel’s gifts than the young man had himself; though Zodiark was overconfident. He missed three: two shots of holyga and one of the purification swords. They didn’t land a direct hit, but the blasts grazed the back of his neck and the sword got him in the front at his right rib cage. This caused him to lose his focus and start to freefall from above.

And of course, Shion seized the opportunity and seemed to go straight towards him and continue her assault. Just mere inches away, Zodiark caught himself and as Shion seemed to strike downward, aiming to end the fight early, Zodiark made a move out of desperation. His eyes flashed and he held out his arm. As if the blink of those eyes, a glyph quickly appeared and tentacles of black mist manifested, grabbing Shion by the waist. Zodiark rotated his body, bringing his arm around and as he swung it towards the ground below, Shion would be swung towards it too. Just before she would hit the ground, however, Zodiark used his other hand to cause the tentacles to explode while they were still wrapped around Shion. They would explode as soon as she made contact on the ground regardless if she somehow evaded the direct impact with the ground.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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There was her chance before her, and without a moment's hesitation, Shion raised her blade. She had him right where she wanted him, but unfortunately, he knew as well. The spell had wrapped itself around her waist, promptly halting her assault. She extended her hand in an attempt to counter, though she was interrupted when she was suddenly pulled--no, thrown down to the ground. She didn't think, her petals glowing as she prepared herself for the landing, but unfortunately, her arm would react to Zodiark's magicks, any spell she had thought to conjure whisked away. Her body collided with the crystal, something she had braced for, but she found herself ill prepared for the explosion that would follow suit. A cry of surprise left her unwillingly, and she felt the crystal underneath crack beneath her.

Everything was quiet for a few seconds as the dust settled around them. Shion lay face down, having taken the brunt of the attack. It was almost nostalgic how he managed to one up her yet again. But she wasn't going to die here--not yet. Her hand formed into a fist as she punched the ground, the magicks of the crystal stirring beneath them once more. Her petals dug themselves into the crystal, forming several blue roses scattered about around the ground. Each one would shoot forth a vine, about a dozen or so, each vine wrapped in thorns for the sole purpose of getting him to stand still. Meanwhile, Shion was focusing on getting up, forcing herself to shaky feet. He had caught her off guard--she couldn't let that happen again. Taking in a breath, several petals reformed themselves onto her hair as she gripped her blade tightly, though her vision swayed. She shook it off, instead choosing to engage him once more.

Nadeline was, for once, at a complete loss.

It had been some time since she had been completely stumped. She wasn’t the type to rule out the impossible, no matter how improbable, but Grant wasn’t exactly helping her out either. Everything looked completely peachy—nothing swollen or enlarged, no rash, no fever, it was as if his voice had suddenly up and walked out. He could conjure perhaps a word or two if he tried hard enough, but she didn’t want him to strain himself. Her initial thought of an infection was also quickly disproved as she had him down every concoction she could get her hands on. Besides giving him nausea, he didn’t improve.

Lorenzo seemed to be having a field day with the entire situation, eagerly helping out Nadeline and often forcing Grant to down whatever mixture she came up with. Still, after Grant would put up more of a fight than usual, he had to have Nadeline lay off. “He’s always quiet anyway, so it’s not a total loss,” He grinned at his brother, who gave him a rather deadpan stare.

Keiran chuckled, though he was resting his head on his arms. “I get it…’cause he’s usually sulking,” He explained the joke to himself.

If you’re going to offer no help, go rest,” Nadeline ordered him as she would take a seat, crossing her legs over one another. “As for Grant, well…hopefully time will be kind to him.

Grant smiled, forming a pair of scissors with his hand and snipping something in the air. Lorenzo laughed. “He’s right, you’re snippier than usual,” He explained. “Guess you don’t like to lose, just like your old man!

The princess let out a sigh, scratching a spot on her shoulder. “My apologies. Admittedly I’ve been in a rather foul mood since yesterday,” She stated. “I wasn’t able to sleep because my back’s been rather sore.

Lorenzo narrowed his eyes, as if realizing something. “Weight gain, back pain, fatigue, mood swings…you, uh…haven’t been nauseous, have you…?” He asked, his tone suddenly suspicious.

Grant seemed confused by it, looking between Nadeline and Lorenzo. The princess thought to herself for a moment. “I don’t think so, though admittedly I wasn’t able to eat everything Wesley had served since it made me…feel…” Her voice trailed off.

Reia looked up from her document, her eyes wide. Keiran also looked up, surprised. “Are you pregnant?” He blurted out.

A complete silence fell over the room, every single eye on Nadeline. No, that wasn’t possible. It wasn’t like they would be able to get away with something like that anyway! Although, the more Grant thought about it—remembering how frisky Nadeline in particular had been—an unfamiliar sense of dread seemed to overcome him. He looked at Nadeline with pleading eyes, begging her to refute the accusation. The princess herself had a rather…nervous expression, a weak laugh leaving her as she began to fan herself.

Keiran blinked in confusion, though he seemed to know what Grant wanted to say. “Uh…I think there’s no way that’s possible…?” He looked at Grant for confirmation, who nodded. “Yeah, there you go! It’s not like you and Wesley share a bed or anything.

Nadeline let out another nervous laugh. “Of—Of course not! Wesley is a perfect gentleman!” Her extremely unconvincing answer came much too hurriedly. “We are engaged after all, I—that is to say, our wedding night will be—I, um…” Her flustered answers weren’t helping out at all, and she had nowhere to turn to for help. “It’s…I, um, it’s—it’s only recently that I haven’t been feeling well! Yes, that’s it, it’s all fatigue, we have been fighting nonstop for some time without sufficient rest!

Reia raised her eyebrows at Nadeline. “Wow. That was terrible, the only part I believed was Wesley being a gentleman,” She flat out stomped on Nadeline’s ‘defense’, if you could even call it that. “So you’re not only sharing a bed, you’ve clearly crossed into the physical portion of your relationship. Bravo, Wesley, I wasn’t sure he had it in him. Good to know Dalmasca’s future is bright.

Lorenzo looked like he was on the verge of tears at that point. “Nadeline, I can’t believe you!” He sounded sincerely disappointed, his words hitting Nadeline like a stone wall.

No—Father, I assure you, it’s not what you think,” She hastily tried to explain herself, though she couldn’t help but feel she was just digging herself a deeper hole. “I…It’s not how you think it. I love Wesley, Father, truly.

“’We’re not talking about love! We’re talking about how you two—I can’t—AHHHHHH!” He wailed, head in his hands as he sobbed. “Where did I go wrong?! I did my best to raise you with values! And now look, bearing a child while unmarried! I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes I did! I’m a failure!

Ouch, ‘values’, it’s almost like he’s calling you a whore,” Keiran shook his head.

The princess gave him a rather dangerous look. “Leave.” It was a single word, but the pure anger behind it was actually frightening for Grant.

There’s that mood swing again,” Keiran grinned, though he would do as he was told as he would stand, giving the group a wave as he would walk out.

Letting out a huff, she shook her head. Gods, what a mess, her father was probably going to drown in his own tears at this point. She didn’t dare look at her future in-laws—no doubt they were probably judging her very harshly and would probably have a few choice words for her. How did she lose the conversation so quickly?! She couldn’t think straight, she felt completely humiliated. And nauseous. Oh gods, would it be too inconspicuous if she just threw herself out the window to die now? She was almost entirely certain everything was being exaggerated, but the moment Keiran had opened his mouth, there was a sinking feeling in the bottom of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have Wesley's child—they had discussed their future in great lengths, after all—but it was terrible timing.

Apparently, it was too much, and she would stand up, clearing her throat. “I…I need to go find Wesley…” She muttered.

Meanwhile, Keiran whistled as he walked through the hallways once more. It was a little mean to plant the idea in their heads, sure, but at the very least, it would keep them occupied, if only for a little bit. He made his way back to Emiri’s room, opening the door. She had seen better days—she was completely still, paler than ever, though she did watch as he would take Jaakuna’s old seat near her bed. He watched her for a moment, intrigued. She said nothing, though she looked like she had something to say.

Worried, are we?” He asked her, a hand on his chin. “I’m surprised you cut our connection. When did you learn that trick?

Emiri stared back at him for a moment. “At first, it was because I didn’t want you to end up as sick as I was, but…” She gave him a serious look. “Now that I’ve had time to think…what I’m feeling now…I’ve been through it before. You did this to me back in Stigma.

She remembered? He was impressed. “And you’re relieved? Though I can assure you that this time it isn’t me.” He smiled confortingly.

You forced my connection to the Word before. That’s where I ended up gaining those dark powers…but it was incomplete.” She told him, a serious expression on her face. “You’re always saying it’s a two way street, but I can’t read your mind the way you can read mine. It’s like you’re intentionally blocking me from doing so.

His smile faded, the two staring at one another as he would stand. He walked over, taking the warm towel from her head. As he walked into the bathroom, she could hear the water running. He returned, seeing her sit up entirely. “You really should rest easy. Don’t want to go upsetting Jaakuna, right?” He told her.

It’s funny, I’ve been so delusional I’ve been seeing things,” She shook her head at him. “But when everything settles, even if it’s just for a moment, everything becomes so clear to me. Keiran…you wanted to me to go back with Jaakuna, didn’t you?” She asked him.

At first, he remained silent, studying her features. Despite her still flushed face, she looked very serious. He shrugged, turning away, though she grabbed his wrist with a strength that was very unlike her. Her grip was tight—you wouldn’t think she was sick if you didn’t look at her—and she glared at him. “Now, now…you really should rest,” He told her quietly.

She narrowed her eyes, her grip on him tighter. “Whatever it is that you're planning, it better end here.

That was when Keiran chuckled, giving her a slight shrug. “Have I done anything to warrant such an accusation? Really, I’ve been at my best behavior,” He said, though he would raise his arm, nearly pulling her off the bed, though he yanked himself away from her. She would stand, her intention of attacking him clear, though she found her whole body weak once more. He wagged a finger in disapproval, poking her forehead hard enough that she fell back onto the bed. “See? You’re not well. All these crazy thoughts of yours are just the fever talking.” He pointed out, placing the cloth on her forehead.

She would grab his wrist once more, eyes burning with rage. “I don’t care what happens to me, but if you so much hurt any of them in any way—

This time he would pin both her arms to her sides, getting in very close. “Then you should behave.” He said quietly, though he would release her, stretching his arms above his head. “I’m going to go rest now. Be sure to take it easy~” He stated, giving her a smile as he left the room.

Emiri gripped the blankets around her, staring at the closed door. She wasn’t crazy—he was planning something. But what?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Zodiark had slowly descended to the ground as he saw Shion wail and cry out in pain as she was, yet again, unprepared for what he was capable of. For someone who boasted about how he wouldn’t one-up her, that’s exactly what the Keeper of Precepts did. Each time she thought he was a step behind her, he was actually one step ahead. Nothing she did could possibly take him by surrpise. This was because he was far more superior to her. Even in this vessel’s host, she was still no match for him. Perhaps if she had full use of her power, then maybe it would be a different story. Fortune favors fools.

When he touched down to the ground, Zodiark kept his eyes closed, knowing that there was nothing that she’d do that could get him...until he was proven wrong. A mistake on his part, Zodiark didn’t anticipate her using such a mundane trick like mist vines. It was unexpected because it was such a dull tactic. And yet, as both of his feet from the ankle to the knee were caught, Zodiark was beating himself up inside his mind for not stopping it before it was too late.

And now she had him caught in her web, ready to strike. So like he predicted, she came forth, ignoring pain, with her sword aiming to strike. Yes, this was all too predictable on her part, but Zodiark couldn’t materialize anything due to the purifying nature of her vines. As such, he would have to resort to something less flashy. As her sword came for him, Zodiark would once again prove that he was one step ahead of Shion. He simply did nothing. He held out his arms as if welcoming her to attack him.

What felt like hours, Wesley seemed to wander the halls of his great castle as if he was trapped in an infinite loop. Where he thought he had gone to a right, he went to the left. Where he thought he went straight, he turned. Every direction that he thought he had went, it was as if his body was forcing him to go in the totally opposite route. He went by the same rusted pillar ten times over and it would only increase three times more.

As Wesley passed it just once more, he heard a far-off sound of what sounded like laughter. Though, before he could make it out, the sound faded and Wesley then heard voices. They were familiar ones. He hugged to the wall, using a spell to blend in with the cream-colored walls and listened in on the conversation that he heard. It was definitely something heated and between one of his dear friends, Emiri and that Keiran fellow. It didn’t take long to realize it was an intense conversation. Based on what he was hearing, it seemed Keiran might’ve done something to Emiri. Or maybe she thought he was? Wesley was unclear on the details. He probably missed out on some of the finer details. One thing he did catch was that Emiri was not happy with him and now he was curious why.

In the exact moment that Keiran had left the room, Wesley, though unaware, had willed himself to go through the wall, surprising himself. Doing that had canceled his cloaking spell and would reveal Wesley in Emiri’s room. It only took a moment until he realized that Emiri saw him too. “My apologies for the intrusion but I couldn’t help myself,” Wesley said, rolling closer to the bedridden Emiri. He stopped at her bedside. “I wasn’t around when you apparently gained control over him, but since that interaction with him in the Dalmasca sands, I cannot, with absolute certainty, say I trust him. What I just heard further proves that.

It was safe to assume that breakfast was officially over. Not only were the kitchen staff making their final rounds to take whatever remained of the plates on the table, but the current conversation would make anyone lose their appitite. Well, at least it did that for Cassandra. Honestly, these Rozarrians truly had no class whatsoever.

"Good luck finding him. I'm sure he's running for Giza Plains. Best ditch the baggage lest it gets too...packed." Cassandra said, eying Nadeline as she took a sip of her lemon water.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 2 days ago

She had him--surprisingly, but she had him. As she charged however, he did nothing. No attempt at dodging, no breaking her spell. Why? Was he expecting her to hesitate? What was he planning? No, it could've been a trap--but as all those thoughts were processed, she wouldn't stop. Her holy blade went right through his abdomen, plunging its light through him. She panted slightly, turning the blade, pouring her magicks into it as it would make an attempt to purify Zodiark. She looked right at him, her eyes narrowing at him.

If Nadeline wasn't upset before, she certainly was now.

The princess definitely did not choose to spare any sort of sympathy for her future sister in law. Or...was it because she knew Wesley wouldn't like it? No, no, no, Wesley was not that type of man. He would take responsibility, he always wanted to do what was right. But what if this was the straw that broke the chocobo's back? What if he wasn't ready? She certainly didn't feel ready, and she definitely felt the disappointment from both her father and Isabelle. More her father, who was openly weeping, but even Grant didn't look too happy. Oh no, what if Wesley reacted the same way? What if he got angry? What if he knew already and really did leave for Giza?!

"Speechless?" Reia asked dryly, raising an eyebrow at her niece. "Honestly...must I do everything?" She rolled her eyes, though she looked directly at Cassandra. "If that truly is the case, we will hunt him down. He is responsible, after all: it takes two to tango."

Nadeline appreciated the sentiment, but honestly, she realized that she couldn't care about anything else. She turned on her heel, immediately marching out the door, though in a moment she actually found herself running. Her feet wobbled, but she needed to find Wesley.

Emiri nearly screamed as Wesley would appear; where had he come from? Fortunately, he seemed to be more in control than she was, and had heard the entirety of the conversation between herself and Keiran. Or at least, a majority of it. She listened as he stated his mistrust, and she couldn't help but get that all too familiar nervousness once again. Was it too much to expect that everything was said and done with? Of course it was. Nothing in this life was easy, less so with Keiran doing as he pleased without a care in the world. The brunette closed her eyes for a moment, clearing her head before she would get any crazy ideas. She was rewarded with a headache instead, though she would look at Wesley.

"It won't be so easy to get rid of him," She would admit out loud. "Whether we like it or not, he and I are...intertwined. He's planning something, I'm sure of it. It's...hard not to feel at fault for whatever he's planning. I know Jaakuna blames himself, but if I had just come forward with the truth..." She stopped, shaking her head. "I'm willing to bet anything he is up to something. As to what, I'm unsure, but first and foremost, there has to be some way I can distance myself from him. Anything and everything I do, he sees, he knows. For now, I've managed to block him, but...if anything happens to any of you..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Even though it was excruciating, Zodiark still stood there as still as water, letting Shion’s spell take effect. Though it had just started, he didn’t anticipate how much it would actually hurt. Purifying magicks truly were no joke. For his plan to succeed, he would simply have to endure. And as he would look at Michel’s skin, it was working. The body he was using was starting to decompose. “I underestimated you, Shion. Your hatred for me has blinded you to the fact that if you purify me, young Michel also gets purified. I wonder, what would Meli think of this?

And so the mind games continued.

So Wesley’s fears to distrust Keiran were justified. If Emiri had her doubts to his sudden change of heart, there must be something that she worries that he’d do. Wesley knew that any spawn of Zodiark, no matter if they appeared to be one thing, there would be an air of doubt that no one could shake. But Emiri proposed the question of the century: what was he up to? If he truly was planning something, then what could that be? To understand what goes through the mind of a Spawn, one had to think like a Spawn.

I..am unsure he’d do anything out in the open. Keiran might try to convince us that he’s idiotic, but any spawn of the Keeper of Precepts, no matter their outward persona, shares his vision. This Is something I know. However, since my awakening, I’ve been...I guess different.” Wesley stated, looking down at his legs--the legs that refused to move on their own. “Emiri, I find myself needing to confess something but..I need you to swear you will not disclose this to Nadeline nor Jaakuna. No one must know this.” Wesley emphasized on the urgency. “Do I have your word?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 2 days ago

He was lying. And yet, as her blade worked its magic, she could see the effect on Michel's body. She had foolishly believed he would come out unharmed, and the possibility of killing him suddenly came into light. But how? Had Zodiark twisted it so that Michel was now a product of his power? Or was it that it was never truly Michel to begin with? For the first time, Shion found herself hesitating, gritting her teeth. He was playing with her. He was lying. Or did he want her to think he was lying? Why am I hesitating? Why am I letting him get to me? The thought crossed her mind, though she would drive her blade further.

"Michel will be fine," She informed him cooly, shoving it deeper just for good measure. "You think me a fool--but if you choose to stay and let yourself be purified, so be it, though I never knew you to be a glutton for pain."

Emiri was slightly worried about Wesley's words. She wasn't entirely sure about what he wanted to say--she wanted to hear it, but the fact that he was telling her of all people was...worrisome. Her violet eyes looked at Wesley, and she nodded with much reluctance. Whatever it was, it had to be serious. "If it is the way you say, then...I don't want to keep secrets, but I...I trust it must be something big," She told him. "What is it?"
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