Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

Most Recent Posts

To mostly, but I think we can move on without him for now. I'll try to post asap when I'm back on a PC.
Brawl Buffet


Lucius Cypher


Day 1, Morning

Malakaus was no fool, but sometimes he underestimates his enemies. Knocking out the first orc was easy enough with a sneak attack, and shortly after the others wised up and started fighting defensively. Malakaus's fists were heavy, forcing the thugs to have to parry swings instead of blocking them. They may have been low level thugs, but Malakaus had to admit they were at least decent brawlers; they knew how to jab and deflect, which was a lot more than most street fighters could admit.

Not that they managed to do much harm to Malakaus. He actually opened up his defenses purposrly to try and bait the thugs, but only one of the bigger ogeron took the bait. He got a broke jaw for his trouble. However that healer they had in the back was going to be the most annoying. Every time Malakaus clocked one of the thugs he ran to the back to get patched up. Malakaus knew he could eliminate these fools easily with magic, but he didn't really want to go waste energy.

A new challenger appeared and knocked out the fire elemental in the back. This surprised everyone, even Malakaus, but he quickly recovered to take out the last orc and ogeron. Malakaus kicked in the knee of the orc just as he elbowed him right in the sternum. With the or reeling Malakaus opened his hand and gave the orc a violent palm strike to the chin, hitting him so hard that he broke the orc's tusks.

For the Ogeron Malakaus placed a foot on the orc, using him as a springboard to flick a jab at the ogeron's face. The big lug barely registered the fact that Malakaus broke his nose before the half-orc got the big guy into a headlock. While the ogre was bigger than Malakaus, the half-orc was a heavy weight too. And he used that weight to drop the ogreon head to the pavement, cutting off his air to make his face pop like a glass jar full of blood.

Quickly getting to jos feet Malakaus looked at the new fighter, trying to figure who's side she was on. Obviously the enemy of an enemy was a friend, but Malakaus was more concerned if she was part of the Paj Zoov Yaj. Malakaus would rather not be indebted to another gang in this city. That bein said, she looked like an elf and something about her smile told Malakaus she wasn't just your average delinquent. For now he'll just have to focus on winning this fight. With the enemies attention divided they should have no problems clean this place up of these pieces of garbage. Malakaus roared and charged into the fight with a sliding kick towards one of the ogreons.

"Don't get cocky!"
No, not yet! I still got lost of today!
@TheWindel What does that leave for the angels?

Combat harems.


Endian's plan was risky, but really the only option she'd consider. Other methods may have worked for the old Grafdakka, but just because they were extreme didn't mean they were useful. While still drilling down Endian switched the thrusters to a lower output, slowing her decent. Next Endian had various switches prepared, including a kill switch for her drill attack as well as the self destruct. Angel magic might be able to nullify a demon's attack, but now they'll see if Angel magic could easily no sell a machina explosive.

Endian needed to Rhine all of this carefully knowing that what she was about to do would likely just kill her. But as long as she took out Anata, what happens to Endian afterwards didn't matter. Endian started to create hardlight barriers within the cockpit, on big enough to protect her while also forming into the shape of a drill. Once everything was set, everything happened in an instant.

First Grafdakka's drill stopped while he was still moving forward. This cause Grafdakka to bury his body arms deep into the earth, going no further despite the thrusters on his back pushing him forward. Next, Endian rapidly drilled out of Grafdakka's back. This was easier to do from the inside to out rather than the other way around, allowing her to instantly leave the body and start burrowing through the dirt. Once Grafdakka was behind her Endian began to create layers upon layers of hard light shields behind her as Grafdakka suddenly exploded. While it was not the same nuclear force that he once had, it was more than enough to obliterate not only the massive mech, but anyone else nearby. Endian could only hope that with her layers of barriers and Eos's boosts that she might've gotten far away enough from the explosion to survive it.


Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria

Fran meanwhile was freefalling. As she fell, Fran wondered if maybe she should've just stayed home. Going out to fight just wasn't as fun as it used to be. Usually it just involved one of her superiors getting all the fun while Fran just sort of gets tossed around like now. Fran didn't get much time to think about it when she landed and a part of a building was about to fall onto her. Fran rolled out of the way and into cover between some collapsed buildings, taking out her wand to heal herself.

Now Fran needed to figure out what to do. She just wasn't feeling for the fight, but getting out of here wouldn't be easy. Especially considering she has no idea just where in this blasted factory she landed. Now to mention Ceil's barrier would keep Fran in, not that Fran was aware of that. She didn't even encounter any particularly interesting angels to try and capture, at least none who Fran could possibly subdue. Sighing, Fran figured that the only way out was to die. The possibility of one of Eos's attacks wiping Fran out was high considering that Fran only avoided most of them because she was flying helplessly in the air. Perhaps she'd try her luck taking on Ceil, or maybe even seeing Queen Eos herself.

Fran at least had a general idea of where Queen Eos might be: the big Tower that doesn't look completely devastated. Perhaps along the way Fran would meet some interesting Machina people. Feeling slightly more chipper Fran looked for a way towards the tall tower, keeping her guard up just in case something jumps at her.
@The 42nd Gecko The Gamma maybe still be there if you want to retcon stealing the suit in the first place. Seemed rather odd for Artorias to just be able to find the super secret super mech suits without so much as asking for directions.
Bluuugh making posts on my cellphone is a pain in the booty, ima try to get something for Ryla tonight at least.
Orchid didn't have much to say or much to do as the others interrogation the prisoner. He stayed for the initial questioning, but once it became apparent that the others would be able to take care of questioning Orchid left. He felt that they had accomplished quite a bit so far, so now was a good time to rest as any. He wished for food but at the moment rations were being held as everyone was busy continuing their patrols. There was an occasional skirmish at the walls but nothing so large that needed to be worried. Eventually Orchid found himself sitting back at his usual spot at the keep next to the drake hide he was tanning.

Proper tanning takes at least a week with full exporsure to the sun. However Orchid used a method that could make the hide workable within hours, at the cost of quality. He doubts the hide could last more than a month, likely less if he does intend to put it on his shield. Still, he also imagined that there will be plenty of more dragons and dragonkin to fight in the near future. Orchid would by run out of raw materials, to say the least.

As the half-orc tried to make himself comfortable he pondered about his new friends. Admitidly they weren't quite the company he had thought. He figured his first adventuring party would be more... Jolly. Brannon was dour, Parum a coward, Kyra blinded by anger, and Torus old and wizened. Truthfully Orchid wished to join the orcish hordes he had heard his elders speak of. They fury and power on confidential rampages must have been a sight to behold. Orchid would've loved nothing but to be part of something so great.

But, what if he was part of something right now? How many other orcish warriors could claim that they faced off against a dragon at such a young as as Orchid? Sure, the Greenest militia weren't not a mighty force. But they held off against these bandit hordes and their dragons. Surely that speaks something about their skill in battle. Orchid couldn't really find it within himself to feel attached to these people of Greenest, but he could respect their resolve.

Yawning, Orchid could feel fatigue creep into his body. He wish he could've slept on soft grass instead of cold stone, but he wasn't going to complain. Shuffling his backpack into an improvised pillow Orchid rested his eyes until the next disaster struck.
@liferusher I see you! What chu want what you really really want?
@Zelosse oi, post your CS into the CS bin for easy access.
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