Avatar of Fabricant451


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23 hrs ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
1 day ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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1 day ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
1 day ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
1 day ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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To be fair, Force Healing has been part of canon in the EU (and let's not pretend Disney didn't just pluck things from the EU for the new movies anyway) and the only reason they put out episode 7 of The Mandalorian the day before Episode 9 came out was because Force Healing also plays a factor in that episode.

The Rise of Skywalker is bad but it's bad because JJ Abrams' entire thing is that he likes introducing story ideas but doesn't know how to end them, which is why Episode 9's ending is so hollow and ultimately does a disservice to the characters across the board. It doesn't help that the movie feels so 'written by committee' in a terrible attempt to please everybody rather than letting a director have a voice and vision for the story...which they had with episode 8 like it or not.

Personally the 'canon' of Star Wars is a weird thing to get hung up on because the canon and abilities of Star Wars are constantly changed and enhanced anyway that it becomes people unwilling to accept one thing because it 'breaks canon' despite it just being the same thing the other movies did: introducing new Force Powers or techniques. Star Wars canon had tiers of what was and wasn't 'true' canon so really, Star Wars canon was fucked and the slavish devotion to it having to be one way or no way is pointlessly limited. 'Why can a Force Ghost use lightning?' Because fuck you, their creed ends with 'there is no death; there is the Force' that's why. 'Why can Luke use the Force to jump out of the carbonite chamber?' Because fuck you, that's how the Force works.

So her first meeting with a fellow student didn't go exactly according to plan, but when did anything ever go according to plan? Plans changed all the time! Once, her parents planned on taking her to an amusement park but then she put herself in a coma and also the amusement park was damaged heavily in some kind of fight between The Avengers and something evil and bad. Plans changed! For Riley, the new plan was simply to find someone - or something - else to focus on before her viewers got bored and left to go watch something else. Still, whatever that weird moody girl's problem was, Riley hoped she figured it out. How could anyone be sad or moody at a place like this? There were in the sky! At a school! In the sky!

Riley wasn't sure how long she could get away with live streaming her misadventures at hero school, but she figured if she was violating some kind of sacred rule that S.H.I.E.L.D. or something would do whatever they did and shut down her stream, though Riley figured if a government organization cared what some teenager did on the internet then it was an incredibly slow day. It wasn't like she was on the dark web or downloading a car or something. Harmless! What was the harm in showing people what the next generation of heroes would look like? Kamala Khan was once like Riley, a fangirl of the Avengers and such and now she was a top ten hero! Why, then, couldn't Riley follow in those embiggened footsteps?

One day, the top ten heroes would have all been featured first on HulkStan62's stream. How cool was that?

As Riley continued to wander around like a deer in headlights, balancing her act between looking at her stream chat and moving the phone camera in a circle as she spun-walk around the place, she hadn't planned on almost running into someone until, well, she did. The girl in question was taller than RIley and looked more mature by half, but Riley was focusing on two very specific things. The first, this girl called Riley pretty; the second, a question about 1-D. Somehow Riley didn't think she meant that one band that was hot for about a year.

"Oh! Hello, didn't see you there. Are you okay with being recorded? I'm kinda live right now to....wow, I'm almost at ten thousand. I'VE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH BEFORE! Those are like...famous numbers! Anyway, my name's HulkStan62...err...it's Riley. I don't know what a 1-D is, but it sounds like a place I should check out. Also, my chat is asking me to ask you if they can see your....tats? Oh, wait, no, that's an I not an A. Ignore that."

Riley had a feeling this one would go better. It had to!


Slower? Slower? Said the brother who needed an accessory to fly. The room clearly heard that she was first, though Soren never missed an opportunity to try and jab an elbow into her side. It was only fitting given that she would do the same if the opportunity presented itself. It was part of their charm. Charm that Charlotte had hoped to display to at least one of the two girls that had been in the room her brother and she entered. What could she say? Charlotte was a creature of confidence and she took charge. She might not have known the others, but calling dibs was as much an admission of curiosity as it was a declaration of intent to wow an to woo. "Please, you only called dibs because I said it first. At least I remember their names. Speaking of-." Smooth. In her estimation anyway.

"I'm-" Before Charlotte could properly introduce herself, there was a sudden noise and an unexpected arrival in the form of a girl literally falling into Soren's arms like the gods were simultaneously rewarding him and aiding her. "You see, this is what I mean. You call 'dibs' but the second someone else so much as...falls into your lap you change your mind. It's a wonder anyone gives you the time of day."

Charlotte was sure Soren wasn't even paying attention, which was why she took the time to sigh, shake her head, and return to the more immediate matter of introductions. "Anyway, the idiot who thinks only with his smaller head is my brother, Soren. I'm Charlotte, and I apologize for calling dibs, though unlike my brother I obviously meant it." Never miss a chance to jab the elbow into the side.

"Are either of you a...HulkStan62?"

@Hey Im Jordan@KZOMBI3@Silver Carrot

I try to play Skyrim with mods more often than I care to admit. I recently bought Skyrim for like the hundredth time on the Switch a few weeks ago and I genuinely found myself playing more of that than I thought so maybe I just wanted to play it vanilla. Something about the winter just makes that game feel cozy.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
i've always thought Reach was a fun installment, wdym

I mean like downloading mods for Skyrim which can take hours and then you play Skyrim for an hour with the mods and it's still Skyrim so you uninstall.

I know nothing about game modes and maps for Reach so I was just wondering if the process is similar except at the end of it Reach is fun so you actually play it.
Is that like Skyrim modding except at the end of it Reach is actually fun to play so you don't just uninstall it after an hour
In Shelter 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Teacher's Lounge

"GODDAMMIT!" For those in the teacher's lounge who had been more concerned with what was going on outside, panicking or approaching something close to that, they might not have even noticed the school's resident troublemaking leather punk until her voice boomed out and was punctuated by a loud, sudden thud of a bang. Elliot's fist slammed into the front of the vending machine, leaving a dent right in the middle of the blown-up-image-for-detail Pepsi can. Given the situation, anger was certainly to be expected, it was a natural part of the process; those who were afraid sometimes used anger as a coping mechanism and if anyone at Stockbridge seemed the type to turn to anger at the drop of a hat it was Elliot.

"Fuckin' thing ate my dollar!" Elliot gave another hit to the soda machine, clapping it on the side before giving it a shake, as if that would solve the problem of a machine taking a dollar but giving nothing in exchange. Even the little dongle that turned a dollar into quarters wasn't working which was a travesty. What kind of game was this school running? The teacher's lounge had a better vending machine than the cafeteria in Elliot's estimation but what good was it when it didn't work? Without much regard for the current state of the room, Elliot dug into the back pocket of her pants. The rustling of something plastic was almost as loud as the banging of the vending machine. After a moment, Elliot's already annoyed face let out a sigh as a squashed half triangle - the best way to cut a sandwich - of a bologna sandwich clung to its plastic wrapping, meat and mayo looking like they had been victims of a murder while the bread was crumbly and falling apart.

Still, Elliot removed the sandwich from its prison and took a bite. It might've been ugly, but it was still food and dammit, she was hungry. Hungry enough to have eaten half of it in the auditorium with every intention to finish it there in the first place. Of course, when the menu changed for some students, what choice did Elliot have but to stash it in her pocket and leave? To think she was supposed to have a meeting with the principal - she had wanted permission to have her band play prom or at least open for whatever shit disc jockey they were sure to get, but in all likelihood the meeting was going to be how despite her achievements academically, her demerits socially would keep her from achieving anything other than increased notoriety. No prom gig, no valedictorian speech so she could say 'fuck' in front of parents and teachers with no real consequence, and in all likelihood no walking at graduation. Put into that perspective, maybe being in the lounge wasn't so bad. They'd probably get the vending machine open and then she'd be on easy street.

Of course she was hearing what some of the other students were saying, but what did she have to contribute? They were panicking, freaking out, trying to act cool and calm when they were neither. She wondered if any had reached the acceptance stage of things. Likely not. It was a bit too fresh in the mind, seeing Mr. Roberts get attacked more gruesomely than the pit at a punk show.

Elliot had finished half her sandwich by the time she found the teacher's fridge and a bit of optimism returned to her eyes. With a bit of miracle whip smudged at the left corner of her mouth, she threw open the fridge and pumped the air. "Score. Shame it's diet." The familiar 'tsssh' of a can of pop being opened followed as Elliot closed the fridge and took a healthy swig of Diet Coke. For the benefit of the room she held her belch. Wouldn't want everyone to think she was gross or something. "Right then, here you go."

Elliot removed the tab from the can of soda and tossed it onto the table that was presently holding supplies the others had tossed on top of before approaching it herself, Diet Coke in hand.

"You know why they call it a Phillips drive? Guy named John Thompson couldn't get people interested in his crosshead design, sold the design to Henry Phillips who refined it and got General Motors on board. Now it's damn near industry standard. Just calling it a Phillips drive is one thing, but I don't think any one really cares about the finer nuances of screw design." Elliot set the Diet Coke on the table. "What size is it? Is it sheet metal? Probably, it's a table, not a machine. What's her name is on the right track, we could use a coin. We could also use a soda tab. The machine ate my dollar, so if someone gives me a dime, I can show you how to unscrew the shit out of something with a coin and a cola tab."

"I'll take a penny but don't be a cheapass."

It's totally cool if you want to be Ingrid. By all means!
@TrixyTrix I think someone miiiiiiiight have wanted to play Ingrid, will have to see. As I said, people from the interest check will get priority on characters.

You're right, someone did; but I'm willing to let someone else have the part.
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