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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kanako Nagasaki

"Wait, this is..."

The wind had carried her into someplace unexpected. She had returned back to her cubicle, or at least, one that really looked similar to her own. But there was now a stone wall splitting the place in two. Looking at the steps above, this was definitely the same area that she did her first test in.

Suddenly, Kano's voice echoed all over her. And the stone wall lowered itself, revealing another student on the other end. It was some guy with a blonde hair. Even from this distance, she could tell that he had quite the large body that could tower over hers for sure.

So this is my opponent...

Kanako readied herself. She was not in her peak condition right now but she was still strong enough for a fight. She had no intention to lose. This would be the culmination of all the training she had over these past three months.

"I don't know who you are but let me just say that I have no intention on going easy on you," she said to her opponent, determination in her voice. "So come forth and give it your all as well!"

Kanako intended to take a defensive role at first. She would wait and see on what he was capable of. As a wind user, she should have the advantage in mobility so she could dodge and run away until a chance for attack revealed itself. She began channeling her power to her feet. Using the force the wind generated, she could make herself run faster than normal.

In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kanako is paired with an NPC, right?
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm ready.
Suwako Makiyoshi

Suwako continued firing off her arrows and growing her vines to immobilize the approaching Gorelions. Midway through however, they seemingly went berserk, as their movements became wilder and more erratic. She wasn't sure what had caused this, but it certainly didn't really solve their problem. Some of the Gorelions slammed their bodies into the ship, causing Suwako to stagger a little. And when any of them got too close to her for comfort, she immediately backed away. She ain't going to get caught in that disgusting tongue of theirs. She was thankful she got others who were more suited to a melee battle than her.

When Amber made a swift turn on the ship as she rammed it into a Gorelion, she could feel it being tilted by the sheer strength that the beast possessed. Thankfully, Alicia managed to kill it before it caused further damage on the ship. And soon after, the fight was over. Amber stopped the ship to let everyone recover. Suwako felt a little tired, though unlike some of the others, like Alicia, she hadn't really unleashed her full strength so she was still relatively fine.

"Yes, don't worry. You can rest for a while after this. I'll handle things around here," she said to her tired friend. Alicia had expended most of her energy, it seemed. And now it's time for the reserve to come out for a switch.


As the imps on the other side tried to break through the ice wall, Christine and Rurik were facing off against Katherine. Christine also noticed other people arriving behind her sister, though they didn't seem to be inclined to join in on the fun. Perhaps they were Katherine's friends?

Speaking of her sister, it seemed she was in one of her usual bad moods as she could feel the heat emanating from her body, her skirt flipping up as the wave of her heat passed through her. She really should be more careful with that, especially since she was in front of a boy, Christine thought.

"I'm fine, Kat," Christine replied with a smile. "Please don't be too rough on him," she said regarding to Rurik. She'll let him fight her. No need for her to interfere.

Suddenly, a new person entered the battlefield out of nowhere, landing right in front of her. It was Tobias, one of her associates in Mephisto. So he decided to join in on the fun after all.

"Oooh, black. The color of your sister's soul Christine."

Hearing that, and knowing the position from where he was looking, Christine immediately blushed as she pressed down her coat, walking backwards a few steps to get away from his line of sight. She wasn't mad however. It was just an accident after all.

"Oh, hello Tobias," she said to him once he got up. "Nice to see you here. Oh, and don't mind Katherine. She's just letting out some steam with Rurik.

Speaking of Rurik, he was looking back at her and Tobias with a panicked expression on his face. Christine didn't catch at all that he wished for some backup however.

"Go forth, Rurik! I'll cheer up for you!" she said to her boyfriend, waving her arm from a distance. This would be a fun fight to watch.

In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kanako Nagasaki

Kanako rested for a bit before continuing her journey. Now, she had to enter the cave right in front of her. It was the only path available. She didn't like how the cave was totally dark but she didn't have any other choice in the matter.

Calm down, Kanako, you just have to stay in one side and eventually, you would find the exit.

It was something she had learned. If you were in a maze, you should just stick to one side and then eventually, you would find your way out. This time, the side she chose was to the left wall.

The cave soon turned absolutely pitch black and Kanako had to be extra careful not to trip on a jutting rock or something as she couldn't see where she was going. It slowed down her progress considerably. Not to mention that she was wearing wet clothes that were giving chills to her skin.


Kanako tripped on something, sending her crashing down to the ground, flipping up her skirt and creating a scrape wound on both her forehead and her right knee. She could feel her new wounds stinging. Blood were leaking out of them. Ignoring the pain, she gritted her teeth and continued onward.

This sucks! I'm cold, it's dark, and I don't even know where I am right now!

She continued for a while like that, only to end up in a dead end, frustrating her even more. She had to turn back the way she came, and the wasted time and energy spent for nothing plagued her mind.

This is the worst! Why is this even a test for a wind elementalist? We can't do anything with our power here!

As she retraced her steps, she fell down a couple more times, creating new scrapes and wounds on her body. At one instance, she had to cross a path filled with stalagmites and her skirt got stuck in the process. She managed to escape but not without ripping a part of it on the back, making the shortened hem fail to cover her butt and panties. She didn't even notice however as she was too busy being distraught with her current condition.

Aah, screw it! I'm taking a rest!

She sat down cross-legged, not even caring that she was being terribly unladylike with that pose. She needed a moment to catch her breath and to restore her stamina.

And then, she noticed it. The low breeze that whispered through the passageways.

This is... the wind! It's faint but I can definitely feel it blowing! Could I... could I use it to tell me which path should I take?

She began calming her mind, taking deep breaths as she tried to feel the faint wind. She just have to sense from which direction the wind is coming from. After she attuned herself to the sensation, she rose up and continued her journey, this time relying only with the wind's guidance. She didn't even bother opening her eyes. As her sense sharpened, she could even vaguely map the obstacles and the terrain that lied in front of her. None of them posed a threat to her now.

Eventually, she managed to do it. The wind had guided her to the exit of the place.


Christine followed Rurik to the elevator. She just watched with a curious expression on her face as he tried to open the door. She realized that she could probably open it by manifesting an ice pillar in the middle of the locked elevator doors, but she thought she would let her boyfriend try opening it first. She couldn't help but smile at him failing at doing so. As usual, he was just so cute.

Rurik then gave up, intending to just blow it up with his power. But before he could do so, footsteps approached their location. Christine turned to see just who could be coming to visit them.

"Oh, hello Katherine," Christine said with a wave of her hand and a smile, once she saw her sister, who just appeared from down the hall. "We're just about to open this elevator door. The normal way is blocked by my ice, you see. I blocked it because there's just so many imps there."

As usual, the ice girl greeted her sister casually, even though they were enemies. No reason to not be polite to your opponents, Christine always believed. It was unfortunate that they had to pick a different, opposing school, but that's the cards fate had dealt them with. She would just have to go along with it.


I like the occulty schoolgirl best for Clara.
Suwako Makiyoshi

When the ship moved again, Suwako had expected them to get at least some respite before they had to fight. But just a few minutes after they began, she began to hear demonic roars all around them. She quickly went to the edge of the deck to see what kind of creature could make such noises. And what she saw did not please her at all. Elephant-sized monsters of red and black charged right at their location, all having pitch black darkness in where their faces should be. It would be all over for them if they managed to get to their ship and surround them.

"Those of you with ranged weapons or powerful magic, Focus them down one at a time!" she heard Amber shouting. She was correct. She shouldn't panic. She had the range advantage. She just had to kill as many as she could before they got here.

She drew her greatbow, Yggdrasil, and focused on the beast closest to them. Instead of aiming at its face, she instead aimed at their legs. "Bind them, Yggdrasil," she said as she unleashed her arrow. The arrow was blessed with her nature magic, so as it got near its destination , it transformed into a surge of thick ivy that wrapped itself around the beast's legs. She intended to trip and immobilize them. That would be more effective than just aiming to kill them, she believed, as she had a hunch a beast that size wouldn't go down so easily.

One of the beasts did manage to get to them however but before it could jump onboard, it was suddenly thrown violently to the ground, accompanied by a loud boom that almost shattered Suwako's eardrums. "What in the world?" she blurted in confusion, before the stranger responsible for the action landed in style.

"You guys look as though you could use some help, and I don't mind playing an encore, eheh~!" the newcomer said.

"Who the hell are you?" Suwako immediately said to her. Oh, they certainly didn't need this. They were under attack and suddenly, this person just popped out of nowhere. She didn't even wait until she got a response. She turned back and resumed her attempts at slowing down the monsters. She seemed to be their ally, and that's all that mattered now.


When the first imp appeared, Christine was quite taken off-guard as she was still in her own mind instead of paying attention to her surroundings. It was somewhat of a bad habit of hers. Thankfully, Rurik was there to stop her steps and bring her back to reality. When she finally saw the imp, she had intended to freeze it just like the ghosts, but it seemed her boyfriend would be the one to take care of it this time as he pulled her back.

The poor imp didn't stand a chance, and neither do his friend that popped out afterwards. Or the others that followed for that matter. Christine watched with a smile as Rurik took care of all of them with ease. Christine knew he was strong so she wasn't worried at all.

When he in a panicked tone told her to raise her ice wall however, she didn't know the reason why. They had won, right? But she trusted him and immediately did as he said. The ice wall appeared as she commanded, covering up the corridor and the stairs going to the next floor. Immediately afterwards she knew the reason as hordes of imps appeared on the other side of the wall. Without said wall, they could've been overwhelmed by them.

"Ah, so that's what the wall's for," she said to Rurik. "But then, how are we going to get to the third floor? We're supposed to go up there, right?"

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