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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago


Sam nodded, and smirked back to Aruna’s acknowledgement on him. The man’s attention now focused on the man before him as he answered the pouring questions. “This is a magic College and sadly, accidents happen. I get at least a few students or staff daily from major to minor wounds. The story I was told was that the student, after a rather unexpected event with the demonstrations, ended up clipping a building then landed on some raking tools left out. Thankfully it was only minor and easily healed.”

He stepped away, his hand held out to show Grey where he should move to. “No, it doesn't. It’s just a basic physical checks and what not, nothing bad. It will be over quickly.”


Lidda loved the looks she got from other students when she shifted her form into new and exotic things, her lips returned the smile in understanding. When Aruna thanked her, the teacher’s head nodded in agreement. “It’s nothing. I’m just glad you’re alright as for that Rune, Samuel still has it on him and it still works. However he tends to be rather understanding about things.”

When Aruna tried to pass off her state as being well, Lidda just frowned. She knew that trick all too well. Played it several times, though being a Vitamancer helped, namely in hiding the wounds and scratches, and thus wasn’t fooled. She let the Student try to prove her wrong though the strain was perfectly clear in her body and face. Lidda leaned in; her finger beckoned the half Esyire towards her. “You need better acting lessons. Even the young boys in my old Eania squad could fake it better. Besides, it’s bad enough the Headmaster doesn’t listen to Sam and you know what he does to his doses? He makes them stronger and it ends up kicking the Headmaster on his scaly ass.”

She patted the bed to coax the student into laying back down, her smile filled with knowing and mischief.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rathel & Coco: Fallenreaper and Frettzo

Gently, Rathel had lead Coco towards the Student Gardens and place he knew she would've enjoyed the scents. Most the staff had been out tending to the public vegetables. Their figures hunched down and rakes or shovels which piled on more enriched earth to the growing plants. In a little over a month's time, they all would be able to harvest, plow and once more seed the ground next spring. Rathel enjoyed it here as it was one of the more comfortable paths he would find himself wandering.

"How has your time here been so far?" Rathel popped off the question causally.

"Short, casual and very exciting." Coco replied, walking besides Rathel as she listened to the sounds the staff made while tending to their crops. "Maybe too different from home and the Great Tree, actually. What abour your time here? How long have you been here? How long do you plan to stay?" She asked, eager to make some conversation.

The scents caught her attention somewhat, and half of her just wanted to carefully observe the way the staff handled the crops. Coco did, after all, find a lot of things related to food to be interesting.

Rathel chuckles a little, his voice light hearted as his scent, Coco's answer honest at least. When they reached a small apple tree, , he motioned for her to sit and soon followed when she did. "I've been here as long as Khan has. Mainly cause a familar demon usually follows his demonomancer. Besides, we have a very close bond after all and I think he would tend to forget to take care of himself. Currently it's been pleasant. Though the College tries to treat everyone with respect, there are still a few teachers, students and staff which believe Demons are mere tools of Demonomancers."

He paused for a moment and then his curiousity got the better of him. "What is the Great Tree? You've mentioned it before and now, I can't help but wonder about it."

There was nothing Coco could say to Rathel's comment about Demon discrimination, so she had chosen to listen to the rest of what he had to say, and she noticeably perked up once he asked about the Great Tree, her leaves puffing up a tiny bit as she sat up straight.

She put her right hand against her chin as she thought on how to explain it, and after a few moments, she finally spoke.

"The Great Tree, or the Tree of Origin, as the Early Memories name it, is the only true purpose in any Foreas' life. Can you imagine being able to access a vault that keeps millions of memories safe, and being able to experience any of those memories yourself?" She said with clear excitement in her voice. "You could experience killing a beast, saving a sapling and maybe even the First Foreas' scent!"

"I... Know that some fleshlings dislike the fact that I ask so many questions the first times I speak to them," She commented, relaxing somewhat, "It's just that the more questions I ask, and the more I learn, the less chance that any other Foreas will have to ask the same things. Most of them don't understand us plants, you see."

Rathel listened to her joy about the subject he picked. She seemed excited and rather glad to confine the details about the thing called the Great Tree as he learned it was some sport of memory vault where Foreas fill up and share. In his mind it sounded like a library but much more aligned with psychomancy then just written words. An experience which could be replayed at will and watched over again from others eyes. A wonderful thing if such a possiblity could exist for the rest of Tiien, sadly it seemed only the Foreas would be able to enjoy it.

When she commented on her habit of asking questions, Rathel could sense her relax once more and mentioned how not everyone understands plants. "It's not hard but it is reasonable to say most don't think about it. That's after all how conflicts arise is through different views about the same subject. One group believes there's only way to see things while the other thinks theirs is the right way."

He let a little time tick by before he continued. "As for the too many questions, being interested in knowledge isn't a bad thing. Though it's rather hard to get to know the true you if all I get are questions."

His tone held a hint of mirth, emphaised by his scent, at the last bit.

Coco's scent got lighter and more neutral, in sync with Rathel's mirth as she lightly hugged one of his front legs. She couldn't laugh, but she could surely communicate that the joke was not lost on her.

"I was far too excited last dawn and sunset, I'm sorry about the questions." She said, releasing her hold on Rathel and retaking her relaxed sitting position, with her back against the tree's trunk.

"Who do you think I am, Rathel? From the glimpses you've gotten... Who do you think I am?" She asked calmly.

"That, Coco, is not a very fair question after having only known you for a short time. However, I think you're a gentle, curious and very pleasant Foreas to be around. Not to mention sweet smelling." Rathel said, tacking on the last bit.

His arm still felt warm from where she hugged him, faint with that strong coco scent which now mingled in and out of his own woody one. It was interesting to see how easily they got along,still slightly surprised she wasn't pushed away by his looks or current race. Then again, it was likely he was the only demon she had official met at the College. That notion made him inwardly shudder.

"You know, Coco. Not all demons are trustworthy, even here, and some might attempt to trick you into less then savory things. Can I ask you to do me a favor?" His voice was gentle, yet there was some hesitation on what he was about to ask her.

Coco could notice the hesitation and overall tone, and it wasn't giving her the good feels. Even his scent had changed slightly to match, and a dreaded curiosity filled her chest, pushing her towards nodding and prodding him to continue.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked, head facing his way intently.

He tried to calm yet he couldn't, the next request was important and critical. Though it also seemed he didn't trust the staff to do their job and keep the small Foreas safe. He had opened the can of worms now, and it was time to finish what he ststarted. "Just be careful who you trust completely. Some might take advantage of you and I don't want you to be hurt because of it."

"Oh-" Coco whispered, relaxing once more. "I didn't come out of the pod last dawn, you know? But... Thanks for the concern." She said, hugging Rathel's leg one more time. "Wait..."

"Doesn't that mean I shouldn't trust you completely just yet? You're a plant, you certainly can't mean any harm to me, right? Humans and half-snakes I understand, but plants are good."

Rathel, his selfishness peered up a bit, wanted to tell her she could but than what about others like him? Not all demons looked human or even part, he wasn't the only plant demon within the Inferno or likely the whole College. How could he explain that to her? The question rattled around in his head like a marble, around and around until finally he shook his head free of it.

"I understand that. However, you forget. I'm not just a plant but also a demon. Demons, after all, are evil acts commited by mortal creatures and are given life within the Inferno. In my case, my sin was so great it consumed my soul. So I'm not like other demons as I feel regret for what I've done." Rathel was slightly worried what Coco would think of him now, his voice quieter as he added something else. "I hope this doesn't change anything."

Coco remained quiet for a few minutes as she digested the information. She had been spending time with a criminal so deviated that his very soul was consumed by his acts. But was that really a bad thing? He mentioned he was regretful, but does that make him good all of a sudden? She didn't know what to feel.

"W... What did you do that consumed your soul?" She asked hesitantly, pose now stiff against the tree and scent changing to match her current mixed emotions.

The demon sensed her worry and started to emit a scent which would help her enter a calm state. It was sweet and weet and spicy, even if it was still his own type of scent, while he ccontinued. "It's a past I rather not remember and something I want to make up for. The main reason I'm with with Khan is to ease his pain and ensure he doesn't repeat my sin. My point is simple: some demons have done worse and while some will try to make up for it, not all will. Demons take on many forms from plant to animal, and even humaniods. Just because a demon looks like a plant doesn't mean he is, it's more about the individual then the group. Am I making sense?"

He had hoped to spare this but now, there wasn't anyway for him to undo it. What was done had been done. He could only hope for the best sitaution to come from it, despite if she never trusted him again then at least she would be safe from others.

"I do understand, it's just that... Ugh... I don't know how to feel about it." She said quietly, leaves flattened against her skin as she took a whiff of Rathel's scent. "How is it even possible that a being without soul smells so good, anyway..?" She whispered to herself, then stretched her neck and back and got into a serious posture.

"As long as you promise not to teach anything about your soul consuming sins to any sapling, I won't dig deeper into it. My future sapling doesn't need to know anything about his father being a Demon. Can you imagine how judged it'd be? The others might not even let it near the Tree if they knew!"

"I'm not sure myself, likely cause I was Herbamancy in my last life and took on trait of my Blood. Fitting considering my past." He bitterly mused while he moved on to answer the last part. "As for my soul consuming, it wasn't my choice but I'll keep it from happening to your saplings. I won't wish it on any living creature as my experience was rather...painful in the mildest of terms."

He took a deep breath then changed the topic. "Have you made any new friends? I noticed you've already met the rather jumpy Naga but is there any others you've enjoyed their company?"

The change of topic was welcome. Coco could not have been more glad when Rathel willingly walked away from his soul chatting, and her scent showed it as her mood once more stabilized itself. "Well, let's see... I've met Tyrael, Lucilia and Clima, Colette who has a bunch of cute bats, Rocky, uh... I mean, Ponders, Mar, Alaira and... Ssarak, uh... Dyrreckthernos?"

"Yeah, I've met a few." She mentioned, tucking one leg beneath the other.

"You're becoming well established and that's a good thing. Though the more students you meet, then likely the better as you'll learn all sorts of things. Most students come from all walks of life within Tiien and likely from places you've been. Besides, having more friends is always fun." Rathel commented as he noted the cheerful mood Coco had at the change in discussion.

His eyes narrowed into the distance while he simple enjoyed the sound of the staff tending to the plants which surrounded them. Each one seemed very well adapted for the task and joined into the harmony, Rathel's scent started to shift between several different scents as if he was humming a tune with them instead of his voice. It was a soft, gentle melody suitable to lull her into blissful relaxation.

The scent changes were perfect. They reminded her of spring time and saplings who had no set scent. It sent her for the nearest warmth source, which was Rathel, and made her lightly press her body against his side, relaxing in the moment and focusing on the little sunlight that she could actually get in this place.

"You know... I have to take you to the Great Tree someday... We can ask the sages about a way to let you into it and check a few memories out..."

"I would like that...very much."

Rathel smiled, or at least his scent made it seem so, while she settled against his side. Her nose slits took in the scents and now they both bathed in the scene, the time ticked by until finally the Demon spoke again. "It's about time you should be getting to classes soon?"

"Right!" Coco replied, scent slowly turning back to normality as she used Rathel as an aid to stand up. When she finally stood, she stretched a bit and put her arms around Rathel's waist, pulling upwards. "Come on! I need a guide so that I don't get lost!" She said in a hushed tone, trying to get Rathel to stand up just as she'd get a leaf pup to stand up.

Not denying Coco her enjoyment, Rathel was easily pulled upright with her arms still wrapped about his larger one. His scent told her all she needed as it became sweet and strong. "Very well then, I shall lead the way then. I know exactly where Serge's classroom is."

Rathel began to lead the way, their two figures vanished into the College's stone halls and made way to the Electromancy classroom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey more or less understood Sam's reasoning. This place was full of people that could summon fire, create lightning, etc. Accidents were bound to happen. "I see... Well, that's good." Grey said. He was rather curious about the 'demonstrations' he mentioned, but for the sake of saving time he chose not to ask about it. The doctor motioned for him to sit down, so he obeyed. This place was unusual. Grey noted all sorts of implements he'd never seen, and many different stones with various runes on them, as well as a multitude of colored bottles, all neatly organized it seemed. There was also something odd about the color. Most things were white, it was a little unsettling really. The place was too... clean. He was likely worrying about nothing, again. Gods he needed to stop doing that.

However, the paranoia set in again when Samuel grabbed some sort of device he wasn't familiar with. "Uh, what's that, exactly?" Grey said, his confusion apparent. "Oh, this?" Samuel said as he held the thing up. "It just helps me listen for your heart. Now hold still..." He connected one part to his ear, leaving the other end a flat metal disc connected by a cable of some sort to the part in his ear. He placed the disc on Grey's chest, but looked confused for a moment. He tried placing it farther to the right, and looked mildly surprised. Curious... His heart appears to be on the wrong side... Samuel noted. Grey however, wasn't paying much attention, just staring off into space. The examination continued, and while he seemed perfectly healthy, he noted many strange biological irregularities, most of which would be debilitating birth defects, but he didn't seem affected. "So, are we done?" Grey asked. Samuel merely smiled "Nearly. One moment please." He said as he got up and walked towards the woman, the one that wasn't wounded. Samuel had to talk to Lidda, at least get her to see if this man was anything to worry about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sound of an explosion opened Meirin's eyes. Her heqad darted back and forth, looking for enemies as she got to her feet, grabbing one of her polearms off the wall. But once her mind calmed itself, she realized that she was in her room at the Twilight college. That explosion was her fist going through the wall, a reaction to another nightmare she had. She had already forgotten what it was about. She fell to her knees, her body suddenly feeling weak. She groaned in pain and massaged her temples. "What happened again?" Mei tried to remember the events from yesterday. She remembered arriving to the college. She remembered a few faces, demonstrations. She vaguely remembered something horrifying happening, something about demons. But than again just about all her nightmares had demons, so that was no help. What had happened yesterday to make her feel so numb?

Struggling to get dressed, Meirin's body still felt numb. She couldn't feel her legs or her hands gripping itself, and she figured she should at least go see the healers and ensure that nothing serious was going on. She did notice that Aruna wasn't here, though Mei figured that she just woke up first, unaware of the accident that happened to her the day before. Once she was decent, Mei left her room and headed strait towards the infirmaries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Collaboration of Lucius Cypher and FallenReaper
Tyrael dismissed Rathel's opinion on their hunt. While Tyrael would dully take it into consideration, at least he wasn't like Satori who was more vocal about her objection to hunting. "Inhumane" she calls it, like such a word could really apply to him. At least he knows his limits, which than provoked another thought. Since he had his demons hunting in the last few days, much of the possible prey, at least the predators, would have left the college area already. Indeed, while they were savage beasts, they were not so foolish to stay near the college knowing that the demons, who outnumbered them, were going to hunt them down. On the bright side, though may bring in more elusive beasts who were of a higher cut than your average carnivore. Tyrael was somewhat concerned with taking Mar out to hunt such a beast, as he also had a tendency to brining in demonic creatures. Especially since she wanted to hunt a monster, which populate a Ravine entrance. But before Tyrael took too long to think about it, quickly made up his mind; even if she finds it or not, there was no point in keeping it a secret. She at least deserves the chance to make the choice to stay herself. Besides that, it has been some time since he has been into the Ravine. Perhaps he could find something of interest there.
"Then let us hurry." Tyrael tore a portal into the Inferno and pulled out a demon around his size. "-- . .-- .. -.- --- . .... - / -.. -. ..- -- .-.-.-" The demon nodded his head, picking up the couch as Tyrael got off of it. It went back into the Inferno as Tyrael walked towards the southern part of the college. He'd need to get to the stables and get his chariot out; it would be a long travel.

The duo tore through the south on Tyrael's chariot, pulled by large boars. The trip was mostly silent aside from Tyrael telling Mar what they could expect in the area. A few bandits, rogue demons, and maybe a monster they could actually bring back to the college to eat. Not that Tyrael was that much of a picky eater, but most people don't apprciate it when he tries to feed them a former mortal. And demons usually don't taste very good. Soon they came to a stop when the forest was about fifty yards away. Tyrael got out of the chariot with two large buckets of a strong smelling slop, which would be used to feed the boars as well as mark them by scent. "This is the place. We head into the forest, take back whatever we kill. Remember: We are hunting. No need for senseless butchering." If only because there was so much space on the chariot.
"Tyrael, I'm an Naga not human." Mar stated plainly, a manner which she expected her plain answer to remind him she wouldn't. Naga after all only hunted and killed to live, and even animals killed when defending their underground city was consumed until nothing was wasted. Not at all like humans.

She slithered out of the chariot, her hands still held her weapon but the rune however stayed behind. The very rune Althalus had went through the trouble of getting and made her feel less edgy within the College, the notion of watching eyes displeasing in her mind. She watched Tyrael set the buckets beside the decorated beasts while they started to dig in, their snouts rooted into the strong smelling goo.

Mar turned towarded the forest, then in an after thought, asked Tyrael a simple question.

"Anything certain we are to hunt?"

"Only what we find." That was Tyrael's way of saying that he didn't know, but also because he didn't think he needed to explain that most of the predators in the area were gone; that means nothing would be trying to stalk them. They would need to find something, and he had one thing in mind. "There may be paratas roaming." Parata's were vaguely wolf-like monsters with antlers and somewhere between the size of a bear and a large bear. Nothing particularly magicaly about them, they tend to work in small packs of three or five similar to wolves, but they have a very omnivore diet. There was never enough in the area to justify hunting them for the opening cerimony, and because their meat was rather tasteless compare to some other animals. Like wolf meat, but stringy. At least there would be enough for him and Mar if it would just be them, and he'll figure something out with everything else they don't eat.

Tyrael's choice of weapons suggested that he was expecting some bigger danger, however. He carried what appeared to be a large shield made of solid stone, as well as a giant fang. Not what you'd call normal hunting weapons, but he was expecting monsters. And if things turn out badly, which they always could, they may end up facing against ravine creatures, rogue demons, or bandits. Things that generally would need something better than his usualy hunting tools would be used for. But in case he loses those two weapons and couldn't or simply doesn't want to rely on his magic, he also had a smaller sword strapped to his back. It was entirely an emergency weapon, however, and doesn't expect to need it.

Entering the forest, Tyrael was able to pick up signs of various creatures who had pasted by. Nothing concrete aside from tracks, most of which seemed to be small creatures. The Parata he was hunting for didn't leave their mark on dirt if they could help it; they were smart enough to move mostly on stones or tree roots, and were light enough not to leave a deep impression. So they would need to find a dry area, open enough for their massive bodies but with enough cover to hide them. Since their antlers could be mistaken for deers, Tyrael kept an eye out for them. If he remembered correctly, their main diet was veal, though not many would be around here. This would only make their hunt a bit more difficult, but not impossible. They headed further east. A few more hints of their location, scratches on stones and blood mixed in the dirt. Not deer blood however, but he remained vigilant. Tasted like bird's, but he wasn't entirely sure of that either. Finally after some time walking, Tyrael found a herd of deer, about twelve, in a small clearing. They seemed to just be resting, so he suspected that they would find some Paratas if they stuck around. Silently, he gave Mar a familiar hand sign to go on her own. He couldn't get any closer without revealing himself due to his equipment, but hopefully Mar could find a beast and keep it's attention long enough for him to assist in the take down.

Mar kept close to Tyrael, her eyes flickered in complete alert while her tail barely rustled the ground underneath. She easily glided over the soft ground, her eyes noted what the Fallen Orc already seen and currently followed. Their direction seemed to travel east with signs clearly marked out to the hunters, from blood to scratches, making Mar grow slightly excited when signs grew in number.

It had been too long for her. The thrill of the hunt, the intense sensation to feel her own heart flutter in place and feed her strength. When they edged towards a small clearing there was several deer within who seemed ignorant of both Tyrael's and her presence, she noted the hand signal and in a short moment, she slide towards the side. Not a leaf rattle or branch from the outer edge seemed to feel her brush by, her head darted slowly side to side in her look out for the beast. She knew what to look for, in moments spotted something with antlers shift across from her.

A light colored fur shift through the green foilage. A white mane was dappled by the shadows and sun spots, red eyes seemed fixed upon the deer's grazing forms. Mar's head darted back to where she had last seen Tyrael, her head jerked towards where she spotted the slow movement. Something was lurking there and it seemed to lurk around the deer. Their figures seemed to circle about and draw nearer to where Mar's position was, her eyes noted she had chosen the path closest to the deer and a perfect place to ambush them.

Tyrael noted Mar's movements just as four of the creatures exploded from the forest. Their attack came viciously as two dears were pinned down, a doe and it's child, and one buck that was impaled on the horn of another. The rest fled, leave two of the parata's to give a short chase while the other two quickly killed the deer captured before they could escape. Tyrael did not attack yet, however. He needed to see what their next action was, to catch them off guard. Both of the parata's present didn't seem to plan on going anywhere however, as the two first began to eat the buck, which was removed thanks to the assistance of the one who killed the doe and it's young. Tyrael moved carefully away from Mar, closer to the paratas but not in the same direction it's two allies went. He went as far as he could before he stopped, just as one of the beasts lifted it's head. It had detected something. Tyrael feared that it might have found him, but now it was also the best opprotunity for Mar to attack the other one, which was gorging itself on the buck.

Mar had made her way to one of the wolfish beasts, it's maw still deep into the buck's thick under belly. Stringy intestines started to be pulled out, easily chomped down and devoured in moments while it rushed in for more. The sound of cracking bones while its large paw pushed the ribs in, busted under the weight, allowing it to get to the squishy organs within. It seemed to be more interested in it's meal, Mar's closeness gone unnoticed.

Her hand tighten upon the her weapon before she drew it back, her approach from it's back end. She noted the hind leg and took aim. Instantly, when the other creature lifted its head, Mar's arms whipped out. The blade caught the beast's back leg and the tendon was immediately struck causing a loud roar to thunder from its throat. It's head turned back and spotted her. The wounded leg slightly lifted, gingerly tip toed in its effort to glimpse her fully then it bolted. Without thinking, Mar's tail lashed out.

It slammed into the animal's side and sent to the ground, the woflish creature snarled at the suddeness. Mar didn't waste her time. Her scythe flashed out at the hind leg, cutting clear through the tendon and crippling it. The predator didn't stop its fruitless tries to get back up. It's front paw pushed it on three as it started to drag it's useless one behind it, weighing it down heavily. She was about to struck it again when the other took one look before it took off.

Mar's eyes jerked to where Tyrael was, hoping he would stop the beast before it caught up to the others. Too many and they would become the prey instead of the hunters.
The beast turned tail to find it's allies, only to instead find the brunt of Tyrael's giant fang. He swung it with enough force to snap off a horn of the beast, but it had reacted well enough to avoid smashing it's face. It tried to escape Tyrael by dashing into the forest, but he gave chase and caught up with it before too long. With another strong swing, he managed to smash the beast on it's hind foot, causing it to stumble and slam into a tree. Tyrael himself had too much momentum to simply stop, so he raised his large shield and rammed into the beast. The tree it was against began to creak at the force and the beast tried to kick at Tyrael with it's good hind leg. And though it was a mighty kick, Tyrael was able to deflect it with his shield. Raising his club up, he smashed it into the beast's face, stunning it. Than he smashed it again, causing cracks in it's horns. The beast flailed, but most either missed or hit his shield, and did nothing to stop him as he bashed the monster's face in repeatidly. When the beast was still, Tyrael did not leave it to chance; holding the tooth by it's root, he plundged the pointed end in the rough aproximation of where it's heart was at. And in case he missed, it did it again.

The other beast fled during the short moment Mar gave it. It would be moving rather quickly despite it's injury, but it's path was obvious and could not manuver greatly. Tyrael would have come back to chase, but he now had to drag the dead body of the Parata away before their allies returned. They were not sentimental creatures, but if he was correct this pack was family, and would attack them on sight.

Mar cursed her moment of distraction.

The beast's wounded leg seemed to have affected its speed very little, a slight surprise to her, causing her to head after it. The lopsided gallop was clear where it intended to head as it large body tried to thread through the trees, its speed slowed and bulk slammed into the trunks. Wood splintered with the impact while its legs hastened in an attempt to gain speed again. Mar caught up easily to it, the brief slow in is pace aided her, and her scythe lashed out.

Blood spilt across the dark ground. Another roar in pain echoed through the surroundings as the beast's head twisted behind it, teeth bore. It snarled at its attacker but Mar merely lowered her stance. She let out a low, threatening hiss which only caused the creature to turn the body about to face her. It was trapped and both of them knew it. The side where her blade sliced into now had entrails hanging from the gaping wound. A few soft pink inners had started to spill over the ground; each escaped organ had made a wet plop. The creature’s first paw stepped on its liver, the squish muscle smeared and busted from its carelessness while it lounged. Mar's weapon went up quickly. Her handle took the sudden blow when it connected to the animal's chest, her arms resisted to keep a space between. The claws flayed about and sliced just inches near her shoulders, determined to wound, its maw struggled to push forward. The animal shoved more of its weight on top, its hind claws clawed the air in its failure to tear out her underbelly.

The hot, musty breath puffed into her face and Mar's nose scrunched up from the smells stank. Its jaws snapped just inches from her, the muzzle shifted to and forth to grasp any bit of flesh. Closer, closer it inched until finally, the Naga’s arms bunched up before she swiped it to the side. Trapped by the weapon, the beast followed along with the motion, finally smacked into the ground only to have been jerked up into her coils. Around it was twisted until the animal lower half had been completely caught in her grip. The beast’s front paw made to slash across her forehead but missed by centimeters. Hair clipped was scattered in its wake, easily cut from the rest, its burly form tried to squirm out. Mar’s tail squeezed harder, the muscle gain strength and started to cave in the beast’s pelvis. The bone gave away easily as the pressure increased causing a painful howl. Antlers rushed forward, Mar’s head tilted to the side and caught the brush of the scrape the skin. In reaction, her mouth opened revealing her viper like fangs.

It had no chance to react. The Naga strike where the beast’s throat was then sank her fangs into the meaty flesh. Wet, warm and slick blood filled her taste, a thin trail dribbled at the corner. Her mouth tightened, crashing the windpipe, to silence the soft whines. The rustic and wild flavor filled her mind while the beast had fell victim to the effects. When its struggles ceased, her tail loosed gingerly then finally pulled completely away. However, it was not without taking a small bite. The neck skin caught in her teeth, it came away easily before it vanished down her throat shortly.

Mar had to fight the overwhelming urge to continue tearing into the carcass and devour it, until nothing was left. Now wasn’t the ideal time or place, the remaining pack would be back soon after hearing the struggles. Her eyes turned upon her current prize now. The bottom half was mangled, the bone collapsed on to itself, where the skin seemed to lack its frame. Instead it hung there misshapen. The head laid limply at one with the mane muddled with dirt and blood, plastering the fur to the surface where her fangs had sank in. Seeing the creature had caused Mar to look herself over, curious if she was as much a mess as her prey. The organs had stained her torso when she had to pin it, her mouth now lined by the chilled blood, and body covered in grim. Seeing a piece of intestine clinging to her waist, Mar freed one of her hand to peel it off then discarded it on top of the carcass. That’s when she noticed the long, thin red line upon her skin. If wasn’t for the fact she stopped and look closer, the Naga would’ve missed it completely. Apparently, it seemed during the scuffle the beast had managed to score a small scratch. No matter, she would deal with it later and not when there was the meal needed to be dealt with first.

She had just finished hauling the beast into a fireman’s carry across her shoulders and about to lean down for her scythe when a sound caught her attention. Suddenly she jerked upright, almost dropped her prize, for her eyes pan the scene in search of key colors. The Naga inwardly breathed a relieving sigh when she saw Tyrael emerge from the trees. He also seemed to have been successful, much to her joy. Yet her face didn’t betray her earlier worry or joyful emotions she knew swell in her heart, her attention focused between how to balance the wolfish creature and snatched up her weapon before she made her way over to him.

With the dead beast in tow, Tyrael met up with Mar who had also succeeded in slaying a parata. She was a mess, but they weren't doing a clean job. At least Mar's carcass looked more neat, with clean cuts instead of gaping holes like Tyrael's own. He had to do a crude suturing to prevent it's various organs from falling out, since he also broke much of the beast's ribs. He chuckled for a moment, reminded of how to couch gave a large amount of people a hernia. Once that feeling pasted he went ahead and began to walk in the direction of the chariot. By the time the other Parata's returned, the two hunters were long gone, and only the signs of a struggle telling them the fate of what happened to their comrades. A collective howl peirced the forests to mourn their allies.

Back at the chariot, Tyrael was tying down the two beasts to the hull of the chariot. His boars didn't go too far, though he had to fight with them to get them back into their harnesses. Once everything was settled, he put his weapons away in a container on the chariot and got behind the reins. He turned to his naga friend one more time, wondering if she had sustained any injuries. He doubt it, but it was still something that concerned him, if he didn't really show it. "Ready?"

Mar had slithered into the back, her eyes been watching Tyrael both tie the carcasses down and gather up his creatures for the trip to the College. At the back of her mind, the wound still stinged slightly as she pointly focused on ignoring, a slight heat dwelled within. It was only a scratch in her mind and had little reason to be alarm. However, it did look rather red and swollen more then usual whenever she recieved an injury, a thing that hadn't went overlooked. Before Tyrael had gotten in, Mar had picked up the rune and slid to the side to allow him in first. Now seated in the back part, her weapon across her lap, her head perked up at her hunting companion's voice.

She nodded her answer in the usual fashion, no point in verbally saying what a simple gesture could.

Like the ride to get there, the ride back to the college was uneventful. They did pass a caravan group, but Tyrael did little to them aside from avoid running them over. Once he reached the college some stablehands came out and helped get his boars and put away his chariot. Tyrael untied his and Mar's prize, careful not to let it drag across the dirt. He figured Mar would butcher her parata herself, though Tyrael was at least going to go to the kitchen and offer the staff first cuts. He wasn't hungry and honestly did not expect to kill more than one monster. He also wasn't entirely certain if anyone in the kitchen right now knew how to carve up a parata, but who knows. He might be surprised.

Once he and Mar got into the college, Tyrael paused and remembered something. He still needed to find someone to give the couch to. Shifting the weight of the parata to another shoulder, he used his free hand to open a portal into the Inferno and yelled into it. "-.- .. -.. / .-.. .. / -.. -. . -.. / ... -.-- --- ... -. " Soon a couch popped out of the portal, and Tyrael caught it with his free arm. Sealing the portal he than headed off to the dinning hall, Parata on one shoulder and couch in the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aruna grunted and laid back down against the infirmary bed, her back stating It's protes Lidda was right, she wasn't fooling anyone. The best thing for her to do would be to lay down and let her body heal. But it was hard for her to just sit there. She needed to be out there learning about her mageblood, or training, or at the very least looking for whomever had shot the arrow at her!

So, she made a compromise with herself, she would find a way to actively heal as fast as possible, then she would get out faster. And it wasn't a total loss, she could still read about what she missed. Another thing that peeved her was that she didn't like the how open she was in the room she slept in. Of whoever it was that shot her tried to finish the job, she wouldn't be able to put up any kind of fight, but she dismissed those thoughts for another time. She spoke to Lidda in a somewhat pleading voice. "I'm sorry, please I just... I want to get out of here and get to learning as fast as I can. Is there anything I can do to help myself heal and get out of here faster?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The Necromancy teacher raised an eyebrow. Or at least he felt like he did. She hadn't been a known magic user before hand? Then why had she been on the tour? Or in the school for that matter? With a mental shrug, he decided not to pursue the subject any further. It didn't really matter. What did, however, was that now he had to go through the possibly lengthy process of deciding which mageblood Annabeth had. He glanced over to his still intact pencils, wondering if he should even bother. In response, cracks appeared directly in the middle of them all. If he was to pick up one of them now, he'd likely only get half of a broken pencil. Alright then. Uicle thought, returning his thoughts back to the problem in front of him. "Alright, there are tests we could do." He turned to Ssarak. "Unless you need something from me, I'd suggest leaving. This could be a fairly lengthy and tedious process. I can't imagine you want to sit here for that long." The door to his office opened, showing the Esyire the way out. At the same time, the back legs of Uicle's desk broke, and it toppled backwards onto his legs with a loud crash, the hollow sound of his legs ringing in amongst it. Surprisingly, his chair remained stable. "Well isn't that cons-" He began sarcastically, only to have all four of the chair legs give way as well. He hit the floor with a bang. Gregor looked away from his mission to get Ssarak to scratch his metal ears and snorted in possible amusement. "That's what I expected." The desk tilted backwards, precariously balancing on it's front legs, while the back ones flew into their original position. Uicle himself stood up, ignoring the sizeable dents in his legs. "Leaving now might be a good idea. It's only going to get worse." He commented to Ssarak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It seemed as if Annabeth would be with Uicle for quite some time, and Ssarak had no issue with leaving, as he did not wish to intrude, but before he could give a response, the desk in front of him collapsed without warning. Everything was silent for a moment, and just as Uicle started to speak up again, his chair collapsed beneath him. Ssarak highly doubted this was part of any sort of test, so he had not the faintest idea what could be going on. It seemed as if fortune was not kind to the Necromancy instructor.

Ssarak rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, wondering for a moment if he should bring up the series of unfortunate events that destroyed half of his office, or simply answer his question. "Um, well, I suppose I do not wish to intrude." Ssarak said, standing from his chair, which he was thankful did not collapse as well. He looked down at Annabeth beside him. "I wish you luck and hope you discover what you are looking for. I am rather curious to hear the results of these tests. Who knows? Perhaps you will even have the same blood as myself. Just, um, be careful." He commented, taking a glance at the destroyed furniture before excusing himself and leaving the room. He closed the door behind him and listened for a moment for any more crashes or breaking furniture before heading back toward his room. Instead of approaching a gargoyle, he decided to see if he could remember how to get back to his room on his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Well, that went well. Really. Alaira thought as the Coco left. The poor thing was actually pretty nice, if a bit naive. Of course, she'd have to make sure the girl was properly equipped to defend herself when the time for training came. Nevertheless, it was time to get back to... what was she doing? Whatever, it's not like there's anything important to do today anyway. Or was there? Cursed train of thought! Why must you leave me?! Anyway, she decided to wander around, like she normally did.

Rounding the corner, she was greeted by an odd sight. Another person! And she was at eye-level(An unusual occurence) with... him. He was some sorta Eysire, though he looked strangely familiar... Anyway, as she was about to run into this guy, she quickly jumped back a little bit, mostly because she was startled by his sudden appearance. "AH!" She shouted in surprise as she readied her weapon, but quickly put it away when she realized the Eysire was no threat. "Gods... how the hell does something that big not make any noise?" She asked herself as she caught her breath. Or maybe she was just lost in thought as she usually was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collab between WitchChild and Rtron (Haklo Desol & Althalus Marik)

Althalus finished his breakfast before deigning to acknowledge Haklo. Simply because of the family symbol on his left side. Desol. Rulers of Port Slaughter. In the Port, he would have stopped anything he was doing to avoid offending one of them. Here? Here he could do as he pleased. It was just too tempting to let slide by. Leaning back in his chair, the assasin raised an eyebrow at Haklo. "You know, most people begin conversations with, 'hello', 'how are you', and, this is my personal favorite, 'What's your name'. Of course, the Desol's aren't used to speaking with their subjects. In answer to your question, Noxomancy. Specifically, shadows. How can I help you? Besides being pumped for information, that is."

He smiled at the noble, clearly enjoying himself. After all, it wasn't every day you got to talk to the nobility of Port Slaughter without being found dead within the next hour. He would know, Haklo's father had hired him(mask on) to do just that more than a few times.

Haklo arched his eyebrow at the man. It wasn't exactly what he had expected for him to say. He then remembered who he was. He was the masked fellow, the one from the festivites that he deduced was also from Port Slaughter. He refrained himself from lashing out at the man and instead retained his composure. "Apologies. Seeing that we both are here, knowing which blood other people possess gives me a bit of their profile. I am Lues as well, Psychomancy to be precise" He said to the assassin with all the courtosy of a noble gentleman, even though he wouldn't lose a minute of sleep traumatizing the assassin with a well placed psycho attack. "I see that you are familiar with the Desol House. And you are?" he asked. He wasn't going to play any games with this one, at least not his game.

Althalus chuckled. "A profile eh? I wouldn't trust that completely. I happen to know a Pyromancer who is deathly afraid of flames. As you can imagine, he doesn't really use his blood all that much. Psychomancy. Have fun learning from Satori. She seemed quite....charming." He refrained from putting sarcasm into that statement. There was only so far being safe inside the College walls would get him. And who knew how much like the Desol Family a Psychomancer could be. At the mention of his familiarity, Althalus snorted.

"You'd have to be a fool not to be familiar with the Desol's in Port Slaughter. After all, having wolves for sheperds makes a man nervous. As for who I am, I'm Marik. My father was a tavern owner by the name of John Marik, before he, my mother, and most of my siblings were slain for some crazy cultist ritual and the tavern was burned down. Unsurprisingly, all the loyal patrons just moved to another Tavern, and the 'guards' just made sure the mess didn't spread. All in all, just another day in the Port."

Haklo listened to the blonde man with seeming interest which wasn't far from the truth. He was interested but not in any friendly way. He was documenting, filing everything he learned about the man, what he said and how he said it. His icy blue eyes also took note of any casual gestures and the man's attire. "Well, Althalus Marik. I must say I wasn't expecting another from Port Slaughter and one very intuned with the understanding that it has." He said to the man in a respectful tone. He intentionally said the man's first name dispite the fact he wasn't given it. He remembered it from the other night, when he and the she-elf, Auriel, had been exchanging pleasantries. He got the impression that the shorter man might know a bit more about the Desols than he might be leading on, an rather interesting nut to crack.

Althalus raised both eyebrows at the use of his first name. "My, my. Aren't we informed?" He commented, putting his fork down in preparation to leave. He had never really liked the Desols. They did too little to actually turn Port Slaughter into something that didn't have a murder every night on the slow nights. "Everyone from Port Slaughter is in tune with how it works. Whether they run it, use it, or just try to live with it. Now, I must bid you farewell. I need to explore a little more, maybe be able to find my way through the College without havingt to ask the help of a rather surly Gargoyle." With that, the assassin left, putting up his plate and walking out the dining hall.

Haklo arched his eyebrow at the assassin and watched him leave while finishing up his meal. He had seen the sort of behavior that the blonde man had projected, a sort of dislike towards not him personally but what he was. This wasn't at all uncommon in the noble courts and Haklo had his share of them in the past. Apparently this Althalus had a dislike towards the Desol family which Haklo could understand from a citizen of the Port. Most didn't know how much the Desols were truly involved with the everyday life of the Slaughter streets but Haklo himself didn't like how his fathers had handled it.

The nobleman stood up from his seat and left the dining hall a while after Althalus. He decided to look for something to learn about. Other students, teachers, staff and the overall layout of the collage proper. He walked at a brisk pace to look for other people to converse with and study. He'd need to establish alliances and pacts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Vitamancy teacher laughed at Aruna’s reaction, not bothering to hold it in to be polite as she knew how frustrating it was to sit and heal. Likely she didn’t have to do that anymore after being a Vitamancer, her body already able to heal bones, skin, and more back to perfection. Her cleaved feet hung over the bed edge, dangled there and swing out of habit, while her dark eyes watched the young Half Breed pout within the confines of her bed. For a moment longer she sat there, until finally Aruna spoke to her. Lidda’s expression told the student she only half believed her about the learning bit.

She stood up and placed the clothes, the gift, upon the bedside table where Aruna could look them over when she was ready. Then she shifted her hips to cock, her hands pressed upon them in a sassy stance then soft spoke. “Unless you’re a Vitamancer, it’s unlikely there’s a way. You’ll just have to let it heal naturally though my tip: don’t fight Sam if you want to speed it up.”

She leaned closer and looked Aruna dead in the eyes, her voice full of earnest intentions. “Are you sure it’s because you want to learn about your mageblood or to find the one who ‘left’ the rake out?”

Lidda waited a moment or two, letting Aruna absorb the words then lifted upright. She continued without much delay, a faint hope to ease Aruna’s defensive and likely suspicious nature that the student had instinctively displayed at the Opening Feast. “I won’t worry about it. I have a feeling I know who could’ve left it out and I’m positive he didn’t mean you any harm by it. We’ve gotten some new staff and guards lately to rotate the old out so they aren’t exactly familiar to the College’s...unique sights or current rules. We’ve staff leave out stuff as well as a few guards misfire on students. It’s rare but possible since sometimes Esyires or other students from mixed heritage are thought to be wild creatures who threaten the College and. I doubt the current Psychomancy demonstration helped with that either.”

Her hand rubbed the back of her head, seemed to hate the next task she would likely have to look into, until Sam interrupted her. The old man touched her shoulder and smiled when her eyes whipped into his direction. He hated getting in the middle of conversations so she knew this had to be important when she listened to him speak.

“Lidda, could you for a moment take a look at the patient before you return to classes.”

“Sure. Why didn’t you just a Rune do it?” She asked, slightly surprised.

“I don’t know, one of the examination Runes seem to be a little uncooperative today. I might have to have Val look it over and see what she can do about since it’s been a while when I’ve had her check them last.” Samuel admitted guiltily, noting his neglect in keeping his equipment in working order. “So far all I’ve found are few birth defects which should’ve made it harder than usual for him to breath and function, though they seem to have little affect on him. He could’ve gotten used to it and adapted since birth which we’ve had a few cases pop up like that with students. His heart on the opposite side of his chest, yet nothing I’m too concerned about. I do want you to use your Vitamancy to determine if there’s unseen concerns.”

Lidda nodded and made her way over to Grey, her eyes studied the man for a moment but her words were spoken to Sam. “I’ll see what I can do but keep in mind I hit Blood Sickness last night so it won’t be the best.”
Gently she held out her hand and touched the man’s hand. She held it in hers while she focused on her mageblood, her eyes closed. Where her skin made contact with Grey’s, he would feel a faint tingle, not quite as strong as Aruna’s, dance on his surface then inch its way throughout his body. Lidda’s mind took stock of what her magic was able to yet it was weaker reading then she was expecting. Her face furrowed in confusion but casted it away, figured her magic was weaker then she first thought.

“Well, I don’t sense anything immediate or life threatening. Then again, I’m not at my tip top shape. Think it would be possible to do a follow up checkup later on? I’ve got many students to teach the basics so I likely won’t be free until say… winter?” Lidda chuckled, her attempt at a light joke despite her mind’s worry.

“I’ll talk to Lucilia, I’m pretty sure she rather you not over whelm yourself.” He turned to Grey then with a final statement. “I think, for now, that’s enough with the medical examine. There will be a followed up around winter which I’ll have a Golem notify you about. It’s routine with most College staff.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ssarak did not remember how to get back to his room without the gargoyle's help. He took a wrong turn at some point and managed to get lost wandering through the halls. As he searched for another gargoyle to speak to, he ended up stepping through a door leading outside, near the entrance to the college. This was at least some relief, as it meant he now knew where to go to find another gargoyle. Just as he was about to take another step, someone rounded a corner in front of him and nearly ran into him. He recognized her immediately, as he did not have to look down nearly as far as he was used to for her kind. It was the tall, rude, forest elf he had met the previous day, Alaira. She seemed just as startled as he was, though he was equally as confused as to why she was unable to hear him coming.

"My apologies, though I would not say I was being particularly silent." He responded, lifting up his rather hefty axe and resting it on his shoulder. "To do such is a difficult task while carrying this weapon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey noticed the Doctor leave for some reason, and was a slight bit worried when he brought... someone. He wasn't sure what she was, as he certainly had never seen one of her kind before, but maybe it was just some flesh-mage with self-esteem issues? in any event, she said something to her colleague and touched his hand. Grey felt a tingle run through his body. Not unpleasant or painful, but he felt it. When she was done, she remarked how she wasn't in good shape and how she didn't sense anything life threatening. Well, that was a relief. The way they were acting suggested something less than pleasant was going on, so he thought they might have actually found something wrong with him. Nonetheless, he was done here. Grey stood up from his seat, and faced them. "Thank you." he said politely, before continuing. "I think I'll just come back myself around then. I can't stand those things." He said with a slight chuckle. He found Golems very obnoxious, with their limited intelligence and general clumsiness.
With that he excused himself without incident.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Althalus, Ssarak, and Mar: Rtron, Elitecommander, and Fallenreaper

Mar didn't' waste time when Tyrael untied her kill, her weapon placed into her coils as she took it across her shoulders. The beast was still heavy even if it was dead which made it more awkward then she was suited to. During the trip, she had noted her wound was reddened and puffed out a bit, a trait that concerned her. While Tyrael was around she ignored the sensation of hotness which had spread a bit from it and seemed to fill her being. It wasn't ideal for her show the weakness because she was sure it would pass later.

Slowly she started to make her way across the courtyard after the Gates had closed.

Althalus quickly left the Dining Hall, not wanting to stay near the noble any longer than necessary. They had a nasty habit of being far more curious than they needed to be. Something about being surrounded by guards that prevent curiosity from killing them, he supposed. As he left, he stopped outside in the courtyard and glanced idly around. Just looking for something of interest. And then, to his minor surprise, he spotted Mar slithering slowly through the grounds. She had her breakfast slung over her shoulder. Having nothing better to do, Althalus wandered over, eyeing the beast. It certainly looked unfriendly in every way possible. "And that is why I appreciate growing up in a city. Even a lovely city like Port Slaughter." He muttered, softly. He some how suspected Mar wouldn't appreciate his two cents about his childhood.

Walking to her side he commented, "You've caught breakfast, I see. Want help carrying to to the room?" That's when he noticed her wound. The fact that she had been wounded didn't concern him. He saw wounds all the time growing up, and even more when he took up his career as an assassin. Most caused by himself. What did concern him was the reddened state. It may have even been puffed a little bit. Now, he was no medic, and it could have just been him making something much worse than it actually was. But, he had seen a few poisons turn a small scratch into something like that..

"You want to get that cut checked out? It looks..odd."

Mar glared at him then snorted in distaste as he offered aid to lighten her load. She let out a low hiss against it while she tried to straighten upright, her torse still struggled under the weight, the arms readjusted to a better position. The animal's body had started to slip down and parts were the wounds were had oozed over her skin, dirtying it farther. She didn't mind because what concerned her more was the fact her vision had started to hazy a bit.

"I can get it myself as for my wound, it's none of your concern. It will heal." She snapped and tried to brush him off. Her body started to move around Althalus but her body tilted, the beast started to slip easily from her grip only to force herself to tighten her grasp and barely keep it from toppling to the ground.

Ssarak looked up for a moment when he saw the the main gate open. Two people entered, one of whom was the Demonmancy instructor, Tyrael, and the other a Naga he did not know. Ssarak knew little of the Naga, save for the name of their race and roughly what they looked like. They were both carrying large beasts the likes of which he had never seen before. He was curious as to what types of creatures they were, but otherwise, it did not seem to be something he would need to worry about. He noticed a human male approach the Naga, but quickly lost interest as he turned his attention back to Alaira.

Althalus held up both hands in a placating manner as Mar hissed at him. She seemed to do that a lot. Even if they'd only known each other for less than two days. If she didn't want help, fine. But his concern only grew when he noted her struggling to carry it. He didn't know much about Naga's. They were fast, they were fairly strong(especially in their tail), they could scent , the only safe way to kill them was to destroy the brain. The things an assassin would need to know to kill a Naga target. A smart, long living assassin at any rate. Mar should have been able to carry the carcass easily enough.

As she nearly lost her grip on it trying to pass him, he stepped in front of her, concern clear on his face. "I really think you should get the cut checked out." He continued hurriedly before she could snap at him. "But if you won't do that, at least let me help you carry it. You're obviously having trouble and frankly, I doubt you'll last another five steps...slithers."

Her head seemed to feel like it was fire yet she pushed it back, her eyes narrowed on the human now in front of her. Mar felt her tail twitch at the male's arrogance as he shifted from his passive and meek to more assertive. If it wasn't for the fact she was trying to get away, she might've felt a slight attraction at this new side. However that wasn't the case. He was currently in her way and she felt angry about that which she then snapped out a warning.

"Move or I will move you!" Her voice showed her sour mood, once again her body tried to shift around his and move pass.

It was not long after Ssarak looked away from the Naga that he heard a shout that directed his attention straight back to her. He looked back to them and saw that the human was blocking her way, and they seemed to be arguing over something, though he did not know what. Whatever it was, the Naga seemed to be especially angry as a result, and by the way she was gripping her weapon, he did not like where the situation had the potential of going.

"Excuse me for a moment." Ssarak said to Alaira, moving past her and keeping his eyes on the pair. He walked behind them, not too close, but close enough to observe.

Althlalus sidestepped to cut her off again, hands falling surreptitiously to where he hid a pair of daggers. She was obviously in a bad mood, and had trouble not trying to hit him when she was in what passed as a good move. "No. Either you get the cut checked, or let me help you carry that carcass." He kept his voice soft, calm. But also unyielding. He then waited for her to try and hit him now. That's what she was going to do. There was no way she would just agree to what he was demanding. He gave a small sigh. Maybe she won't be the type to kill me in my sleep...assuming I survive this. He thought, a fleeting smile crossing his face. An assassin with a conscience. Shouldn't that have been the first thing that died when he 'chose' this profession?

"MOVE!" She snapped loudly, her tail swung out at his waist as he jerked backwards.

Her face took on frustration and her body shifted, struggled not to fall down while she discarded her kill. It landed with a soft thump then her scythe was tightened in her hands before she sliced it at his head followed by her tail at the feet.

His daggers were out as soon as he saw her hands tightening on the scythe blade. To his credit, he avoided earning a new scar. Or having his life suddenly and abruptly ended in a rather violent manner. The bone blade scraped against the two steel blades, stopping it from hitting him. However, he failed to react in time to the tail, and crashed to the ground. He immediately rolled away from her and to his feet, avoiding her attempt to drag him into a coil grip, daggers held out defensively. "Okay, how about we calm down, hmm? You don't try to crush every bone in my body, I don't get an early physical fitness test where failure means death. That sounds good, right?"

Ssarak was not surprised when the fight broke out, but he wished it hadn't. At first, he expected to see a golem intervene to hold back the Naga, but as he frantically looked around, he saw that there were none in sight, for whatever reason. Both of them had drawn their weapons, though the human was obviously only on the defensive. He knew not what was causing the Naga to be so violently aggressive, but he could not just stand by and let it happen. She was intending to kill the human, and no matter what it was the human had done to anger her, he could not believe that murder would be justified.

Ssarak looked down at the axe he was gripping in his hands. His years as a warrior had taught him how he was supposed to deal with life-or-death situations, with...appropriate force. And yet...he could not do it. If his experiences had taught him anything, it was that could follow death was yet more death, more destruction. He closed his eyes, gripping the axe's handle even tighter for a few moments before tossing it to the ground beside him. No one was going to die here today.

Mar reared, her height increased to intimidate him as he avoided her strikes and slipped from her grasp. Her eyes seemed to only see red, the fever worsened it and showed visibly through hot skin. She hadn't notice her fangs extended completely out to. Quickly her torso lashed forward with mouth open, intended to sink her teeth into his throat. She watched him jerk backwards again but this time, her body rreacted to counter it. The tail lashed at his feet then gripped it, his body swung about within the coils that looped around and around.

Her tail constricted then slowly brought the man's face closer to her own. Eyes, more wild and dulled in sickness, stared back at Althalus. She pulled back slightly with fangs and readied to sink into his neck and rip out his throat.

He should have done more than just jerk. He should have been prepared for the tail trick again. Then again, it wasn't everyday someone stared into the eyes of a maddened Naga with fangs full out, towering above them. As it was, he could only let loose a curse and let go of his daggers so she didn't stab herself when she coiled about him. That was an unpleasant experience. His arms restrained, and then pressed against his ribs with bone creaking force. Air suddenly becoming a much harder commodity to find. As she brought her eyes close to his, Althalus let out a strained little chuckle, feeling his ribs creaking. Along with every other bone in his body. "You know..if you weren't trying to kill me..I might be tempted to kiss you."

What a lovely saying to have as his last words.

Just before the Naga was able to finish off the human, Ssarak closed enough distance to act. As he had practiced many times before, he concentrated on manipulating his blood into the most powerful form of magic he was currently capable of: his psychomantic breath. It was a uniquely Esyire trait, to be able to focus the essence of their blood into a breath attack. Usually, it directly harmed a foe in some way, but for psychomancy, the effect was a bit different. His breath attack in particular caused a certain calming sensation to come over the victim...among other effects, and when the cloud of gas enveloped the pair, they would immediatley begin to feel every single one of them

"Enough!" Ssarak shouted, the anger evident in his voice. Even if his expereince at the college so far had not been perfect, he had taken the idea of what the college was supposed to be to heart. It was meant to be a place where students could learn to wield their gifts in safety, and that was an idea he thought worthy of protecting. "Calm yourselves. I know not what qualms you have with one another, but this is no place for violence. To kill over what likely amounts to a petty squabble is the choice of a beast, not a civilized being." He said, letting out a low growl. His words were more directed toward the Naga, as she was the aggressor. He would have spared the human from his psychomantic attack, but they were close enough that it was unavoidable.

Mar's body relaxed the moment she inhaled the strange breath. Her mind felt light and unable to connect with the heat in her head, the Naga's eyes laxed in their appearance from her earlier aggression. Her body shivered abit now feeling the sweat cold against her surface and started to try to cool her down. What was she doing? Mar had only enough sense to ask that one question before slight smirk crossed her lips. Whatever the Esyire, who now seemed irked at...something, had been shouting seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Her torso had lowered to the ground and now laid there, letting the dust kicked up by their earlier battle take her attention. Her fingers tried to catch them by batting at the air, her attention clearly on the other student at all. Her tail just flicked lazily until she noted the pretty red color on her arm. Mar gingerly touched it which caused her to hiss a bit, the pain dulled by the high buzzing in her brain, before something else caught her attention: a rather cute human who was gasping for breath. Slowly she dragged herself over towards him and flashed a small smile when he looked up at her.

Althalus slumped to the ground, free of the coils, and too busy concentrating on getting air to his oxygen deprived lungs to keep himself upright. As he was only breathing very shallowly when Ssarak's breath hit him, it took him a few more moments to receive the full effects. Not that he did anything more than regain the knowledge of breathing fully. When the effects did hit him, he did nothing more than stare up at the sky and note how..blue it was. His skygazing was interrupted by a rather pretty, and slightly familiar, Naga face. He smiled up at her and was rewarded with a small smile in return.

There was also an Esyire there, but he was yelling and Althalus ignored him.

"And who might you be, beautiful?" He asked, before his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Wait...you were going somewhere...and I was helping you...go to your room! That's it!"

Ssarak probably should have expected the pair to become unresponsive while under the effects of his breath. At the very least, the Naga was no longer aggressive, and neither of them were in any real position to fight. It probably would have been wise for him to attempt to separate them, as he still had no idea what they were arguing about, but in truth, he was in no position to act either. To create a breath attack of that strength, he had to put quite a bit of effort and concentration into it, which in turn drained his blood considerably. He was already beginning to feel lightheaded and overall exhausted. As a result, his ability to concentrate on what to do next was significantly impaired.

"Just..be civil." Ssarak said before turning around and taking his leave of the pair. He lazily walked back over to his axe and picked it up, letting it drag behind him as he continued in the direction of Alaira. "I need to sit down." He muttered, rubbing his head.

Mar was too occupied with the human to hear the other student's comment. The man looked confused but to her, it only seemed to make the situation that much funnier. She giggled lightly and softly, she lowered her chin to rest on the ground for a moment. Mar merely tilted her head when the mention came up about her room, her eyes just blinked once as if the meaning by passed her. Instead her hand merely took a finger to brush away the blond locks then seemed to swell with excitement, the thought now registered within her head.

"I think you're cute... very cute." She returned the comment then continued. "Yes, let's go!"

Without waiting for Althalus's answer and her head all bubbly, she rose upright. Her hand bent down to help him up, the pair rather wobbly as they started for her room and vainly attempted to use each other to balance. Something that wasn't very well accomplished while they vanished into the distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Oh, so he had a big Axe? was she supposed to be impressed? Internally, she laughed a bit. The way that axe was designed, it would likely get stuck in things quite easily, such is the price paid for ornamentation. Either that, or it was wielded by someone with monstrous strength. Of course, seeing as that was untrue of the last guy she fought that waved around a similarly over-ornamented weapon, she was doubtful. "Eh, I've seen bigger." She said. Well, wielded by a minotaur, but still. She was about to challenge the poor bastard to an honor duel when some other fight broke out. Hey, wait a second, why wasn't she invited? How inconsiderate! The lizard excused himself, but she found herself following for a closer look.

As it turned out, they hadn't come to blows yet but Alaira had seen enough situations between such people and they only ever ended in two ways: Violence, or sex (Usually in a different location). However she'd never seen a Naga so pissed off. It wasn't long before they came to blows, and she was certainly enjoying the show. Her money was on the Naga. "Come on, smack the bitch outta him!" she shouted as the guy avoided her attacks. However, soon she had the guy pinned and was about to tear his throat out when she moved to intervene. "Heh, playtime's over..." she said with a crooked smile as she readied her lance and was about to charge in and knock the girl off of him. However, she did none of that as she noticed Lizard-boy was about to do something.

The Lizard fired some sort of purple(?) gas out of his mouth at the two of them, and suddenly they didn't feel like fighting anymore. and then... it was as the two acted that the sheer... ridiculousness of the situation dawned on her. She started laughing as the two drugged fools started... well, being affected by it. she only laughed harder when the two wandered off together, considering that she was literally about to tear his throat out with her goddamn teeth. "Well look at that Mr. Hero, you saved the goddamn day..." she said, still getting the laughter out of her system. "The hell was that? I didn't know you could do shit like that..." she said. Clearly this guy was a bit of a killjoy, but he might be a good fight, who knows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak leaned himself up against a nearby column, letting the head of his axe rest on the ground while he held lightly onto the end of its handle. He closed his eyes a moment and let out a deep breath, though he could already feel that he was about to get a headache. A good deal of fatigue came over him, though it was nothing some rest, and maybe a meal or two, could not fix. He was proud of his actions, however. For once in his life, he was saving lives instead of taking them.

"Psychomancy can have many effects, not all of which are harmful. I would rather save a life than to take one." Ssarak said, opening his eyes to look at the Forest Elf. "As an Esyire, I can project the essence of my blood into a sort of breath attack. For other bloods, that might be fire, or lightning, or even shards of rock. For psychomancy, the effect is not quite so directly harmful. Mine in particular has a calming effect on the victim, along with other effects one would commonly associate with various types of drugs. It was, however, exhausting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth was hopeful when Uicle said he could help, only for that to be followed by a series of unfortunate events. Everything he touched began to break, and she was a bit worried. This was more than simply bad luck. Bad luck could be falling out of your chair or having a painting fall on you. What happened seemed to be a very lazy assassination attempt involving broken furniture. It was funny at first, but now Annabeth was seriously concerned that there was something wrong with Uicle. "Uicle, is... No, there is something very wrong with what just happened. The falling hammer, that worker dropping knives on you, that could have been an accident... But this? Broken desk, broken chair, surely this isn't normal." Annabeth was trying to show concern for her teacher, if only because she was worried his bad luck was going to affect her as well. Everyone had their quirks, but this misfortune that followed Uicle could be maddening. "Forgive me if I am speaking out of place... I am merely concerned as a student, about your well being."


"You would find that Psychomancy is capable of much more still." From the shadows Satori appeared. She had heard the clamoring and would have came in to stop it had Ssarak not shown the ability to handle it himself. Not how she would have done it, but he did well considering his abilities. She was wearing a two-piece long robe, made of a light blue and white cloth, which contrasted with her pale pink hair. "I thank you for stopping them before they came to blows, Sir Dyreackthanose. Though this incident will be reported none the less... And Miss Taenn, fighting in school grounds may be allowed when sanctioned, but we do not advocate hostilities among the students. We are here to learn our magics, not as a place to do harm to each other." Satori walked over to the duo with her hands laced over each other. Though her face held a small smile and her tone of voice was almost soothing, there was the subtle feeling that she was crawling through the minds of the two, like she was merely a distraction for an assassin to slit through throats from behind. But it was just Satori, alone with the two students. "Lessons will begin soon. I myself am heading towards my classroom. Seeing that you are one of my disciple, Sir Dyreackthanose, would you like to accompany me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak did not see Satori approach from the shadows, though with his current lack of attentiveness, she probably could have walked up straight from in front of him and he would not have noticed. She seemed to have witnessed the fight, which was comforting, as it meant the pair had not been in as much danger as he suspected. Still, he did not regret his actions, as he acted with all of the information he had available at the time. He simply wished his intervention had not been so exhausting. He had the feeling that Satori was likely reading through his mind at the moment, but that was something he would probably have to accept as always being the case. He would never be able to hide anything from her, so he would simply have to endeavor to never do anything worth hiding.

"Of course, ma'am." Ssarak responded, pushing himself off of the column to stand, a bit shakily, by himself. "Although...I am afraid I may not be able to use any more magic today. I exhausted myself with that intervention."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago


Lidda noted the man seemed paranoid by her while he watched her carry out her task. However it could’ve been because of what she just did or her appearance, not that she could really tell. When the checkup ended the man said his good byes before he decided to leave, obviously uncomfortable about being contacted by a Golem. She could understand and was guilty of herself when she first arrived, namely because most people within Eania believed it was evil to jerk a soul and trap it within a state of unnaturalness made from any material. Though in time she had gain a different view with her talks with Uicle and came to respect the magic just as much as she did her own.

The thought of her own suddenly made the woman realize what time it was. The day was getting along and soon her classes needed to their teacher, the fact she was still here didn’t help. After the man left, she decided it was time for her to go too. Her head turned back to Aruna, her lips transformed into a smile. “Aruna, stay out of trouble and no more running into rakes!”

To Sam, she said her goodbyes before she headed out the door. Her body shifted to one just to keep from running head long in the newest arrival, a red haired student, who entered the medical wing. Lidda noticed she looked slightly dead on her feet, Sam’s concerned form approached her. Lidda managed to catch Sam’s last words to the new patient, just as she vanished down the hall and headed to her classes.

“What’s the matter and how can I help you, Ms…?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Well, Alaira knew that. She'd fought enough Eysires to quite familiar with the breath weapon. She wasn't aware that there was a psychomancy one however. She listened to him talk a bit for a moment about how he didn't really want to hurt anyone. To that, she laughed a bit. "Well, aren't you just a big softie. Big, bad, lizard man just wants to get along." She said, smug smirk plastered on her face. "The little bastard got himself into that, bothering that Naga. That's how it works, idiots get themselves hurt when they decide to be stupid. 'course, by the way those two were looking at each other after that I'd say you may have just set some crazy things up to happen." Did she think the guy deserved death? No, but he certainly should have gotten roughed up quite a bit.

She was about to needle the poor guy for a little longer when... she arrived. Ssarak may have noticed that at Satori's presence, Alaira had stopped smiling, and her hand seemed to be hovering near a holster for a utility knife. Alaira hated this woman, hated her voice, hated the way she looked at her, hated how she just... appears whenever you least expected it, and she hated her gods-damn hair too. Then she spoke. When Satori turned to address Alaira, her eyes narrowed in annoyance. 'Oh, no beating people up for no reason. now don't forget to wipe or button your pants' I get it! Damn it... she thought. However, then she felt it. that horrible migraine again. With a cry of pain she fell to a knee, clutching her head. "Stopstopstop get outta my head!" she said through gritted teeth as she clutched her head, as if she was trying to keep something from exploding out of her skull.
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