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2 mos ago
Current Its been like a year since I logged on...the ads are an annoying new thing?
1 yr ago
Being an adult with a job, how does one come back to RPing?!
4 yrs ago
Was excited to dye my hair blue tonight...it is now obsidian black....oops
5 yrs ago
I want to get back to RPing so bad. The new job schedule is killing me. How do ya’ll manage when you have a full time job?!
6 yrs ago
Windows 10 update...its been at 6% for fifty god damn minutes. I have post I need to write Mr. Laptop hurry the hell up!


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Hello people! If ya'll need any help finding a pic for your character sheet just PM me the details and I'll go hunting. Also if you have a pic but need the hair or eye color changed I can do that in Gimp for you.
I totally didn't see the OOC link up oops.

Anyway I've tagged all of you who showed interest, and all who showed interest in the ASOIAF InCheack by Blonded!

@Apoalo, @LordLinguinie, @HushedWhispers, @Nightwing95, @S0up, @Heat, @Riddle Me This, @Bayaz, @ethanjory, @SunsetWanderer, @alexfangtalon
YAY! Dorne, Stormlands, Riverlands, or the north!
This is like the only RP I was 100% interested and excited for. Please come back @Blonded!!
Where you at @Blonded??

Full Name: Samantha Charity Kerner
Real Name: Myrrine
Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Mary, Mura, or Mare for nicknames. Juliet Elizabeth Knoll is an alias.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Ice Blonde

Eye Color: Gray...

Height/Build: 5'4 - 130 lbs.

Personality: Myrrine enjoys research, and values personal freedom. Before the sacrifice she was a different person. The endless possibilities of the future excited her. She had been the epitome of warmth and sweet sunshine. She was the gentle and captivating one in her family. The girl who could brighten up a room with her smile, and always took care of those around her. The harshness of real life had hit hard many times in her young life. The death of her mother, the life of poverty, and betrayal by her own father that led to life as a slave, would have made just about anyone a cynic. But not Myrrine, who tried to enjoy the simple things and see the good. Over all Myrrine was a hard working and caring young woman. And then her life was cut short. From then on every time she reincarnated, life just kept throwing punches. So as the centuries passed, she began to grow and change as a person. Because of course people change, the times changed, and she became a little less naive and hopeful as time poured on.

Myrrine tends to be old-fashioned the way she carries herself and speaks, but she still knows how to embrace the new times. She has always been the motherly type, and even after all the trauma, that protective tenderness is still a core personality trait. She has become ridiculously loyal to the few she truly considers family, such as the other five. Morals and ethics tend to fly out the window when it comes to protecting herself and those she cares for. Myrrine is ruthless and unapologetic towards those who she hates. It is best not to wrong her, she is a master at vengeance, and is very patient. She also keeps an emotional distance from people outside her circle of friends. The process of fostering meaningful relationships is grueling when you've watch so many loved ones die, and know that you'll go on forever.

Substance abuse is something she has struggle with through a majority of her lives. It's become a coping mechanism, and way to forget. She hates small talk, common forms of etiquette, and is brutally honest to her small group of friends. But she knows how and when to behave to fit social norms and local customs. Her fake happy average person mask is something she perfected long ago. Basically being cold or fake on the outside, while handling the tornado of emotions inside with efficiency until somebody pokes in the foundations of it. is how she handles life. Deep down in her core she is a caring, and extraordinary soul, but she has hardened do to the conditions of the people and world around her.

Bio: Myrrine originally grew up in a tiny village on the Greek island of Syros. The village was so small and insignificant that there is nothing about it in the history books, not one mention. She was the eldest child of five. Her father was a stone worker by trade. Unfortunately do to an accident when Myrrine was seven, her father lost his right arm, and thus his profession. The whole family worked to make ends meet. Begging in the street was not above them.

When she was about ten, her youngest brother Tityrus, and her mother died from a pox. She had been extremely close to her mother so the death was a hard blow. Life moved on, and she took on the parental responsibilities of her younger siblings, as her father had survived the pox but became too ill to do much of anything. Feeding a family of five was impossible without an income. Her brother Aegon was able to find work as a servant, and so he sent most of his salary home to his family. This small amount of money, she was able to stretch for months at a time.

Later Myrrine was able to give her sisters an opportunity to be chosen as novice priestess for the newly erected temple in Keratea. Her sisters practically had to audition for a spot, but thankfully at one of her sister was chosen. Little Pelopia left with a dozen other young girls to dedicate her life as a priestess, and Myrrine knew that at least one of her siblings was safe and fed for life.

She was thirteen when her father secretly decided to sell Myrrine and her sister Nysa off as slaves. It was a terrifying moment, as she and her sister were put in a wagon, and then tossed on a ship to gods no where. It would take centuries for Myrrine to forgive her father. She watched as her younger sister Nysa was sold off to a disgusting man as a plaything for his son. And then she was thrown on the boat again. Anyway Myrrine ended up on the island of Melos as a slave for the wealthiest family in Phylakopi. Her owners were a mysterious woman and her husband. At first she worked hard for the family, feeling like she owed them something for keeping her clothed and well fed. But four years of slavery takes its toll. She was one among two dozen slaves in the household, and totally overlooked.

She was seventeen when her mistress asked for her one day. It was an odd request, and something the woman had never done before. She treated Myrrine to wine, desserts, and other fineries like an elegant blue dress, and a pearl necklace. Sadly the next thing she knew, Myrrine woke up with her arms bound, and a sack over her head. It was dark, and smelled like fire around her. She felt groggy and had obviously been drugged. Once the sack was pulled off her head, she was made to kneel, and face a huge fire. The five other youths that were tied up around the fire all looked as confused and scared as she was. The woman holding her down and preventing her from moving was none other than her mistress. What went on from there was the stuff of nightmares, and she watched as the flames turn blue, and a woman slice the throats of five others before she stood in front of Myrrine with a smile on her face, and robes covered in blood splatter.

...Many lives later...

Myrrine was born this time as Samantha in Boston to a stripper named Crystal Byrne. Her father was Daniel Kerner, who was an abusive drunk that made money dealing drugs. He was also Crystal's newly ex-boyfriend who denied he was Sam’s father, until a paternity test came back and he was court ordered to pay child support, much to his displeasure. Sam also had an older half-brother named Marcus, who was five years old at the time she was born.

She was one year old when Daniel got busted selling drugs and was hauled off to prison with a five year sentence. This was where he would simultaneously find Jesus, and become a white supremacy supporter. Crystal turned to prostitution to pay the ever growing pile of bills, as she change boyfriends every few months... Some were good, most were bad. The worst of them was Hank, who had major anger management problems, and broke Marcus’s arm. CPS was called by hospital staff, and baby Sam and little Marcus were put in temporary foster care for two months. Crystal cleaned up the apartment, and reluctantly tossed Hank out. She took the mandatory parenting class, and the state gave her children back. Big mistake. About six months later their case worker ceased the monthly house check-ins and Crystal was back to her old ways.

When Sam was about four years old Crystal became addicted to drugs, and her primary goal in life was how to get her next fix. She would sometimes disappear for days at a time leaving Marcus and Sam alone to fend for themselves in their roach infested apartment. Marcus went to school dirty, and hungry. The free school lunch was the only place he could get a hot meal, and every day he would stuff his pockets with food from his tray to bring home for Sam to eat. Unfortunately the school turned a blind eye to the blatant neglect. A few weeks before Samantha's fifth birthday, Crystal had left one summer night and never came back. Marcus and Sam lived off saltine crackers, beer, stale fruit loops, and tap water... It went on like this for the next two weeks.

Thankfully the landlord came knocking since the rent was late, and found two dirty malnourished kids living in squalor. The authorities were called and Marcus and Sam were put into a foster care yet again. After a few weeks of investigation, they matched the body of a Jane Doe to Crystal. She had died of a heroin overdose in an alley only three blocks away from the apartment. Marcus's paternal grandparents got custody of him. Sam on the other hand was left in foster care, as her only living relative was her father who was still in prison.

Marcus’s grandparents had offered to legally adopt Sam, but Daniel refused to sign away his parental rights, and so Sam went through three fosters homes till he was finally release for time served. As soon as he obtained a job and an apartment the state placed Sam with him. All the while she was slowly regaining her memories of who she truly was. Daniel stayed away from the drugs, his old associates, and life. But the new philosophies and ideals he picked up in prison took him down and even darker path. Sam social worker only saw what she wanted to see, just a dad who was trying hard, and who took his daughter to church every Sunday. Somehow that was good enough for the social worker woman and Sam’s case was closed.

Sam was seven when her father married fellow neo-Nazi Jillian and they all moved to Atlanta Georgia together. The couple tried their best to instill the horrid crap into young Samantha. They took her to rallies, protest, klan meetings, and made sure anything she watched, read, or played with was as white as could be. Thankfully she knew better, and had been practically every race and religion in her many previous lives. She legitimately hated her father, and Jillian was a monster. Her father and step mother had three kids by the time Samantha was ten years old. She remembered everything and the first thing she did was pack her bags and head to the nearest guardian hideout she could remember.

With 100 dollar stolen out of Jillian purse Myrrine as she liked to be called now, got a one way ticket to Williamsburg Virginia and walked all the way to the Bruton Parish Church where she found the Matthew Whaley grave, and spent the night digging under newer gravestone trying to locate the lever that would open the damn tomb. The tomb that actually was just opened to reveal a hole that lead down to a very old guardian base. Early in the morning police found little ten year old Myrrine covered in dirt asleep in one of the many holes she dug. She was taken into custody, and asked where she lived and who her parents were. She refused to say anything, and was rather annoyed with the whole process of being a minor in this era.

They put her face on the news in Virginia, with an explanation on where she was found, and two days later Claudia Knoll came to her rescue. With an excellently forge birth certificate, SS card, and claims that Myrrine, or as the papers stated Juliet Elizabeth Knoll was her daughter. Myrrine went along with it of course, and the police released Juliet into Ms. Knolls care. Claudia was a fifth generation guardian, and thankfully had been watching the news when she heard about a kid digging around Bruton Parish Church, which was basically her assigned post, she came with the forage papers just in case, and was pleasantly surprised to meet a real member of the six for the first time.

Time passed, and for appearances sake Myrrine was enrolled in school, and called Claudia mom in public. But in truth most of their spare time was spent looking for the others. They became good friends in the process. Interestingly this was Myrrine’s first life using the internet, and that made things a lot easier. They followed up on all leads big and small, driving cross country, and flying oversea on the weekends. They updated the records and maps stating where all the active guardians were, and if the bases were still around and uncompromised. She reminisced a lot at the different secret bases that were full of journals and items from everyone’s pasts. She did her best to stay off the witches and vampires radar, but somewhere along the way the Callaway family started to stir up trouble. Going on the run was never Myrrine’s style, and thankfully the Virginia base was not identified by the two witches that came searching for Myrrine and Claudia while they were in Australia.

Unfortunately dodging the witches in Australia resulted in having to blow up the base in Adelaide, but they were able to relocate all the artifacts to the base out in the middle of the outback. They went back to Virginia, and Myrrine graduated high school early at the age of fifteen. She started college at Virginia State University, and moved into the dorms. One thing she liked to do in every new life was to learn something new. This time around that new thing was computer code. She and Claudia had spent five years looking for the others, and planting "contact Myrrine at Whaley’s Place messages" (aka the Williamsburg Virginia base). They had left the messages at the four dozen or so bases around the world they had visited. The six were her true family, and she missed them dearly.

As soon as she turned eighteen she located her biological father and his family still living in the same rickety house in Georgia. She asked for her birth certificate, and basically told him she never wanted to see him again. Her half siblings were freaked out when she showed up. Jillian and her father had literally been telling them horror stories for years about how Sam was kidnapped and murdered by black people becuase she was a pretty white girl. Unfortunately raising your children to be hateful racists was not illegal, and so she left and never looked back. On the other hand she contacted her older half brother Marcus who was doing well as a member of the navy.

She was nineteen when she graduated from Virginia State University, and left for New York to start working on getting her masters degree at Colombia. She connected with the guardians there, and was upset to find that Robert Benson was dead. Robert Benson has been the guardian there since the 1920s with his family. He had been someone she had known and cared for during her past two lives. Apparently he had died the year before at the age of 98. His grandsons had taken up his duties. Anyway before she left Virginia Myrrine left instructions with Claudia, so if anyone was trying to find her they would know where to look. She is 22 now and living in Manhattan.

(Parts of the bio are subject to change, as to fit the other people’s bios. Any idea you have about previous meetings, run ins, or contact between Myrrine and your character in this present life before the IC I’m open to hearing. PM me!)

Extra: (Anything you wish to add, talents, hobbies, likes, dislikes, fears, accomplishments...)

<Snipped quote by Heat>

I know that but isn’t @Blonded playing the Lord? I was asking before I started my character.

Yes @Blonded is playing Lord Sleete, and the oldest son characters. Lady of the house is Lord Steeles wife.
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