Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Man, group roleplaying has been great.
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

@Squashedquatch Good sir, did you mean to post this in the spam section?

Stripes gave a huff when Tesni misinterpreted her sarcastic comment for genuine advice. She should have expected that from a dimwit. Whatever.

With so many magical girls in the area, Stripes's strength was lowered to that below of a mundane human. She barely had the strength to lift a two-by-four. But with a blink of her orange eyes, they turned emerald green.Stripes became Silvia.

The grand minister's poorly timed appearance did little to spark a flame in Silvia's chest. It wasn't that her enchanted charisma didn't work on Silvia, just that it was hard to get her to feel anything to begin with. She never ate in the cafeteria and she didn't know any of the people who had their grimoires corrupted. It was hard to care much about what was going on.

It might have helped if Ozma cared, but she didn't seem to. She just dragged Roma into the school and appeared okay with Merlin having her back in school. She did not stir. Silvia thought Ozma might have protested as capturing Roma was her idea. But if Ozma didn't care, why should she? It unnerved stripes that Ozma was impartial about it. It didn't make sense.

Unless Ozma and Merlin were one in the same.

It wouldn't be hard, and it explained a lot of mysteries. Such as why Ozma was so strong, how she got clearance to do things that only the faculty should be able to do, why the minister was seldom seen, and many others. It wouldn't even be that hard. Merlin was a master of enchantments and illusions. Creating a magical girl should be easy. They kind of acted the same in that they were both so jubilant. Everything Ozma did could be recreated by the minister. Or was it the other way around?

A sensible person would ask Silvia "But why?" And that was easy to answer. The two biggest reasons that came to Silvia's mind were that Merlin could use Ozma to break her own rules. Ozma was outside the system, so she was not held to the same standards as the minister herself. The second reason was that due to Merlin's importance, they probably didn't let her enter dangerous areas out of fear that she could be hurt. So she could use Ozma to live a double life. Or if Ozma was the real one, maybe she did something to merlin and was pretending to be her with their powers.

But now that she had this epiphany, who would she tell it to? How would she set out unmasking Ozma, her former idol? How did she feel knowing that Ozma, the strongest magical girl to hold a fable, was a sham and nothing more than the minister's way of manipulating the rules of their own establishment? And if not that, someone who was manipulating Marrywell as a whole, playing the students and faculty as puppets.

She looked straight at Ozma.


Silvia went back to piling up debris.

Then there was Lupin trying to kill someone and Suzuya trying to stop them. seemed like a simple disagreement to Silvia. Magical girls were soooooo dramatic...

Lilian was ignoring Mika, and Mika found it just as easy to do the same. The minister could turn the entire academy into her harem if she wanted too, but Mika's legend made her nigh impervious to to such effects. All Lilian wanted to do was stir up more drama, and she didn't need Mika to do that. So Mika turned her attention back to the students.


Mika was only half listening to Tesni. There was a lot going on and it wasn't like Mika could dedicate her attention fully to any one situation. "Your well being is important to me, but so is that of everyone else. Lets ignore the judgmental gazes for a moment and look around. This can't be something you're proud of." With a huff, she crossed her arms. "We can't dictate who takes blame for our actions. If you left your lunch unattended in your classroom because of an emergency, and I walked into that classroom, would it make you feel any better to know I said 'Alright, last call for this sandwich!' before I ate it? I don't think it would." Mika's hand moved to her hips. This wasn't exactly a private place to talk, but if Tesni was alright airing her grievances here, maybe she didn't care about her privacy so much. "Diversifying your skill set is great, but you had everything you needed to win that fight. I told Bon-bon to help you and she ran into a wave of pageless just to reach you. If you had tried-" Mika rubbed the back of her head. "Alright, you wanna train and get stronger? Relationships are just like muscles. The less you use them, the weaker they become. I understand you really wanted someone's help back there, but that's why everyone ignored you. You can't just go off relying on your own strength all the time. You need to keep those physical and emotional muscles strong!" She patted Tesni on the head before turning to Drossel.


"Sorry about that, Strudel. Guess I still need to help students out every one in a while." Mika flashed a grin. "Don't be too bummed about your performance. We got blindsided and stemmed the damage as best we could. But I've been thinking..." She stepped closer to Eins. "A lot of the kids are curious how your powers work, right? Maybe if you use them on me in a special demonstration everyone will be begging for a taste. Even if-"

@Lonewolf685@Majoras End

Then the sound of a fire starting caught Mika's attention. Followed by Suzuya and Tesni exchanging words.

"Aigorost's eyes!" Mika approached the gathering of magical girls. "With all that's happened, do we really need to add more fighting and a fire to the-"

The sprinkler system kicked on.

Every overhead sprinkler sprung to life and soaked the room. The broken sheetrock, timber, and the magical girls themselves. They were all wet, and the air rung as the fire alarm went off. Mika hadn't been in a great mood ever since Lilian showed up, but that mild irritation was growing. She clinched her teeth as her eyes swayed between the two students. Mika's short hair stuck flat against her head.

"A lesser student counselor... May be tempted to use violence in a situation like this." She raised her finger. "But that's exactly what the pageless want! They turned Roma, who tried to turn the school, and now you two are preparing to go fisticuffs!" Mika pulled out a stack of post it notes and started to scribble on it with a pen. The sprinkler system was fierce, and the sticky notes were barely holding together. The ink ran off as fast as Mika put it on. "I don't know what your teachers or the minister is going to do about your behavior. But..." In a flash, two soggy clumps of post-it notes were stuck onto Lupin and Suzuya's foreheads. "There we go, a week of appointments for some counselling. I hope you don't have any after school plans. However!" Again, Mika pointed at the heavens. "If you girls can show me that you can still respect your fellow classmate. Say, with a hug. Then maybe I'll wave the whole thing."

Off in the corner of the room, Silvia sat under a plastic table to avoid getting rained on. Though that hadn't prevented her from getting blasted while trying to pile up the debris. She looked like a wet rat, shivering as the water dripped off of her elbows and nose.

@Sonnambula Yoooo, glad to see you back! Did you want to join the discord?
@Squashedquatch Yea, the forum's tag system is kinda shit. It's suppose to be for X rated material but lots of people use it because they don't wanna play with a minor for reasons besides sex stuff.
@Squashedquatch Fair enough.

I think we can both agree that 1x1 RPs are more personal than group RPs. Especially if they are being run in PMs and will only ever be seen by the two people participating in them. Mix in some anonymity and you can probably understand why.

Regardless, safe for work 1x1 RPs do exist. If you look at the actual 1x1 section where the RPs are being run you can see that there are quite a few RPS with non-erotic elements. I also would not presume to assume every 18+ rp is erotic in nature. Some people just enjoy dark themes, violence, or do not feel comfortable writing with teenagers/children.

Just make your interest check and specify that you won't write erotic scenes or wish to "fade to black." It will take a few tries to get someone you feel comfortable writing with, but that's 1x1 rps in a nutshell. I assure you not everyone is a super kinky mo-fo.
@Squashedquatch You've been to the 1x1 section huh?

Some might find Betty’s endless rage endearing, but Finn had enough of it.

Her thrust was easy to deflect. The bow glided over Finn’s blade and missed him completely. They both came up with their off hands to deliver a counter attack. Betty was swinging her violin while Finn’s hand cracked with magic. Tendrils of lightning wrapped around her torso and shoulders, restraining her arms in place.

”Hey! I’m not done yet!“

But Finn had decided that they were. He lifted Betty over his shoulder and ran for shelter. The door to the precinct wasn’t far, and it had already been unlocked. Finn could already hear the people inside running for their lives. Still, it was safer than being out here.

Though Finn wasn’t going to get Betty past the threshold of the door. All because his ears were never blessed by the words of Quintus Ennius, father of Roman poetry.

“The victor is not victorious if the vanquished does not consider himself so.”

Betty drove her knee into Finn’s chest, bursting his boils. Only Finn’s boils were patches of rust filled with water. Or at least they would have been if the Diver’s curse hadn’t turned the water to blood. The clockwork boy bled, and he could feel Betty slide off of his shoulder. She landed on her feet and ran into the apartment complex. Regardless if Finn wanted to pursue or not, there would not be a second chase. The falling hail cut the two off from each other. Betty disappeared under the veil of frozen blood. He could wait for it to pass, or return to the roof to help the others.

Marrie may have tracked down Betty, but she had her own target to worry about. Pac was already shielded by the mass of tendrils over her head, but Marrie decided to play it safe and gave her a shield anyway.

Her next move would be more time consuming however. She had spotted Ashley on her way down to the street, but she was no longer in sight. Ashley was about four to five stories up and no longer visible to Marrie. Climbing the rails wasn’t viable. They were a floor apart, and even a push melody would only get her up a story at a time. Hail and Pac’s incoming pacman projectile would have made a slow climb up the railings impossible to complete. Marrie ran inside so that she could ascend the stairs. If she was quick, she might save herself. She might save Ashley too.

But Ashley didn’t have much time.

Before her was Justin, a one man stampede accompanied by his mighty blood magics. She could see Jacqueline chasing the vampire, but she wasn’t able to catch him. Espers had the athletic ability of olympians, but a vampire veered into superhuman territory. He could jump across a city street without a running start. Staying ahead of Jacqueline was a simple matter.

Viridian energy gathered at the end of Ashley’s wand before flying towards Justin. But all it took was a simple twitch of his head to move the opening in his shield. Her projectile collided with his blood barrier and burned a large hole in it. Offense may have been the right move, but it was easy to telegraph when you could hardly move. That didn’t stop Ashley from preparing another shot from her wand.

If only she had more time.

The melody/wand one-two punch was a nice combo for minimizing the time between attacks. Melodies took time to cast though, and Ashley barely had enough time for that. Justin’s fly swatter-like arms were about to crush Ashley where she stood, and her wand wasn’t going to fire in time.

Then, an unlikely ally showed up.

In a battle of biblical proportions, it was a snake that came to Ashley’s aid. It sunk into Justin’s left arm, severing it and the flyswatter from Justin. The bloody net floated in the air, but it couldn’t move without Justin to swing it. Though he still had the right one. Blood ran down his legs and rooted him into the roof. The remaining net plowed into a car at Ashley’s left flank.

She couldn’t brace for it.

Something broke inside her arm, Her scapula sung with pain as she was flung to the ground. The remains of dead frogs and insects cushioned Ashley’s fall, but she might have preferred to land on the asphalt roof. Her head rested in some frog intestines, still warm and wet from detonating moments ago.

Ashley couldn’t see Justin bearing down on her. Just like she had predicted, stopping his first attack was not going to stop his assault. The bloody roots that held him to the roof released him. His new wound grew tendrils that latched onto his severed arm. He’d be back in full fighting strength shortly.

Had a war pick not shattered both of his legs.

Damage melodies were potent. They could be strong enough to sever limbs but they were limited in how long they took to cast. In the span of six, an esper could cast only a single melody, leaving them open to retaliation afterwards. Havoc, on the other hand, could do a lot of damage in that time. With a hard enough swing, Havoc could punch through multiple limbs. Justin’s brief stop meant Jacqueline could attack with impunity. His arteries and vessels cracked and shattered with every blow Havoc delivered.

He was about to roll himself over when Jacqueline shattered his remaining arm. The pick sunk into his torso and crushed his heart, but he still lived. Bloody tendrils started to wrap around her legs, even as Jacqueline drove her pick into his skull. His visage was split in two, and what remained was a cracked ruby large enough to be Justin’s brain. Ashley was able to stand back up without Justin’s gaze on her, and she fired her wand straight at the flawed gemstone, shattering it.

Had they killed Justin?

What remained of Justin’s body sunk to the ground. The ruptured blood vessels and remaining organs were now behaving like soft tissue instead of brittle gemstone. One by one, the organs melted into a pool of blood and sunk into the ground. But this did bring up another important question.

Where had all the hail gone?

Jacqueline and Ashley looked up. A spectral moose had appeared. It stood above both of them, horns crossing overhead like a giant net. The moose's antlers overflowed with frozen blood, but it kept those around it safe. Samuel had approached too, if not to seek refuge than to assist with Justin’s extermination. But things like this don’t come out of thin hair. And if that was what happened, someone needed to cast a melody or spell to make it happen.

All eyes turned towards the teal blur from earlier.

Nestled among the overturned cars was a catwoman in a teal dancing dress. She hugged her knees against her chest and looked all around herself. She looked at the spectral moose the way a child may look at an aggressive dog. But that wasn’t how she looked at the Gemini espers. When she looked at them she straightened her posture. Her grip on her knees was a bit more loose. But no matter how many times she scanned them, she couldn’t find what she was looking for.

"Where’s mom?"

No one would have a chance to answer.

Meanwhile, Marrie had emerged from the fifth floor of the apartment building. Pac was nowhere to be seen, which was probably a good thing. She had managed to survive the hail. Marrie herself managed to outrun the giant pac man, who took a few bites out of the hallway before expiring. She put the rest of her energy into scolding the Diver. It was hard to tell if they understood Marrie or even heard her. No behemoth thus far had demonstrated the ability to speak, Diver included. The only answer they gave was swinging their cross through the air. It kicked up some dust in the far corners of Pax Septimus, but as the dust particles came closer, it started to buzz.

This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses and those of all your officials and all the Egyptians—something neither your fathers nor your forefathers have ever seen from the day they settled in this land till now.
— Exodus 10:3–6

The hail was gone, the bugs were only returning.

The streets, the rooftops, all overrun with giant locusts. The teal esper shrieked as one went to land on her, and she punched straight through its head. She ran across the rooftop yelling, but her words were lost in the buzzing. Though a giant spectral cat laid across the gap between the police building and the Diver’s hovering place. Just in time for the strange esper to cross.

If they wanted to put an end to this madness, they’d have to strike the Diver now.


Yikes. That rough huh? Stripes wasn't close to Lilac, but that had to be one of the least convincing attempts to look strong Stripes had ever seen. Not that she really blamed her. Dynasty Queen was quite the handful when a fight broke out, and Roma likely wasn't too fun to fight. The right ally could make a fight easier and harder. Stripes was blessed and cursed with a grimoire that made teamwork less than ideal, but she could relate to being stuck in a fight with unreliable team mates. Then there was just the horror of the situation. Had any of them seen a magical girl get her grimoire corrupted by a pageless before? Unlikely.

She supposed it would be best to start cleaning up. But before she did...


Stripes dragged her feet over to Dynasty Queen.

"Wow." The lethargy in her voice was only matched by her tired steps. "You did this?" She looked around, not once making eye contact with Dynasty Queen. "It doesn't matter how hard you strike unless you hit them. You know that, right?" With a shrug of her shoulders, Stripes started to pile up the rubble. "Might wanna practice that hand eye coordination."

It all happened so fast...

One minute, Lilac was charging into the fray while Dynasty Queen was fighting Roma. Then in what felt like a few seconds Drossel showed up to start stabilizing the infected girl's grimoires. It seemed like the missing class teleported back to Marrywell Academy. And then as soon as Xol attacked, Roma teleported away, only to be intercepted by Val. And then Ozzy ran into Val, what were the odds!? During all this the Apex Pageless was sundered in a single burning attack by Mar-Star! It was so much to take in, and while Mika's sword may know and see almost everything, she was still only a human that needed time to process the information. She let her sword slide into its sheath before sticking the tip of her thumb in her mouth. It was just a tick of hers, something she tended to do when she was thinking.

But the sort version of all this was that everything worked out fine without any long term problems for Marrywell.

"Guess that's over... For now!" Mika sheathed her sword. With a snap of her fingers, her clones all dove into portals. With everyone back at the academy it felt silly to keep her clones on the lookout, especially with the "mastermind" apprehended. She also reverted back to her original form. It was a little disappointing that Roma hadn't realized she was making fun of her by turning into a Japanese pink-haired bunny person. But even when she laid waste to the pageless, she didn't seem to care very much about it. If Mika had to guess, Roma wasn't crazy and had a real motive behind all this. She certainly didn't care that much about the pageless once the fighting broke out. It was almost like the real motive was just to infect as many grimoires as she could before departing. But there was no reason to speculate. They had apprehended Roma, so getting the truth out of her wouldn't be too hard.

Well, she had other people to pester.


"Strudel!" Mika ran up to Drossel and hugged her. "We were able to scare away the bad guy, and then Val and Ozzy caught her!" The horrorling might have helped contribute to that too, as well as the rest of the class showing up. "It's out of season, but we should have some nog to celebrate!" And with that, she released Drossel and moved closer to one of the students.


"Sorry about earlier." She placed a hand on Dynasty Queen's shoulder. Her tone was hushed, barely more than a whisper. With everyone talking amongst themselves or zoning out, it was unlikely anyone but Tesni could hear Mika's words. "You said you could solve all of your problems with brute force, so I was interested in seeing what would happen if I left you to your own devices. I would have stepped in if things got bad, but you handled yourself well enough. I'd like to talk to you later about how this fight made you feel. That is, if you want to."

Many of the students and faculty reacted to the Grand Minister's presence the way a flower would react to sunlight. They stood up a bit straighter and leaned towards their leader's invisible radiance. Whatever sort of plant Mika seemed to be was more suited to shade however, as she scoffed at her timely appearance.

"Of course you do." Mika folded her arms behind her back. "Don't hold us in suspense, Miss Marywell. We may live forever but time is of the essence."

While Mika had cute pet names for everyone, she had only ever cared to call Merlin by her last name in the most formal manner possible.

"Oh, huh, guess we scared her off."

Again, Roma gave into her love for flowery speech before departing. Sensible move on her part. To give her credit, she put them on that wild goose chase so that she could do something like this without Ozma or the class interfering. Her retreating as soon as the students came back was the sensible thing to do. With the Pageless and Roma gone, all Stripes could do was look over the aftermath.

Lupin set her down on some broken tiles, which more than likely were a result of monkey brain's wild swinging than anything else. Actually, Stripes was pretty sure all the damage done to the cafeteria was inflicted by Tesni. It figured, of course. It seemed like everyone holding a grimoire above "Fable" rank believed that it was their job to eliminate Pageless and everyone else's job to clean up after them. Though this rang especially true for ape brain. At least Lilac Shimmer was here. Given her proximity to the fight, she was probably helping people avoid Tesni's wild staff swipes. Maybe if she spent just a bit more time thinking about what she was doing, she'd have hit Roma more than the cafeteria. Did she even hit her target? Stripes didn't really care either way. She knew they weren't going to catch her. But what they had learned was almost more worthwhile.

In a perfect world, Stripes would have been mortified that any of the students had their grimoires amended by Pageless. But given how badly the ministry screwed up today, this was probably the best case scenario. Nobody died, and at worst they'd have to pack their own lunches or find somewhere else to eat.

And Drossel "Christmas Goodhope" The Tuner was here as well, flexing her arcane might. Well, at least some of the faculty had bothered to show up. She kind of looked like she needed a hug. Unfortunate that Stripes wasn't really into that sort of thing.

"So here's the thing, Lupin. The fight is over, but a magical girl isn't done until the scene is normal." Stripes didn't look at her team mate as she surveyed the the area. "We're not carpenters, but we can make sure everyone else is alright." Stripes stepped over rubble and pools of tar to get to Bonnie's position. "Yo." She waved to the lavender magical girl as she approached. "Are you okay?"
@ShadowSunRisen Yea, I've just read enough posts to have Stripes show up after the test, and Valeria wasn't here at the start of the RP. So there's a page or two of posts I still need to catch up on. Characters develop slower during combat scenes too, so I don't feel like I could fully asses her at this point.

I like collabs as a general rule. I thought that one was a'ight. It's always fun to see an angry German yelling at a smiley/smug British lass. We also got our first yuri/lite scene, so that was something. We're in a magical girl RP so it showing up is inevitable, but I've been in RPs where the yuri stuff gets pushed too hard and too fast. So something small like this was a pleasant surprise.

It did feel kind of weird how Valeria was all "YOU CAN'T LEAVE HER ALONE, BABE!" When Oros the Wise was there. But that can be handwaved as being "just" her duplicates and the collab being started before I posted. Probably. The post might have hit me harder if I knew more about the characters going into it, but Ozma is super mysterious and Valeria is new-ish.

It was a good post though. I liked it.

1. I don’t feel it’s necessary to have a Discord. Apart from just sending memes and whatnot, if it’s only there just to communicate then we seem to be doing fine with the OOC. What would be the extra merits of having one?

Off the top of my head...

    - A unified Discord. Breaks up "cliques" by allowing everyone to speak on the same server. We're all using it, just not together.
    - Notification control. I get notified every time someone posts in GH, be it a silly meme message or a post. A server with a few channels could be muted temporarily if I didn't want that distraction.
    - We all have Discord on our devices.
    - The ability to pin important updates/posts.
    - It's an extra, faster way to communicate that everyone already uses.
    - Better way to hit people up for collabs and inform each other of collabs we may be writing so that weirdness doesn't happen.
    - Everyone in the RP uses it every day.

Is it necessary? No, but as someone with an RP discord that averages 2-3 posts a day (on the discord) it is REALLY handy to have extra ways of talking with people. I've been able to get a lot of insight into what my players want out of my RP and have noticed a lot more communication between players happening on discord.

Also I might post tomorrow. deffo before the weekend.
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