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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Zarkun @Caits

Jack listened to both Jamie and Damian, shaking the latter's hand when he offered it. Sighing, she shook her head.
"The first forty-eight hours after a person is taken are the most essential." She said, turning towards Jamie."Also, is it foolish to accept help that is given or foolish to charge head on and do things alone? I know what it's like to work alone. It's not worth it Master Jamie. I want to help to say sorry for trying to kill Miss Averyonna, but you should get some help from Rider's Blade as well. Master Fraquar has contacts within the city and I think I know one of their members by reputation. He was a former bounty hunter."

Turning towards Damian, she nodded.
"I would be happy to help, if your Master will let me. We should keep it small like you said, two or three at best. If we get a third person, they should be a supporter of some sort, maybe long range. Stay out of our way but able to take out others as needed." She said, her brain working in 'assassination mode' though she was tryin to think of non-fatal routes this time around.

Amelia Averyonna


"Yeah, I'm fine." Amelia lied. She was still feeling a lot of pain in her heart but she could deal with it."I think I'm just a little sore.

What about you though. You and Master Jamie were arguing earlier. Who's Sam
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

After a minute the Blood magic took hold and she turned red. It didn't take long for that to make itself clear. Leaning her head back for a moment she lunged forward to smash her head into Tidius'. "Idiot." Seeming to have had her fill of this place she makes a move to the door Tidius had been coming in and out of.

It made sense that at least some of the magics that Ariel could come across would result in her being less cooperative. Though this one was rather brash and fancied a more direct approach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Grant smiled a bit, and held his arms out in a 'hit me' gesture as Maddox prepared for his next attack. As the first ball of exploding light cam his way, he would turn so that the ball would hit and explode on his left shoulder. Hurting him, but still inflicting some weakness back on Maddox. As the second one neared, Grant moved suddenly towards it, attacking with his scythe so that it'd explode as he continued sprinting towards Maddox, slashing with a wide arc as he got withing range. He hoped he could simply clip Maddox, but he doubted he'd be so lucky as that, with his opponents ability to teleport.

After his attack, Grant quickly looked around to refocus on where his target was, and he shouted to him. "If you had let me get that link bodies spell off earlier, this'd be well over by now. Regardless, I'm sure I'll find a flaw in your defense somewhere." He chuckled a little, and shifted into a stance that would allow him the most possible mobility, and Maddox would be able to see the blast on his left shoulder seems to have left some char. "Until then, I guess I'm still your punching bag." His voice would have an uncanny amount of glee in that final statement, almost as if he enjoys pain, or has something up his sleeve.

The first attack had connected, doing little damage to Grant and reflecting some of it back on Maddox again, but the red-haired wizard was surprised when his opponent dashed into the second one. His blood scythe detonated it early, before Grant moved in to take a swing at Maddox himself. Maddox first hopped backwards, to gain a bit of distance manually, but eventually teleported away once Grant actually made a slash. He appeared several meters behind the blood mage, still in his combat stance. "My defense is basically running away," Maddox joked, "I'm sure there are plenty of flaws in that."

Now how am I going to go about this now...
His eyes narrowed as he examined Grant's Blood Patriarch armor. His armor is strong, but clearly I can overpower it. The catch to that would be that I run the risk of destroying myself in the process. Furthermore it seems that he can regenerate to a degree, so blowing him away may ultimately be my own undoing. Then his eyes drifted towards the blood scythe. His ability to manipulate blood means I can't let him wound me, or the match will be as good as over. If he uses his Body Link magic then the minor damage effect on him will become major and I'd receive all the damage I give. That's also as good as over.

Then he looked into Grant's eyes. His head is the only part left exposed. Probably to give him the maximum sensory capability. If I could land a solid hit on his head and knock him out, that would be that. The problem becomes that he can predict my next attacks and could turn it against me. There has to be a weakness to his precognition... Maddox thought back to the two times that he had landed successful blows against Grant. The first time was by striking from above and the second time came after blinding him first. Neither trick would probably work again, but it was something to reflect on. I think I have a good idea. A smirk formed on his lips as his hands began to glow red again.

"Why don't we stress test your armor then?" Maddox brought his hands close together in front of his chest, with his palms facing towards each other. Vibrant red light began to gather, soon reaching such a density that a high-pitched whine could be heard coming from it. This charging process took a few seconds, but Maddox was a fair distance and confident that Grant wouldn't interrupt. "Light Wave. Stage Two." He turned his palms forward, facing Grant, and thrust his arms out. A thick beam of red light blasted forth from the ball of energy, heading directly towards the blood wizard. A powerful attack, surely. While it had brought down an entire guild hall in the past, Maddox had never used it against another living thing until he fought Grane Valo several weeks ago. And even then the draconian man didn't take too kindly to it. Surely he'll dodge this. Soaking an attack like this would hurt him too much, maybe even beat him flat out. That ought to deflate his ego a bit.

Grant watched as Maddox charged up his attack. He was sure it would be powerful, and so his decision was to either take the attack, hurting himself and Maddox, or avoid it and wait for less painful attacks. Both options sounded less than optimal. If he had to wait too much, it'd end in a draw. Instead, Grant took a deep breath and began running at Maddox, starting just before he launched the attack. He seemed intent on taking the attack head on, instead of avoiding it like any normal fighter would. However, Grant knew what he was doing, and his Precognition informed him that he would be down, but not out after this.

Just before the attack landed, Grant would slide to a stop, using his momentum to throw his scythe at Maddox. The attack would then hit him, exploding, and the shock wave would blast the Scythe towards his opponent much faster than the throw ever could've. It was the blood mage's hope that the almost painful fatigue reflected back onto Maddox would distract him, as Grant himself went flying backwards, and hit the side of the arena, leaving a crater in the wall as his armor came off into a puddle of blood around him. There were a few other pools where parts of his armor had flown as well, but the blood mage stood up. The bad-looking burn wound on his chest would knit itself back together after a few moments, leaving him whole once again, and smiling. "Th-that's more like it." He manage to get out, before coughing a few times.

Maddox was shocked when Grant charged headlong into the Light Wave. That wasn't a part of his plan at all. The intention was to scare the man with sheer power, not hit him directly. Maddox grimaced when the attack hit, the red explosion doing damage to him too thanks to Grant's magic. His whole body felt a fraction of the damage, but even that was quite impressive at least to Maddox. After all, he wasn't well known for durability. The wave of exhaustion that took hold of his muscles and the pain associated with it wouldn't end him by far, but it was quite notable when there is a scythe flying through the air with the intention of ended the fight. Once the attack ended, Maddox brought his hands up defensively, naturally, before teleporting away from the scythe. While he appeared fairly undamaged once he reappeared several meters away from his initial position, Maddox knew he wasn't.

A single drop of blood fell from his left arm onto the ground. A small cut had appeared on his forearm, only several inches long. Not good. He looked over to Grant, who was picking himself up and already well on his way to recovering from taking such a powerful attack. Change of plans, I have to do something to him now before he's fully healed and operating. Giving his opponent no time to breath, Maddox teleported directly in front of the armor-less Grant. The man may have precognition, but surely in his state he was vulnerable. Just because he could see an attack coming wouldn't mean he could stop it every time, particularly when still recovering. At least that was what Maddox hoped. The Blink wizard thrust his left palm forward, aiming to slam it into Grant's forehead and knock him out. He could only hope that whatever blood magic this man had wouldn't take effect just yet.

Grant's eyes were closed when Maddox launched his final attack, but it didn't seem to stop him from smiling. A platform would suddenly form under Maddox's front foot, made from the blood that used to be Grant's armor. The Blood mage wasted no time in grabbing Maddox's arm where he had cut it while it was still in the middle of its re-directed strike. He gripped Maddox's arm with all the strength he had left, pushing his nails into the skin as his blood would try to push out of the cut on his right hand and into Maddox's injury. When the opposing mage inevitably teleported away, Grant got the rest of the way up, and laughed. "Apologies, but it seems like luck just isn't on your side today. But thanks for reminding me not to do things that can ever leave me open if I can help it." He looked victorious, even if he hadn't successfully put his own blood into Maddox, he would know shortly. Soon enough, had the blood mage succeeded in his gambit, Maddox would start to become numb all over his body. Slowly at first, but in less than a minute he'd be unable to lift a finger.

Grant, however, didn't waste time waiting to see if his counterattack had worked, and began running for his scythe on the far side of the Arena. Grant was ready at every step to do anything he could to get over or past Maddox should the light mage get in the way. The Scythe itself would be primed to put spikes into anything that tried to pick it up, whether to dispose of it or otherwise. Grant meant to win this battle twice over if he had to, and he hoped he was moving fast enough that Maddox couldn't simply drop down on top of him again. If he could just get to his Scythe, Maddox would be in for quite a surprise.


Jarvis winced at the question, clearly not wanting to have to answer that one, and he looked away, pained. He didn't actually know how to answer, and he swallowed, uncertain. "she was my daughter. She was beautiful, innocent and full of life. And she didn't deserve to die, didn't need to die. We tried so hard...but they still killed her. I couldn't protect her. She didn't know how to fight. She was seven. Her magic was just starting to show and she didn't know what to do." he said softly, not wanting to remember it, but of course he did.


Tidius flinched back, which saved him a broken nose, letting out a frustrated sound and stopping Ariel from escaping, a loud clip could be heard through the room. He moved smoothly, magical cuffs in his hands, approaching Ariel.

"come back peacefully and I won't cuff you" he said calmly, there being no way that he was going to let Ariel escaped when she was such a steady source of information.

master Jamie

Jamie didn't want to deal with this. Jamie would have gone in alone, and done what had to be done. Jamie would rather be going in with Jarvis, but that wasn't an option. Jamie didn't want to be sensible. No. Jamie didn't want to be questioned by her own guild in this matter.

"you can do what you like. I'm going to get Mithera back" Jamie said finally, and walked the way he believed Mithera might have gone. Towards the guild hotel, for help.

Jamie was now in a right fool temper. Being questioned, and argued with just brought to home everything Wes had said, before leaving the guild. Jamie didn't want to put the guild in danger, and yet danger seemed to Find them. Jamie couldn't tell his guild not to interfere, but she could damn well make sure other guilds weren't hurt because dark guilds chose Phoenix Wing as targets.

That Damian didn't understand that was clear enough.

Jamie sighed, rubbing her temples, continuing to walk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr nodded at his guild masters words. "Yeah, but I couldn't imagine someone having that dark of a history. I only have the fact I had to leave my hometown because of my magic. Yet I'll try to think about if my request my upset people, I really didn't mean to upset her if I did. I'm sorry Master Jack." Zephyr said as he looked at the fight with a curious look. "Since Iron Enigma is a dark guild... Does that mean they are cheating?" Zephyr asked, unsure if they had a plan to make any cheating plans they have go unnoticed.
Hikage Okumora

Hikage flinched a bit at his sudden reaction but wasn't going to force him into something he didn't want to do. So she just smiled at him and nodded. "Okay, but I really recommend at some point going to get the problem fixed. Its obvious this person had a big influence on you to leave you this pained." Hikage would then wrap her arm around his and pull him up looking up at him. "Oh? You are pretty tall. Well then how about we go and cheer you up then? You seem like you like cute stuff right? Want to go look at this adorable little pet accessory shop with me? I have to get the little tikes a new cage for their birds since they keep wanting more, so why not go with a buddy. If you are a good boy I'll buy you an ice cream cone." Hikage said not being able to help herself from wanting to take care of Mikey, he just acted so sweet and innocent like a child would that she just couldn't help herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Michael blushed as Hikage commented on his height. Michael knew he was tall, which was why he slouched a lot. He hesitated, looking to the guild seating But he didn't know if he could stand being there right now. He looked back to Hikage.

Little Tikes? She had kids? She didn't seem much older then Michael himself. "uh. Sure. I could get my cat something" and maybe Cleo would stop tormenting Master Jack if she had a cat nip mouse. Not that he thought that would work-the mischievous little cat seemed to enjoy tormenting the master. He hoped she wasn't causing havoc at the guild by herself. If he could get a teleportation Lacrima, he would go check on her.

He gave a small smile, seeming to hesitate as he squirmed. "Little Tikes?" he asked, as if afraid he was being rude, looking down, slouching.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

She snorts a bit as Tidius threatened her with cuffs. She may not have her chain whip, but she wasn't going to just be a pushover. Scowling at her captor Ariel took an aggressive stance. The lacrama may dampen the magic in the area, but that didn't mean she was halpless. "You're not the only one that knows how to fight without magic." Up until now she hadn't really had the chance to scope out the room. Perhaps she should have done a better job when she was not being held back.

A thought crossed her mind and rather than going straight for Tidius the Blood mage snapped up an instrument and chunked it at the lacrama that was blocking the magic. Not a minute ago she probably would have welcomed the relief. But in this state she didn't much care what it meant. That set in motion she tried to make a break for the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

"You don't know?" she asked curiously, "You know uh, Mr. Oni, uh, Enma is his name. And Nolan's sidekick is Dalton the exceed! He's sooooooo cute! I just love exceeds! Surely you should've known at least Dalton no?"

She shrugs as she sits back down to watch the fight.

"Either way..." she says calmly, They're all good people. Though I wish to get to know Nolan more..."

Even she slightly frowns as she watches the battle...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

With astonishing reflexes, Grant was able to manipulate the blood on the ground that was previously his armor, using it to hamper Maddox's balance and botch his attack. Even worse he was quick enough to grab Maddox's arm, specifically over the small cut the scythe had dealt earlier. He is definitely powerful, Maddox thought, teleporting away before Grant could latch on for too long. He felt something going on with his arm, Grant had certainly messed with the cut. The red-haired mage appeared on the other side of the arena. Already the blood mage was making a run for his weapon. "I have to acknowledge you now," Maddox spoke. "You are clearly quite powerful."

He then appeared directly in front of Grant, just several meters away from his weapon. His hands were already glowing red as he slammed his right palm forward. This was reminiscent of his first attack of the fight, where he was aiming for the man's solar plexus with the intention of robbing him of steady breathing. Only it was a much more powerful strike this time, and Maddox was more desperate to land it. Grant had some kind of plan regarding his blood and the scythe, so Maddox knew he had to do something in order to end the fight before the plan could come to fruition. "But you aren't having it easy."

As Grant saw Maddox appear in front of him, he grinned. He had gotten some of his blood into Maddox after all, and as Maddox began to attack, he would suddenly feel a burning pain through his entire body. However, Grant wasn't dumb enough to think just that would stop Maddox, and he half-turned sideways so that Maddox wouldn't have a square shot on his chest as he tried to ram the light wizard to knock him back. His opponent would certainly be beginning to numb up from his blood partially blocking crucial arteries from the heart. However, Grant didn't completely block them. He didn't want to kill or permanently disable Maddox, just win the fight. He was being careful, but he was glad for his previous experience in doing this. It was a very effective torture method he had found, even if he ultimately let them keep their limbs.

As Grant used Maddox to stop his momentum, he quickly moved back away before he could attempt a second attack. "The body is a hell of a thing. It's surprisingly durable, and is very curious on the inside. I think you'll be glad to know I've studied it thoroughly, and have had many an opportunity to find out the limits of what I can do to it. Right now, that little bit of blood I got into you just a moment ago, is preventing all of your blood from getting to your limbs. Pretty soon, your entire body will go numb, and you'll collapse on the spot." Grant had no problem telling Maddox what he was doing now that the mage could not do anything about it, while Grant stood on his toes, ready to react to any last-ditch attack Maddox would have. "Unfortunately, if you stay like that too long it can cause... Problems. So once you collapse, I'll call that my win, and let you get back up. Cool with you? You've got thirty seconds at most." The Blood mage grinned, confident in his victory now, but he wasn't ready to put his guard down yet. "But, I'll give it to you. You almost pushed the number of different people that have beaten me in a fight into the double digits."

Maddox's eyes widened as his would-be devastating attack flew past its mark. His body tensed up and began going through intense pain, particularly in his limbs, all the while Grant turned his body to avoid the strike. He didn't get faster, I got slower, Maddox noted. Before he could teleport away it was Grant that backed up first. He had good reason, after explaining what was happening to Maddox's body. "I see..." the red-haired mage affirmed, grabbing his left bicep with his right hand. Grant wasn't talking big, his body was rapidly failing him. Maddox could feel the sensation disappearing from his limbs, as well as a tight pain in his head and chest.

"Twenty-five..." A smirk played on his lips. "Twenty-four..." His red eyes moved up to match Grant's gaze, the grin still apparent on his face. "That gives me enough time for one attack." Much like before, Maddox brought his hands near each other in front of his chest, with their palms facing inwards. Red light began to amass between his hands. "I might lose this match," Maddox confessed, his gaze now focused on the spell he was forming. "Grant Vale. You would be the first... human to bring me to my knees. That's a bit of a scary thought." By now the light he had gathered was shining intensely, a high-pitched whine was radiating from within.

"You are quite strong, easily one of the most powerful contenders here. I was careless and unprepared. Defeat is only natural for the careless and unprepared. But I guarantee you this..." Maddox aimed his palms forward, towards Grane. But instead of launching his powerful Light Wave attack at his opponent, he extended his arms upwards and aimed to the sky. The red laser, thicker and more powerful than before, blasted into the sky. Dust and dirt was kicked up around the arena as the beam of red light flew into the sky. "Next time we fight, you will be the one carrying defeat."

With that Maddox let himself fall backwards. He wasn't unconscious, but Grant's prediction was correct. He couldn't move his arms or legs any longer. With a light thud, Maddox was on his back looking at the sky. The pain in his head was growing more intense, surely a sign he would pass out in a moment if Grant wished him to. "You would've dodged it anyways. I guess... my attitude needs training..." Even now, a grin appeared on his face. Losing a battle may be humiliating to some. Surely if his opponent was of a lesser caliber, Maddox would be embarrassed too. But this battle gave him a thrill, only shared by his fight with Grane Falo and... him. Forgive me, Jamie. I'll make it up to you.

Grant began to walk back and forth as Maddox began charging an attack, and he watched the other mage's movements closely as he talked, and he chuckled softly as Maddox complimented him, and he stopped walking and put an arm in front of his eyes as Maddox shot his final attack into the sky instead of at Grant. "I'm considered the number one of my guild for a reason, but I'll admit, you're a lot tougher than I had anticipated. I'm sure our next fight will be very interesting, now that we know a few of each other's tricks. I generally don't consider the first fight completely accurate to both individual's skills." He'd chuckle softly as he walked over to his fallen opponent.

After a moment Maddox's limbs would start to regain feeling, though it would cause the obnoxious pins and needles feel all over Maddox's body. Once Grant reached him, he'd have regained basic motor control, and Grant would offer his hand to help him up. The cut on it that had been there at the beginning of the fight would be closed now, and he seemed to have wiped it off on his clothes. "Besides, it's good to lose every once and a while. Reminds you you aren't unstoppable. But I have no doubt that the next time we fight the outcome might be in your favor instead of mine. It's rare to go up against a fighter such as tough as yourself, and I think I have to count myself lucky I didn't go up against Damian. If you're not S-Class, and he is, that says volumes about how tough your guild is." He looked up at the announcer's booth.

"But I'm the first human to beat you eh? That sounds like an interesting story." He'd glance at Maddox before going to scanning to the crowd, waving to his guild and giving them a thumbs up. "Oh, and my blood should be out of your system by tomorrow morning. Unless I'm actually capable of donating blood to you, in which case I'll no longer be able to manipulate it anymore in about a week. But I wouldn't worry about it." While the Blood Mage had looked pretty beat up, most of his injuries would be healed by now. The Blood mage silently thanked his magic for giving him quick recovery times, and if he were to go and kill something about his size he'd only then have to worry about muscle fatigue, the one thing he couldn't get rid of magically, and he had a good bit of it. [/color=Crimson]"Until we fight again."[/color] Once he had helped Maddox up, or had his offer refused and Maddox got up on his own, he'd take his opponent's hand and give it a good solid shake before turning and heading back to his entrance, waving to the crowd as he went.

After Maddox regained control of his limbs and his blood flow was unrestricted he grabbed his left wrist with his right hand and wiggled his left hand a bit to test it. It seemed that there was no lasting damage. It was uncomfortable, but there was nothing wrong with his body now. "Being humbled is a good thing," Maddox agreed, accepting Grant's hand and allowing the man to help him to his feet. Once standing, Maddox wiped some dirt off his shirt. "If I didn't take off the jacket it would be dirty and have a cut on the sleeve. I knew it was a good idea." After chuckling to himself he returned his attention back to Grant.

"Our guild's strength doesn't just come from sheer power," Maddox explained, his smile still evident. "But we don't really have a shortage of that either." The red-haired mage accepted Grant's handshake, giving it a firm grip. Just as the victor turned away, Maddox spoke up again. "I hope you reconsider your opinion of Phoenix Wing." If he were to turn and look he would see the grin had vanished from Maddox's face. He was all serious. Turning away himself, Maddox gave a quick glance around the arena. Evidently the crowd enjoyed the fight. A display of power was given and the people took a liking. The Games are turning out just fine, Maddox noted to himself, imitating Grant and giving a wave to the crowd. They aren't afraid. Despite the lethal magic that was used.

Maddox vanished from the arena, teleporting back up to Phoenix Wing B's balcony. He looked at his teammates, taking a moment to make eye contact with each and every one of them. His Light Magic was fairly unknown, as well his general capability, so some of his guildmates were probably surprised by the fight. He then looked to the small cut on his left arm. A tiny cut, not even particularly deep. Just barely bleeding. But this tiny cut was what it took for Grant to beat me. A smirk formed on his face as he picked up his leather jacket and put it back on. "Sorry guys, I got a bit careless. But don't worry. I figured out how to beat him, learned from my mistakes. We still have a good chance at victory here."


Tidius sighed heavily, not worried that the door wouldn't hold up, annoyed at the destruction of the lacrima. Tidius slid the hand cuffs into the cuff of his pants, looking for something to help him with this version of Ariel. The only thing nearby was the lacrima fruit from the earlier magic before.

Not quite willing to risk that, Tidius approached the door as well, willing to do this calmly, but ready to act if need be. "I'm not going to let you go, just yet Ariel. So please make this easier, and just stand down" He said easily, but ready to stop her.

Sasha shoook her head, saying "I've never met the exceed, but Lazarus and I have been training outside the guild for a few months" She said, glancing over to Nolan and company. "and I haven't interacted with him much in anycase" She was pretty sure though that the Exceed hadn't been in the guild.

She was about to speak again, when a voice said "Nee-san", and Sasha froze. The voice was familiar, and not from the more recent reactions with it. Her eyes widened, as she looked about. She shifted closer to Lazarus without thinking, as her eyes went to Time Lord.

She was scared, terrified on her own memories, terrified of what might happen next.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hikage Okumora

Hikage smiled an nodded at him. "See it works out for both of us and we get to have fun talking as we search. So you have a cat huh? I think that fits surprisingly well. Although they do tend to do whatever they please some times, even when you tell them no." Hikage said with a smile thinking it would be adorable to see a cat give Michael a hard time by not doing what it was asked. She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought and would lift his head back up and straighten out his posture when he asked about the little tikes. "Well first of all, never feel bad about asking a question. Its normal to wonder what people mean sometimes and sometimes its wise as well. Second of all I take in orphaned kids and let them stay in this mansion I own. I like children and the mansion is less empty, I of course left some helpers to watch over them while Im here. So the little tikes are kids I adopted pretty much." Hikage said with a smile as she started to lead the way towards the little accessory shop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"Yeah right." Turning back to face Tidius she seemed ready to fight. Interestingly enough it was her new magic that ended up stopping her. It wasn't quite like the others and in her inexperience with it, Ariel suddenly dropped to her knees clutching her heart. There was a moment of panic that beat out the rage. The few seconds felt like minutes before she switched to her Water magic.

Catching her breath Ariel's deep blue eyes drifted up. Despite previous indications this proved the magic could potentially be dangerous to her. "I-I'm sorry. I couldn't control it." Shuddering a bit she glanced at the door but was too weak and didn't have the drive for another attempt. Seeming to resign herself Ariel relaxed having just seen her life flash before her eyes. "I need some water."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Attack on Iron Enigma Part 1
Collab Between Burthstone, Yoshua171, and Crimson Raven

Inside the hotel Iron Enigma was staying at, Twelve Iron Enigma Guild members were sitting around a monitor lacrima, showing their guildmate's fight in the games. Most would be cheering on Grant, and a couple were having a conversation amongst themselves while the rest shouted and cheered. The rest of the room, besides the bartender, was empty. It seemed Iron Enigma had wanted the entire place to themselves for the duration of the games, despite only having twenty-nine members.

The noise of the games and cheers of the spectators was interrupted by a loud boom. The sound was made by the door of the hotel being kicked in and hitting the wall. Ferrin strode in like he owned the place, with his sword over his shoulder and his Gauntlet out of his pocket. Valak was slightly behind him, looking intimidating in his armor. "Alright!" He said loud enough for everyone to hear him. "We are looking for a small, white furred dragon-like creature, any of you gents know if one happens to be here?"

After a moment a couple of the individuals watching the Lacrima Screen would notice the two newcomers, and they'd tap the next guy's shoulder and point them out. Soon enough the small group was silent, watching Ferrin and Valak, and the only sounds would be coming from the fight between Maddox and Grant, as well as the game's commentators. None would say anything to the two, but the question they were asking themselves was obvious. Who are they and what are they doing here? They seemed content, however, to let them decide if they wanted to answer that question, as none stood up or spoke a word to the two.

As Ferrin started yelling, someone made the decision to turn off the screen, and the rest would look amongst each other. One spoke up. "If you're looking for that, you'd have a better chance with some other guild. I think I saw one guild with a white 'dragon like thing' in the games." It didn't take long for the others to start speaking up in agreement, and telling them to go ahead and leave. One individual, a blonde woman who looked about twenty years old, sitting at the back of the group wouldn't be participating in the shouting, or telling them to leave, but watching them closely with a small smirk on her face. The bartender would look up at the scene and carefully start moving so that if a fight broke loose he wouldn't have to worry about getting hit.

Having walked to the door after the entrance of the two troublemakers, Dornae glanced at the now empty, and cracked, door frame and sighed. Great, they are trouble, he lamented even as he glanced past them to see the others. They all had guild marks, Iron Enigma maybe?

Ferrin raised his eyebrow, at their surprisingly calm reactions. He noticed the Iron Enigma guild marks on a few of the people. "Ahh, that makes sense now, He said, "Phoenix Wing is a major rival of Iron Enigma, I am not surprised you would stoop so low as to capture one of their members." He sighed dramatically,"But I suppose, if it's not here, then you would not mind me looking around... He made a show of pretending to look around the room without moving. well, if it's not here, then... "...Say in the basement over there?" Valak did not show it, but he mentally rolled his eyes at his companion.

As if reading his mind the vocal one verified his guess.

Gritting his teeth, Dornae tried to figure out how to react properly and decided to hide just outside, getting out of sight just before the one of the two moved and stopped obscuring line of sight. While he hid he scratched another rune into the surface of the wall. It would act as an invisible force field over the doorway with the same effects as his earlier marks.

He then quickly scratched a similar rune into his grandfather's crystal dagger. He'd wait to see how things unfolded, using his hearing to gauge what was going on.

One individual of the group, a guy, got particularly offended as Ferrin spoke again. "What, you think we're so low as to cheat to win? Christ, I didn't know that the opinion of us was that low." He looked over at the Blonde woman, who was still sitting. "I bet it's your son. You really should stop letting him kill whomever he wants. It's getting out of hand. At least Solux has a reason." The blonde woman would shrug.

"Grant does his own thing. I doubt I could stop him if I tried. He is the number one member of our guild for a reason after all." She smirked, and stood up. "If you've really got a complaint about his actions maybe you should take it up with Gregory." Crossing her arms, she looked at him before looking at the people accusing her guild of kidnapping a member of Phoenix Wing, now addressing him. "But he isn't kidding. We wouldn't stoop so low as to simply kidnap someone to win the games. And Phoenix Wing is far from our opposite. While it may have some things we lack, we don't go out of our way to despise them. We're not that petty." She'd talk confidently, and she obviously commanded authority in her guild, as the rest stopped talking as she started. One would also likely notice she didn't mention his comment about the basement, or him looking around.

Ferrin found the dialogue interesting, especially the names, he filed them away for future reference. He sighed and addressed the blonde. "Look blondy, there is no doubt in my mind that it is here, so you have two options; one," he held up a long, claw-like metal finger. "You hand it over peacefully, and we all go on our merry way, or two," He held up another finger."We kick your asses and still get it back, your choice."

Eyes widening as he heard tell of someone kidnapping someone else, Dornae felt his stomach twist, but not in fear. Before the woman began speaking again, Dornae made himself known, stepping out from where he'd hid and instead leaning his back against the door frame and watching in earnest, arms crossed. His eyes had become narrower as he looked them over, trying to gauge their magical power with his ability to sense ethernano.

It was then that the fellow he had taken to calling "Vocal," gave the guild an ultimatum, Dornae sighed to himself slightly and thought 'Yup, I knew this had trouble written all over it.' With this, he pushed off of the wall for a moment and drew Othisi, at which point he began humming quietly to himself. As he did so he weaved energy through the Catalyst, preparing a spell. Meanwhile, his other hand counted the twelve pebbles that it held by feeling over them lightly. This was going to get messy.

"Right, totally. You three are going to beat up four times as many wizards, retrieve something that we don't have, then walk out without any problem." The guy chuckled, and looked at some of his guild mates in a "Can you believe this guy" manner. However, one of them was grabbing a communication lacrima, likely to communicate to the guild master that a group of people are causing a problem back at the hotel. "Fine then, but don't go crying to your mothers when we put you in the hospital." The cocky individual who had been talking slammed a fist into his open hand, smiling, and waiting for Ferrin and the others' move. The blonde-haired woman simply looked amused at the state of affairs.

"Three?" Ferrin said, as he looked around. He spotted the rather conspicuous guy by the door. "That guy? I thought he was one of you. But no matter...." Aether enhanced, High speed. In a blur of motion, Ferrin crossed the room in an instant, suddenly appearing in front of the guy who was talking so boldly. Ferrin seized his face with his Gauntlet, hard enough to break his nose, And in a burst of violence slammed his head into the ground so hard he rebounded. Then Ferrin followed with a spinning kick to the man's ribs that sent him flying across the room. "...I think I will take my chances." He stated calmly.

When the arrogant man pointed him out, and the stranger who might as well have been his ally glanced back at him, Dornae simply met their eyes, saying nothing. He had finished his spell and so his closed hand, the one that carried the pebbles, now had a faint blue glow.

Then, in a flash of movement, he noted the talkative fellow engage in some rather violent activity. At this point he walked further into the building and waited for the response of the enemy mages.

He knew they wouldn't go down without a fight, especially after being antagonized so violently. Luckily he had had time to prepare. Nonetheless, this was about to get quite messy.

As Ferrin attacked her guild mate, the blonde-haired woman lifted her right hand, and on the palm of it was her guild mark. "Enigmatic Glare!" The guild mark would suddenly begin to change. The emblem would turn ninty degrees clockwise, and the blackness in the circle that created the crescent moon shape dilated, and moved to the center of the circle. Once it had done that, the image blinked, and as it opened there was an almost blinding purple flash.

Once the flash had subsided, Ferrin would find himself in a black void, standing on what looked to be nothing, and in the far distance in every direction red figures moved. After a moment, white copies of the Iron Enigma guild mark, after it rotated, began opening up around Ferrin and looking at him, seeming to peer into his soul. Once he was surrounded completely by these images, he would start to hear voices. Quiet, whispering at first, and he'd be able to pick out that they were saying, "The nothing will consume you." Gradually, however, this became louder and loud, slowly rising into an endless, shouting chant.

All of this, despite how vivid it was, was all only an illusion. One only Ferrin would be experiencing. It took the blonde a moment to realize her spell had, in fact, done something, and she pointed at the other two individuals. "Well?" A few individuals snapped out of their stupor, and nodded, charging Valak and Domae. One was armed with a sword, and another threw a baseball sized fireball at Valak. Testing him as well as trying to hurt him.

From the doorway leading to the stairs, another spell rang out. "Black Sun Eruption." A black bolt of energy would launch itself from its caster, aimed for Ferrin. On contact with something, the attack would make an explosion about two meters in diameter. Soon after, out of the doorway, the caster emerged. He was dressed in a tattered short-sleeved shirt and shorts, and what skin that could be seen was dark in color. His face was covered in an unique mask, with a sun symbol on the top, and a moon symbol on the bottom. Both black.

Ferrin was perplexed at the strange magic for a moment. He didn't feel any different. Then, he realized something, he could still smell the bar. Now, why was that? Unless.... Ferrin thrust his Gauntlet forward and threw his magic against the illusion. It crackled and shattered then faded away. Ferrin had just enough time to cast a hasty Aether Shield as the hostile magic flew towards him. The shield caught the brunt of the blast, which pushed him back a little. He was singed somewhat, but had no major injuries. "Damn, I must have gotten soft." He muttered. Creepy or Blondy? He thought. He stomped and shouted, "Stone Wall!" A long wall of very hard rock separated the masked man from the rest of the room. Displaying the same speed, Ferrin seemed to disappear and reappear in front of the blonde, as if to repeat the same tactic he used on the first guy. Instead, he disappeared once more and appeared behind her. He stood sideways and extended his Gauntlet. "Hellfire Gatling! He shouted. Several head sized, super hot, fireballs flew towards her.

Valak reacted quickly as he was charged. He had been carrying his Ice Francisca on the assumption that fire was a common magic. He felt a bit of satisfaction as he was proven right. He simply thrust his axe into the fireball, which cooled it immediately. He raised his shield to block the swordsman's strike, and replied with a sideways swing at his ribs.

Left to face against the fire mage, Dornae walked walked past Valak to confront the man, as if ignoring the swordsman he faced. Eyes narrowing at the idea that these mages had kidnapped someone for personal gain, the Enchanter began channeling magic through his sword once more. However, as he did so, he opened his other hand, holding it palm upwards and tossing the pebbles into the air.

Rather than fall, the small rune-marked rocks remained airborne, floating in small revolutions around one another. With this in place he took his grandfather's dagger in hand and carved an additional three runes onto the surface of each pebble. It took him only 6 seconds and as he finished doing so he snatched a pebble from the floating group and threw it at the man. However, it was thrown so it would fly past him and not hit at all.

Dornae frowned, appearing annoyed that he had missed. "Well that's a damn waste," he said allowed, seeming to simultaneously disrupt the spell he'd been weaving. "Dammit!" he swore, at which point he grumbled and charged at the man, the small pebbles remaining where he'd set them to float in the air.

He slipped his blade forwards in the air, aiming for the man's shoulder and wondering how he'd respond.

It was barely a second before Ferrin's rock wall was obliterated by another explosive spell, and the masked man walked through, and he looked around the room with a slow gaze. "Well, I guess I am a tad hungry." He said to himself, smiling under his mask, and looked at the three weaker guildmates trying to fight Valak and Dornae. The fire mage would be jumping backwards to avoid an attack by the latter, and the swordsman had managed to get almost out of the way of an attack, but not entirely, leaving a small cut on his side. "Black Sun Nova." He extended his hand towards the group, and a black ball launched itself from his hand to the center of the melee, avoiding individuals or counter attacks. The Iron Enigma members recognized the magic, and hit the deck just before a wave of heat and force expanded from the orb. Not as powerful as the Black Sun Eruption he had used against Ferrin, but it seemed to keep its strength farther than the other spell, and it let out three or four waves of increasing intensity before disappearing.

The Blonde Haired Woman had managed to shrug off her jacket while Ferrin was distracted, revealing tattoos all over her arms of many shapes and sizes. As her opponent blocked her ally's attack she was forced to jump backwards to avoid the residual explosion. As Ferrin appeared in front of her, then vanished again, she glanced around. Despite the pandemonium however, she managed to hear him speaking the incantation to attack again behind her, and she turned to face him, holding up her right arm, showing a shield tattoo. "Solid Shield!" The Tattoo expanded into a shield, taking a few fireballs before breaking, and one of the remaining two slammed into her shoulder, causing her to gasp and turn sideways out of the way of the last one.

Gritting her teeth, she cast another spell, "Dragon Aspect!" On her left arm, a tattoo of an Eastern dragon began moving, sliding around her arm, before magically detaching itself from her arm and floating up in front of her. It would then spit a jet of flame at Ferrin, and the Blonde woman steeled herself, expecting another sudden attack from behind, though she figured he'd likely change things up.

Ferrin gestured, "Aero!" A small burst of rotating wind flew into the blast of fire, exploding and dispersing it. His left hand, with his sword swung up and beheaded the dragon. In the same movement he reversed the sword and cut sideways, then he let loose with a flurry of slashes, his sword blurring with their speed. He was interrupted by the blast, which caught him and thew him to the ground. He half rolled with the motion, and ended up on his knees. He sprung backwards anticipating an attack. With some distance between them, he strained and grinned, "I have not had this much fun in a while. Reminds me of old times..." He stretched leisurely, "Guess that was a nice warm-up. Now, I am ready to go for real!" He held up two fingers, which started to emit a faint multi-colored mist. "Aether Laser!" He extended his fingers, and shot a beam of pure magic. He didn't let up though, and so sustained the beam.

Valak simply planted his feet and weathered the blast, his armor more than strong enough to null it. "How annoying." He drew his arm back, and threw his ice axe at the fire mage. The axe had an enchantment that activated upon being thrown. It hummed and became encased in a giant ice form that mimicked the shape of the axe, and would shatter into millons of deadly shards upon contact. Of course this left Valak without a weapon, he took the moment provided by the blast and everyone on the ground to back up and requip a new one.

Detecting the build of energy before the mage released the blast, Dornae first flicked his fingers. The fire mage had dodged, but as he walked backwards the pebble that Dornae had thrown reversed directions, as he had telekinetic control of the pebbles via a spell, and hit the man's back. As it hit it would release a 1 meter (radius) sphere of flames to engulf the man. The burns wouldn't be strong enough to kill him, but they'd leave some nasty marks or at least cause him to ache all over.

With him likely taken care of, Dornae twitched his dagger five times causing five pebbles to come to him and arrange themselves in front of him. With that he braced himself, hummed for 6 seconds and then released a spell from Othisi at the last possible moment. The result was the first wave of heat and force triggering the pebbles to release their fire. In that moment Dornae's spell took hold, turning the fire into a sideways dome, thus diverting the heat energy around him and holding the fire in place. Meanwhile the force still hit him, causing him to slide back and then move forwards between waves so as to stay within his defensive measure.

When the waves of heat subsided he let the spell finish. With Othisi's influence gone the pebbles pulled the fire back into themselves and then remained inert. This included the 6th pebble which had hit the fire mage. Momentarily unsure of his next move, he quickly decided to advance on the other members of the Guild. He wanted this over fast.

The Tattooed mage was forced to make a rapid, almost dancing retreat at Ferrin pressed a sword-based assault on her. She had no time to throw up a defensive or offensive spell, and she got lucky in that he opponent was forced to retreat for a moment. Her eyes narrowed some when Ferrin practically began gloating, and she just about wanted to slit his throat at this point.

As Ferrin attacked again, the Blonde putup another shield to stop the beam, but it broke fairly quickly. Luckily for her, however, the Masked man managed to get close enough to cast a spell of his own to block the attack, saving her from it. "Black Moon Barrier!" A shield formed around the two, holding out against the beam of pure magic, though it was draining fast. The Blonde waisted no time in trying a counterattack however. "Arcing Light!" An arrow-shaped tattoo over her shoulder began glowing bright before launching off towards Ferrin, making a wide Arc, and travelling pretty fast.

Meanwhile, the Fire mage that had been attacking Valak shouted as the pebble hit his back and exploded into fire, engulfing him. He might've been a fire mage, but he wasn't immune to it. As the Axe hit him however, he screamed in pain, cuts and gashes appearing all over his back, and a few on his two guild members near him, causing them to shout in pain too. Bleeding profusely and burnt, the fire mage did his best to curl up into a ball, his blood pouring out onto the floor, and the two that had attacked with him stared at their friend. Dumbstruck by what had just happened.

Ferrin kept his attack up until the arrow got close. He dropped the laser and side stepped, bringing his sword up and cutting it out of the air. He took a deep breath Valak, new guy! Hit the deck! He sent to them telepathically. He tossed his sword in the air and both hands started to glow with the Mist. "Let's clear the riff-raff. He extended his arms out, firing larger, but less powerful beams from both hands, and spinning in place, catching anyone not shielded or still standing, and doing quite a lot of damage to the place. He stopped and caught his falling sword. He was panting slightly at using so much magic so quickly. Valak managed to requip his sword, Nosferatu when Ferrin's warning came to him. He had just enough time to realize what he meant before falling heavily, due to his armor. After it was finished he stood and raised an eyebrow at the extensive damage to the place. Great. He thought at Ferrin, conveying as much sarcasm as he could muster. Ferrin sent back a mental shrug. Not the first time. Valak replied, ...Not the last.

Having nearly finished his spell before he heard what he could only construe as the vocal fellow's voice, Dornae glanced at him and immediately understood. The magical energy he'd gathered was significant and he hadn't been prepping something to defend against that sort of power. As such he knelt and then flattened himself to the ground, the flashes of light flying overhead just as he did so. 'Well, shit,' he thought to himself, unintentionally broadcasting the thought as he did so. Please don't. Ferrin snickered. How old? Valak asked, meaning "how old are you?". Dornae shook his head, '28 and I don't plan to, it's an expression as you damn well know.'

Rising once the flurry of blasts had finished, Dornae glanced around to see who remained standing and also to survey the damage. He noted only several people, mostly the stronger members of the guild. As to damage to the structure of the building, absolutely none. The furnishings however...wow, that poor innkeeper.

Exhaling, Dornae called the pebbles to his person and readied for an encounter with the stronger members of the Guild, unsure how they'd handle their comrades having been so quickly defeated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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He frowned somewhat at Sasha. "It cant be a surprise to you that he hangs around with an exceed." He explained. "There are different types of god slayer. I am self taught. On the path I took, I came across it. I only recently have been able to control it. There are people like Nolan who use it as their primary magic." He sighed. "It's the same with dragon slayers. For some reason, those types and exceeds seem to be drawn to each other." He rolled his eyes, even though he thought it would be pretty cool to have an exceed companion. He daydreamed momentarily about Sasha with whiskers and a tail. Before her shuffling shook him up. He thought to himself. I felt it too. Almost as if Sasha would be able to hear his thoughts. He allowed her to shuffle up close.

The battle was over. It was a shame that Phoenix wing didn't get the points. But even so... the B team were rivals, so it worked out for them.


He growled under his breath. "Grant..." He was far stronger than he had anticipated. He now doubted whether he would've been able to take him down in the line of duty. He cursed in his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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"Yikes, what a terrifying man. I'm not sure if I could even beat someone like Grant Vale. That man's magic compliments each other so well that it makes me wonder just what kind of mage could beat him. That man, Maddox, is also a strong mage though it seemed like Grant was the better one in this case." Enma said with a fanged grin. He was probably enjoying the games a bit too much though it was understandable for someone who's still learning about the human world and all of their magic. The oni glanced at Nolan, curious of what Nolan thought about the match. "What are your thoughts? If you fought him how would've you handled the match?"

The God Slayer glanced at Enma and then back towards the battlefield. "His abilities wouldn't be easy to go around. That precognition would be a pain for any mage though it doesn't make him almighty. Even if he can see the future it still doesn't mean he can react to it and from what I can tell it seems like he can't see too far ahead or else he would've known the entire outcome of the match before then." He rubbed his chin and stayed silent for a moment to think of what he would do if he fought him. "If it were possible I would avoid direct combat at first and try to suffocate him in a cloud of ashes long enough for his reactions to slow down. I would then go and try and take him out then though it's a plan that sounds easier on paper though hard to execute.

"...So you wouldn't go guns blazing huh? Booooooring! Just make things go boom boom!" The exceed said with a big grin on his face.

"Strategy is key Dalton. Otherwise you'll end up dead." He leaned back in his seat and took quick glances at Fleo and James. "Any thoughts on the match?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Time Lord

It had taken Time Lord most of the fight to work up the courage to approach Sasha. Finally, he had, saddened by the past, and nervous for the future. What little future he had.

He took a deep breath, and said "Nee-San" He knew Sasha had heard, and that she seemed to have been the only one to hear him. Maybe that was a good thing, except she seemed to be on guard. Time Lords normal calm demeanor seemed shaken, as he stepped forward to be seen clearly.

Sasha seemed to panic, and he wondered if he had misjudged things completely. Unsettled, Time Lord bowed his head, and waited for anything else. Sometimes, waiting was what was required. Time Lord was weary of it, but it was what was.

"What are you doing here?" Sasha said, her voice shaking slightly, and Time Lord looked up, almost hopeful. He would rather do this alone, but that wasn't going to happen. Right now, he was a threat and he doubted that Lazarus would let him speak with Sasha alone.


Tidius gave a patient sigh, and as Ariel seemed to have some sort of attack, he approached, and gently helped her up to help her to the table so she could sit, then hesitated. Changing course slightly, he moved to the chairs and table just a little bit away. "I'll get you some water" he said softly, moving to get some.

He pondered what had just happened. wondering if he had pushed things too far. he gave another sigh, and got some water, returning to Ariel and giving it to her.


Michael nodded, "I saw her, and knew she had to be mine. She's a bundle of fun" he sid softly, and squirmed as she manipulated his posture out of a slouch, bluhing a deep red, feeling like he had been told by a parent not to slouch. Which, he supposed, in a way he had.

she took in orphaned children? It took a special kind of person to be able to do that, he thought. He found that amazing, and followed Hikage as she led the way to the shop. "Wow, that's amazing. How many kids have you taken in?" He asked curiously, making his pace to Hikage she he wasn't passing her, nor falling behind.

Announcer Jessie

Jessie had forgotten to announce throughout the fight, and now she was jumping up and down, enthausatic, ad stumbling to fall in Ferris's lap, giggling and scrambling, "I'd say sorry, but hat wouldn't be the truth!" She said laughing sweetly, "Wow! THat was an amazing battle, you never knew who would win ,until it ended! How awesome was that battle, what do you think?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trinity Stratos

The young Minstrel had been petting and adoring the sleeping Kitty Karn, letting him sleep against her shoulder and look adorable. She swayed gently and nuzzled him affectionately, though her attention is caught as Maddox teleports in behind her, into their team stands. "Aah." She turned to face the man behind her, smiling warmly. "Maddox. That was a good fight, you did well." The fact that he lost would just mean that she'd have to dominate for her turn. Hopefully, it was a talent contest or something, and she could put all that practice over the past months to good use for her game participation. As for the fight... "there's tough competition out there, huh? I guess I'd better keep my eyes on the competition, I'll need to be prepared. Maybe I won't get kidnapped this time, too?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

She went along to the table, laying down. It seemed that things had settled magic wise, which probably meant that whatever event had been going on was finished. Sitting quietly the mage waited for Tidius to return with the water. "Thank you." Ariel said as she accepted the water and took a drink. Finishing it off rather quickly she sighed and set the cup down. Musing quietly for a while she raised her head. "Sorry about breaking the lacrama. I probably shouldn't have done that." Rubbing her eyes a bit she tried to shake the feeling that had some over her. But that would probably take a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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@CirusArvennicus@Silver Fox

Penny gave a heavy sigh as the lacrima had been turned off, giving Amelia, Jamie and Jarvis some privacy. She had made her way back to Zami, assuring herself that he was alright, looking over the rest of the guild in the seating. Everything seemed okay, but something wasn't just right. She couldn't figure out what.

She turned her attention to the match, feeling like they were finally getting into the competition. As Maddox lost, there wasn't any disappointment-they still had a few days to make points, and besides, if they won everything, what fun would that be? She glanced about, returning to Trinity, and Karn, as Maddox teleported in.

Seeing Karn asleep, Penny frowned. She wondered if she could find Prince-the catman seemed to know how to help Karn.

"Is everything okay?" She asked


tidius looked over at the destroyed Lacrima, and shrugged, "It doesn't matter. I have more. You're only hurting yourself though, so you can get some rest will you wear some cuffs?" He asked, figuring that Ariel wouldn't, and he'd have to find another way to get her to rest. He approached his table, kneeling down and checking some of his notes.

What he wanted to do was test out the fruit lacrima, but he wouldn't do that right now. Why push Ariel any further? "that's only one of the battles complete, and you are tired"

Indigo Vs Malice Battle Part One

The games master was once more playing up the crowd as the names for the second battle were being chosen. Excitement rose up from the crowd, as the Sheldon shouted "Indigo from Frenzy Plant! AND Malice from Pirate Lord! Get ready to ruuuummmbbbllleee!"

Malice's eye widened in shock at hearing her name and who she was fighting. "Oh an S rank, this is going to go swimmingly.." Malice mumbled as she looked over at Dragons Fangs side to see Zephyr standing and jumping as he waved at her. "If I die, my remains dont go to him!" Malice told the rest of her guild before going to the center where she looked at Indigo. "Malice Hardt, lets get this over with." Malice said with a annoyed expression as she walked back a bit and requipped her Anubis's Bane sword. She knew full well this was not going to help her at all, but just maybe if she was lucky as hell, Indigo would fuck up majorly and Malice could jump on the oppurtunity. She would also be lucky if a crap ton of birds decided to show up.

A round of cheers and claps on the back surrounded Indigo as she got to her feet. Immediately, the arena's grand picto lacrima focused on her, broadcasting her face to everyone in the stadium. She gave a halfhearted wave before leaving her team behind, sparing them a glance as she went. Some of them, particularly Demetri and Xyster, were still seething from yesterday's tragedy, and though Indigo's spirit resonated strongly with them, she would not allow those rampant emotions to affect her. Her opponent, and her opponent's guild, did not deserve to become sponges for Frenzy Plant's bile.

She made her way into the arena at a stately walk. Her opponent, Malice Hardt, actually reminded the Librarian much of herself. Long blonde hair, classy garb, and charming looks, if she did say so herself. Indigo put on a face of impersonal courtesy as she examined her opponent. Her sword looked deadly, but with a little luck she wouldn't have a chance to use it. "Pleased to meet you. Your dress is wonderful. After this is over, perhaps we could brew a friendship between us over fancy clothes." She looked at the crowd. Though there was no shortage of support out there, for the majority of the spectators the true excitement of the day lay in the matches of Phoenix Wing, the most well-known guild and the seeming shoe-in to win, with their two teams and all. Looking over her opponent again, Indigo decided that this duel might do well to be kept flashy, short, and sweet.

Malice looked at her dress and shrugged. "Tis a decent one I have, had I know I'd be fighting an S rank however... I would have worn something I liked less than this. Oh well, my goal is to land one shot against you." Malice said slightly smirking at her comment on brewing friendship over their fancy clothing. "Sure sounds fun, here's hoping I'm not one hundred percent brain dead for it." Malice spoke before looking around the area for anything that she could use to an advantage and when spotting none she cast her gaze back to Indigo and with a quick movement, thrust her sword forward as the blade was covered in darkness. Even if it missed, just being near her would suck a little of her magical energy away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hikage Okumora

"Thats good, I'm sure she loves you and being around everyone at your guild." Hikage said and resisted the urge to giggle at his behavior, it really was like a child's. You would did something to them and they would squirm almost as if you were embarrassing them in front of all their friends. He seemed to be freaking out less with her around though, so that was a good thing. So when he asked how many she took in so far she smiled at him. "Fifteen, I'm no professional orphanage but I still like to help those have a better life. I feel bad sometimes when I'm out for more than a few weeks doing certain jobs though. Yet I trust my help so I'm sure they are fine, the oldest one is fourteen and the youngest is 4. It certainly is always loud when I go back though."

As they would walked the streets she would turn at a corner and when the destination was in sight she looked at Mikey. "So when did you get your little cat and how? Did you buy her? You mentioned when you saw her that you just had to have her." Hikage would asked walking backwards as she looked at him, yet oddly enough she was able to dodge every person and obstacle before colliding with them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Marlene Evangeline

"You seriously never met an exceed before?" Marlene asked again shockingly, "C'mon I'll show you~"

But she stopped suddenly as she senses distress coming from Sasha, with her eyes widened and her body stiff up.

"H-hey. she stuttered slightly as she tries to communicate, "What's the matter?"

As soon as she asked, she looks behind her to see the Time Lord come towards them. She had no idea who he was, but all she could do was watch the events unfold. Something tight was in the air... the sense of stress and rapid emotions. Sasha even seemed to be in a state of panic, something Marlene thought she would never see. Even her voice was shaking...

"W-what's going on?" Marlene asks with a stutter of stress as she rapidly turns to Time Lord then to Sasha, and back to him vice versa, "Is something wrong?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands


Much to Fleo's relief, it didn't take too much time for Nolan to work himself out of his funk and arrive back at his more or less usual level of surliness. Thinking about his question, she ran back in her mind the match that had just taken place. It had been, she decided, so quick and confusing. Without a particular need to appear knowledgeable to her friend, Fleo mused to him and James, ”That one was real tough to follow. I didn't know where they were half the time, or what was happening. This isn't the first time I'm glad I decided to pass up the games. I woulda gotten de-stroyed. I mean, I know Maddox can teleport. Haven't seen him around much since I joined the guild, but he's talked about a bunch, yeah. I couldn't really get a read on that Grant guy at all. Anyone who fights with blood is a weirdo in my book.”

James had yet to speak, it seemed. Fleo decided to supply him with something. ”Whaddya think? Could you have taken him?” With the beginning of the new match, Fleo cast a glance at the two ladies now in the ring before shrugging. ”I've never heard of those people before. They look kinda like models. There's not gonna be the 'glamour battle' from a hundred years ago, right? Yeesh, I cringe just thinking of it.”


Above the arena, perched upon the precipice of its outer limb, was a figure not at all distinguishable from a statue. It stood, more still than stone, its mixed jackal and human features in utter defiance to any known being on Fiore. With the sobriety of an ancient god, forgotten and forced to observe the ignorant throngs of humanity for a painful and empty eternity, it presided over the Doma Flau. Pitch-black and glossy was its exterior, with sapphires inset in the eyes of the metallic headpiece, all save for its long and tattered tail. Only the steely blade of a long, curved knife, embedded by the point into the stone around its feet, could gleam with the reflected rays of the sun and possibly betray the existence of this strange and lonely statue up on high.

Torn between helping Ayame along and making sure Eve seemed alright, Nero moved slowly along the Crocus street. People, or at least those with no interest in the Games, were now out and about, and while the strange trio received a few appropriately dubious looks nobody interfered with their travel. The genie was more than happy to leave the rotten brothers behind. With no true goal in mind, he landed upon the notion of just continuing until he found something that interested him. Crocus was, after all, a huge city. Surely it contained something to stir the intrigue of three dark mages?

After about twenty minutes, the trio stumbled upon a store that sold antiques. Ceramics, books, paintings, pottery, and much more could be seen on the front shelves alone, though there appeared to be no trace of magic about the place. ”Perfect,” the genie decided, and led the way in, holding onto his young, distraught companion with a guiding hand.

Inside, aside from the various objects of intrigue that littered the two-story shelves, there was what looked like a card table from seventy years ago set up in one corner of the shop, basking in the light of a nearby window. At the table was seated a woman, alone and preoccupied with shuffling and reshuffling a deck of cards. On the other side of the shop was a young, bespectacled man leaned against the wall with a serious and even nervous expression, appearing to read a book but sneaking a glance every so often at a headphone-wearing, punkish sort of girl browsing the antiques. Farther back in the shop, in a close group and speaking in low tones, was a group of five students. Nero hoped that Ayame and Eve would find something diverting in here. With all the interesting sights and even smells (machinery, wood, wax, and porcelain, and more) it seemed impossible that they wouldn't. The dark mage had his eyes set on the lady at the card table. People on their own were easiest to work with, and if her nature mirrored her image as a player, she might be willing to bet. He whispered to Eve, ”Tell me, do you know much about poker? If nothing, find someone who does and send e my way.”

Nero walked over to the card table and seated himself, receiving barely a disinterested glance from the lady. He grinned. ”Nice work shufflin' there. Those cards will be in great shape when it's time to use them. Do you know how to playpoker?”

With a wry smile the lady collected her cards with quick, nimble fingers. When she spoke, her voice was husky from smoke, and she occasionally said the wrong word. “It is my second favorite gain...uh, game. Are you thank...thinking of challenging me to a game?”

Her potential opponent grinned widely and nodded. ”Yepper-doo! It's my first time, though. You looked pretty serious, so I thought I'd see if you'd teach me a lesson.”

The woman now treated Nero to a smirk. “You will defiant...definitely learn something when you are defeaten...er, beaten by Leah Miles.” Moving her fingertips faster than the eye could track, she began to deal.
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