Avatar of BCTheEntity


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12 days ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
12 mos ago
2 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
2 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

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...humm. That was a fairly useful shortcut, wasn't it? Shame about the container's size, as Lucius made clear to the psyker with a mild glare, but the worm would just have to get used to it. Not that he was particularly enthused with the psyker's... well, these clearly weren't standard Imperial powers, after all. Then again, was he so much of a hypocrite that he'd only allow others their abilities if they benefited him? According to the brief flash of renewed combat memory, no he was not.

Naturally, the tech-psyker didn't stick around, instead transforming into some form of black smoke, and apparently wafting through the top of the emergency elevator, leaving no trace of his presence behind except a slight flickering of the lights in the corridor. A few seconds later, the minion began to keen ever so slightly in his terror, before cutting off with a mild yell as Lucius grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and tossed him bodily into the back of the elevator. He then stepped in himself, barely managing to fit with a grunt of annoyance as he folded his knees up against his body, and probably compressing the follower more than he'd like - though if he showed any signs of discomfort, he was apparently hiding them. If he hadn't been crushed dead yet.

Despite his lack of mobility in the space, Lucius just about managed to maneuver his hand toward the promised control panel, pressing the button marked "3" on it, and then pulling it away as the lift moved steadily upward, jerking around a little bit for the excess of weight, but managing its journey nonetheless. A couple of minutes later, and they were at their destination, Lucius kicking away the door in front of him and stepping out once more, and the worm falling on his face just behind, gasping for a short while as he regained consciousness and attempted to stand again. Pathetic.

'Check again. Where is the other Dark Angel?' No nonsense, just orders. For a brief second, the minion's eyes rolled up into his skull again, before he blinked a couple of times and smiled, as if he deserved to do so.

'Right this way, my lord master almighty!' he cried out, beginning to jog ahead just a little. Lucius' steady pace kept up with near-casual ease; several turns, a few stops to re-check Xepherial's location, and one particularly long corridor later, and the superhuman turned the corner of the ship, his gaze falling upon his black-armoured ally at long last. Along with a substantial number of other, more standard humans, two of whom in particular seemed quite intent on standing off against one another. This was... quite the interesting scenario. Had Xepherial already begun to manipulate them to his ends, or did Lucius need to do that for him?

Not that it mattered. If they could all be brought under control, they'd all make wonderful cannon fodder. Slowly, and with his hands casually placed upon one blade and the holstered Tigrus bolter, Lucius strolled up until he stood next to Xepherial, making no less an imposing image than the armour-clad Techmarine simply for sheer aura of menace. Technically, his ally was the more dangerous of the two; when push came to shove, though, Lucius had a feeling he'd be more willing to act against these humans immediately if they turned against them first. But if they never did, they'd never have to find out.

'Nice to see you again, battle-brother,' he murmured to his ally. Then, in a louder voice, he called out coldly and confidently to the massed men 'Do as he says. You outnumber us many times over, and yet you would nonetheless die down to the last man if you tried to overpower us. It simply cannot be done.' Was this true? Possibly not completely, not with Lucius' lingering wounds, but Xepherial in particular could probably tear apart most of them on his lonesome. Such were the perks of bearing additional limbs of plasteel and adamantium.

@ProPro To wit, Headhunter is still waiting for a response from Chatterbox specifically, and the other Jacks sans Sofia if they feel like responding. Overall, I'd say we're still discussing, myself.
Dirk Messir - Blue Cheese 'n' Mac, 'n' Blood

Yellow was dead. Or, like, injured, but it was in the neck. How dare he survive. Dirk was stronger than him. Rokushiki was the strongest martial art. He has the power.

You have nothing, Dirk. You're worthless.

And you have idiot, Derek, Dirk said in his brain, because he doesn't want to say it out loud when Blue armour shrimp man is searching for him. Oh noooo. What poor luck. For him. Because he's about to get unlucky.

You don't know what that means Retard! How can you fight when you don't know things Fool!

...I don't know. I still have to fight the man, though. I went up behind him again, only moving when the Divine Purpose said he should, duckdoging if necessary. He hits the headcrab, in the neck with a 'Shigan,' and Jimm is okay, but his head neck wads cut. Maybe? Proberley. And if it wasn't and his finger was cut instead, Dirk just hides again and makes sure to wahtc where he swings at me, just kidding thanks.

Ha Ha, They Laughed!

That's the idea, Big Guy. But not out loud because otherwise the Divine Purpose wouldn't be being been properly.
@Jbcool Sure am, brev.
Marxello Catchanale

'I've got them,' Mark muttered to Ian's first question, aiming his weapon at the two fleeing dogs as its flames receded, then launching a wide horizontal blade of cutting wind that struck both at once, shredding much of the nearby foliage and slicing their limbs away from their bodies. A merciful death was granted by two spears of rock, jutting from the ground through their heads as Mark stabbed the ground at his feet. And after that, he let his magical enhancements vanish, the elementals allowed to rest for now - not that they especially needed to, with how much spare power lay in his blade for them to draw from. That, and their entire nature as beings of energy, but how that affected matters, Mark couldn't say.

And as for the payment... it would be sufficient for a quest that was ultimately rather simple. 'Uh, sure,' Mark agreed, 'I'll take both, I suppose. Heck, maybe S-'

A moment's hesitation let him consider that if Ian had seen his file, he'd seen his partner's file too.

'...maybe Syszi would like the... figurine, did you call it?' Mark asked, mildly confused. 'I wouldn't know about such things myself, so I suppose it's worth gifting to her.' And if it were limited edition, perhaps even moreso. Not that he had any idea what to expect from it or his ally's reaction to the item, but hey-ho.
@ProPro Time limit acknowledged. I'll be sure to post as Dirk again soon.
Maceroy Falthon

From his position above the battlefield, Maceroy felt the slight shockwave from a weak energy weapon, glancing down and slowing slightly to espy a warp cannon shot a substantial distance below him, dissipating just a short distance on from there. So, the Harvester had arrived. And where was he right... now... ah. The moving tree was a bit conspicuous, honestly, but as the harpy considered it, perhaps not so foolish as one might imagine: it didn't matter as long as it was just Maceroy and HR-513, and if he stayed still whilst enemies were around, they might never realise he was there to begin with. Who'd think to attack a tree, after all? At least, who'd think to attack it until it hit them with a burst of warp energy strong enough to tear their body in half. A slight chuckle escaped the harpy as he continued to glide forward, the morbid thought as amusing as how easily the titanic machine could put it to use.

...he'd wondered about developing his own energy weapons beforehand, he briefly recalled. The thought had been dismissed, under the assumption that HR-513 would back Maceroy up regardless, but say there was a situation where he couldn't rely on the otherwise-reliable machine? Really, it would be sitting on his laurels to pretend the possibility wasn't there, but he'd put so much effort into so many other projects to date, that the idea of going for something so basic when variants already existed had seemed nearly insulting. In hindsight, more insulting would be a sucking hole in his chest... well, questions for later. If anything, he supposed he ought to ask the Harvester for an energy sample if he was going to try something like that. He'd speculated for some time about equipment much like the Harvester's warp cannons, drawing from that same source of power to devastating effect, and it wasn't like he'd run out any time soon, after all, politeness be damned.

Speaking of which, the battlefield, ground and sky, was starting to look a little less inviting, a storm beginning to form over the central basilica. Several kilometers off, some form of aerial battle was raging at full power between angel and demon, and it was immediately obvious how out of his depth Maceroy would be in such a fight - the much-maligned Prince of Greed's portals were easily recognisable, even from here, and those flaming lances weren't exactly inviting either whoever was creating them. More intriguing was the hail of energy shots coming from... elsewhere. Not the Machina's weaponry, either, since he'd yet to see hide or hair of any significant fighters other than himself and HR-513, and he'd assume they would all enter from the same side of the field as himself. What a bother that was. And when the entire goal was to drive out the other factions, troop support was desperately important.

On the other hand, the ability to take out those same troops from on high... well, that simply supported the same end goal in a more direct fashion. An effort to cut off the head of one's armies by assassinating their commanders, rather than by beating the body to a pulp. And was that a flash of red he'd just seen leaping into a far-off watchtower on a trail of smoke? Considering his options, he drew out and pressed the alert button, and not a second later, a miniature facsimile of HR-513 appeared just above it, accurate down to the most minute detail. As accurate, one could say, as the machine's memory banks.

'HR-513,' Maceroy murmured quietly, 'I don't believe I'm wrong, but just so I can confirm: did you see somebody red leaping into the watchtower just yonder?'

'Yes,' he responded, matter-of-fact as always. 'A cursory scan of captured images suggests humanoid, dressed in red rather than possessing red skin, likely possessing artificial or supernatural means of rocket propulsion. Other details aren't clear from this distance.'

'That'll do nicely, HR-513. Thank you, you're grand,' Maceroy responded, smiling slightly. Had he been concerned about his reliability before? Why? 'If you wouldn't mind keeping an eye out for me, I think it's fair enough that I pay them a visit. I'm sure you'll realise if anything serious starts happening.' With all said, the mini-Harvester vanished into the ether, and the device was returned to Maceroy's pocket, before he upped his flight speed, first taking a huge aerial step upward to evade notice before continuing to fly toward the tower. Whilst he kept an eye out for any stray shots being taken in his direction, nobody seemed to be looking for him, and in just a minute or two, he reached his destination, hovering as quietly as possible a hundred and fifty meters or so above the watchtower's balcony. And lo, the red spot from before now rendered itself as the proposed humanoid figure, possibly feminine, with what seemed to be a sniper rifle... possibly Machina, then? But he wasn't exactly foolish enough to ask first. It'd become obvious as they fought, and if they were, they'd both likely see sense enough to cease their battle and be on their way.

So, on to phase 1 of the attack plan: surprise them. Aiming his weapon downward with both hands and folding his wings around himself, Maceroy dropped toward the red-clad sniper like a relatively silent stone, trusting in gravity's inevitable pull to drag him down and his own hyper-fast thoughts to keep him aware of the distance, running the equation vi=√(2gd) through his head at the same time to calculate impact velocity. With any luck, she- yes, that was a feminine figure after all- would be too focused on whatever was in her sights to notice the relatively minimal sound of him falling toward her, faster and faster - at least until he activated his drill roughly ten meters above her to give it the time it needed to spin up suitably, and by then he'd be falling at a rate of 52.41 meters per second, much faster as he flapped his wings once for a sudden speed burst, and those last ten meters would take less than two-tenths of a second to traverse anyway. Still not as fast as he'd like, but more than enough to skewer most beings through their torso and into- or through, given how old it was- the rock beneath, with his own enhanced physiology keeping his body from shattering too, not to mention crushing some other part of her flat under his weight at that sort of speed. Even if she somehow dodged out of the way pre-emptively and took aim, his wings were like a shield of steel - that is, probably not enough to perfectly block rounds from a sniper rifle, but more than sufficient to keep him from taking mortal harm whilst he got away from any potential fall hazards to begin the battle proper, and able to guard from every angle as necessary.

@Lonewolf685 Alright, I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed some crucial pre-planning step or what have you. Thank you.
I asked this a few hours ago in the Discord, but I figure it's worth asking again here: would anybody mind if I had Maceroy fight their character, or should I just have him enter into a fight with somebody, and we can establish how things go from there? I don't want to be impolite by intruding on anyone else's stuff, is all.
Anyone else still around?
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