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In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Kho So would your sullied and unsullied fae be in the Anathema's?
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Kalleth There are no Vyre at Pervanon btw. They only exist in the forest that Ipeyr created and the swamps of Phelegath.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Jarl Coolgruuf Well looks like I got move up Larwen's timetable.

@Kho Excellent! >:)
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Cyclone No problemo!

As the brown wolf lunged at his body, and the others fought their own wolves, Val readied himself, then sprung into action. He sidestepped the wolf, allowing its momentum to carry it past his left side, Val then went on the offensive, slashing Sanctity down upon the wolf's flank. There came a gut wrenching, human scream from the wolf as the blade sank in deep, then setting the wolf's coat on fire. AN awful stench went up into the air as the coat lit up like an inferno, but as the wolf screamed in pain, it reared back around and lunged at Val. Taken by surprise as the speed, Val was only able to block the attack by stepping backwards, but the gouge in the ground made by Zina's magic made Val trip!

He landed prone on his back, Sanctity still in hand but at a disadvantage now. The wolf came again, but Val thanked Dramoria as the creature slowed. The holy fire had taken its toll, as the wolf was now burned greatly, but it still came at him with intensity. As the charred wolf, ugly and deformed, ran at him- Val sealed it fate. He held Sanctity at the ready, and when the time was right, he used the sun sword as a spear, and allowed the wolf to charge itself into it. It went through its elongated mouth, then through the brain, dropping dead on Val. It took him a moment to collect himself, before he pushed the dead wolf's bulk to the side and as Val stood up, he saw only the other brown wolf being taken head on by Keenan.

It seemed his compatriots had taken on their own wolves, successfully as it did not look like any where injured. Without asking, Val started to head over to Keenan, and help him but before he could, Val was besieged by another wolf! He could hear it running at him from behind, but Val did not have time to evade. He took the hit, and it was like a giant had knocked the wind out him. He was sent sprawling forward, loosing his grip on Sanctity, the blades's fire instantly extinguished as it his the cold earth. Val gasped for air, he could feel a rib or two had broken from the impact and the wolf... where was the wolf? Painfully, he looked behind and saw that the wolf had been trapped by veins. It struggled, screaming in its demonic voice. He looked for Sanctity and saw it near by, but the wolf was nearly loose, so through the pain, Val half ran, half fell towards the blade in a hurry.

His shortness of breath only escalated, but he had done it, and as soon as his fingers touched the blade it ignited once more. The wolf was nearly free now, but Val righted himself and used the rest of his strength to run over towards it, and slice off its head in one fluid motion. Conveniently, the wound was cauterized and no blood spilled from its neck. The head itself let out a choking scream that abruptly cut off, for Val stomped the thing before it could finish.

With the hairless wolf dead, Val fell to his knees, trying to catch his breath. Many questions came to his mind, they would need addressing. Later perhaps. Right now, Val just decided to try and breath.

@Rithy@Sofaking Fancy@Leotamer@jdh97@Zetsuko@Ghost Shadow
Also a really dumb error on my part, I said there was 5 wolves but I also said there was one silver, two brown, and three hairless which equals 6 wolves. XD

I have corrected my original post to 6 wolves, and will clarify better in the future. As for the third hairless wolf, well that will be in my next post.
@Rithy So I've noticed that in your character sheet the Fae is named Zina, but you refer to her a Zana?
I'll try to put up a post tomorrow or Friday!
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@pokemad1 Your image is broken for me.
In Godspeed! 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The Corrupter

Level Two God of Perfection (Corruption)

The First Borns

The God of Perfection, nestled within the heart of Pervanon, slept for a time. It was not his intention, he did not need sleep to function, yet it came. And this sleep brought about a nightmare he had not even conceived of. One of horror and degradation.

He stood alone within a vast stretch of nothing. He could not describe it, not feel it, nor see it. Yet a humming persisted, growing louder as it came with its perfect tone. Larwen could not move, yet his instincts told him to run, to flee from such a noise. But why he asked? What fear drove a god such as he? To abandon all sense, all thought and give into such primitive instincts? But as the humming loomed about him from all angles, no answer came to him. No voice in the nothing could be heard, just the humming as it loomed all about him. That perfectly dreadful humming. It drove him mad with fright, thought abandoning him as he felt his flesh be ripped apart. He could not fight back, he was powerless. But instinct told him but one simple thing.

And so Larwen screamed.

On Galbar the scream was heard. Throughout Pervanon it went, throughout the Anathema's, and perhaps beyond. All who thought to listen would hear. All mortal life would grow quiet, for such a noise was terrifying. But the perfected souls, upon hearing his divine cry, went into a frenzy. Not soon after, a part of Larwen's might left his body then, willed without thought and latching itself upon the very black stone of the mountain. Pervanon groaned, and heaved as rock broke itself apart, developing itself into something more. When the mountain finally quieted, over a dozen empty shells stood throughout its depths, but not for long. For the greatest of the ley souls took root inside of them, and at last, they were born. Instinct rushed them to their master's side.

And at last when Larwen woke with a start, they stood over him illuminating the dark with their bodies and he knew what they were. His children. The first born of the mountain, perfected beings in all their splendor. He rose to his full height, yet they loomed over him still. Unwavering, fixated upon their master, almost as if they were waiting for something. They needed a name.

"I shall name thee, the Zalsarix, and I will teach you wonders, in time. For now, leave me."

Hesitantly, the Zalsarix left Larwen alone. He had a great deal to think about, for the nightmare was still fresh in his mind. Such a dream should not have happened, for one such as he to succumb to such... No, it had to be pushed aside. No more resting, no more sleeping, and no more nightmares. There was work to do.

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