Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

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Most Recent Posts

Arthur and Elara
Psylocke walked into the room, purple energy swirling around her hand slightly as she looked over at Arthur, the energy forming into a blade. "Who are you supposed to be? I know you aren't here because of Serval, I also know that you aren't a part of the group that operates here, so I'm only going to ask you this once. Who are you and why are you here sneaking around?"

Demetria Clarke

Location: Sisterhood Base - Lower Level
Skills: Medical Knowledge

Sapphire stopped talking, or saying anything when Watts more or less knocked Andrew out. He started going on about something, but her mind was able to keep up with what it was exactly he was saying. She thought for a moment, thinking about how the machine must be able to operate, and exactly what sort of thing would be required to actually pull that off. "Ok Watts, I'm going to be blunt, I may not be an engineer, but I do know roughly how much power, a that would require, and b what the odds of you just fixing it are. Because I've got good news and I've got bad news for you." she explained simply, shaking her head slightly. "Best case scenario, they just switched his mind with someone else, you need to find where that other person's body is, bring it back over here, and just reverse it, easy enough. However, if what they did was essentially override his mind, then there are only two real options that could happen, with a 1 in a few million shot of him actually waking up. Second best scenario, he ends up in a coma, worse case he's brain dead. Even if you cause it to reverse, there is still a chance that he'll still be dead."

Turning her attention towards the two who just entered the room, her hands had a slight frosty mist surrounding them and she glared at the pair. "Honestly? You'd think you people would learn... Not to mention you two are outnumbered, there are four of us and only two of you. Now, why the hell would we go back to Serval? Give us one good reason!Ugh, newbies, just walking forward and just trusting anyone who gives you a job, don't ya think it's a bit weird how things seem to be going? Did Gardner explain to you just what this building is or why we would want to come here? Since I guarantee she actually knew why we headed here even if she didn't tell you."

Jack Gold

Location: the Orphanage
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, honestly, the whole sort of situation is weird to me... But yeah, we can talk about it later, right now we do have something else to do. We'll see about talking about it after this," he said to her with a smile, heading towards the doors of the orphanage. It had been a long time since he'd been back there, having essentially left and not once turning back to think about what else was going on there. It made no sense to him to really dwelling on the past, so now they were back there for a job.

"I'm with you on the never imagining being here again," he agreed with her. He waved slightly at Megan when he saw her as they approached Gretchen and Isabella showed her her badge. After a moment, he followed along to where Gretchen was showing them where the body was found. Looking at the burn marks on the ground he found it a bit weird. "..So, this is definitely a bit strange, do you know who the man was at all?" he asked Gretchen.

Rosalia Rider

Location: the Streets
Skills: N/A

"Wait, my mother is Rapunzel and my father is Flynn Rider the thief and what not from that Disney movie? You have got to be kidding me. Your essentially saying that would in a way make me a princess which I seriously doubt, no offense to you, but this still makes not much sense, and I ain't no princess or anything. Like really, a mother whose hair is magical? That honestly makes absolutely no sense, but if you say so, whatever. Nothing that has happened today makes any sense, so eh," she said with a shrug.

Glancing over towards the girl that he had mentioned, she just shrugged slightly, not really knowing what to really say about the whole thing. The guy was being a bit weird, and clearly didn't really care if anyone else seemed to hear him, as the girl came over and asked him a question. "I'm with you slightly on that one," she muttered under her breath slightly as Annabelle asked if something was wrong. "I have no problems, him, not too sure on, he might have a few mental things wrong or something, not too sure, jury is out on that one."

Theresa Sparks and Frederick Flynn

Location: The Common Room - the Hub
Skills: N/A

Sparky's face went somewhat red, as she was blushing at Raynor's words. She knew that some people tended to do that sort of thing, and she had figured that she'd be able to get a few people with that one. Though she hadn't expected Raynor to make a comment like that one, and she wasn't entirely too sure what to say in response to that one. He certainly could be a bit weird in her mind, and not exactly subtle. However she was not too thrilled when he reminded her of them getting caught before. That was not one of her favorite moments of all time.

"Well, not like I could come up with anything better! Honestly, I'll admit I've done more then a few stupid things, which makes my ability to come up with some weird and crazy stuff that other people might have done that I haven't!" Flynn responded to Novikova with a bit of an eye roll. At least he was perfectly fine with admitting that he was somewhat an idiot at times when it came to this sort of thing. He has done a whole bunch of crazy stuff before.

"I don't care too much to be reminded of that incident Ray," Sparky muttered a bit, shaking her head slightly at him as she listened to everyone else around her. "Food would be a nice thing," she commented, hearing Tempest's comment about getting food or something. She was a little bit hungry now that someone had mentioned food, so she figured now would be a good time to potentially see about getting some. Even if Raynor didn't or something.

Flynn flinched slightly, before he shot a glare at Cass. He was pissed off that she had decided to just casually mention that. It wasn't something that he wanted to mention, actually he hadn't talked about it to anyone and now here she was, mentioning it to some random people who weren't exactly around during the entire House of M fiasco. He didn't want to tell anyone about it, he actually hadn't told anyone about it. [color=39A5E]"Shut the hell up Reed,"[/color] he snapped at her. Then Deadpool decided to show up in a freaking Santa costume, and when he essentially pointed it out too, and he shot a glare over at him too.

"...Wait you know him?" Sparky asked Raynor.

Lance and Bruce Banner

It had been a few days since reality shifted back, and Lance was in Stark Tower. He was heading there to finally talk to his father about everything that had happened. It was something he had more or less been trying to avoid, but it wouldn't really stop bugging him, so here he was. At Stark Tower heading to where he figured Banner would be, in the lab. Yet for once, that wasn't where his father was. Rather than tinkering away in the lab, Banner was sitting at the bar, mixing himself a drink. As long as he didn't drink too much, the other guy didn't think it was poison and spit it out. "...Hey buddy," he greeted, spotting his son.

"Huh, would have thought that you'd be in the lab or something," he responded, walking over to where he was.

"...I broke the lab..."

"Oh, uh... Okay..."

Banner nodded. "If you're looking for Tony, he isn't here."

"Well I figured he wasn't here, it's kind of obvious, he talks way too loud," he said with a small laugh, "...Actually I was looking for you."

The Avenger lifted his head up, looking at his son with curiosity. Just like none of his degrees told him how to fly a plane, they also failed him in determining what exactly was going on with Lance. His son - in this life at least - never wanted anything to do with him at all. "Really?" he asked, surprised.

"...Yes really."

Banner nodded, pouring Lance a drink and holding it out to him. "What do you want to talk about?"

Lance took the drink from him, saying nothing for a moment. This wasn't exactly going to be an easy sort of conversation, that much he did know, however it wasn't something that he could avoid forever. Especially if he actually wanted to have a better relationship with his father. His mind went back to the other reality, and figured his dad could probably guess what he wanted to talk about. "...I think that you can probably guess what..."

He nodded a bit, sighing as he finished his own drink. "Alright, let's talk about the House of M."

"Sounds like I'm not the only one who doesn't really want to talk about it... But we probably should... Since that world was way different from the real world..."

"Yeah... I'm guessing you have somewhere you want to start?"

"...I'm going to be blunt, namely the fact that there we... Well um... We didn't fight we didn't argue, none of that... It was a little bit... Odd to be honest... Not something I'm used to at all..."

"... I tried my best to give you a good life there, to make sure you never had problems because of the other guy...."

"...I know, and I have more or less been a horrible person to you... And one of the reasons why I came here was to tell you I'm sorry for just about everything that has kind of happened between us..."

Banner shook his head. "I should be the one apologizing, buddy... I haven't exactly been a great father."

"I was the one who more or less tried to pick fights and whatever, so I honestly don't think you should be apologizing..."

"Buddy, I wasn't there for you when you were little. I was always moving around. I have a monster in my head. It wasn't exactly a safe and healthy environment for a kid."

"...For the record last I checked you didn't even know that I existed until not long after what happened here in New York, so that whole not being around is kind of understandable... But all of that, is still not really an excuse for how I treated you at all..."

He nodded slightly. "It's okay, buddy. You don't need to worry about it."

"...Are you sure?"

Banner nodded, giving his son a slight smile. He knew that Lance had been incredibly hurtful and abusive towards him, but that didn't change the fact that he was his son and he loved him. "I am."

"Okay... If you say so... If it's alright with you... I want to fix things between us, so it isn't as, bad... That probably was the one thing I wished carried over from the other world... That we weren't arguing, or I wasn't constantly picking fights..."

"... I'd like that too," Banner replied softly, before pulling his son in for a hug. "All I've wanted for you is that you're safe and happy, buddy." Lance returned his hug, falling silent. There wasn't really much else to say for him, since he had said just about everything that he could think of. So maybe now they could fix their relationship now that they finally talked things through.

And now...

With the world back to normal, or as normal as things could be, things back at the mansion were now more or less settled again, and hopefully it would be a while before the mansion decided to blow up again. However, that does not mean that there weren't cases that the group had to deal with at any point, by no means are things ever so simple. No, they had to deal with an illness known as M-Pox that had swept across the globe for a time, and caused many members of the group to fall ill and nearly die.

Things thankfully though have been a little bit less eventful since then, a month later after the fact. Guin and Pietro's wedding is set to take place in one month, so that's something. However things are not exactly as they appear to be. There have been reports of something entering the atmosphere, and now the team got a call from someone that they wouldn't have normally expected; Reed Richards. He's asked that the group meet up with him (and the Fantastic Four of course) at Stark Tower, so it sounds like they'll be meeting up with the Avengers too.

Marygold, Lance and Mirembe

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

They had taken the Blackbird into New York City, figuring that it likely would be easier then anything else, not to mention they did have a landing pad there to make things easier for them. On the flight there, they'd be able to see something happening in the sky above the city. Purple clouds seemed to be swirling about, storm of sorts, but there wasn't really anything obvious that could be causing it. The group more or less when they walked into the main room, they are going to recognize more then a few faces, just some that they haven't met yet.

The obvious group they'll immediately see and know is the Fantastic Four, who are more or less scattered around the room. Reed Richards looks to be having a conversation of sorts with Tony Stark over at a computer console, while Sue Storm was sitting on a couch talking with her brother Johnny while Ben Grimm (the Thing) was leaning up against the wall nearby. That was just the people that most of them had met before, if you don't take into account that Bruce Banner was standing off to the side by himself for the most part and Hawkeye was there too.

Then they'd be able to notice the others in the room, including who it was that Hawkeye seemed to be talking to, that being a red head with short somewhat wavy hair who could only be Black Widow herself. The God of Thunder Thor seemed to be having some sort of conversation as well with the guy in the red white and blue Captain America. Looked like just about the main heroes from the groups were all in one room, and Reed Richards glanced over at them when they'd enter the room.

"...Hey there dad," Lance said, walking over to him. His hair had started growing out to be a bit longer then it originally was, and he spoke somewhat quietly.

Banner had headphones in, playing soft classical music. Seeing Lance though, he slowly took them off. "...Hey buddy."

"Ah, looks like you weren't kidding about being able to get here quickly were you? No matter, there is something urgent that we need to discuss." Richards said instantly, walking into the

"Anyone else wonder why is it the world never gets a break when it comes to end of the world stuff? Or is it just me?" Tony asked, but he gave a slight smile and wave towards Guin when she walked into the room.

"I'm assuming everyone here has seen the giant purple clouds that have appeared over the sky? Soon, odds are those clouds will part and reveal a being of great power that could end the world as we know it."

"End of the world? Of course, what else is new..." Mary commented with a bit of a shrug.

"Well, this is something that could probably cause the world to end all at once rather quickly..." with those last words, the sky through the window started to get rather dark, and if anyone glanced outside, they'd see that the clouds up above have started to part, and they'd see a giant figure with glowing eyes appear out of nowhere. Allison actually would remember vaguely seeing the image up above them, from a vision way back, when they were in the Brotherhood lab. She had seen the figure consume an entire planet in the blink of an eye. "...That is our problem... His name is Galactus, and he's known as the World-Eater... He's likely not going to try and consume the Earth yet, not until his herald shows up anyway. His Herald essentially tells planets that they are going to die..."

"...What's the plan?" Black Widow asked, her voice calm but her eyes were incredibly intense.

"I doubt shooting a fucking arrow at the thing is going to work," Hawkeye mused. Banner was staring up at the sky in a mixture of wonder and horror.

"Well, it will require a device known as the Ultimate Nullifier."

"Hang on one second, I heard about that thing. Supposedly it can destroy literally anything in the universe, as well as end up killing the person who uses it."

"Well yes, that is correct however we don't need to use it. Hopefully anyway... Galactus is afraid of the device."

"Cool, so we just grab it and threaten the giant purple thing. Fun."

"It sounds simple, but in reality it is far from it," Sue commented, before she stood up from where she was, clearly showing that she was several months pregnant at this point. "The reality of the situation is that the device is not going to be so simple to retrieve. Considering where it is located."

"Well no duh!" Johnny commented, standing up now. "The damn thing is on Galactus' own ship! And let me tell ya, it is big considering how big the guy is."

"Of course it is... Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, if the device is something that can destroy him, then of course he's going to keep it close to him." Captain America commented, and now he was standing right next to Johnny.

"So who is gonna play Suicide Squad?" Hawkeye asked with a frown

"Well..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck and not really sure what else to really say to easily mention it.

Thinking about it for a moment, Mary thought out of the groups gathered, who would make the most sense. If the ship was huge, it couldn't be a small group, so that instantly knocked the Fantastic Four out of the running, leaving the X-Men and the Avengers. Avengers definitely had the man power, but from what she knew, other worlds knew that the Avengers could be considered a threat to everyone, many people recognized them on Earth, and from what she could tell some would recognize them on other planets. "...I have a feeling that I already know what group is going to be shanghaied into it..."

"...It's going to be us isn't it?" Lance asked, looking over at Richards.

"Unfortunately, yes... It would make the most sense, as the X-Men, at least the newer group, isn't known outside of Earth, while the Avengers since the Battle of New York have become known to other worlds. We also are known on other planets, and Galactus has run into us more then once before..."

"Wait, you want the group of kids to do what?????????" Tony instantly snapped, glaring somewhat at Richards.

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Oh, don't get me wrong, having an older brother can be a lot of fun, but let me just say that the best part about it is that I can tease him relentlessly. The worst part about the entire thing, as I think I mentioned before is that he is way too over protective in my brain. That is the worse thing possible, but I've learned to deal with it for the most part, just get to crack more then a few jokes about him whenever possible," she said with a bit of a laugh to Kristen.

"Wow, you are so nice to me Ellie! Why do you find it so much fun to do that to me! So mean!" he said, but he laughed a little bit, smiling slightly at his sister. He then heard Kristen's other comment about them being a long way from home. "Well yeah, I mean, Ireland is kind of on a different continent entirely... Only came to the US around 2 years ago, which, you know, is fun. I at the least do miss our old home there..."

Janelle nodded her head slightly at what her brother had said about missing their home. "I agree, I miss Ireland sometimes too... I mean, this country is definitely different from back home... Though we of course didn't exactly have too much of a choice in whether or not we came to this country..." she said softly, before shaking her head slightly as she took a moment to think about the other thing that Kristen had said, as well as take the pretzel. "What sort of lessons would that include if you don't mind me asking?"

Jason nodded his head slightly, at his sister sadly mentioning what had happened to cause them to end up in the US. Their parents had died and none of their family members wanted to take them in aside from their uncle who had made a life for himself in the country across the ocean. It was a bit sad over that it had to happen that way, but it couldn't be helped. "Yeah, what sort of lessons would they be?" he asked as he took the other pretzel.

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Big House
Skills: N/A

Mary watched as the entire situation more or less played out in front of her as Mr. D and Chiron were more or less brought up to speed on the entire situation, and Zeke of course mentioning that maybe the gods should be told what was going on. Her mind instantly wandered to what the odds were that the gods would do something, especially considering how Mr. D seemed to act about it, and she knew that odds were that the demigods would be on their own yet again to play hero. That was always how things seemed to work in the long run.

However, the one thing that stunned her the most at the moment was the fact that Zeke of all people seemed to snap pretty easily at Rebecca. Usually, it was Zeke being annoying and causing others to snap at him, not him getting mad at everyone else. Not to mention, Rebecca had only been trying to help out. "Seriously Zeke? She's only trying to help you..." she said softly as Kiera asked a question, and she just sort of shrugged, figuring that Zeke and Rebecca could potentially answer that better then she could.

Queen Valda

Location: Outside of the Vaults
Skills: N/A

Valda nodded her head slightly as her brother suggested that they all see about sleeping in the Queen's Room. It would make her feel better to know that her siblings were alright and safe, as long as nothing else happens or nothing else insane happens that night, maybe, just maybe they'd be able to get some sleep. "Alright, that sounds like a good idea to me Myrus," she said giving him a slight smile, not sure what else to really say on the subject.

She was a little bit surprised, and somewhat glad, that Myrus had decided to take charge and started giving orders to people. That was one thing she didn't want to deal with tonight, and that was the truth. Valda didn't even really want to think too much about what might even happen, and she knew that they needed to talk to Rowland about everything. "I'll see about sending off a message rat to Rowland, I'll meet you in the Queen's Room," she said, giving her brother a smile as she started walking away.

Sylvi the Bard and Bruce Banner

Location: Asgard - The Palace
Skills: N/A

Bruce said nothing, more or less watching the pair head off on their own, well, technically it was Tate carrying Sylvi, but that didn't really matter too much. He had a different thing to be concerned about at the moment, that being that Nova had collapsed, and likely needed some help in some form. He just watched Sylvi and Tate leave, before he made his way to where Nova's room was, carrying her along as he headed that way. He sort of hoped that he wouldn't run into any of his siblings, as he was pretty sure one of them would blame him for what happened to Nova.

Eventually, he found his way to Nova's room, and walked inside, setting her down on the bed and tucking her into the blankets, setting down Mr. Bunny next to her. He would have set Mjolnir down on the ground nearby if he had actually been able to lift the hammer, but he couldn't. Walking from the room, he glanced back at his sister for a moment, before leaving. Now was the time to go try and catch up with Myth and see how things were going with the whole Loki situation.

"Sounds like fun for them anyway," she muttered, not really sure what else to really say about that. His siblings were more then a little bit of a handful, and now they were sort of stuck on Asgard for a little while anyway. Not to mention she didn't really want to go back to their room in the Ramblings considering it was now being haunted by a ghost that she constantly was able to see. It was not some place she'd want to go, especially considering the fact that they had effectively murdered the guy.

Sylvi giggled slightly, giving Tate a bit of a smile as he picked her up. "I'm perfectly fine with this," she said as she nestled in closer in his arms. Hearing his other question about how she was feeling, that one was a bit more complicated as she tried to think of the best way to phrase that. "...I'm feeling a little bit better... Just mainly tired, and more then a little freaked out by everything that has happened more or less..."

Jack Gold

Location: the Orphanage
Skills: N/A

"...Isabella, you aren't the only one who got a letter like this... I did too and so did Megan, and we both were adopted too, from this orphanage actually... I don't know about you, but this is getting more then a little bit weird... Since what are the odds that multiple people get the same letter? None of it is making any sense to me about this... But we can talk about that later, right now we should probably just figure out why there was a dead man at the orphanage and what happened."

With those words, Jack fell silent, putting the letter back where he had found it and glanced out the car window, just waiting to get there, and figuring there was a chance that Megan probably got there before them. It wouldn't have surprised him if she had, but he didn't say anything else. The whole thought that Isabella had gotten a letter like they did was a bit odd, maybe they could figure this thing out. When she parked the car, he got out of it and looked at her. "Come on, let's go," he said as he headed inside of the Orphanage.

Rosalia Rider

Location: the Streets
Skills: N/A

Rosalia gave him a bit of a weird look, "Right and I'm the queen of France. There is no way that fairy tales and stories like that are real. It's just not possible. Not sure how you pulled off that trick really with the fireball but still, things don't add up. Even if, for some weird reason I believed you, why did we end up here? And also, I ain't no kid of a Fairy Tale character, if I were, seriously doubt my life would be this screwed up," she said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes ever so slightly.

However, a part of her did hesitate slightly. He offered her the chance to know what it was exactly that he was talking about, and a small part of her really did want to believe what it was that he was saying. If her parents were off in another world or something, one of fairy tales and had sent her away to safety, then maybe she hadn't been dropped off at that orphanage because no one wanted her around. She did want to believe in this, and she decided to hell with it anyway. "...Alright, I'll hear what exactly it is that you have to say..."

Arthur will be able to hear the loud sounds that would be Jolene being somewhat loud wandering around the areas past where he was. Some people clearly weren't very quiet when it came to walking around normally. He'd find a few other things listed on the computer that might be helpful regarding that machine if he wanted to open up the files on it, but there wasn't anything else specifically regarding the members of the Sisterhood or anything like that.

The woman let out a slight sigh, turning to look over at Elara and Psylocke. "Yes, I do know the group that you are looking for, I actually pointed them in the right direction of what it is that they were searching for. I am known simply as Spiral, and the ones that you are looking for are downstairs," Spiral said, before she walked over and pushed a panel on the wall, revealing an elevator, "Since they have yet to come upstairs once more, I assume that they likely went to the lower levels of the facility. We have several elevators like this one hidden throughout the building, you may use it if you like."

"How did you end up here and away from Mojo Spiral?"

"That is something I do not wish to discuss with you Psylocke, but perhaps that could be a story for another time..."

"Thank you for your assistance." Psylocke said as she walked towards the elevator.

Spiral seemed to ignore Psylocke now, and turned to look directly at Elara, lowering her voice a bit. "This is your one warning here... There are several people here who can mess with your mind, make you see things that aren't really there, and mess with your perception of reality. They also can mess with the minds of others. So if I were you, I would not trust anyone who is here. Not even those you came into the building with..."

"Vertigo, let's get going," Psylocke said, waiting in the elevator for her.

Demetria Clarke

Location: Sisterhood Base - Lower Level
Skills: N/A

Sapphire was just watching all of the interactions around her, not sure what else to exactly say about the entire situation. Things certainly were a bit strange with everything, and she wandered over to the machine, looking at it. It definitely wasn't the simplest of machines, she could easily tell that one, but she didn't say anything. Andrew seemed hell bent on destroying the machine though, and she was perfectly fine with the idea of smashing the thing.

"Nothing bad will happen if you smash it, there might be a few zaps or whatever from the electrical components maybe, but probably not since the EMP blast essentially shut it all down and what not, so you don't need to worry about that," he said to Evelyn nodding his head slightly as he walked over and started messing with something.

"Cool, blasting stuff is always a fun thing."

"Yeah, I just don't get the point of cupcakes - are they cake or are they not?" Andrew said to Watts with a bit of a shrug. "I mean if it is cake, why not just get a full sized cake and not the little mini cupcakes or whatever, that just is really weird to me."

Sapphire glared more or less at Jolene when she walked into the room, and was not surprised at all that Bella had been the first one to act, placing a sword to her neck. "I'd answer her question if I were you, otherwise the whole situation might end a bit poorly for you," she said with a slight smirk, just staring at Jolene.


Location: The Hospital
Skills Medical Knowledge

Sapphire was not too thrilled at Vulcan acting like he was better then him, that injury she had given him should have taken him down already, but it didn't for some strange reason. James tried to knock the guy out with a cash register of all things. That was just a dumb thing to do in her opinion, and it hadn't surprised her at all that Vulcan had essentially managed to grab onto him. Casper was acting a bit stupid in her opinion, like why would you just essentially "threaten" like that without obviously proving something? At least Waverly seemed to have a decent idea and had gotten a sedative to knock him out. However, the instant he clutched at his chest she knew that something was wrong.

"Did you remember to get the air out of the syringe and needle? Also where exactly did you hit him with that? It doesn't really matter but it would determine whether or not you caused a venous air embolism or a arterial air embolism," Sapphire said as she raced over, ignoring everyone else at this point. She had gone full on medical textbook at this point, and she grabbed onto Vulcan and more or less lowered him to the ground, before she yanked her coat off. "He's suffering from a Myocardial infarction, hence why he clutched at his chest. Someone go into the gift shop and see if there is any aspirin in there now!" she snapped instantly as she yanked her coat off and used it to stop the bleeding that she had caused earlier. They needed to keep the blood flow going and stop the blood clotting somewhat, which was something her powers weren't exactly good at. Sure, she had severely injured the guy, but she wasn't going to let him die.

Jack Theriot

Location: Basement of the Bar-> Creepy mansion like place
Skills N/A

Jack was getting a bit tired of everyone sitting there arguing. It was seemingly common to him, and now he was more or less just wanting to get away from everyone else, no matter how reckless it was. "You all need to stop alright? And Max, lighten up, since might I remind you that usually the first thing you want to do is create light when a room is dark unless you have night vision, which from what I know, no one does. I get it, you are annoyed, most people are, hell you all are driving me crazy with all of this yelling, but that is just my thoughts on it. You won't get better at your powers unless you try to use them for small things, like creating a light source. Now if you all don't mind I'm going to do something reckless," he said, before he simply stepped into the elevator and hit the button to go down, waving slightly at the group as the door shut.

When the doors opened up again, he froze slightly, seeing the room around him.

There were 7 different hallways heading off in different directions and he was in the middle of a circular room. There were weird things all around the room, looked like that weird museum from the Freak Show season of American Horror Story. Then there was what looked to be various pieces of stolen artwork lining the room as well. "...Well isn't this a bit creepy..." he muttered under his breath, before he heard music coming from the hallway directly in front of him. Making his way slowly forward, he made his way to the room ahead, and found himself in a music room of sorts, with the piano playing itself. Seeing something on the piano, he walked over and picked it up, a file labeled with the name E. Theriot, and when he opened it up, all he saw was a picture of a baby. That certainly was weird, as the rest of the file was empty.

Then there was the sound of the door shutting behind him.

Turning around to face the door, he raced over slightly and tried to open it, but it seemed like the door was locked behind him. "Damn it," he muttered, trying to get the door open and failing at it. He was trapped in that room, with no way to get out at the moment. Now what exactly was he supposed to do, considering he just walked right into a weird villain lair of sorts that was some freakish museum slash old mansion sort of place, and now he was trapped in a room with a piano that apparently was playing itself.

Theresa Sparks and Frederick Flynn

Location: The Common Room - the Hub
Skills: N/A

Sparky just rolled her eyes slightly at Raynor's words. She didn't really know what to say to that one, "Wow Ray, so nice to me aren't you?" she said to him shaking her head ever so slightly. This was definitely getting a bit out of hand with the reactions everyone else was saying to certain things and what other questions were being posed. Sparky giggled a little bit, but for the most part, she didn't have to drink. None of the questions really caused her to need to drink anything.

"...Can't believe some of things questions, I kind of feel a bit targeted here," Flynn said, but unlike just about everyone else, he did take a shot (having decided to do shots of Fireball Whiskey) to the question that Tempest had said. He had still been in school when he had done that, and looking back now he kind of thought it was dumb and weird. Unfortunately for him (or a good thing depending on how much someone wanted to get drunk) to Oliver's question about drinking, and yet again to Bonnie's thing, since unfortunately for him, he remembered two alternate realities. Hearing what Raynor had said, Flynn leaned over slightly to look at him, "Wrong reality dude," he muttered under his breath so that only Raynor could really hear him. He rolled his eyes again at Harry this time, before he took another shot to the whole fire thing.

She had been staying relatively quiet for the most part, she let out a bit of a sigh as she ended up taking a sip of her drink to when Harry had mentioned setting something on fire. It had been an accident way back when she was in school. She had been messing with something in a lab, she didn't even remember what exactly it had been now that she thought about it, and the next thing she knew something was on fire and the fire alarm was blaring. "Ok, I'll take a turn... Never have I ever gone skinny dipping," she said with a shrug.

"Wow, now I'm definitely feeling targeted," Flynn said, shaking his head as he took another shot. This was getting a bit ridiculous in his mind, but now he was realizing just how many dumb things he had done in his life. "Alright, time to see about getting a few of you to start drinking... Never have I ever attended Sci-Tech," Flynn said, looking at everyone else around him, knowing he'd get a few people with that one. Sparky was silent, as she just took a drink for that one.
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