Avatar of BlueSky44


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4 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
5 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

Other Places of Interest

Most Recent Posts

@Nallore approved, move her over and I'll see about bringing her in next update

Pietro more or less had fallen silent, more or less having a mental breakdown or something, but at least he wasn't racing around, causing a cyclone again or whatever. Though he didn't really respond to Guin at all, however she'd know that he was thinking about everything that had been going on, and what it is that he just did. His mind was racing at a thousand miles per hour, and he didn't seem to be calming down anytime soon.

"You have to abide by the laws of Earth while you are here Runa, even if they aren't the laws that you are used to... You still have to follow them." Lance told her, shaking his head slightly at her, before turning to look at the others. "I do recommend the whole, leaving fairly soon thing, since who knows how many people they'll send after us..."

"She's not going anywhere really anytime soon from what I can tell from that injury at a glance," Sapphire said, looking over at Niah.

"There is a first aid kit in a cabinet over there," Sue said, pointing towards one of the large cabinets in the room that hadn't been damaged or knocked over luckily. Meanwhile, Niah would start to feel really dizzy, despite her attempts to slow down the bleeding.

Sapphire instantly went over to it, pulling out the kit and going over to Niah. "Alright, hold still so I can see, I didn't get a medical degree for nothing it would seem. Though if you move It'll make things more difficult, actually you know what? Lie down on that couch over there," she said, before dragging Niah towards a couch and forcing her to lay down. "Let's see how bad this thing is then shall we?"

With that, she moved Niah's shirt somewhat in order to look at the injury. There was a few good things about Sapphire having a bit of a cold personality, she had one hell of a poker face, so she wasn't showing any sort of reaction really towards Niah's injury, all she said was, "Sadly I've seen worse. Anyone in here blood type O-? It's the universal donor, helping to take into account if she also is a blood type O-. So, any volunteers or whatever? Since I know for a fact that I'm not."

"I am, but I can't be a blood donor. However, Johnny is the same blood type as me, he can act as a donor for her. Do you need one?"

"Would I have asked that question if I didn't? Alright, so she's not really going to be able to head off to Stark Tower, but I can head back to the base with her, as well as with the Torch over there, so that we can fix her injury until the guy with healing powers shows up again."

"Runa... Think you can send them through a portal back to the HQ and then open one up so that we can head to Stark Tower?" Lance asked her.

Johnny had let out a bit of a sigh when it was revealed he was going to be the walking blood bag or something and walked over. "Alright, so how are we doing this?"

"Give me a moment, warning Bautista, this is going to hurt a bit," Sapphire said, before she prepared a needle and thread, put some gloves on, and grabbed some gauze bandages and what looked like tweezers. "Remember, I need you to stay as still as possible," she said calmly, before she went and removed the bullet. Pain would shoot through Niah, but it thankfully would be gone a second later as Sapphire stitched up the injury for her. "Alright, we have two options for this, one is that we hook up the transfusion and you end up getting carried by the Human Torch with someone nearby to make sure he for some reason doesn't collapse. Or someone else carries you and we make sure that you and Johnny aren't too far apart so that the transfusion doesn't come undone. I'd normally suggest you both lie down and don't move for a while, but time is a luxury that we don't have."

"I can carry her, just set up the transfusion or whatever," he responded simply. Sapphire shrugged slightly, before she pulled out the necessary equipment and got a direct transfusion going. With that, Johnny easily picked Niah up off the couch.

"If you can open a portal up, that would be amazing. You guys can go off to Stark Tower, anyone who wants to come with us can, we'll make sure she's back on her feet fairly quickly, don't worry about it."

"...I think either someone needs to give Pietro his memory back rather quickly, and hopefully he doesn't run off this time, or he needs to go back to the base or whatever since I think he probably needs to see a shrink at this point..."

Mary blinked her eyes, looking a bit confused, before she shook her head slightly. "Alright, now what the hell is going on, who screwed with the world?" she said instantly, and as opposed to a slight Cajun accent to her words, now there was a hint of a German one in it's place. "You all want to talk with Remy and Rogue? They're downstairs right now, follow me though if you want to, actually I'd recommend it. Since let's be honest, what are the odds he'd believe me if I walked down there and just said, oh by the way, someone screwed up the world we need to fix it. They probably wouldn't."

"Just lead us to the swamp rat already kid," Wolverine grunted, and Mary nodded her head, before she quickly leaned in to Maria to respond to what she had said.

"Next time we have a chance, but right now we've got bigger things to worry about then whatever it is you think we need to discuss," she said to her, before she lead the way to what looked to be a back room. Opening the door up, she lead them down a staircase that brought them to the main headquarters to the New Orleans Thieves' Guild.

Gambit and Rogue were in the meeting room off to the side, probably plotting the Guild's next heist, and Mary sort of tapped on the door before walking inside. "Hey Remy, we need to talk about something aside from the slight amount of chaos that Chrysi caused upstairs," she said, walking over.

"....Chère, tell me ya ain't joinin' the Aryan youth."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ya voice mon amie."

"Oh... It's nothing..." Mary said, before glancing over her shoulder slightly at the others. She figured that Maria would use her abilities to fix their memories to make things a bit easier so that she wasn't going to sound crazy. Though in reality she knew that she really was crazy.

Back out in the main room, Jack looked over at Max after he had gotten rid of his shirt that had been lit on fire, and chuckled a little bit. "Guess that's one way to get someone shirtless, but I would suggest next time try to make it a little less possibly painful okay? And yes Casper, I could use another shirt," he said, adding the last part towards his brother.

"Perhaps I can help you out with that," Klara's voice called out, before she used her own magic to create a shirt for Jack, and walked over handing it to him. She had a mug of beer in her hand as she looked around at the group, "You Midgardians certainly are strange, though I do appreciate that beer seems to be a universal drink.

Jack took the shirt from her, looking a bit strangely at Klara, before he pulled the shirt on. "Uh... Thanks? Mind telling me who the hell are you?"

"Oh, sorry about that, my name is Klara."

"Uh... Okay then... Guessing you came with Max and James then?"

"Yup, anyway in this reality I'm Midgardian which no offense is horrid... In the real world though, my name is Klara, daughter of Thor and Goddess of Love."

"Cool... So anyway we should probably catch up with the other people in your group, looks like they headed downstairs to the main base area... And uh, Ana? I guess you can come along too... Look Max, I know you might not trust her, but right now we probably need all the help we can get in order to fix things."

"I concur, so as I was saying, I suggest we follow the others," she continued, taking a swig of her mug, before heading off towards the area that the other group had gone.

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Entrance -> The Big House
Skills: N/A

"Alright then," she said with a bit of a laugh towards Kristen, "Guess I definitely won't drink it, since I don't like the idea of losing my memory at all." With that, she made to follow Chiron, figuring that it would probably be better off if they just followed along while they were able to, or more of before something even crazier happened all of a sudden. Though when she started walking one way, her brother grabbed her somewhat by the arm, as she had inadvertently started heading in the opposite direction.

"Wrong way Jane," Jason said to his sister with a bit of a laugh, before looking over at Kristen and giving her a smile. "Yeah, well a normal life is so incredibly boring anyway, who would want that really? Nah, having to fight monsters in order to survive definitely sounds way better," he said, before he led his sister after Chiron towards the Big House. Her cane was essentially bent completely, meaning they'd either have to see about getting her a new one or unbending it in some way. So for now he was essentially guiding her to make things easier.

Janelle went along a bit with her brother, figuring that for once in her life it would be simpler just to go along with things as opposed to arguing and saying that she can do things on her own. After all, she had started wandering off in the wrong direction. She figured that her brother could at least ensure that she got from point a to point b at this rate, so she trusted him as he led her to the Big House. Hearing Kristen explain that there was a literal god at the camp was a bit shocking considering how Kristen's words sounded to her, but she didn't say anything as she took a seat in one of the chairs.

"...Right, since having a god around is perfectly normal," he muttered under his breath towards Kristen with a bit of an eye roll, before turning to look at Chiron. "Uh, right... People mentioned that this was a place full of Demigods or whatever, and that was about it... So any explanation beyond that would be helpful... Like what the hell those things were that attacked us would be one thing that would be nice to know... Or really why those things were trying to kill us in the first place..."

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Camp Entrance
Skills: N/A

Mary looked over at the two younger campers, Arthur and Andy of course. She didn't really know Arthur all too well, but she figured if the kid was friends with Andy, he couldn't be all that bad. She glanced back at the new campers who were being led off towards the Big House with Chiron and Kristen, she figured they pretty much had a handle on the newbies. As for sticking around with the kids, she figured that she might want to go check on Leda who might have been injured in that fight, with all of the chaos she wasn't too sure. "I'll let you guys go, see you later Andy," she said with a slight wave before heading over towards the others.

"So, sounds like you got beaten up a bit now didn't you Leda? Or something of the sort if you ended up going over to Zeke of all people to heal you?" Mary teased her friend ever so slightly. "You are okay though aren't you? Hopefully you didn't get yourself banged up too badly." She was genuinely concerned about her friend, figuring that she likely wouldn't still be racing around or cracking jokes if she was injured horribly. Hell she probably wouldn't even still be conscious if that was the case.

Outside of the Building
Watts would be racing around, not seeing anything that could really get in the way of them getting into the building. However, someone else would see him, and this mysterious person would spring into action. With a flash of what appeared to be long white hair and metal. Watts would find himself slamming into the ground, getting himself fairly dirty, however luckily for him there didn't appear to be any sort of injuries from what he could tell. If he looked up, he'd immediately find a sword pressed up against his neck, actually two swords, wait three? He'd see a woman standing above him, with four swords, each one pointed directly at his neck. She had six arms, and the two hands that weren't holding the swords were glowing with a slight purple aura.

"You are wasting your time in coming here. That's right, I know why it is that you have come. However the clock has about run out, there isn't enough time for you to be able to stop them," she said to him. However the way that she said them as opposed to us seemed to hint at the idea that she didn't consider herself one of the people who were running the facility. If that was the case, there might be a chance that she'd help them, if he asked nicely and figured out what to say that is.

Demetria Clarke

Location: Bad guy base
Skills: N/A

Meanwhile, back on the jet, Sapphire rolled her eyes somewhat as to what it is that the group was saying. Though she was glad that Watts went out to go play spy, or scout, or whatever the hell he likely was being. Though she did think that Evelyn's plan had some merits, it certainly sounded like their best option, considering the fact that they had a big base or whatever to go through. There was one problem, that would only mean two people at a time going places, so if something went wrong, then things would likely go really wrong. Then there was Bella's idea, which would at least have 3 people in a group, so there was room for error, but they would definitely be going a bit slower.

Decisions decisions.

"I'll be honest, Evelyn's idea strikes me as being a bit better. Since you all constantly have been saying that time is important, then splitting into just pairs likely would be better, since that would mean more groups who are able to search the facility. Not to mention we can still communicate with the other even if we are off in different groups. We can move a lot quicker that way, but that's just my opinion."

Jack Gold

Location: the Morgue
Skills: N/A

"Of course, because let's be honest, you usually do that," Jack said with a laugh towards his sister as he handed her the other cup that was in his hands. He had figured that she probably would enjoy a cup of coffee, sleep was a fickle thing and a luxury that people other then them had. Being tired a lot was fairly horrible, and living off of coffee was probably a really bad idea, but there wasn't any other way around the issue. Lack of sleep equaled the need for more caffeine which wasn't so bad. Just meant he was a constant regular at the nearby coffee shops.

Turning, Jack glanced over at Owen when he entered the room as he took another sip of his coffee. "I'm doing fine Owen," he said, giving the man a smile. Hearing Megan's responses to Owen's question about them getting into trouble or something made him roll his eyes a bit. In his opinion, his sister was being more then a bit on the dramatic side, but he also couldn't help but laugh at her words. "If only, that would definitely make life a lot more interesting, that is for sure."

Rosalia Rider

Location: the Streets
Skills: Pick Pocketing, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Parkour

Usually if someone else was stealing something from someone, Rosalia would stay out of the way. However seeing the person that the thief had seemingly stole from made her curious about the situation, so she raced along quietly after the pair. Seeing the thief head down a nearby alleyway and Pandora continuing to give chase. Rosalia stayed back a little ways away, more of hearing and seeing what was going on first, before she decided to take any sort of action. However. The opportunity that presented itself in front of her was one thing that she just could not pass up. Any decent thief always had an escape plan in mind, and it was clear that this one didn't. Perhaps she should show both of them how a real thief did things.

She pulled the hood of her jacket up, as well as securing her typical goggles in place to help obscure her identity in some way, before she raced over. Ducking around Pandora, she went right up to the thief and snatched the bag away from them. A part of her thought that maybe she should return it, but decided against it in the rush of adrenaline that she was feeling at the moment. With that, she whirled around the would be thief, and using a nearby wall as a bit of a spring board, managed to scale the chain link fence and land with a thud on the other side of it, with the purse in her hand.

"Here's a tip, a good thief always has an escape plan," she said with a bit of a smirk, glancing over her shoulder at the pair, before she simply started walking away from them.

Jack Theriot

Location: The Bar
Skills N/A

Jack let out a bit of a sigh. He didn't really care much for anyone to call him by his full first name, just because it tended to sound way too formal. "...Don't call me Jacques, why can't you call me Jack like literally just about everyone else?"

"Very well, if you prefer to play games based on what it is that you call yourself. Why don't you have my last name as opposed to your mother's? I suppose it probably has something to do with the fact that your mother was the one who named you. You could have ended up with a worse name you know."

"How about we change the subject? Mind telling me what you are doing here?"

"Can't I just come to a bar to enjoy a few drinks?"

"...I suppose so... But I swear you are always up to something dad..."

"Well clearly someone still has trust issues."

"Huh, funny, I wonder why that is... Though let's be honest, the only person I don't really trust ever is you... So if you won't tell me why you are here... That's fine... But what exactly did you mean by you and I are more similar then I think? You and I both know that we are about as different as possible... I can happily say that I am not like you."

"Oh really? You make a living by tricking others and conning them. It doesn't matter that you use the information you obtain to help, you still trick them in order to get it in the first place. That is only the beginning of the ways that we are the same you and I. For instance, you are also a father to a child."

"...What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Though would that really be all that surprising? Giving your lifestyle?"

"Come on spill, what do you mean I have a kid?"

"You know I never give information for free Jacques. I believe though you will likely find out soon enough."

"You have never changed, fine, don't tell me... Though I'm wondering how the hell you know that I figure it is better not to ask."

"Smart choice." Jack just shook his head at his father, not too sure what else to really say about the situation. So, his father knew that he had a kid out there somewhere, well, more of believed that he did. However, given his experiences with his father, it was safe to assume that Essex was speaking the truth and knew for a fact that Jack was indeed a father. Now came the part of Jack that wanted to essentially shake the information out of him, he knew that it wouldn't work. It also likely would end badly for him.


Location: The Underground
Skills N/A

"Now is not the time to be cracking jokes, we've got a job to do..." she said with an eye roll towards Casper, not too thrilled that he had decided to jump into the passenger seat, but the guy was more tolerable then some of the other newbies that they had running around places, so she could deal with it. Besides, they'd be sitting there forever arguing, so to her it didn't really seem all too worth it. Casper was an interesting person, and so far had actually proven somewhat useful, so she wasn't going to argue with him.

"If you kept calling the landline for the hospital, then you definitely would tie up the lines. Also, I keep forgetting that there are places that still use landlines anymore. Alright, see if you can keep calling the hospital, blocking up their phones so that they can't communicate with anyone outside of the building. That should be able to buy us some time anyway, long enough to get the meds that we need to be able to help Magik. As Colossus suggested earlier, we should probably split into groups. One group will go with Colossus to create some sort of diversion if needed, this also will allow for one group to stay closer to the car in case of a quick getaway being needed," she said with a shrug, glancing over at Colossus for a moment. It also would allow him to potentially be close by to his sister if something were to happen to her. "The other group will go with me to get the medications that we need to help Magik. Casper, you're going to come with me, since you seem to be the only other person who actually knows what it is that we are looking for, and James gets to tag along too, since he if his powers are healing or whatever, he might want to learn a thing or two about medicine. That leaves Feedback and Moonwalker with Colossus to help hopefully keep things simple for us... Now let's just hope that nothing goes horribly wrong," Sapphire said. Once everyone was in the car she started it up and started heading to the nearest hospital. It was part of a plan. Probably not a very good plan, but a plan nevertheless. She just hoped that it would work.


Location: Serval Industries HQ, Virginia
Time Frame: End of December 2017 beginning of January 2018, Earth 666
RP Tags: Casual, Large Group, Fantasy, Fandom, Supernatural, Slice of Life
Type: An action role-play that is character driven and takes place in the Skyrose RP universe
Goal: Welcome to the corporate superhero team X-Factor! Go on missions and hopefully figure out who killed the CEO of Serval Industries Harrison Snow.
Age: Characters have to at least be 18 years old.


In the year 2012, in response to the alien attack on New York, superhero teams of all sorts started popping up around the world. The Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and of course the already formed and fighting group the X-Men, all have been fighting to protect the world from different threats. From alien invasions to mutant terrorist attacks, these groups do whatever it takes to protect the world. However, there is a call for a different sort of team, one that tends to deal more with the smaller threats then global destruction, and one that is owned by a corporation company.

Enter Serval Industries, a large technology company that has been on the rise and its CEO Harrison Snow. They put together the first corporate superhero team, that has since been named X-Factor, meant to help deal with the smaller things initially, and meant to help create a positive image of superheroes for those who think that they just cause more problems.

X-Factor has a rotating roster, heroes come and go on the team, and now welcome to the roster as of 2017. Snow has worked hard to create this image for the team and to show some positivity towards heroes, but now something has gone horribly wrong, and no one knows what to really do about it.

Namely, Harrison Snow’s murder.

There are no suspects in his death, and no one at all in the company seems to be concerned, as a new CEO is put into place, a woman by the name of Rae Gardner, and she is definitely not the kinder more soft-spoken person that Harrison Snow was. Who could have killed Snow, and why would they do it? Not to mention there are reports of items missing at Serval Industries, bits of tech disappearing in the blink of an eye.

So many problems, and with a few new members to the X-Factor team, they have to work together to figure out what is going on at Serval Industries. Perhaps this might also lead to more information on what happened to Harrison Snow, and why anyone would have wanted him dead.

Our World

In this RP, we consider the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies up to and including the first Avengers film to be cannon. There are roleplays that have happened in this timeline as well, forming our own Roleplay Universe (please click here to see the full in depth lore guide for our multiverse). We primarily cross over with the RPs hosted by @Morose. There are nods and small cameos from the other RPs, but you can enjoy it perfectly fine as a standalone one. In our universe, we have known that we were not alone in the world since 2012, due to the Incident. Aliens are real, powered individuals are possible, and almost anything seems to be possible.

O.M.E.N. The Organization for the Methodical Eradication of Necromantics was signed into existence by the President of the United States of America on June 22nd, 2016. Created in response to the Altsoba Massacre, it is O.M.E.N.'s duty to identify paranormal abnormalities in the world that may do us harm and vanquish them. It is a covert organization and underneath the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, as it is concerned with protecting national security.

Although its founders were experienced hunters, O.M.E.N. has a reputation for being unable to distinguish between peaceful beings and violent ones. Individuals with supernatural or superhuman abilities are often targeted by O.M.E.N. without mercy, as no grey areas of morality are considered. Anyone considered dangerous to the United States and its interests (provided that danger stems from what is considered supernatural and paranormal) can be arrested and charged without trial by O.M.E.N.

Now, onto what you're all waiting for....Powers!

Mutants, also called homo superior, are powered individuals who gain their abilities due to an X-gene. This gene is something that is simply part of their genetic makeup from birth. It can be activated when the individual is subjected to great stress, often during puberty or traumatic moments. It's important to understand that while a mutant's powers can be called a mutation, they were born mutants. They did not mutate throughout the course of their lifetime.

Mutates are those who, as the name implied, mutated to gain powers. This is often due to the presence of electromagnetic radiation outside of the visible spectrum. Encounters with radioactive waste would certainly qualify. It is possible for those with an X-gene to mutate when exposed to radiation or other materials, but it is uncommon and also effectively 'neutralizes' the X-gene.

Inhumans, also called inhomo supremis, are individuals who are descended by unfortunate souls who were experimented on and had their genetic code modified. This unorthodoxy in genetics can be activated through a process called terringenesis, in which the inhuman emerges from something akin to a cocoon with newfound abilities and powers.

Deviances, as they are now understood, refer to (often) extraordinary abilities that distinguish someone from the average human. However, these are not differences on a biological or genetic level. While these can be small things, such as a sixth sense when it comes to healing and knowing what is wrong with the patient, it can be as dramatic as pyrokinesis. Deviances are a result of the shattering of the Cursed Flask in 1719, the shards which were recovered in 2018 by MI13. The flask's contents were said to grant immeasurable power, and with the contents mixing into the air in trace amounts, individuals can sometimes acquire slight abilities from exposure. There is currently no method of explaining why some people gain a deviance and others do not, however. This area of research is still relatively new.

Earth-666: Major Events Timeline (Modern Era)
  • World War II - the events of Captain America: the First Avenger transpire
  • 2010 - the events of Iron Man transpire
  • 2011 - the events of Iron Man II transpire
  • 2011 - the events of Thor transpire
  • 2012 - the events of the Avengers transpire
  • June 20, 2016 - the Altsoba Massacre levels the small town of Altsoba Washington. It is believed to be the work of religious extremists and hallucinogenic drugs. O.M.E.N. is founded and covers up the incident, as the government begins to work on managing the supernatural.
  • October 31, 2016 - the first leaders of O.M.E.N. are murdered by the demon Mephistopheles in a plan to raise the Norse goddess Hel, daughter of Loki.
  • January, 2017 - O.M.E.N. agents, with the assistance of Thalia Maehers, kill Hel.

*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them.
  • Applications:
    • Post the CS in the OOC for review.
    • Change the color code to a unique one (i.e. not in use by a current character). Please try to avoid colors that are very similar to the eye as well.
    • Choose a faceclaim for your character that is not currently in use - if you're not sure if someone is using that FC, ask the GM. Faceclaims must be real life images - not drawings.
    • The GM can refuse a concept for any reason, yet will generally work with you to fix up the character until they can be accepted.
    • Talk to the GM if you want your character to have established connections (i.e. if this were a Harry Potter RP and you wanted to be Fudge's goddaughter, talk to the GM in advance for approval).
    • GM approved character sheets should be posted in a hider in the Char tab.
    • The GM will check posting history / previous RPs - you've been warned.
    • Once CS's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
    • Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules. If You submit a CS without this it may be declined.
    • Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm for a tid bit to add under extras instead
  • Post Content
    • No use of racial slurs in posts. Sure, you may be playing a racist white guy from the 1950s, so just use asterisks - you'll convey the same idea.
    • Nudity needs to be run by the GM before posting. In general, this is PG-13 when it comes to romance, sexual interactions, exposure, and so forth... Violence wise, anything goes. This can get gross.
    • Fade to black for things that verge into the area of smut/other taboo subjects. Seriously. Your post will be deleted otherwise.
    • The world and NPCs and events are controlled by the GM. If the GM says it's raining, then it's raining. Results will be randomized per dice mechanics.
  • Posting & General Behavior
    • Follow all of the rules of the forum - they're the law of the land.
    • If you need an extension or you're struggling - or even if you just aren't certain what to do - please reach out to the GM! Communication is key.
    • All posts are backed up on the back up forum after they have been posted - the GM will provide the link for this forum. It only takes a few seconds and it ensures all your hard work is preserved!
    • You must post once every 7 days - once your last post on RPG reads as 8 days ago you will be removed from the RP.
    • If you need an extension, ask!! Extensions should be requested no matter than when your last post reads as 6 days ago. If an emergency comes up on day 7, of course come and talk to us - we'll be more than happy to work something out. It's very rare that an extension request is denied.
    • You may NOT copy and paste something from someone else's post and add it to your own. This includes dialogue.
    • Minimal 2 posts between your last
    • No editing posts without GM approval.
    • Each post should include two well developed paragraphs (please don't make me define how many sentences are in a paragraph. If they're long sentences, then sure 5 is fine - if they're shorter, maybe 15 is best).
    • Read all posts! Seriously, people are reading yours so spread the love and read theirs!
    • No tagging for interactions in your post - people use this as a crutch usually to get away with not reading everything.
  • Other:
    • Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
    • The GM reserves the right to make decisions as to how much additional time, if any, will be granted to post if the forum is glitching. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two. But usually, I do tend to be pretty generous about it...
    • Rules and character sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
    • Under Extras in the CS also mention your favorite Marvel character is so I know you at least skimmed this...
      Check the discord chat once a day. Invite will be provided by the GM.

Character Sheet


Link to the OOC page


Location: Serval Industries HQ, Virginia
Time Frame: End of December 2017 beginning of January 2018, Earth 666
RP Tags: Casual, Large Group, Fantasy, Fandom, Supernatural, Slice of Life
Type: An action role-play that is character driven and takes place in the Skyrose RP universe
Goal: Welcome to the corporate superhero team X-Factor! Go on missions and hopefully figure out who killed the CEO of Serval Industries Harrison Snow.
Age: Characters have to at least be 18 years old.


In the year 2012, in response to the alien attack on New York, superhero teams of all sorts started popping up around the world. The Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and of course the already formed and fighting group the X-Men, all have been fighting to protect the world from different threats. From alien invasions to mutant terrorist attacks, these groups do whatever it takes to protect the world. However, there is a call for a different sort of team, one that tends to deal more with the smaller threats then global destruction, and one that is owned by a corporation company.

Enter Serval Industries, a large technology company that has been on the rise and its CEO Harrison Snow. They put together the first corporate superhero team, that has since been named X-Factor, meant to help deal with the smaller things initially, and meant to help create a positive image of superheroes for those who think that they just cause more problems.

X-Factor has a rotating roster, heroes come and go on the team, and now welcome to the roster as of 2017. Snow has worked hard to create this image for the team and to show some positivity towards heroes, but now something has gone horribly wrong, and no one knows what to really do about it.

Namely, Harrison Snow’s murder.

There are no suspects in his death, and no one at all in the company seems to be concerned, as a new CEO is put into place, a woman by the name of Rae Gardner, and she is definitely not the kinder more soft-spoken person that Harrison Snow was. Who could have killed Snow, and why would they do it? Not to mention there are reports of items missing at Serval Industries, bits of tech disappearing in the blink of an eye.

So many problems, and with a few new members to the X-Factor team, they have to work together to figure out what is going on at Serval Industries. Perhaps this might also lead to more information on what happened to Harrison Snow, and why anyone would have wanted him dead.

Our World

In this RP, we consider the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies up to and including the first Avengers film to be cannon. There are roleplays that have happened in this timeline as well, forming our own Roleplay Universe (please click here to see the full in depth lore guide for our multiverse). We primarily cross over with the RPs hosted by @Morose. There are nods and small cameos from the other RPs, but you can enjoy it perfectly fine as a standalone one. In our universe, we have known that we were not alone in the world since 2012, due to the Incident. Aliens are real, powered individuals are possible, and almost anything seems to be possible.

O.M.E.N. The Organization for the Methodical Eradication of Necromantics was signed into existence by the President of the United States of America on June 22nd, 2016. Created in response to the Altsoba Massacre, it is O.M.E.N.'s duty to identify paranormal abnormalities in the world that may do us harm and vanquish them. It is a covert organization and underneath the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, as it is concerned with protecting national security.

Although its founders were experienced hunters, O.M.E.N. has a reputation for being unable to distinguish between peaceful beings and violent ones. Individuals with supernatural or superhuman abilities are often targeted by O.M.E.N. without mercy, as no grey areas of morality are considered. Anyone considered dangerous to the United States and its interests (provided that danger stems from what is considered supernatural and paranormal) can be arrested and charged without trial by O.M.E.N.

Now, onto what you're all waiting for....Powers!

Mutants, also called homo superior, are powered individuals who gain their abilities due to an X-gene. This gene is something that is simply part of their genetic makeup from birth. It can be activated when the individual is subjected to great stress, often during puberty or traumatic moments. It's important to understand that while a mutant's powers can be called a mutation, they were born mutants. They did not mutate throughout the course of their lifetime.

Mutates are those who, as the name implied, mutated to gain powers. This is often due to the presence of electromagnetic radiation outside of the visible spectrum. Encounters with radioactive waste would certainly qualify. It is possible for those with an X-gene to mutate when exposed to radiation or other materials, but it is uncommon and also effectively 'neutralizes' the X-gene.

Inhumans, also called inhomo supremis, are individuals who are descended by unfortunate souls who were experimented on and had their genetic code modified. This unorthodoxy in genetics can be activated through a process called terringenesis, in which the inhuman emerges from something akin to a cocoon with newfound abilities and powers.

Deviances, as they are now understood, refer to (often) extraordinary abilities that distinguish someone from the average human. However, these are not differences on a biological or genetic level. While these can be small things, such as a sixth sense when it comes to healing and knowing what is wrong with the patient, it can be as dramatic as pyrokinesis. Deviances are a result of the shattering of the Cursed Flask in 1719, the shards which were recovered in 2018 by MI13. The flask's contents were said to grant immeasurable power, and with the contents mixing into the air in trace amounts, individuals can sometimes acquire slight abilities from exposure. There is currently no method of explaining why some people gain a deviance and others do not, however. This area of research is still relatively new.

Earth-666: Major Events Timeline (Modern Era)
  • World War II - the events of Captain America: the First Avenger transpire
  • 2010 - the events of Iron Man transpire
  • 2011 - the events of Iron Man II transpire
  • 2011 - the events of Thor transpire
  • 2012 - the events of the Avengers transpire
  • June 20, 2016 - the Altsoba Massacre levels the small town of Altsoba Washington. It is believed to be the work of religious extremists and hallucinogenic drugs. O.M.E.N. is founded and covers up the incident, as the government begins to work on managing the supernatural.
  • October 31, 2016 - the first leaders of O.M.E.N. are murdered by the demon Mephistopheles in a plan to raise the Norse goddess Hel, daughter of Loki.
  • January, 2017 - O.M.E.N. agents, with the assistance of Thalia Maehers, kill Hel.

*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them.
  • Applications:
    • Post the CS in the OOC for review.
    • Change the color code to a unique one (i.e. not in use by a current character). Please try to avoid colors that are very similar to the eye as well.
    • Choose a faceclaim for your character that is not currently in use - if you're not sure if someone is using that FC, ask the GM. Faceclaims must be real life images - not drawings.
    • The GM can refuse a concept for any reason, yet will generally work with you to fix up the character until they can be accepted.
    • Talk to the GM if you want your character to have established connections (i.e. if this were a Harry Potter RP and you wanted to be Fudge's goddaughter, talk to the GM in advance for approval).
    • GM approved character sheets should be posted in a hider in the Char tab.
    • The GM will check posting history / previous RPs - you've been warned.
    • Once CS's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
    • Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules. If You submit a CS without this it may be declined.
    • Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm for a tid bit to add under extras instead
  • Post Content
    • No use of racial slurs in posts. Sure, you may be playing a racist white guy from the 1950s, so just use asterisks - you'll convey the same idea.
    • Nudity needs to be run by the GM before posting. In general, this is PG-13 when it comes to romance, sexual interactions, exposure, and so forth... Violence wise, anything goes. This can get gross.
    • Fade to black for things that verge into the area of smut/other taboo subjects. Seriously. Your post will be deleted otherwise.
    • The world and NPCs and events are controlled by the GM. If the GM says it's raining, then it's raining. Results will be randomized per dice mechanics.
  • Posting & General Behavior
    • Follow all of the rules of the forum - they're the law of the land.
    • If you need an extension or you're struggling - or even if you just aren't certain what to do - please reach out to the GM! Communication is key.
    • All posts are backed up on the back up forum after they have been posted - the GM will provide the link for this forum. It only takes a few seconds and it ensures all your hard work is preserved!
    • You must post once every 7 days - once your last post on RPG reads as 8 days ago you will be removed from the RP.
    • If you need an extension, ask!! Extensions should be requested no matter than when your last post reads as 6 days ago. If an emergency comes up on day 7, of course come and talk to us - we'll be more than happy to work something out. It's very rare that an extension request is denied.
    • You may NOT copy and paste something from someone else's post and add it to your own. This includes dialogue.
    • Minimal 2 posts between your last
    • No editing posts without GM approval.
    • Each post should include two well developed paragraphs (please don't make me define how many sentences are in a paragraph. If they're long sentences, then sure 5 is fine - if they're shorter, maybe 15 is best).
    • Read all posts! Seriously, people are reading yours so spread the love and read theirs!
    • No tagging for interactions in your post - people use this as a crutch usually to get away with not reading everything.
  • Other:
    • Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
    • The GM reserves the right to make decisions as to how much additional time, if any, will be granted to post if the forum is glitching. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two. But usually, I do tend to be pretty generous about it...
    • Rules and character sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
    • Under Extras in the CS also mention your favorite Marvel character is so I know you at least skimmed this...
      Check the discord chat once a day. Invite will be provided by the GM.

Character Sheet


Link to the OOC page

Pietro looked over at Guin, and it seemed like he was starting to calm down. Or well, more like he looked like he was less of a murderous psychopath. However, it did not look like he was completely sane still, as he dropped what was in his hands and backed away from the bloody mess around him. "I-I-I-" he stammered out, not really able to say much else. He seemed partially in shock now more then wanting to go on a bit of a murder spree.

Annie managed to bring forth the illusion of the Hulk, in full on rage mode. The illusion let out a loud roar, and the human soldiers that were there instantly panicked, dropping there weapons and backing away from the illusion that she had created. They were clearly terrified of the damn thing, and knew better then to try and actually fire back against the giant green creature.

Lance could tell that it was an illusion, and for once he was actually glad to have the Hulk around. However his attention was drawn to Runa, who clearly just tried to cut someone in half with a portal. "Uh... Runa? We don't do things like that, no attempting to disembowel people with portals, or doing anything like that ever really... Okay?" he said to her, before he turned his attention back towards what was going on.

Richards had taken the opportunity of all the soldiers dropping their weapons to snatch them up and get them far away before the group could even begin to realize that the illusion wasn't real. And just in time too. Unfortunately, with Niah hitting Pyro a bit with her ICER, she ended up kicking Carolina out, so she was no longer controlling him. In fact, Carolina possessing him allowed him to easily see through the illusion, knowing perfectly well that it wasn't real.

"Is that the best you've got?" he asked with a bit of a smirk, before he turned to acknowledge the soldiers behind him, "It's not real you idiots! The Hulk isn't actually here!" Flynn glanced over at Johnny from where he was, as the Human Torch came over.

"...Betting he can't stop both of us. One of us should be able to get some sort of hit on him..." Flynn suggested, and Johnny smirked slightly as he was engulfed in flame and took off into the air. A moment later, Flynn was on fire as well, but he was still on the ground. The pair both sent fire flying at Pyro, who seemed to just hold his hand up and most of the fire seemed to dance harmlessly around him.

Only most of it though.

Who knows who sent the fireball that actually hit Pyro, it likely was a bit of a group effort between the two of them, but a blast of fire slammed into Pyro, sending him flying backwards and into a wall. He didn't move for a moment, but he started to move slightly, as if he was trying to get up.

"...Well surprisingly that worked... So now what?"

"Well, glad to see that ended rather quickly, also, a bit obvious with the flirting much? That is definitely not really the way to go if you are trying to get someone to take their shirt off," Jack said to Max with a slight laugh, before he set the chair down. His eyes widened when Anastasia walked over and just smacked Max across the face. "And word of advice, you probably should watch what you say, otherwise who knows what'll happen..."

Turning to face Ana, he figured he might as well try and address the situation. "Um, well I thought it was kind of obvious that the insane psychopath over there was the one who started it, but that's just me..." he said calmly, choosing his words rather carefully. He didn't trust Ana at all, and the fact that it sounded like she was trying to get them to trust her or something didn't help either. "So how about instead of fighting, we try and find a reasonable solution. After all, you might end up causing another brawl in here if you aren't careful... Which will make it so you stopping the entire situation a bit pointless..."

"What the hell is going on over here?" a voice called out, and if Maria and Tinley looked over, they'd see another red head who looked identical to the one that Tinley had just knocked out. "Did Chrysi cause problems again? Apologies for that, she's probably still annoyed that she wasn't able to murder anyone yesterday," Mary said as she walked over to them and looked at Chrysi.

Maria would start to feel a little bit dizzy, and her skin started going a bit pale, but she was still on her feet and Mary looked over at her. "...Are you okay? You kind of look like you are going to be sick..."

Wolverine looked a little confused about something for a moment, before shook his head and addressed Mary, "She tried to knock her out with her powers of Life-Force Absorption, similar to Rogue's." he responded simply. Mary's eyes grew wide and she took off, before returning a moment later with a bottle of water.

She pulled out a plant seed from her pocket, and it started sprouting into an herb plant of some kind. Plucking a few leaves from it, she crushed them up in her hand and dropped them in the water, before swirling it around. "Here, drink this... Odds are you got poisoned, my sister and I, we have a poisonous touch and it usually is fatal within an hour at the most, so I would recommend drinking this quickly..." she said, handing the bottle to Maria. She definitely was sounding more like the Marygold that they had met back at SHIELD then Chrysi did.

"Whatever you say kid, where's the swamp rat?"

"...Who?" she responded, sounding a bit confused.

"...Gambit, and his girlfriend," Wolverine responded. It was obvious he wasn't too used to actually saying Gambit's name, generally for the most part sticking to the nickname.

"Oh, Remy and Rogue? They're downstairs, I can go get them if you want to talk to them..."

Jack glanced over from where they were and leaned over somewhat so that Ana wouldn't be able to hear his words, "That's Marygold Isley, she probably can tell you where Gambit and Rogue are, probably would be a bit better over all if you just ask her about it then to use a spell or whatever to try and track them in this place. It's kind of like a maze in here."

Frederick Flynn and Theresa Sparks

Location: Pym Tech
Skills: N/A

Flynn was still wondering how things got shifted back so quickly, they had only been in the past for what felt like 30 minutes, how had everything shifted so quickly? Well whatever happened, it had become obvious that Niah had something to do with it, considering the fact that Pym had acknowledged her. What had she managed to do? Though he was partially curious as to what Fury would really think about Raynor, considering the guy clearly had pulled a gun on in him way back when. It would just be something interesting that would happen later supposedly.

Sparky wasn't too keen on the idea of really leaving Raynor at the moment, but considering the fact that Hawkeye was more or less moving her to the side, she didn't really fight back. She heard the words and conversations around her, but she wasn't too sure what she could do, if anything. Sure, she has enough medical knowledge to probably get by, but considering all of the chaos around her, she figured it was probably best if she just stayed out of the way. Instead, she found herself going over to being up against a wall, and just sort of slid down to the ground.

"...So anyone else finding it weird that the android thing or whatever he is is sitting there learning things in a few seconds, like really? One minute he didn't know what it was you were talking about the next second he does... It's just a little strange," Flynn said, before figuring that it probably wasn't a good idea to just stand around and do nothing, he figured that he might as well make some comment. Sure, he still hated Vision, but that entire timeline didn't exist anymore, so he couldn't just say that he didn't like the android for no reason.

Over by the wall, Sparky saw that Novikova was having problems, and she started to panic slightly once more. Raynor had just been pulled away from death's door, and now it looked like Novikova was walking towards it. She just looked over at them, wondering what the hell they could do to help them, when she felt something fuzzy rub up against her. Looking over, she saw that it was Goose, and she picked up the cat, holding him in her arms, not sure what else she should do in the situation.
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