Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
9 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
10 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
10 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
10 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

@Thanarosa Yep, all good now!
@ERode All good then! I approve her, move the CS to Characters once Spice looks over it.
@ERode Yep, good CS though I do recommend adding a combat ability, unless Competence extends to summoning weapons and the like. Other than that I love the concept, she's going to be interesting when everything starts going to hell...
@PrincessVampora This is going to start soon, if not tomorrow then within the next few days, though the CS does need to be approved before you can start. It can be brief as long as it gives a reasonable outline of the character, and if you need help building on what you've got, let me or Spice know.

Don't worry, there most likely won't be a player limit so you can jump in at a later point if you want.
@PrincessVampora It's ok, though it'd be best to copy and paste the CS, flesh it out, and post it in this section for approval. Then feel free to replace the WIP in the Characters section with the finished version.
Sorry everyone, had to go to work but am back now.

@PrincessVampora Nice choice of virtue, although her magic needs to be more specific. What can she make besides potions and how long do the items last? I know the character sheet is a work in progress though, so when you're done, just run the finished sheet past me and NiceSpice. If you have any questions or want to discuss the character concept, ask away!

@Skyswimsky Ohh brilliant, I love her attitude already xD You have my approval, now to wait for Spice's.

@Thanarosa Mostly good, I like the backstory, motive and magic, there are just two things to point out. One, a mana crystal is created when somebody becomes a magical girl, rather than being a preexisting item. So it could be a bead attached to the scarf, instead of the scarf itself. Secondly, I recommend giving her some kind of combat ability as well as those moves, unless you're going for a purely support character.

@Karkinos Very creative take on Justice! I didn't get the notification, sorry about that, but she looks good to me.

Anyway, the IC should be up soon, can't wait for this to start!
Tama Miyara Angelite


As soon as Soma reverted to civilian form, so did Tama, her wings closing around her body and fusing into a crystal structure which faded. Listening to the other girl's explanation for her in-between form, the bluenette gave her an apologetic look. "Well, normally it wouldn't be too much of a problem," she explained. "Even small amounts of magic use mean we barely register on people's radar, but in a public place like a school, there's going to be an apparent ghost sighting sooner or later. Not that you're the one to blame for what happened just now."

She shifted her gaze down the hallway, towards the classroom. That eruption of hate had died down, but Touka's venomous glare remained fresh in Tama's mind. Guilt weighed on her more heavily than any stone armour. Soma wasn't to blame for the incident, but were the dark girls either, for having gone that way? Was Ami? Was Touka? Whatever it was that had happened to the latter... All Tama knew was that it must have been awful beyond imagining. And in that time of need, she'd failed yet another friend.

Would the right thing to do have been to follow her into the darkness?

Tama rested her fingers on her woven bracelet, once colourful, now faded and threadbare. No, following her, Ayumu, or anyone else who went dark would have meant abandoning others. Falling in with crowds of bullies was something she'd sworn never to do again. Yet did this path cause any less harm?

Hiding her troubled thoughts behind a mask of composure, she turned back to Soma. "Here," she said, holding out the bento. "Feel free to have some of my lunch." As Soma vented stress of her own, Tama gave a solemn nod. "Yeah, this place seems to have been bad juju central for quite a while, though I've never known things sink to this kind of low. All we can do is keep looking into it."

Right on cue, the unusual aura that had been spreading through the area drew closer. One of the presences from three days ago, yet it didn't feel negative or threatening like the other had, more like an air of righteous strength. Maybe this was someone who could help...

Sensing a swell of the same tainted energy from a moment ago like smoke billowing from fire, Tama winced. "Crisis not so averted."
@Gisk Love the outfit! And who knows, maybe she could become a rival, a friend, or both to Kichi (good luck vs hard work).
@Gisk Looks good to me! Feel free to put her into the Characters section once you get Spice's approval. The power level seems fine, magical girls in this are meant to start out reasonably low level and gradually get stronger, so Tsutomi could make fairly small, simple devices at first, and learn to create more complex ones over the course of the RP.

As for pictures, how about something steampunk styled, like one of these?

@DrowsyPangolin Ooh, very unique! Again, she looks fine, now to wait for what Spice says.

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