Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 19 days ago

A complete sheet from me... finally.

The Magnificient

Character You're Applying For:
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Jean Grey (Miss Marvel)
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
Tara Markov (Terra)
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)
Jubilation Lee (Jubilee)

Powers And Abilities:
With this X-Force team, I want them to be young adults around the age of 18-20 and so their powers are at their basic level with only some years of training behind them. At this stage, they have remained hidden and have not had any field practice as actual heroes. The only training they’ve had with their powers has been within the walls of the Xavier Institute. Throughout this game, they will come out of the shadows as heroes and train further with their powers as they do, all the while dealing with anti-mutant individuals and groups.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Charles Xavier and Max Eisenhardt met when they were both still young men. Max was a victim of the Holocaust at a young age and was experimented on ruthlessly by Nazi scientists when they found out he was a mutant. They kept him heavily medicated and only partially conscious . He was eventually able to escape from his torment and immediately began using his powers to fight back against the men persecuting his people. He would often stoop to his enemy’s level in his crusade. While Max fought and struggled, Charles Xavier was pampered and studied his own mutant powers and how they came about. He was eventually approached by the United States government for his powers as well as his expertise. He worked with the government to clean up after incidents involving mutants. Through his work, he learned about Max and his fight against the Nazi party. By this time, Max had his own small band of guerilla fighters, some with their own powers. As the U.S. entered the war, they joined with Max’s forces. With Xavier’s help, they kept the aid of super-powered individuals a secret. Max was unhappy with this outcome but was convinced by Charles to work with the government for the betterment of both mutantkind and other super-powered individuals in need of aid.

For years they worked at this task, with Charles using his powers to erase memories on a massive scale to keep the secret, especially due to Max’s rather violent and extreme tactics in the field. Because of this, Max was kicked from the program. With Max went other individuals, Raven Darkholme among them, and they formed their own band of supers. They focused on fighting against people they deemed evil. Their activities created more work for Charles and his abilities. This continued for years, and Charles slowly stepped back from the program and focused more on educating the younger generation dealing with their powers. As he grew in age, Charles’ powers waned until he was unable to comply with the government and perform another mass memory wipe, and thus individuals with powers became common knowledge. With that, Charles was let go from the program.

Fully away from the program, Charles was able to focus solely on educating the younger generation. Eventually, he crossed paths with Max again. Without the government being involved, Max was more willing to listen to his old friend and agree to join him in his goal to educate the younger generation. Raven Darkholme was lost to the wind by this point. There were many disagreements as the partnership was begun anew, mostly with allowing the students to enter the field with the other super-powered individuals. Charles was still hesitant because of the government, but Max believed the students could help people in need. The stalemate lasted for a while, but as Charles’ health got worse and he was bedridden he agreed to let the older students into the field under Max’s supervision and the condition that they would not operate as violently and extreme as his guerilla fighters had in the past. Knowing his friend did not have long left in this world, Max agreed to his conditions.

The first field team would be christened “X-Force” and be made up of: Pietro Maximoff, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Tara Markov, Garfield Logan, and Jubilation Lee. Pietro came to the Xavier Institute for Gifted Children with his father, Max, and has been made the field team leader. Jean was one of many students found by Charles and has become his personal student because of the nature of her powers, though her telepathic abilities have been suppressed for years by Charles. With his health getting worse, he must focus all of his remaining power on keeping her powers in check until she can fully control them. Scott was found by Charles and Henry McCoy after an incident with his powers going unchecked; this was one of the last times Charles was able to perform a mass memory wipe and take Scott into his school to help him. Tara and Garfield were transient teens hiding away because of their powers, but they were found and brought in by Henry. Jubilation Lee was one of the lucky ones and found the school as her powers began showing and was able to avoid incident. Their goal as the X-Force is to help people in need and find those individuals with powers and mutations who live on the fringe of society in hiding and give them a home and a safe place to learn how to control their powers.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
I think these characters will have interesting interactions together as they grow as heroes. What makes them ultimate is how they must overcome bigotry thrown at them by the people they work to save as they also try to make the world a better place for their own kind. This team is also led by Quicksilver with Xavier and Magneto acting as mentors along with Henry/Hank McCoy.

Supporting Characters:
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto) - The current supervisor of the X-Force field team and long friend of Charles Xavier. Max recently joined the Institute to help younger individuals learn to control their powers and help those in need.
Charles Xavier - Founder and current head of Xavier Institute for Gifted Children.
Henry McCoy - Henry is also known as Hank or Beast. He is a mutant and friend to Charles and has been with the school since its founding. He has a genius-level intellect and develops the team’s tools and gadgets.
Danny the World - Danny is a sentient brick able to construct buildings and streets around him because of his unique physiology. Danny is Xavier Institute and has constructed the entire campus and its building from his main brick. He is able to communicate telepathically with those on campus. He is also able to transport his main brick and others to different locations around the globe; when he does so he is able to maintain the structures of the campus and so acts as the field team’s mode of transportation.

Character Picture:

Beast Boy/The X-Force are hereby...

I want a long-winded analysis about every era of comics and what you like about them in relation to Batman stories. Golden Age, Silver Age, all of it.

Hoo boy. That's gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

Not because I have to think about the question, but because it's literally too late in the day for me to even get started on answering.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Master Bruce

Once that's done I'd like a full analysis on the evolution of all of the interpretations of Batman you've done in the history of these games, what you like about each version, what you don't, and so forth. No lazy answers. You'll be graded for these essays.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 22 days ago

<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Hoo boy. That's gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

Not because I have to think about the question, but because it's literally too late in the day for me to even get started on answering.

If you seriously respond tomorrow with this - and I expect incredibly lengthy, in-depth, high-quality work - then I will commit to doing something nearly impossible. Something so unusual, far-fetched, and unlike me that no one here has ever seen the likes of before.

I'll make a second post.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Master Bruce

Once that's done I'd like a full analysis on the evolution of all of the interpretations of Batman you've done in the history of these games, what you like about each version, what you don't, and so forth. No lazy answers. You'll be graded for these essays.


What's sad is that I'm fully willing to do that, too.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago


What's sad is that I'm fully willing to do that, too.

The sadder part is I would unironically read it and enjoy what your perspective is.

I think I'm a bigger fan of Superherohype/Basement than I really should be.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 22 days ago

Get a room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago

Get a room.

We already have a PM discussing the RP, tho.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 22 days ago

How I know EE is catching up on the thread: I get a dozen notifications for "likes," especially on posts wherein I mocked Mike.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

John Stewart should be everyone's guy. Hal Jordan is interesting as lightly toasted white bread with no butter.

The only interesting things Hal Jordan ever did was go crazy and die, and they still found a way to ruin that.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by AndyC>
The part where I pissed off every Spider-Man RPer here is a good start.

You already buried yourself by saying you don't like Spectacular Spider-Man. Now you're basically trying to tunnel to China.

But, to add my two cents onto all the various topics at hand.....

Gwen Stacy vs Mary Jane is a no-brainer in my opinion, at least in their classic incarnations. Classic MJ was a far more well-rounded character, probably rougher around the edges than the sainted Gwen but with far more backbone and a joie de vivre that most superhero paramours are missing. Of course, modern-day Mary Jane who exists as a background prop for Riri Williams is a complete waste of space. But when she's actually being used by writers who give a damn about the character's mythology, MJ pushes Pete to be a better person, and for a character whose central arc has always been about a boy (or in the modern case, an ineffectual low-testosterone man-child) dealing with the realities of responsible adulthood, she's a better fit thematically. Plus, as was said earlier, OG Gwen was essentially Stan Lee's Mary Sue.

Out of all the various incarnations of both characters, though, I prefer SSM Gwen. But admittedly that's mostly because I've got a thing for nerdy girls.

Miles Morales has no actual personality, but we're not supposed to point that out because it ruins the illusion that you can just take an existing character, change the skin color and/or slap a vagina on it, and then bask in praise and adulation for being so progressive and #woke. He's nowhere near as irritating as most of the new replacement heroes made to appeal to cosplayers and receive big enthusiastic BJs from Bleeding Cool, but I think he's the prime example of a character that everyone claims to like because you get in trouble if you don't. Maybe the new movie will change my mind on that, but I'm not holding my breath.

Also, this isn't something that's unique to Miles or Marvel in general, but I hate it when a superhero gets replaced, then the original comes back and the replacement sticks around with the same name. It makes things so unnecessarily complicated-- "Look, everyone, it's Spider-Man! And his friend, erm....also Spider-Man!" It was just as irksome to me when Dick still hung around as Batman after Bruce came back and reclaimed the cowl, or when Wally and Barry were both running around as the Flash at the same time. To me, it cheapens the importance of the character, pushing instead the idea that the heroes are just brands that can be swapped out.

Hal Jordan is boring, but Sinestro doesn't really work with any of the other Lanterns, so he might as well stick around. On the subject of the Lanterns, Guy is basically the only one with any personality, but I can't rightly picture him in the main Justice League 'Big Seven' lineup and not being really out-of-place. It's a shame.

Grant Morrison is great when he's off in a corner doing his own weird shit and not adding a bunch of LSD-riddled lunacy onto major characters. His X-Men and Batman stuff were both very hit-and-miss to me, and while I loved All-Star Superman at the time, I've cooled on it in recent years, mostly because it's the thing that everyone points to when going on about how Superman shouldn't be treated as an actual character and instead needs to be your idyllic imaginary-friend-slash-secular-god-figure because we need to feel good about there being a benevolent higher power but can't be arsed to go to church once in a while. I will say, though, I did love the issue of Multiversity where he used the Charlton Comics characters that were re-branded into Watchmen to say Alan Moore is full of shit.

In short, I loved Flex Mentallo and Doom Patrol, I could do without Batman of Zurr-en-Arrh or Beast having a cat-face.

Damian Wayne is a character I loathe with every fiber of my being, everything I hate about the overblown "Oh, I can beat everyone with prep-time because having money and knowing karate is totally better than being able to deadlift the solar system or move faster than thought itself" era of Batman, made to appeal to people who think that being an asshole to your friends and co-workers is 'cool,' and perpetually stuck in the exact same "oooh, is he gonna turn to the dark side this time" story arc. All of which I could possibly find it within myself to forgive, if it weren't for the fact that Tim Drake-- hands-down the best Robin in an easy walk IMO-- was kicked to the curb and given the name of a hamburger joint in order to make room for the little shitstain. Just because he's nice maybe 5% of the time doesn't make up for him being an irritating little prick the other 95%.

Master Bruce's Batman makes me angry because every time I read it, I realize how much more effort I'm gonna have to put into my next Superman post in order to keep up. Dammit, man, you're going to be the death of me.

Next Superman post will come as soon as I can channel the energy of my all-consuming hatred of Damian into something constructive.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

How I know EE is catching up on the thread: I get a dozen notifications for "likes," especially on posts wherein I mocked Mike.

Eat a dick, baby.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago

Next Superman post will come as soon as I can channel the energy of my all-consuming hatred of Damian into something constructive.

I feel like when we do the Gotham Knights game it is going to be really awkward.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 1 day ago

How I know EE is catching up on the thread: I get a dozen notifications for "likes," especially on posts wherein I mocked Mike.

You're such a jerk, Ethan.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 22 days ago

Gwen Stacy vs Mary Jane is a no-brainer in my opinion, at least in their classic incarnations.

Miles Morales has no actual personality

Damian Wayne is a character I loathe with every fiber of my being

Y'know. You'd think with how well our viewpoints align with these things, you and I would actually talk outside of these OOCs.

Out of all the various incarnations of both characters, though, I prefer SSM Gwen. But admittedly that's mostly because I've got a thing for nerdy girls.

Yeah. We should be friends.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by AndyC>

Y'know. You'd think with how well our viewpoints align with these things, you and I would actually talk outside of these OOCs.

<Snipped quote by AndyC>

Yeah. We should be friends.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 22 days ago

SSM Gwen was largely whom I modeled my version on for all of my Spider-attempts.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 5 days ago

Likewise; pretty much any time I get the opportunity to play Spidey, it's basically SSM fan-fic with some tweaks. I am nothing if not a shameless plagiarist.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 22 days ago

I'm still upset about its cancellation a decade later. The best of all the Spider-related series and they end it as it was ramping up. And, to add insult to injury, replace it with the horrible Ultimate Spider-Man that ran four seasons too long. Entirely Disney's fault, too. First, they ruin SSM, then Star Wars.
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