Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
8 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
9 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
9 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
9 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

At the sight of the shimmering orb, Rose laughed in relief. A literal glimmer of hope in the darkness.

"Good to see you again," she said, watching her best friend's soul disappear into the skate. "You never could resist motor skates, could you? Hey, when you get your body back, how about we have another motor skating competition?"

She looked up at the cracked, flaking ceiling. "Ruski, quick, if you can get through, there's another one here for you too!" She bit her lip, her good eye flicking around the hallway. If there was a severed soul behind each door, there was no way she could get them all out at once. "Everyone, I'll tell the other Ze about this place right away. We'll get you out, each one of you."

Ruskali, however, didn't seem to acknowledge her words, focused on something else entirely. "Ruski...?" His shouting gave way to eerie silence, accompanied by stillness. It was as if time had stopped all around Rose. All she could hear was her own breath, her own heartbeat.

Until a whisper pierced through the quiet.

An inhuman one. Right behind her.

Rose yelped, grasping wildly at the creature that clung to her. "Gahhh! When the fuck did I turn into a climbing frame for you guys?" The frozen scene roared back into motion, the hallway collapsing in a cloud of dust and violet smoke. Instinct kicked in. She shot a beam of light into the billowing mass, crying out as the recoil slammed her fist into her already sore shoulder. A good idea, or another stupid one? She couldn't stick around to find out. All she could do was run, despite the screams that rose up with the smoke.

"Leave them alone, you bastards!" Her yell came out as a frantic sob. With her arm around the satchel, she rushed down the stairs, misjudging the last few with her limited depth perception and tumbling in a heap. The gunblade clattered across the floor.

"Archer!" she yelled into the unresponsive earpiece, rolling to try to dislodge the Nox, reaching for Thorn even as pain flared down her arm. "Cedar! Listener, Iris, Fluke, can you hear me?"
Yep, still here! Apologies for my own delay, been dealing with some shit, but hopefully it can be resolved.
Whew, finally got a post in. Been dealing with a shitty situation with a friend, but hopefully it's resolvable. If not, I can't dwell on this forever.

Just took us to evening, feel free to move on to morning!
Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Jess nodded. "I'll try to help." Her ability, inconvenient as it was, could be useful for figuring out people's desires and motives. As she'd already inadvertently proved, she could separate truth from lies. She'd avoid working directly for Reginald if at all possible, but was there a way to help Roxy secure the business without going to the extremes her father did? All she could do was try.

The rest of the day passed too slowly for comfort, but without further incident. After another fraught car journey, stepping back into the familiar garage brought some measure of relief, tainted only by the thought of the inevitable conversations tomorrow.

"Heh... Back to normal, for a while," Jess said, managing a smile. The smell of oil and sight of old toolkits were far more comforting than the grandiosity of Reginald's house. More genuine. Even if not for feeling her emotions, she'd be able to see why Roxy liked it. Best to relax while they could, not that doing so would be at all easy.
@TGM Yes!! Tsunderes too. Less often than kuuderes, but still a recurring trope. My longest-running character on this site is one. There's just something I like about a harsh character with a soft side that shows through from time to time.

@PPQ Purple Oh yeah, hyper characters are certainly tiring so it's understandable. I just find them fun anyway. I'm nothing like that, and yeah my characters often have a few of my traits too, so maybe it's the challenge of writing someone who's very unlike me. Or because it's uplifting to get into their heads and write their wacky antics, even if it can be exhausting.
One recurring archetype I've noticed is the uptight kuudere with past regrets. I've had at least four characters like that. Weirdly, they often lean towards lawful good, even though I typically prefer chaotic good characters. Then again, they do usually struggle with keeping darker sides in check.

Perfectionists who strive to be the best, only to break under the weight of their impossible standards.

Workaholics, which usually ties in with the above two.

Shy but determined characters.

Reeeeeeally really really hyper, outgoing and cheerful characters - yeah this is as far from most of the other listed archetypes as it's possible to get, but there's something incredibly fun about them.

Trickster archetypes, usually chaotic good, but can be any chaotic alignment.
Amber Pine

Mesalon Town -> Route 2

@Typical @Zanavy @OtomostheCrazy

Huh? Oh...uh, yes. I'm fine.

Amber's eyebrows furrowed. She recognised that tone, the exact one her sister used to use. "Are you sure?" she asked, even though Alexis didn't seem like the type to lower her defenses any more than Coral.

Hopefully Ty's changing the subject would help. "Oh yes," Amber chipped in. "Or a Jolteon! They're known for their boundless energy, after all." She smiled as Aedre delved eagerly into the conversation. Eevee, the subject of much speculation, with its many evolutionary methods. "Well, the theory is that it's the moon itself that affects an Eevee's unstable genetic code, and replenishes Umbreon's power from then on. Meaning when its markings light up, it's charging energy. Just like how Espeon draws strength from sunlight."

In what ways, Amber wondered, did the moon and sun evolve Eevee differently? Since moonlight was just the sun's reflected rays, was it more like the moon's effect on the tides than the actual light? Or did the different luminosity levels factor in? The latter fit how Eevee's type and body composition changed to suit its environment.

Not that there was time to ponder the subject, with two people to check on. "It certainly would be cool, but yeah, it's up to you and your Eevee to choose," she addressed Alexis, Tacita hooting in agreement. "Hey, if you're ready, feel free to come along with us! A few people ran on ahead a little earlier than we expected, we're just catching up with them."

Onwards and upwards, she thought as she led the group to the start of the trail. Well, downwards. The sloping path seemed to mirror how the whole journey was turning out so far, one thing after another going south. A literal downward spiral.

Sophia Danvers

Route 2

@Typical @Zanavy @OtomostheCrazy

By now, Sophia knew she should slow down.

She should slow down, but she shouldn't have to. Just a short distance along a downhill route, and yesterday's burnout was already nagging at her. Ridiculous. She pressed on, frilly parasol in hand for the shade-loving Shuppet beside her, and to stop the sunlight worsening her headache.

"Ita!" With an insistent cry, Lacey stopped and pointed at a tree stump.

"But..." Sophia started. Lacey's pleading, concern-filled eyes were difficult to ignore, and there was no hiding her condition from Psychic or Ghost types. She huffed as Clarus, ever the protector, drifted in front of her as if to block her path. "Ugh, ok, ok, but just five minutes or so," she grumbled, sinking down onto the stump. "Just so I'm better able to catch up."

Naturally, it was while she'd resigned herself to taking a break that the others had to show up. Hearing footsteps, she stood up too quickly, having to lean against a tree. She put up her usual air of poise as she faced the group.

"Some people, huh?" She shook her head in the direction of the green swathe that was Vareena Forest. "Dropping everything, waltzing on ahead, alone... Geez, what's gotten into that guy?"

Whatever it was had gotten into her too, not that she was going to acknowledge she'd done the exact same thing.

@Ryik @wisteria Just posted in the collab! Depending on dice rolls, this battle could be over pretty quickly...
Going to have a post up within the next few days too! And that's understandable Drew, I hope things are better soon.
Should we timeskip to Monday, or is there anything else you want to write for the current day?
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