Avatar of Holy Soldier
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    1. Holy Soldier 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Posted a Game Master Guide in the Guides section. If you need help with GMing, refer to it for some handy advice. If you don't need help, then don't read it.
7 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
7 yrs ago
When you see that you no longer owe anymore posts and have nothing to write *insanity ensues* Aaaaah!HSkjhaksjhdjf
8 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
8 yrs ago
Happy Birthday to me.


Hello all. I am an experienced writer who is writing my own fiction stories on the side. I can role play any genre. What I love most is being able to go-all-out when weaving tales with other writers. It just makes the story more interesting, so I can't wait to write with you. :)

Most Recent Posts

@Etherean FireYou sound like you were constipated for a long time and just finally relieved yourself.
@Archmage MCThings haven't been any different.
@DemousYes; you choose one to be your primary, one to be your secondary, and there is only one out of the three ranged weapons you can choose from. It says Bows but you can use short bow, long bow, or crossbow.
Also, I'm constantly changing the secret word people have to use to let me know you read my OP. Because I can always tell if they read it or not. If they use the old word because they saw someone else use it, then I know they didn't read it because I always put up a new word as soon as someone mentions the secret word. If you guys don't show me that you read it, then just know your CS is not going to be priority. I'm going to make priority the CSes of all those writers who read my OP. I swear people think I write this OP for me. I'm writing it for anyone who wants to join this game. I already know what this game's about lol. It'll eliminate a lot of questions if the OP is read too. I'm only going to post up questions that aren't addressed in the OP and are relevant to the game.
@FantasyChicYes. You can prove me wrong. Feel free. Just don't make me regret it.

@AristoSince I'm having people make up the regions, I want to say its like our world but fictional. However, the names for different continents will not be the names we use IRL. You'll make it up and put in parenthesis next to the name you gave it what country. For example (and this is explained in the CS), Naroshka (Russia). Then we know everyone who comes from Naroshka will be like Russians.
@WingsOfBronzeWe talked about this.

GM Note: This game was inspired by the PS4 game Nioh. You do not have to have played Nioh in order to RP in this game. This will be a small group game of dedicated and creative writers (5 players to be recruited). What I look for is for people to take the storyline and run with it, but not to create anything too over-the-top. We will build this story together. Every character will have his or her own story. I will be selective about who I accept in this game. I like to see enthusiasm, determination, creativity, and decent grammar when writers create CSes. Since writers constantly drop out of forum games due to short-attention spans mostly and every now and then IRL events, I will keep former applicants on standby for if any of the current writers drop out or go AWOL. I have a 14 day policy. If you go inactive for 14 days and do not tell me where you are, then I won’t go looking for you. I will replace you and your character. If ever you need to take a break due to IRL events, simply let me know and I’ll put you in hiatus status until you return. This game will run pretty leisurely, so if you are the “I must post every single minute, hour, day, etc.” type, then I can tell you right now that this game won’t be for you because not everyone has time for that. I explained from the get-go my basic rules and expectations. If you managed to read all of this, then write “Nue,” when you post either interest or a CS. Oh yes, and reading comprehension and attention to detail are what I look for as well. So I’m basically writing this block to see if anyone pays attention to it because those who do have a better chance at being approved than those who don’t.

Character Classification

The classification, strength, speed, knowledge, etc. of your character will be determined by the weapons you choose for your characters. Characters get one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, and one long-range weapon. There are three special weapons characters can also choose as primary or secondary weapons (remember you can only have one primary and one secondary not two primaries and not two secondaries): ninjutsu (unarmed style), onmyo (magic), and guardian spirit (spirit). I will explain the weapons and the characteristics affected as a result.

Swords: Affect the Heart category. Heart is ki; the energy of all living things. Ki is endurance, and sword-wielders have lots of it. Sword wielders can fight for days before they grow tired.

Dual Swords: Affect the Skill category. It takes great skill to wield dual swords. A lot of dual swordsmen are ambidextrous. They have a technical mind and have a knack for handling more advanced equipment such as muskets.

Spears: Affect the Life and Resistance categories. Spear users are highly resistant to toxins and magic that would poison or paralyze them.

Axes and Hammers: Affect the Strength category. The strongest warriors are capable of effortlessly wielding the gargantuan axes and war hammers. Their strength may even destroy great boulders and stop a team of horses pulling a carriage.

Kusarigama: Affect the Dexterity category. The kusarigama is a weapon that not many can wield properly. Only the most dexterous and swift warriors know how to handle such a complex weapon.

Bows: Affect the Heart category. Like the swordsman, bowman can endure for lengthy periods. Or, at least, as long as they have arrows to shoot. Starting capacity for arrows is 10.

Guns: Affect the Skill category. It takes skill to handle muskets and flintlocks. One must know how to quickly reload the weapon. Gunpowder, if it’s not used in fireworks is not a common item any commoner would own. Most guns are used solely by the military or gangs. Starting capacity for ammo is 8.

Cannons: Affect the Stamina category. Cannon users can carry around lots of weight without feeling burdened. They are resilient warriors though not as resilient as spearmen nor as strong as axemen/hammer users. Cannons are just as heavy and so cannon users are capable of wearing heavy armors. The cannon deals the most damage out of all the ranged weaponry, but the rockets are extremely heavy and so there's only a limited supply. Starting capacity for rockets is 3.

Ninjutsu: Affect the Dexterity category. Ninjutsu users do not need weapons. Their bodies are a weapon and therefore, they specialize in deadly unarmed martial arts. They know how to sneak up on enemies and kill them swiftly as well as turn an opponent’s weapon against them. They need to be light on their feet in order to be fast, so they may not wear armors that are too burdensome.

Onmyo: Affect the Magic category. Onmyo users utilize talismans to cast buffs/debuffs/summon spirits/hexes on others. Powerful onmyo users can use their magic to take down even the mightiest of demons and warriors. However, the duration of their spells are limited and temporary. Onmyo users start with 3 spells with a quantity of 3 talismans for each (3 spells - paper talismans with magical text written on them are used to cast them).

Guardian Spirit: Affect the Spirit category. Only special warriors can see guardian spirits. In this game, every player’s character has a guardian spirit that they will create and they are capable of seeing other characters’ guardian spirits. This category is specifically for those characters who use their Guardian Spirit primarily or even secondarily as a weapon. While other characters can summon their guardian spirits once every 5 turns. The character that has the guardian spirits as a primary or secondary weapon can use their guardian spirit as a weapon limitlessly. Users of the guardian spirit have strong spiritual bonds with their guardian, stronger than the bonds other characters may have with theirs. Because of this, their guardian spirits are more powerful than others.

Guardian Spirits

Every character will have one guardian spirit. The story of how your character acquired his or her guardian spirit is up to you. What your guardian spirit looks like is up to you. You must choose one element that your guardian spirit specializes in. We’re going to be different from the game. We will use the five elements found in Japanese Buddhism: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Void (Sky/Heaven/Lightning). You will then choose/create one passive buff that a guardian spirit grants your character. Characters whose guardian spirit encompass the same element are resistant to each other as well as any other enemy in the game that uses said element. Again, this is different from the actual game. Just like character sheets, Guardian Spirits will be nerfed and rejected if the “Rule of Cool” is violated. Don’t be a noob. [Guardian Spirit Reference]

Character Sheet

You can design the layout of this character sheet however you want. But you WILL use everything written in this template.

Name: What is your character’s name. Please provide a first or last name. Your character does not have to be Japanese. This game takes place in the feudal era, around the age of gunpowder. Because we’re in a fictional Japan setting, I won’t use actual dates but just imagine the 1700s.
Titles/Honorifics: If your character has a reputation, then they may have received a title that he or she is known as throughout Japan. Such as “Kinryu of the Moon.” Just an example. Titles are not super powers. If your character is known as "The Undying" that doesn't mean they can't die. Also, chill out on listing titles. You shouldn't have more than 3.
Age: Everyone is human in this game. So this category is self-explanatory.
Origin: You can use a fictional country, and I encourage it. Who knows? We might visit it later in the game. However, if you choose to do this, be sure to explain what the country closely resembles. For example, Fabrice (France). If you do this, and your character has a French-like accent, then we know all characters who share the same accent come from that area or region. If another character has a similar accent, then you can also write that your character comes from the same region as "other character."
Profession: What is their occupation? Samurai, ninja, rifleman, soldiers, monk, sellsword, pirate, thief, blacksmith, cook, priest/priestess, etc. Many options.
Hobby: What do they like to do?

Gender: Male or Female.
Race: Human (I just filled it out for you)
Strengths: What are some strong character qualities?
Weaknesses: What are some negative/weak character qualities?

Height: Self-explanatory.
Weight: Self-explanatory.
Build: You can describe their physique here.
Hair: You can use whatever color. This is a fictional world after all.
Eyes: Whatever color. It’s a fictional world.
Skin: Again, fictional world.
Handedness: Only dual sword wielders and ninjutsu users are ambidextrous.

Scars: Describe their shape or what they may have been suspected to be caused by.
Tattoos: If they have any. Describe them and where they are located.

Basic Description: This can be an easy one-liner describing the overall description and mannerism of your character.
Visual Description: Avoid famous anime characters. Use only digital art or OC characters. There are many great artists out there.
Disabilities: They might have lost an arm, eye, have a lisp, lost some fingers. Who knows. If your character isn’t disabled in any way, then write “N/A.”

Primary Outfit: You can describe your character's clothes/gear here. If they wear light armor, medium, or heavy armor. If they wear robes or common clothes, what color are they? Reed shoes or sandals. Wear a hat; who knows. Describe it.
Secondary Outfit: It can be as simple as if they can also be seen regularly with their top off. Oh my! Or wearing shorts and not their usual pants or something. Just a secondary outfit they may be seen in.

Most Prized Possession (Material Value): Material value just means the most expensive thing on their body. Like, if it was stolen someone will get tons of money for it.
Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value): An item or even a guardian spirit—anything really—that if your character lost he or she would be distraught, angered, affected by its absence.

Likes: What does your character like? Not like hobbies but maybe food, men, women, etc.
Dislikes: Maybe they dislike oni, bad people, those who hurts others, etc.
Purpose: Why are they on their journey? What is their goal? What are they doing right now?

Sexuality: Heterosexual or LGBTQ (state specifically).
Relationship: I don’t expect people to have one immediately, but if one develops in the game, then you can fill this out. If your character is married to an NPC, then you can write “Married” and explain the Spouse. If your character is a Widow or Widower, then you can describe that. If they’re single, then they’re single.
Family: Parents, siblings, cousins, aunts/uncles; if they’re dead then make a list and mark them as deceased. If they are alive, then write where they are. Some family members of characters may be useful contacts on the journey.

Primary Weapon: [Weapon Name] – [What type of weapon] – [Describe]

Secondary Weapon: [Weapon Name] – [What type of weapon] – [Describe]

Range: [Weapon Name] – [Type of Weapon] – [Describe]

Guardian Spirit: [Name] – [Animal] – [Element] – [Describe] – [Name of Passive Buff Granted] – [Describe the Passive Buff] Some guardian spirits are capable of talking, while others are not. Some passive buffs that guardian spirits have granted in the past was for a character to understand and be able to speak any language. That was just an example of such.

Character Story: What is your character’s story? Like purpose, this is where you explain their purpose. What led them to go on this journey. How did they acquire their weapons, skills, and guardian spirit? What do they hope to accomplish?

The World

This game will take place in fictional Japan during the feudal/gunpowder age. The characters are on an island filled with magical creatures and entities from other realms. The island is also a unique deposit for the powerful crystals called “Amrita.” The island is called, Mahoushima, literally translated as “Magic Island.”


Amrita is energy crystalized into a physical form. This energy can be used for good or evil. Amrita reacts to the evil in one’s heart. If a person has too much evil in their heart, then the Amrita will transform them into a demon. Demons can also be born from scorned and wicked humans. There are lesser, greaters, and godly demons on Mahoushima. Demons were once humans but now roam the world like wild beasts, terrorizing people, consuming people, and committing diabolical deeds. The stronger demons will have their own goals that they seek to carryout, and they are usually the smartest of their normally feral and mindless counterparts. The Amrita that infects demons can be seen glowing like hot melted gold in their eyes, mouths, etc. It can appear on their skin like boils or horns protruding from their foreheads. The weakness of most horned oni are their horns. By severing the Amrita horns, they dramatically lose power. Other demons are complicated and will require hunters to figure out their weakness.

Amrita is highly sought after by emperors, kings, and anyone with a desire for great power. Fragments are bought and sold on black markets (larger crystals are hard to find) and many kingdoms will send their soldiers to secure any Amrita mines they can find. Amrita just may be why the mystical beings and creatures exist on Mahoushima.

Guardian Spirits exist as guardians. An ancient family line might have acquired one long ago and the guardian spirit could have merely been passed from one generation to the next. The guardian spirit could have been born from an impossible act, such as a warrior who managed to slice lightning. The guardian spirit's purpose is to protect the host it possesses. They offer the host power to see other guardian spirits and other abilities. They can even be used as a weapon. Overall, guardian spirits are a gift from heaven and not everyone has one.

Kodama are little green spirits that resemble children. They often get lost and only one with a guardian spirit can see them. They are one-foot tall so they are usually difficult to notice, but when you do, if you take them to a shrine, then they will bless the discoverer with some form of fortune.

Shrines are everywhere throughout Mahoushima. Shrines will usually have families of Kodama partying on them. They are very social creatures despite being unable to talk. If a traveler comes across a shrine that is missing Kodama, then they are either more than likely hiding because an oni is nearby (good warning to travelers) or they have fled their shrine out of fear. Finding lost Kodama and returning them to their homes will grant those warriors blessings.

Hot Springs are magical. They immediately heal all wounds and fatigue.They cannot however restore severed limbs or bring back the dead. There are hot spring spirits who can be found floating comfortably in the mineral pools. They maintain the hot springs for weary travelers.


Q: What is the expected post length requirement for this game?

A: At minimum, 300 words. Quality tends to create quantity naturally. More, if the inspiration drives you, is always better.

Q: Does my guardian spirit have to be a real animal?

A: No. Guardian Spirits can be mythical creatures too.

Q: Do humans transformed into Oni still retain their Guardian Spirit if they had one?

A: No.

Q: Does magic and mythical creatures exist anywhere else in the world?

A: No. They only exist on Mahoushima. If a large quantity of Amrita were to be taken somewhere else, then they could spread to other regions but currently it is contained on Mahoushima.

Interested Players

It doesn't matter how many people show interest in this game. What matters is the section below. "Approved." If the characters are not approved, then the slots are still open.

@Ryteb Pymeroce

Approved Players


1. Activity: This so far is my biggest rule because the writers on this site are notorious for just disappearing without saying anything or dropping out of games. If you don’t have time for this game or don’t plan to be active, then do not join. I do not care how much you like the idea. Do not join. I will wind up just replacing you any way. Writers have 14 days to post. If you’re not active for two straight weeks and you did not tell the GM, then the GM is going to drop you.

2. God-mode: God-moding is instant rejection. If you submit to me a god-mode character, then I will reject it on the spot and I won’t even care if you fix it. The fact you sent me a god-mode character makes you unworthy to be a part of this game. I wouldn’t be convinced that you wouldn’t god-mode during the game.

3. Believable Characters: Give me a somewhat believable character. Not my mommy died, daddy died, sister died, brother died, grandparents all died, I have no relatives whatsoever, I was born out of a box, etc. There’s nothing wrong with making an orphan. But the everyone I know is dead story is pretty overdone. The free role play section would sound more like your cup of tea.

4. Half-Ass Profile: Rejected. You see this? Rejected. I don’t care about how lazy you were or how you normally don't do well on CSes but write better in the game. Writing is writing. If you don’t put any effort or show me that you care, rejected.

5. Drama: Even though this game is inspired and somewhat based on Nioh. It isn’t. It was tailored to fit my idea. If you want to be a whiny nerd and complain about how this game doesn’t meet your expectations, then don’t waste your time because I will not care. I’m not one of those “please the world” GMs. You are joining my game, my idea, and you have to understand that. I am under no obligation to give a damn about how you feel about how I wrote “my game.” You simply just do not have to join. So spare me the drama and just don’t join if you don’t like it. I made a Rule #6 because this has happened in a game I hosted.

6. Whining: This goes along with drama but I don’t see too many people do this because most people are grown-ups. Do not whine in my game. Do not cry about how your fellow writers are not posting to your tempo. Just do not do it. If you act like a child, then I’ll treat you like one, and if I treat you like one, then you best leave my game. This game is for mature writers.

7. Character Quantity: You can only have one main character. If you have any more, then they will be NPCs. I do not want two characters really because writers then like to RP with themselves and not others. Or the second character gets more interaction than other writers. So please just use one character. This does not include the relationship your character may have with his or her guardian spirit.

8. Total Players: I will only be accepting 5 characters not including the GM. I will want either 2 females and 4 males; 3 females and 3 males; or 2 males and 4 females. There will be some variety.

9. Guardian Spirits: If "Guardian Spirit" isn't your character's primary or secondary weapon, then you cannot use your GS limitlessly. You will instead only be able to use the Guardian Spirit every 5 turns.

10. Have Fun: I must always end the rules section with have fun because that’s really all I care about. I love it when a writer takes this basic idea/concept and makes something even greater out of it with their imagination. If you can take an idea and run with it, make an awesome character, then I’m happy. That’s what my purpose is. To help you come up with amazing stories to share together. So please have fun and be creative.
@RokkuHoshiYou will be told when. And it'll be obvious because they won't be still in Erion.
I am on my phone so I can't do my usual GM mass ping, but I would have created drama for Seth, Jaden, and the others involved in the escape scene but I really want for everyone to be on the same page. Like really want...no one will ever be allowed to advance ahead of others again. So I want you guys to just escape and you all will see team rocket again later.

I will not be posting anymore GM posts until you guys get on Day 2. Once the other group is on Day 2, I am going to time warp everyone to Viridian Forest I believe where they will have the bonfire and rendez-vous.

@Saltwater Thief@CriticalHit@Hylozoist@BlackPanther@Caits@Feisty-Pants@Iatos@TalijaKey@Raijinslayer@Bright_Ops@Stern Algorithm
@AshevelendarI am assessing everyone's writing. I have been on this site for at least a year, and I notice you use the same character name for all of your characters. I am not a fan of premades. There was a guy in my last game who only uses one character for every game. I find this to be a problem for creativity and imagination reasons. If you can't come up with a fresh concept and instead use a tweaked version of the same character, then you won't ever grow as a writer.

@DemousYou have a difficult time distinguishing between past and present tense. You flip-flop between tenses throughout your writing. You should really stick to one tense. If third person, it should be past tense.

@FantasyChicYou, even in other games I notice, have a hard time interacting with others. Even in the last game I hosted, you couldn't bring yourself to RP with others who really wanted to RP with you. I feel that you intend to repeat this behavior in this game, and I am too much of a promoter of interaction to allow it. Practice breaking the ice more often.

I don't expect my criticism to be taken positively. Criticism is rarely received positively because not many people like it, but any game you see me create that is "casual-advanced" or "advanced," I care a lot more about who I write with than my casual games. Casual games, I absolutely do not care.

I consider "casual-advanced" advanced but without the fluff. If I wanted a fluffy writing game, then I'd go straight-up advanced. This one, you can write 2-3 paragraphs and as long as those paras got some quality and decent grammar, then bravo. I don't expect pages of writing unless your inspiration causes it to happen, but whatever I digress. Thank you all for liking and showing interest in this game.
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