Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
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6 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
6 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
6 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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10 mos ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Over my time at RPG, I never got to know Poly too much beyond the odd conversation. However to hear that someone has lost their battle with cancer is always a sad day indeed. More so when that person was an active, shining light in your community. Poly was always ready to talk with people, even on topics that some found uncomfortable or were unwilling to tread. Poly always had something to add to the conversation, to move it along and develop it.

At least Poly is no longer suffering. Its a grim tradeoff, knowing that we will never hear their voice again, or be able to converse like we all did. But now Poly can rest peacefully, and all we have to do, is make sue they are never forgotten.

With his phone now in his pocket, it was now a waiting game. Not that he expected a response right away. This was a party. The last thing he expected to do was business. That was a problem for tomorrow . He was supposed to be here to relax and unwind. Not that the study bug ever gave himself time to get away from his work. Jax had grown up with little to no money, so he was used to just studying and cracking on with his work as a way of coping with boredom. That attitude had embedded itself during his childhood years and as a result, stuck in high school. It had also built a determination inside of him to never be like his parents. In the nicest way possible of course. He didn't want to get married and bring someone up in the same conditions that he did. Jax wanted it all. He wanted to get the scholarship, get the perfect grades get the perfect job, pay for his parents while also raising a family.

It was alot of pressure to bear.

High school was a cut throat game. While the majority of Rosefell students wouldn't have gave a damn about grades and moving onto a good college, There were still some threats that he had to compete with. Liberty students however were throwing a huge curveball. They were more ambitious and had the money and connections to get what they wanted. The two things that Jax yearned for in life. His final year in Rosefell was going to be more competitive than ever. He needed to get the highest GPA possible while adding as much as he possibly could to college resume. No wonder his parents thought he could do with a break tonight. It might have only been the first week but Jax got the impression that battle lines were being drawn. While tonight, only the party mattered, tomorrow the sharpening of knives would begin once more and by Monday, who knows what will unfold.

Jax just had to make sure that he was on the winning side regardless. As long as he got what he wanted out of high-school, it didn't matter to him what happened to everyone else. Okay. Maybe that was being a bit harsh. He wasn't a monster after all. In the ideal world he would be able to help everyone at Rosefell while also systematically helping himself. However if the two intersected and he could only choose one. He was going to choose himself.

Still right now Jax needed to unwind. Getting up he could begin to feel the alcohol take a hold on his body. Although in all honesty, it was Jax’s brain subconsciously making the drunk sensation feel worse, mostly because it was the first time he had ever drunk. Either way, Jax felt alot more looser and relaxed compared to the tense, more nervous boy who had walked in at the start of the party. Walking over to the drink table, Jax grabbed a second bottle and took a long swig from it. Still coughing slightly afterwards though, he hadn’t completely adjusted. Now he needed to find something to keep himself occupied.

His eye drifted across the house. Something had to capture his excitement. Nothing particularly stood out as an amazing choice. But then he noticed the dance floor. Fuck it. With a deep breath he would walk over to the edge of the dancefloor. He would begin to start to waving his arms rather awkwardly at his sides, almost like he was trying to swim on air while rocking his body from side to side. It wasn’t elegant, and he had to keep his one hand straight to avoid dropping the bottle in his hand, but you know what? Jax liked this. Even if he wasn’t the best dancer. Or a good dancer at all, he was there, on the edge of the crowd, dancing his socks off.
Could you delete this post, please? This member is no longer a player in this thread.


Post is gone :)

Aaron awoke in a cold sweat. He had once again dreamed about fire. Burning. Cleansing. Shaking his head, Aaron made sure that he was actually awake, and not in some kind of dream within a dream. The sudden sharp pain in his lower spine reminded him that this was indeed, very much, real life. With a long exhausting sigh, Aaron picked up his old phone to check the time. Maybe he had time to go into a light sleep. The clock read a solid eight o’clock. Almost on the dot. So no extra sleepy time then.

Getting out of bed every morning was a difficult task for the male, who was still very much early in a long recovery path. It took him a good fifteen minutes to sit up, each attempt causing large shooting pains to appear up his left leg and lower back, sometimes forcing him to roll back onto the bed. Eventually he was able to sit up long enough to grab onto his bed support and pull himself onto his feet. It was a ritual that he performed every single morning since the shooting. Using the furniture to help him move around the bedroom, he found his way to his desk, where a conveniently placed pill box lay. Opening the box he took out the pills for early morning slot and swallowed them whole. No water. No fluid. There was little point in wasting time getting a drink with the sheer amount of painkillers that he needed to take.

Opening his dresser draw, he pulled out several boxes of tablets ready to fill the container for the rest of the week. Opening the first box, and pulling out the sachet jogged his memory: it was empty. With a deep sigh he shoved his fist into the drawer, withdrawing a prescription sheet. Well it looked like his morning was ruined. It took the male a good thirty minutes on his own his clothes on. It was a long and laborious task that resulted in Aaron almost falling over several times. His mother had insisted on them trying to get a nurse to help him get out bed and dressed in the morning, but Aaron refused on the grounds that he didn't want to be more of a financial burden on his mother than he already was. Grabbing onto his black wooden cane, Aaron began to shuffle around the small family home. The home was mostly studio, with the living, dining and kitchen areas rolled into one large room with the bedroom and bathroom breaking off into a corridor at the back. Reaching the dining table he picked up a stack of addressed letters, flicking through them to make sure they were all sealed. Might as well post them while he was moving around town.

Aaron decided to forgo eating. He could eat when he got back. Right now he wanted to get his tablets and get back, as soon as these wore off, he would have no replacements. Wearing his black hoodie with the hood up, Aaron began to shuffle down the street, and towards the pharmacy in the centre of town. No one took notice of him, but at the same time, everyone took notice of him. It was this strange paradox. No one acknowledged him verbally, but every bystander glared at him. It was a strange sensation, but Aaron had this for years now. People were very unforgiving in this small town. Everyone talked. Everyone gossiped. Aaron Cox was the curse. He was the reason everything was bad in the town. If he just disappeared, everything else would go back to normal. At this point, nothing phased him, and Aaron just kept moving. If someone tried to stop him or make his life awkward, he simply shuffled around them. No one wanted anything to do with him, but at the same time the paradox almost dictated that they make Aaron aware that they don't want him around.

After almost an hour of shuffling down streets like a hermit, Aaron had reached his destination. Entering the pharmacy the same cold atmosphere that had followed him outside seemingly followed him inside. No one inside wanted to particularly acknowledge his existence. He handed the pharmacist the prescription slip in complete silence and was greeted with the same silence in return. Two minutes later he had a small bag filled with new tablets and paid for it by swiping his card, all without a single word leaving anyone's lips.

There was simply one last thing left on his list of things to do. Walking over the nearby postbox, he pulled out the letters he picked up from home from his waist pocket. Giving them a quick flick through to make sure they were all there, he pulled the handle of the box and posted them inside. With a small huff of accomplishment, Aaron turned around and began to make his way back home, at the usual snails pace.
I don't think that every RP needs a discord. It is very case by case. The larger group you have the easier I find Discord is to manage information and allow people to plot. The bug advantage I have is that when I come onto the Guild now and get a notification 90% of the time it is an IC thing for me to to read, so I keep closer tabs on my RPs.

Smaller groups I tend to find OOC is best. Or if there is a RP style where you want people to not plot too much.

Despite his aversion to the alcoholic beverage he picked up earlier, Jax had for some reason carried on drinking it. Granted he had decided to tackle it by taking smaller sips, to try and reduce the gagging and coughing after each attempt. Slowly but surely, the lone male was tackling the bottle of beer as if it was some sort of battle. He still couldn’t quite get over how people actually drunk this stuff for pleasure. His throat felt like it was on fire and covered in some kind of thick tar.

Still, as the alcohol started to get into his blood, the dullness began to take hold. The tips of Jax’s shoulders: normally pointed up out of anxiety started to show signs of relaxing at the edges. A small, giddy smirk started to tug at the edge of his lips. While he wasn’t drowsy or out of it, his brain certainly made him believe he might be. It was at this point he noticed Stephanie making her entrance to the party, wearing something so tight, and good looking that Jax almost dropped his bottle. He had never seen the woman dressed like that before… and honestly, he kinda liked it. Okay. Liked was the polite way of saying it. His hormones on the other hand had a far filthier word for it.

Taking another swing from his bottle, just to confirm that the alcohol wasn’t making him see things (Despite the fact that drinking more alcohol to test if alcohol had made your see things made no sense), He indeed concluded that Stephanie was real. And the look on her face screamed determination. Jax had considered going to speak to her, mostly because he wanted to thank her for giving Colin a punch in the face, something that he honestly wanted to do himself, but had never been brave enough to do so. Colin had always been a pest to the male, getting in the way and just making his life a misery, when all Jax wanted to do was get to the end of the school year with the best grades, and college application material as he could.

However, let’s be real. If Stephanie was dressed like that, then the last person she would want to speak to would be little Jax, sitting on his own in the corner and drinking his first drink in history. He wasn’t even dressed as if he was ready for a party. No. She had far more important people in the social pyramid to be dealing with. With a small sigh, Jax retreated into his chair, taking yet another swig of the drink. Realising it was empty, he placed it down rather harshly on the floor as some kind of protest that he was out of a drink that he didn’t ever like the taste of. Alcohol was a really bizarre drink.

Still he had some work to do himself. Taking out his phone he opened Messenger and scrolled through the messages. So many of them were just him left on read while trying to start a conversation. He eventually reached his intended recipient: Melissa. Taking a deep breath, his thumbs would get to work crafting his message.

Hi. Nothing for tonight, but can I meet you tomorrow? I need to run something past you. I would bribe you with food or drink to come and meet me, but I can’t afford it! xD

@bumbles guthrie @Kassarock @sassy1085 @Zoey Boey

Apologies for going quiet. I was waiting to see if Asesina would return. It seems they are not. With 4 out of the starting 6 cast, it is getting harder to keep the story together without it falling apart. In light of this, Regretfully I have decided to shut down the RP. It was an interesting little idea, and who knows, perhaps I will reboot it.

Thank you for everyone for their interest and their writing.
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