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1 mo ago
Current Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨πŸ₯‚
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4 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.
4 mos ago
I thought the coal was for lighting incense.
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7 mos ago
Check out my friend’s Etsy shop for the holidays: etsy.com/shop/PaperDragonWo…
9 mos ago
Tbf, the shallow end has paralyzed and drowned many people who were not being cautious.

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@PKMNB0Y, awesome.
Do you have room for one more?
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

Aurora could hear the twinkling of the water splashes from the pool and its cool ambiance decor. The sound merried with Slick's deep voice. She found it a refreshing sound. Aurora knew how to swim, but like many things, she refrained from certain possibilities only for necessity. Letting out another sigh of a smile. Aurora agilely mused over Alette's comment, which probably meant as much as the drink itself. The elf wished she could offer some comfort to the little creature, but under such conditions, there was really nothing she could do. Alas, her eyes turned towards Slick's glittering aura and voice.

"Only on special occasions do I allow myself to drink. As a spiritual advisor, my mind must have clarity at all times." Aurora's mind considered her actual thoughts of contemplating her dream as she spoke, and in light of this, she wished to remain whimsical in her speech, desiring not to disrupt any of the excitement. However, Aurora unfortunately stumbled into being serious on default. "And despite what dear Sophie has spoken, someone must mind the whole group, especially while under such arrangement. The responsibility has been given to me twice as much, now." Her white eyes cast downward, avoiding the shimmer of the outlaw as she reminded herself to keep her composure.

Her face tilted upwards, again. The smile remaining, "This is a place to be enjoyed, of course. Perhaps, we should accompany our friends to the pool, even if we wish to remain on the perimeter." There were other fun things to do amongst the bustling of Myriamor. However, Aurora believed keeping the group together was wiser.

Suzi held her breath when Kudamon made its attack against the Mettaurus L. She only let go of hr breath when she saw a wound gnashed against the glitching creature's arm. The cry she had been holding was still quivering on her bottom lip, but she felt something inside of her lighten. She knew this feeling. It was not foreign to her, but it was weak. She wished for the feeling to grow stronger. However, Kudamon was throwing its Holy Cartridge at the Mettaurus L, again, and there, the dark feeling squeezed her chest.

There were other children spread about the area, but she hardly noticed them. They all had partners, different yet similar to hers. She dared not take her eyes from Kudamon. The act was held very much to the idea that if she stopped concentrating on the little white monster, their contract -- Suzi's faith -- would be broken, and all of a sudden, Kudamon would lose its power.

"... Go! Kudamon!" Her voice tried to project through the chaos. She was unsure if Kudamon heard her voice; but with the sparkle that the Holy Cartridge projected from the now blazing sun, she believed the Digimon had heard her; and her encouraging spirit was something of more than just helpful encouragement, "I believe in you!"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R B E D & B R E A K F A S T
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , R O S A R I A , S O P H I E , N U A L L Á N , J O M A R I
T A G S : @Potter, @13org, @Alivefalling, @princess, @baraquiel
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

Aurora enjoyed the light breakfast, using her cutlery and other such utensils with graceful gestures that paralleled that of a creature with his eye sight. Her senses told her to ignore the small-winged one. Romance was such a monster at times. It was much like the tongue, such a small but powerful thing. When the two combined, she would rather not listen. However, the small creature came and began entertaining her intoxicated self with her hair.

”…” Aurora has nothing to say as she allowed the movement to hum through her hair. The tipsy sounds were pleasant in their own right. Unfortunately, there was little Aurora felt she could do to truly dissuade the pixie from minding herself so selfishly. Her endeavors appeared so remote and distracted by the liquor that Aurora found perhaps the little one would be more secure in her strands of hair.”You are causing quite a sensation, my little dear one,” she smiled sweetly. The knit in her brows loosened, and a gentle look softened her usual face of concern. ”I have quite the responsibility, now, do I not? How am I to do anything with you being languid? You ought to hold stronger to your convictions.”

Her head tilted as a small laugh sighed from her. Despite her relaxed disposition, her mind was combing through her dream. It seemed suitable, now that the dream has happened. If not for her father, she wished for NuΓ‘llan to be near for some sort of dutiful conversation. Princess Rosaria should have been made aware of her vision, but the light elf has hesitated. Yet, it may very well be nothing but a glimmer of a false reality. She hoped so, if not for herself then for most certainly her loyalties.
@Digizel, this game is fun. You won’t regret joining.
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